Download - New Climate Media


climaten e w climaten e wThe first national media initiative that

empowers Americans concerned about climate change to take personal responsibility for

building a sustainable future.


We’re star)ng a non-profit na)onal media ini)a)ve with a popular magazine at its center.

It’s a really big idea, and it’s going to take a lot of people to pull it off.

This is an invita)on to help.

The situa-on

Climate change is happening. Science tells us that if we respond in the right ways now, we could make it less severe.

Yet while millions of Americans are deeply concerned about climate change, most do not act.

Some of us s)ll haven’t grasped the urgency of the situa)on. Others are overwhelmed by its enormity and complexity.

The need

“Could you let me know of a US publica)on that reaches out to the average (less engaged in climate change) person, to encourage them with ideas of essen)al transforma)on while also clearly summarizing where we are in the climate science?”

— Lindsey Fielder Cook Representa)ve on Climate Change,

Quaker United Na)ons Office Bonn, Germany

The audience

Millions of average Americans recognize that climate change is already happening, that we're causing it, and that our current social and poli)cal systems are inadequate to respond to the challenge.

New Climate Magazine will engage these Americans as climate ci)zens, empowering them to take ac)on.

* Yale Project on Climate Change Communica@on, 2015

One in four Americans would

“definitely” or “probably” join a

campaign to convince officials to

take ac-on to reduce global


This is New Climate’s


The opportunity

Climate change is an unprecedented challenge. It’s also an unprecedented opportunity.

We’re an evolving, learning species, and our best hope is to learn our way out of this: to co-create a new social, ecological, and economic paradigm.

New Climate Magazine will treat climate

change as the focal point for a

deep dive into human poten-al.

A formula for building climate


New Climate Magazine will take a sobering look at reality, offer a doable vision of a more desirable, sustainable world, and celebrate the heroes who are leading the way up the learning curve.

Most important, it will show readers direct paths toward meaningful ac9on.

Coordinated media campaigns

drive one message

Each quarterly issue of New Climate Magazine will serve as the centerpiece of a major media campaign.

These na)onal adver)sing and social campaigns have one purpose:

To invite people who care about climate change to become ac9ve climate ci9zens.

























Each quarterly issue will be a media event

There’s something we need to talk about.

We cause climate change. It’s up to us to stop

How will New Climate

Magazine invite and engage readers?

Provide a playbook for climate ci-zenship

Every issue reports on the harsh reality, but the main

focus is empowerment and ac)on.

Provide informa-on, inspira-on, and hope.

With science and poetry, even humor, New Climate

Magazine chronicles the exci)ng worldwide

transforma)on already underway. We

present inspiring examples of people and groups

who are leading the transforma)on and

making a difference.

Celebrate climate heroes.

Thousands of ordinary

people are embracing the challenge, proving that each of us can make a


Tell great stories. Facts and figures don’t

inspire. Stories do. We’re hard-wired for them.

Facilitate meaningful


In every issue, an “Ac)on Center”

presents the best opportuni)es to

make a difference, whether in our

neighborhoods or on the na)onal stage.

The keys to empowerment

The key elements of empowerment will be built into and cul)vated by New Climate Magazine.

1. Acknowledgement of reality: we co-created this challenge, and we have to co-create the solu)ons, with a vision of a real world, not an ideal world

2. Emo)onal intelligence, resilience, and the development of leadership skills.

3. Examples of people demonstra)ng exemplary leadership, generosity, and innova)on.

4. Awareness and understanding of opportuni)es for ac)on

5. Celebra)on of successes

6. The support of a co-learning community

Proven narra-ve structure

To cut through fear and helplessness, New Climate Magazine’s editorial structure will employ the same proven, universally appealing story arc found in Disney films, the speeches of Mar)n Luther King Jr., and the highest-rated TED talks.

The magazine will follow this narra)ve structure, both in individual ar)cles and in the overall editorial mix and flow:

• Start with conflict; make the challenge visible

• Explain our collec)ve progress so far

• Frame a picture of a desirable post-carbon economy and social order

• Iden)fy the barriers

• Highlight how we can overcome those barriers

• Build hope and op)mism by sharing crea)ve solu)ons

• End posi)vely, with clear ac)on steps and usable resources

A posi-ve vision of a

post-carbon future

No one else in media is framing climate change as humanity’s chance to realize its full poten)al.

New Climate Magazine is the first media company that empowers concerned ci)zens to take personal responsibility for climate change, and to recognize their own unique role in the co-crea)on of a sustainable future.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

— Abraham Lincoln

Next steps: working

prototypes, network weaving,

and a business plan

We’re seeking advisors, collaborators and angel investors for:

• Development of a "proof of concept" magazine, website, ad campaign, and online media

• A business model and development plan

• Development of collabora)on agreements with climate ac)on organiza)ons

Hello, business builders, climate-ac)on leaders, mass media experts, and social-venture capitalists interested in transforming public engagement on climate change. We'd like to talk to you.

Shouldn’t we worry about the kids?

“New Climate Magazine is a brilliant idea. I don’t know of anything like it.” — Dr. Howard Frumkin, dean and professor at University of Washington School of Public Health

“If your efforts succeed, this may become the most needed journal in the history of humankind.” — Susanne Moser, PhD, director and principal researcher, Susanne Moser Research & Consul)ng

“Now that a majority of Americans believe that climate change is real and caused primarily by humans, convincing skep)cs is no longer a priority. Instead, we need to inspire and support people who already know there’s a problem but haven’t yet taken a step to engage.”

— Grady McGonnagill, principal, McGonnagill Associates, climate ac)vist and leader

What climate leaders are


Join us.

Help us invite, engage, and empower millions of climate ci)zens.

• Find out more about New Climate at (Going live on 6/15/16)

• Help us as an advisor, collaborator, or early-stage angel investor

• Help us spread the word

Let's talk. Mitch Anthony: 413-530-6978 Paul Dryfoos: 617-697-2134 [email protected]

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