
MUSICBy: Philip Vah

Mrs. Love, Period 2

Music brings joy,

to all of our hearts,

It's one of those,

emotional arts.

Sounds of melodies,

that we truly adore,

Brings us pure pleasure,

as our spirits do soar.

Music that touches us,

we can't help but smile,

We're free to choose,

genre or style.

Music clearly,

enlightens our days,

Makes us happy,

in so many ways.


Analysis - Music

I liked how this poem makes music sound

like something very good. I liked how

happy it sounded.

I chose this poem because it is a way I

would describe music.

This poem has rhyme scheme. It seems to

change a little as the poem goes on.

The chords of my escape.

The feeling of a beat.

The vibration of my soul.

It sends me to my peak.

I just love how it makes me feel,

But there’s no way the feeling is real.

I can close my eyes and look up to the ceiling.

It’s the most pleasurable feeling.

The way it makes me move.

Just gracefully on my feet.

In the chords of my escape.

There are no expectations to meet.

I’m free to be myself.

I can dance, I can sing.

I can twirl around on the floor.

That’s how it’s supposed to be.

But of course, all happiness has to come to an end.

I look at the ground

I sigh and frown.

It's time to let go of my only true friend.

I lift my hand to my ear

And pull out the plastic.

I suddenly feel blank again.

But soon again, I will feel ecstatic

With the chords of my escape.

The Chords of My Escape

By Anjanae King

Analysis – The Chords of My


I liked how this poem describes music

I chose this poem because it is how I feel about music


This poem has imagery in it. It describes the effects of

music in detail. It makes it easy to see what’s happening

in the poem.

The Loudest Shadow

© Anthony

It begins as a noise in the background

keeping steady beat as it makes its round

It can be found at any time of day

It's so simple, just push play

It creates a story for everyone's life

as if it understands your struggles and strife

It's impossible to stop, it's purpose will be served

as if not to judge on whether or not you deserve

to feel absorbed in something bigger than yourself

where there is nobody to ever ring the bell

Of complete reality and worry filled days

when life gets too real there's something that says

I'll be with you through the HAPPY and SAD

the really GREAT days and even the BAD

It lingers as if ready at any possible time

to lift you off your feet and begin to fly

away from all the grief, sorrow and pain

to tell your mind that it's free again

No judging or casting a nasty glare

nope, just to let you know that it's always there

as the shoulder to cry on when no one else cares

and casts you alone to face all of your scares

It will give you a feeling that no one else can

and open your eyes to the ever growing span

of opportunity and dare and even the strength

to end it all or just shoot blanks

It tends to all of our daily needs

not for us but with us so we really can see

the magic of you when in a crowd

nothing else will sound as loud

As the beats, bells, and whistles that are in your head

revealing to you a new path to tread

for you will follow no one your path will be your own

because your are lead by something that can't be


To be there for whenever you desire

is its one purpose, to light your fire

it can't be stopped if the will is steady

it can be unleashed, it's always ready

To light up your day or slow down the time

to yell at the world, or even to cry

to help you with whatever you may need

or just to be there for whenever you please

It will live until the end of time

serving its purpose, to let its light shine

remember family, friends and even pets

but most of all music never forget

Analysis – The Loudest Shadow

I liked how this poem portrays music as a friend to who’s listening to it.

I chose this poem because it talks about how music can help people

through life. I thought it sounded like it was put together very nicely.

This poem has a nice rhyme scheme. It fits the poem quite well.

Music is an art

Music is presided over by the Muses

Music combines sounds in a pleasing way

Music has common elements.

Music has pitch and melody

Music has harmony and rhythm

Music has tempo and meter

Music has sonic qualities of timbre.

Music is euphony or sweet sound

Music has harmonious qualities

Music is inspirational

Music opens the soul.

Music is energizing

Music is enriching

Music makes one happy

Music is relaxing.

Music is soothing

Music is entertainment

Music is lovable

Music is stirring.

Music moves one to tears

Music gives a spark

Music tunes a special memory

Music is a form of therapy.

Music fills with spiritual attunement

Music is a personal experience

Music takes us along the road of life

Music is the corner stone of every society.

By Chandra



Analysis - Music

I liked how this poem is organized. It continuously describes music

with positive adjectives.

I chose this poem because it was lengthy and had many good

things to say about music.

This poem is a free verse. It also starts off every verse with “Music”.

Analysis – The


I liked how this poem talks about the connection between the

musician and their music. It’s one of my favorite poems I found.

I chose this poem because it is a short and simple poem with a

strong message. I enjoy short poems like this.

This poem has two stanzas in it.

Music Of My Life

© Kacey Storm

The music takes my soul

Takes it through the wind, and around the autumn trees

As the earth turns slowly

Each song, makes me wonder what really goes on while I'm asleep.

As a disco ball shines through my dreams.

I wish I was awake, as the music plays.

And wished instead of school, I'd get to party and dance all day.

As one song makes you move, and happy

The other makes you cry, and sappy.

Each song with its own act,

Life reacts back.

As each tune,

makes you the way you are

That's why I'm kind of bizarre.

It's hard to believe your song,

is more than just a song

Or a bell is more than a bell.

And a voice, could be as bad as hell

You could lose your soul

Regain it again, each feeling fills you full

As each tune tells you what to do.

Nothing is better than the feeling of the music's 'tude.

Analysis – Music Of My Life

I liked how this poem talks about music. It makes it sound very


I chose this poem because it’s very descriptive.

This poem has personification in it. It says “each tune tells you what to


Where Words Fail Music Speaks

© Lucy Rudman

Where words fail

music speaks.

It speaks of the pain

of the sorrow. Of

the lost, of

the life we live. It

shares emotions

it's a way to connect,

to understand

what others feel.

Where words fail,

music speaks.

It tells the truth

whether you want it to

or you don't.

Music shares the souls

of those we're around,

of those in the world

that we're living.

I wish to share

my music with you.

So you can understand

the pain I feel.

So I can share my soul with you.

So you can understand

What I'm going through.

Analysis – Where Words Fail Music Speaks

I liked how this poem portrays the power of music. It talks about music

as if it’s a way to deliver a message.

I chose this poem because I decided it was another one of my favorites

after I read it. It’s a very good poem in my opinion.

This poem is a free verse.

Love For The Music

© Waldo Garcia

The rhythm, and of course the beat.

Moving side to side and dancing the floor.

Feel the music flowing all through your feet.

The beats so good, it makes you want some more.

Get lost in the music, carried away.

Feel the deep passion coming from your heart.

Warm like the sun on the beach on mid day.

It's been a part of my life from the start.

Made from things happening in real life.

If you listen closely there is a song.

Some are love and some are blunt as a knife.

I can listen to music all day long.

Music's love or whatever it can be.

Music's the life that is inside of me.

Analysis – Love For The Music

I liked how this poem was organized. The rhyme scheme was catchy.

I chose this poem because I thought it was fun to read. It was also the

last poem I wanted from the site it was on.

This poem has rhyme scheme in it.

Get Lost In The Music

© Roxane Faulkner

Music is part of my everyday life,

it's the one thing that makes me feel alive.

No matter what it could be,

all music influences me.

Music teaches me everything I do,

After hearing the words, you know it suits you.

Without music I don't know what I would do,

when I'm feeling bad it's the only place I can go to.

Music is my life, my desire,

As I listen, it builds me higher.

No matter what kind, rock, country, or rap,

you can't convince me that any of it is crap.

Whatever you're feeling, whether its happy, sad or fear,

just turn it up and listen to what you hear.

To me music could never go wrong,

I could listen to it all day long.

Analysis – Get Lost In The Music

I liked the message in this poem. It is how I feel about music.

I chose this poem because it was one of the best ones on the site I found it on.

It had a nice rating on it.

This poem has stanzas in it.

The Music of Life


Music has the power,

to help and to heal,

It's truly amazing,

how it makes us feel.

It brings us hope,

and a positive mind.

Motivates us,

to be friendly and kind.

Music offers messages,

about others and earth,

Guides us with purpose,

assures that we're worth.

A single song,

countless hearts it may touch,

Will help us love others,

so very much.

Music is here,

to entertain and inspire,

Has the potential,

to ignite our inner fire.

Together with music,

we can create good,

We have what it takes,

we definitely should.

Analysis – The Music of Life

I liked how this poem makes music sound like a motivator. I liked the

positive portrayal of music in this poem especially.

I chose this poem because it has a good message in it.

This poem has personification in it. It mentions music doing multiple things

only a person could do.

My Poems

Just because I’m Wes

Don’t think of me lower than yourself

Don’t think I’m not a god

Still worship me everyday

Just because I’m Wes

It doesn’t mean I can’t easily take over the world

It doesn’t mean I’m not king of Pickerington

It doesn’t mean I’m not cooler than everybody in


Just because I’m Wes

Still, I’m the ultimate superior being

But I can’t start like that on day one

Just because I’m Wes – bow to me

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