
My name is Popa Lavinia and i am 17 years old, at school i study math and informatics and i am passiontate about traveling and photography.I want to make a trip during a week in Carpathian Mountains, Transylvania. Traveling and meeting local people and talk with them about how is life for them and taking photos of their lifestyle.This project is an old dream witch i decide to turn into something real, it means much to me because i was born in Romania and i want to discover the people and the way of they think and also to take photos of them in their daily routine.I need 500 Euro for this trip and with this money i will buy a tent, a pair of boots, a sleeping bag, other mountain equipment and i will pay my food for a week.This money is just a part of the whole sum that i need, the other part i received from family and friends.This project will show a lifestyle very different from the rest of romanian people and i think this is a good chance to talk to people and see what they think.I will write on my personal blog about this experience that is gonna change my life and my perception of life and because this i consider that this trip is my maturity trip.

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