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The Language of E x p r E s s i o n




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execuTives u m m a r y

throughout time there have been ever evolving ways of communicating augmented

by methods of expressions. currently there is a paradox of recieving too much

communication with no real way of expression. i propose a look at haptics.


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TwiTTers u m m a r y

communications have increased a lot, with undifferentiated

methods of expression. haptic tech could be the future of

digital expression.

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presenTaTiono u t l i n E

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The Language of s t a m p s


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sTamp codeE x p l a i n E d

“ ”the placement and orientation of stamps in the corner of the

envelope represented various sentiments.

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i LOVe yOU StOP WritinG

sTamp codeE x a m p l E s

a KiSS

yeS nO

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sTamp codes u m m a r y

{ }

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae convallis neque. Integer risus magna, pretium eget ultricies id, condimentum a neque. In in nunc ligula. Nullam imperdiet tempor tempor. Etiam eu nisl justo, ac imperdiet tellus. Suspendisse gravida malesuada consequat. Sed molestie viverra purus, ut lobortis mi auctor nec. Curabitur augue neque, faucibus at pretium sed, suscipit sed mi. In vehicula sodales eros, nec suscipit erat suscipit eget.

Sed eget lacinia risus. Morbi malesuada varius elit vel pulvinar. Duis et turpis purus, sed lobortis nisl. Nullam eu lacus non nunc tempus posuere. Maecenas posuere felis ut neque mattis vehicula. Pellentesque commodo, augue et porttitor malesuada, ante urna facilisis nulla, quis rhoncus tortor elit lobortis lectus. Nulla adipiscing augue rutrum augue venenatis vitae pulvinar lectus ornare. Vestibulum viverra est in felis commodo sed tempus lorem pretium. Duis ut neque vitae nisl scelerisque tincidunt.

Nunc a odio non est posuere elementum. Donec dapibus auctor enim, sed accumsan magna laoreet a. In nulla magna, pulvinar eu cursus sed, ullamcorper ac mi. Cras quis elementum lacus. Nunc euismod dolor arcu, sit amet sodales tellus. Praesent tempor, arcu vel pellentesque euismod, eros nisl pellentesque dolor, id rhoncus massa ligula sit amet nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed vitae sem a orci pretium feugiat vitae sed leo. Sed vitae dui in massa lobortis ultricies quis id libero.

Donec id quam eget urna consequat suscipit sit amet eu enim. Nam auctor, est a eleifend interdum, felis quam condimentum quam, et lacinia felis arcu non velit. Etiam mi turpis, ornare ac facilisis in, auctor eget odio. Vestibulum enim tortor, consectetur ac consequat quis, lobortis sed enim. Sed scelerisque egestas ante, nec sollicitudin mauris vulputate non. Sed quis tellus in magna egestas varius. Praesent at sapien libero, in laoreet sem. Fusce ipsum neque, tincidunt ac gravida vitae, condimentum gravida tellus. Aliquam massa nunc, hendrerit vel egestas vel, mattis id odio. Pellentesque bibendum urna a dolor ultricies faucibus at in urna. Suspendisse placerat hendrerit quam, nec consectetur eros viverra eget. Maecenas feugiat, risus ac fermentum auctor, erat purus semper ante, a imperdiet nulla risus ac risus. Vivamus fermentum rutrum purus, a ullamcorper odio pellentesque posuere. Praesent mollis sapien nec orci lacinia condimentum a in libero. Curabitur ut orci velit, vel dapibus magna.

=i LOVe yOU

the stamp code can allow for the entire sentiment of a full letter to be summarized into

one smaller gesture.

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sTamp codea u g m E n t a t i o n

IHateYou +

StOP WritinGthe stamp code could also be used to augment the internal message... really emphasizing

the sentiment of the letter.

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The Language of n u m b E r s


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number codeE x p l a i n E d

“ ”people could leave numeric codes on friends’ beepers.

these numbers translated into phrases or words.

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number codeE x a m p l E s


“i’ve Got a Secret For you”



BaSic cODeS143:

“i Love you”


“i Miss you”

iD cODeS191013:


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number codes u m m a r y

= 143“I Love You”

instead of making a phone call extolling flower professals

of love, everything can be summed up with the thee simple numbers: 143 to summarize “i love you”.

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number codep r E v i E w

= 007“I’ve got a secret”

the number code also allowed for the user to leave messages and

provide summaries to the recipient about what the social interaction will be like and what the content of the

communication will be.

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The Language of p i c t u r E s


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picTure codeE x p l a i n E d

“ ”using letters, numbers and punctuation marks to make pictorial representations of a

person’s mood.

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picTure codeE x a m p l E sWeStern Face

:-)aniMe Face


aScii _____ | ___|| |_ | _| |_|


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picTure codea u g m E n t a t i o n

+a lot of the content of a text message

is actually what is implied in between the lines and can only be fully understood with the addition

of the word pictures, emoji and emoticons.

I Hate You

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whaT’sn E x t ?

2 0 0 0

?2 0 1 31 9 9 01 8 9 0

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The Language of F E E l i n g


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feeLing codeE x p l a i n E d

“ ”a ecosystem that synthesis emotions and messages

through coded vibrations that the user feels.

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feeLing codeE l E m E n t s

aMPLitUDe 0 aMPLitUDe 3aMPLitUDe 1

the 3 base elements of the feeling code were developed to be as different from each

other as possible. the reason there is no vibe with amplitude 2 is because there needed to be a

definite difference between a low and high vibration amplitude, a medium could be confusing because it

has 2 comparative references instead of 1.

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feeLing codeu n i t s

3 + 0 0 + 3 1 + 0 aMPLitUDe 0

the 3 base elements can then be assembled into

9 units of 2 combinations of the elements which can then be further combined into unique fingerprints

that express sentiments or identities of users.

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feeLing codei d E n t i t y





















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feeLing codem E s s a g E

“ ”

the vibration patterns in this feeling code, is meant to evoke the feeling of a roller coaster... like the roller coaster of love with it’s rise and falls of emotions.

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feeLing codes E m a n t i c

“ ”

the vibration patterns in this feeling code, is meant to evoke the feeling of a

being hugged and squeezed.

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279103, 486,784,401

feeLing codec o m b i n a t i o n s


the number of combinations of codes are nearly endless, if we use the 9 feeling code

units and assume that a code will be 10 units long, then there will be more than 3

billion code combinations, if we had a code with 11 units, we would have more than 31

billion different code combinations

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why is Thisi m p o r t a n t ?




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smarTphone E x p a n s i o n

5.9 BiLLiOn MOBiLe SUBScriBerS

1.2 BiLLiOn WeB SUBScriBerS

71.5 MiLLiOn MOBiLe WeB OnLy

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smarTphone c o m m H u b

8,000,000,000,000 SMS MeSSaGeS

249,000,000,000 MMS MeSSaGeS

480,600,000 eMaiL USerS

311,200,000 MiLLiOn iM USerS

5,000,000,000,000 aPP tO PerSOn MeSSaGeS

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binarym E s s a g i n g

right now phones provide a binary yes or no message towards your social expression, basically am i being contacted yes or no... but this leads to a whole lot of questions... so when you have your phone face down or in your pocket and your phone vibrates, you immediately start questioning.

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is it a text? Email? words with Friends?who is messaging me?what do they Have to say?do i want to talk to this person?do i need to respond?is it urgent?

binarym E s s a g i n g

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phanTomv i b r a t i o n s

remember when you’re sitting with people and one of them checks their phone... moments later a few others in the group will feel around for their phones and check their screens too. activation of the mirror neurons. monkey saw, monkey did. it’s also about being not fully present in your conversation space. this is the same thing that happens when you are expecting a text, phone call or email message and continually check your phone for messages

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To Thep o i n t

siTuaTion: communication devices are getting increasingly complex with numerous differentiated messaging options.

probLem: the first contact point of much of this communication is the same no matter the message situation making it difficult for

soLuTion: leverage haptic technology as a means to help consumers organize their increasingly complex digital communication life.

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hapTict E c H n o l o g y

a tactile feedback technology which takes advantage of the

sense of touch by applying forces or motions to the user.

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hapTici n a c t i o n

Haptic technology has been utilized in consumer codes

for many years. the rumble pack in the n64 controller is considered haptic technology as does the steering wheel in some high end cars that

replicate rumble strips when you doze off.

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so shouLd wec a r E ?

nokia recently received a patent for a magnetic

tattoo or badge that alerts users when their phones

are ringing with the patent application filed in

september 2011.

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ideas To waTchi n 2 0 1 1

200M Nokia, SaMSuNg & Lgphones come preloaded with primitive haptics software made by Immersion

in early 2011, the Harvard business review proposed 6 ideas to watch stating, “anyone who has an iphone, ipad or Kindle knows that media are no longer created merely to be viewed - content is designed to be touched, tapped, stroked,

fingered, fondled, and pinched. this nascent transition will be as profoundly important for future interpersonal

communications and branding as the transition from radio to television. Having the right touch will become a desirable

communications competence.


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ideas To waTch2 0 1 2

the pebble is an E-paper watch for iphone and android that appeared this week on Kickstarter and has raised more than a

million dollars. the watch syncs via bluetooth with smartphones and presents various kinds of information to the wrist. the Kickstarter video presented some possibilities that there could be a vibration

feature included.

the samsung anycall is a phone with a 3.2” touchscreen with the distinct

differentiation of 22 vibration patters that simulate actual feels and actions. when you see a volume knob for the radio and reach to turn it, you hear and feel the clicks of an old-timey

radio dial.

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ThanKy o u



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in memoriamd a n i E l r E i s s

2006 — 2012

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