Page 1: Music Magazine Analysis

Music Magazine Analysis

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There is a big, bold title is to capture the attention of readers.

The band name is bold and in a bright colour to attract the reader to what band the main article is about. This is the main headline of the magazine so needs to be bright and bold to attract the reader.

The white background makes all colours stand out more.

A long shot is used of the band that the main article is about. This gives the reader more of an insight as to who they are reading about.

A banner is used at the bottom of the magazine to advertise what else is included inside.

Other bold titles are down the side of the magazine cover to advertise other stories that are inside, to attract the reader.

A banner is used at the top to attract the reader by saying it’s the “essential music guide”.

A standfirst is used after the headline to give more of an insight as to what the story is containing. It uses three significant words with a lot of meaning can be emphasized. This attracts the audience because little although information is given but people want to know why there has been ‘four months of fear, tantrums and nudity’.

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Typography – Bold, plain fonts are used so that it it is easy to read and the bold attracts the reader to the magazine because it makes the font easier to see. The font style creates an impression that the larger the font, the bigger deal the coverline is. For example, Coldplay is in big, bold writing, also in a different colour to the other parts of the magazine. This indicates that this headline is the most exclusive part of the magazine and the main part.Layout – The cover is quite cluttered because a there is a lot going on. The key things have been placed on the root of the eye to make it more attractive to the audience.Language – The language is quite aggressive. For example “Made in hell” is emphasized in block, bold black writing with an exclamation mark which emphasizes this further.Colour – The colours used are red, white, yellow and black. These stand out from eachother so make the magazine look bright and attractive. This is the house style of the magazine and is kept constant throughout. The colours contrast each other which make them stand out even more. The colour is maintained throughout which makes the magazine consistent. This connotes the style of magazine as rock.Camerawork – A long shot is used to show off the band that the main article is about in the magazine.Mise-en-scene – The band are wearing smart/casual clothing which is also quite dark. This signifies the genre of music they perform.Mode of address – The mode of address is informal and quite aggressive. This fits the style of the magazine as rock. Due to the colours contrasting with each other, it makes everything stand out which adds to the element of the magazine being informal. Also the font is all in capitals and bold, which helps to make the magazine seem aggressive to the reader because it stands out very effectively.

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The logo is maintained from the front cover to the contents, this keeps the theme running throughout the magazine.

A long shot is used of the main band, this shows off what the main article is about.

The main features of the magazine are written first in the list, which are generally the main things people would want to read in the magazine.

Next in the list is a special section. This advertises a big section on one band. This would appeal to people of want to read about that particular band.

The final section on the left hand column is details on what is included in every issue of this particular magazine. This appeals to subscribers or people who are interested in winning prizes.

This is the main article in the magazine so is bigger and on top of the photo because it is the article about the band in the photo.

The review section appeals to readers who want to know what other people think of certain music topics. It is advertised well by the heading “The world’s biggest and best music guide”. This attracts readers because they will be expecting correct information.

The layout of the contents page is under three different categories. This makes it easier for the reader to find what they are looking for if it is something specific. It also makes the magazine look neat and uncluttered.

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Typography – Plain, easy to read font is used so that the reader can find what they are looking for in the magazine quickly. The font is maintained from the front cover to the contents, but the captions aren’t in capital letters or as bold as the rest of the font.Layout – The layout is ordered, subheadings are used to make it even easier to navigate to specific pages.Language – The language is quite laid back, this is in comparison to the front cover where it is all bold and aggressive to attract the reader.Colour – The house style and colour theme is maintained from the front cover to the contents page, this shows professionalism of the magazine. Camerawork – Two long shot photos are used. One of the band the main article is about, this gives the reader more of an idea who they are reading about. The other photo is of the man that writes the reviews. This gives the reader more of an insight of who is writing them.Mise-en-scene – In the photo of the band, they are wearing quite casual/smart clothing, this signifies the genre of music they create.Mode of address – The magazine speaks informally to the audience, but keeps it professional and easy to read.

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The title of the magazine is maintained throughout, small at the bottom of each page. This keeps it looking professional.

A large long shot is used so that it is clear who the article is about if readers are quickly flicking through the magazine.

A long shot is taken out of one of her videos. This makes it clear to the reader what the article is about before they actually have to read it.

A speech bubble of a snippet of what Cheryl Cole has said in the interview is placed at the bottom of the page, this makes readers want to read more into what the interview was about.

A big title to show who the article is about. This is easy for the reader to see.

The big, bold ‘C’ brings the colour to the page. It is the same colour as the logo of the magazine. This keeps it looking professional.

A caption is used under the photo to explain the photo to the reader.

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Typography – The font is small, but easy to read. It is small so the article can be fitted onto one page, instead of it having to run through lots of pages in the magazine. The large bold, and in red capital ‘C’ adds detail to the page so it doesn’t look too bland.Layout – The layout is ordered and easy to follow.Language – The language is quite formal as it is an interview, but still kept easy to read in the magazine.Colour – The colours are very plain, although colour schemes are kept throughout the magazine. The capital ‘C’ in red adds colour to the page and colour scheme. It also maintains the house style by adding in the red, so it therefore runs through the magazine.Camerawork – Long shots are used of the artist that the interview is about. This gives the reader more of an insight as to who they are reading about.Mise-en-scene – The clothes worn are typical clothes that the artist would wear in her music videos. This advertises them to the reader. This connotes the style of music she performs. Mode of address – The mode of address is very formal in an interview type way.

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The banner at the top advertises new tunes that would attract readers.

The title is big, bold and colourful. This is so the reader can easily see what they are looking for.

The close-up is used of the artist that the main article is about, this gives the reader more of an insight as to who they are reading about.

The banner at the bottom is bold to advertise what other articles are included in the magazine. It is written in a list so this attracts the reader so it looks like there is more included than there actually is.

The name of the artist is the headline whom the main story is about. It big and bold on the cover to advertise the magazine to readers that want to read stories about her.

In large, bold writing is a caption with a snippet of speech from the interview with the main artist used in the magazine.

A byline is used to advertise to the audience who the main story is about.

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Typography – The font used is very bold so that it catches the eye of the reader. It is also a simple font and in capital letters so that it is very easy to read. The font for the main headline has a black background, so this contrasts from the white writing making it stand out even further.Layout – The layout is quite cluttered but not in an unreadable way. It is still easy to read, just gives the magazine a different look from those who are ordered. It makes it fit in with the genre of music the magazine is created for.Language – Friendly language is used, this could attract the reader because it seems a friendly, easy to read magazine. Colour – The title is very bold and bright with an outline. This makes it appeal to readers because it looks very catchy. The colour scheme is black, white and red. These are contrasting bold colours so they are easy to read and don’t blend in with each other. This creates the house style of the magazine.Camerawork – The shot is a medium close-up of who the main article is about in the magazine. This gives more of an insight to the reader as to who the article is about.Mise-en-scene – Lily Allen is wearing quite dark makeup around the eyes and pale on the face. She also has dark hair and is wearing a checked shirt. This is stereotypical and signifies the genre of the music the magazine advertises.Mode of address – The magazine has a friendly tone, this talks to the audience in a nice manner so they are more likely to read it, it is also welcoming to the magazine.

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The title is maintained throughout the magazine, this shows professionalism (House style).

A long shot is used of the band the main article is about to give more of an insight as to who the audience is reading about.

The different sections of the magazine are under headings. This makes it easier for the reader to access what they specifically want to read, rather that having to go through the whole magazine to find it.

A chart list is also included in the contents page. This grabs peoples attention and advertises the magazine well to people that like to know what’s going on in the charts.

An advertisement for subscription is in a large box to try and get regular readers to subscribe.

A big bold arrow is advertising people to turn onto the next page and read more.

The headline of the magazine is placed in the centre of the contents page with a photo and text underneath with part of the story. This attracts the audience to read the rest of the story because the small snippet is aimed to draw them in.

The layout is very ordered so it is easy to find what the audience is looking for within the magazine.

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Typography – The font used is plain and easy to read. It is the same font as used on the front cover so the house style is maintained throughout. This keeps the magazine looking professional which would attract readers. Layout – The layout is very ordered. The subheadings make it very easy to know where to look when searching for a specific part of the magazine.Language – The language is quite inviting, this advertises the magazine to the audience because they then feel welcome reading it.Colour – The colour theme is still kept quite plain and simple on the contents page. It is not overpowering. The colour theme is the same as on the front page which also keeps the house style maintained. The red connotes boldness so it stands out from the black and white of the magazine. The yellow on the subscribe section is very bold and eye catching so attention from the audience is drawn to it for people to spend more money on the magazine and get it monthly.Camerawork – A long shot photo is used to give the audience more of an insight of who they will be reading about in the article included in the magazine.Mise-en-scene – In the photo is the band playing a gig with all their instruments which shows the type of music they play. This signifies the genre of music the magazine is created for.Mode of address – The magazine is informal but is kept easy to navigate from place to place when needed. Although it is informal it is inviting to read.

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A big bold, speech is used to show the audience part of the interview so it makes them want to read it more.

A large, medium close-up is used of the artist the interview is about. This shows the audience who they will be reading about.

The text from the interview is in columns so it is easy for the reader to follow.

The magazine title is maintained on the bottom of pages throughout the magazine, this shows professionalism.

The name of the artist the article is about is in larger font also in red. This attracts the audience to this specific part of text so they know who it is about and are more likely to read it.

This also acts as a standfirst as after reading this, the audience will know what the story is containing.

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Typography – The title font is bold and in capitals, with a contrasted outline to make it stand out more. The actual story is in simple, easy to read font. This makes it more likely for the audience to read the story.Layout – The layout is ordered so the audience aren’t confused whilst reading. The caption at the top is the largest part of the double page spread, which is quite unordered. However, this signifies the type of genre the magazine is created for. Language – The language is in an interview type way. It is quite casual language. This makes it an easy read to the audience.Colour – The colour scheme is quite plain apart from the shirt that Lily Allen is wearing is red so brings colour to the page. The colour scheme is also kept the same from the front cover of black, white and red. This maintains the house style. The red is created from Lily Allen’s shirt, and the way she is dressed signifies the genre of the magazine to the audience.Camerawork – The photo is a medium close-up which takes up the whole page. This brings more of an idea for the audience as to who they are reading about.Mise-en-scene - The eye makeup is dark and the hair is dark and messy. The clothing being worn is a red and black checked shirt. This is stereotypical of the genre of the magazine. Mode of address – The mode of address to the audience is quite informal because the magazine is aimed at teenagers so they would prefer the mode of address to be informal. This is so they are more likely to read it as it will be more relaxing and easy.

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The banner at the top advertises festivals and something to take out the magazine, like an extra.

The title looks quite broken to give it a more rocky look.

“Greenday” is written in big bold writing because it is the main headline in the magazine. It attracts readers that want to read about Greenday’s US tour.

A photo of the lead guitarist in Greenday is use to attract readers and because he is included in the main story.

Smaller cover lines are use at the side of the magazine to advertise what other stories are in the magazine.

A box outlined in a bright colour to attract the reader that they could win a competition. This would make people want to enter the competition if they are interested in what could be won.

The “plus” is in bold writing to attract the audience to the bottom banner. It makes the readers think that a lot more is going to be included in the magazine.

Speech is used which acts as a caption advertising that Greenday was the “best show out there”. This attracts the reader to read about it so find out what happened and possibly make them wan to see the show themselves. Therefore, this also is used as an advertisement to for Greenday. This is also a pull quote out of the main article.

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Typography – The font is all in capital letters and bold, this attracts the reader because it is very big and easy to read. The slashes through the title connote that the genre is rock because it seems quite edgy. Layout – The layout is fairly ordered, however, it the items in the magazine aren’t placed in certain orders, but they aren’t cluttered and unreadable. It attracts the audience because of the type of genre of music it is created for.Language – The language is slang. Such as “WTF”. This appeals to a teenage audience who use slang words. It also signifies the genre of music its is created for, who may use slang words in their music, also swear words.Colour – The colours used are quite dark and dull colours which insinuate the genre of the magazine. Although the title is bright and so are the shapes behind the mini story titles. This attracts the reader because the titles stand out. The dark colours connote the genre of music the magazine is for.Camerawork – The image is a medium close up of the main singer in Greenday, this attracts the audience because it shows them who the main article in the magazine is about.Mise-en-scene – The guy is wearing lots of eye makeup which connotes the genre of rock. Also the shirt, tie and waistcoat are what rock fans would usually wear. Finally the lead guitarist in Greenday is holding his guitar which is also a key factor of the genre rock.Mode of address – The mode of address speaks very informally to the audience because it is mainly teenagers that read this type of magazine. It attracts the reader because it makes it an interesting and easy read for the target audience of rock fans.

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The big close-up image is an indication of what the main article in the magazine is about.

The title is maintained through to the contents page which shows professionalism.

A short letter from the editor is included with a photo. This gives a more friendly feel to the magazine, it also shows people who is editing what’s in the magazine they like reading.

Small close-up photos are used to advertise the mini stories on the cover so people know how to access them quickly.

Subheadings are used so it is easier for the reader to locate specific areas in the magazine.

An advertisement is used to persuade people to subscribe to the magazine.

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Typography – The font is all in capitals and in bold. It is easy to read but still has as rock feel to it. The text is also maintained from the front cover onto the contents, keeping the house style in tact. Layout – The layout is ordered and everything is under subheadings so it is easy for the audience to find what they are looking for.Language – The language is very laid back, which keeps the house style from the front cover.Colour – The colour scheme is kept the same from the front cover to the contents page, this keeps the magazine looking professional. The black connotes a rock genre for the magazine.Camerawork –– A large medium close-up is used at the top of the page to give the reader more of an insight who the main article in the magazine is about.Mise-en-scene – The band in the photo are wearing dark, gothic looking clothes, this signifies the theme of rock.Mode of address – The magazine speaks to the audience very informally, this appeals to the teenage target market. It also makes the magazine more relaxing to read.

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The title is in the same type of font as on the front cover. It is also part of speech that was said in the interview to attract people to reading it. This is used as a pull quote.

The ‘World Exclusive’ sign is to make the audience read the article because it will make them think that it is the only place to read it.

This is written as a banner at the side with a different background colour so that it stands out more to people who want to read about the new tracks.

A large medium close up is used of the main singer of MCR whilst performing at a gig.

Other smaller medium close-ups are used of other members of the band planning their performances at for a gig.

The text is what was said in the interview, started off with a kicker which is the big ‘M’ also in a different colour. This is the signal for the audience that it is the beginning of the article. It is big and bold which attract the audience to it.

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Rock Music.Typography – The title speech text is large and in capitals. This is so it stands out to the audience and attracts them to what they will be reading.Layout – The layout is ordered so the readers find it easy to read the article.Language – The language is in an interview type way. The magazine is targeted at teenagers so isn’t written too formally. Colour – The colour is very dark as the main colour is black. Other colours used are red and white. These stand out very well against the black so the magazine looks very attractive to the reader. The dark colour, contrasting with red connotes the rock genre that the magazine presents.Camerawork – A large medium close-up is used of the main singer and smaller medium close-ups are used of other members of the band. This gives more of an insight to the reader as to who they are reading about. Also what type of band they are and the type of music they produce.Mise-en-scene – The band members are wearing dark clothes and have long hair. This is stereotypical of the genre and signifies that it is rock.Mode of address – The mode of address is informal. This appeals to the target audience of teenagers. It is written in a friendly manner so is relaxing to read.

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