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Page 2: Non Profit African Refugee Development Center Marketing Plan

+Marketing Plan Sample for the African Refugee Development Center2010


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+ VisionnThe mission of the African Refugee

Development Center is to protect andempower refugees and asylum seekersin Israel

0.1 1

+0.2 Organization Profile§ Founded in 2004 by Yohannes Bayu, a refugee

from Ethiopia.§ Has served over 4,000 refugees and asylum§ Refugee Origin: mostly Eritrea and Sudan§ Partner of the United Nations High Commissioner

for Refugees (UNHCR)§ 650,000 NIS annually in funding§ Major funders: The Ted Arison Family Foundation,

the UNHCR, the U.S. State Department, the NewIsrael Fund, the Municipality of Tel Aviv andprivate individuals.

BranchesI. Humanitarian Aid II. Individual SupportIII. Child IV. Youth and Adult EducationV. Community Development

and EmpowermentVI. Advocacy and Awareness


Yohannes Bayu

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+ Macro Environmental Analysis1.1 2

Market & Industry Analysis n The ARDC operates primarily within the

market of African refugee social services in Israel. The organization serves the refugees as well as those who wish to support its cause through volunteering or contributing funds. On a broader scale, the ARDC operates within the non-profit, social services sector in Israel.(refer to annex on page 1)


(Photo by Zachary A. Bennett)

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Market Segmentation of Donorsn By Demographics:n Young Jewish in Israeln Mostly UK and US residents in

larger citiesn Age group: 20s-30sn Liberaln One-time donorsn Volunteersn Friends/Family of volunteersn People with low incomen Human Rights Activists



Direct: Hotline for Migrant Workers, ASSAF, Physicians for Human Rights1.3.1 Indirect: UNCR, Amnesty International, other charitable causes

(refer to annex on page 2)

1.3 Direct & Indirect Competitors

n By Needs:Consumers who feel compelled toparticipate in charitable causes (specificallyrelated to underprivileged populations).(refer to annex on page 2)


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+ Existing Marketing Mix1.5 4

Marketing CommunicationsMonthly newsletter, Personal connections, Events: twice a year, ARDC Web site, Facebook(refer to annex on page 2-3)

The ARDC’s brand is its offer to participate in an idealistic cause. The service offered is a convenient donation process.

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+Strengths & WeaknessesOpportunities & Threats

1.6 5


- Unique refugee services- Abundance of volunteers

(120 at a time)- More private donations than

other Israeli NGO’s

- No 46A tax exemption under Israelilaw

- Online donation system


• Potential economicresurgence

- Government hostility towards refugeeservices agenda.

- Growing concern about the numbersof asylum seekers arriving everymonth.

(refer to annex on page 3)

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+ Positioning ~ 20101.7 6

§Quality of service for donors (refer to annex on page 3-4)

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+ Sources

n Karen Douglasn Resource Development Coordinator at the

ARDC, Tel Aviv, ILn J.D. University of Melbourne, Australian The African Refugee Development Center

Web site.n www.ardc-israel.orgn Information regarding company mission,

initiatives and links to donate.

1.8 7

Competitor information sources:§Hotline for Migrant Workers§Physicians for Human Rights Israel§ASSAF - Organization Assistance of Refugeesand Asylum

Karen Douglas

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2.2 Desired Market SegmentationBy loyaltyImproving and maintaining the ARDC database,and develop new membership program

By demographicsWe would like to focus on receiving more oldergeneration, Israeli-based donors, and maintain/improve US and UK funding

2.3.1 Desired Marketing-mixWe increased the emphasis on Quality of Service inorder to make donating easier…2.3.2 Desired Promotional Tools

2.1 ~ Marketing Strategy

We will create a Passover appeal for donors utilizing a special holiday message. In time for this appeal we will improve on our current offer and expand our already existing promotional tools. With this appeal we will strive to target the predominant and relatively dormant segmentation.

2.1-2.3 8


Q of S

Monthly Newsletter, More personal connections, Events - Three times a year, Website - add limited Russian, actively updated Facebook page and Twitter

(refer to annex on page 4)

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n Strengths/Opportunitiesn Unique refugee services can appeal to future donors. n The ARDC can utilize its large volunteer base for future networking.

n Strengths/Threatsn Unique refugee services can deplete limited funding. n Reliance on volunteers can lead to instability in operations.

n Weaknesses/Opportunitiesn Absence of 46A-tax exemption places burden on foreign donors.n An improved online system may increase donation with limited

effort.n Weaknesses/Threatsn Poor online donation system may discourage repeat donorsn Absence of 46A-tax exemption may decrease sympathy for ARDC’s


9Marketing Objectives

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+ Yearly Donations (in Shekels)

after Passover Appeal


Private Donors•162,500+Passover Appeal = 172,500

United Nations•325,000

Private Foundations•162,500

• The Passover Appeal itself will generate an extra 10,000 NISannually, but the financial impact of the Passover Appeal throughoutthe year and the influx of awareness cannot be calculated.

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+3.1 Main Cooperative Bodiesn Local night clubs in Downtown Tel Aviv will offer a venue, the

ARDC will promote the benefit and each body will get a percentage of the profits. The ARDC may also ask musicians and artists to donate their skills at the event.

n Local shops may support the ARDC and allowdiscounts to members: Target venues may beorganic grocery stores and apparel stores like American Apparel who have a major interest inhuman right’s issues who will give a small % for every purchase


+ 3.2 Retaining Marketing Activities

+ >2

§ Monthly Newsletter§ Personal connections § Events§Website§ Facebook page

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+n Service:n Online donation system- investment in a 3rd party payment systemn Membership program - investment in membership cards, access to ARDC

leadership members, and improved databasen Guided tours- lead by volunteers- ₪ 0

n Physical:n Discounts/Donations of sale- In collaboration with charitable retail outlets-₪ 0

123.3 New Offer

+3.4 Marketing PromotionMaintain Direct Marketing strategy with an emphasis on increased loyalty.n Retain former tools and use twitter page as the medium through which to

conduct our Passover Appeal. These tools will also be utilized to spread the word about our new membership program and improved Website.

n A special Pre-Passover fundraising event will take place at a collaborating venue.

n Street Team/Awareness team- Every Friday during month of Passovern Phone banking- starting two weeks before Passovern 2 open-to the public tours a week during month of Passover- invite the

community, ask them for optional donations at the end of the tour

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+ 3.6 Order of Operations 13

# Action Who When Cost Comments




Open a Twitter Account

Schedule Venue

Alert thePress


Zachary &Julian


Week 1

Week 1

Week 2



1500 NISDeposit

Quickly open a twitter account and have several pre-planned tweets for the following week.

Book venue in central Tel Aviv, which allows a percentage cut to the ARDC

Send out press releases and invitations to journalists

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+ 3.7 Marketing Yearly Budget 14

Resources Expenses

Web site Maintenance

Collaborating NETAFIM



Membership Program


Collaborating Venue










100% 100%

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4.4 Criteria of Success


+ 4.4 Criteria of Success

n Karen Douglas, the Resource Development Coordinator, will manage the order of operations and see that they are completely in a timely manner.

+ 4.2 Control Tools

+ 4.3 Important Focus Dates

The ARDC should use several Control Tools which will include:n Surveys:n user-friendly Websiten how volunteers feel they are treatedn comment cards from refugees

n Meetings: with major donors to see how they are being fulfilledn In-house quantitative reportsn budgets, peer reviews,

+ 4.1 Control Bodies

n International Refugee Dayn May Day/Labor Dayn International Human Rights Dayn Passover/Pesachn Possibly Christmas in U.S. and U.K. for future Christian appeal

The ARDCwill measure its own successes through:n Membership Growthn Return Donors (none to this date)n Organization of New Databasen Increase in unique users/ visitors to Websiten Continuous influx of volunteers

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+ *Potential Passover Appeal Flyer 16

• To save money, 4 hand-outs will be cut from one page of paper

• This ad will catch the viewers attention, initially by the refugee’s sign,then interest the viewer by inviting them, then draw out the deepemotion through reading.

(Photo by Zachary A. Bennett)

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