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Near and Far Contemplating (NFC) the future trends in Mobile and what’s

happening right here right now

@andyjb http//

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Mobile Learning or Learner Mobility

1 :1 computing doesn't mean Solo learning Adults & children learn better in groups whereas OLPC project premised on solo learningContent is important but collaboration is King Location and context are trends to watch

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We live in extraordinary times cue work by Nicholas Hughes using


Nics blog on the project its nearly five years ago

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Mobile handset growth worldwide

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A technology when invented

thought to have no practical and

especially no commercial use

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1.6 trillion text messages sent in 2010That is roughly 200,000 a second Data source

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What do you use your phone for ?

What d 14/10/2010

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• When most everyone shouts, few listen. How about electronic publishing? Try reading a book on disc. At best, it's an unpleasant chore: the myopic glow of a clunky computer replaces the friendly pages of a book. And you can't tote that laptop to the beach. Yet Nicholas Negroponte, director of the MIT Media Lab, predicts that we'll soon buy books and newspapers straight over the Intenet. Uh, sure.

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• When most everyone shouts, few listen. How about electronic publishing? Try reading a book on disc. At best, it's an unpleasant chore: the myopic glow of a clunky computer replaces the friendly pages of a book. And you can't tote that laptop to the beach. Yet Nicholas Negroponte, director of the MIT Media Lab, predicts that we'll soon buy books and newspapers straight over the Intenet. Uh, sure.

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The technology connectivity inverted pyramid

Actually multiple pyramids

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Dont make assumptions a)Facebook second largest facebook


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Dont make assumptions

b) Leading the SMS pack are the U.S. and the Philippines, who combined to account for 35-percent of all texts sent in the world.

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After the presentation spend some time looking at

Google spreadsheet of International Telecoms Union (ITU) data on mobile phone penetration for all countries from 1998-2008Live chart player

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Trends change

Handset in countries are fashion items amongst many groups.UK the trend is towards Blackberry (driven by BBM)]New Zealand Iphone still desired item North America Blackberry

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Most of the developing world still use Symbian phones

Often phones supplied by developed world reseller selling on the old phones you upgrade

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0.Facebook.com0 in developing countries

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Works on more devices

Richer interactivity

Mobile course interactivity involves compromise

But there are some great toolkits & frameworks out there trying to make sense of this ...

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The future answer for rich content across devices is the browser (I might be wrong )

The solutions for now • Apps (native)• Downloading/preloading content • Top rate instructional design• Simple but clever . Complicated and clever

road to disaster • Robust delivery platforms for and in the future

(you choose ?)

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Project in Wolverhampton in the UK Phase 1 2003 with 120 devices in four schools. Phase 2 2005 more than 1000 pupils plus teachers in 18

schools Phase Three 2006 with an additional 1000 devices

across all Key Stages. Phase Four 2008 further rollout of over 1500 devices.

This last phase includes devices rolled out within the "Computers for Pupils" initiative and the national MoLe Net scheme.

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Rapidly developing community in Australia primarily using Ipod touch

Great guide to getting started at

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Things to do now

SMS communication •School to parents and where appropriate learners •Library reminders•Timetable changes•Snow days flooding ( disaster recovery)

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Using mobile phones in secondary as •Countdown timers•Stopwatch•Video experiments•Still pictures of art experiments etc

Elizabeth Hartnell-Young and Nadja Heym University Nottingham 2008

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Ideas for here and nowQR Codes QR Codes way of converting text

or url into graphic readable by smart phone or web cam How they work •Use for treasure hunt type activities •Providing more info in galleries libraries •Especially useful for people with limited typing skills •Print on posters ,tee shirt & mugs

QR code for my blog

•More ideas at Tom Barrets excellent blog •

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Augmented reality = enhanced learning

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And enhanced campus navigation Tilburg University

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Project images onto glasses or overlay images on glasses and as you navigate the world

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Within 5 years eyeball wear

Contact lens displays

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E books and E book reader format wars

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Ipad is just the start !

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The book will re invent itself or at least the content will

Reinventing the book


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I tunes U first of many mobile platforms adapted for education

Platform wars

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Near Field communication Near Field Communications is a wireless technology that passes data between NFC enabled devices, typically within a few centimetres of each other. It is present in some mobile phones, used on the London transport system

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NFC in education

Transferring homework or other data from/to learners device RegistrationPaying for lunch/printingJetstream is coming like NFC currently operates only over 10centimtres but transmits 530megabytes of data a second

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NFC explained

Youtube clip explaining NFC commercial uses

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PICO projection

Think the smallest mobile phone able to project a image

Dont believe me video shot in london cafe two years ago

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What would I know ICT in FE 2006

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ICT in FE 2006 Its not the things you predict its the things

you miss that matter

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The question to ask?

• Where do you want to be in the long term 5 year

• Where do you want to be in the short term 3 years

• Where are you now ?• Plus your own specific ones

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Reminder: M-learning is broader than just courses

(it’s the journey)Location aware (GPS)Text messaging (SMS)

Social networkingVirtual worlds

Phone callsCollaboration tools

Media capture (image, sound, video)Media playbackMedia sharing

eBooksSurveys / polls

Geoff Stead of

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Basic list of uses of mobile in Education

• Institutional service • Repacking supply of existing content Educational

content• Mobile specific mini course • Augmenting the learner (digital toolbox ,pencil

case)• Augmenting existing course materials e books

augmented book • Augmenting reality

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Institutional service • Marketing• Recruitment• Induction orientation • Library service• Catering • Health• Social • Timetabling• Disaster recovery • Alumni

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So in short get on with it Avoid the classic mistakes• Give students your chosen device (they will have 1,2,3

already)• All students will have access and use high end function

devices• Learners just want you to invade there existing digital

networks• The lie of the Digital Native • Build it and they will come• Choose on technology approach and stop looking at others • Assume that adoption is incremental and assured • That you can control adoption and use of mobile• Beware of the unexpected positives and negatives

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Helpful tips

• Digital residents and digital visitors• Learners are individuals and don't make

assumptions • Learners aren't always your biggest challenge

or you biggest threat • Collaboration and shared approaches with

local variation are good thing

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Futures Uncertain but what the heck !

@andyjb http//

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