Page 1: #NICON17/media/Confederation/Files... · 2018. 5. 31. · 08:30–09:30 Registration, exhibition and networking 09:30–09:40 Welcome Mark Carruthers – Broadcaster, compère for

Transformation in Practice: Delivering TogetherDelegate guide


Page 2: #NICON17/media/Confederation/Files... · 2018. 5. 31. · 08:30–09:30 Registration, exhibition and networking 09:30–09:40 Welcome Mark Carruthers – Broadcaster, compère for

Colm McKenna Chair NICON

Heather Moorhead Director

We are delighted to welcome you to the NICON17 annual conference and exhibition, Transformation in Practice – Delivering Together.

At a time when the pressures across Northern Ireland’s (NI) health and social care system remain relentless and the political context uncertain, the conference will provide a much needed opportunity to bring the whole system together to consider the way forward.

Over the two days our intention is to help you better understand the strategic issues, reflect on progress and explore the significant challenges ahead. We aim to support colleagues across our system to continue to deliver together, at a time when collective leadership is a necessity.

The agenda will involve all our health and social care bodies and many of our valued partners. It is designed around the key themes in Health and Wellbeing 2026 – Delivering Together. Expert speakers will discuss the big strategic questions, you can also expect to hear policy updates and attend over 50 learning and sharing sessions. There will be many opportunities to chat to exhibitors and join the debate.

At the conference this year we are especially pleased to open a wider conversation about accountable care – a new concept proposed as a direction of travel in the expert panel report, Systems Not Structures. We also have a specific session to hear from our patients, as we must not miss their voice in shaping change.

This year will also see the return of our much-loved Café Conversations and we will be joined by more clinicians than ever to be part of these important discussions.

We know you will all join with us to warmly thank all our sponsors, supporters and speakers – without whom our conference would simply not be possible.

We wish you all a very productive two days of listening and learning. We hope that you leave feeling better informed and supported to play your important part in Delivering Together.

02Event supported by #NICON17

Welcome from the Chair and Director

We will be tweeting throughout the two days, so don’t forget to follow us at #NICON17

Page 3: #NICON17/media/Confederation/Files... · 2018. 5. 31. · 08:30–09:30 Registration, exhibition and networking 09:30–09:40 Welcome Mark Carruthers – Broadcaster, compère for

The NICON annual conference creates a vital platform, where leading health and social care professionals can come together to be inspired and motivated by current successes and future possibilities. BT fully supports this year’s theme: Transformation in Practice – Delivering Together. We recognise NICON’s continued commitment to work inclusively with its members and associates to deliver better outcomes. We all know placing services are under significant strain and we believe that technology has an important role to play in meeting these challenges.

Our experience in working with healthcare organisations is extensive. We have the people and the know-how to help you transform how you deliver care, whether that’s working smarter to join up services; driving systems integration and interoperability or sharing information safely and securely – our market-leading network services can connect you to your patients, colleagues, suppliers, and the world.

This year we are delighted to have Scott Adams, director of integrated health and social care, BT government and health. He will demonstrate that in order to provide the best possible experience and outcomes for patients, it’s essential for care services to be joined up. The ability to share information and work seamlessly together will put people at the heart of a new world of care.

I’m looking forward to meeting many of you over the next two days for what we trust will be a really important event.

Kevin McEnoy BT Health Sector Manager NI

The NICON annual conference always offers a wonderful opportunity to meet industry experts from all over the world and learn from best-practice from both here and abroad. I’m excited that we are here to support again this year – particularly with Northern Ireland’s ambitious journey towards a digitised and connected healthcare system getting ever closer.

Northern Ireland’s vision to drive new care models has the potential to position you as world leaders – delivering clinical excellence, but also identifying and empowering residents to keep them healthy and out of acute care – and ultimately lower healthcare costs.

Cerner already partners with world-leading health and care organisations, a great example being Intermountain Healthcare. I’m excited to see Chris Wood, Managing Director, present their story on day two of the conference.

Our partners are improving their patient experience and empowering clinicians, and together we’re creating a future where health systems can foresee challenges and proactively improve the wellbeing of their population at person level not just reactively responding to presented care needs.

Enjoy the conference and do stop by to say hello. Ultimately, we’re all people and patients - and safe connected care is everyone’s goal. Here at Cerner in Northern Ireland and around the world, that’s what we’re all about.

Matt PickettGeneral ManagerCerner, Ireland

03Event supported by #NICON17

With special thanks to our event partners

Page 4: #NICON17/media/Confederation/Files... · 2018. 5. 31. · 08:30–09:30 Registration, exhibition and networking 09:30–09:40 Welcome Mark Carruthers – Broadcaster, compère for

08:30–09:30 Registration, exhibition and networking 09:30–09:40 Welcome

Mark Carruthers – Broadcaster, compère for NICON 17

Colm McKenna, Chair, NICON and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust

09:40–10:00 Key note: Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together

Richard Pengelly, Permanent Secretary, Department of Health, NI

10:00–10:35 Transformation – Learning from others

An English Perspective – Leading Local Transformation Niall Dickson, Chief Executive, NHS Confederation

Public Health, Prudent Healthcare and a Whole of Government Approach

Dr Tracey Cooper, Chief Executive, Public Health Wales

10:35–10:45 Delegate discussion

10:45–11:15 Refreshments, exhibition and networking

11:15–11:45 It is all about the outcomes – Rhetoric or reality?

Hear from our partners about the emerging impact of the Programme for Government 2016-2021 and community planning, as we all seek to think about an outcomes approach and drive better population health. Are we moving beyond the words?

Theresa Donaldson, Chief Executive, Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council

Seamus McAleavey, Chief Executive, NI Council for Voluntary Action

Day one – Thursday 18 May

12:45–13:45 Lunch and exhibition

13:15 Showcase: Engage – The one-stop website for involvement in health and social care

Public Health Agency

12:45 Fringe session

13:45–14:45 Transformation showcase – Learning from our peers, partners and patients

Join one of two parallel sessions or a range of short conversations which showcase how staff, patients and our partners are transforming services and improving care.

P1. Transforming primary care – New approaches P2. Quality and improvement – Our everyday practice?

20 Café conversations

14:45–15:15 Exhibition and refreshments

15:15 - 15:45 Innovation in social care – No time like the present

In this session, John Kennedy, a member of the Expert Advisory Panel on Adult Care and Support, poses a challenge to the health and social care status quo. There is no time like the present to rethink social care and develop new approaches to meet the needs of a changing society.

John Kennedy, Expert Advisory Panel on Adult Care and Support

F1. Co-production in action – An audiology case study

F2. Excellence in co-production awards Patient Client Council

F3. Bite size ‘Self-care at work’, Miriam Chambers, Holistic Therapist, three 20-minute sessions

Your dream for ‘Delivering Together’ Camper Van of Dreams

Riverview Suite

Glen 1&2

Glen Suite Invite only

Glen 3

12:45–17:45La Mon entrance

Glen 1&2Glen Suite


11:45–12:35 Delivering transformation together

We will set out the key transformation projects across our system and discuss with leaders the priorities and practicalities for Health and Wellbeing 2026 – Delivering Together.

Sharon Gallagher, Director of Transformation, Department of Health NI

Martin Dillon, Chief Executive, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Dr Colin Fitzpatrick, Royal College of General Practitioners, NI

Nora Smith, Chief Executive and Secretariat Health Special Interest Group, CO3

Colette Goldrick, NI Director, Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry

12:35 - 12:45 Delegate discussion

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Programme outline

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16:30–17:10 Co-produced, compassionate and collective – Creating a new leadership culture

Health and Wellbeing 2026 – Delivering Together sets out an aspiration for a more collective leadership approach to deliver what is undoubtedly an extremely ambitious change agenda. In this session Professor Michael West will share his experience of developing and delivering these kind of approaches in England. We all have a role in creating high quality, compassionate care. As leadership is about actions, not just words, we will invite you to get involved – we are delivering together!

Professor Michael West, Head of Thought Leadership, The King’s Fund

17:10–17:15 Closing remarks

Dr Ian Clements, Chair HSC Chairs’ Forum, Chair Health and Social Care Board

17:15–18:15 Fringe sessions

18:30–22:30 Welcome reception and dinner Celebrating transformation

At this celebration dinner we will hear from our award winning colleagues who are leading change and improving care across NI. Belfast comedienne and author, Nuala McKeever, will provide our evening entertainment.

F4. Engaging with the NI Assembly Health Committee

F5. Allied Health Professions 2027 – Developing an alternative vision of the future of health’s third largest workforce

Glen 1&2

Glen 3&4

F1. Co-production in action – An audiology case study

F2. Excellence in co-production awards Patient Client Council

F3. Bite size ‘Self-care at work’, Miriam Chambers, Holistic Therapist, three 20-minute sessions

Your dream for ‘Delivering Together’ Camper Van of Dreams

08:00–09:00 Breakfast sessions

08:30–09:15 Coffee and exhibition

09:15–09:20 Welcome

Heather Moorhead, Director, NI Confederation for Health and Social Care

09:20–09.55 Accountable care organisations – Improving population health?

Chris Wood MD, Vice President/Medical Executive, Intermountain Healthcare and Cerner, Utah, USA

09.55–10:30 Digital transformation = Total system transformation

This session will explore the latest thinking and emerging practice in using technology to radically change the way we think about and deliver care.

Dr Michael Quinn, Electronic Health and Care, Clinical Director

Dr Dermot O’Riordan, Chief Clinical Information Officer, West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Scott Adams, Director of Integrated Health and Social Care, BT Global Services

10:30–11:30 Parallel sessions

Day two – Friday 19 May

F6. Driving productivity gains through clinical engagement, supported by Imprivata

F7. Transforming practice through workforce development, supported by Open University

Glen 1&2

Glen 3&4

P3. Digital Transformation – Let’s Talk!

eHealth leaders will explore with visiting experts and delegates how we can support each other to embrace and accelerate digital transformation in Northern Ireland.

P4. A Culture of Stewardship – Next Steps in Clinical Leadership

In this slightly extended session, Professor Keith Gardiner, Chief Executive, NI Medical and Dental Training Agency, will explore with Sir Muir Gray and other clinical leaders how clinicians can be supported to take on a greater role in shaping transformation.

(continued on page 6)

Glen 1&2

Main Auditorium

15:45–16:30 The patient elevator

The Programme of Government 2016–21 sets out our aspiration to improve patient experience and a key element of Health and Wellbeing 2026 – Delivering Together is to move to a much greater co-production approach. In this session, five patients will tell their own stories and we will explore with our panel what we can learn for emerging practice

Charlotte McArdle, Chief Nursing Officer, Department of Health, NI

Carmel Harney, Assistant Director, Allied Health Professions, Southern HSCT

Catherine Howe, Director, Digital Innovation, Capita

Peter McBride, Chief Executive, Inspire Wellbeing

Maeve Hully, Chief Executive, Patient Client Council

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Programme outline

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10:30–11:30 Parallel sessions (continued)

P5. Brexit – Navigating in unchartered waters

Danny Mortimer, Chief Executive, NHS Employers, and Tom Daly, Assistant National Director HSE ( RoI) and Director General CAWT, will explore with local leaders the potential impact of Brexit and the actions and opportunities which may be available to us.

P6. Rethinking, redesigning care

We will hear about the new primary percutaneous coronary (cath labs) intervention service, Mid and East Antrim Active Aging Partnership, and from the British Heart Foundation about how they are rethinking and redesigning care. Are there lessons for us all?

P7. Systems not structures – Getting to grips with the principles of accountable care

In this session, chaired by Peter McNaney, Chair BHSCT, there will be opportunity to explore the themes and principles for more local accountable care systems described in the Expert Panel report, Systems Not Structures and Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together. Learning from work in England and the USA we will consider the principles and how we could embrace these in Northern Ireland.

Glen 3&4

Glen 5&6

Glen Suite

Milford Foyer

12:55–13:25 Transformation means transformation

We often talk about transformation, but what do we really mean? With over five decades of thinking beyond convention, Sir Muir Gray will inspire colleagues to challenge themselves to create something beyond their existing practice. Leaving the clichés behind, what could transformation mean in your world?

Sir Muir Gray, Healthcare Leader, Innovator and Author

13:25–13:30 Closing remarks

Colum Conway, Chief Executive, Northern Ireland Social Care Council, Vice Chair Northern Ireland Confederation

13:30–14:30 Lunch and networking

Fringe session

F8. Implementing digital change – A clinical perspective, supported by Intersystems

14:15–15:45 F9. eHealth roundtable

Glen Suite Given we have a range of visiting experts in Northern Ireland, the eHealth team will host a further delegate discussion on the opportunities and practicalities of supporting digital transformation in Northern Ireland.

13:30–14:15Glen 1&2

Open to all delegates

11.30- 12.00 Exhibition and refreshments

11.30am Mobile health taster Connected Health Innovation Centre

12:00 - 12:55 The Big Debate – Workforce

The big debate this year will focus on the emerging new workforce strategy. Health and social care is a people business – will everything else be undermined if we do not get this right?

Tony Stevens, Chief Executive, Northern Health and Social Care Trust

Danny Mortimer, Chief Executive, NHS Employers

Patricia Donnelly, Chair, Independent Healthcare Providers

Janice Smyth, Director, Royal College of Nursing, Northern Ireland

Dr Michael Moran, Junior Doctor

Alex Kane, Political Commentator


Programme outline

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14Event supported by #NICON17

We will be tweeting throughout the two days, so remember to follow us at #NICON17

All conference presentations, biographies of speakers, reports and other information about the 2017 conference will be available on the Northern Ireland Confederation web pages at:

InformationMain AuditoriumBallygowan Suite, Milford Suite

Parallel and fringe session roomsGlen 1&2, 3&4 and Glen Suite

Exhibition and Technology LunchRiverview Suite

ExhibitionBallygowan Suite & Milford Foyers


Glen Suite


MilfordSuite Gransha

SuiteGlen 1

Glen 2

Glen 3

Glen 4






Entrance toMilford Reception


Entrance toBallygowan Suite
















County Cluband Bedrooms




Glen 5

Glen 6



Page 8: #NICON17/media/Confederation/Files... · 2018. 5. 31. · 08:30–09:30 Registration, exhibition and networking 09:30–09:40 Welcome Mark Carruthers – Broadcaster, compère for

Day 1 – Thursday 18 May 13:45–14:45

P1. Transforming primary care – New approaches (Glen 1&2)

The new vision for primary care, set out in the Review of GP-Led

Services 2016, is designed to better meet the increasing needs of citizens in the community in a more joined up way. The future model of care is to be based on multidisciplinary teams embedded within GP federations, focused on prevention, providing greater capacity to keep individuals and communities well.

In this session, we will set out the vision for change and explore specifically the role of the new 150 practice-based pharmacists, as we take our first steps in delivering this change.

Chair • Mark Lee, Director, Primary Care, Department of Health NI

Panel • Dr Margaret O’Brien, Assistant Director, Integrated Care, Health and Social Care Board • Joe Brogan, Pharmacy and Medicines Management, Health and Social Care Board • Glynis McMurtry, Federation Pharmacist Co-ordinator • Kerry Finlay, Practice based pharmacist lead

This session is supported by our partners, Napp.

P2. Quality and improvement – Our everyday practice? (Glen Suite)

In the context of Health and Wellbeing 2026 – Delivering Together, the ability to recognise, scale and spread innovation and improvement at pace to achieve better outcomes for patients and service users, is a central component. Dr Anne Kilgallen, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, has been leading a work stream to co-design and prototype a regional system that enables those behaviours to become the norm.

Along with members of the design collaborative, Dr Kilgallen will tell the story so far and offer you an opportunity to contribute from your perspective and experience. How can we collectively make improving quality our everyday business?

Speakers • Dr Anne Kilgallen, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Department

of Health NI • Members of the design collaborative

Day 2 – Friday 19 May 10:30–11:30

P3. Digital transformation – Let’s talk! (Glen 1&2) Health and Wellbeing 2026 – Delivering Together sets

out our vision for health and social care to build on our groundbreaking NI Electronic Health Care Record to embrace digital transformation more, in parallel with many projects across the wider NHS. However, we all know health and social care is all about people - staff, patients and partners.

In this conversational session led by Dr Michael Quinn, there will be an opportunity to talk about how we can help ourselves capture the opportunities and harness the energy across our system so that we can ‘deliver together’. Our visiting experts Dr Dermot O’Riordan, Scott Adams and Catherine Howe will join the conversation to contribute from their experience of leading change.

Chair • Dr Michael Quinn, Regional Chief Clinical Information


Contributors • Dr Dermot O’Riordan, Chief Clinical Information Officer,

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust • Scott Adams, Director of Integrated Health and Social Care,

BT Global Services • Catherine Howe, Director of Digital Innovation, Capita

P4. A culture of stewardship – Next steps in clinical leadership (Main Auditorium)

There is an emerging sense in health and social care that

clinicians should be supported to take on a greater role in leading system transformation.

In this session introduced by Professor Keith Gardiner, we will explore the work of groundbreaking clinician Sir Muir Gray, as he calls on clinicians to take on a greater stewardship role, delivering decisions of value for our population. His ideas are set out in a short paper prepared for NICON17, A Culture of Stewardship. Sir Muir will then join a wider discussion with Mr Simon MacGowan, Mary Hinds, Gwilym Thompson and Dr Rachel Doherty.

This session is slightly extended and will run until 11.40am

Speaker • Sir Muir Gray, Healthcare Leader, Innovator

and Author

Panel• Mr Simon MacGowan, Director of Royal College of Surgeons

Northern Ireland• Mary Hinds, Director of Nursing, Public Health Agency • Gwilym Thompson, Health Economic Lead, Janssen UK• Dr Rachel Doherty, ADEPT Fellow

Transformation showcase – Learning from our peers, partners and patients

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Parallel sessions

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P5. Brexit – Navigating in unchartered waters (Glen 3&4)

On 28 March 2017, Theresa May triggered Article 50, officially beginning the process for the UK to leave the EU. Building on our briefing paper: Northern Ireland and the EU Exit, senior colleagues will highlight the emerging issues around workforce, regulation and shared services and consider the actions we can take to secure the best outcomes for our citizens.

Chair • Andrew Dawson, Acting Director of Workforce Policy,

Department of Health, Northern Ireland

Speakers •Danny Mortimer, Chief Executive, NHS Employers •Damian McAlister, HR Director, Belfast Health and Social

Care Trust •Tom Daly, Assistant National Director, HSE (RoI)

P6. Re-thinking, re-designing care (Glen 5&6)

Health and Wellbeing 2026 – Delivering Together sets our vision to reform our community and hospital services to provide care when and where it is needed.

In this session we will hear from three innovative leaders who

are seeking to deliver care in different ways. This session will be chaired by Dr Mark Taylor and will include contributions from Dr Albert McNeill about a new groundbreaking regional cardiac service. Karen McCammon talks about designing new care pathways involving service users, and Deirdre McCloskey about how we can work much more collectively at local level to transform care.

Chair • Dr Mark Taylor, Bengoa expert panel member

Contributors • Dr Albert McNeill, Cardiac Specialist, Western Health and Social

Care Trust • Karen McCammon, Clinical Engagement Lead, British Heart Foundation • Deirdre McCloskey, Project Co-ordinator for the Mid and East

Antrim Active Aging Partnership

P7. Systems not structures – Getting to grips with the principles of accountable care (Glen Suite)

In the Expert Panel report Systems Not Structures – Changing Health and Social Care, it says: “care should be personalised, preventative, participative and predictive” – but that these objectives cannot be delivered in the present reactive fragmented system. We require a new organisational form at local delivery level to embed these new approaches in the culture of care. Peter McNaney, Chair Belfast HSCT, will chair this session were we will explore the themes and principles and what this might mean in our own local context.

Chair •Peter McNaney, Chair, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Panel •Emma Holden, Health and Social Care Board and Department

of Health NI •Phil McCarvill, Deputy Director of Policy, NHS Confederation •Chris Wood MD, Vice President,Intermountain, Utah

ShowcaseDay 1 Thursday 18 May 13:15

Engage – The one-stop website for involvement in health and social care (Riverview)Public Health Agency

There is an increased awareness of the value of involving patients and partners to transform care and much emerging new practice. Public Health Agency has developed a website to help us all improve our practice and learn from each other.

This new website will provide staff, service users and carers with a range of information, guides and links to encourage people to get involved, showcasing the difference it can make. Come along and hear how this resource may be useful for you.

TasterDay 2 Friday 19 May 11:30

Mobile Health TasterConnected Health Innovation Centre

The Connected Health Innovation Centre (CHIC) at the University of Ulster seeks to lead transformational research which aligns care needs with technology providers, researchers and clinical experience. At coffee and through to lunch CHIC will showcase a selection of their most innovative projects. Come along to meet some of our local innovators and visit the assisted living van parked outside. Can this technology help to transform your work?

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Parallel, Showcase and Taster sessions

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Day 1 – Thursday 18 May 12:45–13:45F1. Co-production in action – An audiology case

study (Glen 3&4) Maeve Hully will explore how patient groups, commissioners,

professional bodies and providers are transforming audiology services in England, including the co-production of a national commissioning framework. There will also be a discussion on the obstacles, opportunities and outcomes associated with transforming practice, including how lessons can be applied to other services. Harjit Sandhu and guests from the NHS in England will join this session.

Speakers• Maeve Hully, Chief Executive, Patient Client Council

Contributors • Jonathan Parsons, Managing Director, CHIME Social

Enterprise •Harjit Sandhu, Director of Policy and Strategy,

National Community Hearing Association

F2. Excellence in Co-Production Awards (Glen Suite, invitation only)

In this session the Patient Client Council will present awards to colleagues across our system who are taking a lead in involving patients and service users in shaping great care. This session is by invitation only.

F5. Allied Health Professions – 2027 developing an alternative vision of the future of health’s third largest workforce (Glen 3&4)

Jane Hanley and Hazel Winning will host an interactive

session to imagine the future. If Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) embrace the digital revolution, support people look after themselves and design new models of care, what might the future look like and what does that mean for practice and workforce planning today? How can AHPs be at the frontline leading transformation?

Speakers • Jane Hanley, Chair of the Allied Health Professionals

Federation Northern Ireland • Hazel Winning, Allied Health Professionals Lead,

Department of Health

F3. Bite size ‘Self-care at work’ Three 20-minute sessions (Glen 3)

We must look after ourselves in order to look after others.

Come along and join one of three 20-minute sessions to pick up some quick tips to keep you happy and healthy at work.

Faciliatator •Miriam Chambers, Holistic Therapist

Please book at reception.

Day 1 – Thursday 18 May 17:15–18:15

F4. Engaging with the NI Assembly Health Committee (Glen 1&2)

Ever wondered about how you can improve your influencing? Come along to this session where you will hear about the work of the NI Health Committee from Paula Bradley MLA and Eilis Haughey. Paula and Eilis will explain how they engage with a range of stakeholders and play an active scrutiny role in supporting transformation across health and social care. After brief presentations, we will have an open discussion to consider how we can all engage with the Health Committee as a positive vehicle for change and to deliver together.

Chair • Andrew Dougal, Chair, Public Health Agency

Speakers • Paula Bradley MLA, outgoing Chair NI Assembly Health

Committee • Eilis Haughey, Clerk, NI Assembly Health


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Fringe sessions

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F7. Transforming practice through workforce development (Glen 3&4)

( A core aspect of Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together is the recognition that in order to transform practice, investment must be made to develop the skills of the existing health and social care workforce. It is clear that healthcare organisations that invest in learning and development of their employees empower them to provide a higher standard of care.

Work-based training can take many forms: from embedding a very specific behaviour change, right through to creating wider opportunities for staff to progress upwards through the organisation and develop a fulfilling career.

Given the recruitment challenges that the sector faces in key areas, developing existing staff is also a vital aspect of achieving a more sustainable approach to workforce planning.

The Open University has decades of experience in supporting people working in health and social care at all levels, to use learning to positively impact on practice. This session will be introduced by Colum Conway, and the panel debate, chaired by John D’Arcy, will explore the challenges that the health and social care sector currently faces when it comes to work-based learning.

How can the Open University’s unique approach and broad range of provision help?

Contributors • Colum Conway,

Chief Executive, NI Social Care Council

• John D’Arcy, Director, Open University, Ireland

F6. Driving productivity gains through clinical engagement (Glen 1&2)

The success of the Electronic Health and Care Record (EHCR) will depend significantly on the role of clinicians and collaboration across multi-disciplinary lines. In this session Dr Saif Abed and Dr Shane McKee will discuss practical examples of how different stakeholders across eHealth are coming together to deliver productivity gains for services in Northern Ireland and what this means for the EHCR. Dr Abed and Dr McKee will be joined by a range of colleagues to explore how we can build on these important first steps.

Speakers • Dr Saif Abed, European Medical Director, Imprivata • Dr Shane McKee, Chief Clinical Information Officer, Belfast

Health and Social Care Trust

Day 2 – Friday 19 May 8:00–9:00

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Day 2 – Friday 19 May 13:30–15:45F8. Implementing digital change – A clinical perspective (Glen 1&2)

Dr Graham Evans will tell the story of how their trust embarked on an eHealth/digital programme as part of a wider health and care system digital strategy. The programme set out to replace multiple legacy systems to bring information together in to one unified enterprise-wide solution.

This is a story of clinical leadership, investment, partnership, and greater safety and efficiency but it was not without its ups and downs along the way. Following a short presentation, Graham will join Dr Michael Quinn to discuss lessons on what we want to do in Northern Ireland.

Speakers • Dr Graham Evans, Chief Information and Technology

Officer, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust • Dr Michael Quinn, Electronic Health and Care Record

Clinical Lead

F9. eHealth roundtable (Glen 1&2)

Given we have a range of visiting experts in Northern Ireland, Sean Donaghy will host a further delegate discussion on the opportunities and practicalities of supporting digital transformation in Northern Ireland.

This session is open to all delegates.

Chair • Sean Donaghy, Director of eHealth and External



Fringe sessions

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12Event supported by #NICON17

Day 1 – Thursday 18 May 13:45–14:45

Café conversations are back by popular demand this year.

Pick out three topics from this list of 20 and during one hour you can chat to the experts about how they are delivering transformation. It’s an opportunity for us all to learn together.

1. Improving medical communication at handover

2. Co-production in tackling child sexual exploitation of boys and young men

3. Thumbs up for hand therapy: Do you take your hands for granted?

4. Co-producing strategy with family carers: Moving beyond the tick box

5. Open your eyes to project ECHO: Building system capacity

6. From dependence to independence: A social prescribing programme

7. Changing focus: Solutions in primary care

8. Dispensing health: Community pharmacy’s solution for health and social care

Café conversations

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9. Try on the enforcers hat: Balancing regulation vs improvement

10. HSC’s Got (Clinical Leadership) Talent!

11. 140 characters: Engage, learn, and influence

12. Integrated respiratory service: How we delivered “exactly what it says on the tin”

13. Much more than just transport: Stories from a changing ambulance service

14. Tackling the world’s biggest killer: The modern fight against cardiovascular disease

15. The right patient, the right care, the right time: Managing transition

16. Working together to transform dementia care

17. Get your Blue Peter badge on involvement

18. Living not existing: Prioritising prevention

19. Learning from the dragon: a Welsh conversation on prudent healthcare

20. Rowers, pirates and rocketships: A taster of digital disruption

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Dr Damian Fogarty

Café conversations

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14Event supported by #NICON17

Thank you to our supporters


Page 15: #NICON17/media/Confederation/Files... · 2018. 5. 31. · 08:30–09:30 Registration, exhibition and networking 09:30–09:40 Welcome Mark Carruthers – Broadcaster, compère for

15Event supported by #NICON17

Thank you to our supporters

Page 16: #NICON17/media/Confederation/Files... · 2018. 5. 31. · 08:30–09:30 Registration, exhibition and networking 09:30–09:40 Welcome Mark Carruthers – Broadcaster, compère for

14Event supported by #NICON17

Save The DaTe

NICON 2018 annual Conference16–17 May 2018, La Mon, Belfast

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Registered charity no. 1090329

The Beeches

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