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National Technical University of Athens

John Violos, Konstantinos Tserpes, Athanasios Papaoikonomou, Magdalini Kardara, Theodora Varvarigou

SUPERSocial sensors for secUrity Assessments and

Proactive EmeRgencies management

PCI 2014 18th Panhe l len ic Conference in In format ics

Clustering Documents using the 3-Gram Graph Representation Model

3 / 10 / 2014

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Hurricane Sandy 2012• 20 million tweets • 10pics/sec Instagram

Virginia U.S. 2011 5.8 Richter• 40.000 tweets hit the 1st


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Detect Topic Communities in Social Networks.

• Texts of Users, • Social Graph,• Actions (likes, follow).


Topic Communities

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Users write texts about :• Interests• Habits• Events in their life

Cluster texts in topics => Cluster their writers in topic communities.


Text Clustering

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LDA Latent Dirichlet


What is the weakness?It is a bag of words model.

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The sequence of words is a valuable information.

FurthermoreDerivative of Words are Similar Words.

We need a representation model:• Keeps the information of the word sequence.• Captures the similarity between derivatives of


A good solution is the N-Gram Graphs!7

Sequence of Words

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Basic Steps

Input: Corpus of texts, number of Clusters k.1. Ngram Graph that represents the Corpus.2. Ngram Graph that represents each text.3. Partition of the Corpus Graph (k subgraphs).4. Comparison between each text with all

partitions.5. Allocation for each text to the cluster with

the highest comparison result. Output: k Clusters with the texts which include. 8


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What is the N-Grams?

An N-gram is a contiguous sequence of N items from a given sequence of text.

The items can be phonemes, syllables, letters, words.

In our research we use letters and N=3

An example“home_phone”“hom”, “ome, “me_” , “e_p”, “_ph”, “pho”, “hon”, “one” 9


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NGrams are used in many applications.

• Approximate string matching.• Find likely candidates for the correct spelling

of a misspelled word.• Language identification.• Species identification from a small sequence

of DNA.



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• Nodes are all the NGrams of a text.• Edges join only the neighbor NGrams.

How many edges will be added is defined by a threshold.

Edges :• Weighted or Unweighted• Directed or Undirected


N-Gram Graph

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The 3Gram Graph “home_phone”.

In this example the graph is: • Undirected• Weighted• Each node is a

3Gram• The threshold of

neighbor nodes is 3


Example of 3-Gram Graph

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How to compare two NGram Graphs?

Containment Similarity (unweighted)

Value Similarity (weighted)


Graph Comparison

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Graph Partitioning

• k subgraphs• Min number of edges between the k


There are many graph partitioning algorithms:

• Kernighan–Lin algorithm• Using the Edge betweenness centrality• Fast Kernel-based Multilevel Algorithm for Graph Clustering

A graph partition can represent a topic.

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1. Random initial Partitioning2. For each node i, we compute the cost of

belonging the node i in each cluster.3. The node i is assigned in the cluster with the

min cost.4. We iterate until none node change Cluster.


Fast Kernel-based Multilevel Algorithm

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The most widely used test collection for text categorization research.

Data set: 18457 documents belonging to 428 labels.

Multi label documents: Each document belong to 0 - 29 labels.

The complete method was implemented using Java SE. 16

Experimental Results

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Precision Recall F-measure

3-Gram Graph 0.2871 0.2046 0.2419

LDA 0.5758 0.0256 0.0498


Experimental Results

3Gram Graph: recognizes the clusters which include many documents.

LDA: small clusters like broken parts of the gold standard clusters.

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Precision & Recall

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Advantages of the 3-Gram Graphs Clustering

• The method can catch the sequence of words.

• Derivatives of a word are not handled as different words.

• Big clusters can be recognized and more documents can be assigned to them.

• It supports document partial matching and soft membership.

• It can capture writing characteristics of a writer.

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• Our method is not case sensitive.

• Punctuations and numbers are omitted.

• The partitions depend on the initial randomly clustering.

• Maximum nodes of a 3Gram Graph is = 19683.


General notes

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• Experiment with 4Grams, 5Grams, 6Grams.

• Experiment with various sizes of threshold.

• Experiment with various graph similarity functions.

• Experiment with various graph partitioning algorithms.

• Remove Stop Words.

• Filter out edges which do not provide useful information.

Future work

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Thank you for your attention!


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