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neemland ecosystem sarl

The company was formed in august 2009 and aims at promoting an agroecologic model based on the development and the use of neem products in the agricultural sector for a better protection of the cultivation.

To achieve this goal, we work closely with rural communities in a participative process that involves a gender approach and generates incomes for both parties.

Neemland Ecosystem’s corporate values are: Quality, Respect of the Environment, Cooperation for Development, Flexibility, Service, Integrity and Responsibility.

We bring efficient, practical and natural solutions for a productive agriculture environmentally friendly.

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Neem seeds supply chain

Because of the seasonally harvesting of neem seeds , a decentralised recolecting network is created at village level.

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Recollection of neem seeds

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A group of Neem seeds’recollectors

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Neem seeds recollection and selling generate income in rural communities—perhaps a small, but nonetheless valuable, benefit in these days of mass flight to the cities in a desperate search for jobs. It can be a useful export good as well; nowadays tons of neem seed are often sold and shipped from African ports (Dakar, for example) at more than twice the price of peanuts. On top of all that, neem by-products (the seedcake and leaves, in particular) actually may improve the local soils and help foster sustainable crop production.

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Our ProductsWe have four main products:

• Neemland Oil (natural cold pressed neem oil )

• Neemland Rakkal (neem cakes)

• Neemland Powder (neem leaf powder)

• Neemland cosmetic soap

They are respectively used as:

• Insecticide, fungicide insect repellent

• Plowed into the soil it protects plants from nematodes and acts as a fertilizer.

• Repels insects from stored cereals such as maize, sorgho, peanut, etc

• Soap for body care and laundry.

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Our Market

The use of neem by-products for pest control is significant because most developing countries are in the tropics, where year-round warmth often allows pest populations to build to unacceptable levels.

The problems attendant on using synthetic pesticides, therefore, are particularly severe in the Third World. For instance, the World Health Organization attributes 20,000 deaths and more than a million illnesses each year to pesticides mishandled or used to excess.

By and large the need of neem product in Third World countries is widely justified by nutritional, economic, and environmental reasons.

The local agricultural sector is our short term market.

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The neem tree

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The neem common names

English: neem, Indian lilacFrench: azadira d'Inde, margousier, azidarac, azadiraPortuguese: margosa (Goa)Spanish: margosa, nimGerman: NiembaumHindi: neem, nimbBurmese: tamar, tamarkhaUrdu: nim, neemPunjabi: neemTamil: vembu, veppanSanskrit: nimba, nimbou, arishtha (reliever of sickness)Sindi: nimmiSri Lanka: kohombaFarsi: azad darakht i hindi (free tree of India), nibMalay: veppaSingapore: kohumba, nimbaIndonesia: mindiNigeria: dongoyaroKiswahili: mwarubaini (muarobaini)

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Neem is a member of the mahogany family, Meliaceae. It is today known by the botanic name Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Neem trees are attractive broad-leaved evergreens that can grow up to 30 m tall and 2.5 m in girth. Their spreading branches form rounded crowns as much as 20 m across. They remain in leaf except during extreme drought, when the leaves may fall off.

The short, usually straight trunk has a moderately thick, strongly furrowed bark. The roots penetrate the soil deeply, at least where the site permits, and, particularly when injured, they produce suckers.

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Neem small white bisexual flowers

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Neem rape fruits

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The fruit is a smooth, ellipsoidal drupe, up to almost 2 cm long. When ripe, it is yellow or greenish yellow and comprises a sweet pulp enclosing a seed. The seed is composed of a shell and a kernel (sometimes two or three kernels), each about half of the seed's weight. It is the kernel that is used most in pest control. (The leaves also contain pesticidal ingredients, but as a rule they are much less effective than those of the seed.)A neem tree normally begins bearing fruit after 3-5 years, becomes fully productive in 10 years, and from then on can produce up to 50 kg of fruits annually. It may live for more than two centuries.

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What's in a Neem

Neem protects itself from the multitude of pests with a multitude of pesticidal ingredients. Its main chemical broadside is a mixture of 3 or 4 related compounds, and it backs these up with 20 or so others that are minor but nonetheless active in one way or another. In the main, these compounds belong to a general class of natural products called "triterpenes"; more specifically, "limonoids.”At least nine of them have demonstrated an ability to block insect growth, affecting a range of species that includes some of the most deadly pests of agriculture and human health. Azadirachtin, salannin, meliantriol, and nimbin are the best known and, seem to be the most significant.

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Methods of application

Neem extracts can be applied in many ways, including some of the most sophisticated. For example, they may be employed as sprays, powders, drenches, or diluents in irrigation water—even through trickle or subsurface-irrigation systems. In addition, they can be applied to plants by emulsifying the crude oil and spraying it even with a branch of neem leaves or a sprayer. Moreover, they can be added to baits that attract insects (a process used, for instance, with cockroaches).

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Effects on insects

Neem products work by intervening at several stages of an insect's life. various neem extracts are known to act on various insects in the following ways:

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Coleópteres Lepidopteres Acariens

Pucerons Trips Dipteres

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Left row: untreated white cabbage, badly damaged by diamondback moth (and aphids). Right row: cabbage treated with aqueous neem-seed-kernel extract is largely undamaged. On the diamondback moth, neem exerts a combination of effects: it repels, it deters oviposition (eggs that are laid never hatch), and it disrupts molting. This extremely serious pest is found worldwide and in some locations is playing havoc with vital crops of leafy vegetables such as cabbage. (H. Schmutterer)

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Essays on tomatoes helds at Sangalkam (Dakar)

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Essays on tomatoes helds at Sangalkam (Dakar)

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All of this is potentially of vital importance for the senegalese and african farmers many of whom are confronted with various agricultural pests, and a widespread lack of even basic medicine. The neem tree is growing in all the senegalese regions and it can grow on certain marginal lands where it will not compete with food crops. Thus, it could bring good health and better crop yields within the reach of farmers too poor to buy pharmaceuticals or farm chemicals. It makes feasible the concept of producing one's own pesticide because the active materials can be extracted from the seeds, even at the farm or village level. Extracting the seeds requires no special skills or sophisticated machinery, and the resulting products can be applied using low-technology methods.

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Thank you for your attention

Neemland ecosystem sarlCarrefour Parcelles Assainies – Thiès

Tel: 00221776577328 – 00221765620002E-mail: [email protected]

for a healthy and sustainable agriculture

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