  • By Jay Balagna and Don Weinland

    Students can get rides to the polls on a giant tricycle. They can get free stickers and baked treats if they pledge to cast their ballots. They can even get a feeling of par-ticipation in American democracy when their elders ask if their voice was heard.

    But, despite the perks, most young students probably wont vote in this election.

    Their reasons are vast, whether its making a conscious choice in protest, being too busy to stay informed or simply not having ample reason to care. Whatever their reasons, though, the numbers are impossible to ignore.

    According to statistics from the Center for Informa-tion and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, 25.5 percent of United States citizens ages 18-29 voted in the last midterm election in 2006. Older citizens voted at a rate more than double that number.

    Comparing the statistics with more glamorous presi-dential elections shows little correlation between peaks and valleys and the relatively stagnant off-year numbers, dulling the hopes of political organizers that youthful zeal may remain from the 2008 election.

    Its just not important in their lives, said William Eubank, a political science professor at the University of Nevada, Reno. Young people just arent connected, and theres no reason they should be.

    In general, young people simply fi nd that most elec-tion issues dont matter to them, Eubank said.

    As people get older, they acquire the things in life meaningful to them husbands, wives, houses, chil-dren and things like that, he said. When you have those things, you care more about taxes, healthcare and other issues.

    For some students, not voting is a conscious choice. Rational ignorance, a term used by political scientists for those who snub political happenings because of the disparity between the cost of time and the benefi ts, is often high among young citizens.

    Given that the costs of voting far exceed its benefi ts,

    TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2010 VOLUME CXVII NUMBER 11SERVING THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO SINCE 1893nevadasagebrush.comFirst copy free, additional copies 50 each d bdditi l i 50 h

    LOVE AND LIFEFind out why one columnist changes her opinion on public displays of affection now that she has a boyfriend. Page A8

    ART FROM ASIANorthern Nevada isnt known for its thriving anime scene, but a campus club is trying to change that. Page A12

    ROAD WOESNevadas volleyball team is 9-2 at home and 3-6 on the road. Find out whats plaguing the Packs road games. Page B1

    INDEXBasketball highlights: Check out the highlights of the mens bas-ketball teams exhibition game against Seattle Pacifi c on Saturday.Journalism: Watch several African journalists visit campus today.Newscast: Watch The Nevada Sagebrushs broadcast of this weeks news.

    Basketball highlights: Check out the highlights of the mens bas-


    WEEKLY UPDATE .............................................A3CLASSIFIEDS ..............................................................A6OPINION .............................................................................A7ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ......A12SPORTS ....................................................................................B1AGATE ......................................................................................B4

    Nevada, Fresno reach deal with WACBy Lukas Eggen

    The Western Athletic Confer-ence, Nevada and Fresno State reached an agreement Thursday, settling the conference change dispute between the three par-ties. Both schools will remain in the conference in all sports until June 30, 2012, and will pay $900,000 to the WAC.

    The resolution ends a period of uncertainty for the Wolf Pack regarding when the school would leave the conference and how much it would have to pay.

    After announcing its decision on Aug. 18, both university president Milton Glick and Ath-letics Director Cary Groth said

    Nevada wanted to leave the WAC in 2011.

    The WAC said Nevada and Fresno State had to stay in the conference until 2012 and were in violation of the WAC Resolu-tion an agreement that said schools must pay $5 million to leave within fi ve years of their signings. The WAC fi led a lawsuit against Nevada, Fresno State and the Mountain West Conference on Sept. 9. The two sides hired a mediator in October to settle the matter.

    Although Glick said he felt Nevada would win in a lawsuit, the two sides settled on $900,000 as a business decision because they didnt know how much legal

    costs would be.With an agreement fi nally

    reached, Groth said it allows both sides to fi nally start making defi nite plans for the future.

    The resolution is just what we need, Groth said. We needed to be able to move forward and get ready for another good year in the WAC. Then we can make the transition into the Mountain West Conference.

    The $900,000 will be paid over a fi ve-year period beginning Aug. 1, 2011. Payments of $180,000 will be made each year until Aug. 1, 2015.

    The money will be paid by the athletic department and will not affect students fi nancially. The

    fi rst payment will be taken from Nevadas share of the WACs rev-enue distribution. The second payment will come from exter-nal dollars raised by revenue, development and donations.


    University of Nevada, Reno President Milton Glick announced Aug. 18 that the Wolf Pack would leave the Western Athletic Conference in 2011.

    Court drops lawsuit


    By Jay Balagna

    A lawsuit naming the states higher education sys-tem and 20 people employed in it, including many at the University of Nevada, Reno, was dismissed after multiple appeals and five years.

    The lawsuit, which consisted of the fi rst two of 15 com-plaints former professor Hus-sein S. Hussein fi led against the university, was dismissed for lack of evi-dence.

    The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an order from a lower court that Hussein pay legal fees for the defendants totaling more than $1.2 mil-lion.

    Among the defendants were former UNR president John Lilley, former provost John Frederick and various depart-ment heads under whom Hussein worked.

    Hussein, who was fi red in 2008, sued the Nevada System of Higher Education for what he claimed was discriminatory treatment from UNR adminis-trators in performance reviews

    Voting not on students to do list


    Studies show interest in voting among university students to be low. University professors say this lack of attention on local and national politics results in less representation for youth in Washington.

    Midterm elections fail to interest young voters

    Nevada and Fresno State agreed to leave the Western Athletic Conference after the 2011-12 school year. Nevada will have to pay $900,000 which will be split into fi ve equal installments beginning Aug. 1,2011.

    N d d F St t


    See SETTLEMENT Page A5

    See COURT Page A5

    Local students, parties disparage ad

    By Don Weinland

    Hispanic students, local Democrats and Repub-licans shunned a recent Spanish TV ad telling Latinos not to vote.

    The ad told Hispanic viewers to refrain from voting in the midterm elec-tion because the national and state government has failed to make good on promises to Hispanic constituents.

    Democratic leaders must pay for their broken promises and betrayals, the ad stated. Dont vote this November. This is the only way to send them a clear message.

    Latinos for Reform, a

    Republican-backed group, produced the ad that has become a fl ashpoint for political advertising. Lati-nos for Reform is a political action committee headed by Robert Deposada, a for-mer consultant for former President George W. Bush, according to the campaign watchdog Source Watch.

    The ad caught Uni-versity of Nevada, Reno students by surprise. Nikki Grey, whose mother is of Mexican descent, said the ad sent a negative message to Hispanic voters. Ameri-cans, regardless of their heritage, should exercise their right to choose their

    Energy effi ciency rated low

    By Don Weinland

    The University of Nevada, Reno lost half a letter grade Wednesday in a green report card incorporating 322 schools in the United States and Canada.

    However, the report cards data collecting process has been highly argued as ineffective.

    The College Sustainability Report Card, issued by the Sus-tainability Endowment Institute, gave UNRs 2011 green initiatives a B, down from a B+ in 2010. The school received a C in 2009.

    UNRs food and recycling score, as well as its endowment transparency score, fell by one letter grade. The universitys ad-ministration, transportation and investment priorities maintained As for progress in sustainability.

    John Sagebiel, UNRs

    See GREEN Page A5

    See AD Page A5

    Hussein S. Hussein

    See VOTE Page A5

  • By Don Weinland

    Student associations and ser-vices at the University of Nevada, Reno are seeking to centralize resources for students who fall on hard fi nancial times.

    Informal programs headed by the Graduate Student Asso-ciation and Food Services will look to join with the Associated Students of the University of Nevada to cultivate an ac-countable and well-publicized program.

    The ASUN senate ended the Student Aide for Emergencies (SAFE) program Oct. 20, mov-ing the $5,000 fund for students in need to the ASUN emergency fund.

    The SAFE program was cre-ated in 2009 but went unused after being placed in the wrong fund. The emergency fund, cre-ated by ASUN in 2007, distrib-utes a maximum of $300 to 10 to 15 students per year, Gerald Marczynski, associate vice president of Student Services, said. About $6,000 have been spent during the programs three years.

    The fund is intended for students in temporary dire straits, he said. Students with long-term diffi culty paying tuition and rent are advised to take out loans.

    The students who are given money basically have no money, no food, Marczynski said. We dont want to give them money and then next month run into the same problem Most of these students have just been reluctant to take out loans and we often can connect them with someone in the fi nancial aid offi ce.

    Emergency funds are avail-able 10 days after application. Students looking for an imme-diate meal will fi nd help from the GSA and Food Services.

    Since the mid-1980s, GSA has operated a food pantry available to graduate and undergradute students. The donation-based resource is small, providing about 20 students per semester with canned goods, Matt Smith, president of the Graduate Stu-dent Association, said.

    Its one of those pretty low-usage programs, he said. But the students who use it are the ones who really, really need it.

    The informal resource for hungry students has never been highly publicized and requires little paperwork, Smith said.

    Students come and we liter-ally give them a key so they can come and get what they need, he said.

    Partnering with ASUN would give the GSA access to more publicity, Smith said.

    Russ Myers, director of Food Services, said the creation of a centralized program is essential to get more donations.

    We have the ability to get some of our vendors to donate product, but they want a formal system to get tax credits, he said.

    Food Services gives food credits to students who cant wait 10 days for assistance. GSA and Food Services are

    looking to form a partnership that would allow Food Services to help stock the GSAs food pantry, Myers said.

    If (vendors) give us $1,000 in hot dogs, we can then donate $1,000 to the food closet, or a $1,000 in food swipes, he said.

    Qualifi cation for emergency funds or food credits are based on the conversation students have with faculty, Marczynski said. Students who use the pro-grams are usually referred to Marczynski by other faculty.

    Tracking student use is es-sential to making the program effi cient, Myers said. A central-ized program would make tracking students who use different services easier.

    The potential for abuse is low, Smith said. Coming to the school for food is not something most students are willing to do.

    Its humbling to come and have to ask for food, Smith said.

    Don Weinland can be reached at [email protected].

    The ASUN emergency fund has assisted 10 - 15 students per school year for the past three years. Students are limited to $300 when using money from the emergency fund.

    Th ASUN


    By Coree J. Hogan

    Moustached men and women will show their support for mens health with facial hair this No-vember.

    The City of Remo, an organiza-tion for mens health awareness, calls the month-long activity Movember. Participants will grow moustaches to promote early prostate and testicular cancer detection.

    Nico Aguilera, co-founder of the City of Remo, said Movember addresses low awareness and willingness in men to get routine health checks.

    Its usually because of pride or the whole macho thing, but with prostate cancer early detection is key, he said. Thats why we are trying to spread awareness. When people think of November or a moustache, I want them to think, have I checked my prostate?

    Started in 2003 by two Aus-tralians raising money for mens health, Movember has become an international philanthropic foundation where men and women grow moustaches to show their support, Aguilera said.

    Aguilera and another local founded the City of Remo in 2008 and raised about $11,000 in 2009.

    The City of Remo is working with the University of Nevada, Renos Ad Club to create promotional material. UNR students are a target demo-graphic for Movember because the 18-35 age group is the most susceptible to testicular cancer, Aguilera said.

    There will be a public service announcement during halftime at a Wolf Pack basketball game Saturday. City of Remo also met with Greek life organizers to promote the month, Aguilera said.

    Donald Pickering, spokes-person for the City of Remo, is

    a survivor of testicular cancer. Pickering was diagnosed with testicular cancer four years ago and became the offi cial spokesperson last year. The City of Remo has already raised about $3,000 for developments in prostate and testicular cancer treatment, he said.

    Openness and awareness of cancer risks can save lives,

    Pickering said. The two things that I stress

    are the importance of early de-tection and self-examination, he said. Younger men are em-barrassed about the subject. If they have an issue they usually dont want to talk about it.

    Events are planned through-out November, Aguilera said.

    Sofi a Paxton, community out-

    reach for the City of Remo, said they want Movember to catch on like other cancer awareness campaigns.

    We want the moustache in Reno to be the equivalent of the pink ribbon for breast cancer, she said.

    Coree J. Hogan can be reached at [email protected].

    news nevadasagebrush.comA2 NOVEMBER 2, 2010


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    The Nevada Sagebrush


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    Designer Riley [email protected]

    Locals sport staches for mens health


    Jimmy Bates shaves off Dave Davis moustache at the Movember kickoff party Monday night.

    The organization has arranged discounts at Nightmare Tattoo Studios, Eclipse Pizza Co., Sierra Tap House, The Biggest Little City Club and AMF Starlite Lanes for moustached participant. A moustache pageant and an end-of-the-month party will be held.

    The organization has arrangedCITY OF REMO

    Grad studies bingeBy Jay Balagna and

    Don Weinland

    Amid a plague of disorders hitting college students in America, a new study on campus is seeking participants to learn the effects of stress on eating habits.

    Annie Haynos, the lead researcher on the project at the University of Nevada, Reno, said eating disorders which are among the most common psychological problems in the United States are particularly prevalent with college students.

    College is a time when many people develop lifelong habits, including eating habits, said Haynos, a doctoral student in clinical psychology.

    In addition to problems such as anorexia, rates of binge eat-ing are especially high among young people and may be per-petuated by high stress rates in students, she said. Traditionally, binge eating was viewed as the result of bad habits developed from poorly managed eating, but research has shown that may not be entirely true.

    More and more, people have started looking at stress and what role that plays, Haynos said.

    Binge eating is manageable if the cause of the stress is found and dealt with, she said.

    We see so many people com-ing into the counseling center dealing with some kind of stress, said Haynos, who also works as a counselor at UNR. College students have a lot of stress, not just academic stress. Theyre navigating relation-ships, interacting with parents and plenty of others.

    Many students, especially men, dont get treatment for eating disorders because of the

    stigma surrounding the prob-lem, Rebecca Chaliman, a psy-chologist at UNRs Counseling Center, said. About 25 percent of people diagnosed with binge eating are men.

    But it may be higher in men because its not as acceptable for men to struggle with this problem, she said.

    Our body image-focused society contributes to a lack of self-acceptance and an increase in eating disorders, Chaliman said. Studies show 80 percent of women are not content with their bodies, and 90 percent of women try to change their ap-pearance through dieting, she said.

    If eating habits begin to affect grades, students should seek help, Chaliman said.

    There are a lot of warning signs but its when it really begins to impact their lives that they need help, she said. If they fi nd they cant concentrate because they are thinking about food, its a problem.

    Jay Balagna and Don Weinland can be reached at [email protected].

    Funds for needy to fuse BY THE NUMBERSEating disorder numbers in the United States.

    10is the number in millions of women suffering from life-

    threatening eating disorders.

    1is the number in millions of men suffering from eating


    (The food pantry) is one of those pretty low-usage programs. But the students who use it are the ones who really, really need it. Matt Smith , Graduate Student Association president on the GSA food pantry.



    NOV. 3, 2000Student held hostage in fraternity house

    A former Nevada student was charged with four felony counts Wednesday after barri-cading himself in the Lambda Chi fraternity house with a hostage and a .357 caliber magnum.

    The subject had a weapon

    and was making suicidal statements, Lt. Todd Renwick of the University of Nevada Police Department said.

    Eric Youngren, 22, a former Lambda Chi pledge, was charged with second-degree kidnapping with a deadly weapon, assault with a deadly weapon, and domestic battery with a deadly weapon, Kristina Williams said, a support spe-cialist for the Washoe County Sheriff s Department.

    Nobody was injured, Ren-wick said.

    The situation lasted for about two-and-a-half hours. Police said that they received a call regarding a domestic dis-pute a little after 4 p.m. from the Lambda Chi fraternity house. They found Youngren holding his ex-girlfriend, Nevada sophomore Shannon Boise, at gun point following a heated argument. Police suc-cessfully removed Boise from the Lambda Chi house shortly after arrival.

    Boise said she did not press charges against Youngren.

    Hes OK, she said shortly after Youngren was removed passively from the fraternity. He was never going to harm me.

    Police said that after Boises removal, Youngren began mak-ing demands to see his mother, Boise and various members of the fraternity.

    He was negotiating with us through the windows, Ren-wick said.

    Police soon evacuated houses in the surrounding neighborhood, including frat-

    nernity members from both Lambda Chi and Tau Kappa Epsilon.

    At some point during the situation, Youngren fired one round from his weapon at the floor. At press time, it was un-clear if this was before or after police removed Boise from the fraternity house.

    Youngren surrendered to police at around 6:30 p.m.

    Read the rest of this story and other stories from the Sagebrush archives at

  • Sunny, light west winds

    Sunny, east winds 5-10 mph NOVEMBER 2, 2010 A3

    Weekly UpdateCampus Events

    Conference to bring diverse students togetherBy Riley Snyder

    The Associated Students of the University of Nevadas Unity Commission will host a diversity conference Friday its fi rst in nine years.

    Organizers will hold the Learning Diversity: Education in a World of Difference in the William J. Raggio Building and Edmund J. Cain Hall, said Unity Commissioner Manpreet Kaur.

    After a main presentation by motivational speaker Elaine Penn in Cain Hall at 9 a.m., students will be able to attend six different workshops until 5 p.m. Lunch and a free T-shirt will

    be provided for students who register for the event in advance on the ASUN website.

    About 100 people are expected to attend the event, but so far only 30 to 35 registration forms have been fi lled in, said Shirley Diaz, director of the Unity Com-mission.

    Even though the majority of students who registered for the conference are minorities, there is still value for Caucasians to attend the event, Diaz said.

    Registration is required for students who wish to attend the event, but it is mainly for determining T-shirt size and an accurate attendance count.

    The event will run for most of

    the day. Students will be allowed to leave at any time to attend classes, Kaur said.

    Part of the value of the diver-sity conference is its ability to connect student organizations, Kaur said.

    The main goal is to bring everyone together and to raise awareness of diversity on cam-pus, she said.

    The event should bring about a larger awareness of diversity on campus, Diaz said.

    I hope this opens a dialogue on why the campus should pri-oritize diversity, she said.

    The event cost about $4,000, Diaz said. Most of the expense comes from the opening speaker,

    Elaine Penn, who will also host a workshop.

    We wanted to fi nd a national speaker to give the conference a professional tone, Diaz said.

    Penns speech will deal with the importance of recognizing and accepting diversity all of which are goals of the Unity Commission, Kaur said.

    Penn will also talk about com-mon ground between cultures and building an inclusive com-munity on campus, she said.

    If the conference accom-plishes one thing, Diaz said she hopes it broadens student perspectives on the world.

    Its important to widen your world view, she said. Once its


    Shirley Diaz, director of the Associated Students of the University of Nevadas Unity Commission, plays a drum Wednesday as a part of a drum circle hosted by the commission. The event, which attracted a handful of passersby, was meant to build a community among students, Diaz said. Students freestyled on drums and other percussion instruments provided by MeadowRock Percussion, a Carson City-based percussion group, and drank free hot chocolate.


    OCTOBER 31A suspect was cited for public intoxication at Artemesia Way and North Virginia Street.

    A suspect was arrested for possession of drugs at Ralston Street and The Strand.

    A suspect was arrested for violating probation at West Second Street.

    A suspect was cited for being a minor in possession and con-sumption at Imperial Boule-vard and Buena Vista Avenue.

    OCTOBER 30Three suspects were cited for public intoxication at West Stadium Way.

    A suspect was arrested for possession of drugs and weap-ons at St. Lawrence Avenue and South Virginia Street.

    Police responded to a report of grand larceny involving an iP-hone at Edmund J. Cain Hall.

    Three suspects were cited for MIPC and public intoxication at Sierra Street Parking Complex.

    A suspect was cited for MIPC at Sierra Street Park-ing Complex.

    A suspect was cited for MIPC at Nye Hall.

    OCTOBER 29 A suspect was cited for MIPC at Argenta Hall.

    Police responded to a report of a hit-and-run at Nye Hall.

    A suspect was cited for MIPC and possession of a fake ID at Nye Hall.

    A suspect was cited for public intoxication at Cooper Court and West 11th Street.

    OCTOBER 28Two suspects were cited for public intoxication and MIPC at Nye Hall.

    OCTOBER 27Police responded to a report of grand larceny involving an iPad at the Joe Crowley Student Union.

    Two suspects were cited for possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of drugs and MIPC at the Sierra Street Parking Complex.

    OCTOBER 26A suspect was arrested for possession of drugs at North Virginia and East Sixth streets.

    A suspect was arrested due to a warrant at North Virginia and East Sixth streets.

    OCTOBER 25Two suspects were cited for possession of drugs at Nye Hall.

    An offi cer responded to a reported hit-and-run at Manzanita Hall.

    OCTOBER 24An officer responded to a report of petit larceny involving a skateboard at Argenta Hall.

    A suspect was arrested for MIPC, possession of a fake ID and possession of drugs at Argenta Hall.

    OCTOBER 23Police responded to a report of a stolen bicycle at the Joe Crowley Student Union.





    Chris Pritsos, the chair of the Department of Nutrition at the University of Nevada, Reno and a professor in the department of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, was se-lected to serve on the Statewide Epidemiological Workgroup.

    The workgroup is part of Nevadas Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency. Pritsos said his newly-appointed position will entail researching data about tobacco and informing health agencies about the problems of substance abuse.

    Pritsos was chosen for the position because of his 15 years of experience in the tobacco research fi eld. Pritsos said he served as president of the Nevada Tobacco Preven-

    tion Coalition and aided in having the Clean Indoor Air Act passed in 2007.

    Pritsos said he looks forward to further researching different effects of tobacco, such as how addiction is created, Nevada smoking rates and how sec-ondhand affects others.


    Sustainable Tahoe, a non-profi t organization that aims to make Lake Tahoe a leader in geotourism and sustainable lake stewardship, will host a networking event on Nov. 18 in South Lake Tahoe, according to Cary Crites, director of market-ing for Sustainable Tahoe.

    Crites said the goal of the event is to connect people from the Reno and Tahoe areas who are interested in learning

    more about ways to protect the environment through conservation, alternative transportation, clean energy and sustainable innovation.

    The event, which is open to the public and free of charge, will include a tour of Embassy Suites, a pioneer hotel in South Lake Tahoe that has success-fully implemented green tech-nology into its business. Crites hopes the tour will inspire business owners and members of the general public alike to consider ways of going green.

    Crites said the event will include a tour of the Explore Tahoe facility, a watershed-welcoming center focused on promoting Tahoes natural assets.

    The event will take place at from 5:30 to 8 p.m. For more information, contact Cary Crites at 775-742-6982 or visit for a full listing of events

    WEDNESDAY/3DG Spelling BeeWhen: 6-8:30 p.m.Where: Lawlor Events Center

    Students are encouraged to test their spelling skills and watch their friends compete in the DG Spelling Bee, a philanthropy event hosted by Delta Gamma. Tickets are $3 in advance and $5 at the door. For more informa-tion, contact Alli Williams at 775-784-6589 or at [email protected].

    THURSDAY/4The Lost FingersWhen: 6:30-8:30 p.m.Where: Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building

    The Lost Fingers, a Canadian gypsy jazz band inspired by Django Reinhardt, will perform a show for students and mem-bers of the community. Tickets are $24 for general admission, $20 for senior citizens, uni-versity faculty and staff, $12 for non-university students with ID and $5 for university students. For more informa-tion, contact CJ Walters at 775-784-4278 or at [email protected].

    Seven Key Steps to Run Your Business Profi tablyWhen: 10 p.m. - midnightWhere: The Joe Theater

    Presenter Marie Gibson will give a lecture called The Seven Key Steps to Run your Business Profi tably, which will provide attendees with insight on how to create a successful business and maximize profi t. For more information, contact Kelsey Hand at 702-300-9937 or at [email protected].

    23rd Annual Nevada Writers Hall of Fame AwardsWhen: 6-8 p.m.Where: : Wells Fargo Audito-rium in the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center

    Students and members of the Reno community are invited to the 23rd annual Nevada Writers Hall of Fame Awards in which Darrell Spencer will be honored with the Writers Hall of Fame medal. John L. Smith and Terri Farley and will be recognized as the 2010 Silver Pen recipients. Tickets are $40. For informa-tion contact Julie Gillen at [email protected] or at 775- 682-6014.

    Morning campustemperature:

    Afternoon campustemperature:

    39 44 44 41 68 70 72 69

    Lows: 35-40

    H i gh s : 6 0 - 6 5

    Forecast prepared by the Reno-Lake Tahoe student chapter of the American Meteorological Society. For more information visit their Web site at

    Sunny, light west winds

    around 5 mph

    Mostly sunny, winds from the

    Southwest 15-20 mph

    UNR WEEKLY WEATHER DISCUSSION: A ridge of high pressure will settle into the Truckee Meadows during the fi rst half of the week. This will bring warmer temperatures and drier weather. A minor disturbance will enter the region dur-ing the weekend, but many uncertainties exist with this storm. Expect, at most, a cooling trend for the weekend and increasing clouds.

    Partly cloudy


    The Associated Students of the University of Nevadas Unity Commission will host a diversity conference Friday on campus. Free T-shirts and lunch are provided to the fi rst 100 stu-dents to register. The event is free for students. The event will start at 9 a.m. in Room 103 of the Ed-mund J. Cain Hall, and will continue until 5 p.m. Students can register on-line at, or at the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center from 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Wednesday.

    Th A i t d St d t


  • By Ben Miller

    Kevin Grant landed a job in Sweden at a mobile phone soft-ware company three months after he graduated in May.

    During his graduation trip to Costa Rica, Grant met Frank Schuil, the co-founder of Swed-ish software company Qubulus. After forming a friendship, the two stayed connected electroni-cally and Qubulus later hired Grant because of his senior project.

    Grants senior project at the University of Nevada, Reno an indoor mapping and direc-tion program for the blind fi t perfectly with Qubulus Sala-mander project, a positioning program aimed at marketing strategy.

    But while Schuil said Grants indoor positioning experi-ence helped him get hired, the networking skills he learned at UNRs College of Engineering were even more important on the path to his current career, Grant said.

    I personally believe that your network is your most valuable asset, Grant said. And without my education, my network would never have been opened to the same world it is today.

    After Grant moved to Sweden to begin his work, his fi rst as-

    signment at the company was Salamander, a demonstration of the companys idea, which is expanded by their latest project, Gecko.

    The project developed the idea of highly-accurate indoor positioning a system that allows market researchers to analyze exactly where someone is inside a building, and thus where advertising efforts should be directed.

    But more than that, Grant brought the good ol US startup vibe to the company, Schuil said. For Grant, that work ethic is defi ned by effi ciency and creativity and was cultured by Sergiu Dascalu, one of Grants engineering professors.

    An interesting practice that was instilled in me in the

    engineering department was to always know what your team-mates were working on, Grant said. Time is money, and two people concurrently working on the same problem without col-laboration is one of the biggest money wasters in the industry.

    The company plans to release the full version of its application, Gecko, on Dec. 1. The applica-tion for smart phones will make a deal with users, Grant said. It will offer the user coupons for visiting a certain area, or tell the user where an event or service is in return for letting the program track their movement there.

    Grant said in order to protect the privacy of users, personal data will never be associated with specifi c individuals. Data will be provided mainly for busi-nesses to assess their own traffi c fl ow, he said.

    He envisions the application being widely used.

    If I told you there was a UNR (application) that told you where the closest printer you could use for free was, and in return I just wanted to record the path you took to get there, 90 (percent) of students would use it in a heartbeat, Grant said.

    Dascalu said Grants con-sciousness of students at UNR is an indication of the importance his education played in his life

    after college. Grant contacted Dascalu after moving to Sweden to offer his help to any students working on mobile phone soft-ware development.

    Hes an alumnus that makes

    us proud, Dascalu said. He is proud of his education here and he wants to give back.

    Ben Miller can be reached at [email protected].

    By Don Weinland

    A new 23-bay station will make transportation to the uni-versity more convenient for the hundreds of students who use public transportation.

    The Regional Transportation Commission opened the new hub on Fourth and Lake streets Sunday, which provides more buses making wait times at stops shorter, RTC spokes-woman Felicia Archer said.

    Although no new bus lines have been added to the citys transportation system, eight new buses will service the sta-tion, she said.

    The new buses will better service popular lines, she added.

    We have a lot of students who depend on our system to get to school, she said. This new sys-tem makes it easier to connect to anywhere in the school.

    This semester, 236 UNR stu-dents and 13 faculty members purchased discounted bus passes, according to UNRs Parking and Transportation Services. The pass costs $70 and is valid between August and December.

    The stations grand opening on Thursday drew a crowd of more than 100, Archer said. Councilman Dave Aiazzi and Reno Mayor Bob Cashell spoke at the event.

    The new station at Fourth and Lake streets will bring much-needed business to the area, Barbara DiCianno, Aiazzis community liaison, said.

    It revitalizes an area that needs business, she said. Were hoping the foot traffi c

    will stimulate small business in the area.

    The station is zoned for mixed usage and should draw a variety of business in the form of restaurants and other small enterprises such as dry cleaning, DiCianno said.

    The previous 16-bay bus sta-tion was built in 1986. Archer said the station was outdated.

    The new station cost $13 mil-lion $4 million of which came from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds, DiCianno said.

    The station was a prudent use of the federal stimulus money because it employed 457 people since construction began in April 2009, she said.

    With a 30-year projected lifespan, the station will ben-efi t the community for years to come, Archer said.

    Don Weinland can be reached at [email protected].

    newsA4 NOVEMBER 2, 2010

    New station to cut wait times


    A new 23-bay bus station opened in downtown Reno on Sunday, replacing a 24-year-old, 16-bay station.

    By Ben Miller

    In order to raise awareness of higher education budget issues in the election, the University of Nevada, Renos debate team held a public debate Monday.

    The team discussed the pros and cons of implementing a corporate income tax in Nevada to raise revenue for the states primary, secondary and postsecondary education systems, according to debate team coach Phil Sharp.

    Ideas such as this tend to be neglected before elections, he said.

    Obviously, some of our politicians dont like to talk about taxes around election time, Sharp said.

    The idea of raising taxes must be considered by politi-cians in the next fi scal bien-nium, said Heath Morrison, superintendent of Washoe County School District and the keynote speaker of the event.

    The various people running for offi ce have said theyre go-ing to solve the defi cit without raising taxes, and that puts a lot of things on the table for cuts, Morrison said. A lot of people are concerned and have questions.

    Morrison said more needs to be done than simply solving the budget crisis. Schools need to be a part of reforming the way education is approached in Nevada and what goals it aims for, he said.

    In terms of our response to the state, we need to be part of the conversation about what kinds of businesses we want to attract, Morrison said.

    The debate was an effective way to consider budget solu-tions because it argued for and against a specifi c proposal, Max Alderman, one of the debaters, said. In a debate, the discussion is similar to the ones that hap-pen in legislative sessions and election debates, he said.

    In addition to arguing ques-tions on the issues, the debate was meant to persuade people to vote, Sharp said.

    Here in Nevada, we have some races that have been highly-publicized, and for that reason it may be more important to some, he said. But voting is a duty that everyone shares.

    Ben Miller can be reached at [email protected].


    Students debate new tax The University of Nevada, Reno debate team held a public debate on Monday to address budget solutions for Nevada. The event was meant to increase awareness of potential budget cuts to education, encourage people to vote and raise awareness of the debate team, said Max Alderman, one of the debaters. For more information on the debate team, e-mail the teams coach, Phil Sharp, at [email protected].

    Th U i it f


    Alumnus nets overseas job with college skills


    University of Nevada, Reno alumnus Kevin Grant stands on a sidewalk in Ukraine. Grant got a job developing software in Sweden three months after he graduated in May.

    Kevin Grant, an alumnus of the University of Nevada, Reno, got a job in Sweden three months after graduating in May. He works for a company called Qubulus, which is de-veloping an application for mobile phones that will ac-curately track where a user is inside a building.

    K i G t l


    The new bus station downtown opened Sunday. The station, located at 4th and Lake Streets, was built to replace an outdated, smaller station downtown. The station cost $13 million to build, $4 million of which came from American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds, said Barbara DiCianno, a city offi cial. The opening of the new station in Reno comes a year after the opening of a new station in Sparks, updating the areas bus transportation system.

    Th b t ti


  • perhaps the question to ask is not why dont people vote, but why they ever do, said David Ryfe, a journalism professor at UNR.

    Many students believe their vote holds little sway overall and fi nd it isnt worth spending time that would be better used studying for classes or doing other activities, Ryfe said.

    Daniel Trouwborst, an 18-year-old math major, said he is regis-tered to vote in Colorado but is uninformed and uninterested in the election this year. The mid-term is too much to keep track of with homework and classes to pay attention to, he said.

    I havent really followed any-thing, Trouwborst said. I dont really know whats going on.

    Aside from being too busy, Trou-wborst said he and his peers feel like their votes will change little in a system already set in stone.

    Younger people think their one vote wont make a differ-ence, he said. Thats how I feel

    sometimes.Like Trouwborst, many youth

    are disaffected by the raging political debates that sweep up the country biannually, said Eric Herzik, a UNR political science professor. A lack of relevance can result in apathy, he said.

    Much of it centers from a general lack of interest in politics, Herzik said. People often do not feel that politics matters in their daily life. This is especially the case for younger voters who are often less fi xed to a particular location

    But student attitude toward voting can change with exposure, said Jordan Butler, a member of the nonpartisan voting promot-ers Re-Energize the Vote.

    Butler has been asking students to vote on campus since mid-August. Students will participate in the political process if they are engaged but someone needs to get the idea in their head, he said.

    I think if we hadnt been here, students wouldnt have been ex-posed (to the political process), Butler said. As far as registering

    to vote is concerned, people dont wake up in the morning and think about it.

    Khang Le, a 18-year-old elec-trical engineering major, said hes tired of political advertise-ments and people asking him to vote. He said fellow students have pestered him about voting for months.

    Le called his generation lazy when it comes to political in-volvement.

    This laziness is more than just student ignorance of politics, Herzik said. The end result is the younger generation being disregarded by politics.

    By not being a coherent or forceful voting block, the inter-ests of youth do get less attention from political decision makers, he said. Older voters have a disproportionate say on issues re-lating to, say, healthcare or social security because they vote.

    Nevada Sagebrush reporter Ben Miller contributed to this article. Jay Balagna and Don Weinland can be reached at [email protected].

    leaders, she said.If youre ever advised by

    anybody not to use your civil liberties, you should look at that with suspicion, Grey said. Whether youre Mexican-American, African-American, Asian-American, youre American fi rst.

    Ads that target specifi c populations such as His-panics assume all members of an ethnicity will all vote for the same candidate, which is a misconception, Grey said.

    When youre of a demo-graphic, I think theres a perception that youre going to vote a certain way, she said. But youre not bound by ethnicity when you vote.

    Local Democrat and Re-publican parties called the ad despicable and wrong. During a campaign rally Oct. 20 at UNR, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called the ad unfair to Hispanic voters.

    Its hard for me to compre-hend anything in the political world thats more unfair or just plain dumb than telling people not to vote, he said before a crowd of about 200 supporters in the Virginia Street Gym.

    Virginia Dugan, secretary of the Washoe County Republi-can Party, said the ad was not endorsed or commended by the Washoe County Republi-can Party.

    We believe thats totally wrong, she said. The legal Latinos have every right to vote and we want their votes.

    Don Weinland can be reached at [email protected].

    environmental affairs manager, said many of the scores are ar-bitrary and dont refl ect current progress.

    The Sustainability Endow-ment Institute has been warned of gross errors in their report card, but has yet to improve their data-collecting processes.

    Theyre putting out false info and they know it, Sagebiel said. Their approach is bordering on exploitation. Theyre telling us, well give you an F if you dont do what we tell you to do.

    UNR received an F for endow-ment transparency in 2009, a B in 2010 and a C for 2011. But nothing has changed concern-ing the universitys endowment policy over the past three years, Sagebiel said. Although the Nevada System of Higher Education handles endowment investments for UNR and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the two universities have re-ceived inconsistent scores.

    NSHE handles all of UNR and UNLVs investments, Sage-biel said. Nothing has changed Our money is invested by exactly the same people, in exactly the same way. And yet there are two radically different ratings.

    In July, the Association for the Advancement of Sustain-ability in Higher Education issued an open letter to the Sustainability Endowment In-stitute and six other rating or-ganizations. The letter, signed by Sagebiel and environmen-tal management faculty of 42 other universities, requested that rating organizations demonstrate their credentials in sustainability appraisal and

    offer universities an opt-out from surveys.

    Providing information to a number of organizations can be taxing on limited green re-sources, Sagebiel said.

    UNRs failure to gather requested endowment informa-tion resulted in an F for its en-dowment transparency in 2009.

    The open letter also requested a higher level of accountability in verifying up to date informa-tion. UNRs food services has made considerable progress over the past year, Sagebiel said. But consecutive Cs in food and recycling fail to refl ect new progress.

    Russ Myers, director of Food Services, said the Sustainabil-ity Endowment Institutes rating standards are still ambiguous.

    Although the report card was issued for 2011, many of Food Services recent achievements are not taken into account, he said.

    Food Services got rid of food-carrying trays in August to reduce waste. All food waste is weighed and composted in the universitys composter, which was added this fall. The report card didnt refl ect these advancements.

    The Sustainability Endow-ment Institute awards higher scores to universities that use local produce. The standard is not applicable to all schools, Myers said.

    If thats their criteria, were at a disadvantage because we dont have a lot of locally grown produce here, he said.

    Christina Billingsley, the institutes communications fel-low, said the report card is letter grade-based and not ordinal in ranking because resources such as local produce differ among schools.

    The object of the report card is to initiate dialogue on sustain-ability between universities and colleges, not to pit institutions against one another, she said.

    Don Weinland can be reached at [email protected].

    and UNR Police Department offi cers.

    The treatment, Hussein said, was in retaliation for his whis-tle blowing report regarding the treatment of lab animals at university facilities in 2004. The matter was investigated, leading to dozens of federal citations against UNR.

    Throughout the trial and subsequent appeals, Hussein failed to provide the court with suffi cient evidence to prove his claims, according to court documents.

    In its justifi cation for ordering him to pay the defenses legal fees, the United States District Court in Nevada rebuked Hus-sein for not bringing suffi cient evidence with his claims and then refusing to drop defen-dants from his lawsuit when the court ordered him to do so.

    Dr. Hussein transformed what could have and should have been a straightforward employment matter into a full-scale assault against nearly ev-eryone who crossed his path, Judge James C. Mahan wrote in his judgment for that court.

    In a statement released after the ruling, NSHE Chancellor Dan Klaich said he was pleased to see the matter come to a close, stopping a drain on the resources.

    UNR Spokeswoman Jane Tors said the university looks forward to putting the matter behind it, and will continue to defend itself against the more than dozen other appeals Hus-sein still has pending against it.

    Jay Balagna can be reached at [email protected].

    news NOVEMBER 2, 2010


    The fi nal three payments will come from the MWCs revenue distribution, Groth said.

    We would have preferred getting out earlier but do un-derstand the WACs concerns, Glick said. We did not wish to hurt the WAC.

    WAC Commissioner Karl Benson said in a teleconference that although the conference originally sought $5 million from the schools, it was important to get the details down rather than face a lengthy court battle.

    The six WAC presidents and chancellors believe it is more important to settle the termina-tion date at this time, rather than being tied up in court for several more months before knowing the status of the 2011-12 season, Benson said.

    Benson said if Nevada and Fresno State left, it would have threatened the conferences automatic qualifying status in several NCAA sports.

    Groth said although the school preferred to leave next year, having an extra year provides some benefi ts to the school. Groth said the athletics depart-ment will spend the next year mustering more excitement for the schools move to the new conference.

    It gives us a year to generate some enthusiasm and some revenue to move our programs forward, Groth said. We know where were at next year and know where were going to be in 2013.

    One of the main ways Groth said the university plans to accomplish this by scheduling MWC opponents as non-con-ference opponents in all sports so students can see the level of competition across the board the Wolf Pack will be facing in coming years.

    Although the settlement means Nevada will have to stay in the WAC for an extra year, Groth said the university will continue to look for opportuni-ties to thrive.

    Were excited about the move, but we understand where

    were at and what conference were at for the next year and a half, Groth said. We have to make the best of it and go from there.

    The agreement fi nally puts an end to the dispute and gives Nevada and Fresno State a de-fi nitive timeline for its departure from the WAC.

    It will increase external revenue for athletics and it will allow us to play traditional rivalries against Boise State and UNLV and up the level of com-petition, Glick said.

    Lukas Eggen can be reached at [email protected].





    Solar panels on the Joe Crowley Student Union at the University of Nevada, Reno have helped the school score higher on green report cards such as the one issued Wednesday.


    Nevada will use money from the Western Athletic Conferences and Mountain West Conferences revenue distribution to pay for four of the fi ve payments. Another payment will come from external dollars and donations.

    N d ill


    The University of Nevada, Reno lost green points on food, recycling, and endow-ment transparency.

    Th U i it f N d


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  • Opinion


    WAC settlement should be applaudedSTAFF EDITORIAL I CONFERENCE CHANGE

    Halloween craziness with homosexuals


    What is your favorite Halloween costume?CAMPUSCHAT


    Exhibitionism can be fun, but try not to take it too far over the edge

    nevadasagebrush.comA7 NOVEMBER 2, 2010

    S ex is amazing. Yet every so often (more often than we think), peoples sexual behaviors bring unwanted feelings and harm upon others.

    The topic for this week is exhibitionism, which is defi ned by the Diagnostic and Statisti-cal Manual of Mental Disorders as the act of showing ones genitals to another unexpecting individual without consent known as fl ashing.

    However, it is important to keep in mind that one of the distinguish-ing factors in this behavior being labeled as a mental disorder is the issue of controlling the impulses

    to expose oneself. So dont assume the streakers

    at the college games are all clinically diagnosable. Although it is a rather odd thing to do, it is funny nonetheless!

    Heres some food for thought: When you hear the label sex offender, what image or type of person pops into your head?

    Was it the dirty old man in a raincoat stereotype?

    The truth is that in reported cases of exhibitionism (criminal and psychological profi les), the demographics seem to favor a more frequent occurrence in teenage to young adult males.

    In fact, cases in which the offender is older than 50 are extremely rare. Still, keep in mind that exhibitionism in merely one of the paraphilias listed in the DSM.

    Those dirty old men are still out there!

    There are numerous theories to explain why people are or become exhibitionists.

    The biological theory holds that higher testosterone levels increase the likelihood of the disorder, mainly because it increases the sex drive and makes male urges far more intense.

    Learning psychologists hold that the behavior is a learned defense in response to emotional abuse as a child. Other theories have to do with correlations between exhi-bitionism and brain damage as well as Attention Defi cit Hyperactive Disorder.

    Like I mentioned already, cases of exhibitionism are more prominently seen in younger males.

    However, this is not to say that there are no female exhibi-tionists. Part of the reason for a

    low frequency in occurrence in females could be due to the fact that women are more likely to get away with fl ashing.

    Perhaps theyre sneakier about it.

    I swear offi cer, I thought the window was closed while I was undressing!

    Sure! In any case, I read a quote that brings up a good point.

    It said that men exhibit nothing but the genitals while women exhibit everything, but the genitals.

    Think about the way college girls dress. Technically, most of us are guilty of socially sanctioned exhibitionism at one time or another.

    Personally, I think being naked is natural and awesome. However, subjecting others to your naked body without their consent is inappropriate and should be controlled in some way.

    If you feel the need to expose yourself, you should ask fi rst. Since exhibitionism is one of the top three reasons for being charged as a sex offender, you dont want to take any chances.

    Thats the naked truth.

    Tarah Bowser studies psychology and plans to continue studying sex therapy. She can be reached at [email protected].

    T his past Saturday, as I strapped on the last tea bag to my belt loop and wrote Wheres the birth certifi cate?!?! on my Sharron Angle T-shirt, I knew the night was going to be weird. Halloween is when freaks and crazies come out of the woodwork. Nowhere is this truer than with gay men.

    Halloween in the gay world is like mixing porn with horror fi lms. Amidst scantily-clad men and ghoulish women, Halloweeners will fi nd a scene most horrifying

    and dangerous. Gay bars on the weekends get pretty crazy, but when people throw on more makeup and glitter than usual, its almost unbearable. There are a multitude of costumes out and about, but three specifi c costumes plague the gay community on Halloween.


    As sure as kids will chomp down on candy corn, there will always be

    overweight gay men trying to fi t into skimpy costumes that would even make Christina Aguilera look fat. Gay men think its funny or sexy to wear a Lieutenant Dangle costume. While I didnt mind seeing the hot cop downtown, I remembered later, after seeing a fat man in the same garb at the 5 Star Saloon, that some people should never wear those costumes. Beware the not-so-sexy stripper, as he is the grabbiest one at the bar.


    If I were to classify myself among the three catego-ries, Id be here. These men, while for the most part are harmless, can be irritating. Theyll let you know how they spent hours coming up with a concept that makes everyone laugh. For instance, after seeing a guy dressed up as Patrick Star from SpongeBob Squarepants, I laughed and told him how much I liked his costume. He proceeded to tell me the entire story about how he made it, taking precious time away from me and my beer. Theyre pretty harmless for the most part just try to make sure they dont cling on to you or its over.


    These are the worst gay costumes of all bumble-bees, moths, hawks, angels and devils. If you can name a living creature, this man will fi nd a way to put wings on it. The danger radius around these men is awful. Instead of the usual small space that people need to walk around and perform normal tasks, the unreason-ably dangerous wing bearer has a 10-foot circle around him where anyone has the potential to be poked, swatted or thwacked by giant wings. While Ive seen women out and about with wings on Halloween before, they pale in comparison to men sporting wings larger than ones used at the Victorias Secret Fashion Show.

    Not every gay man fi ts in one of these categories, but a large majority do. Next time youre out for the Zombie Crawl, keep your eyes peeled, and if you do encounter these men, I have one piece of advice for you get the hell out before you become one yourself.

    Patrick Connolly is the opinion editor of the Nevada Sagebrush. He studies journalism and French. He can be reached at [email protected].

    A fter months of bickering, the Nevada athletics department will enter the Moun-tain West Conference in the 2012-13 academic year not a year earlier as it hoped.

    And instead of paying a $5 million fine to the Western Athletic Conference, it will pay a $900,000 settlement.

    But why does it even have to pay that?

    Because its less than Nevada would pay taking the case to court.

    President Milton Glick said Nevada didnt know

    how high legal costs might be if it pursued the case, but a court battle would likely be expensive. His decision should be applauded given the circumstances of the case and the need to move forward for the parties involved.

    Its easy to say Nevada should push the case, considering the evidence in its favor.

    But its hard to blame anybody for this mess, or say Nevada should have handled it differently, because so much of what transpired

    went on behind closed doors. Nevada and Fresno State,

    schools that made the decision to depart Aug. 9, decided last week to pay a $900,000 settlement even though they are making the June 2011 deadline (however, the deadline itself is debat-able) by 10 months to avoid making an already nasty divorce nastier.

    Despite the debate, Nevada had a favorable deal. Settling is a smart choice.

    Not only did the MWC waive the conference entrance fee, it will also pay

    the final three payments of $180,000 of the settlement charges. The WAC has agreed to pay for the first.

    Both conferences will use money they would have given to Nevada from game revenue, and pay for the settlement instead.

    Plus Nevada and Fresno State have an extra year to prepare. Neither athletics department is on par competitively or monetarily with Boise State and this extra year of preparation is much needed.

    But the dust has settled.

    Nevada is ready to leave the WAC in 2012-13 and the WAC will get its fair compen-sation.

    Now, Nevada can get ready to rub the University of Nevada Las Vegas nose in its football inferiority with more than a head to head match up each year it can do it as a superior player in confer-ence standings.

    Lets move on, and play ball.

    The Nevada Sagebrush can be reached at [email protected].

    I saw a guy make a home-made Link cos-tume once. It had everything from a bomb bag to a boomerang. Plus, Zelda is my favorite game.

    Adam Pribyl19, computer science major

    There was a taco costume on sale for dogs. It had a picture of a pug in a taco suit. It was adorable.Aleena Sayegh

    18, economics major

    My favorite costume was one I made. I was Pyramid Head from Silent Hill. I won the costume contest that year.

    Andy Wei18, neuroscience major

    I tried to con-vince my boy-friend to wear a Lieutenant Dangle costume. It was hilarious but he wouldnt buy it.

    Destiny Anderson19, undecided



    WEB NOTESLOCAL ELECTIONS, CANDIDATES NEED MORE ATTENTIONOn Oct. 25, 3:22 p.m., Francis wrote:A warning of what Senator Harry Reid has in store for us, if he is reelected? An AMNES-TYfor 13 to 20 million illegal aliens, with a price tag of 2.6 Trillion dollars to process each individual and subsidize their welfare programs, according to the Heritage Foundation.

    They send approximately $60 billion annually out of the country to their families, plus an estimate $113 bil-lion dollars at the local level of government for public benefi ts. Harry Reid voted to continuously fund Sanctu-ary cities and States, so did Senator Barbara Boxer of California. Harry Reid and the majority of democrats crashed American-English as the recognized language of this country, and voted for ille-gal aliens to participate in our wilting Social Security Sys-tem. Senator Reid, Boxer and the largest proportion of Lib-Democrats voted equally, to what top Democrats wanted every time. This is sheer mad-ness when his Nevada has the largest proportion of jobless Americans, the highest rate of bankruptcies and home fore-closures.

    On Oct. 26, 6:11 p.m., Mi-chael wrote:Im voting for Harry Reid.

    On Oct. 27, 12:47 p.m., cody wrote:thank you for taking the time to say this. too many people just dont vote for anyone because they dont like the people in one race. its the same reason we end up with crazies like sharron angle and rob lauer getting the nomina-tion because people DONT VOTE when they should! everybody, read this article and take it to heart. get out and vote even if you dont like some of the people running to be so happy to see things like this on the editorial page of the sagebrush.

    DEMOCRATS LEAVE A SOUR TASTE WITH MEOn. Oct. 26, 4:44 p.m., Kris-tina wrote:This is cute and all, but no educated voter would place a vote simply based on which campaign team was nicer.Casting a ballot based on this is asinine.

    On Oct. 27, 1:21 a.m., Decem-ber wrote:Yes he is cute, and if more people put this much thought into their votes, both parties would be forced to recruit candidates of a much higher caliber.

    On Oct. 27, 10:27 a.m., elisapiper wrote:Actually, working with cam-paign staff can give you a pretty good idea of what it would be like to work with the staff if a person gets elected. The candidate himself gets LESS accessible once in offi ce and this rude press guy? Likely to be the Press Secre-tary?

    Plus the guy is clearly not too smart younger voters tend to vote for Democratic candi-dates you were offering him a softball. Sheesh. Good call!

    GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATES FOR NEVADAOn Oct. 25, 4:50 p.m., Rex Hauck wrote:I cant believe Sandovol cut and pasted his lame stump speech and didnt say one thing about what he would do for the university he sup-posedly cares about. Oh wait, he would cut the budget at UNR At least Rory Reid gives a darn about the universities.


    Top Halloween Weekend Events: 1) Zombie Crawl 2) Carving pumpkins... 348) Go to a football game.

  • opinionA8 NOVEMBER 2, 2010

    S harron Angle: Too Extreme. Harry Reid: An Illegal Aliens Best Friend. Rory Reid: I have a plan, my opponent

    doesnt. Brian Sandoval: Im honest, my oppo-nent isnt.

    This campaign season is one of the worst I have seen since I began paying attention to

    politics. I cant think of a single campaign commercial that is positive. As much as I love politics, Im counting down the days until Nov. 3 rolls around.

    This bickering among adults is worse than listening to my 3-year-old cousin throw a temper tantrum.

    Every other year around this time, I hear people complain about how they cant wait for this election to be over. But this year, people are giving up altogether. The animosity the Reid and Angle campaigns created has caused many people to declare that they wont vote this year because Angle is not an acceptable replacement for Reid.

    That certainly is your right. No one is going to send the town mob, complete with pitchforks, on you if you dont vote. But Senate and gubernato-rial campaigns are not the only elections happening.

    There is more riding on this election cycle than just whos headed to Washington and

    whos moving into the gover-nors mansion. Remember, we are voting for whoever will represent us in the House as well as numerous state posi-tions where political hopefuls are just waiting to serve you.

    I know in one of my past columns, I advocated against choosing the None of the Above option on the ballot. But if you really cant force yourself to choose between Reid or Angle, dont just stay home and ignore the signifi cance of what it means to be. Choose None of the Above. There are other candi-dates who need your support.

    Anywhere I go on campus, I hear students complain about how no one cares about us, no one hears our voices.

    But then I hear those same voices claim they wont vote. Im gonna stick it to the man.

    Ill show them. Well, heres the opportunity to be heard.

    If you dont vote, you dont have the right to complain about how your government is running. Not voting and complaining about government is like complaining that your house is dirty without ever cleaning it.

    You have no right to be upset that your government isnt helping you if you dont help the people running it hear what you want. There are people dying in the Middle East to have the chance to have a voice in their government. We have a respon-sibility to not only ourselves and other adults, but to those who arent eligible to vote yet.

    Becca Kitchen studies journal-ism and literature. She can be reached at [email protected].



    Speak up, use your voting power

    W hen walking around campus, I cant help but notice couples who are clearly into each other. I used to watch with judgmental cynicism as these couples laughed and

    nuzzled their way around school.

    They always ap-peared to be in their own little worlds so enthralled with one another that they didnt pay attention to the simple things, such as walking in a straight line.

    It was a struggle, but somehow I

    managed to get from class to class without getting physically ill.

    And then, just as I was starting to tune out all the lovey-dovey nonsense that went along with my daily walk from the William Raggio Building to the Knowl-edge Center, the unthinkable happened.

    I became one of them.About two months ago, I started

    dating someone. It is the fi rst offi cial relationship I have had since I became a grown-up.

    But I dont feel like a grown-up. I feel like a giddy little girl who needs to constantly be reminded to come back down to the real world.

    All of my relationship rules created mostly out of bitterness and jealousy have fl own out the window.

    I used to see public displays of

    affection as a sign of codependence. It was unnecessary and seemed more like a production than an expression of love.

    My annoyance was not limited to over-the-top, borderline humping each other in the streets kinds of public displays of affection.

    Kissing, hugging and even holding hands were blatant publications of your relationship status. Beyond that, I avoided PDA because I knew that there was someone just like me who would make snarky comments about my actions.

    So how in the world did I become the girl who kissed her boyfriend without caring if anyone was watching? When did my snobby, stuck-up belief system shatter?

    This happened when I realized how much I needed a strong shoulder.

    The last few years of my life have

    seemed like a constant confl ict. Facing family, health and fi nancial problems isnt exactly how I imagined spending my glory years.

    But when you are facing the unexpected, you have to rely on your strengths. I decided that I was going to be that strength. In many aspects of my daily life, I emotionally separated myself from my friends and family.

    I was my only confi dant because I knew that I would always be there.

    This year, I have gone through more personal issues than any other time in my life. I needed someone to talk to, but my stubborn individualism encouraged me to suck it up and stay strong.

    Just when I thought my entire world was unraveled, I met someone willing to help me put it back together.

    I quickly realized that I could trust him. With this trust, all of my weird intimacy fears fell away and I realized just how stupid they were in the fi rst place.

    Now, I dont care if anyone is judging me because I have found peace within my relationship and myself.

    I am in no way encouraging you to start groping your signifi cant other in public. Nor am I encouraging you to rely 100 percent on someone else to solve your problems.

    But if you let go and allow someone to help you, it is amazing how close you can become.

    Katie Garner studies elementary educa-tion. She can be reached at [email protected].


    Public displays of affection showcase comfort

    The fashion gods are calling for the double denim trend this seasonThe thought of double denim immediately takes me to dark, dark places (think Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears matching Texas tuxedos at the Video Music Awards circa 2000).

    However, the trend is undeniably picking up steam. Heres a quick rundown of how to pull off some denim-on-denim action without looking

    as if you just stepped off of a Hannah Montana set.

    Designers from Calvin Klein to Dolce and Gabbanas fall line have featured some reincarna-tions of the early 90s trend in their collections over the last year.

    Celebrities like Kanye West, David Beckham and Alexa Chung have been spotted recently in head-to-toe denim everywhere from runway shows to Rodeo Drive in California.

    D&Gs opening look for their spring 2010 line paired distressed-denim jackets with light-wash jeans.

    If you want to try the fashion forward denim ensemble, my words to you are to proceed with caution.

    To bring this look into season, make sure to go dark preferably a mid-wash for jeans and a deeper and navy-wash for jackets.

    Double denim evokes a masculine, work-wear vibe. Guys can play this up with a pair of Doc Martens, or black leather shoes.

    For girls, stay away from tennis shoes and go with a heeled boot with buckles, or risk looking like you just stepped out of a Saved by the Bell episode.

    If denim jackets arent up

    your alley, the chambray shirt is an alternate option. A chambray shirt works well for layering. For the fall, wear them open with a light fl annel and a T-shirt underneath, rolling the denim and fl annel to a get a fl ash of color.

    If you want to look more rocker and less hipster, basic black T-shirts or camisoles are an easy way to go.

    Beware of bandanas, however, as they will most likely project a Wild-West image.

    As winter creeps in, a simple leather jacket or heavy sweat-shirt over a chambray shirt adds texture and warmth. In addition, a scarf can help you to layer textures without looking like youre trying too hard.

    When it comes to accessories, tread lightly. Denim, especially when there are two different colors and textures, looks busy enough.

    When donning rolled sleeves, steer clear of big watches or bracelets and focus on rings.

    That hemp friendship bracelet the hippie chick down the hall made you will work too, so long as there are no peace signs or beads to make you look like youre trying to audition for a Woodstock retrospective.

    However you choose to spin this look, remember one thing absolutely no cowboy boots. This isnt Madonnas Ray of Light music video, nor is campus the appropriate place to look like youre trying to break the record for bull riding.

    I wouldnt suggest belting the jeans either its likely to make you look less fashion forward and more truck driver.

    Also, its either denim jacket or chambray never both. Triple denim is a look even professional soccer player David Beckham cant pull off.

    Ricky De La Rosa interned at a fashion studio in Los Angeles during the summer of 2010. He can be reached at [email protected].

    RickyDe La Rosa

    LETTERS TO THE EDITORIN RESPONSE TO: ASUN MUST CREATE NON PARTISAN POLICYSubmitted Oct. 27 via e-mail:On Wednesday, October 20, 2010 I spoke at a rally that support-ed the re-election of U.S.Senator Harry Reid. It seems as though the opinion that I voiced stirred up some controversy in the most recent issue of the Nevada Sagebrush. My opinion is just that, my own opinion. As a student at this public university, I am entitled to express myself and my personal opinions on campus. Aside from my role as a student on this campus, I also hold the offi ce of Vice President within the Associated Students of the University of Ne-vada. During the rally, my title was used to introduce me. Though I would have rather not been introduced by my title within ASUN, I have no control over the actions of others and the fact that I was introduced this way. I have always been a strong believer in leading by example. By speaking up in what I believe in, I was per-forming my civic duties as an individual. In doing this, I know that other students have the same right. It is important and healthy for students to participate in political events, such as this one, and to start a healthy and educational discussion about politics in Ne-vada and the U.S. To reiterate what I have said in this letter and to Nevada Sage-brush reporters in person, I spoke at the rally as a student, not on behalf of ASUN. I, just like every other student on this campushave the right to voice my opinion about issues and topics that I am passionate about. I too have First Amendment rights. ASUN did not issue a formal announcement endorsing any candidate(s) for offi ce, I did not say in my speech that ASUN endorsed Harry Reid and I do not believe that every student at this university has the same opinions as I. As long as I am a student at this university, I have the right to voice my opinion as I did last week. If you have any further questions for me, please contact me at [email protected],Leissan Sadykova

    WEB NOTESASUN MUST CREATE NON PARTISAN POLICYOn Oct. 25 5:05 p.m., WTF wrote:This is stupid. So ASUN offi cials cant be introduced with their title at events on campus? Theres a difference between an en-dorsement by an organization and someone being introduced with their appropriate title. Lets be real, no one thought ASUN was endorsing Harry Reid or anyone else. Everyone who was there and had an IQ over 30 knew that Leissan was simply expressing her PERSONAL opinion, which last I checked, public offi cials were able to do.

    Were any ASUN resources used on this event? No. Was there a formal endorsement? No. Did Leissan say she was representing ASUN? No. Was she introduced and used her titled, a proper ac-tion on campus, at an event she believed in? Yes.

    Maybe the Sagebrush could spend a little less time with their panties in a bunch and more time focused on those two guberna-torial candidates that they gave space to.

    What they do, what they plan to do, actually matters, not what some student was called at an event. I would have rather seen you guys spend your time and energy exploring the policy proposals by two men who will have a major infl uence over the future of this institution and its students. Once again, The Sagebrush disap-points and misses the point.




  • to decide what is more grating, Swifts voice or her terrible, underdeveloped lyrics.

    Dear John, is a thinly-veiled jab at singer John Mayer, who Swift dated last year while working on a song with him for his album, Battle Studies.

    Swift tries to spew venom, but instead ends up sounding like a pathetic little girl with no real grip on relationships like a little girl who takes fairytales too literally.

    She sings, My mother ac-cused me of losing my mind but I swore I was fine/ You paint me a blue sky and go back and turn it to rain/And I lived in your chess game.

    The only redeeming quality of Dear John is how Swifts vocal progression is shown. Her voice in the song is the most rich and soulful sound-ing it has ever been.

    Innocent, Swifts highly anticipated response to the whole Kanye West 2009 MTV Video Music Awards incident, is laughable at best. Swift

    tries to come off forgiving and preachy Mother Teresa-like, but instead sounds foolish and self-righteous.

    She condescendingly sings to West, Its OK, life is a tough crowd/32, and still growin up now/Who you are is not what you did/Youre still an innocent.

    Swifts lack of self-awareness is once again apparent when she ironically preaches about the importance of kindness in the song Mean, right before allegedly calling her ex-boyfriends (Joe Jonas) former fling, Camilla Belle, a slut of sorts in the song, Better Than Revenge.

    Surely, there are a lot of people who love Swifts style of music. After all, Speak Now is expected to sell about 1 million copies within the first week of its release.

    However, unless you enjoy listening to a grown woman refusing to mature and still sing about pubescent topics, then Speak Now is not the album for you.

    Enjolie Esteve can be reached at [email protected].

    arts and entertainment NOVEMBER 2, 2010

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    its depiction of Hollywoods ruthless nature, and the toll it takes on those who have been knocked off the A-list. Similar to Eraserhead, its all in black and white, but does not cause the fi lm to feel dated in any way.

    3. HEATHERS (1989)Starring a young Winona

    Ryder and Christian Slater, the fi lm focuses on Veronica Sawyer and her peculiar boyfriend J.D. living in the world of the most powerful clique in school the Heathers. When a prank on the lead Heather (all three members of the clique are named Heather) turns into a murder, Veronica and J.D. quickly fi x the situation by framing the crime as a suicide.

    Films revolving around high schoolers usually lack intrigue and imagination, however, the ideas in Heathers extend far past the scope of the movie, dab-bling in the media swaying public opinion and the generation gap.

    Relating to this fi lm is pretty easy its for anyone whos felt like an outcast in high school.

    Its a drastic example of what an outcast can do when they feel powerless.

    And its fantastic.

    4. CECIL B. DEMENTED (2000)

    Ever thought Hollywood was just putting out too many banal fi lms and sequels, deeply insulting your intelligence for paying up to $10 for a movie that would have been better spent on drugs, pornography or satanic icons?

    Well, the estranged under-ground fi lm director portrayed in Cecil B. Demented has. As a result, he kidnapped an A-list actress at gunpoint, forcing her to star in their fi lm about ove

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