  • 文部科学省ナノテクノロジー・ネットワークプロジェクト


  • 文部科学省ナノテクノロジー・ネットワークプロジェクト第 7回ナノテクノロジー総合シンポジウム

    JAPAN NANO 2009


    February 18th 2009, Reception Hall A, B 2009年2月18日(水)会議棟1階レセプションホールA, B

    10:00-10:55 【Opening Session /オープニングセッション】

       Chair: Sukekatsu Ushioda (National Institute for Materials Science) /潮田資勝(物質・材料研究機構)

    【Opening Remarks /挨拶】

    Mr. Fumio Isoda (Director-General, Research Promotion Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) 磯田文雄(文部科学省研究振興局長)

    Prof. Teruo Kishi (President, National Institute for Materials Science) 岸 輝雄(物質・材料研究機構理事長)

    【Plenary Lecture /基調講演】

    10:15 Prof. Yoichi Kaya (Director General, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)) 茅 陽一((財)地球環境産業技術研究機構副理事長・研究所長) “Technologies for Mitigating Global Warming” 「温暖化抑止に向けての技術」

    10:55-14:00 【Session 1: Generation and Consumption of Eenergy /エネルギーの生成と利用】

       Chair: Kazuo Furuya (National Institute for Materials Science) /古屋一夫(物質・材料研究機構)

    10:55 Dr. Heinz Frei (Helios - Solar Energy Research Center, U.S.A.) “Helios Solar Energy Research Center - A Nanomaterials Approach to Artificial Photosynthesis” 「米国ヘリオス・プロジェクトにおける太陽エネルギー利用-人工光合成へのナノ材料的アプローチ-」

    11:35 Dr. Liyuan Han (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan) 韓 礼元(物質・材料研究機構) “Dye-sensitized Solar Cells with Nanotechnologies” 「ナノテクノロジーを用いた色素増感太陽電池」

    12:00-13:10 Lunch /昼食

       Chair: Naotoshi Nakashima (Kyushu University) /中嶋直敏(九州大学)

    13:10 Prof. Kazunari Sasaki (Kyushu University, Japan) 佐々木一成(九州大学) “Nanostructured Alternative Materials for Fuel Cells: Perspectives and case studies” 「ナノテクノロジーを駆使した次世代燃料電池の開発」

    13:35 Prof. Matsuhiko Nishizawa (Tohoku University, Japan) 西沢松彦(東北大学) “Enzyme-Based Bionic Batteries and Fuel Cells” 「バイオニック発電デバイスの研究開発動向」

  • 14:00-16:15 【Session 2 : Transport and Storage of Energy / エネルギーの輸送と貯蔵】

       Chair: Masakazu Sugiyama (The University of Tokyo) / 杉山正和(東京大学)

    14:00 Dr. Karl-Heinz Haas (Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung, Germany) “Nanotechnology for Energy and Environment in Germany” 「ドイツにおける環境・エネルギーに対応したナノテクノロジー」

    14:40 Prof. Kazunari Domen (The University of Tokyo, Japan) 堂免一成(東京大学) “Development of Photocatalytic System for Hydrogen Production from Water with Solar Energy” 「太陽光と水から水素を生成する光触媒システムの開発」

    15:05-15:25 Break /休憩

       Chair: Yasuyuki Miyamoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology) / 宮本恭幸(東京工業大学)

    15:25 Prof. Susumu Kitagawa (Kyoto University, Japan) 北川 進(京都大学) “Chemistry and Application of Porous Coordination Polymers” 「新しい多孔性金属錯体材料の化学と応用」

    15:50 Prof. Hideo Hosono (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) 細野秀雄(東京工業大学) “Iron-based Superconductors: Recent Advances” 「新しい超電導物質:鉄系高温超電導」

    16:15-17:45 【Session 3 : Energy Saving and Environment / 環境・省エネルギー】

       Chair: Hiroyuki Akinaga (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) / 秋永広幸(産業技術総合研究所)

    16:15 Dr. Spike Narayan (IBM, Almaden Research Center, U.S.A.) “Na notechnology for Global Environmental Challenges

    - Saudi projects at IBM Almaden for Desalination, Photovoltaics and Green Chemistry” 「地球環境へのナノテクノロジーの挑戦- IBMアルマデン・サウジプロジェクトの脱塩、太陽電池及びグリーンケミストリへの取り組み」

    16:55 Prof. Kunihito Koumoto (Nagoya University, Japan) 河本邦仁(名古屋大学) “Nano Thermoelectrics for E2 Technology” 「ナノ熱電変換と環境・エネルギー技術」

    17:20 Dr. Koji Tajiri (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan) 田尻耕治(産業技術総合研究所) “Development of energy efficient building materials for saving air conditioning energy” 「空調エネルギーの削減を図る省エネルギー型建築部材の開発」

    17:45-17:50 【Closing Remarks / 挨拶】

       Chair: Yoshimasa Sugimoto (National Institute for Materials Science) / 杉本喜正(物質・材料研究機構)

    Prof. Sukekatsu Ushioda ( Chairperson of the Organizing Committee of JAPAN NANO 2009 / Director General, NIMS Center for Nanotechnology Network,National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)

    潮田資勝(JAPAN NANO 2009 組織委員長、物質・材料研究機構 NIMS ナノテクノロジー拠点長)

  • Contents / 目次

    Plenary Lecture / 基調講演

    “Technologies for Mitigating Global Warming” ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 2 「温暖化抑止に向けての技術」 Prof. Yoichi Kaya / Director General, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE))

    茅 陽一((財)地球環境産業技術研究機構副理事長・研究所長)

    Session 1: Generation and Consumption of Eenergy / エネルギーの生成と利用

    “Helios Solar Energy Research Center - A Nanomaterials Approach to Artificial Photosynthesis” ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 6 「米国ヘリオス・プロジェクトにおける太陽エネルギー利用-人工光合成へのナノ材料的アプローチ-」 Dr. Heinz Frei / Helios - Solar Energy Research Center, U.S.A. “Dye-sensitized Solar Cells with Nanotechnologies” ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 8 「ナノテクノロジーを用いた色素増感太陽電池」 Dr. Liyuan Han / National Institute for Materials Science, Japan 韓 礼元(物質・材料研究機構) “Nanostructured Alternative Materials for Fuel Cells: Perspectives and case studies” ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 10 「ナノテクノロジーを駆使した次世代燃料電池の開発」 Prof. Kazunari Sasaki / Kyushu University, Japan 佐々木一成(九州大学)

    “Enzyme-Based Bionic Batteries and Fuel Cells” ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 12 「バイオニック発電デバイスの研究開発動向」 Prof. Matsuhiko Nishizawa / Tohoku University, Japan 西沢松彦(東北大学)

    Session 2 : Transport and Storage of Energy / エネルギーの輸送と貯蔵

    “Nanotechnology for Energy and Environment in Germany” ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 16 「ドイツにおける環境・エネルギーに対応したナノテクノロジー」 Dr. Karl-Heinz Haas / Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung, Germany

    “Development of Photocatalytic System for Hydrogen Production from Water with Solar Energy” ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 18 「太陽光と水から水素を生成する光触媒システムの開発」 Prof. Kazunari Domen / The University of Tokyo, Japan 堂免一成(東京大学)

    “Chemistry and Application of Porous Coordination Polymers” ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 20 「新しい多孔性金属錯体材料の化学と応用」 Prof. Susumu Kitagawa / Kyoto University, Japan 北川 進(京都大学)

  • “Iron-based Superconductors: Recent Advances” ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 22 「新しい超電導物質:鉄系高温超電導」 Prof. Hideo Hosono / Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan 細野秀雄(東京工業大学)

    Session 3 : Energy Saving and Environment / 環境・省エネルギー

    “Na notechnology for Global Environmental Challenges - Saudi projects at IBM Almaden for Desalination, Photovoltaics and Green Chemistry” ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 26

    「地球環境へのナノテクノロジーの挑戦- IBMアルマデン・サウジプロジェクトの脱塩、太陽電池及びグリーンケミストリへの取り組み」 Dr. Spike Narayan / IBM, Almaden Research Center, U.S.A.

    “Nano Thermoelectrics for E2 Technology” ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 28 「ナノ熱電変換と環境・エネルギー技術」 Prof. Kunihito Koumoto / Nagoya University, Japan


    “Development of energy efficient building materials for saving air conditioning energy” ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 30 「空調エネルギーの削減を図る省エネルギー型建築部材の開発」 Dr. Koji Tajiri / National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan


  • 【Plenary Lecture/基調講演】

  • “Technologies for Mitigating Global Warming”「温暖化抑止に向けての技術」

    Prof. Yoichi Kaya (Director General, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the

    Earth (RITE))茅 陽一((財)地球環境産業技術研究機構副理事長・研究所長)

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  • Technologies for Mitigating Global Warming

    Yoichi Kaya

    Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth9-2, Kizugawadai, Kizugawa-Shi,

    Kyoto, 619-0292, JAPAN

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  • Curriculum Vitae

    Yoichi Kaya, born on May 18, 1934 in Sapporo, Japan

    1. Current Position Director General, Research Institute of Innovative Technologies for the

    Earth (RITE)

    2. Education and Degrees B.A. in engineering the University of Tokyo, 1957 M.A. in engineering the University of Tokyo, 1959 Doctor of Engineering the University of Tokyo, 1962

    3. Teaching and Research Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, the University of

    Tokyo, 1963 Associate Professor, 1964 Professor, 1978 Senator of the University of Tokyo, 1993 Professor Emeritus, the University of Tokyo, 1995 Professor, Keio University (SFC), 1995-Present Director General, RITE, 1998-present Program Director for the Nuclear Research Development, Japan

    Science and Technology Agency (JST) 2005-Present

    4. Research Area Systems Engineering in the field of Energy and Environment

    5. Awards 7 awards from 4 Japanese academic institutions 3 publication awards 6. Activities in Academic Societies President, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 1993-1994 President, Japan Association of Energy and Resources, 1997-2000

    7. Governmental Activities Chairman, Energy Council, METI (by June 2004) Chairman, Sub-committee on global environment policy, METI

    8. Industry related activities External auditor, Shin Nittetsu Company External auditor, Toyota Motor Corporation 9. International Activities Chairman of National Committee, International Institute of Applied

    Systems Analysis (IIASA) Luxembourg, Austria 10. Principal Publications (only books) New Energy Era, Energy Conservation Center, 1987

    (in Japanese) Electrical Energy in the Global Era, Nikkei, 1995 (in Japanese) Low Carbon Economy, Nikkei, 2008 (in Japanese)

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  • 【Session 1】Generation and Consumption of Eenergy


  • “Helios Solar Energy Research Center - A Nanomaterials Approach to Artificial Photosynthesis”


    Dr. Heinz Frei(Helios - Solar Energy Research Center, U.S.A.)

    “Dye-sensitized Solar Cells with Nanotechnologies”「ナノテクノロジーを用いた色素増感太陽電池」

    Dr. Liyuan Han(National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)

    韓 礼元(物質・材料研究機構)

    “Nanostructured Alternative Materials for Fuel Cells: Perspectives and case studies”

    「ナノテクノロジーを駆使した次世代燃料電池の開発」Prof. Kazunari Sasaki

    (Kyushu University, Japan)佐々木一成(九州大学)

    “Enzyme-Based Bionic Batteries and Fuel Cells”「バイオニック発電デバイスの研究開発動向」

    Prof. Matsuhiko Nishizawa(Tohoku University, Japan)西沢松彦(東北大学)

    - � -


    Heinz Frei

    Physical Biosciences Division and Helios Solar Energy Research Center, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720

    AbstractThe long term goal of the research at the Helios Solar Energy Research Center (SERC) is the efficient conversion of carbon dioxide and water by sunlight to a fuel that matches at least the energy density of methanol. The effort of the Center focuses on breaking down the scientific barriers that have prevented so far the light capturing and charge separating components, the fuel forming catalysts and the electrochemical elements to be sufficiently efficient, durable, made of abundant materials and with scalable processes. Equally challenging scientific issues for the efficient integration of the components into a complete solar fuel generator are addressed. Inorganic materials for components and scaffolds for integration are particularly attractive because of the robustness; hence, our focus is on these materials. Because light driven processes and chemical transformations need to be manipulated and controlled on the nanometer scale, advances in inorganic nanostructured materials are particularly relevant for our effort. This overview of the SERC will be complemented by a discussion of recent research highlights.

    RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTSRecent progress in overcoming efficiency limitations of individual components as well as challenges in the integration of the components into complete solar fuel generators will be presented. Several designs of integrated systems are being explored.

    I. COUPLING OF NANO PVs TO METAL CATALYSTS AND SURFACES Research teams explore nanoscale photovoltaic elements as building blocks of nano photoelectrochemical cells (nano PECs). Light absorbing/charge separating semiconductor elements prepared on the nanoscale offer unique advantages over bulk-sized materials, such as more facile manipulation of electronic properties for achieving efficient visible light absorption and band edge alignment with redox potentials of catalysts, or exploitation of extreme aspect ratios for the simultaneous optimization of light absorption and charge collection efficiencies. Moreover, certain alloys of special interest for solar applications can only by made on the nanometer scale. A critical issue is poor electrical contact between the PV element and a metal electrode or catalytic particle. We have developed liquid solution-based methods for generating very efficient contacts of Cd chalcogenide nanorods with metal clusters or electrode surfaces. Characterization of the contacts by electrical measurements using nanoscale electrodes reveals ohmic behavior and a current increase by 6 orders of magnitude. Monitoring of photogenerated electrons and holes by ultrafast optical laser pump-probe experiments shows very efficient transport of charges from a PV nanorod to metal catalyst [1].

    II. NANOSTRUCTURED WATER OXIDATION CATALYSTS A critical component of an artificial photosynthetic system is an efficient scalable catalyst for water oxidation. While robust catalysts like Ir oxide clusters essentially fulfill the kinetic, thermodynamic and stability requirements of an oxygen evolving catalyst, Ir is the least abundant element on earth and not suitable for use on a very large scale. In search of a metal oxide nanocatalyst made of an abundant element, we have found that nanostructured clusters of Co3O4 (spinel, bundle of parallel nanorods)

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  • prepared in the pores of SBA-15 mesoporous silica support evolve oxygen efficiently from aqueous solution under mild conditions and modest overpotential [2]. Mass spectrometric monitoring of O2evolution from aqueous suspension of the SBA-15/Co3O4 particles using visible light-generated Ru+3(bpy)3 species as oxidant gave a turnover frequency per Co oxide nanocluster of 1140 s-1. The rate and size of this first nanometer-sized multi-electron catalyst made of abundant transition metal oxide lie in a range of values adequate for quantitative use of photons at maximum solar intensity.

    III. Si/TiO2 CORE/SHELL NANOWIRE PHOTOCATALYST ARRAY For developing integrated systems for visible light splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen based on

    semiconductor nano PECs, a critical task is to make arrays of asymmetrically functionalized heterojunctions that afford separation of the products. Highly dense Si/TiO2 core/shell nanowire arrays with the heterojunctions in defined orientation have been prepared in which the TiO2 shell is confined to one section of the wire while the exposed Si core is decorated with Pt nanocluster catalysts for H2 generation [3]. Photocurrent

    enhancement by a factor of 2.5 compared to planar Si/TiO2 structures is observed, which is attributed to their low reflectance and high surface area of the nanowire array.

    IV. POLYNUCLEAR PHOTOCATALYTS IN NANOPOROUS SILICA SCAFFOLDS To take advantage of the flexibility and precision by which light absorption, charge transport and catalytic properties can be controlled by discrete molecular structures, we are exploring an inorganic ‘molecular’ approach for building integrated artificial photosynthetic systems. Photocatalytic units anchored on silica nanopore surfaces consist of an oxo-bridged binuclear metal-to-metal charge-transfer chromophore (MMCT) serving as visible light electron pump, which is coupled to a multi-electron transfer catalyst. We have developed mild synthetic methods for assembling a variety of hetero-binuclear chromophores with high selectivity (e.g. TiOCoII, ZrOCuI, TiOMnII, TiOCrIII) [4,5]. When coupling the TiOCrIII unit to an Ir oxide nanocluster inside the nanopores of MCM-41 silica support, water oxidation was observed upon irradiation of an aqueous suspension under visible light with good quantum efficiency [5,6]. In parallel work, we have demonstrated CO2 splitting to CO at a ZrOCrI MMCT chromophore of ZrCuI-MCM-41 sieve loaded with gaseous carbon dioxide [7].

    References [1] G. Dukovic, M.G. Merkle, J.H. Nelson, S.M. Hughes, and A.P. Alivisatos, Adv. Mater. 20 (2008), pp. 4306-4311. [2] F. Jiao and H. Frei, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 49 (2009), p. 000 (Web release January 2009). [3] Y.J. Hwang, A. Boukai, and P.D. Yang, Nano Lett. 9 (2009), pp. 410-415. [4] W. Lin and H. Frei, J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005), pp. 4929-4935. [5] H. Han and H. Frei. J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (2008), pp. 16156-16159; 112 (2008), pp. 8391-8399. [6] R. Nakamura and H. Frei. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128 (2006), pp. 10668-10669. [7] W. Lin and H. Frei, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 (2005), pp. 1610-1611.

    BiographicalEducation: (Physical Chemistry), ETH Zurich (1977) Appointments, Awards: 1978-1981, Postdoctoral Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation, UC Berkeley, Chemistry Dept.; 1981-1984, Staff Scientist, Laboratory of Chemical Biodynamics; 1985-1990, Division Fellow and Principal Investigator, LBNL; 1990 – present, Senior Scientist; 1998-2007, Deputy Director, Physical Biosciences Division; 2007 – present, Deputy Director, Solar Energy Research Center; Werner-Prize of the Swiss Chemical Society

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  • Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Nanotechnologies

    Liyuan Han

    WPI Center for Materials Nanoarchitectnics, National Institute for Materials Science 1-2-1 Sengen Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047, Japan

    Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) have been widely investigated as a next-generation solar cell because of low manufacturing cost1). As shown in Fig. 1, DSCs are comprised of a nanocrystalline titanium dioxide (TiO2)electrode modified with a dye fabricated on a transparent conducting oxide (TCO), counterelectrode (CE), and an electrolyte solution with a dissolved iodide ion/tri-iodide ion redox couple between the electrodes. The mechanism of power generation in DSCs is a process whereby the dye on the nanocrystalline TiO2 is excited by light, generating a fast electron transfer to the conduction band of the TiO2 electrode and further movement toward the front electrodes. The oxidized dye is subsequently reduced by the electrolyte containing the iodide/triiodide redox couple, the formation of holes with movement toward the counter electrode through the electrolyte. The principles of DSCs are therefore different from those that govern conventional solar cells. They are, in fact, more similar to plant photosynthesis, as light absorption (dye) and carrier transportations in both TiO2 and electrolyte in DSCs occur separately. In comparison with silicon solar cells, detailed understanding of DSCs mechanisms has been hindered by the complexity of the TiO2 film with its large surface area.

    In this presentation, strategy for improving efficiency of DSCs was reported. Modeling of equivalent circuit of DSCs, the method for improvement of shirt circuit density (Jsc), open circuit voltage and fill factor were investigated.

    To understand the mechanism of DSC, an internal resistance was studied by the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and four internal resistance elements were observed2). In our analysis, an equivalent circuit of DSCs (Fig. 2) was firstly proposed.3) The series resistance of DSCs is the sum of the internal resistance elements related to the charge transfer processes at the Pt counter electrode (R1), ionic diffusion in the electrolyte (R3), and the sheet resistance of TCO (Rh). The charge transportation at the TiO2/dye/electrolyte interface was expressed as a diode because it is

    The decrease of the series-internal resistance was studied based on the equivalent circuit of DSCs in order to improve of fill factor. It was found that R1 decreases with increase in roughness factor (RF)of Pt counter electrode, which suggests that increase in the RF of the Pt counter electrode leads to an accelerated rate of I3-reduction through the increased surface area of the counter electrode3).

    Relationship between R3 and the thickness of the electrolyte layer defined as the distance between the TiO2





    TiO2 Electrolyte










    Fig. 2 Equivalent circuit of DSCs. R1, R3 and Rh are series resistance elements, Rsh is shunt resistance, C1 and C3 are capacitance element.

    Fig. 3 Structure of the DSC.

    - � -

  • electrode and the Pt counter electrode, and the dependence of Rh on the sheet resistance of the TCO were also investigated. It was found that both R3 and Rh are proportional to the thickness of the electrolyte layer and the sheet resistance of the TCO respectively.

    For the purpose of improving Jsc, we attempted a use of haze factor to estimate the effect of light scattering of TiO2 electrodes. Fig. 3 shows dependence of incident photon to current conversion efficiency (IPCE) spectra on haze factor, which is varied in the range from 3% to 76%. IPCE is widely increased by the increase of haze of TiO2film, especially in infrared region4). Jsc of 21 mA/cm2 was obtained using the haze of over 67%. A cell with the series-internal resistance of 1.8 cm2 and high haze factor was fabricated. Current-voltage characteristics were measured by Research Center for Photovoltaic, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST, Japan) using a metal mask and with an aperture area of 0.219 cm2 under standard AM 1.5 sunlight (100.0 mW/cm2). An overall conversion efficiency of 11.1% was achieved5) which is the highest confirmed efficiency.

    References (Times New Roman / 11 point / Boldface) [1] B. O’Regan and M. Grätzel, Nature, 353, 737 (1991).[2] L. Han, N. Koide, Y. Chiba and T. Mitate, Appl. Phys. Lett., 84, 2433 (2004).[3] L. Han, N. Koide, Y. Chiba, A. Islam, R. Komiya, N. Fuke, A. Fukui and R. Yamanaka, Appl. Phys. Lett., 86,

    213501 (2005). [4] Y. Chiba, A. Islam, R. Komiya, N. Koide, and L. Han, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 223505-1 (2006).[5] Y. Chiba, A. Islam, R. Komiya, N. Koide and L. Han, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 45, L638 (2006).

    Dr. Han is a leader of next generation photovoltaics group, innovative materials engineering laboratory principal investigator, international center for materials nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS). He received a doctor’s degree from the University of Osaka Prefecture. His major is organic chemistry. He had studied dye-sensitized solar cells for 13 years at Sharp Corporation and moved to current position from June 2008.












    400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

    Wavelength (nm)


    E (%


    Haze 76%Haze 60%Haze 53%Haze 36%Haze 3%

    Fig. 3. Dependence of IPCE spectra on haze factor of TiO2 electrodes

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    Haze 76%Haze 60%Haze 53%Haze 36%Haze 3%

  • Fig. 1: Issues for fuel cell materials R&D.

    Nanostructured Alternative Materials for Fuel Cells: Perspectives and case studies

    Kazunari Sasaki Kyushu University, Hydrogen Technology Research Center & Faculty of Engineering

    Motooka 744, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan

    Case studies and perspectives are presented to consider possibilities / opportunities of nanostructuring to improve fuel cell performance, especially for the electrode materials.

    I. Introduction Fuel cells are environmentally compatible promising energy technologies. More than 2000 stationary co-generation systems have been demonstrated in Japan, and mass production will be started this year. For automobile applications, considerable efforts have been made for the commercialization around 2015. In addition, alternative power units e.g. for notebook-PC are under development as their possible portable applications. Materials development should be therefore oriented to solve technological issues in commercialization of these technologies. Longer durability and lower materials/system cost are essential, as well as improved properties of materials and devices (see Fig. 1).

    II. Case studies for polymer electrolyte fuel cells For polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs), nanostructuring is useful in tailoring electrocatalyst nano-particles, catalyst support, and electrocatalytic layers. Alloy electrocatalyst can be prepared using thermochemically-stable materials. For examples, Pt-Ti alloy electrocatalyst with a diameter of ca. 3-5 nm has been prepared with satisfactory electrochemical properties [1]

    Since the improvement of noble metal utilization and gas transport is also important to optimize PEFC electrodes, carbon-nanofiber supported electrocatalysts could be applied to design nano-network in the electrocatalyst layers (see Fig. 2)[2]. In addition, steam activation procedure was applied in nanostructuring electrocatalyst particles impregnated “in” the surface of the catalyst support (see Fig. 3).

    While carbon black is the state-of-the-art electrocatalyst support material, corrosion of the carbon-based support is one of the important technological issues which should be solved in order to improve long-term durability of the PEFCs. Oxidation-induced carbon support corrosion in cathode electrocatalysts occurs especially under high-potential conditions, associated with (i) start-up and shut-down, (ii) potential cycling, as well as (iii) open circuit preservation of the PEFCs. Alternative carbon-free electrocatalysts, using nanocrystalline SnO2catalyst support (see Fig. 4), have been developed to fundamentally solve the carbon corrosion problem. Pt particles, distinguished as bright particles in Fig. 4, can be prepared with a diameter of ca. 3 nm,

    Fuel Cell MaterialsR&D

    Improved PropertiesCatalytic/Electrochemical activityHigher conductivity

    Longer DurabilityStability under operational conditions Stability up to a decade

    Lower CostMaterialsComponentsSystems

    Fig. 4: FESEM micrograph of Pt/SnO2 electrocatalysts.

    Fig. 2: FESEM micrograph of Pt/CNF electrocatalyst layer with network structures.

    Fig. 3: Pt electrocatalyst particles impregnated “in” the surface of carbon nanofibers.




    20 m

    50 nm

    - �0 -

  • Fig. 5: FESEM micrograph of anode surface of nanostructured Ni0.95Mn0.05 / ScSZ, tolerant to the H2S-containing SOFC fuels.

    homogeneously distributed on the SnO2 support materials with a diameter of several tens nm. The electrochemical measurements revealed the tolerance against cell voltage cycling [3].

    III. Case studies for solid oxide fuel cells For solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), the state-of-the-art co-generation system can exhibit a higher electric efficiency approaching 50%. Generally speaking, it becomes, however, much more difficult to tailor nanostructures which must be stable even at the SOFC operational temperatures between 600 and 1000oC at least up to several thousand hours. As a stable nanostructured anode material, a composite electrode material consisting of Ni-MnO (see Fig. 5) has been developed to depress the grain growth of Ni catalysts at the operational temperature around 800oC. Longer durability than 1000 hours has been verified, showing a degradation rate within a few % / 1000h even for H2S- containing partially pre-reformed SOFC fuels [4].

    Perspectives for fuel cell and hydrogen-related technologies will also be discussed.

    References [1] Y. Kawasoe, S. Tanaka, T. Kuroki, H. Kusaba, K. Ito, Y. Teraoka, and K. Sasaki, J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 154(9) (2007), pp. B969-B975. [2] K. Sasaki, K. Shinya, S. Tanaka, Y. Kawasoe, T. Kuroki, K. Takata, H. Kusaba, and Y. Teraoka, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., vol. 835, (2005) pp. 241-246. [3] A. Masao, S. Noda, F. Takasaki, K. Ito, and K. Sasaki, submitted. [4] K. Sasaki, K. Haga, J. Yamamoto, and K. Dobuchi, Proc. 8th Europ. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum, (2008) B1003.

    Dr. Kazunari SASAKI was born in 1965. He received a Ph.D degree in 1993 from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zürich), Switzerland. After spending 10 years in Europe, he became an Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University in 1999. He became a Professor of Faculty of Engineering in 2005. He is now Director of the Hydrogen Technology Research Center, Kyushu University and a Deputy Director of the Research Center for Hydrogen Industrial Use and Storage (HYDROGENIUS), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. His research areas are materials and process research on solid oxide fuel cells and polymer electrolyte fuel cells. He is managing as one of the leaders of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Project in Kyushu University.

    1987 B. Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology 1989 M. Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology 1990 Research associate, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zürich), Switzerland 1993 Dr. sc. techn. ETH 1995 Visiting scientist (invited by the Max-Planck-Society), Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research,

    Stuttgart, Germany 1999 Associate professor, Kyushu University 2005-present Professor, Kyushu University, Faculty of Engineering 2006-present Director, Kyushu University, Hydrogen Technology Research Center 2006-present Deputy Director, AIST, Research Center for Hydrogen Industrial Use and Storage


    1 m

    - �� -

  • ENZYME-BASED BIONIC BATTERIES AND FUEL CELLS 1M. Togo, 1H. Kaji, 1,2T. Abe, 1,2M. Nishizawa

    1 Department of Bioengineering and Robotics, Tohoku University 6-6-1, Aramaki-Aoba, Sendai 980-8579, Japan

    2JST-CRESTSanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0075, Japan

    AbstractElectric power derived from dispersed ambient energy has attracted attention as ubiquitous portable power. A potential option of portable power source is biological fuel cells that use enzymes as the electrocatalysts to generate electricity from such biological fuels as alcohols and carbohydrates. The high reaction selectivity of enzymes would allow separator-free design and power generation from complex natural fuel solutions without purifications, that is, direct utilization of refreshments containing sugar and biological fluids such as blood. We have studied the enzyme anode for glucose oxidation composed of a bi-layer polymer membrane, the inner layer containing diaphorase (Dp) and the outer, glucose dehydrogenase (GDH). The Dp membrane was formed from a newly synthesized Vitamin K3-based mediator polymer. The enzyme cathode for oxygen reduction can be prepared with bilirubin oxidase (BOD). The important advantage of the enzymatic fuel cells is the easy in miniaturization, and the structural design of the cells in microscale should directly improve the total performance of the cells. I will present here our recent researches on (1) microfluidic bionic cell, (2) semi-automatic air valve for series-connection, (3) relayed biofuel cells, and (4) needle-type biofuel cell.

    I. ENZYME-BASED FUEL CELLS The anode for glucose oxidation was prepared as enzymatic bilayer. The inner Dp membrane was formed on the Ketjenblack (KB; EC-600JD)-immobilized Pt electrode by cross-linking with the VK3-modified poly-L-lysine (PLL-VK3). The mixture of GDH and PLL was over-coated on the PLL-VK3/Dp-coated KB electrode. The oxygen cathode was the BOD-immobilized KB electrode. The thickness of both layers was ca. 1 um in dry. Fig. 1 shows the (a) illustration of the cell construction, (b) catalytic oxidation of glucose at the enzyme bilayer anode, and (c) LSV measured in a microfluidic biofuel cell under the flow of 0.3 mL min-1.




    Vitamin Vitamin



    Fig. 1 (A) Schematic illustration of Enzymatic Glucose / Oxygen Fuel Cell. (B) Cyclic voltammograms for a KB/PLL-VK3/Dp/GDH-modified GC electrode in (a) a N2-saturated pH 7.0 phosphate-buffered electrolyte solution at 37 ºC, (b) with 20 mM NADH, (c) with 20 mM glucose, 1.0 mM NAD+, or (d) 30 mM glucose, 1.0 mM NAD+. For (d), the electrolyte solution was stirred at 1000 rpm. (C) LSVs in a microfluidic cell (at a flow rate of 0.3 mL min-1)for (a) anode and (b) cathode in N2-bubbled (···), air-saturated ( ), and O2-bubbled (---) glucose solutions.

    - �� -

  • The possible output voltage of single biofuel cell is practically lower than 1 V. Therefore, many applications require cell-stacking (series connection), which is however often troublesome due to short-circuiting of cells through ion-conductive fuel solution. The series-connection of biofuel cells requires a system for ionic isolation between each cell. Our strategy is based on the air-trapping at a superhydrophobic area prepared in the fluidic channel as each cell to be ionically isolated. We prepared lotus leaf-like micropillar array within a microchannel, as shown in Fig. 2. If this automatic air-valve system works as expected, users of this power device have never to introduce fuel solution to each separate chamber. As for the electricity generation from biological fluids such as blood, a needle type enzymatic fuel cell has been developed. The enzyme-modified wire electrodes were inserted into the insulated needles, of which tip was coated by MPC polymer for protection of clot formation.

    References [1] F. Sato, M. Togo, MK. Islam, T. Matsue, J. Kosuge, N. Fukasaku, S. Kurosawa and M. Nishizawa, Electrochem. Commun. 7 (2005), p.643. [2] M. Togo, A. Takamura, T. Asai, H. Kaji and M. Nishizawa, Electrochim. Acta, 52 (2007), p.4669.[3] M. Togo, A. Takamura, T. Asai, H. Kaji and M. Nishizawa, J. Power Sources, 178 (2008), p.53.

    Matsuhiko Nishizawa E-mail: [email protected] page:

    1994: Ph. D. Department of Applied Chemistry, Tohoku University 1994: Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 1995: Research Assistant / Osaka University 1997: Research Assistant - Associate Professor / Tohoku University 2003: Professor, Graduate School Engineering, Tohoku University

    Fig. 2 (A) Top view and (B) cross-sectional view of a series-connected biofuel cells on a fluidic chip. Inset shows close up top view of valve-area.

    Fig. 3 Needle-Type Enzymatic Fuel Cell.

    Insulated Needle
















    0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

    I /

    A m


    P /

    W m


    Voltage / V

    Insulated Needle
















    0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

    I /

    A m


    P /

    W m


    Voltage / V

    Insulated Needle
















    0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

    I /

    A m


    P /

    W m


    Voltage / V

    - �� -

  • 【Session2】Transport and Storage of Energyエネルギーの輸送と貯蔵

  • "Nanotechnology for Energy and Environment in Germany"「ドイツにおける環境・エネルギーに対応したナノテクノロジー」

    Dr. Karl-Heinz Haas(Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung, Germany)

    "Development of Photocatalytic System for Hydrogen Production from Water with Solar Energy"

    「太陽光と水から水素を生成する光触媒システムの開発」Prof. Kazunari Domen

    (The University of Tokyo, Japan)堂免一成(東京大学)

    "Chemistry and Application of Porous Coordination Polymers「新しい多孔性金属錯体材料の化学と応用」

    Prof. Susumu Kitagawa(Kyoto University, Japan)北川 進(京都大学)

    ”Iron-Based Superconductors: Recent Advances”「新しい超電導物質 :鉄系高温超電導」

    Prof. Hideo Hosono(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)


    - �� -

  • Nanotechnology for Energy and Environment in Germany

    Dr. Karl-Heinz Haas Fraunhofer Nanotechnology Alliance

    Fraunhofer Institut für Silicatforschung, Neunerplatz 2 97080 Wuerzburg Germany, [email protected].

    The aspects of nanotechnologies in the field of energy and environment became more and more important in recent years [1-3]. Nanomaterials can help to solve some of the main issues of our modern societies concerning the use of energy and raw materials in a sustainable manner (Clean-Tech).

    The industrial relevant fields for energy and environment aspects cover a wide range from automotive, construction, production, optics and electronics and many more.

    Nanotechnology in Germany is supported since more than 15 years by various governmental support programms. In 2007 the German Ministry of Science and Technology supports Nanotechnology related projects with more than 160 Mio Euros and additionally various Institutes directly (institutional funding) with nearly 180 Mio Euros [4]. In recent years interesting innovation alliances led by industry have also been formed with the support of the government especially in energy related areas of:

    - organic photovoltaics (2008-2012) - Lithium-ion batteries (2008-2012) - OLEDs (2006-2011) - carbon nanotubes (2008-2012)

    In 2008 the German government published a masterplan for environmental technologies where various nanotechnology related topics have been adressed [5]. Sustainability issues of nanotechnologies are taken care of in Germany f.e. within the FONA forums [6].

    Relevant application areas for nanotechnologies in the fields of energy and environment are:

    - solar energy: Increasing efficiency, new types of flexible solar cells - hydrogen storage materials: Nanoporous materials, metal oxide frameworks MOF - thermal energy: heat storage by phase change materials, thermoelectrics, gas turbines - electrical energy storage and conversion (batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors) - cleaning of air, water and soil using nanomaterials (coatings, particles, membranes), nanosensors - new highly efficient heat insulating materials (aerogels, nanofoams) - transport: automotive especially lightweight composites, efficient catalysts - efficient displays and lighting

    Environmental aspects of nanotechnologies are twofold: The fate of nanomaterials in the environment (risk analysis) and the use of nanotechnologies for remediation of environmental problems. Various european and german national projects are taking care of the issues of toxicology [7], life cycle investigations of nanoparticles, work place safety etc.

    Another very important topic is to make nanotechnologies useful for classical production processes in order to save energy and to use materials more efficiently (Nano for production f.e. wear protection for machining tools).

    - �� -

  • This contribution will show some industrially implemented examples mainly from Germany, some of them developed by the Fraunhofer Society [8] together with industrial partners. The Fraunhofer society is a private non-profit organization devoted to contract based application oriented research.

    References [1] “Nanotechnology helps to save the worlds energy problems” 1st EuroNanoForum Report August 2003 [2] “Nanotech impact on energy and environmental technologies” Lux Resarch June 2007 [3] W. Luther “Application of Nanotechnologies in the Energy Sector” August 2008 [4] [5] Masterplan “Environmental Technologies” Federal German Government 5.11.2008, [6] Research for Sustainability [7] Nanocare-Project BMBF [8]

    Dr. Karl-Heinz Haas Deputy Director Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung, Fraunhofer ISC Neunerplatz 2, 97082 Wuerzburg – Germany Phone: ++49-931-4100-500 FAX: ++49-931-4100-559 e-mail: [email protected] www.nano.fraunhofer.dePersonal data: Born May 4, 1955 Maulbronn/Enzkreis (D)Education:Ph. D. Physical Chemistry - Electrochemistry, University of Karlsruhe, 1983 M. S. Diploma-Thesis, University of Karlsruhe, 1980 Professional Experiences:since April, 2008: Head of business unit “Construction and environment” at Fraunhofer ISC since April, 2004: Spokesman Alliance Nanotechnology of Fraunhofer-Society since April, 2002: Deputy Director of Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung, Würzburg

    August 1, 1995 – March 30, 2002: Head of Hybrid Polymer Department at Fraunhofer ISC April 1, 1988 – July 31, 1995: R&D Scientist and Project Leader at Central Polymer Research BASF

    AG, Ludwigshafen and Tsukuba/Japan working on hybrid polymers (nanoreinforcement of thermoplastics) and functional polymers for 3rd order nonlinear optics Jan 1, 1984 – March 30, 1998: R&D Scientist, Project and Group Leader at Fraunhofer ISC in the field of hybrid polymers and sol-gel-processing

    - �� -

  • Development of Photocatalytic Systems for Hydrogen Production from Water with Solar Energy

    Kazunari Domen

    Chemical System Engineering, The University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 103-8656, Japan

    Overall water splitting into hydrogen and oxygen has been considered as one of the most ideal reactions to generate clean and recyclable H2 as an energy carrier in future. Although there are several different types of approaches to achieve the reaction, overall water splitting on heterogeneous photocatalysts is one of the potential candidates especially from the view point of large scale application. Key issues to establish an efficient photocatalytic reaction system using solar energy is to find suitable photocatalytic materials under visible light and proper modification methods for efficient hydrogen and oxygen formation. Many photocatalysts for overall water splitting under UV light have already been established. To efficiently utilize solar energy, of course, visible light driven photocatalysts have to be developed. At present, however, such photocatalytic systems are still very limited and various kinds of attempts are being pursued by many researchers. Recently, we have found that some typical elements containing oxynitride photocatalysts such as (GaxZn1-x)(NxO1-x) actually work under visible light irradiation to accomplish overall water splitting1,2. This was the first example that accomplished overall water splitting reaction under visible light irradiation on a photocatalyst with a band gap less than 3 eV. (GaxZn1-x)(NxO1-x) is a solid solution of GaN and ZnO and has been proved to be stable materials during the reaction with proper modification. To further enhance the activity, hydrogen production sites with nano-scale core-shell structure consisting of Rh metal and Cr2O3 were constructed on the photocatalysts3. On this sites, proton and H2 can penetrate the Cr2O3 layer without O2 diffusion. Therefore, the reverse reaction is effectively prevented on this photocatalyst, which is essential to achieve high activity of energy conversion reaction. In addition to the above system, two photon excitation systems which are available for a wider range of visible light region will be briefly introduced.

    References [1] K. Maeda, K. Teramura, D. Lu, T. Takata, N. Saito, Y. Inoue and K. Domen, Nature,

    440 (2006), p.295. [2] K. Maeda, K. Domen, J. Phys. Chem.C, 111 (2007), pp.7851-7861.

    - �� -

  • [3 ]K. Maeda, K. Teramura, D. Lu, N. Saito, Y. Inoue, K. Domen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 45(2006), pp.7806-7809.

    Curriculum VitaeKazunari DOMEN Professor, Department of Chemical System Engineering, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo Doctor of Science Major Fields:

    Physical Chemistry, Heterogeneous Catalysis, Photocatalysis, Surface Chemistry, Functional Materials

    Research Projects:Development of Photocatalysts for Water Splitting Study on Heterogeneous Catalysis Reactions by Infrared Spectroscopy Surface Reaction Dynamics by Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy Development of New Functional Materials for Catalysis

    Address:Department of Chemical System Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan (room 715, 7th floor, Factory of Engineering building 5, Hongo campus)

    Tel: +81-3-5841-1148 Fax: +81-3-5841-8838 E-mail: [email protected] Lab URL: Date of birth: September 24, 1953 Biography:

    Graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1976 . Received a Ph.D. in Science from the University of Tokyo in 1982. Became Associate Researcher at Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1982 . Promoted to Associate Professor in 1990 . Professor in 1996 .

    Became Professor at The University of Tokyo in 2004 . (Visiting Scientist at IBM Almaden Research Center from 1985 to 1986.)

    Awards: Encouragement Prize, Catalysis Society of Japan, 1990; Catalyst Preparation Awards, 1991

    Catalysis Society of Japan Awards 2007

    - �� -

  • Figure 1 Various Functions of PCPs

    Chemistry and Application of Porous Coordination Polymers

    Susumu Kitagawa1,2,3ERATO Integrated Pores Project, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Kyoto Research Park Bldg 3, 600-8815, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Kyoto University, Katsura, Nishikyo-ku,Kyoto, 615-8510

    The recent advent of porous coordination polymers (PCPs) or metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), as new functional microporous adsorbents, have attracted the attention of chemists due to scientific interest in the creation of unprecedented regular nano-sized spaces and in the finding of novel phenomena, as well as commercial interest in their application for storage, for separation and in heterogeneous catalysis[1]. Currently PCPs attract much attention among porous materials, and consequently, the chemistry of PCPs has developed markedly.

    One of the advantages of PCPs is designability, which provides a variety of surface properties based on organic ligands with functional groups. This prominent feature leads us to expect that PCP will show a high adsorption capability for specific molecules. However, few useful concepts and strategies for specific adsorption of smaller molecules have been established to date. Here, we have found superb sorption of C2H2 molecules on the functionalized surface of an PCP and show an enhanced “confinement effect”, applicable to a highly stable, selective adsorption system.2 We have succeeded in obtaining interesting array structures of benzene and O2 molecules and observed their unusual properties in the nanochannel.3 In addition to this confinement phenomena, we have found flexible porous frameworks,4 which respond to specific guests, common in PCPs but dissimilar to the conventional porous materials.1 Recently, we have utilized the regular and tunable nanochannels of PCPs for fields of polymerization, which allows controlled living radical polymerization as well as stereoregulated polymerization of substituted acetylenes.5References [1] S. Kitagawa,, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed,, 2004, 43, 2334(Reviews). [2]R. Matsuda,, Nature, 2005, 436, 238. [3] S.Kitagawa, Nature,2006,441,584.(News and Views). [4]T.P.Maji, Nature Mater.2007,6,142. [5]T.Uemura,,Chem.Asian J. 2006, 1,36-44.

    - �0 -

  • Susumu Kitagawa

    Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Kyoto University Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, 615-8510, Japan TEL: +81-75-383-2733 FAX: +81-75-383-2732 e-mail: [email protected]

    EDUCATION AND POSITIONS 2007 - Deputy Director, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, KyotoUniversity 1998- Professor, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Department of Synthetic Chemistry & Biological Chemistry 1992-1998 Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachiouji, Tokyo, Japan Department of Chemistry 1988-1992 Associate Professor, Kinki University, Higashi-Osaka, Japan Department of Chemistry 1986-1987 Visiting Scientist, Department of Chemsitry, Texas A & M University F.A.Cotton Laboratory 1983-1988 Lecturer, Kinki University, Higashi-Osaka, Japan, Department of Chemistry 1979-1983 Assistant Professor, Kinki University, Higashi-Osaka, Japan Department of Chemistry 1975-1979 Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Graduate School, Hydrocarbon Chemistry, PhD degree Thesis Supervisors: Professor Isao Morishima 1971-1974 Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Undergraduate course, Hydrocarbon Chemistry

    PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION 2008 The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) Award 2008 Alexander von Humbolt Research Award 2007 – 2013 Leader of ERATO program of JST, “Kitagawa Integrated Pores” 2007 Earl L. Muetterties Memorial Lectureship Award (University of California,

    Berkeley, USA)2004 -2007 Leader of MEXT Grant; Priority Area, “Chemistry of Coordination Space” 2007 The Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry Award for 2007 2001 The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work for 2001 1990 Young Scholars Lecture Series Award, the Chemical Society of Japan.

    CURRENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Associate editor 2009 - Chem.Asian J.2008- CrystEngCommAdvisory Board Member 2008- Inorganic Chemistry2006 - Chemical Communications, Chemistry, Asian Journal, Chemistry of Materials,Inorganica Chimica Acta, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, CrystEngComm, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry2004 - Chemistry Letters, Topic Editor for Crystal Growth & Design 2001 - 2002 Vice-president, Japanese Society of Coordination Chemistry

    - �� -


    Frontier Research Center & Materials and Structures Laboratory,

    Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku,

    Yokohama 226-8503, JAPAN

    Superconducting transition in a layered ZrCuSiAs-type crystal was first reported for LaFePO in 2006[1]

    and subsequent a similar Tc was found for LaNiPO with the same crystal structure in 2007. However, Tc

    of these compounds reminded low (~4K). On February 23, 2008, our paper reporting a layered

    compound in LaFeAsO1-xFx(x=0.1) exhibiting a superconducting critical temperature Tc (mid-point) =

    26K was published on-line in the Journal of the

    American Chemical Society as a communication

    [3]. In this presentation I talk the background of

    this discovery and the subsequent advance in

    materials. The following points have been

    clarified to date; (1) Iron-based superconductors

    reported are 4-types crystal structures, the

    1111[3], 122[4], 111[5], and 11 [6] type. All the

    high Tc iron-based superconductors contain a Fe

    square lattice and the Fe 3d orbitals dominate the

    Fermi-level. (2) The occurrence of a

    crystallographic transition accompanying

    anti-ferromagnetic to paramagnetic state in the

    parent compound is a requisite for a high Tc. (3)

    There exist a vast number of materials containing

    the Fe square lattice. (4). A partial substitution of Fe with other transition metal is possible without

    serious reduction of Tc. Role of the dopant 3d-transition metal ions is totally different between the 1111

    and 11 phases (4) A new insulating layer AEF (AE=Ca, Sr)was found to be effective in the 1111

    phase[7]. (5) High pressure synthesis was effective to obtain the 1111 phases with higher Tc, (6) Epitaxial

    thin films exhibiting a Tc almost the same as that in the bulk were fabricated for CaFeAsO:Co[8].

    Epitaxial thin films were reported on LaFeAsO[9].

    [1]Y.Kamihara et al. JACS, 28 (2006)10012, [2]T.Watanabe et al.Inorg.Chem,46(2007) 7719,

    [3]Y.Kamihara et al. J.Am.Chem.Soc.130(2008)3296., [4]M.Rotter et al. PRL, 101 (2008) 107006,

    [5]J.H.Tapp et al. PRB,78(2008)060505 [6]F.C.Hsu et al. PNAS,105(2008)14262., [7]S.Matsuishi et al.

    JACS 130(2008)14428 [8]H.Hiramatsu et al. Appl.Phys.Express 1(2008)101702, [9] H.Hiramatsu et al.

    APL. 93(2008) 162504.

    LnO AeF

    122 111

    FIG.1 Crystal Structure Variation. Ae:alkaline earth, Ln: lanthanoid















    (c) (d) (e)

    LnO AeF

    122 111

    FIG.1 Crystal Structure Variation. Ae:alkaline earth, Ln: lanthanoid















    (c) (d) (e)















    (c) (d) (e)

    - �� -


  • Fi

    FIG. 2. Progress in Fe-based superconductors. Upper is for 1111 type and the bottom for

    122,111,11-type materials

    Progress in superconductors with square Fe lattice

    --doped doped AAFeFe22AsAs22

    Other structures withOther structures withFeFe--square latticesquare lattice

    RE substitutionRE substitution

    2.4 K2.4 K




    55 K55 K

    TTcc (K)(K)


    41~43 K41~43 K

    CeCeFeAsOFeAsO11--xxFFxxSmFeAsOSmFeAsO11--xxFFxx43 K43 K

    LaFeAsOLaFeAsO11--xxFFxx((under HPunder HP))

    38 K38 K




    DateDate(Received) (Received)




    ~4 K~4 K

    55 K55 K



    LiLi11--xxFeAsFeAs18 K18 K

    --FeSeFeSe ((under HPunder HP))28 K28 K

    8 K8 K

    3030 1515 2828


    BaFeBaFe22--xxCoCoxxAsAs2222 K22 K



    37 K37 K

    14 K14 K

    New doping approachNew doping approach


    26 K26 K


    4 K4 KLaFePOLaFePO

    22/26/26 33/18/18





    141408/11 14


    Progress in superconductors with square Fe lattice

    --doped doped AAFeFe22AsAs22--doped doped AAFeFe22AsAs22

    Other structures withOther structures withFeFe--square latticesquare lattice

    RE substitutionRE substitution

    2.4 K2.4 K




    55 K55 K

    TTcc (K)(K)


    41~43 K41~43 K

    CeCeFeAsOFeAsO11--xxFFxxSmFeAsOSmFeAsO11--xxFFxx43 K43 K

    LaFeAsOLaFeAsO11--xxFFxx((under HPunder HP))

    38 K38 K




    DateDate(Received) (Received)




    ~4 K~4 K

    55 K55 K



    LiLi11--xxFeAsFeAs18 K18 K

    --FeSeFeSe ((under HPunder HP))28 K28 K

    8 K8 K

    3030 1515 2828


    BaFeBaFe22--xxCoCoxxAsAs2222 K22 K



    37 K37 K

    14 K14 K

    New doping approachNew doping approach


    26 K26 K


    4 K4 KLaFePOLaFePO

    22/26/26 33/18/18





    141408/11 14


    Hideo HOSONO

    A Professor of Frontier Research Center, and Materials and

    Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

    He obtained Dr Eng from Tokyo Metropolitan University 1982,

    then served as Assistant and Associate Professors at Nagoya

    Institute of Technology. In 1993, He moved to Tokyo Tech . and

    promoted to a professor in 1999.

    Dr.Hosono led ERATO “Transparent Electro-Active Oxide Project”

    (1999.10-2004.9 ) sponsored by JST , and MEXT COED21 Tokyo

    Tech Materials Group (2002-2007,3).

    He obtained several awards including 1st Otto-Schott Research

    Award and W.H.Zachariasen Award, and is a fellow of American

    Ceramic Society and Japan Applied Physics Society. His current

    interest is exploration of electro-active functions in oxide-based

    materials utilizing built-in nanostructures and pulsed EPR in solid

    state materials.

    - �� -

  • 【Session3】Energy Saving and Environment


  • "Nanotechnology for Global Environmental Challenges - Saudi projects at IBM Almaden for Desalination, Photovoltaics and Green

    chemistry"「地球環境へのナノテクノロジーの挑戦- IBMアルマデン・サウジプロジェクトの脱塩、太陽電池及びグリーンケミストリへの取り組み」

    Dr. Spike Narayan(IBM, Almaden Research Center, U.S.A.)

    “Nano Thermoelectrics for E2 Technology”「ナノ熱電変換と環境・エネルギー技術」

    Prof. Kunihito Koumoto(Nagoya University, Japan)河本邦仁(名古屋大学)

    "Development of energy efficient building materials for saving airconditioning energy"

    「空調エネルギーの削減を図る省エネルギー型建築部材の開発」Dr. Koji Tajiri

    (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)


    - �� -

  • Nanotechnology for Global Environmental Challenges - Saudi projects at IBM Almaden for Desalination, Photovoltaics and Green Chemistry

    C. Narayan*, R. Miller, R. Sooriyakumaran, J. Hedrick, J.C. Scott, J. Rice, J. Gordon

    IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California 95120, USA * e-mail: [email protected]


    IBM Research and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, the Saudi Arabian national research and development organization, have established a Nanotechnology Centre of Excellence, to seek key innovations, and explore and develop breakthroughs in applying molecular-scale engineering to critical energy and sustainable resource issues. This talk will describe the key relevant skills that exist at Almaden and how these are being leveraged to execute the joint projects that have been undertaken.

    I. INTRODUCTION The Almaden Research Center has several key competencies that include polymer and nanoparticle synthesis, creation of nanostructures by a variety of techniques, computational materials science, surface modification, and engineered nanostructures to name a few. These skills can be effectively leveraged to address the three topics chosen for this joint research. They are nanostructured solar cells, nanomembranes for water purification and green chemistry.

    II. MAIN TEXT While the topics chosen for this joint research venture are quite common and are widely researched around the globe, the Almaden projects have some unique characteristics that provide differentiated added value. The first, namely solar cells, is a long range project targeted toward the use of semiconductor nanocrystals and nanostructured n-type wide bandgap semiconductor collectors to produce photovoltaic cells which are both cheap and efficient. Nanoparticles were selected because of solution synthesis and coating, strong absorption in solar range, spectral properties that depend on particle size and the possibility of generating multiple excitons from a single photon. Nanopattern was chosen to mitigate the potential deficiencies of solution processing. In addition, strong computations skills are being used to optimize the cell efficiency. The second project is in the area of water treatment and we are exploring new membrane materials (reverse osmosis, RO and Nanofiltration, NF) for a non-thermal desalination or other water purification processes that have higher salt rejection, higher throughput (lower pressure drop), higher chlorine resistance and less fouling than conventional thin film composite membranes. We are exploring novel cross-linked polyamides and nanostructures based on block copolymers, graft polymers and cage structures for this purpose. Our deep skills in the area of nanostructures, surface modification and polymer design will be leveraged here. We are starting a complementary computational program that involves atomistic simulation to determine material properties related to diffusion and solubility of ions in membranes. Finally our third project falls under the umbrella of green chemistry where the research will aim to develop catalysts and synthetic methods that preserve efficacy of function, minimize toxicity, and minimize waste through use of renewable feedstocks or recyclable reagents. More specifically, the research will focus on identifying and optimizing organic catalysts for ring opening polymerization of cyclic esters and carbonates, including lactides and lactones, generation of functionalized, polymerizable, monomers in an environmentally benign way and recycling of polyethylene-terephthalate. Optimization of organic catalysts requires detailed understanding of the reaction mechanisms and energetics. We are using high level quantum chemistry calculations to elucidate these aspects with various solvents.

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  • Dr. Chandrasekhar (Spike) Narayan presently leads the Science and Technology Organization at IBM's Almaden Research Center. He is responsible for driving both fundamental and applied research in areas that include nanoscale science and engineering, nanoscale device integration, spin based electronics, advanced materials development and characterization, storage technologies and computational materials science. In addition, he is a Master Inventor within IBM Research.

    Previously, Dr. Narayan was the Technical Assistant to the Vice President of Science and Technology in IBM Research, where he was responsible for working with executives to develop the Science and Technology Strategy for IBM’s worldwide research laboratories and was also responsible for developing the technology aspect of the Global Technology Outlook. Additionally, Dr. Narayan has managed IBM’s high-performance CMOS logic integration, where he led the team responsible for the CMOS interconnect technology transfer from research to development and for integrating copper with the next-generation ultra low-k dielectrics. Throughout his career, he has held a variety of positions in research and research management.

    He has received several IBM awards for his work in cobalt barrier layer for thin film metallization, thermal conduction module failure analysis, high information content display prototyping and e-Fuse development. He has over 50 US Patents to his credit. In addition, Dr. Narayan has contributed to the external engineering community by serving as the general and program chair for the IEEE/IEMT Symposium in 1999 and 2000, respectively, and chaired the DRAM Development Alliance Invention Board in 1999.

    Dr. Narayan earned his Bachelor of Technology in Metallurgy from Indian Institute of Technology, a Master of Science and a PhD in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering both from Lehigh University.


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    K. Koumoto

    Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University Nagoya 464-8603, Japan

    CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency Tokyo 332-0012, Japan


    Strontium titanate, SrTiO3 (STO), and its related materials are proposed as novel oxide thermoelectrics. Superlattices based on STO were found to give rise to two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) showing huge thermopower due to the quantum confinement effect. The superlattice was proved to be stable and still show high performance at high temperatures, and this finding stimulated us to design the quantum nanostructure of polycrystalline bulk ceramics that can generate electricity with high efficiency from heat.

    We have proposed heavily electron-doped SrTiO3(STO) as a new candidate thermoelectric material which shows ZT=0.37@1,000K, the highest value among n-type oxide materials[1]. Further improvement in ZTrelies on how thermal conduction can be suppressed while maintaining the power factor, or how drastic increase in power factor can be achieved. The former approach was attempted by substituting Eu for Sr sites inducing enhanced phonon scattering while power factor was virtually kept unchanged, resulting in a slight increase in ZT to 0.39@1,000K[2]. Another approach to reduce thermal conductivity was to employ Ruddlesden-Popper phase with layered perovskite structures so that phonon scattering would be enhanced at the internal interfaces. This approach did succeed in reducing thermal conductivity, but power factor decreased more than thermal conductivity because of the distortion of TiO6octahedra leading to the reduction of carrier effective mass and hence Seebeck coefficient[3-5]. In order to restore the TiO6 octahedra to regular shape elemental substitution has been attempted and rare-earth elements, such as samarium and gadolinium, have

    recently been found to effectively restore the TiO6 Fig. 1 Thermoelectric properties of Sm-doped octahedra and ZT=0.24@1,000K has been achieved, RP-STO ceramics[6].

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  • which is higher than that of cubic STO with similar carrier concentration (~0.2@1,000K)(Fig. 1). The latter approach was to utilize 2DEG in a superlattice structure; undoped STO/STO:Nb superlattices were successfully prepared by PLD method and quantum confinement of electron gas was confirmed to show giant Seebeck coefficient (Fig. 2), resulting in an estimated ZT=2.4@300K for one unit cell layer of Nb-doped STO[7,8]. The STO-based superlattices are stable at high temperatures up to 900K[9] and its energy conversion efficiency under the temperature difference of 600K between 300K and 900K can be estimated to be ~27%.

    This is an amazingly high value compared with the case Fig. 2 Seebeck coefficient of the superlattice for typical efficiency of bismuth telluride, for instance, vs. thickness of the well layer[7]. which is about 8% under the temperature difference of 200 K. Even though this thin film cannot be applied to power generation for substantial waste heat recovery, this type of nanostructure that could give rise to a quantum confinement effect to generate giant thermopower and reduce the thermal conductivity due to enhanced phonon scattering at nano interfaces simultaneously should be realized in a bulk TE material. SrTiO3-related oxide systems would be promising in this sense because of their high phase stability at high temperatures.

    References [1] S. Ohta, T. H. Ohta, K. Koumoto et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 87, 092108 (2005). [2] K. Kato, H. Ohta, K. Koumoto et al., J. Appl. Phys., 102, 116107 (2007). [3] K. H. Lee, H. Ohta, K. Koumoto et al., J. Appl. Phys., 100, 063717 (2006). [4] K. H. Lee, H. Ohta, K. Koumoto et al., J. Appl. Phys., 101, 083707 (2007). [5] K. H. Lee, H. Ohta, K. Koumoto et al., J. Appl. Phys., 102, 033702 (2007). [6] Y. F. Wang, K. H. Lee, H. Ohta, K. Koumoto, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 242102 (2007). [7] H. Ohta, K. Koumoto et al., Nature Mater., 6, 129-134 (2007). [8] Y. Mune, H. Ohta, K. Koumoto et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 192105 (2007). [9] K. H. Lee, H. Ohta, K. Koumoto et al., Appl. Phys. Exp., 1, 015007 (2008).

    Kunihito Koumoto is a professor of Nagoya University. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in industrial chemistry from the University of Tokyo in ’74, ’76, and ’79, respectively. He served as assistant professor and associate professor at the U. of Tokyo before joining Nagoya U. as a full professor in ‘92. His research focuses on energy and environmental materials. Fellow of the Am. Ceram. Soc. and Academician of the World Acad. of Ceram., he served as the President of the Int. Thermoelec. Soc. in 2003-2005.

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  • Development of energy efficient building materials for saving air conditioning energy

    Koji Tajiri

    1Material Research Institute for Sustainable Development National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

    Anagahora Shimoshidami Moriyama-ku Nagoya, 463-8560, Japan


    Research status of energy efficient building materials as switchable mirror, wood-based material, humidity controlling material, and water retentive brick in our institute is introduced.

    I. INTRODUCTION In order to reduce CO2 emission from residential and commercial sector, it is important to develop energy efficient building materials which do not spoil comfortableness of the building. Our group has been investigating such materials as switchable mirror, wood-based material, humidity controlling material, and water retentive brick. Our group also has started the evaluation of energy saving performance of these materials in the newly constructed testing building.

    II. SWITCHABLE MIRROR WINDOW Switchable mirror is a new kind of film that can change its optical property reversibly between mirror state and transparent state. The switchable mirror window can make shade control of sunlight effectively by reflection, so it is expected to show good energy efficiency especially to cooling load. We prepare a prototype switchable mirror window, which is a double glazing with the size of 1.2m 0.8m (Fig. 1). Pd capped Mg-Ni alloy thin film is deposited on inner surface of the double glazing glass by using DC magnetron sputtering. This double glazing can be switched to transparent state in a few minute by introducing 4% H2 in Ar mixed gas into the inner space between two glasses. By introducing O2 contained gas (air etc.) it can be switched to mirror state. This switchable window is installed to our testing building, and the energy efficiency of cooling load is evaluated. The preliminary results show the switchable mirror window can save about 35% of cooling energy consumption compared with a normal double pane window in summer sunny day. We are also developing a switchable mirror film that prepared on polymer film and switched by electricity.

    III. ADVANCED WOOD-BASED MATERIAL Improvement of insulating property of window frame is important for energy efficiency. We investigate high functional wood materials for window frame. Processes to strengthen wood material (impregnation of chemicals and compression), to add fire retardant property (impregnation of chemicals), and to give high durability are investigated. Process for preparation of advanced wood materials from low grade wood is also carried out. Because wood is carbon neutral material, we investigate the advanced wood-based material not only for window frame but also for other wide applications.

    Fig. 1 Prototype switchable mirror window.

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  • IV. HUMIDITY CONTROLLING MATERIAL High performance humidity controlling material keeps comfortable humid condition, and lowers the air conditioning load. We selected imogolite, clay with nanotube structure, as a candidate material, investigated large scale synthesis methods. In this investigation, we developed new adsorbent material (hydrated aluminum silicate) with interesting adsorption property. Water adsorption isotherm of the adsorbent is shown in Fig. 2. It means that large amount of water is adsorbed in any humidity area, and that adsorbed water is easily released by heating or lowering surrounding humidity. This property is best for adsorption heat pump or desiccant air conditioning. We are investigating these materials for building material and these applications etc.

    V. WATER RETENTIVE BRICK Water retentive brick set on a roof or balcony is effective for reducing heat island phenomenon. Water retained in the brick during rainfall or sprinkling with water, evaporates when heated by sunshine, and cools the surrounding. Our developed brick is environmental friendly, because it is manufactured from 100% recycled ceramics, and prepared without sintering process. This brick are installed on the roof of our testing building. Preliminary results shows max. 14C lowering the roof surface temperature in summer shiny day. Improvement of durability especially in winter season is carried out.

    VI. TESTING BUILDING We constructed the testing building for energy efficient building materials. Each floor is divided to 4 rooms in 2nd and 3rd floor. The evaluation of energy saving of the developing energy efficient building materials is carried out by measuring the air conditioning load and room atmosphere (temperature, humidity, and etc.).

    Dr.Koji Tajiri is Deputy director of “Material Research Institute for Sustainable Development “ in AIST. He has researched heat storage materials and transparent insulating materials since 1982 in AIST. From 2007, he became present position, and adjusts energy efficient building material project carrying out his institute.

    Fig. 2 Ction (Times New Roman / 10 point )

    Fig. 3 Water retentive brick

    Fig. 2 Water adsorption isotherm

    of adsorbents.

    Fig. 4 Constructed testing building

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  • Organizing Committee

    Sukekatsu Ushioda (Chair) National Institute for Materials ScienceMasakazu Aono National Institute for Materials ScienceHiroyuki Akinaga National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and TechnologyYuichi Ikuhara The University of TokyoTomoji Kawai Osaka UniversityHidetoshi Kotera Kyoto UniversityToyohiko Konno Tohoku UniversityKazuo Furuya National Institute for Materials ScienceKazuhito Furuya Tokyo Institute of TechnologyYasuhiro Horiike National Institute for Materials ScienceTakayuki Homma Waseda UniversitySyo Matsumura Kyushu UniversityHiroaki Misawa Hokkaido UniversityJunichiro Mizuki Japan Atomic Energy AgencyToshihiko Yokoyama National Institutes of Natural SciencesTakamaro Kikkawa Hiroshima University

    Supported by

    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan

    Cooperating Organizations

    IEEE Tokyo Section,The Japan Society of Applied Physics,The Society of Polymer Science, Japan,The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan,The Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers,Society of Nano Science and Technology,Nanotechnology Business Creation Initiative,The Chemical Society of Japan,The Japan Institute of Metals,The Japanese Society of Microscopy,The Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine,The Society of Materials Science, Japan,Japanese Society for Artificial Organs,Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, The Ceramic Society of Japan,The Japan Society of Drug Delivery System,Japanese Society for Biomaterials,The Surface Science Society of Japan,The Physical Society of Japan,

  • 一禁無断掲載一Copyright (c)

    Nanotechnology Researchers Network Center of Japan文部科学省ナノテクノロジー総合支援プロジェクト

    第 7 回ナノテクノロジー総合シンポジウムJAPANNANO2009

    発   行 2009年(平成21年)2月編集・発行 独立行政法人 物質・材料研究機構

    NIMS テクノロジー拠点運営室〒305-0047 茨城県つくば市千現 1-2-1電話:029-859-2777

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