
New York New York Times Times


Nate Martin, Hunter Livesay, Chris Tollack

Brief History of the New Brief History of the New York PhilharmonicYork Philharmonic

Founded in 1842 by Ureli Corelli Hill

Oldest Symphony Orchestra in the United States and one of the oldest in the world.

Played over 14,000 concerts

About the AuthorAbout the Author Steve Smith

Slightly acclaimed music columnist

Written for papers and magazines such as the Washington Post, Billboard, and the New York Times

Specifics About the Specifics About the ArticleArticle

Focuses on two main people: Emanuel Ax and Alan Gilbert

Uses colorful descriptions pertaining to the performance

Overall positive impression of the performance

Discusses Gilbert’s influence on the Philharmonic

Emanuel AxEmanuel Ax

Critically acclaimed classical pianist

Received the 2009 Institute for the Arts and Humanities Medal along with Yo-Yo Ma and violinist Itzhak Perlman

Written recently about how audiences should clap more at classical music productions

Emanuel AxEmanuel Ax

The article says" Emanuel Ax played with his customary poise and effervescence, shaping unaccompanied lines with a flexibility that offered a dramatic contrast to the surging drive elsewhere.”

Alan GilbertAlan Gilbert

The newest Musical Director of the New York Philharmonic

Made his debut September 16, 2009

Studied music at Harvard, Juliard, The Curtis Institute of Music and The New England Conservatory of Music

Alan GilbertAlan Gilbert Conducted the Royal

Stockholm Philharmonic, Santa Fe Opera and now the New York Philharmonic

Pictures of the NY Pictures of the NY PhilharmonicPhilharmonic

Alan Gilbert Conducting


This video shows Emanuel Ax playing

Video of the NY Philharmonic

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