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Paper £esf binders yet for photo-conductive papers (wet or dry process) . . „ seif-emuisifying thermosetting liquid phenolic beater additive . . . a new re-wetting agent that's biode­gradable, too.

AROTAP resins, a versatile family of polymers, were introduced a year ago to serve the manufacturers of photo-conductive papers used in direct electrophotography.

Report: Arotap resins have done well. They provide outstanding ad­hesion, contrast, fidelity and speed. They can be applied at lower-than-average coating weights. No other zinc oxide binder is needed in com­bination with Arotap binders. Storage stability of coated sheets is excellent and they retain the excellent print quality under a wide range of tem­perature and humidity conditions.


In short, they work. And they save money . . . on papers designed for either wet or dry process machines, and high contrast or continuous

tone rep ro ­duction. Have you checked into the Aro-ta ρ l i n e o f resins?

S y n c o 5 5 7 makes gasket paper tougher

SYNCO 557 phenolic resin is the special

darling of men who manufacture gasket paper. This thermosetting liquid phenolic resin is useful as a beater additive in conjunction with nitrile latices, with which it is co-precipitated. Synco 557 adds con­s i d e r a b l e hea t and c h e m i c a l res i s tance p lus hardness and strength . . . virtues of importance to the gasket paper user.

Synco 557 is also suitable as a dry or wet web saturant for paper, and as a binder for cellulose and mineral fibers. Full details on request.

A R O S U R F H F L - 4 1 8 is A D M Chemicals' designation for a poly-oxyethylene laurate that is a fully biodegradable, ethoxylated nonionic surface active agent. O.K.?

And it's a dandy rewetting agent for paper . . . great surface active properties, will not precipitate in hard water, won't decompose in mild acids, and the biodegradable trait means it won't contribute to stream pollution. Take a look.



For a superior, new paper rewetting agent, tryArosurf HFL-418

40 C & E N

Arotap resins for photo-conductive papers provide outstanding adhesion, control, fidelity, and speed.

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