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Kachhua Shri Yantra

Shree Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras. All the gods and goddesses are worshipped in it and all other religious adorations are done here. Made in thick copper sheet.


Blesses with peace, happiness, popularity, power, authority, wealth & prosperity.

Very beneficial during Kali Yuga to help achieve success, well being, good fortune, name and fame.

It push indefinitely and easily the limits of growth - both spiritually and materialistically.

Removes all sorts of obstacles and wards off all problems and negativities.

Mantra: Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalalaye Praseed Praseed !

Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Mahalaxmayee Namaha !!

Sri Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives the maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost everybody. It is the source of attaining all worldly desires & fulfilling allwishes through inner cosmic power & mental strength. "Shree Yantra" - Shreemeaning wealth and Yantra - Meaning "Instrument" - The Instrument for Wealth The Shree Yantra brings about material and spiritual wealth. Sri Yantrahas that unexplained power to fulfill all our wishes and change our life for the better. Shree Yantra is definitely the answer to all the problems and negativityin our life. Any Person using Shree (Shri) Yantra achieves much greater affluence, peace and harmony. Shree Yantra helps in breaking all the Obstacles in our life. It helps us push indefinitely and easily the limits of growth - both spiritually and materialistically. There are negative energies around us in greater or smaller magnitude. These negative energy stands in our way of achieving greater success, affluence, Harmony and Peace.

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Many times we find that life is out of our control. We find ourselves in a position of extreme stress, lack of peace and harmony, high degree of anxiety, friction in relationship with others, bad investments, faltering business, stagnation in life and profession, decreasing financial prospects, insecure feeling, repeated failures and sheer bad luck - Though we involve our best efforts, hard work, intelligence and good intentions . Sri Yantra Sacred Geometry - help in clearing all the negative energies - the fog that surrounds our life - standing in our way of Peace, Prosperity and Harmony andmake everything work for us in orderly manner. Shree Yantra the Multi Pyramid Geometric Grid is in 2 Dimension or 3 Dimension form. In 2 Dimension Form it is a Symbol of 9 Intertwined Isosceles triangles. It has been experienced Worldwide that Intertwined Triangles. The 6 pointed Star orDouble Triangle Jewish sacred Geometry has always been proven to be Good Luck and sacred symbols. Shri Yantra is the symbolic form of all Gods and Goddesses. Shree yantra was possessed by Brahma, the creator of the Universe and praised by Vishnu the lord of the Earth. Shree yantra is connected deeply with the Ancient Art of Vaastu and has been specifically mentioned in the 'Vaastu Shastra'. All constructions based on Vaastu must essentially have Shree Yantra in it. The Vedas explain Shree Yantra as a scientific, cosmic and planetary energy zone.

Shree Yantra is the source of supreme energy and energy is nothing but another form of element in the shape of waves and rays. Shree Yantra is highly sensitive and has magnificent magnetic powers. Shree yantra is said tobe a divine store-house of energy which pick up particular cosmic ray wave emitted by the planets and other universal objects and transform them into constructive vibrations. These are then transmitted to the surroundings where the Shree Yantra is placed, thus destroying all destructive forces withinthe vicinity. Shree Yantra is credited with supreme hidden powers which can be noticed within a short span.

Importance of Shree Yantra

In the cosmos there are three states-Creation, Establishment and Destruction and these are represented by the three circles in the Shree Yantra which in itself is the symbol of the universe or cosmos. When this circle is elevated it stands as a symbol of Sumeru (Mountain) balancing the whole universe and itcontains of all the worlds situated in the Sumeru Mountain, as described in Puranas. It is called "Meru Prastha Shree Yantra" and is the best of all. Shri Yantra is the worshipping place of the form of the super goddess, Mahatripur Sundari. It is Her divine abode. All the gods and goddesses are worshipped in

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it and all other religious adorations are done here. It includes all the conducts,all the learning and all the elements. The rightful person of all sects, castes and creeds can believe in it as the religious practitioners and priests.

Well proved and well designed by nine chakras - four Shiva chakras and five Chakras of the goddess shakti incarnate, Shree Chakra is the manifestation ofLord Shiva and Goddess Shakti. The fruit of benefit which is gained after performing duly one hundred Ashvamegha Yajnas, that can be acquired only by having a sight (vision) of the Shree Yantra. There are three kinds of Shree Yantra: Bhuprastha, Kurma Prastha and Meru Prastha. Shree Yantra that is plain is called Bhuprishtha - (Back of the Earth), one which is raised on a tortoise back is called "Kachchhap Prishtha" and that which is raised fully like the Sumeru Mountain is called Meru Prishthha like a Mountain.

Shree Yantra can be chiseled out of a crystal piece, engraved on crystal, precious stones, on copper or silver metal in plain plans or elevated plans. But out of all these Shree Yantras, the Yantra which is dug out of crystal, chiseled minutely in an elevated form i.e. in Meru Form is regarded as the best of all. Crystal Shree Yantra is the best for the householder also.

Yantra Guidelines

Shri Yantra Sthaapana in your home/office/vehicle is done on a Friday. Soak insaline water overnight (Thursday night). This takes away all negativity from the crystal. Then take it out, wash in normal water and keep on moist earth (mud) under sunlight for few hours. Then take it for Puja.

Place Yantra on a plate and wash it with water, and milk mixed with saffron. Then wash it again with water. Light incense and sprinkle water where the Yantra is to be kept chanting "Aim Hreem Namah". Place yellow cloth and a sheet of silver/gold and place Yantra on it. Put Kum Kum/ Sandal paste and a coral mala on the Yantra. A Shivling is also placed near the Yantra during PranPrathistha. Offer flowers (yellow), Gur (jaggery), raw turmeric and incense to the Yantra. Chant 108 times the following mantra on a Lotus seed rosary: "Om, Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamle Kamalalaye Praseed, Praseed, Shreem, Hreem Shreem Om Mahalaxmaye Namah"

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Then cover Shree Yantra with red cloth.

Pray and worship every Friday without lifting from Seat. Every Friday take off the red cloth and offer fresh flowers and offer Gur (jaggery), raw turmeric andincense to the Yantra. Rest of the days only have sight (Darshan) of the Yantra by lifting the red cloth.

The tip of the Shree Yantra is called the aerial or antenna in scientific term and is called Mahatripur Sundari which means Niwas Sthan (home) of Sampoorna (all) Devis and Devtas (God and Goddess) in religious term.

Meditation is done on the tip of the Shree Yantra (Mahatripur Sundari) and while chanting Mahalaxmi Mantra concentrate on the tip and meditate with open eyes. It is also helpful for students in achieving focus and intelligence.

Sphatik shree yantra

Puja procedure for crystal shree yanta to energize and get the blessings of crystal/sphatik shri yantra.

(1) Choose an auspicious day and time.

(2) First take a bath in the morning with pure mind and soul then Arrange all items of blessings.

(3) While Sitting, your facing should be to-word your temple and your isht devas on facing north east or east.

(4) Always use panchaamrit, mixture of milk, honey, curd, sugar and desi ghee.

(5) 9 leaves of peepal tree in a plate

(6) Pooja thali, dhoop, diya, incense sticks (agarbatti), sandal paste, aromatic oil,ricegrains and ashtagandha. Offering flower, fruit, coconut.

(7) Then wash crystal shree yantra with ganga jal and place the shree yantra in front of goddess laxmi. and tune the Maha Laxmi Mantra : "om shreem hreem shreem kamale kamalay praseed praseed" "om shreem hreem

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mahalaxmay namah".

Where to place Laxmi Charan Paduka:

Place laxmi Charan paduka at the place of worship at home.

You can also place laxmi Charan paduka at your workplac

INGREDIENTS (measuring cup used, 1 cup = 250 ml)

2.25 to 2.50 kg oranges - yields 5 to 5.5 cups orange juice

1 kg organic unrefined cane sugar or regular sugar

1 litre water

3 to 4 tbsp lemon juice or ½ tsp citric acid

¾ tsp potassium metabisulphite

a generous pinch of saffron (optional)


first begin making the sugar syrup.

dissolve the sugar in water in a large saucepan or pot.

add lemon juice and stir. let the sugar solution come to a boil.

lower the flame and simmer for 4 to 5 minutes till the sugar solution thickens a bit.

you don't need any thread consistency.

just a slightly thick and sticky flowing sugar solution.

remove from the pan and let the solution become warm.

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filter the sugar solution to remove the impurities.

let the sugar solution cool at room temperature.

crush saffron threads and add them to the warm sugar solution. this is an optional step.

whilst he sugar solution is cooling, you sterilize the bottles and start making the orange juice.

in a large pot, bring enough water to a boil so that your canning jar or bottle gets completely immersed in it.

place the glass jar in it and its lid separately in the hot water.

continue to boil for further 8 to 10 minutes.

with the help of canning tongs or regular clean tongs, remove the jar and the lid and keep aside.

next, peel and chop the oranges.

in a blender, add ⅓ or ½ of the oranges or as much as the capacity of yourblender is. keep on pulsing for some seconds till the oranges have been crushed very well.

then strain the orange juice through a juice strainer.

press the pulp with a spoon so that all the juice is strained away.

add the strained orange juice to the sugar syrup and stir.

we need to add the orange juice immediately, so that it does not become bitter.

now work again juicing the oranges in batches and then adding them to the sugar syrup.

you can also use an electric juicer to juice the oranges.

take ¼ cup of the orange squash in a cup or bowl.

stir in the potassium metabisulphite very well so that it is completely dissolved in the water.

add this preservative solution to the orange squash.

stir again very well.

pour the orange squash in the sterilized jars or bottles.

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close tightly with its lid and let is stay for some hours, about 3-4 hours outside at room temperature.

later refrigerate the orange squash jars or bottles.

let the orange squash sit for some days (about 3 to 4 days or a week) in the fridge and then you serve.

the flavors improve after some days.

shake the jar or bottle before you use the squash.

for serving, stir ¼ to ⅓ part of the orange squash with ¾ or ⅔ parts of coldwater or regular water.

add ice cubes if required and you can garnish with mint leaves or lemon slices.

serve the orange drink immediately.

Homemade Mango Squash Recipe

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Prep time

10 mins

Cook time

15 mins

Total time

25 mins

[email protected]: [email protected]

Recipe type: Beverages, Drinks, Fruit Juice, Mango recipes

Cuisine: General Cuisine

Serves: 1 bottle

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Ingredients (used american measuring cup, 1 cup = 250 ml)

4 cups mango pulp ( I used alphonso you could use any sweet mangoes)

1 cup grated jaggery Or sugar ( I used organic jaggery powder)

2 cups water

4 tbsp lime juice

a pinch of black salt

1 /2 t/s of nutmeg powder Or caradmom powder (optional)

few mint leaves


Peel mangoes and desseed them. Grind mangoes until smooth puree formed. Now sieve the puree just to make sure there are no lumps.

In another pan mix jaggery powder + lime juice. Cook until thick syrup is formed. Allow to cool.

Once the syrup is cool add the sieved mango pulp. Give it a nice whisk. Finally add black salt, mint leaves and spiced powder if using. Combine all nicely.

Store them into air-tight bottles and place them into fridge. Just shake the bottle before serving and serve them chilled with icecubes. Fill 2 tbsp of mango squash in medium sized glasses and fill rest with water.

Check the taste if you want them sweeter add a little more squash.

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