
MYP Year 5 (Grade 12SOC) Unit Letter 2nd Semester School Year 2020/2021

Unit 1

Subject : Languange and Literature Teacher : Dwi Prihanto

Global Context

Unit title

Globalization and Sustainability (Artikel)

Unit and time frame

Key Concept


Statement of Inquiry communication can aim to convey context according to ideas

Related Concept context, purpose

ATL Skills Communication skills: Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences


Criterion C: Producing text i. produce texts that demonstrate insight, imagination and sensitivity while exploring and reflecting critically on new perspectives and ideas arising from personal engagement with the creative process ii. make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating awareness of impact on an audience iii. select relevant details and examples to develop ideas. Criterion D: Using language i. use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression ii. write and speak in a register and style that serve the context and intention iii. use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation iv. spell (alphabetic languages), write (character languages) and pronounce with accuracy v. use appropriate non-verbal communication techniques

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Week 6

Week 1

students evaluate information, both

facts and opinions in an article that is

read, namely the meaning of the

article, the opinion sentence, the fact

sentence, the structure of the article in


Week 2 students formulate opinions in the form of articles, namely the steps to write articles

Week 3 students analyze the language of articles and scientific books, namely effective sentences in articles

Week 4 students construct an article by paying attention to facts and language, namely the type of article

Resources Books Websites (Videos)

MYP Year 5 (Grade 12SOC) Unit Letter 2nd Semester School Year 2020/2021

Unit 1

Subject : Javanese Teacher : Sri Lestari

Global Context

Unit title

Menelaah teks serat Tripama pupuh Dhandhanggula.

Unit and time frame

Key Concept


Statement of Inquiry Kreatifitas dalam memahami latar belakang sebuah karya sastra yang terdapat dalam Serat

Tripama Pupuh Dhandhanggula dan mengekspresikannya dalam sebuah pentas karya seni

2 ( pertemuan )

Januari – Februari 2021

Related Concept Setting, Self Expression

ATL Skills

Social: Collaboration skills Thinking: Transfer skills


Kriteria A : Analysing i. analyse the content, context, language, structure, technique and style of text(s) and the relationships among texts ii. analyse the effects of the creator’s choices on an audience iii. justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology Kriteria D : Using Language i. use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression ii. write and speak in a register and style that serve the context and intention iii. use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Week 6

Disajikan Teks Piwulang Serat

Tripama pupuh Dhandhanggula bisa

dengan video contoh melagukan


Teks Tersebut dianalis dari segi

isinya melalui asal – usul katanya

dan aturan baku yang terdalam

dalam tembang yang dirangkai

menjadi sebuah kesatuan kalimat

yang bermakna

Menanggapi isi piwulang Serat

Tripama pupuh Dhandhanggula

Hasil dari tanggapan dipresentasikan

menggunakan bahasa sendiri dengan

item : isi nasehat ( pitutur ), kegunaan

nasehat yang relevan dengan

keadaan sekarang, sikap generasi

muda terhadap nasehat yang

terdapat dalam tembang tersebut

Resources Books Websites (Videos)

Mumpuni Basa Jawi XII. Heri Setiawan. 2015. PT Tiga Serangkai PUstaka Mandiri Surakarta

Purwadarminto. 1939. Bausastra Jawa. Tim Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta Pepak Basa Jawa

www. www.

MYP Year 5 (Grade 12SOC) Unit Letter 2nd Semester School Year 2020/2021

Unit 1

Subject : English Teacher : Riana Oktavia

Global Context Unit title

Fairness and development

IB : Social Justice (Snap Judgement, The age wars)

Diknas : Explanation text

Unit and time frame

Key Concept


Statement of Inquiry Explaining justice and public sphere based on culture to develop purpose and context

Unit 1 (January 6th – 23th 2021)

Related Concept Purpose


ATL Skills


Literary devices review of elements of an extended explanation text.

Media Literacy Reading, listening,and writing explanation text in many sources of media literacy.


Phase 6 Criterion A i, ii, iii Criterion B i, ii, iii

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Week 6

Week 1 : Definition and structure of explanation text.

The students read and discuss about the definition, generic structure, language features, and example of explanation text.

Watch and listen a video about the topic.

FQ : what do you know about explanation text?

Week 2 : identification and analysis of explanation text.

The students discuss with their group to identify and analyze about explanation text and then share by telling through presentation in front of the class.

CQ : How can you identify and analyze it? What makes it different with the other types of text?

Week 3 : Make an explanation text related to social justice, fairness, or develop something The students make their own simple explanation text. DQ : why do you say that is an explanation text? What is your reason?

Summative assessment The students make a video and tell a topic related to explanation text.

Resources Books Websites (Videos)

BSE Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013 Kemendikbud RI Putcha Herbert, etc. 2016. English in Mind Second Edition (specisl edition student’s book 5). Malaysia : Cambridge University Press. Castro, Ana de. 2016. English Language Acquisition (MYP by concept 4 & 5). UK : Hodder Education

Ethic and Fairness Social Justice

MYP Year 5 (Grade 12SOC) Unit Letter 2nd Semester

School Year 2020/2021

Unit 1

Subject : Arabic

Teacher : Rayinda Dwi Prayogi

Global Context Unit title

Arabic Poetry / الشعر العربي

Unit and time frame

Key Concept


Statement of Inquiry Communication as product by considering the audience and word choice to tell about Social constructions of reality with "Arabic Poetry"

4 weeks (8 hrs) Related Concept

Audience ,Word choice

ATL Skills

Category Communication skill

Give and receive meaningful feedback

Collaboration Skills

Working effectively with others.


Criterion C: Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text i. respond appropriately to simple short phrases ii. interact in simple and rehearsed exchanges, using verbal and non-verbal language iii. use basic phrases to communicate ideas, feelings and information on a variety of aspects of everyday topics iv. communicate with a sense of audience. Criterion D: Using language in spoken and written form i. write and speak using a basic range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions; when speaking, use clear pronunciation and intonation ii. organize basic information and use a range of basic cohesive devices iii. use language to suit the context.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Week 6

" عصف ذهني حول " يومياتنا في المدرسة

Brainstorming about " Social

constructions of reality with "Arabic


1. students look for common

vocabulary and simple sentences in

Social constructions of reality with

"Arabic Poetry"

نستوعب المخفوظات

(Students are given examples of simple

conversations to explore the

importance of the theme of " Social

constructions of reality with "Arabic


2. students explore deep conversations

more specifically in a particular sport.


(Review previous material with exercises)

3. students prepare text materials about

certain sports that they have chosen and

start working on summative assessment

يشاهد الطلاب مقاطع فيديو

(Students perform their work at Big Blue

Batton together)

Summative Assessment

4. Students present their work with


- -

Resources Books Websites (Videos)

( ) مناهج العالمين تعلم العربية كتاب الطالب الصف الثانية عشرة الفصل الدراس الاول

XIV الوحدة الرابعة عشرة

MYP Year 5 (Grade 12SOC) Unit Letter 2nd Semester School Year 2020/2021

Unit 1

Subject : Mathematics Teacher : Muslimin

Global Context Unit title

Identites and relationships


Unit and time frame

Key Concept


Statement of Inquiry Decisions reached through logic may not always reflect beliefs and values 11 January - 31 January

Related Concept Generalization


ATL Skills

Critical thinking skills

Media literacy skills

- Using addition rules, multiplication rules, permutation and combination in contextual


- Solve the problems about probability


B. Investigating patterns

i. select and apply mathematical problem-solving techniques to discover complex patterns

ii. describe patterns as general rules consistent with findings

iii. prove, or verify and justify, general rules.

D. Applying mathematics in real-life contexts

i. identify relevant elements of authentic real-life situations

ii. select appropriate mathematical strategies when solving authentic real-life situations

iii. apply the selected mathematical strategies successfully to reach a solution

iv. justify the degree of accuracy of a solution

v. justify whether a solution makes sense in the context of the authentic real-life situation.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Week 6

Introduction to the probability Discusses some solutions to the

probability form settlement operation

Analyze the probalityform

Resources Books Websites (Videos)

B.K Noormandiri, 2016, Matematika Jilid 1 untuk SMA/MA Kelas XII Kelompok Wajib, Jakarta: Erlangga

MYP Year 5 (Grade 12SOC) Unit Letter 2nd

Semester School Year 2020/2021

Unit 1

Subject : History Teacher : Alkaf Asari

Global Context: :

Unit title :

Orientasi dalam ruang dan waktu

Perkembangan Kehidupan Politik dan Ekonomi pada masa Reformasi

Unit and time frame

Key Concept :


Statement of Inquiry Perubahan sosial adalah titik balik dalam sejarah manusia, ketika kondisi menyebabkan orang bangkit dan mencari perubahan mendasar dalam masyarakat

6 / 24 Related Concept

Causality, Cultur and Conflik

ATL Skills Organisasi, Berfikir Kritis dan Media Literasi



Investigasi Perubahan Sosial

A2 → Menunjukkan pemahaman Anda tentang penyebabnya Perubahan Sosial

B → Investigasi proses Perubahan sosial dengan tepat keterampilan penelitian.

C → Mengkomunikasikan ide-ide dengan jelas dengan benar format surat kabar, dengan daftar pustaka yang tepat.

D1 → Berpikir kritis tentang kondisi itu menyebabkan manusia ingin melakukan perubahan sosial..

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Week 6

Kondisi politik setelah tanggal 21 mei


Perkembangan Politik masa


Perbaikan-perbaikan di berbagai bidang Kondisi social dan ekonomi pascareformasi

Kontribusi bangsa Indonesia dalam perdamaian dunia

Perkembangan Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di Indonesia

Resources Books Websites (Videos)

Buku Paket Pembelajaran Sejarah Interaktif untuk kelas XII SMA dan MA, Penerbit PT Tiga Serangkai

Sumber yang tersedia di perpustakaan sekolah

MYP Year 5 (Grade 12SOC) Unit Letter 2nd Semester School Year 2020/2021

Unit 1

Subject : ARTS Teacher : Wira Widi Sadewa

Global Context Unit


Personal And Cultural Expression

Unit and time frame

Key Concept


Statement of Inquiry Create modern painting products with an aesthetic expression and style 4 weeks

Related Concept Expression and


ATL Skills

Category Social Skills (Cluster Collaboration Skills)

Indicator- Use social media networks appropriately to build and develop relationships

Category Thinking Skills (Cluster Creative thinking)

Indicator- Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and inquiries,

Make unexpected or unusual connections between objects and/or ideas, and Create

original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in new ways


Criterion C: Thinking creatively

I. develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent artistic intention.

II. demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking behaviours.

III. demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape artistic intention through to a point of realization.

Criterion D: Responding

I. construct meaning and transfer learning to new settings.

II. create an artistic response that intends to reflect or impact on the world around them.

III. critique the artwork of self and others.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Students look for references on the

internet about Diorama in order to

add insight and knowledge in making


Students find concepts or ideas in

making dioramas arranged on paper


Students bring tools and materials to

make dioramas at school, according to

the ideas they set

Students make reports on the making

of modern paintings. Then discuss

with classmates as a means of self-

development and evaluation

Resources Books Websites (Videos)

Allort, A. and Mindorff, D. 2017. MYP ARTS : A Concept Based Approach

Years 4&5. Oxford University Press, UK.

Clark, F. Mindorff, D. Pak, R. and Lelievre, B. 2015. IB Skill ARTS A

Practical Guide Teacher Book. International Baccalaureate Organization,


Morris, P. and Deo, P. 2016. ARTS MYP by Concept 1. Hodder

Education, London.

Prescott, Christoper N. 2014. Perfect Guide to Lower Secondary Design

2nd EditionBook B. Marshall Cavendish Education, Singapore (How to make Diorama) (How to make Diorama) (How to make Diorama)

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