Page 1: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

Multiple IntelligenceEDU 610

Christine Cooper

Page 2: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

What are Multiple Intelligences?In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In this book he introduced his theory of Multiple Intelligences. Gardner theorized that there were seven ways of being smart which included Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Intrapersonal, Visual-Spatial and Musical. He later revised to include one more intelligence, naturalistic. Gardner states that "In the heyday of the psychometric and behaviorist eras, it was generally believed that intelligence was a single entity that was inherited; and that human beings - initially a blank slate - could be trained to learn anything, provided that it was presented in an appropriate way. Nowadays an increasing number of researchers believe precisely the opposite; that there exists a multitude of intelligences, quite independent of each other; that each intelligence has its own strengths and constraints; that the mind is far from unencumbered at birth; and that it is unexpectedly difficult to teach things that go against early 'naive' theories of that challenge the natural lines of force within an intelligence and its matching domains." (Gardner 1993: xxiii) (Excerpt from

It is also important to note that Gardner also stated in Multiple Lenses on The Mind "All of us have these 8 or 9 intelligences, that is what makes us human beings, cognitively speaking." and "No two individuals have exactly the same profile of intelligences, not even identical twins." While no two people have the same profiles, all people have each learning style. Everyone fits under the umbrella of one of four styles with varying levels of strength in each area. These areas are Body-Kinesthetic, Verbal-Linguistic, Mathematical-Logical or Visual-Spatial.

Page 3: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

What are the Intelligences?

Page 4: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

This area has to do with bodily movement. People who have this intelligence usually learn better by getting up and moving around, and are generally good at physical activities such as sports or dance. They may enjoy acting or performing, and in general they are good at building and making things. They often learn best by doing something physically, rather than reading or hearing about it. Those with strong bodily-kinesthetic intelligence seem to use what might be termed muscle memory - they remember things through their body such as verbal memory or images.

Careers that suit those with this intelligence include athletes, dancers, actors, surgeons, doctors, builders, and soldiers. Although these careers can be duplicated through virtual simulation they will not produce the actual physical learning that is needed in this intelligence.


Page 5: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In


This area has to do with interaction with others. People who have a high interpersonal intelligence tend to be extroverts, characterized by their sensitivity to others' moods, feelings, temperaments and motivations, and their ability to cooperate in order to work as part of a group. They communicate effectively and empathize easily with others, and may be either leaders or followers. They typically learn best by working with others and often enjoy discussion and debate.

Careers that suit those with this intelligence include politicians, managers, teachers, and social workers.

Page 6: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In


This area has to do with words, spoken or written. People with high verbal-linguistic intelligence display a facility with words and languages. They are typically good at reading, writing, telling stories and memorizing words along with dates. They tend to learn best by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures, and discussion and debate. They are also frequently skilled at explaining, teaching and oration or persuasive speaking. Those with verbal-linguistic intelligence learn foreign languages very easily as they have high verbal memory and recall, and an ability to understand and manipulate syntax and structure.

This intelligence is highest in writers, lawyers, philosophers, journalists, politicians and teachers.

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This area has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning, and numbers. While it is often assumed that those with this intelligence naturally excel in mathematics, chess, computer programming and other logical or numerical activities, a more accurate definition places emphasis on traditional mathematical ability and more reasoning capabilities, abstract patterns of recognition, scientific thinking and investigation, and the ability to perform complex calculations. It correlates strongly with traditional concepts of "intelligence" or IQ.

Many scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors and economists function in this level of intelligences.

Page 8: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

Naturalistic This area has to do with nature, nurturing and relating information to one's natural surroundings. This type of intelligence was not part of Gardner's original theory of Multiple Intelligences, but was added to the theory in 1997. Those with it are said to have greater sensitivity to nature and their place within it, the ability to nurture and grow things, and greater ease in caring for, taming and interacting with animals. They may also be able to discern changes in weather or similar fluctuations in their natural surroundings. Recognizing and classifying things are at the core of a naturalist. They must connect a new experience with prior knowledge to truly learn something new.

"Naturalists" learn best when the subject involves collecting and analyzing, or is closely related to something prominent in nature; they also don't enjoy learning unfamiliar or seemingly useless subjects with little or no connections to nature. It is advised that naturalistic learners would learn more through being outside or in a kinesthetic way.

The theory behind this intelligence is often criticized, much like the spiritual or existential intelligence (see below), as it is seen by many as not indicative of an intelligence but rather an interest.

Careers that suit those with this intelligence include scientists, naturalists, conservationists, gardeners and farmers.

Page 9: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In


This area has to do with introspective and self-reflective capacities. Those who are strongest in this intelligence are typically introverts and prefer to work alone. They are usually highly self-aware and capable of understanding their own emotions, goals and motivations. They often have an affinity for thought-based pursuits such as philosophy. They learn best when allowed to concentrate on the subject by themselves. There is often a high level of perfectionism associated with this intelligence.

Careers that suit those with this intelligence include philosophers, psychologists, theologians, writers and scientists.

Page 10: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

Visual-spatialThis area has to do with vision and spatial judgment. People with strong visual-spatial intelligence are typically very good at visualizing and mentally manipulating objects. Those with strong spatial intelligence are often proficient at solving puzzles. They have a strong visual memory and are often artistically inclined. Those with visual-spatial intelligence also generally have a very good sense of direction and may also have very good hand-eye coordination, although this is normally seen as a characteristic of the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

Some critics point out the high correlation between the spatial and mathematical abilities, which seems to disprove the clear separation of the intelligences as Gardner theorized. Since solving a mathematical problem involves reassuringly manipulating symbols and numbers, spatial intelligence is involved in visually changing the reality. A thorough understanding of the two intelligences precludes this criticism, however, as the two intelligences do not precisely conform to the definitions of visual and mathematical abilities. Although they may share certain characteristics, they are easily distinguished by several factors, and there are many with strong logical-mathematical intelligence.

Careers that suit those with this intelligence include artists, engineers, and architects.

Page 11: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In


This area has to do with rhythm, music, and hearing. Those who have a high level of musical-rhythmic intelligence display greater sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, and music. They normally have good pitch and may even have absolute pitch, and are able to sing, play musical instruments, and compose music. Since there is a strong auditory component to this intelligence, those who are strongest in it may learn best via lecture. In addition, they will often use songs or rhythms to learn and memorize information, and may work best with music playing in the background.

Careers that suit those with this intelligence include instrumentalists, singers, conductors, disc-jockeys, and composers.

Page 12: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

Other resources about Howard Gardner to check out....

howard gardner, multiple intelligences and education

Multiple Intelligences: A Theory for Everyone is multiple intelignce theory?

Page 13: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

Gardner and Differentiated Instruction

Gardner did not originally research and publish his theory of Multiple Intelligence as a tool for education. His original work was with people who had suffered brain injury. In 1995, Carol Ann Tomlinson published her book How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms. This book introduced a framework for introducing DI and adapting instruction to meet student's learning needs. Tomlinson broke down classroom elements into five areas that can be differentiated to increase a student's opportunity to learn: content, process, product, affect and environment. These areas can be adjusted based on student's readiness, learning profile and interest. Differentiating instruction and varying groupings helps expose students to many types of learners and increases their chances of learning. Varying assessment also increases a child's abiltiy to show

us what they have learned.

Page 14: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

What is Brain Based Learning?

Brain-Based learning is a comprehensive approach to instruction based on how current research in neuroscience suggests our brain learns naturally. This theory is based on what we currently know about the actual structure and function of the human brain at varying stages of development. This type of education provides a biologically driven framework for teaching and learning, and helps explain recurring learning behaviors. It is a meta-concept that includes and eclectic mix of techniques. Currently, these techniques stress allowing teachers to connect learning to students real life experiences. This form of learning also encompasses such educational concepts as: mastery learning, learning styles, multiple intelligences, cooperative learning, practical simulations, experiential learning, problem-based learning, and movement education.

(Reference: The Celt Center for the Expansion of Learning and Teaching)

Page 15: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

Do I have to write lesson plans for every student?

NO! And you don't have to provide for all learning styles with every lesson. Provide as many variations on the same lesson or activity as possible. Remember, we all possess all the learning styles. It is important that students are exposed to activities that will help them develop each area. Once you understand a student's strength it is easy to provide activities that will help them excel. While it is important that you understand a student's strength, it is equally important for them to understand it as well. DI also is a great way to provide in-depth instruction for students who need a challenge without just asking them to do more work. At first the idea of differentiating instruction may seem overwhelming. Start small and start with what you already know. You may be surprised

at how much you already differentiate.

Page 16: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

How does Bloom's Taxonomy fit in?

Remembering - define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce stateUnderstanding - assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write.- classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate, paraphraseApplying - choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write.Analyzing - appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test.Evaluating - appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate

Creating - assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write.

Page 17: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

How does Technology fit in?Even as little as 10 years ago the technology that could be utilized in a classroom was very limited. Today it is an important component to education as we prepare our students for the future. One of the big questions in education today is "What Does a 21st Century Learner Look Like?" The simple answer is, we just don't know. Who would have guessed 20 years ago that the internet would be the tool it is today? Who would have guessed that most people have cell phones, ipods, PDA's, laptops, etc... What is the technology of the future? Will everyone be walking around with a Kindle?It is imperative that we help prepare our students (and ourselves) as best we can with keeping up with technology. I have included a list of a few websites/programs that I find useful for student use. They are important in helping students feel comfortable with technology but they can also be great tools to help us provide activities for various learning styles. I have also included a few youtube videos for

(hopefully) further discussion and thought.

Page 18: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In This site is funded by the Screen Actors Guild Foundation. It feature different people reading books. It provides activities for students. More stories read on-line. Of course, kids love this one! We use it often! Games, writing stories, etc... Fun site! - I love this site for all subject areas. It is interesting and engaging! It is expensive though! Learning to change - changing to learn My favorite quote from this movie is by Chris Dede, Professor Harvard Graduate School of Education. He says about technology, "It is the death of education but the dawn of learning." Connectivity Presents The Networked Student Do School's Kill Creativity? Sir Ken Robinson A Vision of K-12 Students Today

Page 19: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In
Page 20: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

Here are some surveys to help determine a person's individual learning style. Take this one on paper


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Samples of Graphic Organizers

Page 22: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In


Page 23: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

a few more

Page 24: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

The first time I used a Venn Diagram in Kindergarten did not work out quite as I had planned. I drew two large circles on the board and asked students to fill in the appropriate areas. They told me what to write. They were not very engaged as I wrote in words they could not read. About a year later I decided to give it a try again. This time I gave students a large paper with the organizer on it. They were instructed how to use to organizer but they were given the choice of writing answers in, drawing pictures, coloring and cutting out pictures(like the one's below) or finding and cutting out pictures in a magazine. It was amazing! Everyone was engaged and excited about what they were doing. It was a wonderful way to show their learning. Below is an example of a Venn Diagram comparing people to sharks. This became part of an assessment.

Venn Diagram in Use

Page 25: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In
Page 26: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

The beginning of the 2008-2009 school year we moved into a new school. Our old school was torn down two weeks after the close of the 2007-2008 school year. During the last week of school we offered a variety of project for our students. The project I was in charge of was making a stop motion movie based on the book "White Schoolhouses on an Island" by Seaward Beacom.Students were given choices of what part of the movie they would like to be in charge of. The choices were as follows:

Example of DI in Use

Page 27: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

Read the information in the book and help choose information that was important to include in the movie.Make sure dates, locations and costs were correct.

Students also had to import the photos in sequence or the movement would not have flowed. Create school houses and other pieces for the movie.There was a lot of cutting out and moving pieces around during the photography stage of the project.

While everyone had to work together to make sure the final projectWhile everyone had to work together to make sure the final project was what we all envisioned, there were components that were was what we all envisioned, there were components that were completed by one student which was then brought back to the group.completed by one student which was then brought back to the group.

One of the students involved with this project wanted animals to be incorporated somehow, thus the story of the house and geese were incorporated.The only learning style not represented here is musical. It was originally going to be a component but time ran out and we were not able to add music.

Page 28: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

Please watch the “Schoolhouses on an Island” video below.

Page 29: Multiple Intelligence EDU 610 Christine Cooper. What are Multiple Intelligences? In 1983, Howard Gardner published a book titled "Frames of Mind." In

How Does Assessment Fit In a Differentiated Classroom?

Just as every child has a unique way of learning, they also have a unique way of showing us what they know. I have long said that I believe what we need in this country is a shift in how we look at teaching and assessment. We talk a lot about how students learn but little about how they test. If we teach children according to their unique learning styles, doesn't it only make sense to test them according to their unique style? When public education was first designed, it was to prepare students to be productive members of the Industrial Age. Classrooms were set up in rows and children were expected to "perform" in single file, according to a preset list of questions. This was to prepare them for sitting or standing in a factory performing the same task hundreds of times in a single day. We have moved into the digital age, the age of communication, students are now called 21st Century Learners. Why then do we have to assess them based on the "rules" of the Industrial Age? At our school we have the unique ability to use student portfolios to show our student's assessments. We can design assessments that fit our student's unique learning styles. We can incorporate technology. We have the ability to get to know our student's interests, needs and strengths. We can design

projects and through informal assessment, adjust when we see it is required.

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Books and ArticlesArmstrong, T. (1987). In their own way. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, (2004) "ASCD, 1984-2004: Defining Moments, Future Prospects"Barrett, Judy (1970) "Animal Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing" Simon and Shulster, New York, New YorkGardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: the theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic BooksGardner, Howard (2005), "Multiple Lenses on The Mind" ExpoGetion Conference, Bogota ColombiaGregory, Gayle and Chapman, Carolyn, "Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Does Not Fit All" second edition, Corwin PressGuignon, Anne (02/16/1998) "Multiple Intelligences: A Theory for Everyone"Education World® Copyright © 1998,, Cindy, (2008) "Differentiating Instruction in Kindergarten" Scholastic, New York, New YorkSmith, Mark K. (2002, 2008) 'Howard Gardner and multiple intelligences', the encyclopedia of informal education,, Carol Ann "How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms" - 2nd Edition, ASCD

Web ResourcesCopyright © 2001-2009 abcteach http://www.abcteach.comEdutopia: What works in public education 2009 The George Lucas Educational Foundation, http://www.edutopia.org Site designed and maintained by 2006. Designs and Information contained on this Site are the property of Gigglepotz.comNesbitt, B, 2008, "A Vision of K-12 Students Today." Overbaugh, Richard and Schultz, Lynn, Old Dominion University Bloom's Taxonomy Chart Learning to Change Changing to Learn Advancing K-12 Technology Leadership, Consortium for School Networking(COSN) Video, Digital Arts Alliance, Pearson GroupPublic Domain Clip Art, Images, Pictures, Photographs, Graphics. Powered by Coppermine Photo Gallery., Ted, Do School's Kill Technology? Also see - The Art and Science of Teaching with Technology®

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