
Mr. Blough


1754-1773French an Indian War

Proclamation of 1763

1765Stamp Act

1776 Townshed Acts

1770Boston Masacre

1773Tea Act

1773Boston Tea Party

Intolerable Acts 1774

French an Indian war was in 1754-1765,it was the conflict between France an British in North America.

The cause of the French an Indian war they were trying to fight over the Appalachian territory.

The effect of the French an Indian War was the war made all the colonist Had learned to unite against a common foe, Before the war the war the Thirteen colonies had found almost no common ground an they coexistedIn metal distrust.

Proclamation of 1763 - prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mts.

The cause for the Proclamation was to keep having wars with ________.

The Proclamation upset the colonists for two reasons:1.) land2.) freedom of exploration

Stamp Act - The British decree taxing all legal papers Issued in the colonies.

The cause of the Stamp Act is that it was the first time British tried to tax paper, had to have a stamp in order tax.

The effect of the Stamp act was that the colonist boycotted All paper goods.

Town shed Acts – taxes on glass , paint, oil, lead, paper, an tea.

The cause of the townshed act was that they tricked them into paying Taxes so they could pay British officials.

In the result of the Townshed Act was that they boycotted all goods From English.

Boston Massacre-incident against the British troops, they were firing into a mob.

The cause of the Boston Massacre was that the crowd was throwing snowballs at them an they were getting very upset.

The effect of the a Boston was that it showed the dangers of having British troops in the colonial towns,

Tea Act - This act helped the British east India company by giving it control over the American tea trade

The cause of the communications among leaders in Massachutes towns.

The result of the tea act was that the colonist were angry because they still have to pay tax on the shippers an merchants were upset about new law because they still had to pay tax on there tea.

- Colonists were very upset about the Tea Act due to the notion of “taxation without representation.”

- Organized by the Sons of Liberty in December 1773

- Tea “stand-off”- Hundreds of chests of tea thrown

into harbor

The Intolerable Acts - laws that enacted by Parliament in 1774 severely restricting the rights of Massachusetts colonists.

Response to the Tea Party and other acts.

The cause of it was that the parliament passed harsh laws to punish the colonists .

The effect of the Intolerable Acts was that the merchants lost huge sums of there money and spoiled and destroyed goods that were shipped to the colonies .

Boston Port Act – closed the port until the tea had been repaid Major economic loss to colonists. Why?

Massachusetts Govt. Act - put MA in control of the British govt. even furtherAll positions must be chosen by king or governor

Administration of Justice Act - royal officials could be tried in Great Britain if it was believed they could not get a fair trial in the colonies

Quartering Act – housed British troops indefinitely

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