Download - NO. - HSDL

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This leaRet is a reprint of instructions given in the memorandum of July 24, 1942, Plus Operations Letter No. 80, issued October 28, 1942.

BecauM Operations Letter No. 80 modifies the instructions given in the memorandum of July 24, 1942, the two documents should be read together.


OPeRII.TION8 LETTBR. NO. 80 October 28. 1942.

SUBJECT: 'New Types of Enemy Bomb, Incendiary and Anti- Personnel

1. The e n m y recently has employed new type. of b o m b b o t h large ineen- diaries m d the umal mal l N p e with a more powerful apiasive charge set off by e time fuze. Expriencc with these bomb* in other countries and our o m study of the tcchniqvcs d~vsloped to cope with them make it clear ( a ) that fire ~ o n t i n v e ~ to be a most important weapon and (b) that, ngulm fire. wafer is atill the best weapon. When heavir,ddayed-actionexplosive charges are added, they are ptimerily intended to hold off attack on the fire vnfil it h., gained dangerous headway.

2. Newtypes ofenemy inscndiary and anti-pcrwnnel bombs err; a. The wvei 2.l-wund fire bomb,

with s. extcnaion ofthe nore contaiing n lnrga explosive chars. The totd weight is increased to 5 pounds. The bomb is I7 inches long without it8 tdl, or abovf 21 inches long ova-dl. The inec"diary aeotioo of the bomb ignites vpon landing, but fhc explosive charge

dcpcndemoc upon the present time inurvsl. Tbc ~iploeivc part may b e m e detached, but thi. docs not 1c.scn if. .ffc.fivenc... Thi* type of bomb he* heen employed by tbe OW. man..

b. A combination incendiary and hi.h eXp11ivc bomb, in a casing tb. same arc and abspe a, the 110-pound high explodvo bomb (about 30 inches long m.d.8 iocbes in diemeta). on impact if throws out 60 8-11 metal sontalner9 with thermit-type filling and six iargcr tumbler-shaped fire pot. c.ontnining s msgnraium-type filling which ia preipnited. Almast imme. diafely aft- decfinp the incendiary units, a 12-pound charge of TNT in the noac of the bomb erplodca.

r . A pho.~hmus-.d bomb in a casing similar to thsf of t h e 110-pound high explolivc bomb, but contairillg only the "*,Id type Of fvre to split thr easing open ar imwct and aeatta i" aticky liqvid contents. The contents ignite

may go oRat any time vp to 7 minutes apontanwudy brause of rhe phw- Inter. It would be possible to in~o~o~o~o~o phorus. The phoqhaus may be this lapse of time without major altern- cxtinguiahcd by watm b m will breek tion of design, so that there can be little into we again if allowed to bccomc d r y .

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a. A Ja- banb 6 n W 110 -& and wntsiidsrr" WU .z6mtit7 of tbrrmn r d d a b l c -be3 4 r c c D . ~ J b i ~ tubber- (mpe@"e* mcmd..ry pdleta wb,cb m u addy .nd 8prt n mb.tmtiul numbs o( small Lc) which mer he *ttaNFd i-cdiatar

3. Th. - au-. a r w of e-8 6Zp d b bomb. L th. rsm. 8. - mtllnod in tanded lwmw€bm L.t July -.eem& fhc o r b r y rmgn~i,",,.thamit tm d ~r born- ~tt m W t me^. of vet-. Thr . m a fac bomb mthout omlouve cbsrgc l. rNt the moIt w(dc1~ mcd -11 f y ~ . cxcrptbytheJa~1-. If bombs fdl where tb, C l l ~ O t .w ere and m o t he E C O ham the &, they should he I& to bum tkwd'~c. wt, but ci.4brrr tho). mvlt he st. UcLcd ThC bomb9 nthovr h-rx explm=eh-gr or r k whiehsptads u r n kpacf pn-t oalg th? mabltm d dwJlnS nth firs Md thu. rwurr no .ddlt,.r.d ,rnDrm&rm*

I. The smdlhrr bomb nth ddb~rd- anion ewlec-e cham muuu I ro il- of h*truh*truhbm O o C k r k thc t r ~ a -m that p d d e fun p l ~ o tion *om €he L'M

r A bdck .rU II% mehu thglr b cnadaod fun pmtemm .%jnaE the u p l & * s ~ n o r b o n e w d a i t h a - fua i. sm8n mwm",",, b& b r d h w e o u U i * b a t ~ d t h r bwt q w y , ' *-ill* =cLniB. will

rmghewaU~W"cCd~pplm$lp* onr.clung or p m e pdtioll td%nd the b n t .rw.blbl C o r a . b. Pmpmpm 6 m .r. m y to +

rapidltL.~ k t a = W JirthAI Md *he" thae b &.siy littlrfhapd ~ n i o " - e v m bomb. *eh nuy ewlod* rnevld 4e .ttm%cd Fmmpb *ma hehmd tho bnt .r.ilablc -: &eilhoulat=aemwitv - than wMU . t m . m D f " . t s m t h a U I I ~ ~ ~ u n ~

-tam~& dip- from a larp ~ o s - trio-. If a Durn. h u z& bed. *I-

0,. Pprw of rate" Sand m the 1-m of bsgs or mat. = m o t he depended won, blp- Ulas bsm% u- r, ploam, In,%< a grrstu frrunrmmtlcm eamt rtun €he ewlsrvc x r m d w bomb0 tamali, 4 The pyblle . h o " l d b c u l d d ~ ~ " . r d d l .urh mothmng ssamt .. "banb rr wag" pmdur dw aaanat mrh dcdlCLI a .mop., mb., and ems- mey ns cnWr artbour m d f lad mry -the h"M of I,-- who uhos "W turn. The lue d WR.

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mvrt be mcrrarcd a napxdly a. possible. Plaes for -tm& end hmhlng of .ush sul npsnded face m a y he expect4 at sn early dab Methods of attack may he c b w e d ircqvently Svsh change mry be m mme npld ss our en-u derperatcly ,eEk to m n f . f ~ s r m a*" mar.*,, but they . h a auve only to mtcnuiy 0," efrorUl to drvelop a Isrg. alut. and wail hsmed force that r , r e d y f a any chnuenge



Jvly 14, 1942


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rcue'dwl the fdb-g' "I A prop- d the lnrrndlsry

bomb, drmsd C0.Y be or fbr *w** typc, thdr ob~rct bring te sew tb* %e PsRS on the s y a from tam prompt .am ~gopmrurndieLm Bay w wthm d& lh%tS

"1 The aubtnndrm r.h* oT fh. ~bnugi h d pump ae %std cmup -*hiahnubrbUshrd I**- -*, *st fhc >* q mwb -. rffhchw than the spry, d it uo bc wed fmm a rraa a m t ~ ~ o*


"% Tbr p r o s e d W&d, d d m g Uth I %c did& at rate ah& u .Mimom ont old pr-. f iontotbep~edthefua

"6. Civilieor Mtm, m *tc d is- s-It. to the =as*, haw .ban s Dndrnrs to mtsk tho m m rpcc- t a "k I. 8. hupLv trrplny outdmn) mthq mpn m a-h fm f a rbw whcb hnvc f& indemindem

5 .

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minut* d fnlhng, edmee 8hovld he SVen as t o what F0NtltYt.S FOV" ..d the hmt way d oslw lt

"(c) The jet d the nbrrvp pump should be w d r the &of method of at*&, not only on the &s but also on the mendmy bomb The w b l x ehould be lsformcd es to the l~ttle personal da- hkely to be openmeed from h e p m h d m o m msgncnum scattered by the j e t Cend~tmm where the rvlc d the .pray I. prdmblc to that d the jet am unusual. Neverthe- lea. m n shop or store, or mam c o p trinmr h&ly mfilmmble msrmda aha& hspp" m b. e l w to the bomb pprt(eulsr1y when the maten& uc hensng or m dwrUlng houses anth hght curtam. the uae of the rpmy on the bomb mlghl he a d w b l c '.(a Thc ad., d the Jet sre

that the banb sad 6re een be nmacked dth a wcntu volume of an* an6

.from a grenrex dmtancc then rnth the wq, thw alloanng a wcata ChDlCe of effeehve ewer nnd cRMiilg n mvmg of time

hmed,stcly for the next. 12th .lanuan, 19+2."

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"The p-t mmuhm i. Ihat . ,el e f u ~ t ~ r p l w d dmccUy on the hmb rs N l y zn extmgushshng it msdly,

thehe~nefthr8re.notth" "And a h a m dmafb@, zaXo out

rnd p.& up the bomb, now d e d h the vator etraem, end dcop it Into . b d s t of rater BY mprd rxt-th-n <anm Irem the 5n.r b"r.f."# &..#* i .P&ded

"The jet from a lod..nW exWmkhm u n b e n r d i n & ? a s n e w s r ~ h - m*'


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