
7/29/2019 Nerve Tissue Tute Final 1/4

Nerve Tissue

Made up by nerve cells

called………………………………….. Neuron is the only cell capable of …………………………………………… a

mpulse Neuron has mainthree parts: ………………………………………………………………………………….., and dendrites. Axons and

dendrites are ……………………………………………. of the cell.

Neurons highly …………………………………………………and have lost the ability to reproduce.

Neuroglia support and protect ………………………….. Do not transmit impulses.

There are 10 x more neuroglia cells than neurons.

Types of neurons based on function:

Motor neurons - these carry a message to a muscle, gland, or other effector. They are said to


, i.e. they carry the message……………………………the central nervous system. 

Sensory neurons - these carry a message in ……………………………………………. They

are afferent , i.e. going toward the brain or spinal cord.

Interneuron ( association neuron, connecting neuron) - these neurons

…………………………………… neuron with another. Interneurons connect the sensoryneurons with the motor neurons.

Types of neurons based on structure: 

Mltipolar neuron 

- has many ………………. or ……………………, the dendrites and the axon.

Ex: motor neurons 

Bipolar neurons  –  

with ……………… processes, a dendrite and an axon

Unipolar neurons

- which have only ………….. process, classified as an axon. Unipolar neurons are found as most

of the body's sensory neurons. Their dendrites are the exposed branches connected to

………………………, the axon carries the action potentialfrom………………… in to the

central nervous system.

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Briefly describe the basic structure of the vertebrate motor neuron.

Structure of the vertebrate motor neuron

1.  Consists of cell body

2.  and several processes

3.  Cell body star shaped

4.  Large nucleus with

5.  Prominent nucleolus

6.  Typical cellular organelles present. (ER, Mitochondria, Lysosomes, Golgi body


7.  Cytoplasm has several Nissl's granules

8.  Lacks centriole

9.  Neurofilaments / Micro fiIamenents / Neurofibrils / Neurotubule s present.

10. Several dendrites arise from cell body / multipolar

11.Dendrites are short


13.tapering, and not have a myelin sheath.

15.Typical organelles present (except nucleus) in dendrites

16.Motor neurone has one axon

17.which arises from cone shaped structure in the cell body / axon hillock

18.Axon is long, 19.with uniform diameter / cylindrical.

20.Axon is wrapped with myelin sheath which is

21.discontinuous / interrupted at certain points

22.Regions lacking myelin sheath are called nodes of Ranvier

23. Region befween two nodes is internode

24. Myelin sheath is lined by neurilemma / Schwann cell / schwann sheath

25. Axon lacks Nissl’s granules.

26. Terminal end of axon Iacks myelin

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27. and divides into branches / telodendria 2

8. Each of the branches is swollen / has terminal bulbs / synaptic bulbs / terminal

29. Each terminal bulb / button contains many mitochondria

30. and several vesicles

31. Vesicles contain acetylcholine

32. which is the neurotransmifter.

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