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Discussion  Ques1ons  Feedback  Input  


#MNDAY  @klit_nielsen  


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Business  Intelligence  and  content  in  social  media    

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Mindjumpers – Social Media Agency

•  The  agency  operates  in  Northern  Europe  with  a  main  presence  in  the  Nordic      •  Have  in  just  3  years  become  a  leading  full  service  social  media  agency  in  the  Nordics  with  

mul1ple  global  clients    •  Profitable  and  based  on  organic  growth    •  Key  offering  is  to  help  btc  and  btb  companies  and  brands  organize,  manage  and  engage  

in  social  media  


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We  enable  companies  to  strategic  develop  and  execute  interna1onal  social  media  ini1a1ves  in  a  structured,    quality  assured  and  cost  effec1ve  way  

across  markets  with  focus  on  crea1ng  effect  and  value  

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Securing  offering  through  proven  and  structured  process  

Organize  •  Secure  quality  and  best  prac1ce  in  

community  management  across  markets/countries  

Manage  &  Measure  •  Secured  through  training,  procedures,  

guides,  manuals  and  key  performance  measurement  

Engage  •  Secure    

•  Brand  consistent  •  Social  media  authen1c  •  High  responsive  •  Na1ve  speaking  •  Quality  assured  …  Community  management    

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”Technologies  which  facilitate  online  interac8on  between  people”      

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       Every  day,  we  create  2.5  quin1llion  bytes  of  data  —  so  much  that  90%  of  the  data  in  the  world  today  has  been  created  in  the  last  two  years  alone.  This  data  comes  from  everywhere:  sensors  used  to  gather  climate  informa1on,  posts  to  social  media  sites,  digital  pictures  and  videos,  purchase  transac1on  records,  and  cell  phone  GPS  signals  to  name  a  few.  This  data  is  big  data.      

What  is  big  data?  

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Big  Data  Applica8on  -­‐  BDA  

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Crea1ng  value  through  combining  Paid,  Owned  and  Earned  Media  

Facebook  Ads  (premium,  social,  


Facebook  Page  (content)  

Facebook    (likes,  comments,  


Key  Objec8ves:    Paid  Media:  -­‐  Brand  &  Product  Awareness  (reach  and  impressions)  -­‐  Grow  Owned  Media  (conversion)  -­‐  Increase  Earned  Media  (virality)  

Owned  Media:  -­‐  Brand  likeness  (percep1on)  -­‐  Brand  engagement  (loyalty)  -­‐  Brand  and  product  awareness  (reach  and  impressions)  -­‐  Cost  reduc1on  (customer  service  and  Paid  media)  -­‐  Sales  (traffic  to  site  &  store,  customer  service)  -­‐  Product  innova1on  

Earned  Media:  -­‐  Brand  likeness  (percep1on)  -­‐  Brand  engagement  (loyalty)  -­‐  Word  of  Mouth  (personal  brand  recommenda1on)  -­‐  Product  innova1on  

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We  are  all  becoming  media  outlets  

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Total:  7.100  tweets  (10%  af  samlede  tweets  på  dagen)    Peak:  2.300  TPH    Tweeps:  900      


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Plaiorm  API  Data  Mining   Offline  Buzz  tracking  

(real  1me)  

Listen  &  analyse  

Share  of  voice  

Social  insight  and  measurement    Strategic  dashboard  to  gain  insights  on  our  brands  and  consumers    

and  the  performance  of  our  social  strategy  and  ini1a1ves    

Campaign  performance  



Apps  (Plaiorm/device)  

Web  analy1c  

Social  Profiling   SEO  






Trend  mining  

Insights  Reputa1on  

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Using  content  to  gather  insights  and  create  engagement  

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Using  content  to  gather  insights  and  create  engagement  

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Gather  insights  through  content  that  have  user  value    

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725+  inspira1onal  ar1cles  on  social  business  @  

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