Page 1: NOAALink Executive Industry Council Quarterly Meeting · •Meeting with ACIO and DAA •OCIO, AGO, and NOAALink have met for the past several months to ... strategy and acquisition


NOAALink Executive Industry Council

Quarterly Meeting

April 20, 2017

Page 2: NOAALink Executive Industry Council Quarterly Meeting · •Meeting with ACIO and DAA •OCIO, AGO, and NOAALink have met for the past several months to ... strategy and acquisition

EIC Meeting Agenda

11:00 – 11:15am Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) – Tom Taylor, OCIO Governance and Portfolio Division (GPD)

11:15 – 11:25am Program Update and Metrics

11:25 – 11:40am Welcome New Members and Introductions

11:40 – 11:50am Executive Address

11:50 – 12:00pm Q&A


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FITARA Background

• Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) enacted December 19, 2014

• OMB Implementation Guidance (M-15-14) issued June 10, 2015 • DOC’s Self Assessment was last updated on November 30, 2016

and is due for its annual update on April 30, 2017


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FITARA Coordination

• NOAA OCIO has held the following meetings with each LO • Initial Self-Assessment review with ACIO or designee • Follow-up Self-Assessment review with ACIO or designee • Meeting with ACIO and DAA

• OCIO, AGO, and NOAALink have met for the past several months to break down the FITARA process as it relates to Acquisition Plans and Information Technology Investment Authorities (ITIAs)


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Current Process Under FITARA

• ITIAs under $10M may be issued by the ACIOs from NESDIS and NOS • All other procurements between $3.5K and $10M must have an ITIA

issued by the NOAA OCIO • Procurements in excess of $10M need DOC CIO approval, regardless

of IT content


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Components of FITARA


• The CIO to have a significant role in: • Planning decisions • Programming decisions • Budgeting decisions

Budget Formulation and


• The CIO to have a significant role in: • Execution decisions relating to IT • Management processes relating to IT • Oversight processes relating to IT

Acquisition and Execution

• CIO can delegate ITIA authority to subordinate CIOs • CIO to assess performance goals for IT Human

Capital • CIO to assess if those goals are being met

Organization and Workforce

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• Support Line Office pipeline planning and provide up-to-date visibility into all potential IT acquisitions

• Review all IT acquisitions • Identify potential ‘shadow’ IT

Visibility of IT planned expenditure reporting

to CIO

• Ensure appropriate federal acquisition certifications (FACs)

• Leverage enterprise-wide initiatives and shared services

• Review cost estimates

Shared acquisition and procurement


• Confirm appropriateness of contract type • Confirm appropriateness of IT related portions of

statement of need or statement of work

CIO review and approval of acquisition

strategy and acquisition plan

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FITARA and Industry Opportunity

• Understand and communicate how your solutions fit with agency and bureau strategic priorities


DRAFT NOAA IT Strategic Plan Goals

Advance the Mission Using Innovative IT

Protect the Mission

Achieve Excellence in

IT Service Delivery

Enable the IT Workforce

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NOAALink 2.0

• AGO reviewing first draft of Performance Work Statement (PWS) • Starting stakeholder outreach to calibrate requirements • Planning acquisition strategy • Anticipate first RFI this quarter


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NOAALink Q1-Q2 Metrics


FY16 Q1-Q2

FY17 Q1-Q2

Total Contract Actions 290 386

Total Obligated Value Core


Non-core obligated to NOAALink 8(a) contractors

$54,014,975 $29,916,743



$72,895,550 $24,168,638



Average Days from Requisition Received to Award* 24 24

Average Days for Invoices to be Paid 12 17

*CAM 1307.1 - Required PALT for Task Orders under IDIQ contracts, any amount, lead time range 30-60 days Required PALT for Task Orders under GSA/FSS (requiring a SOW) lead time range 90-165 days

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FY17 Q1-Q2 NOAALink Core Summary


Core Contractors Contract Actions

New Obligated Value


8(a) 17 0 $0

17 $1,240,109

SB 47 7 $4,998,459

40 $13,536,024

SMS 17 2 $1,940,480

15 $2,453,566

Total $24,168,638

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NOAALink Revised Spend Plan


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NOAALink Revised Spend Plan


Sheet added for ODCs / Travel

Estimated Date to Run Out of Funding automatically calculated

Page 14: NOAALink Executive Industry Council Quarterly Meeting · •Meeting with ACIO and DAA •OCIO, AGO, and NOAALink have met for the past several months to ... strategy and acquisition

Service Requirements

Line Office / Staff Office Requirement Description

OCIO IT Support Services Systems operations and maintenance support

OCIO ICAM O&M and Project Support Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) support

NESDIS Secure Ingest Networking, data architectural, and developmental services

NESDIS IT Services Support for the Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)

NMFS Electronic Monitoring Data Storage and Processing

Data Preprocessing Server (DPS) and electronic video monitoring (EM) system support

NMFS Electronic Dealer Reporting Support collection of highly migratory species (HMS) dealer data and maintain the current HMS eDealer system

NMFS Automated Fisheries Management Support Systems

Support and maintain National Fishing Permit and Landing Reporting System (NFPLRS)


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Service Requirements

Line Office / Staff Office Requirement Description

NMFS Data Collection and Quality Control Improvements

Expand and improve data collection processes, quality, and analytics for Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC)

NMFS IT Support Technology operations for Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC)

NOS Coast Pilot Production System Maintenance and development support to enhance the CPPS

NOS IT Infrastructure and Mission Support Comprehensive Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) activities

NWS Upper Air Program Radiosonde Replacement System (RRS) System engineering and maintenance support

OAR IT Server, Network, and Desktop Support O&M IT services


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• Wrap-up and Review Action Items

• Next Executive Industry Council Meeting • Date: July 20, 2017 • Time: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

NOAALink Help: [email protected] 301-628-5700

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Core Program Summary Through 04/13/2017


Contractor Name Contract No. # of Task Orders Obligated Amount for all

Task Orders Issued

Total Base and All Options Amount for all Task Orders

Issued Ambit Inc DG133010CQ0003 21 $27,866,889.33 $29,461,146.50 Ambit Inc Ceiling $30,000,000.00 Ambit Inc ST133014BU0002 11 $24,225,013.27 $48,185,930.92 Ambit Inc Ceiling $49,000,000.00 8(a) Awards E&E Enterprises Global DG133W10CQ0021 28 $5,517,639.39 $5,517,639.39 Ace Info Solutions DG133W10CQ0026 38 $63,901,005.21 $74,445,207.04 ActioNet DG133W10CQ0027 20 $83,625,222.41 $91,155,376.57 Cyberdata Technologies DG133W10CQ0028 41 $101,671,933.92 $117,184,866.90 Aster Engineering Inc DG133W10CQ0036 1 $0.00 $0.00 Total 8(a) 128 $254,715,800.93 $288,303,089.90 8(a) Ceiling $300,000,000.00 Small Business Awards Caelum Research Corp DG133W10CQ0040 16 $27,154,885.27 $39,066,852.80 2020 Company LLC DG133W10CQ0041 19 $87,447,188.57 $170,023,652.72 Earth Resources Technology DG133W10CQ0042 69 $173,260,718.24 $283,270,006.47 Systems Integration & Development DG133W10CQ0049 25 $39,338,684.44 $53,626,018.40 Think Tank INC DG133W10CQ0050 38 $39,910,370.82 $70,762,657.08 Total Small 167 $367,111,847.34 $616,749,187.47 Total Core Contracts 8(a) and Small 295 $621,827,648.27 $905,052,277.37 Total All Including Ambit 327 $673,919,550.87 $982,699,354.79 Total Program Ceiling $2,500,000,000.00 Total Available Program Ceiling $1,517,300,645.21 Source FPDS- 04/13/2017

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