

How to Prepare Communication and Literacy Test


麻州中文教師執照的考試 Communication and Literacy Test 包含: 1 、 Reading Subset 閱讀測驗

2 、 Writing Subset 寫作測驗

考試時間分配 Communication and Literacy Test: 四小時

1 、 Reading subset: 2 hours

2 、 Writing subset: 2 hours

閱讀測驗考試題型 Multiple choices

6 篇文章 ( 一篇文章 5 題選擇題 )

共 30 題選擇題 一篇文章大約花 15-20 分鐘作答 Vocabulary section

6 題定義單字 1 題大約花 1-2 分鐘作答

閱讀測驗考試目的 Determine the meanings of words and phras

es. Understand the main ideas and supporting d

etails in written materials. Identify a writer’s purpose, points of view, an

d intended meaning. Analyze the relationship among ideas. Use critical reasoning skills to evaluate writte

n materials. Summarize and interpret written materials.Source:

準備閱讀測驗的技巧 1

Similar Forms and Sounds

( 相似音、相似形 )

範例 moral (adj.): virtuous (Mary is a moral woma

n.) morale (n.): After Lakers lost the game, their

morale was low.

Similar Forms and Sounds 例題 The school ________ will be retired next


(a) principle

(b) principal The layer is afraid she would ______ her case.

(a) lose

(b) lost

(c) loose

準備閱讀測驗的技巧 2

Multiple Meanings 一字多義: 請從前後文推斷單字的意思

例子 : I gave her a piece of chewing gum. People should use floss to prevent gum disea


Multiple Meanings 一字多義的例題 Paris is a beautiful city. Long, broad avenues

are lined with seventeenth-and eighteenth-century apartments, office buildings, and cafes. Followers give the city a rich and varied look. The bridges and the river lend an air of lightness and grace to the hole urban landscape.

In this paragraph, “rich” most nearly means

(a) wealthy (b) polluted

(c) colorful (d) dull

準備閱讀測驗的技巧 3 從 context clues 了解單字和片語的意思:(1) Context definition:

Where can I find a specialist in graphology, the study of handwriting to reveal character?

(2) Contrasting words:

Although the voters impugn the idea of a tax increase, they accept all other legislative changes. (definition: reject or criticize)

Examples are from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

(3) Use of examples:

The list of errata included grammatical problems, misspellings, and capitalization errors. (definition: errors and corrections.)

(4) Cause and effect:

Because the megaliths had been standing for several thousand years, the local people thought little of the giant rocks. (definition: large stones)

Examples are from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

從 context clues 猜字義的例題 My father is a numismatist; he spends

several hours each week studying his coins from other countries and time periods.

What does numismatist mean?

(a) a traveler (b) a teller

(c) coin collector (d) a millionaire

from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

從 context clues 猜字義的例題 Among common household health products are

St. John’s Wort and Echinacea, herbs from the garden.

What do St. John’s Wort and Echinacea mean?

(a) names of the gardens

(b) herbs used for good health

(c) family

(d) people’s names from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

從 context clues 猜字義的例題 The veracity of the witness’s testimony, reve

aled through his eye-to-eye contact with the jury and lack of stumbling over words, was not doubted.

What does veracity mean?

(a) false

(b) truthfulness

(c) vacancy from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 200


準備閱讀測驗的技巧 4 寫作者必會決定其寫作目的及讀者族群 寫作目的包含以下:To entertain To explainTo describe To informTo classify To compare or contrastTo prove To persuadeTo define To contradict

from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

寫作者的寫作目的有可能包含一二個 :例如寫作者想要告訴大家某種科學上的新發現 (to inform) ,並為這種新發現下定義 (to define)

讀者族群 : (1) 例如若寫作者是要寫給兒童,則用字較淺,語調

較不嚴肅,寫作結構較不複雜。(2) 例如若是寫給親人,那寫作者會採用較感 性的

方式。(3) 例如若是寫給陌生讀者,那寫作者會採用較理性


寫作目的及讀者族群的例題 My daughter Marie has two cats. The older cat is

named Annie. She is white with large black spots. Annie has long hair and sheds constantly in warm weather. Cinnamon is a two-year-old male tabby. He loves to chase squirrels in the backyard, but he probably would be very surprised to catch one. Cinnamon prefers to stay outside unless it is cold. In the morning, Cinnamon wants to come into the house and sleep. Annie seldom goes outside. She prefers to sit on the table or a chair where she can look outside through the windows. Marie has cared for both of the cats since they were kittens. She is very fond of both of them.

from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

Q1: The audience intended for this passage is

(a) the daughter Marie(b) a relative(c) an unspecified person, probably somewhat

young(d) Marie’s father

Examples are from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

Q2: A major purpose of this passage is to

(a)Explain Marie’s sense of responsibility(b)Contrast the two cats(c)Explain how cats are good pets(d)Persuade the reader to get a cat as a pet

Examples are from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

Q3: The point of view used in this passage is

(a) First person

(b) Second person

(c) Third person

(d) First and third person

Examples are from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL , REA, 2007

準備閱讀測驗的技巧 5

Scanning for basic features: 考閱讀測驗時,馬上快速的流覽以下資訊(1) 文章名稱(2) 第一段引言、最後一段總結(3) 次標題、表格、圖片、附表


快速的流覽的例題 例子一: The Rocky Mountains have three i

mportant geological features: abundant water, gold- and silver-bearing ore, and oil-bearing shale.

例子二: The Rocky Mountains are the most important source of geological wealth in the United States.


Examples are from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, p. 68, REA, 2007

Writing Subset Review 寫作的題型:1 、 writing summary ( 一篇, 30 分作答 )

2 、 composition ( 一篇, 55 分作答 )

3 、 short-answer section (5-6 題, 5 分鐘作答 )

4 、 multiple-choice section ( 建議 30 分鐘作答 )

(a) Mechanics (30 題 )

(b) Grammar and Usage (14 題 )

writing summary and composition的評分標準 Fidelity: 清楚的表達原文章的意思,並用自己的

話來描述,而不是只抄襲原文章的用字遣詞 Consciseness: 簡潔有力,有效率的論述每個要

點 Organization: 包含前言、三個論點、總結 Sentence structure: 句子結構有力並表達論點,

句子有變化,複雜並沒有錯誤 Usage: 適時的使用慣用語、成語 Mechanical conventions: 大小寫、標點符號和拼

字都沒有錯誤 source:

Composition 寫作流程 Pre-writing/Planning Choosing a topic Getting ideas on Paper quickly Consider your audience Writing your essay Proofreading Revising

from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

寫作結構 Introduction Supporting ideas

(1) 論點一 和例子 (2) 論點二和例子 (3) 論點三和例子 Conclusion

short-answer section 的例題 What is a conjunction?

Incorrect: a point in a paragraph where two halves meet, where you go off in the different directions.

Correct: a word that joins other words together. Examples would be ‘and’ and ‘or.’

看下頁其它的例題 source:

short-answer section 的例題 What is a compound subject?

Incorrect: a sentence containing two subjects.

Correct: at least two subjects share the same verb.

What is a pronoun?

Incorrect: nouns

Correct: a word that replaces a noun.

short-answer section 的例題 The following sentence contains one or more

errors (e.g. in grammar, usage, punctuation). Rewrite the sentence in proper form.

Neither Albert nor Martin have completed the assignment yet, however, they do expect to meet the deadline.

Correct: Neither Albert nor Martin has completed the assignment yet; however, they do expect the meet the deadline.


Mechanics 例題 Teachers should be cognizant of the respo

nsibility they have for the development of children’s competencies in basic concepts and principals of free speech.

(A) Spelling error

(B) Punctuation error

(C) Capitalization error

(D) Sentence correct


Mechanics 的原素 Mechanics 包含以下四個原素(1) Spelling 注意同音異義 e.g. ‘to’ and ‘too’ 注意拼法相近的字 e.g. exceed 超過 , recede

後退 注意字母有重複的字 e.g. succeed, necessar


Spelling 的例題

Q1: If we want children to develope their on voices in a free society, then teachers must support participatory democratic experiences in the daily workings of the classroom.

(A) Spelling error

(B) Punctuation error

(C) Capitalization error

(D) Sentence correct

from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

Spelling 的例題

Q2: Should chlorine be the chosen sanitizer, a granular form is recommended, as liquid chlorine or tablets are to harsh for the spa.

(A) Spelling error

(B) Punctuation error

(C) Capitalization error

(D) Sentence correct

from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

Spelling 的例題

Q3: Conversely, when choices are less then desirable, the consequences can be poor health, limited energy or both.

(A) Spelling error

(B) Punctuation error

(C) Capitalization error

(D) Sentence correct

from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

Spelling 的例題

Q4: Some people remain celibate, have no private posessions, and avoid contact with outsiders.

(A) Spelling error(B) Punctuation error(C) Capitalization error(D) Sentence correct

from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

(2) capitalization 需要大寫的有以下 每句第一個字、專有名詞 歷史時代 e.g. Great Depression, Age of Louis

XIV, Roaring Twenties, Renaissance 機關組織的名字 e.g. Library of Congress, Nort

h Atlantic Treaty Organization 報章雜誌名字 e.g. National Geographic, The B

oston Globe, The New York Times regions 地方 e.g. the South, Eastern Europ ( 但方向不要大寫 e.g. west, south) 星體 e.g. North Star, the Milky Wayfrom The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

Capitalization 的例題

Q1: Mexico is the southernmost country in north America. It borders the United States on the north.

(a) North America…north(b) North America… North(c) north America…North(d) Sentence correct

Examples are from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

Capitalization 的例題 Q2: A photograph of mars was printed

in The New York Times.

(a) Mars… The New York Times(b) Mars… The New York times(c) Mars… the New York Times(d) No change is necessary

Examples are from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

(3) punctuation 常犯的錯誤 逗號 : 在短句子的時後,不一定要使用逗號e.g. In September she will go to France 分號 : 可用於連結副詞與二個子句e.g. You study hard; therefore, you pass the M

TEL exam. 句號要在引號裡面e.g. “Leave me alone,” John cried. 有引號時,句尾只需要一個標點符號e.g. She said, “Will I finish this project in time fo

r that class?” ( 句尾無需句號 )

Punctuation 的例題 Q1: “Let me out” ! He cried. “Don’t you have a

ny pity”?

(a) “Let me out” ! He cried. “Don’t you have any pity?”

(b) “Let me out !” He cried. “Don’t you have any pity”?

(c) “Let me out !” He cried. “Don’t you have any pity?”

(d) “Let me out !” He cried. “Don’t you have any pity?”.

from The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL, REA, 2007

Grammar and Usage 常考的問題類型 : Which of the following revisions would make t

he passage more appropriate for its purpose and intended audience?

Which part draws attention away from the main idea of the first paragraph?

Which change is needed in this passage? e.g. insert a comma after ‘readers.’


Which phrases, if inserted into the blanks in parts 5 and 7, would help the reader understand the sequence of the writer’s ideas?

a. nevertheless; As a result

b. However; For example

c. Moreover; For this reason

d. Therefore; Consequently

Which part of the passage is a sentence fragment?


考試技巧 熟悉考試題型 讀過全部的答案選項 刪除明顯不正確的答案 掌控時間,有效率並穩定的作答。不要花過多

時間在同一個部分或題目。 確定你所回答的題號和答案卷的題號一致


The Best Test Preparation for the MTEL: Communication & Literacy Skills Test (Field 01)

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