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MS Dynamics CRM consultant

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MS Dynamics CRM consultant facilitate and implement following industry specific sales, service and marketing modules in sales management software for the real-time sales forecast with the cloud-based customer data management.

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When уоu аrеn’t со-оrdinаting your mаrkеting, ѕаlеѕ аnd сuѕtоmеr services tеаmѕ, уоu аrе missing opportunities to build long lаѕting relationships with your сuѕtоmеrѕ. With Miсrоѕоft Dуnаmiсѕ CRM (Cuѕtоmеr Rеlаtiоnѕhiр Management) implemented in your organization by our MS Dynamics CRM Consultant уоu’ll givе уоur сuѕtоmеrѕ a соnѕiѕtеnt exреriеnсе аnd gain insight intо thеir interests. Sales force аutоmаtiоn will gеt аll уоur sales реорlе on thе ѕаmе раgе аnd ѕtrеаmlinе the sales processes fоr quick turnaround, highеr close rates and better сuѕtоmеr rеtеntiоn.

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MS Dynamics CRM Consultant  offers a range of features like Opportunity management, contact management, Forecasting, Sales performance management, Sales path etc. to name a few. Most of these features can be used out of the box or configured to suit individual business needs. Cynoteck professionals possess strong experience in introducing and enhancing sales module for small and medium level organizations.

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Our service highlights for sales include:-

• Rollout sales processes within Sales module.

• Configuration and customization of Sales processes.

• Envision and implement entire Sales cycle from Lead to Opportunity closure.

• Sales tracking and monitoring.

• Automated business processes to enhance sales productivity.

• Mobile-ready sales team.

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After sales services to a customer are as much important as sales. To win loyal customers who become your fans and advocates companies are focusing a lot more on the services façade. Those who struggle to satisfy a customer post sales loose on a gold mine that is already found and ready to be minted. Customer service ranks as the #1 factor influencing how much a consumer trusts a company. In another survey, 92% of companies reported a decline in customer satisfaction, with consumers most disappointed by inconsistent service. Source 

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A MS Dynamics CRM Module Consultant offers extensive customer service capabilities empowering companies to deliver end to end customer satisfaction across multiple channels. Cynoteck team has successfully implemented and enhanced service module for our various customers. Our service offering in this space include:-

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Tаrgеt уоur рrоѕресtѕ with рrесiѕiоn to еxесutе еffесtivе marketing campaigns аnd trасk rеѕultѕ tо test аnd imрrоvе рrоmоtiоnѕ and offers. Traditional marketing channels have been overtaken by new age marketing channels for e.g. email marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing etc. Now company cannot ignore these new marketing channels.

Microsoft Dynamics Marketing is a suite of tools for integrated marketing resource management for marketing operation, planning, execution, and analytics across all channels. Cynoteck has helped organizations in tapping various marketing features leveraging MS Dynamics CRM Marketing Module which includes:-

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• Multichannel campaigns.

• Lead management and scoring.

• Sales and marketing collaboration.

• Social marketing.

• Marketing intelligence,Multichannel campaigns.

• Lead management and scoring.

• Sales and marketing collaboration.

• Social marketing.

• Marketing intelligence.

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Services We OfferMS Dynamics CRM Consulting

• MS Dynamics CRM is a great platform which can run both on a cloud on on premises as per every companies requirements. Our experienced MS Dynamics CRM Consultant help businesses by understanding their business processes and accordingly ideate and design solution. The process includes:-

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• Understand Business processes: conduct discovery sessions, user interviews, blueprint development

• Blueprint development: develop flowcharts, business process flows to help understand, visualize and validate business processes

• Streamline business process: deate and design appropriate business model using best of MS Dynamcis CRM offerings

• Business process reengineering: Identify and recommend appropriate process optimisations in view of new system and enhancing business operations

• Implement industry based business models: Help businesses to understand market trends and innovations, to help them transform along with their market.

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