Page 1: Nonlinear muscle recruitment during intramuscular and nerveGruner, Dept. of Neurosurgery, NYU Medical Center, 550 First Ave ., New York, NY 10016. bundles innervate non-overlapping

\,n VeteransAdministration

Journal of Rehabilitation Researchand Development Vol . 26 No . 2Pages 1—16

Nonlinear muscle recruitment during intramuscular and nervestimulation

John A. Gruner, PhD, and Carl P . Mason, MSBE*Departments of Neurosurgery and Physiology and Biophysics, New York University Medical Center,New York, NY; and *Veterans Administration Medical Center, New York, NY, Rehabilitation EngineeringResearch Section

Abstract—Future progress in neuromuscular prostheseswill depend on developing techniques for stimulatingparalyzed muscle, especially utilizing neuromuscular stim-ulation . We have found nonlinear force versus stimulusamplitude characteristic (recruitment) curves in thegastrocnemius-soleus-plantaris muscle group of the cat inresponse to stimulation of the tibial nerve near the muscleentry point . Such response characteristics are undesirablein neuromuscular control systems . Nonlinear recruitmentcurves usually consisted of two regions in which forceincreased linearly with stimulus amplitude, separated by a"plateau" region in which force was relatively constant.The two linear regions were associated with activation ofseparate neuromuscular compartments (lateral or medialgastrocnemius, plantaris, soleus, or subdivisions of thosemuscles) . When the stimulated myoelectric responsesfrom these compartments were plotted versus stimulusamplitude, the region of recruitment between thresholdand saturation often did not appreciably overlap fordifferent compartments, suggesting that the axons inner-vating those compartments were physically segregatedwithin the nerve from axons innervating other compart-ments . Correlation coefficients between force and stimu-lated myoelectric response were very high (up toR 2 = 0 .99) when using a composite curve produced byaveraging myoelectric response curves recorded from eachof the active compartments . By dividing the tibial nerveinto its component bundles or fascicles and stimulatingeach in turn, it was possible to show that individual

Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to : John A.Gruner, Dept . of Neurosurgery, NYU Medical Center, 550 First Ave .,New York, NY 10016 .

bundles innervate non-overlapping groups of musclecompartments, and that recruitment of the nerve bundlesover different threshold ranges could account for thenonlinear force/stimulus response curves initially ob-served . The presence of separate innervation of musclesor compartments by fascicles should be an importantfactor in designing functional neuromuscular stimulation(FNS) systems.

Key words : EMG, fascicle, force, functional neuro-muscular stimulation, FNS, muscle, nerve, recruitment.


In studies involving peripheral nerve stimula-tion, it is usually assumed that the axons in thenerve are more or less randomly distributed withrespect to size. When the distance between elec-trodes and axons are similar, the largest axons,which have the lowest input impedance, are re-cruited at the lowest stimulus strengths (22,32).These larger axons tend to innervate more and/orlarger muscle fibers . Since the fast-fatigable fiberstend to be larger, they are recruited at the loweststimulus thresholds (3) . As stimulus amplitude isincreased, smaller axons and hence smaller musclefibers, which generally have greater oxidative capac-ity and are therefore more fatigue-resistant, arerecruited. This orderly recruitment of large to smallaxons/muscle fibers is the reverse of that arisingfrom natural activation of the motoneurons (14,21) .

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Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol . 26 No. 2 Spring 1989

This reverse recruitment phenomenon has importantimplications for functional neuromuscular stimula-tion (FNS) studies investigating the control ofparalyzed muscle by electrical stimulation (31,38).

In FNS studies, muscular responses to electricalstimulation are often characterized using a recruit-ment curve of muscle force and/or myoelectricactivity in response to graded amplitude stimuli . Insuch cases, stimulation may be applied via surface(37) or intramuscular electrodes (25,26), or directlyto the nerve via nerve cuff (2,16,21) or hookelectrodes . Most reports in the literature of muscleelectrical and contractile responses to stimulationshow simple sigmoidal recruitment curves whichusually have a region which can be approximated bya linear (first order) equation (5,28,29).

Some studies have also reported higher order orpiece-wise linear relationships containing "plateaus"(1,5,13,20) . In such cases, with increasing stimulusamplitude there is an initial linear increase in muscleforce, followed by an intermediate plateau orleveling off of force, and then a second increase inforce, followed by a final plateau or saturation.Such nonlinear recruitment curves pose a problemfor FNS control systems in that they may representnon-unique solutions for obtaining a given output,and therefore require more complicated equationsfor transforming the command input into desiredforce output . One solution that has been used is tobreak the force curve into piece-wise linear seg-ments, each represented by a first-order equation.Such discontinuities increase the difficulty of imple-menting FNS control systems and may reduce theirreliability (5,33).

In our own FNS experiments, we becameconcerned about variabilities in the correlationbetween myoelectric and contractile responses tostimulation of the gastrocnemius muscle, and differ-ences in recruitment curve shapes in different prepa-rations in general . On the basis of intramuscularrecordings in response to whole nerve or intramus-cular stimulation (13,20), we theorized that thenonlinearities between force, myoelectric response,and stimulus amplitude might be caused by indepen-dent activation of the individual ankle extensorsinnervated by the tibial nerve . It has been shown,for example, that the lateral gastrocnemius (LG) canbe decomposed into four subdivisions, or compart-ments, innervated by separate primary nervebranches (8,9,10,17) . These nerve branches or fasci-

cles can continue for several cm proximal to thegastrocnemius, allowing the tibial nerve to besurgically subdivided into discrete bundles innervat-ing various regions of the lateral and medialgastrocnemius (MG) and other ankle extensors.

To test whether the organization of the axonsinto discrete fascicles is responsible for the interme-diate plateaus seen in force and myoelectric activity,we made intramuscular recordings from the LG,MG, plantaris, and soleus muscles of the cathindlimb while stimulating isolated bundles of thetibial nerve near the entry point of thegastrocnemius muscle . The following findings arereported here: 1) a high degree of correspondencebetween stimulation of individual bundles and stim-ulated myoelectric responses (SMR) in one or moreof the ankle extensors or their compartments ; 2) thatnonlinear force curves resulting from whole nervestimulation could be decomposed into segmentscorrelated with activation of different extensors asidentified by myoelectric activity ; 3) compoundaction potentials (CAP) recorded from a singlebundle during whole nerve stimulation were foundto be highly correlated to SMR of a single extensormuscle; and, 4) when individual SMR from each ofthe LG, MG, and soleus are averaged together, thecorrelation between ankle force and average SMR issignificantly higher than between force and the SMRfrom any single muscle.

Since there may be some ambiguity in the use ofthe term "fascicle," we will define our usage of thisand related terms . Peripheral nerves are surroundedby a connective tissue sheath, the epineurium . Theyare usually further subdivided into fascicles (or"bundles" of axons) each surrounded by anotherdistinctively staining connective tissue sheath, theperineurium (34) . Within each fascicle, the axons areembedded in a connective tissue matrix, theendoneurium . Finally, perineurial septi coursethrough the fascicles, further segregating the axons.In this paper, the term fascicle will be reserved forthe smallest group of axons surrounded byperineurium at a given point on the nerve, while abundle may represent one or more fascicles . Fasci-cles can be readily identified histologically, but notalways surgically . It is important to note that thedefinition of "fascicle" is a dynamic one, varyingalong the length of the nerve . Axons become moreclearly segregated into fascicles towards the periph-ery . As Truex and Carpenter (34, p . 169) note :

Page 3: Nonlinear muscle recruitment during intramuscular and nerveGruner, Dept. of Neurosurgery, NYU Medical Center, 550 First Ave ., New York, NY 10016. bundles innervate non-overlapping


GRUNER and MASON : Nonlinear Muscle Recruitment

"These fascicles do not run like isolated cables, butmay split at acute angles and connect with adjacentfascicles for an interchange of fibers ." The fascicleswhich ultimately innervate neuromuscular compart-ments are termed "primary nerve branches" (8,9).


These experiments involved 13 cats . The stimu-lating and recording protocols varied slightly fordifferent experiments due to our desire to focus ondifferent aspects of the nonlinear recruitment phe-nomenon and our ability to define different muscu-lar compartments . The illustrations shown below arederived from experiments on 5 representative cats.The details of the stimulation and recording proto-cols are provided along with the results.

For the purposes of this paper, we will considerthe LG to consist of lateral, intermediate, andmedial subdivisions (LG1, LGi, and LGm respec-tively) . These subdivisions can usually be delineatedby visual inspection (8,9) . It should be noted thatfour neuroanatomical compartments of the LG(LG1, LG2, LG3, and LGm) can be defined on thebasis of innervation by primary nerve branches(8,9) . Since this distinction is not crucial to ourpurpose, and we could not specifically distinguishLG1, LG2, and LG3, we will use the anatomicalnomenclature.

Surgical proceduresAt the beginning of each experiment, the

animal was anesthetized with pentobarbital i .v. andmaintained on saline drip with supplementalpentobarbital administered as necessary to suppresspinna and toe pinch reflexes . The animal was placedon a table heated by circulating water . The watertemperature was adjusted to maintain body (rectal)temperature at 37 degrees Celsius . To expose thetriceps surae, the biceps femoris was reflected backafter cutting its insertion along the tibia . The sciaticnerve was dissected free of connective tissue for 5cm proximal to its entry into the gastrocnemius andbathed in saline . The leg was immobilized by firstinserting bone taps at each end of the shaft of thefemur and clamping the taps to a metal framemounted on the table. The distal end of the tibiawas affixed to the same frame using a three-prongedclamp . The foot pad (metatarsals) was taped se-

curely to a force transducer (Revere, Wallingford,CT, Model FT-70, 10 kg max) . Tendon forces werecalculated by taking the ratio of the lever arms fromthe calcaneal insertion of the gastrocnemius to thecenter of the ankle joint and from the joint center tothe force transducer.

The sciatic nerve was divided into peroneal andtibial branches approximately 4 cm proximal to thegastrocnemius . The peroneal nerve was cut alongwith the branch of the tibial nerve to the bicepsfemoris . In six experiments, a bipolar helical nervecuff electrode was wrapped around the intact tibialnerve at the muscle entry point . This electrode wasmade of a 1 cm piece of silastic tubing (DowCorning #601-325, 2 .64 mm ID, 4.87 mm OD) cutinto a helix with turns 3 mm apart . A pair ofmulti-stranded SS wires (0 .25 mm OD, tenoncoated; Med Wire Inc., Mount Vernon, NY) withthe insulation stripped 1 cm were inserted throughadjacent turns at the center of the helically-cuttubing and then wound in opposite directions onecomplete turn along the inside wall . The ends of thewires were then led out through the silastic wall andthe entry and exit points coated with silastic rubber(Dow Corning #382 medical grade elastomer).

In 7 cats, the tibial nerve was subdivided intosmaller bundles of axons between 1 and 3 cmproximal to the gastrocnemius . Fine dissecting scis-sors were used to cut the epineurium and thebundles were teased apart with fine forceps andglass probes . This sometimes involved rupturing theblood vessels running alongside and between thebundles, although the blood supply was maintainedas much as possible. Ordinarily, the tibial nerveimmediately separated into 1 large and 2 smallerbundles. Depending on the preparation, these werethen further subdivided into a total of about 7-8bundles. After separation, the bundles were isolatedfor purposes of electrical stimulation and ease ofhandling by placing plastic polyethylene strips be-tween them. Nerve bundles were stimulated bygently lifting and placing them on a pair of tungstenor platinum hook electrodes, 3 mm apart, andraising them out of the saline for the period ofstimulation (1-2 minutes) . This procedure did notappreciably damage the axons, since bundles couldbe re-stimulated at later times during the experimentwith little change in muscle response, althoughstimulus threshold usually changed due to differ-ences in electrode positioning . Bundles could also be

Page 4: Nonlinear muscle recruitment during intramuscular and nerveGruner, Dept. of Neurosurgery, NYU Medical Center, 550 First Ave ., New York, NY 10016. bundles innervate non-overlapping


Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol . 26 No . 2 Spring 1989

stimulated while immersed in saline, albeit withhigher threshold . To insure that current spread wasnot activating adjacent nerve fascicles, the proximalends of the bundles were cut in two animals andthen re-stimulated . Since a differential isolatedstimulator was used, cutting one end of the nerveproximally limited the stimulus current to that end,greatly reducing the possibility of stimulating anyother bundles . In such cases, no change in thepattern of muscle activation was seen.

Muscle and nerve recordingIntramuscular recording electrodes were made

from the same multistranded wire as the nerve cuffelectrodes . The electrode wire was bared of insula-tion at the tip for 1 mm (yielding approximately 0 .9mm2 surface area) and inserted into the muscle usinga 23-gauge hypodermic needle . The end of theelectrode was first inserted into the beveled end ofthe needle so that approximately 1 mm of insulationwas inside the barrel . The rest of the wire was thenbent back alongside the shaft and the needle insertedapproximately 3 mm into the muscle and withdrawnwhile holding the wire, leaving the electrode"hooked" inside the muscle . In order to determinethe extent of crosstalk in the intramuscular record-ings, a bipolar pair of electrodes similar to thoseused for recording, was connected to the stimulatoroutputs and inserted 3 mm deep into the LGapproximately 3 mm lateral to a pair of differentialrecording electrodes (also in the LG) . Both differen-tial pairs of electrodes were spaced 2 mm apartalong the main axis of the muscle . A 200 mV (60µApk-pk), 500 Hz sine wave was then applied to thestimulating electrodes which did not result in anyvisible contraction . The signal seen at the recordingelectrodes was less than 2 mV peak-to-peak . Thus,little crosstalk should be expected at the recordingelectrodes due to localized current sources morethan a few mm distant.

Recordings were made from the LG, MG,plantaris, flexor hallucis longus (FHL), and soleusmuscles . As shown on pages 6-9 in Figures 2, 3, and4, recordings were made at three equally spaced sitesalong the LG1, LGi, LGm, MG, and soleus muscles.For monopolar recordings, the reference electrodewas a 23-gauge needle inserted subcutaneously at thebase of the tail . The animal was grounded to thetable via a separate needle electrode and via thebone-taps connected to the table frame . Myoelectric

signals were amplified using a X100 instrumentationamplifier with a bandpass of 10 Hz to 20 kHz andan input impedance reduced to 1 M . Twelvemyoelectric signals were simultaneously digitized bya Data Translation #DT 2821-F-16SE A/D converterat 8250 samples per sec for 11 msec . The forcetransducer signal was digitized at 267 samples persec for 350 msec . Data was acquired, stored, anddisplayed on an IBM-AT computer . Stimulation andrecording was automatically controlled by the com-puter . A series of clock-timers were programmed toinitiate acquisition and at a latency of 1 msec,deliver a biphasic pair of pulses 200 µsec positivefollowed by 200 µsec negative . These pulses weremultiplexed with an analog voltage provided by theDT2821 D/A converter and fed to a WPI Linear-IsoIII voltage-to-current stimulus isolation unit whichprovided the stimulus pulses . To generate a recruit-ment curve, the threshold and saturation points ofthe muscle or nerve were determined, and thenapproximately 20 pulses with an interpulse intervalof 5 sec were delivered within this amplitude range.The series was sometimes repeated using reversedpolarity or decreasing amplitude pulses . There wasno difference in the curves using increasing versusdecreasing stimulus pulses.

Data analysisData analysis consisted of calculating the peak-

to-peak amplitude of the SMR and nerve bundlecompound action potential during the 10 msecinterval following the end of the stimulus artifact.Average SMR curves were generated by computingthe mean of the peak-to-peak SMR values for themuscles concerned at each stimulus amplitude . Thepeak force, which typically occurred at about 30msec, was also computed . Data were transferred toa Macintosh computer for plotting and analysis.Correlations between force, SMR, and nerve CAPamplitudes were performed using commercial statis-tics programs.

Histological analysisAt the end of the experiment, the animals were

sacrificed by nembutal overdose . The ankle exten-sors and attached tibial nerve were removed andplaced in 10 percent neutral formalin . The muscleswere later dissected and electrode positions checkedby visual inspection . In some animals, the tibialnerve was embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 12g,and stained with Luxol Fast Blue .

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GRUNER and MASON : Nonlinear Muscle Recruitment



Nerve Cuff Stimulation

Presence of intermediate plateaus in force and SMRrecruitment curves

Stimulation of the tibial nerve with hook orcuff electrodes often produced sigmoidal force andSMR curves similar to those shown in Figure IA . Inthis experiment, SMR were recorded differentiallyusing two monopolar electrodes in different parts ofthe gastrocnemius. These curves contain regionswhich can be approximated by linear equations . InFigure IA, for example, between 530 and 630µamps, the slopes of the force and SMR curves are29 g/µA and 0.25 mV/µA respectively.

Reversing the stimulus polarity in this experi-ment resulted in substantially different characteristiccurves as shown in Figure IB . Here, there are twolinearly increasing regions in the SMR and forcecurves separated by an intermediate plateau between530 and 610 ',tamps.

This plateau phenomenon is not unique tonerve stimulation as seen in Figure IC. Here, in adifferent experiment, force and SMR were recordedduring intramuscular stimulation of thegastrocnemius . Differential stimulating electrodeswere located in the LG1 at the level of the motornerve entry zone, while a pair of differentialrecording electrodes were placed in the LG1 approx-imately 1 cm distally, near the middle of the muscle.An intermediate plateau can clearly be seen in theforce, but not the SMR, curves in this case. (TheSMR curve has been scaled to show that it followsthe force curve during the first rise .) SMR and forcecurves are shown for both increasing and decreasingamplitude stimulus series to demonstrate that hyster-esis is not causing the intermediate plateau in theforce curve. The force plateau phenomenon ap-peared to be due to successive recruitment ofdifferent portions of the muscle at different stimulusthresholds . In order to explore this possibility,multiple simultaneous recordings were made of thecat ankle extensors during nerve and intramuscularstimulation.

Segregation of recruitment thresholds during nervestimulation

In the experiment shown in Figure 2, bipolarintramuscular recordings were made from the LG1,LGi, LGm, MG, soleus, plantaris, and FHL. Thetibial nerve was stimulated using a helical cuff

Pk SMR(mV)30-

o -4 t Y~ # i I F t 8 1! t f t—+ 0410





710 770

Pk SMR(mV)30 "


Intramuscular stimulation

Stimulus amplitude (FA)

Figure 1.Examples of force and myoelectric waveforms recorded inresponse to nerve cuff and intramuscular stimulation . A)Typically, sigmoidal curves are seen in response to stimulation,with a rather steep slope in relation to stimulus current . B,C) Inboth nerve cuff and intramuscular stimulation, nonlinearresponses can also occur in which there are two or more"linear" regions separated by plateaus . If the recording involvesonly one neuroanatomical compartment, the SMR is normallysigmoidal .

-0 .5




2 5_

0 .8

0 .6






B Nerve cuff stimulation

Z Force(kg)-4

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Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol . 26 No . 2 Spring 1989

Stim amp (mA)

Figure 2.Stimulation of the tibial nerve near the muscle entry point, while recording from several neuroanatomical muscle compartments,reveals considerable variation in recruitment threshold and slope . The curves appear to be divided into three groups, between whichthere is minimal overlap of their effective stimulus ranges .



– 3.5

– 3

– 2.5

– 2

– 1 .5

- 1

– 0.5


4 .7


40 –

35 --

30 --

25 –

20 --

15 --

10 -- o


5 –

°°- LGI

'~- LGi

•~~ LGm

-+- Ma

- - Soleus

~- Plant

-2- FHL

ave SMR

... F (gms)

placed adjacent to the belly of the gastrocnemius . Inorder to assess the effects of electrode geometry andstimulus waveform, both monophasic and biphasicstimuli of both polarities and monopolar and bipo-lar configurations were used . Figure 2 shows thesimplest case with monopolar (cathodic)monophasic pulses applied . For clarity, only theportions of the SMR recruitment curves betweenapproximately 10 percent and 90 percent of satura-tion are shown . It can readily be seen that there areat least three clear threshold groups . Moreover,there is little overlap of recruitment range betweenthe three groups . Similar results were obtained withmonopolar biphasic, bipolar monophasic, and bipo-lar biphasic stimulation, although thresholds werelowest with the last [see also (8)] . There is littleevidence of a plateau effect in the force curve due tothe relatively continuous recruitment of compart-ments as a whole . Recruitment of LG1 produced amarked increase in both average SMR and forcecurves, suggesting it was a relatively strong part ofthe muscle .

Correspondence between nerve fascicles andmuscular compartments

Figure 3A shows the results of an experiment inwhich the tibial nerve was stimulated using tungstenhook electrodes and biphasic stimulus pulses . Therecording conditions were as described for Figure 2.The recruitment curve for each extensor muscle isslightly different, and the MG shows a significantlylower threshold . The force curve does not resembleany of the individual recruitment curves . When theaverage of the four individual SMR recruitmentcurves was calculated, it was found to be highlycorrelated to the force curve . The linear correlationcoefficient between force and average SMR recruit-ment curves was R2 =0 .99 for a first order curve fit.

To determine whether the individual extensormuscles were indeed being recruited by separatefascicles, the tibial nerve was then divided into threemajor bundles : B-I, B-II, and B-III, which werestimulated independently . These results are shown inFigure 3B . Here raw SMR and force curves areshown during stimulation of each bundle . Bundle

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GRUNER and MASON : Nonlinear Muscle Recruitment


25 -




Stimulus amp (RA)

Figure 3A.In this experiment, whole nerve stimulation revealed a much lower threshold for activation of the MG than for LG1, LGm, or coleusin which the MG was completely recruited before threshold for the other compartments was reached.

Med. G









20 -








-d - Ave SMR

~- Force




B lb


2 msec

Figure 3B.SMR from the individual compartments in response to stimulation of individual nerve bundles . Note that each bundle selectively

activates one, or in some cases, two compartments . Bundle B-Ib is a fascicle within bundle B-I . The force curves in response to

stimulation of bundle B-Ib are magnified 4 x .

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Journal of Rehabilitation


Research and Development Vol . 26 No. 2 Spring 1989


-®- Med G

-A-- Int G

-•- Lat G

n- Soleus

® ave SMR


35 --

30 —

25 --

20 —




Stim Amp (µamps)


Figure 4A.

Another experiment in which whole tibialnerve stimulation resulted in sequentialactivation of compartments . Here, MGthreshold is much higher than LGm,LG1, or soleus . Division of this nerveinto bundles allowed isolation of onebundle.

Lateral Gastrocnemius

Medial Gastrocnemius

Hook Electrode


1 ms . 100 ms.

Figure 411.

One bundle of the nerve which selectively activated MG was isolated and placed on hook electrodes . The whole nerve was thenstimulated and the nerve CAP from the isolated "MG" bundle compared with activation of MG and LG . Note different time scalesfor CAP and force ; arrow under CAP indicates end of stimulus artifact.

B-III selectively innervates the LG1, B-11 the MG,and B-I the LGi and soleus . During stimulation ofB-I, there appears to be either some myoelectriccrosstalk or else incomplete segregation of axonsresulting in a small degree of activation of LG1 andMG. Bundle BI, which was the largest, was furthersubdivided into three smaller bundles . Stimulationof one of these sub-bundles produced a response

similar to that of the whole bundle (not shown),while stimulation of another sub-bundle (Blb) pro-duced a noticeable twitch with little activity in anyof the recording electrodes . By probing the musclewith needle electrodes during stimulation, a local-ized area within the distal half of the LGi was foundwhich showed a sizeable myoelectric response(Figure 3B) . The activation of proximal and distal

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GRUNER and MASON : Nonlinear Muscle Recruitment

Nerve cuff correlationwl Med Gast and Force

- 0- MedG

-0 - Nerve


SMR amp(my )

'rev— 0510




Stimulus amp (pA)


- 10 00

Figure 4C.Recruitment of LG and soleus (solid lines, scale left) versus MG SMR, MG bundle CAP ("nerve"), and muscle force on expandedstimulus scale to show the high degree of correlation between bundle activation, MG activity, and muscle -tension . Muscle tension

(A Force) shown as increase in force from onset of MG activity (1 .72 kg) . MG SMR and nerve activity shown as percent max.

Figure 4D.Linear correlation between nerve bundleCAP and MG SMR activity.





Nerve bundle CAP (tV)

portions of LGi by separate bundles is in agreementwith the findings of English and Weeks (10), whodivided LGi into corresponding LG2 and LG3neuroanatomical compartments, each with its ownprimary nerve branch.

The foregoing results suggested that intermedi-ate plateaus in the force curves resulted from therecruitment of fascicles at different thresholds dur-ing nerve stimulation, with each fascicle activating adifferent compartment . In order to confirm thataxons in an individual fascicle could be selectively

recruited apart from axons in other fascicles duringwhole nerve stimulation, experiments were per-formed in two cats in which the whole tibial nervewas stimulated with a nerve cuff electrode whilerecording from isolated bundles proximal to thecuff . A helical nerve cuff electrode, in which twowires each completely encircle the nerve, was used inorder to produce a more uniform current flowthrough the epineurium . The results from one ofthese experiments are shown in Figures 4A-D.During whole nerve stimulation (Figure 4A), the

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Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol . 26 No. 2 Spring 1989

MG was found to be recruited at a significantlyhigher threshold than the other ankle extensormuscles . The correlations between force and SMRfor LG1, LGm, MG, and soleus over the fullstimulus



0 .83,

0 .88,

0 .53, and 0 .91respectively . By stimulating each tibial nerve bundlein turn, using small hook electrodes, a single bundlewas found which activated the MG . The antidromicnerve CAP in that bundle was then recorded usingthe same hook electrodes while the whole nerve wasstimulated. The relationship between the MG bundleCAP and SMR was then examined over a narrowstimulus range (Figures 4B,C) . The stimulus rangewas slightly different from that shown in Figure 4Adue to rinsing of the nerve with saline . The rawrecords shown in Figures 4B,C demonstrate thatwhile the LG1, LGm, and soleus were fully recruitedat 510 µA, the MG and the nerve CAP showed onlya very small response at that amplitude . Increase inthe force curve and recruitment of MG bundle CAPand SMR then occurred in parallel up to 625 µAwhere saturation occurred . Although the digitizingrate was lower than desirable for the nerve CAP, thesignal was adequate for determining the peak-to-peak amplitude. The recruitment curves producedfrom this data are shown in Figure 4C. The MG andnerve CAP responses are shown as percent ofmaximal response (100 percent = 36 .2 mV for MGand 7 .5 mV for nerve CAP) . Force is plotted as apercentage of the maximal response over the stimu-lus range 510-630 ,uA (A Force; 0 percent = 1 .72kg, 100 percent = 3 .17 kg). The MG SMR, MGbundle CAP, and A Force curves all appear to behighly correlated . In particular, the dip at 610 AA(the cause of which is unknown) did not occur in theLG1, LGm, or soleus . A linear regression wasperformed between MG SMR and MG bundle CAP(Figure 4D), and a highly significant correlation wasfound (R2 = 0 .977; p< 0 .001, t-test).

The nerve from this experiment was sectionedjust distal to the point where it was surgicallydivided into bundles and stained to determine therelative positions of the fascicles. A representativesection is shown in Figure 5 in which the compart-ments activated by each of the fascicles observed inthe photomicrograph are noted . When surgicallydividing this nerve, it first separated into threebundles (A, B, and C), one of which (A) thenfurther subdivided into three sub-bundles (Al, A2,and A3). The connective tissue surrounding and

separating bundles A, B, and C was not specificallydetected histologically at the level of this section.Bundles Al and A3 each appear to consist of twofascicles . At the time of the experiment, it was notapparent that either bundle Al or A3 was surgicallydivisible, possibly because they had not completelyseparated into fascicles at that point . The prominentspaces in fascicles Alb and A2 are artifact, appar-ently where axons have separated along theperineurial septi due to distortion of the nerve priorto embedding . Bundle C appeared to innervate LGI,LGm, and soleus . It is noteworthy that the MGfascicle is somewhat removed from that carryingaxons to the other compartments . A magnified(8 .6 x) image of the edges of fascicles A2 and B2and the intervening connective tissue is shown to theright. The dark-staining perineurium ("p") aroundeach bundle is easily identifiable, while the connec-tive tissue in between the fascicles appears moreloosely organized . Axons in the fascicles can beidentified as donut-like structures in which the outerring is the myelin sheath.


While investigating muscle recruitment by nerveand muscle stimulation, we quickly became awarethat the ankle extensor muscles were not beinguniformly activated in many cases, resulting inplateaus in force and SMR recruitment curves . Theforce plateau in Figure 1C, produced by intramuscu-lar stimulation, can be explained as follows . First,the LG1 is fully recruited between 0.2-0.7 ma. Next,another head of the gastrocnemius is recruitedbeginning at about 1 .3 ma. Activity produced by thesecond head presumably lies outside the recordingrange of the LGI electrodes, so that the second risein force is unaccompanied by an increase inmyoelectric activity.

The similarities between the intermediate pla-teaus in both nerve cuff and intramuscular stimula-tion suggested that they shared a common mecha-nism, probably involving the discreet innervation ofdifferent ankle extensor muscles or muscle subdivi-sions by separate primary nerve branches(7,8,9,10,17) . These primary branches form separatebundles or fascicles prior to entering the muscle.Therefore, given the proper stimulus conditions, itseemed likely that individual muscle compartmentscould be independently activated.

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Figure 5.Section of the nerve from the experiment in Figure 4 showing the location of the bundle innervating the MG (B2) . Section was cutjust distal to the level at which bundles were isolated for stimulation . In this animal, LGI, LGm, and soleus were all activated bybundle C . Note that bundles A3a, A3b, and Ala, Alb, appeared to be single bundles at the point of nerve dissection, while in thehistological section, they are each clearly subdivided into two fascicles . Scale at bottom = 0 .5 mm. A magnified view (8 .6 x) of thespace between fascicles A2 and B2 (rotated 90 degrees clockwise) is shown at right . "P" = perineurium of fascicle B2 . Thedonut-shaped structures in the fascicles are axons.

McNeal and Bowman (23) had previouslyshown that the organization of axons into fasciclesdoes affect their threshold to stimulation . In thatstudy, cuff electrodes were placed around the sciaticnerve before it separates into the peroneal and tibialbranches . The ankle flexor and extensor musclegroups, which those branches respectively innervate,could be individually activated by appropriatelyplaced electrodes within the cuff, confirming thatthe position of the electrodes with respect to thenerve bundles was an important factor in axonalrecruitment . This factor could explain our observa-tions of selective activation of ankle extensor mus-

Iles during tibial nerve stimulation . However, theanatomical organization of the tibial nerve is morecomplex than the case of the peroneal versus tibialbranches, involving up to 9 fascicles in at least 3"levels"—the tibial nerve, bundles (of fascicles),and fascicles (Figure 5) . It was not evident thatelectrode/fascicle geometry alone could completelyaccount for such selectivity.

To examine the selective activation of musclesand compartments during nerve stimulation, weseparately stimulated the fascicles of the tibial nerveseveral cm prior to entering the gastrocnemius.Single fascicle stimulation (as in Figure 4, bundles

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B2 and C) did not produce intermediate plateaus inthe force and SMR recruitment curves . Further-more, intermediate plateaus were not observed inSMR curves when recordings were localized within asingle neuromuscular compartment . The smallamount of myoelectric "crosstalk" seen in somecases could be anatomical or electrical in origin, butit is unlikely to have resulted from stimulus currentspread to other bundles (see METHODS) . Similarlevels of crosstalk were reported by English andWeeks (10) . These results suggested that plateaus arenot a phenomenon associated with stimulation ofindividual fascicles . Rather, they support the suppo-sition that virtually all the axons within a singlefascicle (i .e., the smallest anatomically definablegroup of axons) innervate a separate portion of themuscle which is not innervated by axons outside thatfascicle (8,9,10).

During whole nerve stimulation, on the otherhand, we often observed distinct, non-overlappingregions of recruitment (from threshold to satura-tion) for different muscles and/or compartments,which resulted in intermediate plateaus in the forcecurves (Figure 4A) . We will use the term "fascicularrecruitment" (FR) below to refer to this phenome-non. SMR recruitment curves will show intermediateplateaus when electrodes "see" more than onemuscle or compartment, as when bipolar recordingelectrodes span different compartments, or amonopolar electrode is located between two com-partments . The high correlation between bundleCAP and SMR in Figure 4D indicates that nearly allthe axons in that bundle were recruited within thestimulus range of 550-630 µA, while all axonsinnervating the LGm, LG1, and soleus were alreadyrecruited (Figure 4C) . This demonstration, in viewof the known innervation of different muscles byindividual fascicles, strongly suggests that intermedi-ate plateaus in force curves result from recruitmentof fascicles at different thresholds during nervestimulation, and therefore the fascicular organiza-tion of axons has a significant effect on theirelectrical recruitment threshold.

Although many previous studies have involvednerve and intramuscular stimulation, plateau-typerecruitment curves are rarely reported (see, however[1,5,13]). This is apparently because most suchexperiments either record from a surgically-isolatedmuscle or compartment innervated by a singlefascicle, such as MG or TA (11,28,29,38), stimulate

a single fascicle, or the nerve is stimulated centrallybefore fascicles to the individual compartments haveformed (28,29) . One must be careful, therefore, inusing such results to predict the effects of wholenerve stimulation in an intact limb in which multipleheads or compartments are innervated by that nerve.In particular, the use of reverse-recruitment tech-niques to obtain normal recruitment order (28,38)may be compromised.

Mechanism of fascicular recruitmentThe foregoing results imply that axonal recruit-

ment is not uniform over the entire nerve, but isdependent upon both the organization of the axonsinto separate bundles, and upon electrode geometry,which together determine the pattern of currentflowing through the nerve (22,23,25,32) . Eventhough two bundles may have the same axonalnumber and size distribution, they may be recruitedover substantially different stimulus ranges.

FR is almost certainly caused to some degree bythe geometrical arrangement of electrodes and fasci-cles . Specific electrode geometries and/or stimuluswaveforms can induce variations in current densityin different portions of the nerve, which mightselectively activate axons in one fascicle before thosein a neighboring fascicle (22,23) . For example, inFigure 1A/B, reversing stimulus polarity (effectivelyswitching electrodes) significantly altered the recruit-ment pattern . Also, in Figure 5, fascicle B2, whichactivated MG, was relatively far from fascicle C,which activated LG1, LGm, and soleus . Generally,we did not find FR to be associated with anyparticular stimulus electrode configuration—hook orcuff, monopolar or bipolar . While the characteris-tics (threshold, range) of FR could be altered bychanging the stimulus waveform (i .e ., monophasicversus biphasic), FR could be elicited using allcombinations of monopolar/bipolar and monophasic/biphasic stimulation (cf . Figure 2) . In fact, ourresults suggest that intermediate plateaus do notresult solely from the geometrical arrangement offascicles and electrodes . If such were the case,especially with a circumferential electrode (as usedin these experiments), one would expect a randomlyscattered distribution of recruitment curves, such asshown in the simulated recruitment curves ofVeltink et al. (35,36) . (In those simulations, fascicu-lar organization was not taken into account, al-though a variable for connective tissue impedance

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was included .) Rather, we nearly always found adichotomous activation of muscles/compartments inwhich the range of stimulation from threshold tosaturation for each "group" was generally muchless (30-50 percent) than the separation in thresholdsbetween groups (Figures 1, 2, 3A, and 4A) . Thisoccurred even though helical coil electrodes wereused to minimize variations in current flow aroundthe circumference of the nerve in later experiments.

If fascicle/electrode geometry is insufficient tocompletely account for the observed patterns of FR,the next most likely candidate is tissue inhomogene-ities which produce variations in intraneural currentdensity—i.e., perineurium, epineurium, and associ-ated connective tissue which separates and groupsaxons into bundles and fascicles. If this connectivetissue represents a high resistance to current flowrelative to the intrafascicular tissue, one wouldexpect exaggerated differences between thresholds ofaxons in different fascicles . A fascicle could, forexample, be modeled using passive cable equations(22,35). Variations in the relative values ofperineurial and intrafascicular resistance due todifferences in fascicular diameter or tissue sheaththickness could affect voltages and/or currentsinside the fascicles and thereby significantly affectrecruitment . As Figure 5 shows, fascicles did differby up to 100 percent in circumference . However, wedo not yet have sufficient correlative data betweenfascicle size, location, and recruitment characteris-tics, or the specific resistances of epineurial,perineurial, and intrafascicular tissues, to test thishypothesis.

Other factors which can influence the expres-sion of FR include the stimulus location . As notedabove, fascicular organization varies along thenerve . Segregation of efferent axons into fasciclesproceeds from proximal to distal, so that the closera fascicle is to an individual muscle, the easier it isto isolate (10) . FR also varies between animals (8).For example, MG had a relatively low threshold inFigure 3, a high threshold in Figure 4, and anintermediate one in Figure 2. Also, LGm wasrecruited independently in Figure 2, but with LG1and soleus in Figure 4 . These variations probablydepend on the locations at which axons to thedifferent muscle compartments segregate to formtheir own fascicles or primary nerve branches.

The afferent/efferent composition of the fasci-cles in a nerve might also affect FR . Approximately

half of the bundles in the tibial nerve had no effecton muscle contraction when stimulated, indicatingthat they primarily contained cutaneous afferents.These afferent fascicles may be interposed betweenother fascicles containing motor axons, affectingtheir relative thresholds . Fascicular recruitment ofafferent fascicles has not been investigated . How-ever, nerve electrode positioning has been used toselectively stimulate motor axons while minimizingthe activation of sensory (e .g., pain) fibers in humanstudies (32).

Intramuscular stimulation and fascicularrecruitment

The intermediate plateaus seen during intramus-cular stimulation may be related to FR in thefollowing manner . Consider a stimulating electrodein the vicinity of the point at which the tibial nerveenters the triceps surae, where the nerve fasciclesdivide into "primary branches," innervating theLG, MG, and soleus and their compartments . It hasbeen established that intramuscular stimulation firstrecruits muscle fibers by activating the fine nervebranches or terminals in the muscle, rather than themuscle fibers themselves, as the latter have a higherthreshold (25) . In the case of the triceps surae, thisimplies that the physical separation of the primarybranches might cause them to be successively re-cruited by the applied stimulus current according totheir distance from the electrode. This would resultin activation of different muscles or compartmentsover different stimulus ranges, and thus nonlinearforce recruitment.

Practical implicationsFR has practical relevance to many applications

involving neuromuscular stimulation and/or record-ing, particularly in functional electrical stimulation(electrically-stimulated exercise, electrical stimula-tion feedback, neuromuscular assist, and pain con-trol by electrical stimulation), and FNS (6,24,37).FR also has general relevance to physiologicalstudies of force and myoelectric activity duringvoluntary contraction, including studies of taskgroup organization of motor function (8,19). FRdoes not appear to be an isolated phenomenon, andshould be found in nerves to other compartmental-ized muscles, such as the sartorius (19), semi-tendinosus (15) and biceps femoris (4) . The tibialisanterior does not seem to be compartmentalized .

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When paralyzed muscle is activated by wholenerve stimulation, FR may cause earlier recruitmentof some compartments or heads of a muscle,producing irregular stimulus/tension relationships.Such variation in recruitment of synergists may alsoproduce undesirable patterns of joint tension.Nonlinear force curves may also require complexstimulus control equations or algorithms to compen-sate for them (5,33) . Our results suggest that thedegree to which nonlinear muscle recruitment can beexpected in a given muscle should be a function ofits neuromuscular innervation pattern : specifically,the degree of innervation of separate muscles and/orcompartments by individual nerve fascicles at thepoint of stimulation . The benefits which might beachieved by stimulation of individual fascicles arepresently not worth the risk of irreversible nervedamage introduced by attempting to surgically sepa-rate and place electrodes around individual fascicles.Specially-designed nerve cuff electrodes capable ofapplying current at specific points around thecircumference of the tibial nerve might achieveselective stimulation of fascicles with minimal riskof nerve injury (23,29).

High degrees of correlation (up to R2 = 0 .99)were often found between SMR and force in thetriceps surae when SMR from several major compo-nents of the triceps were averaged together . The factthat high SMR/force correlations were obtained,even without introducing different weighting factorsfor each muscle in these experiments (cf ., Figures3A, 4A), probably results from the fact that eachelectrode (LG1, LGm, MG, and soleus) effectivelyrepresented muscle partitions of approximatelyequal maximal force capability . In some experiments(cf ., Figure 2), weighting factors would have im-proved the correlation between average SMR andforce. Many studies of electrically- and voluntarily-activated muscle contractions have found complexand even nonlinear relationships between EMGmeasures and force (cf ., [27]). If synergistic musclesor muscle compartments are recruited at differentlevels of effort during voluntary contractions or,during normal behaviors such as walking(3,15,18,30), then one should not expect any singlepartition to accurately represent activity of thewhole muscle . Since surface (and especially intra-muscular) electrodes can be quite selective in theirrecording field, non-uniform muscle activation, by

natural or electrical means, would tend to produceweaker correlations than when all relevant musclesand/or compartments are sampled and appropri-ately weighted . The worst-case situation for SMR iswhen differential recording electrodes are implantedsuch that they sample different muscles or compart-ments which are activated over non-overlappingstimulus ranges . In such a case, diminution and evenreversal of the SMR waveform is likely (20) . In viewof these findings, low correlations between EMGmeasures and force may indicate fractionated activa-tion of a muscle rather than a complex relationshipbetween myoelectric activity and force generation.

Due to inherent limitations of surface or intra-muscular stimulation, it seems likely that directnerve stimulation will ultimately be the technique ofchoice for neuromuscular prostheses (12) . AsMcNeal and Reswick (24) noted, "One can foresee aperipheral nerve implanted with a number of elec-trodes, combinations of which will control individ-ual movements . . . ." While the finding of separateinnervation of muscles or compartments by fascicleswas not unexpected, the significance of the depen-dence of axonal threshold and motor recruitment onfascicular organization has received little attention.A more detailed understanding of the organizationof motor innervation may lead to significant im-provements in the external control of paralyzedmuscles.


The authors would like to thank Mr . D. Aleman and Mr.M . Petruzziello for excellent technical assistance duringthese experiments ; Mr . F. Holmes and Mr . J. Gore foranimal care; and Mr . B . Ayala for performing histology.We also thank Charles Nicholson for his comments onthe manuscript . This work was supported by the VeteransAdministration Rehabilitation Research and DevelopmentService, Dr. Margaret Giannini, Director, and the VAMedical Center, Manhattan, Research Service, Dr.Vincent J . Fisher, Associate Chief of Staff for Researchand Development .

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