
LINE~RY AND FANCY.EW FRENUTI MILLINER V-NEWJrm .tact II1UII 1(nlrr..llulll 111 11 Iha Luhr 1I. hurt h

lll*Il~urnll 111 Illl nlluli n..orlRllcll ul'saIIUNNKIh, KTIASS III.S UAIW


h Nwl he n Etl Mr ICINO .- Mr r . 0t.(. Inolry or.Ye. l jLluwpln l *Luut, fu.OldUoult n Ille nl"

IONS4 ILISS I ir 4y Isrr ,,.riiocr d II rrII11nk."r. Iladiar, plr;11* ull Ilurl rlulllllr fur ylllrlrlrel. J 1 u

R5. IIIBYAN, Nol. 100 GlcuSI utreet,rJ xu nuu iulll N F'IIs:II II SI I.LkIIY A\UIN

Cy ,e lri , mrxr~lililr of Ifirl ir,' alJ Cllildr Vir' UU\.V LIKIl~e,. us I .I"HINI:KII A\ U IrLI)YES, aid a YYiil lrUI lllilii111\1., nhl.oll rare l n x 1 1 uI11 u rxlvrrole pr ne U. L, S mod,,."r rl xlyll uuJ 1I1 III *irrfet OW flsr. ol: du

JU GO(lI.-PIP. W. WGoOLIEF, No, 1!1'llllnr. r al, l.1, Ln j iunl 11-1 rd par xllumllal ll \ llldll R S.ln I PL I _ll S .115 11 the 5,II.U nK ICY. tx trues New YurL. IR(I

.51 lnr fA ,,IIIII i o I) :lmulL 555. I""'' nhl }'A \'i.lAl IL IIIIl,,ll, US l rrss,,, r 5,, ,liss~uwl ,sI,u ls,,sj 1,1k

.51555er he I l iA SII s Iuill r l. N' l IsAltl I h: A \ Il It F: 1.A1,oY tle ol, riaxt r I r) rJn rd I i .e. The murk . usieln in

lrr tlr fhu Aliua u ilk.

II ,l,,sl hI,~r ,,lb nsl Amcri N lnsg,pndr Annum ilk.; c'InII I . sI, 2.,. l ln s nA I.wplsea nu. x uN l lik'III ,lIlN'rlsIlj ISII* JA~l

,krlbjlu lbSn ilel , 11.1 I l,, il,fir rh ad Ihni maA'rl Fxgm rli ld l ran

lin dr Si ; F'll.,:Ili Hurl p, v', ul errr de}'I iit 1 (111 112(.1 111L and C'hune- n nil

rcl Fa ulFlurrn.'+, of rnrr 1;. nanol L,. cj, urral "iU. lsl,.,llllln Jrr r..ur inl

r Ju rrlx~n.rvJ 'uuldSm Dn Iunx '11JIr Il- n l \, I1 iu.('L. r,." t ulrn nn rt rJ nuJ pa r , - irlnah a.1 (icnlln Lulrns ull

lil- Iwuuri nul l l ll ~ l-nn rlld Fur11. nd Lllil 11111.11 I rldr1(

torn, I rvvn . rn l` oP nflil e ; 'orlon: Stuff, a Lni u vnr.l \v.~ l'v

1 r-i rwr uilbfO/l u..l Lau.J Hell 'rr Jnll L r.lly: rr l d, ilrll . U SilkI

. \ t ' . \ \ ' .1 * , r uli l r r n l ri llr r o l I fu lmll, r , l, rl: n k .. 1 q... In ;ur ln rr a ". Il in v r .l,.., , ,;u. I.r

\ \' r, tllnl Iv l~, lli\lil" ln lu li.r! lt r linell lln

B3USlLNEI CARDS.DD)INh)N & Co., IV llulanl 0 Brer~s and Com-L ND1EWS & Co., JOHN IV., ('lulaaasioa

I,, I~~j.!',al a a. I ,. ,,,,,

RiI'tU~I & Co., 1. W., ( ami.s~iaa, I ovisinand or"," al,"~ 1..: .I.. ..1 ."o . I.. 1..

O, .J., Ilouvj, Sign and OinnlaentilI I: ,l,"nr LL I DII o alf K J..ild Attat 1::. 31 a11.1 t ianj /llll

A(I LL, IEID I) J., Attorney at alw,_ tNu ::I tF.r CO lln nlrr. ., T (:l a ~ l:r A F ,t .I: n Cl\ I tI. II I

Hlil)TTT, 1V., Atto~rney at Law , nlllRla ~Comis)L, \!N-1: . , Carp~enter and B Luilder,,

IY : Ii _ .:: n.". n~, .

I 1, ,,,,,,.l .I., [.11'... " l si. r1~is"I .i.l I. nm i..,llri. :i 111 11111 1- I'..1*

nll6 i:, ,, ,,,x er. :. * t+."nle l II ill.l. r" )- n.. ex.

lii.i `, I

CN11A;. t { t o", A\. b'., Coauuiwyi~r o n Boot~

I I\Nl..K . J., Attrney at Law, No. 37

1ANIEL M.\\ES, It lomerly of tKentucky.

Ek Jt " ..1; t .. Te pt o et,ENNI\'tT(J & CO., MlSESd , ioi.'u'nnl i

O . `. TA1L.011 & CO., De:ller+ in Cotfee,

Y. : 41, ,v ... , \ ,r1 i 1" - ' ",j .17 P ,:. . n

'" ' , ,O . , ,, r r ,+,,l .. . , '1'c'Iw npito ulsl nr , tr , ', .,'. 1I

A1:U T. __ Attnrney at Law, 11 CU•+..

E . SAM UEL, Ju., Il:'te 'I'L" u., iI•..o r.Ii\ 1 1 I++ T d o _ I.... .. ..... , N o. .;

+'• •'+'+"•: % ..E.JJ'.. •g.''i~l .... i~ [;l•:+.•t:;'+t., •ol.,,+ ....- . r,,,. .,,,..iI, , •

14il 4 J 4L(H)IE, Attorlneys fat I w, it

JI l•i,, iL . I F.,, ArcL,. ,it •,ct. 1 lic 7 Tamp

T i & ("n., , I. t i. II D, 1 ,tt, n F'act ,rs

I 411T1T MIT11 Attoruniy at Law, N.

9 ILLII, I. A. a 1errean Artit, . 28

I) i t(' . W Il I .t Ntt. ry 1'u•1.11ii l(.iut .te

RiMN I )I, XX IC.. amily Goceir, (4 1 1Fi. 1== •"A,( , ,, (h l.),,-f•"

111 4,Mar.-.H LL'. N ,.;>I N't(h ,z IaI) Ull ir"q~ll'kl

UT. illMiAYD, FiED K I.. l aeal Estate Gen-

- • WALwIm , ener i mission

' r'. A lm ler •.itl h,, r1,, ., Es ,l .lh 13: L

MD'JI L It & Bid3)., u',rpenters"udun,.Ji,,rs,

TARKli & j'IIlUSTY, Ollice No. 10 Banks

75; NIIE, JOIIN, l xnmiSvisn Merchant, Enmi-

F]T:RRIO, J. IAI•CIS,';E, I':tish Aiuctioneer,

V iELE, JL . Ii., Att1reny mild Tmrlnx at

Sni.,l. -is ,0::: CLUJ;:C::a 0..,, ...

"I LFFI, •AIMUEL, Imjporter of \\'ina,

I1U I•,I N P., tt•e• •lle anti Counsellor

, I •,•,,• .,,• ,•,I,,!,',, ',attn, ' , F t , ",aald1 J ` III\'t I't A ., & ('F1 , Jottln Inaautcaa' a.11a

1 1, i :ic. .l nalaI c,, ,,, a a. i ...;.,, ,,a i t, ir a ,,,ala ,c

)IR \III Alt. I. Sx'u L III t ub'.h{ LU 1 L Ciruw" 1 l.. It I.\rlutu I.I111 Ir. I .lL i I T ItltnI llo, I . ,+t I i to

SlIrt L (INL , :+,Ii IILLDLI IIIAI, A, I.h

1 i- e,+,,i ,i,, i -l :ml lh+,++ 111 h, 1, .l i ' iot ,, I+t ill Ih thqi m gr, ',F+: 14+ 1: If tt:.1 'l .\lI; :xir . I r, I l)llxlnh .I ",

K• I'qVAI,.--II. SA+',+ 'It Tti+ t 'KI:+ •Co. have._ r• ,.,+: +,,,,,J ,e .,_% 109'fJ,,.p,,o,,•,,• ?,, ,I,,. _ _ :!r'=•,• EMOV +\L.--G ;ttt; E lhi'fc, v E, .Xrchitec t, ]m

iII +i• n ~lL+r 1III ttlc+ toNO. 3 t , nlttllll 1IIxl (XI~ll 'pI lPnll in 1I'hm(~ :.1" "11'+ _ *.. 1 "]:; .lllm lla I:?i s iy b~fl ll ll:•'"+"

IbV+L.-.II-r,. +1.l M . Altorney ;at Latt'.

.hi , H lili, A , 11 St. l+ N'tt . Y L'l

I++it+. E-..... .. I'+AN.' SHUDRBRC N

+ • +IPI'+ flt'l'[':l -I'Ii'h i t I,+ ,II+I llt,tv t ll r olu ii +n T~ l hlrl l", wh,,h"

S il l. l: ,, ' I, +' .'; ,,r ".It', mt•it+ l n+. t e, .`JI,, , wxlfx,I I•,:+ ,+m ril1 the - :11,• +,l , ]A h 'jd." llJ , x~ 1 lll ~xutrt++,x 11'.l. n x l,+g ~, ̂,lt,+th, xe pn, +I~re , l . rt.m~ ,, t'+ lmt , ollx , i+:l , In ' Een1y bentxfittl itxJ x ,J l +,

r' l',l •n ltxln il e t BRAC'IE. -At, r niulm vmtrso1.+, ,.

SIlR.M AN,9': A+tt o h+ S.,nnh.

kL AIt.,,, Al;, lut h~m nit, ri NNo I' . ELL. Lh+ lc+ itit.1' 4L Sll Y' P+

A .EXCV OF AHBO(UIN, MARAIETT S.CO.1`I u: \ AC.=rhal ulllrl aigll.l hn, mg h bron olpo~ntrP. h;csl for fl,,

oll IlI::ll illril hones of "" Atbouill. Zllrru Rz%- u p urrrd lu11 1 rrUriI

lil". euI 11rm q to uo ldi ,1 "A in nnp sanntity, r Illnn turt that n)A,C p t hrl In.. i:; ti i n Sr \i'IFFF',95 Cnp et.

C RC E Y ( I'm . R. FEL.L k CO(., F; (oalnln ntrrol, tiroUrlcn, im-I "trre nd Ilelll, +, rralinlrnlr and retil. Lnlnlmx, I'latcd endi

I'c.aall niar ll be m.lroaolired ke t la~v pose I p. . lo Ir oul

f 1+I rlrr.l in Ihn -n l-mlnor j'-J5 1y)

L aND WARRANTS PURCHASED~BFU r L(M.\TL"D.- RA f ' lxt ~ -l er, 1af or I W rv ff 1947 mayd~

ulnnlln thle Iliglra coal. plrice Ilv making g Fpappllmuao to them Ill mii nlA.

Lt Tl lm cee( illoh rl II, ll, maa~hare their rmnW.- l d aon I ofpu per palllIrnlr.ll Plrlll inaprinIn.o nl mto

Nmul laealnl, In' lipl. inK f Inanlll lu\KA \k AIL9'ORTFI, Yh Tchnnpitolllli*h4' -

]3UTTER-70-- 0 kegs Western, 100 fir~kins choiceA. llll lr .O..t lllE Fq) Bn' n. lll, .I.ln.. In~ Mr ~em h,

dc A.i t i a 0 0, s J, ;o x naa 42 UlI1 Ir~l.



B0 ,('-LI~" '4everal 1111iie8 can oti

Itunlll, wal alw .- l ri ,,ll, ,u,1,1 y l :,,, ,,, :;I1t.,

r xlrII. uboau Il~u nrr l UII III wll Lu Yl au u;l; 1x1 I I::I uul

amrul'urlu~blr roulu+. YI"I II

L \IL S''ItELT VERANlIA, (fVuinier1'1131) .H4. H I. R'I', Atrvl.l.

C 1ji1F~tI'x Ai I H'lEL, ituateuf ahte tI .of 1:1iiVll r ul NE"' IJI:V4f: THHAVS.--'l Ltr

1'rul'; lu- f Ihu YIIua) t trl, thwb krni to h' M ad. mid ti..44 Llic lur IL,"il yllnounyo"W I hop" fur e r i u esl lih* xlal, ". Hlxfluux, wirll ur ullr xa rn~lrl lu ralrl"irr Lha pu Lli,, and Li, am will hx.. llpil n il ll 1 riii iu~l i of tril' and Llyur..

dr~llvA. IMIYI.I., I'ruyrllrtur.

?(RJHIE MAGNEOLIA, No. 76-Poydraya~ i" lrerl, Irtrvxu Clmp nuld lr;anxiur xtrarlx.-itre, C'. n

unllA In, biruux, ail I r,rrrr R1(r rx~ll;. 1l lmurlr 'll 1"r ,uy'IieJ rILx11 I... J", .IIr .II uxIlu nn nlnnlinx xdor e Le Ilr. a r" . 11""

u, II. r tu i~ulu,!r uuil wi~lll flnmrxlIIir(: hr(r tenu,'u u~lIrn l~. J2 au,1

W ESTERN Vr11 ANDA,~~h corner 1Julla9 rJl 'rrll: ifu ll.,n nlrrla,._r'L l,ove r.ellrxhrrslr~rn

lu~ " r L Il~u llr"1 l, VUrl u11 r u"IllrX11n1 r n aryplll. to l rllluwllL I w 1n11 the roy i. dl l urx rw oulJ xt nI ll~l .urrll .11. nulI

"' Ihnt" 1 h ll,?, . vallllntr PI Irrnu "nt e a 1' 'nuuir ut Iuounlrrv

TUFTS'S }IUTEL, 2L' CANAL STR1:E'1~bJA..In: l iliul. i , u m pn rrpurud to u r nuud"nn. LI+.n. ,xl. u*1* Iilnl *rlr wgrrc

"1 Lr, in ,n lu, .~lle 1".Crn n IOVntr~l uuiil r,.lrrr n;,rtlw l, nu l tl )r liruv

.nIhl, r.r".tr'. I r" nl,.,(.lll,xir/lUu/inI , oral .x ol n or the Ir~l b" nllm~lxnII the clla.


O I]'NT--A two story Frame Ilouse,..

' ET- verol Smll (louses, one in1r 1r,, 'I ,h. ]', ,XIu ,I f

FOru `ALE.;Oi SA\LE.-: Leooe of a resldence in

,,,d . 1 tr,,ot- ,.+,a r, l.larlrl *1+. , r.lll I• l.•[, ri t.e -i,, In Ulii

x11 B 41 :AL .-_1 see o tto I)l ollle y(ylindetlI N'I N ,'TN'0t01010t, II,,t"~ ,,,t ,,,,."n h.d 4•-I \ r,.dl

W. _,N[EI).

' {T N1I 0 10 flit-A first atre (:,r1UrI

P II1MADELPHIAS ADDLUlil AZI". Xvvl1l I 'O., (Iota I1li1I h s rl. lll .I n i v- v

M +""l.!I -.. '."rz"vi . il nI/ Ie: AI Illli"Itl, A~rl ri. r:ItV II 11\1? '

7X1 1h \11l~i\ RI'M)11,'It G D' AYII)`I. vv .11., l(U 1 I, IIAi~h_

lrv r Ilr .. ,- 111111 n N v ., 11. liil 11I11 ]n. IS l)Lvil II

Itr:IL .]l ; v l , le. l 1 111 11. .M1 tt'il , ., iIl iv , n vl "rr il

I. niL'" Il (IAP 'I Iv li nl l nii ru cM vt"+ f"I

vi .,v! , l.A .AN AL `11:1:1: I '. II1

1". IVr ~ 1 'A1 II -. I 1; 1 mwd I." S`;"i . vt .w i vv 'l

I Ih'\ITU III , I '•'.''',.: r . A i op i r i : -- ". ... . In . ..t

I ,,....1(11 .. \ N II nIl1I. N.•I(. : r I Ic r\-i'i

J ., m; , ll .al(fN -. I IN I UI ' II T tVI.

1J• .!"l' ii I l lJ' [•,ii l.lll n l i • l ,, . 14 i•, h, r t.1 :,A.1=' = --

S I 'L N ]I) ID F II N I 'U I'I --FL r o 'i -1, I -?

AJ.....-W ' N . . i' , 0 r B,.I . i" • . , ,

ti - I[i,•l , It, I," ni , ttil Ii,l l-•l(,ll . .ll•Ol II1II,i blO , d 01,, b; r •llt, ] .fl l •. illyf •'ll'k•*r E li', W

' l,1 .U iil :l t* t . l, ! 1` .,. . . . lI I.,Y, l r 'r, k,.q r . l, , ,,

%•'iF Y L. ]=, 1 r. ,1^ " i ..

h ,"1 -n l l ll l ,

ll ll'. t n l ec : c, ." .I*'•l , Y,ll .. t : ir, r; 1]•. (1,Lu ll•

i l nl,, I r l~, ,,, n"- i~n It , ,,Y~~il• i, Y }, ltlrnl,b~" i, m•,[ r Ni- • l

. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

J.UNTRE FAIl UF T l' n A 1 r+ 4. t.u lnrlll. to n Illier nr:I t.. 1. *rllrlrl, .n. A r I

: I"' t . ' 11 liir: lli ;1.. \\1 1 ri r llrr- , ;r tnl, Irii lll.. (ln1 . .illI.In I njr ('II I 1 lilll I lilill 'nii.ll : \XI 1: ' . Ilii. 10111 1111 \11.11111

\ni, ,r" , \Lrl rn_iut. nr~I \':rlIIr l Hel, rlrnl ttt \I nrL 'I'., r It,n.. I nh L

.1r n rL I:l I"; x. :I 1'r r0 nl-111 111( 1';n Ar~l.

1.:t 1'm ,Ii r." trI 1 . ifl.. ern .mot (':i.rl rnl r Illll. olio iIrt-lrrrlr.11. t:: 1\.I,.., 11 Ilr nn,.nt. n1 Inil [,,F I


Amtnira fir: rtnrt.. Itrn l'u., a, .~llntlr TInjI 1111110111/_ l'. 11I_( l':ntnlA l C Ir1. 'I'nl1l1 \I nl I:. 7n lr Ilnnr.l.l III \1'nxh t::.Ir: I.eL.o

tlau. \I:11- tr Ill l\i;, Lllrr. ",'d \1"l'll lln . ali! l'lI l lle rl I

I~rIr nhvJr~ to rlnll all rcrlllr t r lh thor.., e. lure llr 'i.'lrLrr.

.`'Al urilroInlcJ I uu~ -dy: eilh

.wlr\ t... .. o a: r I l1:rynil ,.l ::11,. 1 nu,1r ri .1. t ::111i ,.

"1'L. ... rlllrir irt.. \Inl 11 raV scw r I h." I. _ ytlll 1T : - PII 1 II1 :11~ II

_- M. CiOMES,

"lnl~lr ll11. 1 1 " l l i~s 111.1 11il

'1III1II IlrI}l r'Y 1 I\' I lip

.""" "Y"" "' Ilrl

ol. ln r

U NIVERI CIL' OF IA)UISIANA-Acadciitwu D Initllu .nCl- rxain 11.1n "t, I" 1 I;~ l~ ~,;,1 S -P rrxixt,l n,"I ,~ r Il~ir

1'n: r, r1111i11 1'I,:rr. C'rnmm11 11 I r," r . -Th" Irt l 11 Aurin1 r nIC lOrIID. lun luu l "rA rnl~lll ll Ihr I", )7rrnI(hI/ ul In ;ul.l r. T h111 S1111ll

A nl I a ml rhr 1..IA .rA l Il rJrll . i ..r" ,n thi I~l i




Pn"",.r , C mlP hl .h. D.,III:, oo T. ,I . *tI~b.innutre II.nrr LI

N EW ORLEAS M1USIC SOCIETY.-IAll no n. tv n , d f orere . f Ureic I n mnnhll to tl1, I oluulll of 1311ii Sorlsllo a n a rrs ss nd n lnnl b..., tobe -.1- the IE IlilCeliUII f 1'ro CIURTIJ , LAIIACIIE

rrE r r, htal1? reyeur ldtd n-t nt u, .llrl1UI 310N A 17 .'l

II.anT! 5. 1'+59,I at 11 -pan 7

J~nmr. . I~, u 1IIII1I i rkxk L take atrpv in regard to the

nrganirnll ell ~f anll Sulrlrh-

d:1 At 1111RA1'10 D. 1{Rl1'I7 ) 88 Cap nesrt.

SOCKLANI LiME-Cargoesof bark Harriet

TH(,.I hIdIt I.I)1IC;LCargn .of I~nrkv \ nrrn s n.l alillns Inln.ling

JIJIN LAN'U & (and fur sale n" Lanf owlllrrrnoll Ll, r h.A at. o t." eM aran esl R-nrW. II t~od ort, jybly.


E S .. I. 1 IOE) : 'S , IAND t,,, oh, r1311,,:i+++ Plll (lOf lh+ d• Li11h 1tc"1 I(h1+

S +110E1, 1100'I Af4) BII :\.•--25C -0


,I:I, ^. P. V BAR hI+^+• 'U.,4 a.,l .+ (.5 ',,,,,,o, lt.


Itl rln, il ot Ix(•'.I SItES A1 , BF+ A+•--

I2, _ .. .w,_:.•S_ A[• C)., W _ ."_' Se', !"almarn...JI . FREEM AN, (ucces(or to JAxaI

UL'Ht, i xo, I t,. klr...cfu alitl , lntr,.anll id :rude. , in gel ,l, to •anl hlld xIu tln!li. hi .nxk

Lellri In.h i arl, l* l vi t,I fll , . ,il rl-e Tylr l : "


SATIA'f f,'I. ,,T1. G \EII t'AI'

V I'1 AilA oA l Z llAr CAP..I CIfI'PO.IINrsC AN T i1; \ ItA lI,\rV'Sl. I * e , .

f'I IIIIRI+; '1 FAN{'Y i l \

T•, ilth F,+th..r,,. t.}r;+: % . . + , a ':1i A "S. I; <'~"t,na,,m ,u•,.i.


J AILS VIJITll L o. N II:i (hauvier street, Newr1:,I,*, riiA'E \nlr PIllnE rHI ;;i an, an~.~ I.I.

"~I,Illlllilrlll nny and :dl! SI."'.. *OllliF:ll.l Ir. litll ',1 t

SI, 3 i ~, 'SLAIL IVSI -T' p1 ublie are herIeo

~ I X\llr snl ni 1)(nls111 'ALk. (rliOllll -1II iors ih Intel-~ ~A ., ~... nrdI~lnal I~~i~n I Nl Ir ;IIII i \. ,. 1 ::u~

I. tr , n , v n . n.1i, ,.inilnli"il '[ir't: ,.," tc

LAVES~l:~ FOR SALE-S--~ O Slatves R'anl*l--,., Nn l r;l..~ 'n hr Ini~rin ." r 1III 1,u il lll ,. i illi:I -II '

I i w, i.l x i1, "l *"r II.(lin " N't". Oii I; n; 1I /:n II ,ln x r r I lili lln.

11111 Ii nl.. .l'l; I:,. .. i U .I ~ 1I . LI I to I.I: I:!. lCr. -," I.r

1\II I "e wli li f lI I .il i.. rlrl ~ ICI.. i ").\%\lil' F cr r7 lU':1: III.I.. ll[.Ilri x,.h""." ct~nl lr Irlt, n . IN1.1%\I \ h 7A\ `:I 1.1.

M sC :TLA:XEOts. .....000'L EN'PEIiiPIiISI'•--'r.•,,srl- will the

..... ,. ', b b " ra n

" q:rv ,.. r om ,, , ,. ,r.r , ,+rr .,.• ,':,, t, , ,.I ,0'1 U,: . • .,

,, :..,, L, ,+',," ,,+,m a n : r, o,, ; r , y ,•h ,,,i , • : , . a, art +, ,, ., .

n ... ... .• t , ,t. ,," , c ,. a.a p,.


, i ; : +I+\ ~I 'r.E I n: I'L I :, f'bl•+ , rI'~la, .. h I T ~.J , . i, nn.n10 L. .. .1, x .Vnrv, rl l iI-: (,+ i l.I r, I ,l rnI. l " -• .rn,, I IP"

lgrr 1, II• t

% t /(ill IiJ. 1111 11: r( 11 -nI'h r, I~I,.. ('ulrld dl 1IIII 1 1 ill -l1.

b , •, T+ , ,]•+:... . . .. . . . ...... .. t 1.. , . , .k] ' I. .. "'

t l ln l". I l l*. ir "'do, lir n i~ r ( .. 1 1II .r ll ," 11 r.111 .

,, ..... ,,in ,•, ( ,. '1i .•r~ : • •: ,,,,i ,,f i -•.1" '~ls. , l '., , 1. T,~n~ , ,• , t

\"R [+r. fT P., d,<,-rll : r.. t.

( J+111 \1RR1[: & *tI, ALD.. t.(i t, +-r, ,.

, I .\ . t• : . , ' ,, .:u 'I X , . ...

". ; ' I\F: I \ II.Y 1 I'I. i~llli I ';trlll, ll i (nlll l 1 1 11/11 )1 11(1. 1 Il ilon 1 i n\ll. ( 1 1 \4:;r1.; .1 i . t ; x+\P.I , i .:v 151 " .I(B :,r,,, -+, .1

hu " _ ~ ._ k l

+..' Ptl.n'~ l ` 1 ', < r a+ nul . , :I. r ~ r

\.i. . i .'I ,rl. ,.I ."t ..... rl,+ I,. i,,1 l r,

[I , I ; • ,' -., ,,: , i. • +:', '•-:i., , , ., L +. , . , , ,,,

itrl .I1.. L .1 . 1 11 11 ' 1 '.11:,i~i(1.: 7v~r~ i* 10,1 11 A\ D111

. r....... ," ... :. r.. ., ., r:,,:.: .I. ",,, . I r- : l,• .. . •+ +.,.+ ,,.y.,r .+

_ . . . .. 1'n 1.. . . . .. . . . . . . .. ..

Ills ,:ILI:I1:'i, 1 1.i . .; 1rt]II I il1. 1 h- , I' 1.. .1 n ,I. ;

11 I : \ I : l , 'I alr : ,. II.I- l ."1, i, r ,"" IF ".. ..,: : I.. ,.~,

". I, s. ,,, . ~. nrtr vii L. \I.\ l'I r.l1: Fl;, W 1-, ,. .i1

frr . , rrlI. Su x. "; IIurlI

Eg:l, I l) N A I: LAKE I'I r\ l IA li'1' IN 1', A II.11II iICI

1 .I ... \\I IT:il'\ 'i.\ % II EL 111 I\ 1'i i ' .

u'1\i1 11.11 l: l :1..i :. 1,. ::r.r. "I. u,..: .i:1, . .v. " " ''

"1:4 :1 III II\\I I`1II1I\ I r: .. I'r:,l r r ".iii I1 II. 1. 1.11-

j)1 ")I' ;`'' '?l"" ;''" "" N'''''''"",, '""

l f. i. 111i l Tll>l L iit I/I ll lllllll( token t1) illl In}-II Il/

I1,:..1. 1` 11: 115. ii' l. ltnlllll Il1II.

I;,, ar."-1'vu vq r ll'ilh I luli* ' 1 n r1111. A Iil. ," i?\~T/lI ll

Bl~. 11, nIK1LY'1'li ' ia. l A il I.\lrH : 111 rIi.lnIII1-I yt o !1I.I111 f II 11. ," I, n nl I/:i\ll i l1 I iill .lii....l. III1 111

, I111 1 111 i , l'~! ~~.:1 ! ,r n" Jl~lii ,:1 .l l. in~ 1., I,; i !;,! "l. n I.II .. 11

, .. r. ... ! . :::,:i,.. iii !r.~.I ."i ' ,L. ll nn l.,::,... I .~ lil ii" :,,"~I. l.

:11.1 .,II hr 11 11;1.1 11 Itlir .I " II I., .!,,; ,,,I I,.: I tl bl 11(11

"hLl l . ur-., l r tirr nt x ,r I nr..,Ili I..r ! i ltl n,vl ,,l tl'l .rl~ ~r!. ,u lh,",Itx l ell ur nl: i~.l s~iI,,, . ,,llll 14

I'. r. ~ l..I u ,Lr tnu-u Iia nc, f [r.!,:~1; ." iu, I ,.le i''t re;.,m "r ~r o,_.I,,, ~ I.:,! r, t! r. 41 r, f.; . \r. n12, .,,,w.

URABTLITY AND CHEAPNESS 1'011-C'c,~lrr l lll om FI 4~nrnll In,.Will t il IL, ;l nFI III1. , Hirt -11 r,n lrnl L 1 to buildl

Ir. ., I I.,. I Sll I I~1.111 " \In1<nr , t, .. L.ii lrr. IIn1llr n lll . rl11. ;,(:.n:. ni Ic so, u. ulli n~frn w,,"r {; i11+111u ( 1 nn (Oll 111 .. :xlvll111?J. . .'t.k j ... l' 11:1

\rl'f I.I~r vlxRI II. 1S, 1', ,*:110, 1,1161C1 ND)ti

r. -. I \lll 111 1KI, \ llI Y(( I: . I :,(1: 1,.1., i. ., )1 1. \1.I4:tI 'I'l 1 I.II. ,, :,ln ", ''1: 1 I':\I I'F.. 11:.\ I' 1. \X \\', I I ts.III.~

l,,n' 1 11 : 1 111;1\\ I'I: i '` 11':\ 1111. Ir4: 11191 III ) ` I: LII: l

\It I'1\'";l;l.l1111 1111~,`, ll~l~ll i~:i\I

AT 1l .O \v4 .. : iI1 r lll/ I.1 IIi :1 1 1'\l 111. ; I: ~Ye:1111~11n~.

) i ' II :.1 I: I'1' It 4.1v 1 1,'1'c ,\!"1', 'I I

Ilrl ll lli 11: 11111,1. 1(1 1111 'I' Ill: I: 1'1\. 1:i.1.. .1'11 1:1. 1

I;V" V1'111~. 1 ,ItKS 11:.\11 ?Il .\ \ 1: 11 \ .11 k1\.

i;"I1I:.I1 F.r lill , LATIN, ? il. I:I VEX( 11,hMI i' ll 1'1'.\1.1:\ A\111-F:I <\I,\\ It1 .1 11 ,K *. .'- I' '

~rl.. u- 1,1 Iv::1 ~n 111l. IG". i I":LI. I 111 1,1,111\ , 1: , 1.,. :ul.1111 I~ \I,..1

I L.. grr o-+.h rd s uutla .. t Iahrr of the pl~mrlil lulIl Ir. l,. r. n r,., ., a1 , Ilil1r d lyt . i p:,an:.,.n ".r Ii: Ya illlu. ,., *

\E .l l lr ,11 , 1. 77. 14 .1. ,I.iill liil 111111 E. .rl i. IIIIjn l nlnl' \'.11 .(\(1 111 I1. 1

C ltll'.\PT NE 1 llI l' I 'CI hl:-9:\. IIcr1III.

h r L11 .. SI R 11 1 S ,r I R lii le e iiri ts ,c c o .a u le l s l1

hn h elr 811 1 1 n l'nlxl r llrl Ali il. nnlrr Ihir lioln uII .1 A.. F. \llrl'l1)

..nALA TS r IL. pl- ill -Ill.. .......I r I.. lnire. n L:, Illi hr:,1,\rlh Rrh \. 1llwcn "rrl ALSF llt'I

:.r \r hlSE"nn\lIxn\. 1, lei::. I j-I unI F:lllolIL IAR(JL'1/.I Ih(

p r k^mllo *lrr r ll rryaar nl a lu -l n l~~

Cu I-I'Jd "lb., d CAR I S for 11.". - , L

M ACKEREL-800 pkgs. Nos. 1, 2 and 3, ind25a E. J. HART & CO. ti Trlhoupilmhne T et.

V EA-S--200 half chests fine Powchon, thr-eepp.n to the plmd ; 600 boes (ulnnywdur ,,d ]l l ,Iuorwde

Ly A. I), RIEF hC ( 1., .8 0 ea, 4 Ulf Lx".

CIIEESE-5n00 boxes prime English Dairy,7 lo0 duIro. lie deI , f Cr le by

d'-' A. l. ERIEFF & cOl. 5, d. mul 4 o L, 1(~Aw...

i ICE--0 tieces prime Carolina, for sale byi yn I.W. ARTIIUR & Co.. a. :1A •Cl,. 'a a




Ili, tluttc e,- y. ild.:l hy his fulling hah"li litt. brot her--.irth i1 not for im-Whiitpers how poor we are'

(+oll' ., dlaI one. rest upon my knopee ynll htad.Arid

1p-i, atway tli. curl. of gdolden glow.

A,rd I will tell a Cl rirttma I, rea*,l.A long. llonlg tllime ago.

T'io of., liili. orp•o ,oy like y3,0.iihl,, h (, iin ,rth oi frlnd hii.. f.Iet it guidel

oit,, th. 1,a lh ofr Virtui. imighlri dI tru0 .

TIe orlohearthis. .ilh gi.o •l wr'omtl Ig•low.Th'w v hill thi'ir s .to nockilg light.

nloo, a. i" idly onod'r, .I ti ' ;t. 'o..In the unfriendly nigh1it.

Ti' 'lt wDli. iat t l ol .llltLd lidt girl.. 00.1 boyn.ltlhh iohk of pride i" hloif-a utld eye.3

heirh tll tlld Ia 1 n < Ir' t.,' +tl l of C (:hritmll .l . toys.'l'-i,,i.o ;tip r, ooai• iod f oinm by.

'lilld intoi dlll' f..rg.ii of l go dtold lry hli oe-joyollo u time.

AdBortihted ronghly by thi' hrinogl th0'g.

A oll iooi..1i.'df•oid llltd wy.Ilil 'tef )entdr dakiy diownwrOl dOy 1.y hol.

'Till h. at I 't lwasilot.

Alore it, ]to woko fiom do' delirios(r inn.Aoh,"io t nrio ".kgo'oii....o.ii ol1 to stir.

iti .io iol-II ri r once'

ThloII Wa't hI,, I' I1.h ,'ye:,with I,' rs i t.r, dll,

A lri.onor h ho liki hioi, !

t.ill'u n ,il ,. II'lld "l, "tlll Ih d to .ure,

Ili. Ir 1n)*-(,tlll |it, tihe glray",+.

,Iu lip i~ha-i , I , tl)ltion he.

Further News bt the Baltic.

/A,1/Urnrft" 1J'a/tli/iru',, Ih II,, Jhr,, -In-

'l.', I'rrirt .1 'hut-lc* iilr i lr~l.,. of 1.u14., . :I1 irlr lllu.

7.t~lli ns~tn a rrll iu l.rt r f'ub b/ ,till ru , b r l (.I III crli il

A r:~u, r that It, .' ' 'l y-fire nil lion- fl I ;lu'r" hu.11 .u," n to klln~l

Ar"nru FIh"I.n t rn n f, , h:1,1 hcc'1 1v , t.ic[cd

I.} Iln" 1d I I IIcaic i I M kI'n t" lil' }up , con~nitt, I h

7'h. 'r,.'.er t f n:Ir it ~I Ill il 1III re nl nnrv rT llp F.,r-

n e 4,' iI, ii, iiigict va

At lb- T.,r} Ic'- iccici. t. I rTl-; l to the) = i ofi . il

th iI,ct ic.:I ca.iii, Iu inc-I c lk

cl l . ciiicc Ic-i cccl -nnn C--icc-c--c-- ita ,cin itc-A'au XIiiii

I I c' i ci. ic-,-tc Ii i-,c e I hIIuillg beeI rnttuIi <, ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ I.I.. cc-ienr

LIt cicccc} -t c.,i u.i il:~ -lit ill th nl :Ltllll~nli lh

I1,: I 1' ill * nli i" 1 ",Il /1 111 in llS . a n l(lj " '(l11,, ,d the 11('(r-

\Ir.",-..I II Ilatu. irllill 11111. \al, 11 1111 &1I.I) erlll uclul.i e ) ( FI tL

c--Icq ill ' li r icc-i t-cic c fI c~ I'II'4 \ilc' t Ill. ciii iin

la rn[I,... ... ' 'hur< L,, :u," ' i " i c c-ti c' cc ,il l 'Ic L '- -ul ,

".r : I, t o te'll .,'el, , 1. ,m 'I'tlur". I fy tn. rui- l the ll!,.c

.1l l(lilil 11? ~It1 1. llli, llllll , ,:t, II I Iljl-ir., ll} t f Irltlll thatII l.l-.. "I N ! 1. :lll. il i t , :I fi.* Il llll lll : itl t lt e

a nti ll e 1111: il111 his rumor Ira,. 111(:1111-/( 11 lillul~ l t..ll~

Iill h . ll.L. ./ll" 1lI .t ,.f I h," llllt Lllil I , I. ( ll l t. but lil ul h C*

I.:ut-? III. tuul, iu r1.1 l - i1 . ruri IS l-hnili lf ih.. l 'u1 10-i1 i

nn,.l," t~ . -in . Ill. I''(1(1~il by a P ill lit of t he III()I1 :.' I1I-

i ll , 11 ll ll1l;;. l ue h ;eri,.l)? tllll ll i ". t y llJ

Ius:1'1 r- ~'f 1II Illit ,I .t r, m 11,-10, Sl t. M[ili-fin. '1'11

t',lo n 1 .. ,.,,-i"n f I.~ I lgl~lt nntuNllI~r 1'1 It',' a rllll"llcitl l

r ,llllin_ IN- 11 1 , " , 1 ~ .f :tru-( I " I n i ." I t1,- w D U-lli., 1,,i I Burt i!l ~1, ,l. l 011,1,r~l n l-t nti1"t 1II Ii,, -. e f~~1,111, 11 ,.1,i r~t' tlhn \lllll~r, a lli l," ,.fI furnif t1,"," ~i-t-2ii ill

f il~lni ll Iltlrlil: d,",. 'I'iI(lI m.,, n cl' l t ,t ~ l.,1," in hr t1 \\11l11 I

, ."111,, , and llll 11I iltlil:l 1011, . who ill a (.hi ti \illI-lnllllir"I llLli - Ir ., i.illlIlt' tIp 11g lil n~ qu rt er Itt 1111

n~IU"4r1.t1 1 A t Lull-I n,1 1'.u 1 h" I11-.ol1 \, mrr, I lll~tl'r liIII IIt t1 I f 1t 11 r' ollrl \rltrllt I lll .I t, nrrtlllit l it th,"nIIttt-.t 1,r. nuld th," m)~nndt",I mrr trl nt. I ,il :,t1':, t' t~) 1L11"

'I'1~" trI.".tp., 1,." ;x;,1, 1 1, il ill\ ".I~ntI. IhI 13.,1,1. II1 CIdI t1II11I,

llh ' ' rlt'I, ttII it,"niu nll I nl," ,'t"I. r kr aul i. II,, it, e ttn IInI11 I' Cf Lll n;;' Ink " 1', , :in il'll I P. (h," III..:ll.l f l r PL1ilLI li

n L..nll 1 11t 1t ,.n i l,, lnr," L1nrri,";l- l r then- tIrt'r l fi r d Mortll

rn1i'lan,"t" 11;,, IlclI than ma, l'ipz-llllllr1(+l. .II f atl( Illll-(

:I Ir. I11h ill, ll, in fart. 1 , 1 (1) )11( n~ ln1.1 1I) i ( rlI1 111-I.".I 'C "\," IIIII tllcil f ill"l( t,. 'II 1,,"i it ItIr ficu.:tu t X,,"12-i ti)'1ly 1:::1. ,. a1,d it lmlallI l-. ll ftl n, ,"r ry IltllP :,i Ilil

dItlrlt ll,, I iKIITadI mitt I"". ' lh I lr," in~ idP( of iI , I hl i-

''. 11'1~'"1 ;1,t, 1 m .nutdrdIII' ,.ll I'll., '-jlnllr11 (111 T lritn ,~ Ilill-1,"illunl k~I, 1.," irr ra h"- nt( n thr.PorteSt. M rtin

I.,il! y wA e l rIlet "alv n l lthqTen~i, '

(,irri,.lv rapl",ll . TJ'hl, mial,,I illrlll•,"Ilt, w,,ro -h1 t " t1, ",pml ir w*,r* Ink,.n t. l,, IA- El,, \ililhtre. to hetie,hv (.1111 m rtylial. Ater yhi r h r rnd hllPll ,tji , thfIr w ril'lt dlat.l,'|) I:Ik u" fili l. I hlse nlIu Ip Ie, oralill .llll o .L' l'hl, illl ll t"l i, \:itl tI 1 , .rl. 1,, v l l i ll :; , ,\.'v 0l] of h, "

,l:etv well ,\vn t •uein t r• f'h . rinmany pI l s f a .~ rtloll . \\hrl ' mh III•I ,I*•I' ll ll n I tII firrt it, liklin

t, hous.. Ill')" w,.r,, m nl,. to• , on 111 "11 ,mjll n..r ,

W,.l' , hoJt on 11 Ih o,,t. At The .ht, ,," of "mil~t ,I,:1e v h, u

wer\'t,1' hlot inz tli, w•, v ']'hl," irri III(l 111," th

, n.r• 1"(l• (

n hvnlr, l' . <. "l I, u lr ' I f' t tll h"ll i l nl e tlrIe, or fooT fhlt' ,

nIl -P. y : i 'y. . l ll Tdy Ii on lt I' II i (l t (- the lfle•'•' o1t•ltnl~ lthy ]t' , i thet erwe tere 11 hielhed.

'i1'1 ." Iltoll.( liver t1h.i 11 it ) ln Irt Iwa .lly nr thirty ,p[i

;I h" I.irII IP v'IIl" A ni* e,. i l ock ill night tour d,.ll lll I t l II.,

lre l t'l'l ll l t o" the tet. o l l- I'eji t. , ,e., I II I' I• e \ I"

1 \ic IILI6 Z i, nI I \lhi- f a 1lllhlq" of t ,li 10 I ' Il:si~ ncta "fI I '. tllr t : ire't't't Ililt ll, o lu atii fl i ,t ~ Il s i urg,,:leln , )" -klyl) :,A hol 1'11l l.![,i. *hi oft Ih1," I)llI:ll I'•lp . 'Th ~re I-

0"01\(l~1:1 1 I: .1"I III.. ~"~ rl.ll Lout. tlll; J I l I. L )II h il a

;.h1 ,,111h "l Li,*d :b ,',h 1 1 Ih, l' ,1 .-1-~ .l[ it hr lllt bI yl 1tt," 1 1u,iitht'L.IPL. y Ililz( , l. .l II) F i ll( ll*)' w ( '*. :111 I':rrilt[ hV L vl, hi

rII'va, .. l'tlh, lilh -. I.\ lr li ngl o N.1: Ih tall killenll A\ w

Ih lia:" :, lll' ll'r Ill th " : l l l~ 1 r1. :,11 Ii I aI ly I" h :t

~l Itar m•l 'art I..lI lalyih..'. w:l, nIXi( ,• 1.i' 1' hi-i :u rest ( 11 I'il l n' • .1 th..lily I],":tns of :III :,.li hllt illlmA I."t ills t-ll l t ll- 111.1 I,- It,, ill ll l.: 1 II od to-rl-yh

:1. "l her tote" irl- iLore ", I , . it .,;I i -l. n Ilhll 1,lll llllh.'I ;,"'1IIl'll th, so;lr:, I lll l :nt :Il thct I1 , t tll 'd• Iare, lovetuIC.i, ore ,tl ri v : htt tI~ Irlonllt ilelia\,, , xc,,i ilillly wll .nill rrig;,.• allo,, .IA t, ptl:..ill 'ft o], rati'll" t -d,. 1: 100r ,•l-ll thirdly ill , eri-I ii11

11• altnd Irrl•tiull; iil'• tl

aint - lrlingl l trri.:,,1 \ 'II• . . : h ,rl w little t.•iLtalllg oIny ])rllal :lllltt ,*it oh nll IiL' ,l'lclo it watt said thaal l,Ialllglr wal• L tat :tit ,n

Tihe11 ' er"e•J.Sl, tpm ll IL" Ill"" I1I1"ulrrn illtlrllllil lt,. w :itI'll ti'• IIIINIy 4'in'lll i .l oy- •;l : 'Therh e.l',. ,v,"I siev(r l l]arn~llll ad l ill ' il'lle co lt " io" (h lli ngh t. hat they I w e

t) ill <i , ll nh l it II ll 'e "'l(r ot:,,l 101i,, a~.•,',,tnt We I:,th,.r th,. fl,l, n,;• in,

'I'll,. I,,,l'-,I, who, ill th,' 'arll par t of TIlin'..dluy rn,,~

Inn, rtes:i; d,,"r m' i (,al toltltd uin the , I rnln tols. ri,,l.q

ni~wilhl~talllilll• lhaw n+,lrnllllts ~f Ih-g, ernmm't.•l in

ill I •,latel o," 00gt'• J 'La telllr i1[•, of thll o uitlrie~r ollrit-i4t f+.mlllls• tons slo]•letl onl •J'llurlstllly ('voatlg ttqlrll at barric


ellu ; Ltiel couirier Iva, allowrd t, Ilrnoed o

Ifi wits rumlors4tha |llt .hll, wore tool~l frol 'tl'lrillm



ulo upon11 the triul•. anti it Won, illlllt liltt'y:ttIl(kel l[ .y" *tielt"., Iiry. Th ,am pnlt*Ilea wils ulrge,!forl t

I:Ilt'illl. M•. inllaohtlolll'Ot sl' c pelllt nt l a elull't~ry. whichmtriddled with c•IaIUOI. anld at lenst thirty of tihe wortet

till aflter two hoursr' bird S fipting and the~ lass of 50 to, itDltllives. AL the Putt St..-kh rtib some hundreds of dead.ta~d wounded wlere foundl~ behind a barricade : sad almongther number wits Lieut. Col. Lebenu.

Ont the riglt hand towards the Port St. Denis. theliosis Anil wittdlor are cn pletely ntlbasbol by cannoh all. Soma of the houan s in thn boulevaad are of tiollt witht terraces in front thaen,- wee urttpi d.Iey th illtt 'lylan a itar ly tth twelve o', a L.lnd fount

them a R Ilrde'ruos fire onto ,directee~td uponn rho t roops.Three a rtilk~ry moo w ere shrlot downu at their Kann nllJrlolllired furiouu b y the l oo, of tluir comrades. rho gutterllorrr loa JI w~ith hull. andI~ four pie(rl of artfllery eun-1titnoatl It' 'lay nyot them intlt .tatly fattmrel tnh auhout The walla wert ptaerforatda thantogh and thraogh.

If'~n~ l~ Jff~llf' I' f'r~ fion t af lhIl~ag It ilr

514f11.!rnnl F~ fffyrlltf....l..ff.If.'t tt... tq..nrc i~tlrt..Ifflff'f S Is f'ffftfllf ~f.I'ffI~ f

I..l~ .. p~lllt' f..'* 1411 Ini,, If ~II bfffl/. lu 1.4 If ll

1.1.1 tinalt lRffflnurif'f 51il ff .4tI .. tr~b.. t .. 'f

tfftfflf.'fIfIt?.rill. 141,11. tb.'tIIlfrl.tfIft..tltl(I.i. ...flblp..

'.1.14... ft~,l~lft111t5 Ir l ' offT 1St r l~ft Atl

i~ni..'.. f ffiy flff~t~itf... Inin 1ffrnr ''at Itff'ff 'tffff.'ffffr~ntIft., fff~ttf",ftf,.f pf.,I t. f;'ffinftfI 111 t''f'ffllt ai' r f rrtl,'I

t' ...,.i,. ffftlfllfllf' trff (II,'lfrlfcl 11 1, 1

IIIt patfi. l..'''..'I ff1i "ftrr lfpiI.lff 1ff RqPl oh

fhi~ ~ ~ ~ 111 ft"~1 .f'ff. nan ml T I f'frfI l~i. .1,1lofi

1III I ''11yuil IIoolt fir,4lI 'lb~ll r(ll l~l nt l

Irri- c ni. in- (IdI lllIl N~I: nI~ '1 lrl. llllt

Il~l nnh~r l rri - I,. I. ill.I,lnIl n -lboini, Mn-t

1~J~. -1. Iell lnnnblr I~lliT~1F np nl~r e El irnm

3.~ ~ I~lll 11111 1JI ~:Tllli' l~ill I- l 111ln

rould n~~,t nlbi ~ I IImr~i Io III j~lridll hi I'reui~;

111t C11 111 I iIiI 1111111-Il Illloh ii IIltt 111,1gl o

\l ''tit 11 t lit "tt) 1:0 tighplt In 1"t" h1'~~~~

alai, M'I`TT gil? t vn f t IIhv n""I J(f 11I 11.( 11o.1),11 11- 1 1 n ~il I

A grIt ~ut nl t (.1:Ll .I i i-ag-.lllll hate ' 1,. 1 .( 1,11.1 l :111(

'1'Ivn nr v n1 Il r - l-nl r, ;It tll-:I I~iriIil Ma,...." 'fill- trial,.

In kv:11rv 11l I,.. i vnl-vtl 1I I l~~ii li i. t11l inllll I t il 111Il'llr,;r l' t llrlilill -:1 \. jlllll) llllt Virtitll in till. il-IIPIln".

illll rt 0 Ow :h. iihI i llllll illP( . .1II I'T1 nt hl lll")la)n~ if IhI",vr11l1. i rlhl t~l I v 11111( 11111 arr ii Illjllnlldil)1 Atrial. M. II.. all-1 11 .lay. un ltlitvl v tlt. tor t.TJ1(rl- it.lhIlnnamsn 'th'1 -yil o tttvtus n (II iilrlr

llilln l I i id..1 111 anal '-III l ot 'I'rllll y ) lll~lilL ref till-.

l-inv 1'rv l III , nt. A I i ,dii ,f d un 1 lira,. I i Ipht -vI" at

thI"'U'p-M It' nit,,, I f- till- tint lll lllillC

illll l F( Illll lill"ilAiI .f ill,- Nll anal loam, of Paris IIIIIIII1

l'Ir 'Illi t lay -A 111 "il n'I. i lt' l lill: t'IIr it,, Iran~lrll la-tillit 1t. tll v\-i t AIII1 111 to 1:1 1 UI\( 1 A ' (l -lit i1 i t111

Il,-il . I all 111-1 1011 uhjlH ttl II1) 1(. tlty sn Jlil li-Lt o Iht"I Iill1 11 ilvwilt " hall- hrII))I. .1 ll.r 111I IbliT ll dI1Pt ll.

1 I'1,11 1. lilulill ll :I l lal, o, hat, I) 1) i girth ;It lll llll~ill

I Ill- ih". "ii tll- Will I 511:111 1l. It ll n-il Iak nl e1 p UCII t

\lh. IIIIrl rL'rl--a .N III rlvllr I, this l.ltwnlli 11.

'I'hv ;uan y. sn111 1 a- tl)LIII Culllti rv lluhlill )(llil hi m. 1 ))1.Illsnlllll y r nine tnyi it.I t t 'vill'

t.1v.1 by -I w lill trl Ill- h s al tsha 11 i, , I.,n h

vanlll lt. c Iilit ti ll- wnt ill-tll( tiltlI ill;; nl-liv l ill t llnlllF in

I hnl by o- h.lluhl Itl1rli1 fla-g lIII lh lllli( I Il i lTh I. linilll"I~

(ILl the :vI. 1, L,- foIllo..wing, l.c.s nl o ln;t a atc4 trout th

k.1.t Ii, h,,I..eeoo,

'h'ire",.t ~If th' " I',4 hlic : .I0 Ili. IoI tr' omI llloill uI1 l,:. i :lt,, to , o t' tIo p llot :t oy ,.rt ' a e' :,huLnt, 1.lm t:dtiulorder an d •,J•. ,.g,.C 1,,le 1h,') .ait :,l yl):;

I.i,,•tI hi( w to }.ty atlot-nii Ion to , ot e . t " slilloe oti( l hi

Hand tl, the' wi l, ,1"he. . W ll-iaelin-lll pu":on)., T ll I T ill 1,.

mlot ,tolat~l le ('hgtll •' IaL ll g Whise of voting which thty hailoitu. iaI tille, of tu illoo

Ieo lr'1oo haeito-ll t m, oo t a1 lear to

0000 olO II 0'I 000.IIC (IdIIolY( L o t )rlO~tyI1 I JI b Ol05OOl~oI tI11l 1t

tloo.iontly ioletho' l. .,,lel' en0 len.. , of thl Voty ,t' vTh 1re I .'i i lent of thll ]bleiuhiie (h.•irrs tihot all the elect-

oIr..'hall I eeltPIe| s'ly :it Iiberty inl he cxlnt h res•ion f theirt el,,- wiether they s. re .r"i, ],otbli,. fuazctiouls or no•t, atlll

whthr they ho.I 0 ll tthe rivil pl,r•el,. t ti or t<, llh artll

:l lult( iL sh bone,.1 L oltllii , . 'ilo.o lielty oi f votidghl , ist lll, i ,pi t tolll oll.l'i Idl e, t oo • .lt .Id•l.edot y I .

l, 1k'la. bec,. Il..1 l oleot. ilitte ofltheI, trior.

lhz lhse lh. tith, follhowing blt.ter dllscsd by the

Iti, l.,t I,' the, l-nt • Itolr ooltLo lb, ar t.i :tot,1

W1, II,,,o ( .r -I heel 'I pll te:1 I e IIe~le .,,f Voting

nhi 'ol 'r.,l l. .I'" Irll(. IrI'I'•r giving ll Ii, •igtl Im i 11 19: : Io

laU oo Ilml tIode. cl.npl.oyo•'. tmrly.baty.tOt d t1'.lt. h

inlstre llmre'II 'ott il Illy tii ll tylri ey i, Lhe sllet i i b t..iillt i l to th, se.rioults ' otjeel'iotnsmto e n lt jlt ro letI.I'tl.'. t l•t..oe tlo .h ,I.'.yo l 0 5war5 jIO.ot issul to t elr

which r i lglau, the n Lltlet of vngr 'llll 'e Its 'lol ,g i

il awave tIe cffcLe of exorctisngl a lunowart til linee ii],tllrre cailnr,, it is of i.l rt U to sut tI5 r 0 iln0 nl't a rOo,' .tlitotttetoigIItl hereofore, withouto delo'yoot.lI' oo.akleootn

to he atrly that io the itotd i which it ha vtto is dif-ferett frOLLL that according It. which tiot :there itize,,,swill vote. it shtll be tteett tur o itl ; tat i toliay. I wist

I t., igneoran t Lof the mnlllc of thtsoe tho havw votedotagaiost me. Coslequontly, the taking of tho vote. tnoeterminateLd and duly vefld I ,beg of you to order thatthie oregistrlues to boent. Lot's NAorLEt:ON BOosaRTE.

the circular Lof tile Minister of the Interior annouonaeLiha

TiLe votes art to be takes on the 20th and 21st instalt.The electors art, to tLithe personL who wotthi be entitledI vote inl vhltule 0.1 toe oeLcto-•l law of the 1oth Molrch.1:04.-that I. too say. tll IthseL nt bontsring nnder e'lo'iohIloeiftod disLqutOliesllaionL, who ore twenty yeaars of agp.oiolL have oesid.d at leaot sio months l n oommunen. Thelilt. se to he utliloehd at tile latest on the 16th. and seeto bIe detioitely elosd ou thle 9th tt itizeLswhoo e noamtar. omitted may call on the Mayor or Judges de Paol to

in" Tht voting ii to h•toontintttdo ea.rh ,ay fromI "1t'ktoitbt 4",,itto k it 'tt n the otpula'ttioni P~ot lak.o, rl't,t. eitirtly io rtoe. plao ot.tlpat n_ may ,tl p.'to.tliahr.t

1+r tors att t,, trint their vtb titt paler, rtay preparbl'l oy : tre t t, contain ltht wor dt ye or tnt , b tl an gllt w, r to

lt., frobp'.-ititn tuhmiltt,l t,, thoto ptte,, by the Pretide!ttof boel'•pooti f, Th,-y may by ,rib trol tr written.t at oryto, t. ;n whititpcr. ittoop t tllt !xterirr markt. tihen hsnooto. it co.dlel. tho elt"Ptor it to, his tt tng ib toprcloied : and t

he prtt idt.ttr iy to dtoto it tin the taoot

Itox. Tlhobox iOt ,i t, , o tat Inrk, the kot oft olt e 0fp0'.rb i. t~ be keby the0,'r iti-tint th," othbr tr - th s."

1P l -. ib. oo to yao i)ett. to -- tarit ol Tltltlay war quie.t.

The walth0 f prraprietor. ttnite todttot, tre At. wott aatsinat:,l

T'heh)•,mce of +.v.rml we•aithy le-it ioita. at Callr.Ft yon, IJrttolllt. wt-r. intored on tho hth inp the irtorietor

At toriirr rey,"ral oainripoaot ot-tiotgo," afth ttitwoty treItli- ,+treit th~at 3l lr~hol J., nme Bo,+ap,:tre ha.t writt.++t

a irt tnnv et t ,r tfo tit, Pro+tident. intro tlin. g him no t to,o.tulott byl tt'otic ;tlthority. Int to call tyetho r tho Cln-t titutioal Asto mlo y t, frame a new o o.otitution fotrFrlnee.

T. nac~t -f,'onunnl~ompl+. Ikr 3)-During thl last ten,layoo. the, Chritlia public of this 'apittLt boo t•on in a,tate of ,,xeitenoent nbut the .Iets!-,dem qul,,lon, whichhon trowtl of t oaturo calculated to o ditor, th


.xi-tinog blw.enr tihe Fronch tlovernment and, tile .•ui-lime orte. In ordot r to iner.ale the imp',rl ave of the

oUeatitl. witl and extravagant reportt a ire db ilt entio t "r-,ulat Otd by th, o frioeud. of It w,,uil app.r thalt

the frien.liy relations tit•tOn the two got,o rlmt ntO atbton ft +e ',i boing inotrr't't d. But utl thet retf ption

,,f tnl...tion. from Panri+, nothingB,,:itiv t

rn take, IP• ....itt tot' man time. M. Iavatette refotoi to rtrolaize th,"intorf.,reae+ of Ru.,ia on the. sutjervt. inmioting tlat ifthot power has ' ly- objertionot ir ,'ipo'tition to inmk,. d tI'iall IdI so fre,."ly a P tri l.

lTr+.v.--ASt'op/. nol. 24.--At ~'rder hIa hetfijeotted fronthe. war ,.,Bee for;, n."w con-criptlon ,f 19u.xO0 |inen. wvhilwill bring thih Nfop,,ita.n army o, t,~ lhe enlorm,,lJ num-ber of 1(14 .(0) neforer 144 40.04 ) tlocn werPe .unei,.nt forthe 'T' ,Sioili.•: u,,w we ha.,' nearly .l441 ,O in drily.onlmll+ 'Th( f,,rtific.atio, n are. pri, e,+ling rapidly at Go."tnan] '.yenr?- LhIH• e-tm,-et(e.I with IhII :trny i." , n a1 w-:rf,'.lil'O.

News by _Telegraph.N Yn ,i.. -1.V11 ,-I,,' . -. T, elt4n

illl',. t is: -I -tll e1,,dI t- tll.-y . i, i -lb' ll t ,-d t,1) , "1 ,:

,ah,- 1n I l4 4 -, rl, ,a.-I ill ; n the ll I-etn , ia.- - t l. i-b .,i""t," tilt, e•.t 1 1 .\' H I ht,- t'friea Inw:. F'l,- hoot been,.llllKU•I r,-,ln,..t at 'I4 Dl -, bl,I f,,r I bhiu i 1rlv.. Mix.,l,',l c n11-(r I1., , Lnhuh l '!,,rk h"," ,I,' lied.11tur,l .i h .. - b4--dy hate i.,en Il .14 47t, far , t....l,,l~f,ra h .% \I Ot t, r.•--M311kin,'r elrrlnlar i,,tot floulr

h, l h Ifrqrl,l au-. IThl. •:,nl ehour,,- l,r,rt ., t ui r hl av-I ill; :,,it%:ll u, e,,] •I.liL anti ,il u rtl ," 1 I an'l ait 43 I( 11-|(1.:l, I',,, ii - '/r nrInal J ll~n ^ -ThIe ric-r i"-t.ili ri--

ill ,lnl;a dl ha lllllli eu f ' 'o' et sillll-ce I t il.hi Filur hla-•be,,nl iln h r delnanS l at $3 ' ihll \tl'Ii-ky -lll t le:th

IlrII Lwar . a11t,| h i -11114,,1- ,4:111 i 4 ei 1 .. <

hI 1114-I-lr i ll, k 44111 1 - h11.n t

imlla'rket i- veI ll l't.: ,I th -ae- " only 5 ) Ia pr.-uInIIk le, il P i1i :la•. h ,,, lin ll- t ln l d "ll o il haV ebeenIrtl at $J t ,1• _ :i s Ilhl. \,"x a,.--tpllP Ill o lrk' .L."

11\~ Iht rolril:r Itl11b, l1)" Iil :r?. Tlild 6 611hlr,~r itnl •'lvln ];2l 1 wJtrill thl chlln'" "# I~ fh. 1{1iilffv

i' t ii" oltdlzht a rl..•ttead)" :ILt ;-'J'l-d. f, ll utto to Liter.Ihlun ll t ] -I\L I)-!,( l h + lillla t•.--rTnll river• hiere is nrlwrlrl,,,.t ru llltl , ie. aiI h at- pa-" with .fIG-t'. There artniow eilllly te-n feet wateri n h cll hannel t, l hu. fil,r l.Mi lt i. in h,.,d,1 ren l u, .t !t 'l4 l',frt .l". Iii111 nd : l-i II,, tl r FI',,Igl I l',, are ,.tiv,.--wh•-ky fHr Nlll... ,, o ,• .............. kn' : .... ........ 'fh .... .............. ....I'iutint. the' Ile-t,n,l . heli h,"n. [lnfn•',ttI, antli the, .•ihlaWright. have h.-ft In-r'e to-11,11 f, r .Net,wlrIt~ll:.T,',1 liars I.!1•,1 ealr,, El t;I'I!IV- .tnlIIIIA nrf Tit:

I'll n l~i • -'- |•i. t I i, .. I" I•'111•t'E--\'--. ~'1'P -i A .lilla l't " 1 .SThe-ttealielr leaikllin hi-, arrive,, Illrf,. hrhiu inrl .1Itil,fr'oml Livl,rp ol 1~ t,, "l, 21-1. t~nl lt 1ol I ' wl, t~ I he,7 , fI e

The f~11l,will• is it brlihf -llltlllilly tif hpl" ni~,",v-Li .it,I ,o~l. I~ , 31 lt, 1 --Thl,' -lile.'' i,f ,'Iteni I ILiVerl.,Il

nln S,dtula'yl werel'l ;aln, Ibahes ;t unt'hall, t ,l lc,:. @ '

llrl'it lltl : were ill li01'P l' anti hnnlt .ta I'- t;lth-er 1el ie.

'ot.' nrrrl hulcll l iln rb--t paAL llr nlll ..lirtly, [lIllta,

by a hli il .I

t id rI, I - i-• t.,lI ol siIln Il', rl l .E . .- -AI r -- 1 ,hoadful t.,lliry rxl, l n. nhad 1 ,, .I."' J I t Iat hatslw l l e. .l:v,, s•, l,, Itt. l.-1.

FtI'IIII t FI t tt, --- l.,Iti- N qIl.. I.v.t. i+ i h .I .Tin, .'tl of [hr :11'lllS fill,| iil V .Ial 1 \ 1:11",-,, ! j oli,- to)

It i- •tat,,,1 th! l : Ii , Vullnulr lll i- ll i'l.llb'll al, II n •t.. E nt,'a(rt :t ]l.i.n- .. t lf ll 1II1 u i ll l .. .I[[:ll'., ab r,, .I, tb,,lif llthe

III, th,, ll.f i."ic".. y'1'11h , di•.Irllut, h it. l .I tll " l : llll'q* I ., rn l, -:;ll rlllli.Til ll n t.

''|1.." ] li"'I l i It''i '" llh ll l llnt' II I1 Illl. .. .l'i? II hl? .,.l ,l ,' I. l.l. i,' li.,•,'r" ; r. :.uih .-[ lltl ly tl - ttoly

.1'.l It ; 1 .; .. . I ti.1.. -- F h(t llat[. "ri ??1 :o"'t.tttnl, - n l ti1)I.. i,, t,,' ,,i'i.i l f llqlt l Ihe..' .u trn lionl I lill.- l il h rnt l, at a 11 " 1 .t | M r \\.hb-th r :tll ,11.faialls iin-i ln..ln l"ll thl. r', . [ ! ."at ' ,ltlllll illu ill 1"1":}'"1.". X hliln-h hIi -:,iI\-:1. ;":..I.[.t'.1:1 ;: llll'l-llu'r itllhl l!,'ll -•tly.r\ I I'II.I.YIII1-

Northern Items..... . , Illolt t , -- l ,Ii .l t. f, le I t .,tie -

u,1,,, CHI i ,,r- ,lt, dl I'lielelhhlit. tee' -4. t'.-.

Th lie ll itl ' L•'It l i tilt ' tee th+Il n:il, city tt 1I ,i-•-ll. thi- ,",.llliln 'g:I Ill,,-.-(1 hrillian:'t n11:llll iutllLn'I-,,f .te1 Ia .ou, pilinmk .o Ian t,. 1 hr,1" .ll , Ir,"p

.,..I ill

Ihi t

BIIIl•-'I IIng- ,m l rlf till ' l(I)",1l St ll ,- I. lh

l t ell i, did gtI all pt l'. te tile I t l htiull l oc,, I ilrt t'iit t te • it' a L•e". el'.

tt It ll It t ele e I *' .-iep l lte the lluee le'e l tht at ile ll,- tly ei -

flli l tl l 'll ll i .of Ii on~1111. aR ll witrL• l' iv,"'d t1 ilhl

i1 , t lt ' II •i e ,lelle i te t i e -

duI, •+' ll I\:Illl" Iok I ali l t!_t 1n-th ill h,'ht " l l l 'h1f il 11 ,til : lnt

te illl ou-•ete eII I pIelele " h ill fleVr l f ee leiee 'l i.le r-

Illti,.u iil +'lll ~~I lI eeier ,,l -eeee iee- l' llllll

ee)tlleellt yietlt. ']e l.el l:" .. l .. tll e ll e Ie'te.t1.l'k thl e .•1T l-

ilI' 1l llllI. ill I ufllltll IandI lllll nt -LL, I iir' " e l-•ete-ih

I• i\i ftel•l t- I ,I' I W'eehnl'' 11 lle e l. e le nellell Me llee. il. l

allll l',,Ili-ill ,.fI~" llllill• ,o ofIIi* the' .1,"nk , '- ,n,.;r e er..h l-villl ~I ".'. ilh .l h - - I l-lllh l Ir,a ' d ) t iI' I t lit'te r

II~ 'Ih l'++o+t,+' --[) ; 1 ,•l 111 4Tlt+• --- 1t•?H.1 1111111 4+ :t -P ,, - l+

Ft., lr ills h It, Pit .

tl l'h u"'. Dl", ,('l" i . i a holl Ai .+,l t

IIII+P F taboult --IJ~ l +,'eh.. l k. hit l, ite : ee ,~teet ii i e v -e ,iSill{;t,-hI i ll-t uletl

y e k eei el'hlll ee , llhllell."lt l l +qi ,r

IIelll etele t ti ll , tl w Ie l Ieatiehllt ,tt , I :. ve tl itl-

-loudllt 1. -l I, ,t~ll; IIa 1. I,"r t~ illlh'Ith l lira l 1, llhe ,lllm t i,'IThiet r e uet i utiltlilt ill eItIte ll'ild l bl l lli tee kel ttI e " eae-

,"llull l In lll'i Ill , r'I r'-ha I tl-r-L", it l ~l 'It b tl -I I ll•i lll I 1

I'I " l'e,.l( ,,l'' t x,.lll ,.l --- i'll" tale1 l'l l'•+lll lltll l lnF ner,,

hatt. it apt,'l te. had ithe e ti t t e itet p i' viI foet it,Inrealut. •It hll. el tille t N tl+ i h l 'llii(i. It i t l.o, ili'l.tlet,l tha1 illpfl dll.l t ,'t:lalt',"• ",luit+t itac'. tklt e •ll • (e

,tll tl ll 't hlt. l t. hat it It, hel m fotI Illt velt t. .le

h'tSet ill tlhe t'elt ele-hiiet e.,t , Flee . eit l dated lteitlleIt el" *lelllttett ''t

1 )tll'1in, tt ~c lC l te lh dI lll n Iit I lie ll it ,,le .tIIl he ll i-I'liI. et' olnr1 i ii h, iell qtt .l,,lit ll t I teitteetleJ. I d lll tti lllt t

adldl lll torl lnll II'ltrllPllaln "'.l1, llal. (lJIt fll utll Fh rlelg

oIt 'le ;Iry F r•:ll' in_ ill ill flu' lil.,rattiln ,,f ]•outlt

lll h l ll et te• t i el t. l t I' tit lll l' :hn Itoll.

il ll,,l t lll lie e l t ill llw llelle l t lt we',. which paiv

tei' telt e tl'll llill ('tletlt e ..a eIIe1 ilt i lle l '+' i,] r'le Itr -he ,I n II. .iltl , 1,(. rforj lt t i tte l Ite ttl' llll ll l l'e -lit h ,

heartily" |a:tri hilp d ill it,.- llir.-IalI e.-llilll lt of "'v l-

ltbe M tit eet e'teli H .Ittlneli t te eei itee teed lt e lttt '-t-

ih t t ie tret , e e ttlr l',r ll. -t e : e l l ,te •t t etie ee Lt "

it tele t'iei iee t Itu. witht. ,it

th y* x + f l :t,• ... ........... .... . 'lheet t'ie" tne.t .."At .'- . u'lh d, lf it i- ,atil. 'nr,+Il l tutll'tlll~t pt'--4. •' t ,',,u


'et l 'tt 'etie t'e toet le' cetie'le e ttetlele It' h peee- . '1'h".

e tetetetbet le eFt ac fnut ~nlnm'Fc

lh'r, y ,-xhih~ih'd grea~tt iulti+g l•ti,.l at thi t." llllllii jll-t I'-

llr I, 1,. aulll ph• i.-ti t lttl" et -ltl t~l reltll ill illy 1~11"•.-r illthel l'oin][llt with l,.rvl l':,tllll,tllll It wat+ agreedll :t aL

•ll,+ lllll ':ll1in-1 t',,Itll ii.1111 L+, tha w ,r thr,+, mul) , 1,tl , ,InLlld re*tire : but jl tlt :,1 till, tlll mielelt--it wa ha+.t 'l'u.--iii', eethtbltpril,e telegraplh .,'tn~ted,• Myl~ivittvr nll ll i]

lououtlll by• il1111+•t ltei1 tL reelhtltiOll ill Jl'Iellct ' p il

- Ilriti~h (tt'etiiet+ etI,- illi o .tull -tl ut'llL Nav'd:

SlowIt, iLnont.-The recent snow tit-a aStug the

Atani State.t iS tendil it t-olt~f'ttOlt't.ootli.n h

"theti .- S o t-. .i.l mat b" i.tod y tt

~v w. hl ' ilall :1 ti. be 1..prive'l .. f all s. Ilnp )) ity. nII Ih

it wav l nlrd ht lr t a t ime that I.,. had ontllt fr Ielll to

,,.nt-t.tttj, like .dil ilb. al at .ti.otit to o ate. lot 511 t.we

be1 ~tlie. III Florida P LLI dOr~~l I riltlrl-St..ha lbe. B betofi, t"rbwo ftreez fill beito thw-i

nnIt vrIto.. b.ctt ittanl tooihe d. LbgatI tott 15ea. Btwarxntol tlt't rool. y oeethe illedort baly~~ cit 1St to

ftltnoon Itot Tnbor It (Soxo. it- Uv f-The sow iftitSthIIe cuttingsrl of the Slesb. n I .lw5y. oear ,lt."rbet

have~ inte~rrupted the co mmunication al most d ai~ily. to

:n apcIsthesIt ow hs been foirty or fiftytfeet t c,"'so engt o ett er on one (tttoetty. brought tee stan still.lthir firstbi Jo xtingi.heltbd. Thloetvi. too bttft snltwextends theP whole distance( from Vienna to BerLIPTlin. and~

covers a widle tract both North an~d South of those cities..Beatween Rutibor and Sorau. in Uppe~r Rilcriil. within a dis-tane." of flue Won tt n miles, the leee of tenl lives isl reportcalfrom the severity of the woatfer. to circle of do. Saxony. fifteen me~n and six horees perishll in the rlluwstorm of the 21ith. Simlilar acecounts have been receiv-dfromu othecr parts of Germany.

A new cotton fagctory. recently ereced at Reading. tot..boy Setttoor Jates. of Rhode t bnd.. hS. been pat into

!':llttti 71, al. of the barque Yarmnnlouth, has been ceu-rt."neel to three monthsh imuprisonment at Roston. for un-juvtifialdgy ansaul hiag one of his Crew.

'. Sr. ttelmer Engineer. arrived at Norf 1k. ou Thlurs-day w th It draft of -i'aluyc for the U. S. shipY Prebte

Later from Teea.By the arrival of the Meuiro r'apt PFIe. on Fattrrday.

're have received fiae0lwnn paper, •, to the 30th nlt",iova rnnr Be.J waa inangurated o the 2W

nit.: ke gird

the Wolring paragraph from his adreses:. I hae been ctreful frely t.solwr to ,thb,,the auO

hnmesty of purpose and deVotion to the best Interntt rGth country tht Ictlim Pr myuit. I embrace thi oe,l tion further to remark, that to tbh, of my DrtH.ritiuiau ho haerr rustaintd urd wIh •r•enuumu 6onut-ince and noble advocacy in thumeatut I have recrmt-meuded. andtho views whihb r harw thonught It my dutyto prmnptte I no return Sc lneror thank-Sh beettrit-t o bt-I. rte hart. r ibn Iue whrue oplunitnuhatv hbin atulrae to my own. with nn oppoottiotbh at.-teriozlt by manly indepettmlne. I entrertain no fuInghtt thee b f ritp'etu. with kinn.lta Ftr otheurt FIh.- dppf•,, my public ec, ltree (ibl t,,,ik rCh nrimony,purhap-.) I hatr no canast atlti i-thiig to lrge. but."-pe.l fully reuest that they will calmly ruvt+r. anl. if,roliuttt with a liberal and ind tmu c u ideratit , of

th rri.r whirch inseparably attach" t ut •iL, reverse thei•r-lon. ortglnating. no doubt, in the purret Intttion,,

ntt amid exciitrm tut tootro for stoi de-saleittong<+r.,rat r rosy.--The Newt of the . :

Thet dens fog whioh Ih" enulbope 'tUrscity fRr thput eight Iav+t. wal tat night dlipereidt by the most vio-trit gate w have hu for twelve mmonths. The wind eom.i need twurdt mrtuning. attended with thundPr. light-uing and rain, tluwing from different pointnof the com-

lmits. tut finally uttl d in the North. whbn Its violetcewa. aneb that It du, eorAL steumeu ud. n ground, dsm-agingi ntm of tt and capsiaing a number of smallittt and uarly dhttrtytug rthr The steamer Dr.twm it, Smith wnWdrivtu y

n ground anJ also theBftthlIo

The Fte:tmer Farmer had~her chimney,• t -ied away. aseIay- drTi'ven through thp foot wharf. ePnrmeethit ++i++ t)'dtIwitb ti- trick whar. rtjyiug away on" , L bw hulred[f-t ,tf t. T•t, Farm•r wa ao on gran ua morn.n-gWi W annot iaPn tlhat t"I 4' fiug has inttfered muchItm y

.ti..( tleeafra al-Two M. wjeanh. wearing mf thn attachntatkeeper of 'h-ak.-y in roanAntonio. glee. a thek tidlw.tlin ry ftr hilp caused them to Bft .tnd give up mbatrert. which waa supposAd to e hmb eety.

nloe pane.s an Taoohy -On thd 10n altiha. Getn. amit-f~ourd an rrt-r Itat the movtmant of troop,

northern frontier. with a iew of keeping the turalant.mliagin in fhugk. The Wllthr Texn dgig the follopa.

int particulalrgof tIh proposd Ihang t d:ISail- rompini. of th.'..h Infantry stItioned at Fort

W'P1h. Fob t pal t. a Ih Auaiin. are to be immeaah.I- tf-i ~t ii mot-i-n fo.r FoI g Ithan. preparatory tohccn.hying posta on the Coachh ht-ISan ahta. The tan oom-It-nit at Put Martin If ott. and I ht company at e San An.tnio. will tbova t-l hot Mrtan on lhano Thea cmmand.

lugr offlecr of th regiment wvill th,'n deaiguwev the comps,-'ttha of the rihta towIg acorO~iig to the teatIritand .laborns. whichl. tviMTWbe hcilol-.{na n"tn. will p~roceedl to cc-

l-p) tht poht o. the north hrail o the Concha. a thetft t lth'o it b," ,"Ia~li~hPI1 on the heada of the San Sam..

Th-e atIs Co au thta noth branch ,f the -onaha will bt

-lnar th ae -otth a of th el -.of tt o it a a h a a b I,pr I.irut 1.ill Johnnon. T" t'igrahical AIun the Pubs will lat t the 1t1"nt pring ofnerr the El Paa roold. Thttp. The tt g htfu tnit-- of the Sth Inithtra till be t ::teu to F A

--I I. lhaae th. tlt.-t,-tlt of the ljtaoo mta`,alt t'r mouonted n'rtjcl. at "art oft new pout,.yt-c..nnpll frt li that riatli-h,-emna-: that hap..eretoftlltlr~ l isttnrlt. in tb tartyn~. Ther remaining hoceerr aref., W. turn.-ii n ar I, the p uauth ee-s DeItt i ntt Atarrm e supply- iaof f' t a i. to It-ape.-t-d to Iaet.aun.t", , -xpeiiItthaalle iaovut-. na ha--, agtnnt thu.' apor-

rent F- PW~t Iiham ioaaoo., eI..'rttand n Forrt pnnth ontlt'ot-lartoof I-- i.itaa lI--tr. Iflat',t. n Wat .taaa-.onmt--tel 0 infa.incIta toot expeted. ia to rt~taihp

. Itml"nrarity at Fort ad.- tt. in clan,- of the pnhli the ~tgl-Iprty

. until it can Ia ntnor. t. Th. rmapanirb of the in-

ftniry :,t PE`t~r \llrrili :,n,1 F,~rt Dullnll x .to eoncen-trll, at Fort 'terth n ttrl 22 Paul Anttniotwhea ne t , , ttII.Ie1 under T tjtul. 1-10l ltinhridgeili(. wi/th the rLgI

Mlt I.l.-no. A lb.' nght tfa.lith a t w"dli-Ittlltgatt Ti-=Two vt-outltI' menitO at ealparton on the .

-Pth. haIing togeth-er .I iatlatintaa froam BeenmnJttnln\.tt.--On the nightl of the 6th in-it . WWI, coma

axiclt- t art.-' a a a qttuietl s-tt.l at huppn ain theair:-am.t' on, the Colbtt.-ai ,-attt- DaaWitt county. tao aAt erinran, sall~ up. one of whom d elilterutuly ln,. a pistollmn-hot onel of rite Mexicanlr name~d Jesus Cantrtt of SonAntonio. \t Siill,"r of the Antoiritls s were known Wo anyof Ithe, .'-tntlu. e t.,- Ai 0.-ta- eat.' after the Mth -ii."al toll shot by one o rf tlll~la. andl ther e ppears to N. no~means of It gth.-g the guilty on.e; iorea thet-.y appaeta~nt rn..'. fr aanmmiaatti. thh-al-ad.lin 11,0 a lie, tl:.-The T WaIChingtotn LottStar t. ya : :a The

III-aze.1r is nluxtl lbnol su t ab-a.- law wt..ut. a mark (hbr-in~ ftlll--i lilill. wtin latt, .- l-I f-ta dy-I) tad it i I.-li~~vtl. try ihnsl al1I ltllu~ltiltld withl themtter nod withhi~w~tiug, l11 ,1 an "Ieme 1~ si t dathel'pi. at ntheptlt

,nt~ ~ ~~ ~I -- It ft' ia, hI, tI +l:, 1'lyia"ol o il: e.

7`: l t DL'atl~ttan.-'ile.S.', .1 aItt..t tagee apeaTI, I~. ar .o a letdeedat-l fti t- la-tas. Decembay

mola. tatlata, it a truek pretioet- a l.a I v arty o indianrtwed th--, -o a short dIettaoa.- btu1t tIatI place andthat nl the tatilltt1. home sad men wert stat~et in pur-ettt. On the day preaaita to tl- lalt. of th. Ictter. aparty,f ludtntta were stun lrio in, oft a lit of muulesn and hurt-.=utappt-ad to bah Iott-tn the- aunflded tan fIafty and twehuuunrld in numbler. but thou, ''err no holrses to pursuethIetm. It ae tt-ti.t hbaa-t..T frtatm t eautht:utia sourae. thatno tmpi o s wan loat to the station on the Loaon. and thatI.t. Tyler. itth thlirty in11t1. startetd in ittttiaath pureuittad had htt.u on tltt.-lejtrail I.-etMtl tlaye. From theall knaattt rptttion of this ofalI~er. wa. "'lf t heartI, .1 ha hat. oe~yguttb-. It.. TInditaa. tIauliattd them anda-.-a-'arl the animattL.

R-111 tno.v-Several pplr b, antih, for ha et,,en made to thell legiL.lature on for altad of thiry-tw, dgre f 1romn Red RIiver t to the oS hbat Pa. cO.nHtiv with ou, frolm Ncrr OrOl:las Thi isan appiiotlon

f tiit-t: of New Orhnt,- Another propoition is torm Ith, rl,:,l4l u:,l th tllioty o-t ,: r,.loro north latitude.

.t ," n.n ,1 bitl l .4 I *[. l' u Il •I i ti-ippL-.reral J,.tittili•m a ,l mem ol i r n arIe I ,tIre F tlhb I,,usesf:r ehart,•r, frlnlm th,, -;rT I, ll. nit. of whi,'lt i.; a petitionIt' lit I tl b llb t fti r a chllartr 'rmlll Virgilkt Point Ito i l

L.*it l-nltli e I.tpworbl t : llllo t•" -l Ithnit o. whicht ,t ..i I txtare canl n:t ,e -urpamed ven by :,Ur 1,w"-,,,, Ihpurpua l of strippiu Wt, also learni that

to,,tr:r. I,+t, of llinoisleaf. Mtibtall, fir *igars an ottanuu-lh,eturing, hatrt been receoivet and plurlh:•led in this mar-S he le f bhitth Il ao hpno ot lrol.l, hII mainly been

in wagli-. ani lh.t h I .lu u+ld .,t b .Iut f,,or lugs. $S 5< to$Vt3 !..r lnt I1, fo r t , an and : tI - ,unino and $4 for fuemn nhq etttll illt,• i,,a f.

T), I..• t-,z-+i' +-'lu'h Itcpubl'i, of tihe 25th alt-

.zh-,.th~lt .,, i f "u d( l'ipxi,,xl oxf th, di. trl" ctill oI f thl.tIllV+h)a l~b

m T b ire,:

\'vetlrday nlo IIlrtlng b,-tw-,,u co'ot a :, ,'itt ut'iv k oare,";lrasl i'egl.'xt

arx ''d o tho alar thrlll itxe .',alxirol xas

,t ir t l' .\ roxli x l h u' xiiextion, hul xxxlvt ' ild icdx not ii

fxxw t,~ blie, 't" hat tit waxxx f, , i .. r. x 'xxt, '."x'ieivig thatxtht, editieu was ipro,,f agahill ruch :at ,tc-tructivo aglPte-yIw.l q'~. I,.ke1 watt rirst ,'eu i-,Iuing I'r,, th


lihrar•.,: utl ith,' guard who wo:, then ~ul dIut~y eft, 'tel an e tm it'e,h breraking throug n ailxtxt I" th door A taxle ixtheo x'uwl as ll xixxx' xtea*'xl H al xx: " I hih' xlx.'.' AloludedI to) the-Ih, 1 , - in th,,h :l I~, i', t -ee• tih ,l lhx: l x'l' x yi h tim ea-s-ta nee m ni e~1. xxI.. ;,,.,a wa-xx -+),hltly tilled with fire: 'Ixd -xlukli'. ti hI.-,' t I hat Ihil (.lhxt',l ',l he' re forxed to re-irl.(,hrit~in It : x lh atl : nIv. 'w hav. lxx, informed.xt' , xx or lx i T e I. xt the x,xx'* li+ i te I'roidx nts, whiChl

:tll,,l. th,," wals The' i. .tl'txll' of the library wxre,ih ,re'f-,x '. Lehft to txix xxti-ix, ' f lilo t tire. It w', not lxxct,

Ie',,'t' ti:,' ,l'xx' dx''arxlxldxhvgh tix lxx.e vexiling. which wai,of wlod" . aueclrtl anil .te-, extlenedl .x tlo the roof, which. t 'r thes slan o l m 'atrixl. xiheax th wxith xopper.

I,'xxr' 'anx dxxxxxxtx'hxx ix thexl x ul,,ttxxx roomy adjoinxlugp Am|,1 till oripi~lll manuscvript.s ,ff tllr ll'use of Repro-oxU:ti g i ill thx fi xinh.ity',if were quickly reImxe,,d to pllace-, if gtxxtyx. anll lxaird ' placed over tlloill

ixxhxrtly xl'lvr thlo alarxx thxl rx wex,, thxl-axdxxf xrcxon,~iu theI E'llln, Iln), lny ofl111thn xnx'ixxxllrig asCxixtanex bypiasl~ltiflp cll'loet. ,•tL fii, la were till,'d ivth water at thefountain onxix x tx wxxx t ftx'xt of thx Capitol xx- company cfinarinx .xx o'rxlixlio xxoxxx xh Ixrrackx. xikv wit were aoUl*ly

uployel. 'fhe |intrlhll .n xx l x'xth-t liixxxl x their exxI vx'ltl, x lll ' Ipxp• x xlr xxte to onle of Ih, (px'ehapxI) eollest

i xllxrl x'iz- , the Still+I xt t he x' t irT xI" the FrnllkfortIhbtl... Illnly ob llly e tu to h,, r't'-culhl .. ti lsue n was broulghtlhh+ the, IIt lllllu l . ntnr I till Iltiil t theP east+ pI,',, whirh W,"l't I~ 1,t,z'k d whule" ,lll,+r vt'OlpIallilP •tppli,:,ttheml wvith wal,.r. ''hv't iitnvl rvlllaiuelld unttil near + un-

dol,+l l, lll ell"'tl rletie~ d. hlav~ing cOlll lhtl y sutbdni d ttle ttl:llllues. Thel water. fll the ell+arty palrl , t tIh(e -1y froze ulp+ t:fl

l ,- l it trlehe thdthe ce onn'l.:sii it'lkl.• of liee wadi~l't'Fllttl.t' xfxl lxxxilY xi x"xiT,

difh, tt. l n lc t at.-titrary. .itua'te,, ill Ili. c,Dl e .+t tihe west flr,,nt.x:t,- c 'lt- ru< tx.i I ilxi lxr',xt t x'-xlxl xI ,lx':xx ty. TxI 'l. room .-lxlllxyxw' lx felx il' , lxx ' t h. tll'x ''x .l x-loxt- i 'x ullt "l'x thi "-si, /ht ,ight, h~lfill+ ah' 'l

t'O•( l+ ivh were. tw) ,at -

I lilx ,xtllxl xxill x h xll xx xli' ' xxt ti x' nllt tlll llt. The ,oI l wa.iI,:,)ldt~noloh oruuteull~ttt'd,:and the, light WA,, :odn:nedb,'thfrotl l m ll I ,]t•• t)i[ ,•x: a nd : Ihr.t, -k,'_ylight,.- a ve I ntfi t~t.tla rtb'le lmm untl tCalhl ,'t+. eetr t. a art of the, atttrnt,-

I;oui-. in ollllili(oll Ito Ithe tl,,matlty P tl ,+ tit ( Di, iol -,.d Iprfut+,aII,1I ee lll n rho ,++ I.]h, lihll , f h)oos,, g thed 'tld fo, all civil-ir, , I count lLt flea, III';ll t il+,ut itte l;tio ex)L|IKchattgo. One ofthe cabinets hat t',,ently b ",1 ploaced ill the, library Thet1711r

nmelorkwlea=.,f mll)'l-ltll tY, :tlh| in th,. maple panel.

.,vto d wilth gl:les. ,-,rx, ixxtol'. xx choi'e'x o rxxzl Iudxi lx

r,:umo'* . lllll, l:rlp [ p t've f ev' tI- ill atncPinllt tulle- ,,lldl ,hi,'h hadl,",,n .Lp,,+ite+d thtrcl~ h tht,

h l, 1:.r cy of 11 Vatb tmare .lires Jeffor

so1 lixlxrxry. x-xnlxrlxlxxg abxllxt evenx th4lxax ,

hlll~'LP Wvlls p,urIt h.nd ll its lg5 fr twenty -t hr,,etb,.ucmund., [hr, ; andll 1hi+ we beliIeve, t'lno'utd the ,,UdLenu of thefifty-five thousuuthl lI•eh[]lLn wiich have• sineB ttcuultlz-l.thed t',ogLres h, ,. fi :'r s.lrte,: ,f ye:alr..aL •t yl pI)tnopriatd fie' Ir -ix tl.......d dollxars x lt thex purxx x e of

hot)P•ka atdl plplers ;Itld it is esilnn tha tdh hes havecost the (l ovtmlnl~llt. in ,ddition to the Jefferson pui-cha•l,. about two hutILtdrcd txhou Ud dolhars.

Ihowe~ver,. tlo;Lloy at thee vohlumes. we learn, were k+.pvt n

tw+) smalll atonms adjolilog the library. Among themw,-re eight (thous xd 'w book, aixxml twelve thusand

other works. These. it is lrportrted were s-wvd ; Ifho. the ntlmllber of volumes dertoyed. Is thirty-five thl•a'd. srome )f rwhich e xa ' xt b x repxlaxedJ

l 'e repeat. that th'ii 'onte'lt ,xf the maix library room.with the trlling excepltioall• dy'l x melntioned. ,wer ctx-n tirty t•trLoyld; as was litkuiwfe the roof of that portions

xftxh btilding. Tih, exterxor of the wall on the welt

frollt is .on: ebn rably hLaekened by the action if the tir.nel svelld d ertltks are discernible, which muay render itxxee-xry to rebluxidh tile pAxrts thus injured."

W \hen the library wafs in flames there wnas: u riott irp-It rlhrl•ioull that. the fire would extend to th,, dome thep:liral stairwaty to whirls was considerablhy'arnd ITa,thilt evenut ,ecun,,d. thle damage mut hliae heetd mor.,

toulldenirldeo. :tiLd perhalts the two challlnl, 's of tl'onlrc.-iw lould hav x been so) x txl agiiL to rxx'xxLx 'ix'xn'xx L.t,, lxx-e.Io ole inlto temxiorry quallrters elxewhrlx

An irklrni -nI on Ibeims aske~d wh~irh wasz the 0111. -t. Iue",rhris brothelr. - I stn eldet: said be. " bur if rut' Ibr~therlira, three rear.. we sha ihll be both of an ne."

Herr. Pr Rydler. a m."mber f ther order t f Jo~uitn. *tat .r~t in a ertun" in New York that tbh nmab oth f a11 theJsutsitait lhea ll iw noa hatdly thaa thta and

The Wilminagta Chronicle aycy::, aro but tut,

awaptrathea iatttn a d undrstp nd: that thItWgpoy i;intend to, apply t.. th.. oprt I.rbiiretore l trorporatiou forhE ptup aucpu of rconelitiutoru thtone. ,. i

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