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Title: Mary Tudor – A Wicked History

Author: Jane Buchanan

Illustrator: Not known

Level: 40

No.of pages: 128 pages

My Paragraph

In this book from the "Wicked History," series, Mary is a Bloody Queen. She is the

daughter of Catharine of Aragon, who was the first wife of King Henry 8. Mary’s

mother was soon beheaded because King Henry did not love her anymore. King

Henry was very wicked – he killed a lot of people, so Mary decided to do the same –

she first waited for King Henry to die, then she tried to become queen. Unfortunately

for her, there was another person standing in her way. Edward, son of Jane

Seymour, the third wife of King Henry was the only male heir for King Henry 8, so the

King wanted Edward to be the next King. So Mary waited for Edward to die, and at

last, he did because of a sickness. Mary was overjoyed, and she was crowned the

Queen. But many people did not want her as the next queen, so they fought against

her. But she was merciless and killed most of them. She was a woman of strong

beliefs, and she believed in a lot of things. She was brutal to those who did not share

her faith. She finally died because of a horrible sickness, and lots of people were

happy to see that happening. Mainly this book is my BBM because of its interesting

way of telling the story and because of lots of information in it.

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