
8/7/2019 Muhammad: displaying The Ethics of The Our’ an 1/1

Janelle Harrison

Marie Wed. 8:00am

 Muhammad: displaying The Ethics of The Our’ anThe ethical requirements of the Muslims can be found in the Qur’ an. In Sura 17 the

many different ethical requirements or code of personal behavior are outlined for the Islamic people. Muhammad, the prophet of God lived by this code of personal behavior and his acts have

 been recorded in a collection of hadith. Through his example the Muslim people as a community

of brothers believed that Muhammad was the example which to follow. His moral actions were

 praised by his followers and were believed to be praise worthy in the eyes of Allah.

In this recording of the hadith followers of Muhammad comment on the different ethical

conducts he lived by. His main mode of teaching the code of behavior found in the Qur’ an was

through his own actions or non-actions. When he was told to do something, no matter what tone

he was told to do this in he always would do it. When he was commanded to give property to anomadic Arabic he did so while laughing; never angering towards those acting aggressively

towards him. Muhammad was praised as the best man and the most generous; the bravest and

never saying no when asked to do something.

In Muhammads life they have said, and it has been recorded in the hadith that he never 

used fowl language. Muhammad also said that he was not sent to curse anyone, but only to come

as a mercy. Muhammad was not a violent man and ‘A’isha said that he never struck anyone with

his hand. Only if a person was in the way of Gods path did he do so. This is interesting that if 

someone was to stand in the way of Gods path, or goal then Muhammad would take revenge for 

Gods sake. In contrast, the Christians and their Messiah Jesus never believed in revenge or 

 physical aggressiveness to continue the path of God. This means that while Muhammad would

fight in a physical war to defend the path of Allah Christians would not.

Muhammad did not store up anything for the next day and he was always kind to

children. These are but a few of the examples that Muhammad set for his followers and the

 people of Islam. They are not all of the ethical requirements set forth in the Qur’ an, but they are

distinct ways the Muslims should conduct their lives. In this recording in the hadith the ethical

requirements are not being directly preached to the Muslims by Muhammad as say the Sermon on

the Mount was by Jesus. This was an illustration of acts that were recorded for the benefit of 

Muhammads followers shortly after his death and the battle of Yamama. This text, along with the

Arabic Qur’an that was given to Muhammad by Allah was finally cannoned and now is

considered to be the complete version of the Qur’ an.

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