  • 7/28/2019 Natural Lies and the Issues With Society These Days


    Natural lies commitments and lies in the modern world by Iz Halcyon


    Before Christ

    Even before Christ, mankind had a need to kill. The difference between our murderous deeds then

    and now is that we no longer kill to stay alive we kill to benefit ourselves. As it is today, we kill,

    we are slaying because we have a need to bring ourselves in a better position. Muslims, Hindus,

    Buddhists, Atheists and Christians, we have all had the desire to bring ourselves in pole position at

    some point during our lives. Even when the holy bible tells Christians that it is wrong to kill, they

    continue to slay:

    You have heard that it was said to those of old, You

    shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable

    to judgment.1Even if you do not live after the bible, societies inthe western world tell us that it is wrong. We have

    chosen a path that concludes that killing is wrong.

    Now I tend to ask myself: If it is wrong to kill, is It

    then better to look at others being killed?

    Our current wars Europe and America

    In my opinion, it is worse to let others die. If we

    choose to let bad things happen, then we are a part

    of it too. Being passive in a crime is still a crime. To-day, we have not only abandoned our own soldiers

    our brothers and sisters, but also innocent civilians

    of the respective countries that we were invading.

    We did it in Afghanistan2, we did it in Iraq

    3, but if

    others death benefits us; we tell ourselves that it is

    okay, because we need to give ourselves a reason. We excuse our actions by saying that we did it

    for freedom. We did it to free the 3rd

    world from anarchy and to save ourselves from terror. In my

    opinion, none of the above is really what it is all about. To me, the wars were really about pure

    revenge. The problem is that revenge does not count when the real reason to the first problem

    was yourself. That is the problem in war, we are able to see others fault even when they fault are

    smaller than our own.

    It is the curse of the powerful to be blind to their own faults4.

    1 Matthew 5:21


    3 Robert Fanney

    Killing in the old days we once killed, because we need-

    ed to. Now, our ways of killing has changed.
  • 7/28/2019 Natural Lies and the Issues With Society These Days


    Natural lies commitments and lies in the modern world by Iz Halcyon


    I ask myself: Who is next? Who will we victimize, let die, and who will we sacrifice to benefit our-

    selves in the end? Our countries are in constant war with each other, because we are all trying to

    be the master of the globe. This situation was seen during the Cold War; both USSR and the United

    States wanted to be the biggest, the maddest, and the strongest


    . Today, the situation is not un-like the one that we saw during the Cold War.

    Today, there is no psychical war between

    America and Europe, but there is a con-

    stant need to verbally and psychically be

    the most influenced6. We see it in poli-

    tics; we see it in fashion, television - eve-

    rywhere. In Europe, we take the Ameri-

    can culture in without holding on to our

    own. Europe is not Europe anymore.

    Europe is on the way to be an American

    colony, because we constantly compare

    us to them and use them as a pile mark

    for what the right way is.We all want to

    be the biggest economy in the world7,

    but by following America; we decrease

    our own chances of being in a better

    economic situation. The reason for that

    is the fact that if we blindly follow America, we will commit the same mistakes as them, and it will

    harm all of us in the end. In my opinion, the right way is not following the stream, it is finding your

    own way through the storm. That is exactly what we need to do in order to move on in society.

    We need to be able to find our own path, due to the fact that every country is different, and every

    individual in that country is different too. Because of this, there cannot be one way for all of us, we

    need to be able to make the road that will fit our country, and us as individuals, best. I am not say-

    ing that America is all bad, but I will say that Europe, Asia, and the rest of the countries around the

    world should not be victimized by an all-American culture.

    My guess is that if you really think about it, you will realize that you are on the way to become

    Americanized. Few, if not none, can say that they are not influenced by America, because we are

    living in a globalized world.



    USA vs Europe today. There is a constant war to be the biggest economy.
  • 7/28/2019 Natural Lies and the Issues With Society These Days


    Natural lies commitments and lies in the modern world by Iz Halcyon


    Tyranny is still tyranny

    Tyranny is still tyranny and it always will be. By our culture, we have chosen a path that leads the

    individual towards the edge. Few are able to turn around before they reach the edge, while many

    others are heading directly towards the edge, and even further.

    The small ones are constantly being victimized by those with power. It is clear when you look at

    the suicide rate8; 7 out of 10 on the list can be categorized as small countries. These countries

    do not have the power to change the world order, because countries as Germany, USA and Eng-

    land are in the lead. What will our current path lead to? My guess would be that we are heading

    into the darkness, because we are blinded by the power and our effort to maintain the power.

    Into the shadows and the darkness

    I wonder what light would be without darkness. It would be nothing unexplainable. Light would

    not matter, like the people do not matter to the governments around the world. If there was no

    darkness to balance it all, but darkness could not exist without light either. The same goes with

    brightness and shadows. When I think of shadows, I think of those secrets that we are all capable

    of having. Somewhere, some place, somehow, we all tend to keep the secrets to ourselves. Very

    few can say that they live honest lives, and even less

    have even thought about it.

    Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead9

    If we could know what life would turn out to be;

    could we have been ready for the lies that we expe-

    rience every day in society today. If we had known,

    would life have been hurting like it does at the mo-

    ment, and would I feel like a broken toy inside? I will

    never get an answer to because it is already too late

    to change. The present has become the past.

    If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it

    from yourself10

    You must keep the secrets to yourself. Is this the reason why governments lie to their people?

    They lie all the time; it has become the nature of governments. How can we let our countries be

    ruled by people that are not honest to us? Would they even last very long if they told us the truth?



    Benjamin Franklin10 George Orwell

    Photographer: Manny Isis
  • 7/28/2019 Natural Lies and the Issues With Society These Days


    Natural lies commitments and lies in the modern world by Iz Halcyon


    When I was a child, time seemed to go so slow that it was unbearable. Here I am, many years later

    and it feels like time is running forward so fast. We can only try to hold on, grab a few moments

    before they turn to memories, but it never really work, does it? For myself, I forgot to live in the

    moment, and now they are gone only the memories are left. Still we have to continue, eventhough we may have lost what matters in life.

    We have a thousand reasons to live, to love, and to listen, but those are the three things that we

    are not capable of doing anymore, because of our choices. Life feels like it is just a shadow of itself

    now. Our dreams seems tormented by the shadows that are about to embrace the whole world.

    The shadows have always been a part of our lives as well as the secrets; we have those dark se-

    crets that we will always carry with us. The difference between our past and the present is only

    the way that we try to cover it in order to make it look better than it really is. In our society today,

    we tend to create a perfect picture to the outside, while everything is cracking on the inside.

    The darkest cloud

    As time grew older, we do too. We became adults an enemy of what we all were as children. We

    tend to envy the adults when we are children, due to the fact that they can do a lot of the things

    that we are looking forward to do. They are role models to us, but we still tend to envy them, be-

    cause they represent everything that we cannot get when we are children.

    Photographer: Manny Isis

    The perfect picture that we want to create. Everything looks good and healthy on the outside, but the realty is something else than

    what we show to the world outside.

    Our secrets are building up inside, because we cannot hold

    them inside forever. We are afraid that if we open up to

    others, they will use our information to benefit themselves.

  • 7/28/2019 Natural Lies and the Issues With Society These Days


    Natural lies commitments and lies in the modern world by Iz Halcyon


    What we do not know about adults is all the struggles that they go through. Financial, personal

    struggles our dark clouds. They cover up the light on a bright morning and seem to swallow all

    hope. They smash into the towers of our dreams and make them turn into ash before we have

    thought it all through they own use, because they hit us where we are weakest.

    As an adult, you need to run so fast along the tracks while the train is moving forward with an

    enormous power. Some manage to make it to the train, while others get lost in the endless tracks

    of dirt that the train leaves behind.

    Different stories to tell

    Every person that has been left behind has a different story to tell. Some got lost behind because

    of their past they were locked inside of mirrored universe, because they were not able to let go

    of the past and move on. Others never saw the train coming until it was too late. The thing that

    they all have in common is the fact that they can never get on that train, ever. They all need to

    find the desire deep inside of themselves to be able to find another path to glory.

    This is how our society is built today some will make it, others do not make it. There is absolutely

    nothing that we can do about it, due to the fact that they have always been some kind of separa-

    tion in our society and there always will be. We all have different opinions and that may be one of

    the things that stop us all from being united. I do not know if we even need to be united, but I see

    the problems that come with segregation. We have seen in all over the planet; opinions about

    supremacy in various forms, segregations and power. Those aspects are what may bring us down

    in the end. When we are focused on a target such as power, we tend to lock everything else out-

    side and focus on that goal. That may be a good thing in many cases, but in the case of power it

    will turn out badly. We aim for power and a better place in society with our endless fights for

    power around the world. What I fear the most is that this obsession with power will make us blind

    to all the things that we should be able to be happy about. When we are obsessed with power, we

    may lose who we really are.

    As time passes by

    One day just one day, when I put myhands together and pray, I want to see a

    meaning with it all. There are a lot of

    things that I do not understand, and may-

    be never will, but there is also some

    things that I just cannot live with if it does

    not change.

    As my country is changing today, I do not

    find the bigger meaning with it all. I do Photographer: Manny Isis

    The time passes by so fast. We can only try to hold on to the memories,

    because memories are the only thing that can last forever.

  • 7/28/2019 Natural Lies and the Issues With Society These Days


    Natural lies commitments and lies in the modern world by Iz Halcyon


    not understand my country anymore, and it does no longer feel like a home anymore. The happi-

    ness that I once felt for my country is long gone, and is replaced with different thoughts. I have

    started to see the world from different perspectives and seldom do I like what I see. I do not see,

    or feel, the reason to the cruelty that happens every day, and I never will. Could it be that I am justdifferent from the rest of them? I hope not, because the

    world as it is right now, needs to change. We pollute and

    ravage the world that we love. We kill each other and are

    pushing people from different races away from our lives. I

    ask myself why, but I still cannot find the meaning behind

    it all. I guess that the love, respect and honor for others

    are long gone, dead somewhere in the skies that we slow-

    ly are killing.

    I feel that I need to be able to see it all, watch it all from a

    distance. Black, white, yellow, colors are not restricted in

    my view. There is an equal place for all mankind in my

    perfect world, and I deeply hope and pray that it will hap-

    pen someday in near future. The biggest treat to this

    world is racism. Racism is the biggest enemy for me and for you. I see it all, I see it every day, and I

    want to get rid of it so badly. I guess that I want to kill every last drop of racism, but I do not really

    believe in killing. What is there left to do then? What options do we have left to change our world

    for the better?

    Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody11

    Because of the fact that everyone has got a dark side, we need to be able to look through the mir-

    ror that we create for others. We need to tell ourselves that everything is not what it seems, be-

    cause we cannot know what others hide from us until we are able to read their dark side. The dark

    side that I see the most is a fear for others of another race racism. My country has grown to be-

    come less and less friendly and more and more racist. I cannot find an actual reason to the racism,

    but I guess that it is fear for the unknown.

    That is the darkness that I live with and needs to face every day because of the racism in my coun-

    try. Time brought changes that were caused by conflicts around the world. Suddenly, the world

    became a world of segregation. My country became a place for only the original inhabitants, but

    who are they really? I watch the whole situation every day, every minute, every second, and I feel

    the cruelty every time. The thoughts about white supremacy are moving forward and it scares me

    a lot, because I cannot find my own place in a world which is imprisoned by thoughts of white su-


    11Mark Twain

    Photographer: Manny Isis

    Only some are aware of the ravage that we do to our

    world. The enemy is all around us and can come in

    any form.

  • 7/28/2019 Natural Lies and the Issues With Society These Days


    Natural lies commitments and lies in the modern world by Iz Halcyon


    I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys

    and girls12

    And believe me when I say that Martin Luther King Jr. and I share the same dream. My hope is that

    there will always be people like me, like Luther, who will never give up and will continue to have

    faith in humanity and will continue to fight for universal equality regardless of skin color.

    One word needs to be spo-

    ken about the picture to the

    left: equality. Equality does

    not come easily or by itself

    it comes from the heart,

    and will only come out if we

    make a lot of effort for it.

    Regardless of skin color, hair

    color, race, age, height and

    other things, we should de-

    mand an equal world. Only if

    we are all equal and have the

    same rights, we can make a

    better world for us all. As it is

    now, the world is not a good

    place for anyone anymore,

    because we have made deci-

    sions that we are going to

    regret later on in life.

    12Martin Luther King Jr.

  • 7/28/2019 Natural Lies and the Issues With Society These Days


    Natural lies commitments and lies in the modern world by Iz Halcyon


  • 7/28/2019 Natural Lies and the Issues With Society These Days


    Natural lies commitments and lies in the modern world by Iz Halcyon


  • 7/28/2019 Natural Lies and the Issues With Society These Days


    Natural lies commitments and lies in the modern world by Iz Halcyon


  • 7/28/2019 Natural Lies and the Issues With Society These Days


    Natural lies commitments and lies in the modern world by Iz Halcyon


  • 7/28/2019 Natural Lies and the Issues With Society These Days


    Natural lies commitments and lies in the modern world by Iz Halcyon


    What if we could change our world today? Would it even matter, or would it be too late? To make

    a better future, we need to face some serious decisions. There is no longer room to make other

    failures, no space for wars. World War 1 was the war to end all wars13

    , but it did not work out they

    way we wanted. Now, we need to find better solutions for our planet, and we need to start tomake better decisions for ourselves. It is no longer about me or you; it is about us, and our worlds

    future. There is not an easy way out, so we have to fight our way through it all, and believe me it

    is going to hurt, badly.

    The sky is burning because of our pollution. Our children and grandchildren will suffer because of

    our mistakes if we do not clean up our own mess. There are two kinds of persons in this world

    the ones who live in poverty and the ones who uses those who live in poverty. Because of the

    greed for power that I talked about earlier, we have made a culture, where it is okay to others to

    benefit ourselves. That is how we do in the western world.

    Things will never be the same again. Since Columbus sailed to the west with his niceness and

    thoughts of taking advantage of the inhabitants, the future culture was set to suppress and we

    carried on the legacy. Together, we have made a culture where racism and suppressing are natu-

    ral. It is easy to see if you look for it, look at the governments not just your own government but

    governments in general. Governments lie to their people those that they are representing. The

    reason that they do that is because that is the only reason that they can hold on to their power. If

    they told the people the whole truth, they would not last long, because then the people could see

    who they really represent themselves.

    I find our culture, where we kill our brothers and sister to benefit ourselves, disgraceful.


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