Page 1: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A* V irg ilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e r e e s y

Red-wing be lam

Page 2: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

f i r e f l i e s at tw i l ig h t . . .

a tumble-down outhouse:

the wind thumbing through a catalogue

A tumble-down outhouseOf a sudden streaking -

and as suddenly

F ir e f l ie s at t w i l i g h t , . ,

a tumble-down outhouse -

and a breeze-blown catalogue.

A tumble-down outhouse:

spring breeze r i f f l e s a catalogue

the crescent moon.

Of a sudden sparkling -

and as sudden darkening...

Of a sudden sparkling -

and as suddenly darkening

a shooting s tar •

A th

A tumble-down outhouse:

spring wind thumbs through a catalogue -

the crescent moon.

F i r e f l i e s at dusk

Afternoon heat and haze

beat down on an old scarecrow - cicada

a die tant

A tumble-down outhouse:

cold wind thumb©: through a catalogue

the tw iligh t moon.

Page 3: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i c 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New J e rs ey ’

Not a sound;

the f a l l e n scare crowA *

i s a Buddha

Page 4: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

A f i r e f l y at twilights

s a t o r i . * .sa to r i

{ memento mori )

The I ot© a f fa i r e

of the f i r e f l y

F ir e f l ie s at tw iligh t -

The love a f f a i r

of the morning-glory

A f i r e f l y at tw i l ig h t . . *

has a f l a i r

The tw ilight p a rk . . .

a f i r e f l y has a f l a i r

for moi;

The tw ilight park ...

a f i r e f l y has a f l a i r

for * glory a f f a i r s •

Afterglow -

and a cardinal adding l i l t hreezy

to ^^yX^^/mimosa k i l t s .

Poet ash ore ..•

casting a rhyme,

out of his time.

A hreezy b i r c h . . .

The hreezy birch

The tresses of the birch -

and the heart of spring

is a tw ittering b ird -n est .

The heart o f spring

is a tw ittering b ird -

The heart of spring

in the tresses of the birch

is a tw ittering b ird -n est .

The heart of s p r in g . . .

in the tresses o f the birch;

a tw ittering b ird -neat.

Page 5: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A . Y i r g i l i c 1092 Niagara Hoad Camden 4, New Jersey

- Autumn morning sum

To care more f o r l i f e ,

and l e s s , f o r what people think

Page 6: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

To A Woman Easter morning;

Crawl inside the church and a sunbeam

The raind you love:

Bake in the oven

Of desire .

match spire fo r sp ire .

Autumn mist• . »

Crawl insidea blue jay empties the morning -

and f i l l s my loneliness.The mind you love

Warm in the oven

Of des ire . The footprints of a c lo u d .. .

stepping o f f into the f ie ld :A ripe blackberry -

and a crow in the busha path of puddles.

beats the other b irds L

' ' c ,___/The evening sun

ripp les on a distant f la g :

A ripe blackberry -the winter wind.

and a crow beats the other birdsA distant f la g

to the bush i r ip p l in g i in the winter wind

A melting ithe evening sun.

Melting ic ic le s -

and the sound and rhyme of wind chimes

in a puddle• Of a sudden winging -

Of a sudden winging - and as sudenly

and as suddenly c l in g in g . . .

a le a f on the wind. ul a 9u(*en darting

Of a sudden darting -

Page 7: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A* Y i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Hoad Camden 4, New Jersey

In the w e t ,

mimc3a t r e e ,

bats hanging

Page 8: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

The ripp ling pond;

a cicada in harmony• • .and beyo

The r ipp ling pool:

a cicada in harmony• • .and "beyond -

the distant siren*

Twilight snow f a l l s ,

and clouds f i l l the "belly

of the lak e •

The black cat awakens,

and f i r e f l i e s op

The sun shines in Yain:

my neighbor’ s d irin ing arm

is aching fo r rain

The black cat awakens,

and a f i r e f l y opens the eye

of n ight.

The sun shines in vain;

my neighbor’s diyining arm

is aching fo r ra in .

Tw iligh t snow fa l ls ,

and sleeping geese p ile mashe potatoes

on the lake bank.

The old shrew screams,

and fangs of ic ic le seayes.

f a l l from the

Twilight snow f a l l s ,

and sleeping geese p ile mashed potatoes

on the lake bank.

the church spire f i t s a sunbeam

Gome crawl in side

Women who lore the mind

Come crawl inside

The mind you lore

Twilight snow:

clouds f i l l the be lly

of the lake•

Crawl inside

The mind you lore

Bake in the cren

Of desire

Page 9: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A* V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road. Camden 4, New Jersey

Crescent in the t re e .* .

monkey wrenching bananas

Page 10: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

The evening sun..*

spreading on water l i l i e s;

the spawning moon.

Snow f a l l s ,

and sleeping geese p ile mashed pot

on the lake hank.

The spawning moon -

and the evening sun spreading

on water l i l i e s .

Red-wing bedlam -

from the f lu rry of c a tta i l seed

the ca t 's t a i l .

b lackberries

her dripping breast -

and a water l i l y opening

on the moon.

Twilight snow;

sleeping geese p ile mashed potatoes

on the lake bank.

The coo lness .. .

a stolen melon under my arm;

the autumn moon.

On the lake bank -

sleeping geese p ile mashed potatoes;

tw ilight snow.V z - ' — — -


The coo lness ...

a stolen melon under my arm -

the August moon. The moon is with child ,


’The pregnant moon. • • •

putty in the hands of the lake

A water l i l y d r ip s . . .

the r ip p le 's core is the nippleA -*>

of the moon.V \


The water l i l y d r ip s . . .

The maiden's breast d r ip s . . .

the r ip p le 's core i s the nipple

of the moon

Page 11: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A, V i r g i l i c 1092 Niagara Read Camden 4, New Jersey

Autumn morning grass;

dew in the sun -

d is t re ssed woman searching

f o r a j e w e l .

Page 12: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

A th underlie ad A thunderhead oyer the skyscraper

sheds a sunbeam

The c i t i e s 1 bridge:

a thunderhead sheds a sunbeam.*. City

A thunderhead over the c i t i e s ’ bridge

The city sky l i n e . . .

a thunderhead over a skyscraper

A thunderhead sheds a shaft of ligh t sheds a sunbeam.

a thunderhead sheds a sunbeam

on the c it ies* bridge

The c it ies* bridge -

a thunderhead sheds a sunbeam

The c it ies* busy bridge -

a thunderhead sheds a sunbeam...

the g l i t te r in g r iv e r .

Easter morning;

a thunderhead sheds a sunbeam:

the g l i t t e r in g sp ire .

The c i t i e s ’ busy streets -

The blue of evening

The city sky l i n e . . .

a thunderhead over the busy bridge

sheds a sunbeam.

The c ities* busy bridge -

a thunderhead over a church spire

sheds a sunbeam.

The c i t ie s ' busy bridge -

a thunderhead sheds a sunbeam

on a church sp ire .

The c i t ie s ' busy bridge -

a thunderhead sheds a sunbeam:

the church's steep le .

Page 13: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicho las A. V i r g i l i o 1092 N iagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

Looking f o r the mailman;

the f a l l i n g l inden leaves

sound of the blue j a y .

Page 14: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

xhe yDawn peeps through rippled clouds

The t ra in 's roar and rush -

Dawn spreads on rippled clouds:

surf creeps on the sleeping beach.*,

touching lo v e r 's Soles

l e f t , a "drunk” on the p latfo rm .*

the deserted subway.


Dawn peeps from clouds:

3urf creeps on rippled sand

ioung woman...

place the carnation - take courage

pat his h ead, and^«»£ie.

The peeping dawn,

and creeping surf on ripp led sand ...

touches love r 's so les .

The peeping dawn,

and creeping su rf reach the ripp led san d .. .

touching lovers ' so les .

The peeping dawn,

and creeping su rf reaching rippled sand ...

touching lovers ' so les .

The deserted subway...

g listen ing r a i l s outdistance

The t r a in 's rush and roar• • •

l e f t , a drunkard in the d u s t . . .

The tra in 's roar and rush - The t ra in 's roar and rush -

l e f t , in the d u s t . . .l e f t , a "drunk” in the d u s t . . .

the deserted subway.the deserted subway.

Page 15: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

S i t t i n g

on the Indian rain drum,

the b l in d man shakes a tambourine.

Page 16: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Dawn ‘butters ripp led clouds

Dawn spreading on ripp led clouds

Dawn spreading on wavy cloud

Dawn spreading on ripp led c lo u d s .. .

su rf reaching

Dawn spreads on rippled c louds .. .

the su rf reaches up the beach

Dawn reaches ripp led c lou ds .. .

surf spreading on the beach

Dawn reaches rippled clouds:

surf creeps on the sleeping beach ...

touching lo v e r ’ s so les .

The deserted subway...

g listen ing r a i l s outdistancing

the dust, roar and rush of the train

The deserted subway...

G listening r a i l s

outdistance the t ra in ’ s roar and rush .* ,

the deserted subway.


Dawn reacg

Dawn reaches ripp led c louds .. .

surf creeping on the sleeping beach...

Dawn on the dusty laloe:

quiet sw irls of c a rp . . .

the rhyme of rippled clouds.

Dawn reaching ripp led clouds:

surf creeping on the sleeping beach.*

Dawn reaches rippled clouds;

surf spreads on the sleeping beach.,

touching love r ’ s so les .

Dawn creeps on ripp led clouds;

su rf spreads on the sleeping beach

touching the

Dawn creeps on ripp led clouds

Dawn peeps on ripp led clouds

Page 17: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A» V i r g i l i c 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

Cumulus • •.

hoy,throws a custard cone

* " in the pond: hot toms-up geese

Page 18: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

xhe city sky l in e . * *

afternoon haze smolders on roof tops

city sky l in e . * *

afternoon haze smolders on

a s t i l l f la g *

The deserted subway....

g listen ing r a i l s outdistancing

the dust and rush of the tra in ’.

Midnight subway s ta t io n ..*

a lone l igh t g listens on the r a i l -

the dust and rush of the tra in l

Midnight subway s t a t io n . . .

the g listen ing r a i l outdistancing

A robin hides her tw ittering nest

in the tresses of the w illow .

Midnight subway station -

a g l

Midnight subway

The tresses of the willow

hide her tw ittering nest

from the shrieking blue jay

Midnight subway s ta t io n . . .

g listen ing r a i l s outdistancing

the dust and rush of the tra in

The tresses of the willow

hides the maiden of spring:

a tw ittering nest.

The midnight subway...

g listen ing r a i l s outdistancing

the dust and rush of the tra in *.

The w il low ’ s tresses

hide the Jl^iden of Spring:

a tw ittering ne3t.f


The deserted subway...

g listen ing r a i l s outdistancing

Page 19: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e


*•' . ; J V 00 >J

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

. • j .;

* ‘ •: •- ' . *■ " •** . . . . . . . . ™ V ' '■* ' ’

. . - ’ •’ . . . a . ' / i ;

Under the w i l l o w ,

neanderthal man

smoke-bil low.

• •; T y

n *

T ‘

J . !


Page 20: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

A metronome,

and grandfather’ s clock in the mirror

keeps time to its rhyme.

A metronome,

and grandfather’ s clock in the mirror

keeping time to it s rhyme.

The wading maiden...

a water l i l y is the nipple

of the moon.

By the wading maiden's b re a s t . . .

a water l i l y is the nipple

of the moon.

A radio tower l ig h t ,

and a f i r e f l y over the pond

keeping time to its rhyme.


By the water l i l

By the wading maiden's b re a s t . . .

a water l i l y opens

on the moon*The deserted fa rm .. .

f i r e f l i e s about tumble-down outhouse:-

the crescent moon.

A moonlit ware f a l l s . . . .

spreading surf reaches ripp led sanThe deserted ranch ...

fcf i r e f l i e s about ihe tumble-down outhouse:

the crescent moon.

Dawn buttering c louds ;. .

spreading surf reaches ripp led sand...

touches lo v e r ’ s so les .

a water l i l y i s the nipple Ber dripping b r e a s t . . .

of the moon a water l i l y is the nipple

of the moon.

A wading maiden...

Page 21: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A.. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Hoad Camden 4* New Jersey

Esca la tor a f i r e :

Red Bal l-sun

on the r ip p l in g lake.

Page 22: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

The Bed .Ball subiferris w hee ling .. .

clouds in consonance with custard

The Red B a l l - s u n . . . and cotton-candy.

sprawled on the steps

of the ripp ling lake.

Casting a net -

catching h is face in a w eb ...Twilight snow -

a fisherman in mistthe lo st white glove

A fisherman in m is t . . .

Twilight snow... casting a net -

on the sidewalk, the lo s t white glove -

and the wind thatw

Twilight snow...

on the sidewalk, a white glove -

and the wind that wears i t . . .

Twilight snow -

a white glove on the sidewalk -

and the wind that wears it

Twilight snow -

the lost white glove models the hand

tw ilight

A fisherman in mist

casting a net -

catching his face in a web.

of the wind

Page 23: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A. V i r g i n o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

The c r ipp le

cuts his lawn:

a pigeon limps to a seed

Page 24: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

ij'rom the c i ty ’ s "busy s t r e e t . . .

the Church’ s spires pin the tapestry

of evening b lue.

The busy evening

From the busy c i t y . . .

the Church’s spires

pin the evening blue

Above the busy c ity -

the Church's sp ires

pin the evening b lue.

Overcast sunbeams

crisscross the* bay

Overcast sunbeams...

p ilings crisscross the r ive r

Overcast sunbeams:

pilings crisscross the b a y . . .

the c i t ie s ' busy bridge.

A scar

A scrawny cat in s l e e t . . .

pawing sp i l le d garbage -

" Got a dime for a cup ..*?”

h a i l in the b l in d man’ s* cup

The Depres sion . . .

a b lind man on the busy street

shakes a cupful of h a i l*

The Depression .••

The D epress ion ...

a blind man at the busy corner

shakes a cupful of h a i l .

The overcast sun

in the withered horse chestnut...

The overcast sun

in the withered horse chestnut

"The President was shot l "

Page 25: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicho las A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Hoad Camden 4, New Jersey

Summer "breeze -

c i g a r e t t e smoke and a web

on my f a c e .

Page 26: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

The c ities* busy bridg

Overcast sunbeams

crisscross the r i v e r . . ,

the c it ies* busy bridge*

Red-wing bedlam %

Red-wing bedlam -

from the f lu r ry of c a t ta i l seed**,

a scurrying cat l

The c i t ie s ' busy bridge -

overcast sunbeams

crisscross the r iv e r .

'The blue of evening

a tt ire s the church's spires -

the c ity 's busy s t ree ts .

Evening blue

attires the church's spires -

the city's busy streets.

and a church's 3pires in a world

of evening blue.Atu

The blue of en

'The c i t y 's busy streets

City a Icy line -

evening sun f i r e s the church spire -

and the Statue of l ib e r tyI

City sky line

evening sun f ire s the Empire's spire

The church's spires

The Church's spires

pin the tapestry of evening blue

the c i ty 's busy streets .

and the Statue of l ib e r ty .

k Church's spires

pin the tapestry of evening blue -

the c ity 's busy streets .

Page 27: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A . V i r g i l i c 1092 Niagara Road. Camden 4, New Jersey

Dew, brave dew * , .

dying, w i th a smile

autumn morning sun

Page 28: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

The church’ s spires

in the blue of evening -

the c it ie

The church's spires

in the blue of evening -

the c ity 's busy streets !

Easter mornij;

Easter morning;

a thunderhead sheds a sunbeam

on an id io t catching motes*

The Easter Parade -

The Eat

The Easter Parade -

a thunderhead sheds a sunbeam

on an id io t catching motes*

A sunbeam sheathes an idiot

catching motes*

The c i t ie s ' busy bridge -

a thunderhead shedding sunbeams:

A spider a lo f t . . *

the thunderhead sheds sunbeams -

The 3pider a l o f t . * •

a thunderhead sheds sunbeams -

the c i t ie s ' busy bridge.

a thunderhead shedding a sunbeam

sheathing the church steeple.

The c i t ie s ' busy bridge -

a thunderhead sheds a sunbeam a fyifyffyL spire

sheathing the 3teeple.

A church spire in a sheathe

of sunbeam

City sky line -

a thunderhead sheds a sunbeam34atue

sheathing the S o f l ib e r ty .

The Easter Parade -

a thunderhead1s sunbeam

sheathes an id io t catching motes.

Page 29: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas- A . V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Hoad * * Camden 4, New Jersey


Cold autumn morn -

warm* in the f a l l e

f a l l i n g l ea ves .

Page 30: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

A thunderhed

A tbunderbeadis sunbeam

sheathes a church steeple

Tbe c i t i e s ’ busy bridge -

a tbunderbead' s sunbeamspire

sbeatbes a churcb steep le .

A tbunderbead*s sunbeam

spotlights a dory at sea

on a curling wave.

A tbum

The ore r cast ’ a sunbeams:


The overcast's sunbeams

crisscrossing tbe c it ie s ' sky line

the r iv e r 's busy bridge.

Overcast sunbeams

crisscross city sky l i n e . . .

tbe r iv e r 's busy bridge.

A tbunderbead's sunbeam

spotlights tbe c i t ie s ' busy bridge,

and a church s p ir e •

A tbunderbead's sunbeam

spotlights an id iot catching motea -

the Easter Parade.

Tbe c it ie s ' busy bridge -

a tbunderbead’ s sunbeam

spotlights a church sp ire .

City sky l in e ,

and tbe overcast's sunbeams

The overcast 's sunbeams


rhe ove rcas t 1s sunbeams

crisscrossing c ity sky line

Overcast sunbeams

crisscrossing c ity sky l i n e . . .

tbe r iv e r 's busy bridge.

Page 31: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

.Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

«This scarecrow

needs no company..,

only his purpose

Page 32: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

A distant cock*.*

sharpening the edge of dawn

the icy f ie ld s .

A distant cock ...

sharpening the edge of dawns

the frozen f i e ld s .

The frozen f i e l d s . . .

sharpening the edge o f dawn

a distant cock.

SAn ant on the t i l e

whiles away the day

solving an in v is ib le naze.

Page 33: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A. Y i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

Moonin a dead t r e e ;

dangling, white spider

Page 34: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

A s a i l on the b a i l

A s a i l on the bay.*,

the shark’ s f in sp l its the rhyme

of the moon.

An ant on the t i l e

seeking a way out

c f an in v is ib le maze.

An ant on the t i l e

plays at solving

an in v is ib le maze

On the autumn bay -

a shark’ s f in sp l i t s the rhyme

A shark's f in on the b a y . . .

sp l it t in g the rhyme of a s a i l -

and the crescent moon.

A hovering helicopter -

and a dragonfly ’ s staccato rhyme

in the pond.

A shark's f in on the b a y . . .

sp l it s the rhyme of a s a i l -

the crescent moon.

The crescent cuts through clouds,

and the rhyiae of a s a i lBy the tw ilight shrine -

a f i r e f l y glows in a glory

The crescent cuts through clouds,

and a shark 's f in on the bay

A shark's f in on the bay

sp l it s the rhyme c f a s a i l -

the crescent cuts through clouds.

By the tw iligh t shrine - * ;

The crescent cuts through clouds

and the shark* s fin on the bay

sp lits the rhyme of a s a i l .

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Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey


mimosa blossoms

on the side walk

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A muggy day ...

perspiring in the shades

a ja r of water.

A wisp of wind chimes -

hut August in the dog house

dozes a l l day.

In the shade -

A ugust

D r ift in g on the l a k e . . .

the autumn moon s lants i t s rhj/me

on the f a l l s .

August in the shade

spends i t s days in the dog house

The August afternoon. . .

dozing in the dog house

A scrawny cat in s l e e t . . .

walking on a broken records

"Brother» can you spare .. .? "

An August afternoon

dozing in the dog ho

In the r ive r -

The rhyme of the climbing crow

becomes a dot of dusk.

August sijends another day

in the dog house.

Tinkling wind chimes -

but August dozes a l l day

in the dog house.

in the thawed r ive r -G

the rhyme of the climbing cr

becomes a dot of dusk.

A wisp in the wind chimes -

but August in the dog house

dozes a l l day.

in the bay -

the shark's f in sp lits the rhyme

of the moon

Page 37: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A, V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Hoad Camden 4, New Jersey

Green scum on the l a k e * . ,

bug s k i t t e r s , round and round:

h e l i c o p t e r neath storm clouds

Page 38: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Beside the outhouse.

Above the outhouse,

the crescent moon

in the rank grass -

an old shoe soaked with dew

March wind haying a h a l l

A hot muggy day:

the w ater - ja r perspires in the shade


The hot muggy day

perspires in the shade

A hot muggy d a y . . . .

perspiring in the shade:

a Jar of water.

March wind kepps the h a l l ro l l in g

A sparriw

March wind keeps the h a l l r o l l in g

The shopping cart stops -

March wind keeps the h a l l ro l l in g

on the market l o t .

A sparrow on a linden limb

picking l ic e from leaves

.-By the stable -

a horsefly intent on the dunghill:

b illow ing clouds.The shopping cart stops -

but March wind keeps the

on the market lo t i

b a ll r o l l in g

Beside the cotton heap,

a horsefly climbs to the

Beside the cotton heap,

a horsefly climbs the dunghill

"billowing clouds.

Page 39: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Hoad. Camden 4, New Jersey

E l e c t r i c razor

cicada choir

Page 40: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Hailstones carom

in the blind man's cup.,*

the Great Depression.

Oyercast sunbeams

An overcast sunbeam

spotlights a climbing th ist le

A hailstone caroms

in the b lind nan1s cu$ ...

a th ist le climbs through the motes

of a sunbeam

the OMBt Depression.

Overcast sunbeams,

and p ilin gs crisscross the bay

An overcast sunbea^u

a climbing th ist le

among motes.


Overcast sunbeams,

and pi l in g s crisscross the r iver

the c i t i e s 1 busy bridge.


An overcast sunbeam

a cobweb cathi

An overcast sunbeams

a cobweb catching di

a cobweb s i f t in g a sunbeam

The old shed's broken windows

a cobweb s i f t s a sunbeam

catching dust motes.• n

I ..

Twilight snow -

l e f t , like the hand that wore i t . . *

the lo s t white glove

An overcast sunbeam

s i f t s thru the old shed's broken wind

A scrawny cat in s l e e t . . .

pawing sp i l le d garbage -

"brother, can you spare .. .? "

Twilight snow -

l e f t

Twilight snow -

Page 41: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A* V i r g i l i c 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

Prom the w i l lo w ,

smoke b i l l o w ;

clouds on a p i l l o w

Page 42: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

An August a fternoon .••

a du

An earthworm serred

on an o liy do ily of rainbow

An August

a distant

in haze..


cicada steeps• " \ \

An earthworm serred

on an o ily do ily of rainbow

to an early robin .

A distant c icad a .. .

steeping in haze:

a muggy afternoon

An earthworm serred

on an o i ly do ily of rainbow -

and an early robin .

A muggy day .*,

steeping in hazes

a distant cicada.

A muggy day. . .

the white heat of the barbecue:

billow ing clouds.

An earthe

An earthworm

A muggy day. . .

the white heat of b illow ing clouds


on an o ily do ily of rainbow,

serred to the early robin*

An earthworm ser

An August a fte rnoon ...

the white heat of b illow ing clouds

barbecues the eye.

An August a fternoon ...

the white heat of b illow ing clouds

barbecues the moon

Page 43: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

.Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey


This l o v e l y ,

autumn morning:

t rans f igu red scarecrow.

Page 44: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

A puzzle of leaves

The puzzle of leaves

f a l l in g on the lake*

finds a calm solution*

The puzzle of leaves


The puzzle of leaves

f a l l in g on the lake,

finds a sunny so lution .

The puzzle of leaves

f a l l in g on the puddle,

finds a sunny so lution .


The puzzle of leaves

f lo a t in g

The puzzle of leaves

f a l l in g on the lake,

come to a sunny so lution .

The puzzle of leaves

f a l l in g on the lake,

find a sunny so lution .

The puzzle of leaves

f a l l in g on the lake,

find a sunny

A muggy day

A anAugust

, puzzle of leaves(

f a l l in g on puddle, W

finds a sunny so lution .

The w il low 1® r e f le c t io n . *•

a wading nude maiden joins her twin

at the knee.

The dragonfly 's staccato rhyme -

legato shadow on a l i l y pad.

The dragonfly ’ s

staccato rhyme - legato shadow

on a l i l y pad.

The muggy

Page 45: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

.Nicholas A. V i r g i l i o1092 Niagara Hoad. Camden 4, New Jersey

This scarecrow

is not l i k e ordinary men

never meddlesome

Page 46: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

The tro lley wire

carries a cicada's tune*

rhymed in the r ipp lin g pond#

The tro lley wire

rhymed in the r ipp lin g pond*

carries a cicada 's tune#

/ -i


A helicopter

over the pond

buries the dragonfly 's rhyme

A hovering helicopter

buries the dragonfly 's rhyme

in the pond#

A hovering helicopter

hides the dragonfly 's rhyme

in the pond*

The tro l ley wire


The tro lley w ire 's rhyme

in the r ipp lin g r iv e r

V\The tro lley wire

rhymed in the ripp ling r iv e r ,

carries a c icada 's tune#

The he licet

A hovering helicopter


A hovering helicopter

hides the dragonfly ’s rhyme

in the r iv e r*X

A hovering helicopter

over the r iv e r ,

hides the dragonfly ’ s rhyme

A hovering helicopter

rhymed in the r iv e r ,

hides a dragonfly.

rhymed in the r iv e r ,

hides a dragonfly ’s . . .

Page 47: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

i I

Nicholas V i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road C&rnden 4, ’New Je rs e y

J-' ■ *


: G ' S T (T80

"■ T T T , r=Autumn ra in s to rm . . .

' G ’

Page 48: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

in the lake shallows -

a naked maiden neath a w illow # .,

joins her twin at the knee.

Beneath a willow -

a nude maiden wadew

A wading nude maiden...

jo ing

A wading nude maiden...

joins her twin at the knee:

the rhyme of a w illow .

Beneath a willow -

a nude maiden wadesin the w il lo w 's rhyme,

a wading nude maiden

In the lake shallows -

a nude maiden wades neathA wading nude maiden

in the willow*a rhyme,

jo ins her twin at the knee

in the lake shallows -

a nude maiden wades in a w illow 's rhyme

A nude maiden in the sh a llo w s .. .

wades in a w illow 's rhyme,

joins her twin at the knee.

A nude maiden wades

in the w il low 's re f le c t ion ,

jo in ing her twin at the knee.

A nude maiden w ading ...

jo in ing her twin at the kries

ihe w il low 's rhyme...

a wading nude maiden joins her twin

A nude maiden wades

in the w il low 's rhyme,

jo in ing her twin at the knee.

In the w il low 's re f le c t io n ,

a nude maiden

A wading* nude maiden

in the w illow 's re f le c t io n ,

jo in ing her twin at the knee.

at the kne e

Page 49: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

Nicholas A . Y i r g i l i o 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4, New Jersey

"-Jli'Z hci:--: *

l i g h t n in g forks

the w i l lo w :

a "branch f a l l s

on the hay wagon

Page 50: Nicholas A* Virgilic 1092 Niagara Road Camden 4 , New J e

The r ipp lin g pond:

a c icada 's song in harmony - and beyond...

the distant siren

P i l in g s and t h e ir rhymes

The old pond a l l i t e r a t e the r iv e r .

A cicada's song ...

r ipp lin g over the pond

The old pond

ripp les to cicada song

Autumn evening sun:

pilings and their rhymes

a l l i t e r a t e the r iv e r .

The r ipp lin g pond

carries a cicada's

'The r ipp lin g pond...

carrying a cicada's tune:

a tro lley w ire .

\A tro l le y wire *. •

carrying a c icada 's tune:

the r ipp lin g pond.

in the pond -

a d ragon fly 's staccato

shadow on a l i l y pad.

rhyme » . •


In the pond -

a d ragon fly 's staccato rhyme-shadow

on a

In the pond -

a dragonfly 's staccato rhyme

on a l i l y pad.


In the pond -

a dragonfly 's staccato rhyme

legato on a l i l y pad.

A tro lley w i r e . . .

carrying a cicada's tune:

a ripp ling puddle•

Autumn afterglow :PuSCpipings and their r hypes

a l l i t e ra te the r iv e r .

The shopping cart stops -

hut March wind on the market lo t

Keeps the h a l l r o l l i n g . . .

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