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A Concise Presentation


Mr. Deepak Sarangi M.Pharm.

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CONTENTS Introduction Advantages Disadvantages Working of nanorobotics Elements Swimming nanorobots Mechanism Approaches Applications Conclusion References

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INTRODUCTION The possibility of nanorobots was first proposed by Richard

Feyman in his talk “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” in 1959.

Robotics is the use of technology to design and manufacture (intelligent) machines, built for specific purposes, programmed to perform specific tasks.

Generally nanotechnology deals with size ranging from 1 to 100 nanometer.

Nanorobots are nanodevices that will be used for the purpose of maintaining and protecting the human body against pathogens.

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Nanorobots are theoretical microscopic devices measured on the

scale of nanometer (1nm equals one millionth of 1 millimeter).

They would work at the atomic, molecular and cellular level to

perform in both the medical and industrial fields.

These are very sensitive to the acoustic signal.

These nanorobots can be programmed using the sound waves to

perform the specified tasks.

These nanorobots identify the particular harmful cells and try to

quarantine it.

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ADVANTAGES Rapid elimination of disease.

The microscopic size of nanomachines translates into high operational speed.

Faster and more precise diagnosis.

Non-degradation of treatment agents.

The major advantage of nanorobots is thought to be their durability, in theory, they can remain operational for years, decades or centuries.

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Possible food chain interruption.

Lack of knowledge.

Nano implements could adjust human DNA


Environmental hazards.

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when an implantation of a tiny robot into our

blood stream. The robot detects the cause of the fever, travels

to the appropriate system and provides a dose of medication

directly to the infected area.


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ELEMENTS Carbon is be the principal element comprising the bulk of

a medical nanorobot, probably in the form of diamond or

diamondoid nanocomposites.

Many other light elements such as hydrogen, sulfur,

oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine, silicon, etc. will be used for

special purposes in nanoscale gears and other


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SWIMMING NANOROBOTS: Swimming robots are micro or nano robots that

can swim when injected into the body via vascular and digestive system by using blood sugar as fuel.

They are used to perform medical task the main aim of these robots is to avoid major surgery and enhance diagnosis of disease.

The capabilities of nanorobots include therapeutic and diagnostic functions such as ultrasounding, biopsy, laser and produce heat by retractable arm.

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The attached bacteria by rotating their flagella push the

microscope to forward by using different chemicals the

on/off motions of microrobots are controlled.

These chemicals bind to the flagellar motor an restrict their


Mainly used chemicals are EDTA and copper ions are used

to stop their motion and EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra

acetic acid) used to restart their motion1.

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The nanorobot attaching to blood cell

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The swimming robots contains robotic body, poly styrene microspheres, which are also called as micro beads.

The method used in the micro robot is bacteria propulsion method, in which the bacteria was propelled by rotating their flagella with high speed then the bacteria adhere to the micro beads.

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1. Propulsion of the micro bead by bacteria:

The attachment takes place in 2 steps.


In reversible attachment the bacteria adhere to the micro bead

with vanderwalls, acid-base interactions and electostatic forces.

These are weaker bonds hence this attachment is reversible


Irreversibly attached to them by forming strong bonds.

2. Speed controlling technique

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Bacteria based

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Breaking up blood clots.

Fighting cancer.

Parasite removal.

Breaking up kidney stones. These are used to treat arterosclerosis can treat

arterosclerosis by breaking the plaques in the arteries releasing chemicals at the site of injury.

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Targeted-delivery of pharmaceutical agents to specific

cellular and intracellular destinations within the human


Could be a very helpful and hopeful for the therapy

of patients, since current treatments like radiation

therapy and chemotherapy often end up destroying

more healthy cells than cancerous ones.

It provides a non-depressed therapy for cancer patients.

Nanorobots in cancer detection and treatment

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The nanorobot can be programmed to activate sensors

and measure regularly the BGLs early in the morning,

before the expected breakfast time.

The nanorobot is programmed also to emit a signal on

specified lunch times, and to measure the glucose levels in

desired intervals of time.

Controlling glucose level using nanorobots

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Breaking up of kidney stones

Kidney stones can be intensely painful.

The larger the stone the more difficult it is to pass.

Doctors break up large kidney stones using ultrasonic frequencies, but it is not always effective.

A nanorobot could break up a kidney stones using a small laser.

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Arterosclerosis refers to a condition where plaque builds along the walls of arteries.

Nanorobots could conceivably treat the condition by cutting away the plaque.

Which would then enter the bloodstream.

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CONCLUSIONS From these type of inventions, it will be useful for

man to cure many diseases then lead a fantastic life. We can use the technology for more accuracy in any

field. Nanorobots are going to revolutionize in medical

industries in future. But in these technologies there is possible danger

also. Thus it is needful to invent these kind of special

featured nanorobot in the safe kind which will be in nonhazardous to the living kind.

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