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BridgeThe Morrison Academy


December 2014 中華民國一百零三年十

Issue 18第十八期


Night of Elegant Learning典雅之夜

Crossing Over跨越成長

Selfless Serving無私的付出

Out-of-the-Box Learning跳脫框架


Night of Elegant Learning 典雅之夜

Page 2: Morrison AcademyThe 禮 Bridge 遜橋 · 2 親 橋 Bridge The Morrison Academy 遜 馬 禮 Contents 目錄 Night of Elegant Learning 典雅之夜 Crossing Over 跨越成長 Selfless


BridgeThe Morrison Academy


Contents 目錄

Night of Elegant Learning典雅之夜

Crossing Over跨越成長

Selfless Serving無私的服務

Out-of-the-Box Learning 跳脫框架

The Bridge 親橋Issue 18 第十八期

Published quarterly for parents of the school.

Superintendent 總校長Tim McGill ‘73

Editor 編輯Ellen Lin ‘01

Photography 攝影

Morrison System Services Collection

Translation 翻譯Sabrina Lee

Chia-Hou Lai

Printing 印刷Chia Huang Technology Print Ltd


Morrison Academy 136-1 Shui Nan Rd

Taichung, Taiwan

[email protected]

Morrison Academy 馬禮遜學校 All Rights Reserved 版權所有

感謝Thank you to all who contributed

to make this newsletter possible




Contents/ 目錄

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L adies and Gentlemen! Who would like to have a ballet class for 10? Kindergarten teacher will teach dance to a group up to 10 kids and

put on a mini-performance at the end. What’s your bid? We’re starting at 2,000! Who’ll give me 2,500? 3,000 to bidder number 175. How about 5,000? Looking for a 6,000. 6,000 to bidder number 180..How about 8,000? Anyone, anyone? Going once, going twice, sold!”To help raise funds for the Taichung Campus Renewal, the REACH. Business Club along with the Taichung Campus Improvement Committee (TCIC), and an external marketing firm- Karos Marketing Communica-tions planned a Gala night of auction and dinner. It was not only a fun and exciting for the dinner guests, but a learning experience for the stu-dents involved. The night raise over 500,000 NT for the Taichung Cam-pus Renewal and a portion of the profits going to the Warm Breeze After school Program. The idea of the night first originated last school year with the establish-ment of the Business Club. The club was formed to … and …. Because the gala was an idea from members’ of last year’s club, the club was involved with the planning of the inaugural gala. With the school year already fill-ing up with various events, it was decided early on that it would be as early as the calendar schedule would allow. Club advisors, Dion Bos, parent, and Brian Jones (Director of Finance) along with event advisor, Tiffany Liu,

各位女士先生們! 誰想參加10人的芭蕾舞課程呀? 我們的幼稚園老師要教10個小朋友跳芭蕾,而且會在課程結束後辦一場

小型的演出唷! 您出價多少? 我們從 2000元起標! 有人出價 2500元嗎? 175號的朋友出價3000元。5000元如何? 上看 6000 囉! 180號的朋友出價 6000 元。8000元呢? 有人嗎? 有人出價8000元嗎? 6000元一次、兩次、賣出!」

為了協助台中校區改建,台中高中部REACH 社團、台中校區改建 委員會 (TCIC)、和美門整合行銷有限公司共同籌備了慈善義賣晚宴。對參加的貴賓來說,這是一個好玩又興奮的晚餐; 但對我們的學生來說,這也是一個學習的經驗。當晚,我們為台中校區改建募得了五十多萬元,其中一部份盈餘則將用以資助非營利的台中市沐風關懷協會,進行學童的課後活動。

「慈善義賣晚宴」的想法源自去年成立的台中高中商業社團REACH,這個社團的目的是教育並裝備學生商業所需的知識和技巧,幫助他們未來成為有道德的企業領袖。這也是一個讓學生能發展並運用他們自己原創的商業企劃案。因為慈善義賣是去年社團成員的想法,今年的社團成員便參與籌劃與執行第一屆的慈善義賣晚宴。兩位社團輔導Dion Boss (學生家長) 和 Brian Jones (學校總務長),以及活動顧問 Tiffany Liu (學校校友),希望這不只是一個有趣且有紀念價值的夜晚,更是一個雅緻而出色的活動。這也挑戰了學生要仔細思考整個流程細節,以達到所預期的目的。

Night of Elegant Learning 典雅之夜

Night of Elegant Learning 典雅之夜

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alumni, hoped for it to be not only a fun and memorable community night, but one of elegance and class. This challenged the student so think through the details with that purpose in mind. A lot of details were taken into consideration from the small details such as the paper used for the event to the big items such as the event and flow of the night. Students learned to be flexible as they had to partner with parents to pull off a success-ful event. The club was mainly in charge of the program and getting the administrative things com-pleted. The TCIC group headed by parent Anita Lu Yang, were heavily involved as they got parent support and were in charge of both ticket sales and item sponsorship.

長) 為首的台中校區改建委員會 (TCIC) 熱烈地參與此一活動,感謝許多家長支持,並協助售票與捐贈禮品等。



Night of Elegant Learning 典雅之夜

The night of the Gala Auction and Dinner, lots of anticipation as the students and those involved looked forward to dressing up, doing their part and seeing all the details coming together. Before the guests arrived, students were busy getting training on how to serve punch, get the registration set up, setting up the silent auction and gallery for guests to peruse. There was a wide

雖然這個活動花了比較多的時間計劃、籌備,比較少時間進行實際的商業交易,但學生需要學習處理舉辦正式活動的細節問題。REACH 社團負責小至活動文件資料所用的紙張款式,大至活動時間表、餐廳安排聯絡、和晚會主題。學生需要和家長、捐助者、教職員、餐廳管理人員、和學校主管等一起合作,他們學習到要靈活變通,才能完成一場成功的活動。以 Anita Lu Yang (學生家

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range of items for guests to bid on from folding bikes to oil paintings, den-tal services, to Chanel accessories, and from kitchen mixers to jade accesso-ries, hotel and restaurant vouchers to experiential items like principal for a day and a ballet party. Throughout the night, students busily served punch, poured water, served as runners and helped guests with their requests, making sure that the night ran smoothly. Once guests stopped off the elevator, they were greeted with a jazz band playing in the background. After obtaining a bid number for the night at registration, guests were able to enjoy appetizers, network with various par-ents, corporations and alumni, and look through the silent auction. Even though people were hesistant in bidding at the beginning, there were hotly contested items. After hor d’oreves, guests moved into the dining room for a Chinese tradi-tional banquet meal and a night filled with various programs.The program throughout the night was hosted by Middle School Humani-ties teacher, David Freeman, Taipei (Bethany) Principal, Garett Freeman, and Radio Talkshow host, Julia Chu. Program from the night included stories from Coach Terry McGill, a lovely performance of a Mandarin, English, and Taiwanese songs by the Morrison Mother’s Club Choir and several raffle ticket drawings! Through the dinner, the Chamber Ensemble

整晚的活動主持人共有三位: 中學人文科學老師 David Freeman、台北伯大尼學校校長 Garett Freeman、和廣播節目主持人徐立英。活動內容包括教練 Terry McGill 的故事回顧、馬禮遜學校媽媽合唱團優美的國、台、英語歌曲演出、以及摸彩。此外,大家也很享受高中樂團所演奏的古典音樂。晚會在投標中小學和高中的「一日校長」時達到最高潮!

拍賣品從摺疊式腳踏車到油畫、從牙醫治療到香奈兒產品、從廚房攪拌機到玉飾品、從餐廳旅館兌換券到體驗活動 (如: 一日校長和芭蕾舞派對),真是琳瑯滿目,項目眾多。雖然大家一開始對於下標有點遲移,但隨著活動開始進行,出現了幾項多人搶標的拍


這一晚,除了大家都很開心之外,籌備者確實也面臨許多挑戰,並且期待這是一個創新且可延續的活動,明年要辦得更好! Bos太太分享說只有兩個月的準備期來舉辦這樣大型的活動,而且是在兩種不同文化(台灣和西方)之下,真的很不容易,她也對學生們的聰明才智和很棒的想法印象深刻。Dr. Jones 說他

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provided classical music for all to enjoy. The highlight of the evening was the bidding of the Elementary Middle School and High School Principal for a day. Despite a fun evening, there were definitely changes the planners faced. The planners look forward to starting new tradition and making an even better event next year. Mrs. Bos shares that it was difficult to plan a big event in just two short months and within two cultures- Western and Taiwanese. She was impressed by the stu-dents abudance of intelligence and great ideas. Dr. Jones, said that he saw “students step up to their game each week as we prepared for the event. They started out a little slow and disinter-ested but as we went along you could see most people in the club become more polished in their communication and more professional in their interactions and decisions.” Some of the improvements the planners would like to see include providing and increasing the quality of auction items, keep guests engaged during dinner and speeding up the check out line.

看見「在準備過程中,學生每週更加有責任,剛開始,社團成員的進度有點慢,而且似乎不太有興趣,但隨著時間逼近,你可以看到大部份成員愈來愈進入狀況,不論是溝通方式或彼此互動與決策過程,都更專業了。」社團成員希望明年可以改進的地方包括: 1. 拍賣商品的品質更好,價值也更高; 2. 活動流程能讓賓客更感興趣; 以及 3. 賓客支付得標商品時,等候付款的速度可以加快。


賓客們都對馬禮遜學校學生所發想與主導的第一次慈善義賣晚宴留下了深刻的印象! 這不只

幫助校園更新計畫及沐風籌募經費,也讓社團成員在各方面都成長了不少! g

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Despite the busyness of the academic calendar and the stress of put-ting together an event for approximately 150 guests, it was a successful event for all. The organizers faced challenges of communication and coordination but still hosted a memorable community event. Guests were impressed that this was Morrison’s first gala and that it was stu-dent initiated and lead! It helped not only to raise funds for the cam-pus renewal project and Warm Breeze, but also allowed club members to grow as well-rounded students! g

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The 6th grade “Crossing Over” retreat was developed by the middle school

team on the Kaohsiung campus as a way to officially commemorate the transition the 6th graders made, “crossing over” from elementary to middle school. The change from elementary to middle school was more than just moving to a different wing in the building, and it was more than just having to deal with lockers. They now had increased responsibility and expectations. The Crossing Over retreat was made to address this gap and to help aid in a smooth and successful transition.

Over the span of three days and two nights, the students were immediately challenged to experience life outside their comfort zone by leaving behind all their technology and camping in God’s creation in Puli. The Holy Love Bible Camp hosted us and did a remarkable job in accommodating our needs and ensuring our students’ safety. Each activity over the weekend required students to think about maturing while of course having fun. One of the first activities had students kayaking in pairs around a lake to find hidden bottles with slips of paper in them. On each slip of paper was a voucher for material that they could redeem and use for their next challenge: build their own raft to cross the lake. This difficult challenge required the students to work in two groups. During the process, students had to understand that a part of individual maturation included being able to work as a team. Eventually, one raft made it across, while another raft immediately failed. However, everyone


式慶祝六年級學生從國小「跨越」到國中的方式。從 國小到國中不只是搬到不同的教空上課而已,也不只是需要面對置物櫃的問題,這些國中生現在責任變大了,其他人對他們的期待也變多了。「跨越成長」活動就是為了做好銜接的工作,並幫助學生順利成功地從國小轉換到國中。

三天兩夜的活動中,學生被挑戰要離開他們的舒適圈,不能攜帶任何科技產品,單純到埔里營地享受 上帝所造的大自然。我們非常感謝聖愛營地,不但協助我們所有活動的需求,也確保學生的安全。每個活動都幫助學生思考有關成熟的議題,同時又讓他們覺得活動很有趣。第一個活動是兩人一組的輕艇, 在湖邊尋找被藏起來的瓶子,瓶中還有一張兌換券,可用來兌換下一關 (建造渡湖的筏子) 所需的東西。 學生分成兩大組來進行這個困難的挑戰,在整個過程中,學生需要明白「成熟」包括能夠團隊合作。最後,有一組的筏子成功

Crossing Over跨越成長

Crossing Over 跨越成長

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had fun, whether it being on top of a raft or swimming across the lake. The two different outcomes allowed for deep discussion.

The most meaningful activity was on the last day. Just the night before, the students were treated to an amazing bonfire. They were each challenged to think about their lives and realize that they were at a critical point. Either they could remain on the current course and remain a childish elementary student, or they could “cross over” and commit themselves to begin maturing as a middle school student. As part of this, they each wrote on a slip of paper about an aspect of their life that they knew was childish and they wanted to symbolically leave behind. The next day, the students were asked to wake at 5:00 a.m. to kayak to the middle of the lake where there was an aboriginal fishing boat. It was beautiful to kayak this early in the morning, as their kayaks cut through the morning mist. The students all seemed solemn

Crossing Over 跨越成長


最有意義的活動是在最後一天。前一晚,學生們享受了很棒的營火,每個人也思想他們的生命,並明白他們正處於一個重要的轉捩點。他們可以選擇停留在當下,繼續當一個幼稚的國小學生,也可以「跨越」,立志開始往成熟邁進。每個人都在一張紙上寫下他們知道自己生命中幼稚,而且想要丟棄的部份。 第二天早上五點,學生被叫起床,搭乘輕艇到湖中心的原住民漁船那裡,輕艇劃破清晨的薄霧,景色非常美麗! 學生看來都很嚴

肅 (也許是因為太早起床了),然後學生被告知,等一下在原住民漁船那裡會有特別的儀式。稍後小火在漁船上被點燃,每個學生都把他們所寫的紙條,也就是要正式丟棄的幼稚行為,丟在火裡燒掉。

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Crossing Over 跨越成長

(or maybe it was because they were so tired in the morning!), as we told them that there would be a special ceremony on the aboriginal fishing boat. On the boat was a small fire, where each student was asked to burn their slip of paper that they had prepared as a symbol to “officially” leave their childish behavior behind.

Students created their own stone memorial in the form of a paper scroll as a way to remember their retreat in Puli. Just as in the Bible, Joshua instructed the people of Israel to build a pile of stones as a reminder of how the Lord allowed them to cross the Jordan River. On their paper scroll was an attribute that they wanted to mature into when they returned back home. They were instructed to hang it in their room or home where they can see it as a constant reminder of their experience in Puli. Additionally, at the end of the semester, they will receive a letter that they wrote to themselves, reminding them that they have officially “crossed over” from elementary to middle school. g

學生用紙張堆出了自己的石堆,紀念他們在埔里的活動。正如聖經所說,約書亞要以色列人民建造一個石堆,紀念上帝如何帶領他們過約旦河。不同的是,學生把不需要的幼稚行為燒掉,留在埔里; 把他們想要擁有的成熟特質寫在紙卷上。 老師要他們把紙卷掛在家裡看得見的地方,不停地提醒他們在埔里的經驗。此外,本學期結束後,學生將會收到一封寫給自己的信,提醒他們,已經正式從國小 「跨越」 到國中了。 g

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Church flying ostriches always repent at midnight”- Ruth Batchelder and her dorm sisters came up with creative mnemonics while studying.

Though what “C F O A R M” stands for has long been forgotten, Ruth recalls the fond memories, the lifelong friends, and the foundation of being at Morrison. Many of Ruth’s classmates would describe Ruth’s life as one of service and stewardship.

Although Ruth graduated from high school in 1980, she stayed in Taiwan an extra year to help in her neighborhood church, foster a baby, and teach English before attending Bible school. Reminiscing about her time at Morrison, she shares how in fourth grade, they would “surf” down the flight of waxed terrazzo stairs on their mattresses in the dorms! That was until, of course, they were caught and the adults thought they might crack open their heads. She also remembers riding on top of a stack of hay in the bed of a putt-putt (three wheeled tractor) across campus to clean up after Junior Carnival. Ruth appreciates the effect of growing up in an environment where teachers and dorm parents had a Biblical worldview and tried to live out their beliefs before the students, integrating faith into their lives. She appreciates Morrison not only for the role models, but also for the peer friendships that she still has to this day. It has been significant for her to

Ruth Batchelder和她的宿舍室友在讀書時,發明了一個很有創意的記憶法。雖然早就不記得「C F O A R M」是什麼意思,但

Ruth 仍然常常想起當時美好的回憶、在馬禮遜學校所立下的根基、以及一生的朋友。許多她的同學描述她的生命是樂意服務人群,也是好的管家。

雖然Ruth 在1980年從馬禮遜學校高中畢業,但她在台灣多住了一年,幫助她家附近的教會、協助照顧一個嬰孩、也教授英文,之後才去聖經學校就學。回想在馬禮遜學校的時光,她分享四年級時在宿舍用床墊當滑板,從打蠟的磨石子樓梯上滑下來的經驗! 當然,他們後來被發現在玩這麼危險的遊戲時,大人很擔心他們會把頭給撞破了! 她也想起在園遊會結束後,坐在乾草堆的三輪車上,穿過校園去清理環境的情景。Ruth很感恩能在這樣的環境下成長,老師和宿舍保母都有符合聖經原則的世界觀,也努力在學生面前活出信仰,將信仰和生活融合在一起。她感謝馬禮遜學校讓她不只有學習的榜樣,也有持續到如今的同儕友誼。能和她小



Selflessly Serving 無私的服務

Selflessly Serving 無私的服務

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Selflessly Serving 無私的服務

still have ties with people whom she has known since childhood and have shared experiences of mixing cultures to create their own unique heritage.

After two years in Bible school, Ruth returned to Taiwan. While back in Taiwan, Ruth met Shang-wen who had cerebral palsy and needed special care. He needed a family to love and care for him and Ruth was convicted that “you can’t put a child’s life on hold until it is more convenient.” Ruth adopted him immediately rather than waiting until she had achieved the milestones of college graduation and marriage. Despite having to finish college and being a single mom, God was faithful in helping Ruth study both Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education (including Special Needs) at the University of Minnesota. Ruth taught full time for

他、照顧他,而Ruth確信,「孩子的成長不能等! 你不能等到你比較有空、比較方便時,再來照顧他。」於是 Ruth 立刻收養了他,不是等到她大學畢業和結婚後才收養他。雖然她還要唸大學,也身兼單親媽媽,但上帝是信實的,祂幫助Ruth在明尼蘇達大學修習國小教育和早期兒童教育 (包括特殊教育)。Ruth 在一個特殊教育幼稚園擔任全職教師,幾年後為了家庭的需要,她將工作時數減少,成為兼職教師。

當Shang-wen十一歲和十二歲的兩個暑假,Ruth和Shang-wen從明尼蘇達州到了中國,在那裡,他們參與了一所為特殊需求孩子所設立的公立孤兒院舉辦的員工訓練。那年暑假,在他們參觀完這所孤兒院後,Ruth 收養了第二個兒子 Andre (當時五歲半)。收養手續一完成,他們就發現 Andre 的心臟有問題,之後需要動手術。為了讓 Andre 不忘記中文,Ruth 開始參與為童孩開辦,每週六上課的中文學校,她協助製作一些遊戲和歌曲,讓現有的課程更豐富。當 Andre 七年級時,Ruth 開始在家教育他,這開啟了她另一個對於教與學的新視野,增加了小團體的學習合作,以及許多有經驗的人協助。因為她有教育學的背景,她的兒子從她的專業訓練中獲益良多,也影響了她身為一位老師的生命。當Ruth 尋找

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Ruth已能在照顧雙親和兒子的生活之間取得平衡。她記得當她全職教書時,雖有許多文書工作、額外的會議、創新並使用新的課程,她以為自己對學生和同事已經產生了正面的影響,卻沒注意到她的兩個兒子只能揀她剩餘的時間。上帝幫助她能改變這個平衡,並讓她能花更多時間陪她的兒子。因為比之前有更多的時間,所以她不但能為她的孩子創新一些學習教材,也更新了兒童主日學的內容。她也分享說: 「我們在一切事上都需要上帝的 幫助,在我們的生命中有不同的階段…有時候我在嬰兒小組幫忙、有時教主日學,但有時我也可以休息一陣子。」

Selflessly Serving 無私的服務

several years in a special education preschool classroom before cutting back to part time in order to better balance the needs of her family and work.

The summers when Shang-wen was eleven and twelve years old, Ruth and Shang-wen traveled from their home in Minnesota to China where they did staff training at a government run orphanage for children with special needs. Ruth’s second son, Andre (adopted at five and a half years old) joined Ruth and Shang-wen after they visited Andre’s orphanage this past summer. Right after Andre’s adoption, it was discovered that he had a heart problem, which was later repaired through surgery. In an attempt to revive Andre’s Chinese language skills, Ruth became involved with a Saturday language school for kids where she helped create games and songs to augment the existing curriculum. When Andre entered 7th grade, Ruth began homeschooling which opened her eyes to a whole new world of teaching and learning, using small group learning co-ops and lots of hands-on experiences. With Ruth’s background in education, her sons have benefited from her training in education while her sons have stretched and impacted her life as a teacher. As Ruth searched out various ways to help her own sons overcome difficulties, her knowledge, experience, and strategies have expanded.

In between caring for her parents and her sons, she has grappled with balance in life. She remembers when she was teaching full-time, with all the paper work, extra meetings, creating and adapting curriculum, she felt like she was impacting her students and colleagues, but her own two kids

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Selflessly Serving 無私的服務

were getting the leftovers. God made a way for her to shift the balance and spend more time with them. With the extra time, she’s been able to create learning materials not only for her sons, but also for Sunday School. She also shared, “We need God’s help in all things, and there are seasons in our lives…there are times when I have helped in the nursery, taught Sunday School, but there are also seasons when I have taken a break.

Ruth’s life to some may seem ordinary, working and taking care of her family. However, the decisions Ruth makes reflect her selflessness and her willingness to live out the convictions God calls her to by serving her sons and her parents. As she has grown professionally as a teacher, she challenges students to learn for the sake of learning and not just for grades, as there is so much joy in learning. Lastly, she encourages all to walk close to Jesus, because in the end, that relationship is all that matters! g

對某些人來說,Ruth的生命也許平凡無奇,就是工作和照顧她的 家人而已。然而,Ruth所做的決定反映出她的無私,且願意藉著照顧她的兒子和父母,活出上帝呼召她的目的。她在教師專業上成長的同時,也挑戰學生要為了學習而學習,而不是只為了分數而學習,因為學習本身就是一件充滿喜悅的事。最後,她鼓勵所有人都能和耶穌緊密同行,因為到最後,最要緊的就是我們與耶穌的關係! g

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Out of the Box Learning 跳脫框架

Out of the Box Learning 跳脫框架How do teachers foster and encourage innovative, interactive learning,

and instill in students the love of learning and exploration beyond the textbook? Teachers not only get a chance to attend various conferences and network with other professionals to gain ideas, but also have the opportunity to apply for grants that allow them to explore new teaching techniques. Each year teachers from all three campuses are given the opportunity to apply for the Alex Herring Instructional Grant.

Alex Herring served on the Board of Trustees during Morrison’s formative years of 1958 through 1961. He grew up in China as a missionary kid and later went back as a missionary with his wife before coming to Taiwan in 1957. Alex Herring had a love of learning and an insatiable curiosity about God’s creation and the physical world around him. He often employed the visual in learning and teaching, and in 1968 compiled a Chinese-English dictionary which codified Chinese characters by four digits representing the strokes and radicals in each of the four corners of the character. He was committed to life-long learning and eagerly adopted new technologies. Only months before his death in 1995 at the age of 90, he was using a computer to edit and expand his 1968 dictionary for a second printing.

The Alex Herring Instructional Grant is provided as a resource for faculty and staff at Morrison Academy to foster and encourage innovative and interactive learning while instilling in students the love of learning and exploration that characterized the life of Alex Herring. The last several years, the projects for the grant proposals have been used for science, P.E.,

老師們如何培養並鼓勵學生在教科書以外,進行創新、互動的學習,讓學生在潛移默化中喜愛學習並探索未來? 老師不但

有機會參加各種研討會,透過網絡和其他專業人士討論出不同的作法,也能申請經費,探討研究新的教學技巧。每一年,三個校區的老師都可以向學校申請 Alex Herring 教學補助款。

Alex Herring 於 1958 到 1961 年間擔任馬禮遜學校的董事,他是傳教士的孩子,在中國長大,成年後又和他太太回到中國傳教,並於1957年來到台灣。Alex Herring 有一顆熱愛學習的心,也對上帝的創造和所處的環境充滿好奇。他常常用圖像來學習並教導學生,1968年,他編輯了一本漢英字典,有系統地將中國字在每個字的四個角落用四個數字來代表它的筆劃和部首。他致力於終身學習,也熱切地運用新的技能。1995年他已 90歲高齡,在逝世前幾個月還使用電腦來修訂並擴編他1968年出版的字典,進行第二版的印刷。

Alex Herring 教學補助款提供經費,培養並鼓勵馬禮遜學校教職員進行創新和互動式的學習,讓學生能在潛移默化中喜愛學習並探索未來,正如 Alex Her-

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Out of the Box Learning 跳脫框架

and foreign language. The science department requested for Probeware that not only collects data on background radiation and radioactive contamination, but also helps students reflect on their use of energy. The Mandarin department requested iPads and analyzed how to effectively use them as a tool for learning. These grants also allow Morrison to consider whether each project could be pursed on a greater scale across the different campuses. Morrison continues to find various ways to help teachers improve teaching methodologies and improve student learning. g

ring 所呈現出的生命特質。過去七年,這筆補助款項被用於科學、體育、和外國語文等科目。科學老師申請的探測系統不但可以偵測背景環境的輻射量和輻射污染的數值,還能幫助學生反省他們使用能源的態度。中文老師申請了 iPad,並分析它做為學習工具的效能。這些補助款也讓馬禮遜學校思考是否每個申請案未來有可能在每個校區擴大辦理。


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