
Morocco Travel Agency Tips

Morocco holidays &

Adventure Tours

Voyage to Morocco travel agency is based in Marrakech, Morocco and offers luxury private travel agency Morocco services, including a Morocco tourist guide, for Morocco trip packages suitable for families, couples, singles and small groups at affordable prices. Contact us to arrange your Morocco vacation for your best Morocco holiday ever!

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Morocco Travel Agency | Morocco holidays

How to Enjoy the Best Places under the


There are people who are fond of traveling. They like to go to places where

they can recharge their souls, unwind, release the tension from work, and

simply enjoy what life has to offer.

And there are people who are more of the

adventurous type who would rather enjoy the day

exploring the forest canopy in Costa Rica or discover

the beauty of the wilderness of Siberia.

However, whatever adventure travel most people

would like to experience, it is always best to observe

safety measures and precautions so as to avoid risk

or perils of traveling to unknown lands.

Here’s a list of tips for adventure travelers, whether they want adventures

that are more inclined to wilderness or just the typical family adventure most

people would love to experience:

1. It is best that people should know what the type of travel adventure they

are getting into.

Adventure travel may provide the kind of adrenalin rush most adventurers

long to experience every time they get out of their territory. It is the feeling

of newness and uncertainty on what will happen that gives them the

satisfaction and gratification that they need.

However, it is still important for them to know what they are doing. After all,

traveling always involve risky activities especially to those who are set to

gain adventure experience.

2. Have a fixed set on the adventure travel destination.

Because of the vastness of locations and adventure locations available today,

people might get confused on what areas are best for their adventure travel.

One good tip is to choose a location that can baffle those adventurous minds

and mystify the eyes with great mystery.

As much as new and exotic places can be adventurous, it is still best to stick

to the classical and typical locations. It would be really risky to try areas

which no one has ever dared to go to.

3. Consider the budget.

Adventure traveling can be pretty expensive especially when it entails going

to places that entails great adventure packages.

So, it would be better for adventure travelers to shop around first and

compare prices before deciding on what kind of adventure travel to take.

Indeed, adventure travel can be one of the most exciting and gratifying

travel one can experience. However, with the exotic places, wilderness, and

virgin forests that one might consider, it is a must that every travel must

know the proper way how to protect themselves and what to do first before

trying the place out.

After all, it should be safety that should always be on top priority.

The Moroccan nation owes its diverseness to the many cultures that have

influenced it during the course of its history. Initially, the area now known as

Morocco seems to have been inhabited by Libyans and Ethiopians who were

collectively called Barbaroi or Berbers.

They lived in tribal groups in the area during a period of sultanate dynasties.

There was no subjection to a singular government in the area at the time.

Slowly, various national groups started to impact on the area such as Arabs,

Phoenicians, Byzantines, Romans, Spaniards, Portuguese, Turks, Europeans

and the French. Much of this influence came in the form of hostilities on the

Spanish coast.

Over a long period of time, the area became claimed and ruled by other

countries until it established its independence in 1956. Though it would seem

most Berbers were once pagan worshipers, the majority of the country now

practice Islam. The rest of the population practice Christianity or Judaism.

Most of the Moroccans today can claim both Berber and Arab ancestry,

though they are generally referred to as Berbers. There is a small amount

that can claim pure Arab decent and a few small groups of true Berbers

which exist in the Rif Mountains, Atlas Mountains and Souss Valley and who

are able to speak several ancient Berber languages.

There is also a small number of Jews and black African Moroccans. The

population of Morocco numbers approximately 32 million people and many of

them are not well off.

Lifestyles differ depending on the areas that people live in. People living in

rural areas are often unable to get fairly basic items, such as plasters. They

generally tend to grow plants or tend livestock for food.

However there are far greater clusters of people in the cities, which bustle

with life at all times of the day. Souks (markets) are virtually a way of life for

most Moroccans and can be found in every town and city.

Most Moroccans are friendly and hospitable and will extend warm invitations

if you do not act rude or unfriendly towards them, they are a proud people,

as befits a race that has controlled the entire Western Mediterranean and

produced some of the finest architecture in the Arab world.

Like all Mediterranean, they are story tellers, and enjoy a reputation as the

most hospitable of Arab peoples. In general, the people are friendly and the

country is colourful.

Hospitality is really a part of their culture so you can strike up friendships

virtually anywhere if you have the right attitude. Usually, this results in

further association with these dynamic and interesting people and a real

taste of Moroccan life.

Just click the links below to learn more about these Moroccan cities:

About Morocco




Morocco Travel Agency | Morocco Attractions

You can enjoy Morocco very well if you go there with the intension of

unraveling its rich history. And if you are willing to experiment with the

adventurous trips out there then it will simply be the icing on the cake.

Most of the details regarding the Morocco attractions can be given by your

Morocco travel agency and you can also have the company of a Morocco

tourist guide so that you can have a better understanding of the history

that prevails in the city and simultaneously you can easily locate the places

that you want to visit.

You can also visit some of the ancient sites in the city and for this you need

to inform your Morocco travel agency beforehand so that they can make

proper arrangements for it.

For sightseeing you can have the Atlantic coast region at the top of your list.

Places like Casablanca and Rabat is surrounded by this coast. The Atlantic

coast has become an important aspect of the Morocco economy.

You can also stop at blue lagoon in order to see various species of birds. All

the necessary details related to blue lagoon can be derived from your

Morocco tourist guide.

The best time for visiting this place is between December to February, so if

you have any plans of visiting your place then you should coordinate with

your Morocco travel agency well in advance.

In the Atlantic coast you can also visit the beach in Alisah, and even your

Morocco travel agency would suggest you to visit this place when the peak

season does not prevail as the beach remains too crowded at that time.

The pictures taken at the Alisah beach can serve as a memory of a lifetime.

Your next stop should be to take a look at the imperial cities. Imperial cities

are those cities that were occupied by the royal people.

Your Morocco tourist guide will tell you about those cities such as Rabat,

Marrakesh, etc. Marrakesh is considered as the hottest place in Morocco and

it is also the most visited tourist place.

You can play a stay of at least two nights here and in order to that you

should create the schedule with your Morocco travel agency in advance.

You can easily find a great variety of food out here which is quite affordable


All the Morocco attractions can be enjoyed by you when you are in tune with

the schedule managed by your Morocco travel agency.

In Morocco, land of thrills, there is a complete programme of ceremonies and

celebrations, throughout the year.

Moreover, there are four types of celebrations: moveable feasts of a religious

nature, based on the moon, national ones marking historical events,

traditional Moussems, a mixture of the sacred and the profane and finally

festivals, mainly on an international scale, opening up to the western world

and certainly not to be missed out on.


Festival of Popular Arts : or Folklore Festival (Marrakech - June): Every

year in June, Marrakech vibrates to the rhythms of its Folklore Festival, which

takes place in the sumptuous setting of the El-Badi Palace.

Its immense courtyard is laid with carpets for the occasion and decorated in

a myriad of traditional styles, ready to welcome musicians, singers and

dancers, from the world of Moroccan popular arts and traditions, not to

forget the thousands of spectators who flock from all over the world to enjoy

the spectacular entertainment.

The Festival unites a whole range of performances, combining the ritual

dances of the Atlas, Saharan dances such as the Dekkah and the Guedra,

and Gnaoua dancing, a mystical tradition stemming from Black Africa

animistic rites.

Gnaoua Music Festival : (Essaouira - June): The event brings together the

finest troops of Gnaoua musicians along with a multitude of American and

European Jazz ensembles. It was first held in 1960, and proved enormously

successful being rapidly recognised as a festival of true world class.

Sacred Music Festival : (Fez - May/June): Since 1994, Fez the country's

Spiritual Capital has been the scene of an annual convergence of different

cultures which although existing side by side have little real knowledge of

one another. With globalisation as its theme, the event has acquired

international renown.

Oudayas Jazz Festival : (Rabat - October):Mirroring the goals of the Euro-

Mediterranean Partnership outlined during the 1995 Barcelona Conference,

the event first took place the following year, and was soon recognised as the

perfect occasion for encounter, exchange and expression.

Its primary purpose is the development of what is now known as European

Jazz while at the same time opening up the scene to Moroccan jazz

musicians, whose syncopated music is firmly entrenched in the age-old

traditions of the Maghreb.

International Film Festival : (Marrakech - September): Apart from its

substantial impact on the economy and the tourist industry, this event is not

only a platform for meetings and discussions but also an occasion to promote

collaboration among all of those involved in the Seventh Art.

The festival, first held in the year 2001, is now organised by the Marrakech

International Film Festival Foundation and presided over by His Royal

Highness, Prince Moulay Rachid.

Religious holidays

Ramadan : is the sacred month during which Muslims fast from sunrise to

sunset. The party atmosphere to be found after dark makes it stand out from

the rest of the year.

Families and friends meet to break the fast with Harira a rich Moroccan soup

and other traditional delicacies like the honey coated sweetmeat, Chebakia.

The most important night of the month falls on 26 of Ramadan Laylat Al-

Qadr, the Night of Destiny, when the faithful, dressed in their best,

congregate at mosques to pray to Almighty God.

Aid Es-Seghir : ''the small feast" The day marks the end of the month of

fasting and is symbolic of grace and pardon. It is a family day with meals

enjoyed in an atmosphere of festivity, when good wishes are exchanged and

transgressions forgiven.

Aid El Kebir : "The Feast of Sacrifice" this commemorates the act of sacrifice

performed by Abraham, as related in the Koran.

On God's command, the Prophet was about to offer up his son Ishmael as a

burnt sacrifice, when an angel interposed, offering Abraham a sheep to take

the boy's place. In Morocco, the feast starts with a common prayer being

recited in the Msallah outside the town walls.

In Rabat, the country's capital, the King sacrifices the first sheep, a signal for

the people to follow his example and start the festivities.

Fatih Muharram : This is the first day of the Islamic year and

commemorates the start of the Prophet Mohammed and his companions'

(Sahaba) months-long camelback journey from the Holy City of Mecca to


The Hijra (migration) was undertaken by the Prophet for fear of being killed

by the inhabitants of Mecca, the Koraichi, a people cursed by God.

Aid El-Mouloud : This is the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet

Mohammed, a major event in the history of Islam. Women and children dye

their hands and feet with Henna and a special semolina and honey dish La

Assida is eaten.

On the morning of the Feast, His Majesty the King travels to the Msallah

outside the city, where all the tribes of the Kingdom come to pledge

allegiance to him.

Back at the Palace, the Sovereign receives the good wishes of, among

others, members of the Royal Family and of the Government, of civil and

military officials, and of members of the diplomatic corps stationed in Rabat.

National holidays

Independence day : Celebrated on 11 January, the date on which His

Majesty, King Mohammed V presented the Manifesto of Independence,

demanding recognition of the independence of Morocco, its territorial

integrity and its national sovereignty.

Coronation Day : commemorating the accession of Alaouite sovereigns to

the throne, this is now celebrated on 30 July, the date His Majesty King

Mohammed VI was crowned.

During the reign of, His Majesty, King Mohammed V, it was celebrated on 18

November; and in the reign of the late King, His Majesty Hassan II, on 3


It is a day when the Royal Palace hosts sumptuous receptions and, when the

Kingdom's cities, towns and villages become brightly lit up scenes of festivity.

It is also customary upon this day for His Majesty the King to address the


Allegiance Day : Allegiance to Oued Ed-Dahab celebrated on 14 August.

Anniversary of the Revolution : Celebrated on 20, August on this day in

1953, His Majesty King Mohammed V and the Royal Family were exiled to

Madagascar, triggering the "Revolution of the King and of the People."

National Youth Day : Celebrated on 21 August, this commemorates the

birthday of His Majesty, King Mohammed VI. During the reign of His Majesty,

King Hassan II, the event was celebrated on 9 July.

Green March Day : Anniversary of the Green March celebrated on 16

November. In 1975, at the request of the late King, His Majesty Hassan II,

around 350,000 volunteers from all over the Kingdom marched south with

the aim of re-integrating the former Western Sahara.

The King's initiative ensured recovery of Morocco's Saharan provinces - well

worth celebrating and a source of pride for all Moroccans, past and present.

Independence Day : Independence Day, celebrated on 18 November, and

commemorating the three days - 16, 17, and 18 November 1956 of His

Majesty, King Mohammed V's return from exile in Corsica and Madagascar.

The day is traditionally marked by a Royal Speech, and by a parade of the

Royal Armed Forces, watched by enthusiastic crowds chanting: "God, country

and King."

The Cheaper Way to Get Away

All people need a break, to reconnect with the spouse, to reward the kids, to

recharge the soul. But planning a vacation getaway can quickly turn into a

stressful project when the subject of expenses comes up.

Airfare alone can kill the fantasy. And when people already factor in

accommodations, food, and shopping, any budget-conscious mother would

just give up and stay home.

Thankfully, there are now more options for quick and fun vacations without

having the costly air fares.

Cheap Airfare

So, how does low-cost or cheap air fare work exactly? Simple: Budget air

travel gets you to your destination in the shortest time and at the cheapest

possible price.

The main reason these airlines are able to keep airfare prices low is the no-

frills concept. First, there’s no ticketing office to sustain.

All reservations and purchases are transacted online. Through e-ticketing,

tickets can be purchased on the Web, which eliminates the need to employ

more people for processing or maintain international offices.

However, people can still avail of cheaper airfares even if they don’t want to

take chances with budget air travel.

Here’s how:

1. Purchasing the airline ticket at least 10 days ahead of the scheduled trip

will enable the individual to avail of super low fares.

2. It is best to choose a weekday departure and arrival date when possible.

This is because weekend flights get filled up faster than weekdays and

airlines often offer discounts to fill up the weekday flights.

3. It would be better to book as a group of three or more to get even more

discounts on fees.

4. People compare notes with and consult their friends and colleagues who

have recently traveled.

5. In order to get the cheap airfares, people should be on the lookout for

discounted rates on the Internet. Most of the cheap airfares are available


6. It is best to shop around for the cheap airfare first before you jump on the

first deal you see. This is because there are airlines that may offer cheap

airfares but the quality of service is entirely bad. Most airlines with cheap

airfares have low quality of service and lacking the usual amenities.

All of these boil down to the fact that low-cost airlines may help people to

extend their vacation and make it more memorable. They just have to shop

around to get those that offer cheap airfare but the quality of service is not

taken for granted.

Morocco Travel Agency | Car Rental Morocco

Car rental in Morocco can be very easily done through the help of your

Morocco travel agency. These agencies can provide you with an affordable

as well as reliable car rental services.

Your Morocco travel agency must have associations with various car rental

companies, and through that you can easily avail services for yourself. The

taxis that are found in Morocco are basically divided into two types: the big

taxis and the small taxis.

The big taxis are meant for long distance travel and it is generally shared by

people. Whereas the small taxis are for small distances and it is very similar

to the usual taxis.

You can tell your Morocco travel agency to look for a taxi and they can

also negotiate the price for you, just in case the taxi is not equipped with a


If you are not carrying a lot of luggage then you can suggest your Morocco

travel agency to look for a small taxi as it is far more economical if you

want to travel around the city. Booking a Car Rental Morocco can turn out

to be a costly affair so many people prefer to drive themselves if they hail

from any of the European countries.

But the only problem is that that the European companies will not give you

the permission to take your car to Morocco. But you do not need to worry as

your Morocco travel agency can find you a very good Car Rental

Morocco agency.

Morocco has very good roads but the only downside is that the distance

between two adjacent cities can be quite huge and for getting the right

directions you need to get a Morocco tourist guide along with you.

Whenever you tell your Morocco travel agency for car rentals, you should

specifically mention that you need a driver who is accustomed with English.

As many times, due to difference in the language spoken by the driver and

tourist, a lot of miscommunication takes place.

If your Morocco travel agency cannot provide you with an English speaking

driver, then be sure to take your Morocco tourist guide along with you so

that proper communication with the driver can be maintained.

At times, the car rental services can get quite costly, so it is necessary to let

your Morocco travel agency know that about your budget constraints so

that they can select a Car Rental Morocco service which will suit your

budget accordingly.

Guide to Business Travel

Planning your business trip wisely will free you from lots of trouble.

Inadequate airline seats, long lines, heavy traffic, and unavailable hotel

rooms are just some of the problems a business traveler might encounter.

Despite the emergence of e-commerce, businessmen still travel more often

for sales and business shows. Here are some tips to make your business

travel a successful one:

1. Plan your business trip long before you leave the office.

2. Always prepare a travel bag with complete necessities to be used on any

emergency trips.

3. Bring some ready to eat foods, it will save you a substantial amount of

money, considering the high cost of foods in hotels.

4. Be sure to have a buffer time between your flight and your scheduled


5. Choose aircraft that has better seats with ample leg room.

6. Put all your valuable materials in a small carry-on bag.

7. When calling your main office, use the 800 numbers as much as possible

because it's much cheaper.

8. If you're a businesswoman, it is important to dress well. Additionally, you

must bring casual clothes for your free time.

Not all hotels have inexpensive telecommunication systems from their rooms,

so always choose your hotel's business floor, for these rooms are made

especially for business traveler. These rooms should have dual

telephone/modem lines, fax machine, and free communications between


In order to save money on calls, use your calling card and place calls through

your country's long-distance carrier or find a pay phone in the hotel's lobby.

If available, use a nearby business center for your fax needs since fax service

within your room will probably cost more.

These days, a business traveler has to bring a lot of electronic equipment

such as; cell phones, electronic organizers, laptop computers, etc. Here are

some suggestions on how to keep your expensive business items safe:

1. Put your laptop inside a bag that will not indicate that there's a laptop

inside. The same works well for other equipment such as camera, electronic

organizer, etc.

2. Don't expose your laptop to x-ray scanners at the airport security check,

rather have it checked manually. X-rays could damage your electronic


3. Don't place your laptop on the aircraft's overhead bins; instead place it

near your seat or under the seat in front of you.

4. Always bring extra batteries for your equipment.

Today's business travelers are enjoying much comfort compared to their

counterparts a few decades ago. Low airfare, plenty of airlines to choose

from, communication equipment (especially cell phones and laptops) make

modern day business travelers more efficient.

Even on a business trip, parents can always be with their family members

and co-workers can still get in touch with their office work, at least virtually.

Morocco Travel Agency Tips for Your Morocco Holidays

Embarking on a holiday in Morocco is everyone’s perfect getaway from the

hustle and bustle of city life with its rich cultural heritage that breathes

nostalgia into the minds and souls of tourists.

However, would you be given an insurance that

your holiday will be hassle and trouble free? To

minimise the probability of being in a state of

frustration at the end of your holiday, talk to a

Morocco Travel Agency that has established the

dos and don’ts when in Morocco.

Foremost, do travel during the months of spring

when Morocco is blooming with a dazzling palette

of colours and greeneries. The temperature

during the months of spring provides comfort to

tourists as it’s neither too hot nor cold.

Being in Morocco during summer or winter could be daunting to some

because temperature can be quite extreme.

Furthermore, a good Morocco Travel Agency will tell you to do try out the

riads in Morocco which is basically a traditional abode built around a garden.

Some places where you might want to visit to sight see some riads are at the

Marrakesh, Fes and Essaouria.

When you travel around Morocco, you have to keep in mind to tip at the end

of a service such as at dining places, taxi drivers and bell boys as it’s a

culture to Moroccans to tip.

If you’re offered some mint tea by locals, please do accept it as it’s the peak

of Moroccan hospitality.

However, if you’re a woman travelling in Morocco; don’t let males follow you

around as they are known as hustlers there. They tend to pester foreign

women who walk alone and would not leave them at all.

So check with your local Morocco Travel Agency about whether or not the

rule of the thumb is to emulate the dress code of the locals such as by

wearing djellaba or go for the ‘westernised’ look by wearing tights and

leather tops.

Perhaps Moroccan men find hair sexy but women should definitely tie their

hair when travelling in Morocco if they do not want to be pestered so often.

The males in Morocco do not approach women they respected and if they

approach a woman, they are just showing a lack of respect to her. So if you

have to ask for help, find a local woman or an elderly man as hustlers tend to

be male and young.

Fret not, as you have actually gained an insight of the dos and don’ts when

in Morocco. If you do plan to travel to Morocco, a local Morocco Travel

Agency will definitely lead you to an unforgettable holiday which will leave

you smiling for a lifetime.

General Provisions

Foreigners desiring to enter Morocco must hold a passport or any other

valid document recognized by the State as a travel document (Law n° 02-

03, dated 11 November 2003, related to foreigners' entry to and stay in


Travel documents of the citizens from countries subject to the visa

formality must bear visas delivered by Moroccan authorities.

The stay in Morocco for tourism shall not exceed three months for

foreigners exempted from the visa formality. Others, however,

must not overstay their visas.

Foreigners desiring to prolong their stay in Morocco must apply for

the permission of the competent Moroccan authority (Directorate

General of National Security).

Foreigners desiring to exercise a professional activity may apply

for a registration card.

Entry requirements for visitors whose countries are exempted

from the visa formality

A - For visitors arriving to Morocco within the framework of a package


Valid passport, covering at least the period of stay in Morocco

An identity card would exceptionally suffice for citizens of the

European Union provided the tour be organized by a travel agency

for groups of more than three persons, having a reservation form

issued by their travel agency in the name of a Moroccan


NB: Visitors bringing in their pets must produce certificates attesting to

their exemption from diseases. Anti-rabies certificates must be issued at

most six months before the entry, while other certificates must be issued

at most six days before.

B - Visitors arriving to Morocco individually, in couples or in groups must

hold passports or any other valid document recognized by the State as a

travel document.

Entry requirements for citizens whose countries are subject to the

visa formality

Please note that Citizens of the following countries do not need a visa to

enter the Kingdom of Morocco and may stay up to 90 days: Algeria -

Andorra - Argentina - Australia - Austria - Bahrain - Belgium - Brazil -

Bulgaria - Canada - Chile - Republic of Congo - Croatia - Cyprus - Czech

Republic - Denmark - Estonia - Finland - France - Germany - Great

Britain - Greece - Guinea (Conakry) - Hong Kong - Hungary - Iceland -

Indonesia - Ireland - Italy - Ivory Coast - Japan - Kuwait - Latvia - Libya

- Liechtenstein-Lithuania - Luxemburg - Mali - Malta - Mexico - Monaco -

Netherlands - New Zealand - Niger - Norway - Oman - Peru - Philippines -

Poland - Puerto Rico - Qatar - Romania - Russian Federation - Saudi

Arabia - Senegal - Singapore (Singaporean nationals may stay up to one

month without visa) - Slovakia - Slovenia - South Korea - Spain -

Sweden - Switzerland - Tunisia - Turkey - United Arab Emirates - United

States of America - Venezuela.

Visitors intending to stay in Morocco longer than 90 days, however,

should request a permission to extend the duration of their stay at the

nearest Police Precinct to their place of residence in Morocco.

Citizens from countries not listed above do need a visa. In conformity

with the provisions stipulated in the aforementioned law, the travel

documents of visitors subject to the visa formality must bear payable

visas, delivered by the Moroccan authorities.

Customs facilities for visitors having their residence abroad and

staying temporarily in Morocco:

A - Customs formalities:

To ensure a smooth passage through the customs, two distinct areas

were established:

A green area: reserved for visitors having nothing to declare to


A red area : reserved for visitors having items to declare to


B - Duty-free items which may be imported without declaration:

In conformity with the recommendations of the international conventions

on the free movement of persons and the temporary admission of the

items they bring, and within the framework of the action carried out by

the Moroccan Administration to receive tourists (as well as Moroccans

living abroad) desiring to spend their holidays in Morocco, visitors shall

benefit from temporary admission regime, which allows the importation

of goods while suspending the fees and taxes applicable to them.

Create your own travel discounts

Hotel and rental car owners don’t just offer you discounts at random, you

have to ask for it work for it, and sometimes, these discounts aren’t even

worth it, well unless you’re looking to traveling during off peak season where

there is at most a 50% discount.

But let’s face it, we travel during peak season because this is the season

when we actually have time to travel.

So aside from waiting for your favorite hotel’s tirade of discounts during off

peak season, when you can’t really travel and then end up not traveling at

all, why not take the initiative and find your own ways to cheap travel, make

your own discount.

- Check detour flights other than the straight one you’re bound to get when

you inquire. You can get cheaper overall prices if you choose to book two

flights instead of one. Some people have been able to save as much as

$2000 by doing this.

- It is always better to buy food at the grocery and cook it yourself rather

than eating everyday at a restaurant. You won’t want to spend all of your

pocket money on food.

Restaurants tend to have cheap and sometimes unhealthy food, ensure your

own health as well as your pockets health by cooking your own, that is, after

all, the reason why there’s a stove in your hotel room.

- Travel to places which boast of natural beauty but have lower costs of

living, prices here tend to be lower. Take the Philippines or Malaysia for

example, both have great views and tourist spots but come without the

hassle of overpricing, English speaking natives are also a plus for these


- If you’re planning to stay for more than a week, call the hotel that you’d

want to stay in and ask for week long stay discounts, these can range for

percentages off your room price or even a “free day.”

- Package deals usually save a lot, airfare and lodgings combined into one

are usually cheaper compared to paying for them separately. Some travel

agencies even provide trio packages which include airfare, hotel and car

rental, you can save a lot if you have the industriousness to canvass.

- Find web-only discounts or coupons which some hotels and airline owners

provide especially for those willing to reserve online. You can save as much

as 50% on your travel costs by going this way.

The country has 15 international airports that are connected to numerous

destinations throughout the world and are hosts to both airlines and

charter companies (Casablanca, Marrakech, Agadir, Rabat, and Tangier).

An international airport, Marrakesh-Menara, connected by an extensive

daily schedule to Casablanca, Paris, London, Madrid, and the rest of the

world via Casablanca, Tangiers, or Agadir.

Mohammed V International Airport Casablanca is 30 mn flight from

Marrakech. Everyday, there are flights linking Casablanca to USA (New

York), Canada (Montreal), Europe (London, Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfort,

Madrid, Lisbonna, Vienna, Copenhagen, Zurich, Genova, Athens, Roma,

Istanbul), the Middle-East (Bayreuth, Riyad, Jeddah, Dubai, Doha, Oman),

the North Africa (Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Cairo) and the Sub-saharian Africa

(Dakar, Bamako, Abidjan, Libreville, Niamey).

The national airline company Royal Air Maroc serves Africa, Europe, North

America and the Middle East as well as the major cities of the kingdom. A

private company, Regional Airlines, provides links between provincial cities

and nearby countries (Spain, Portugal).

Domestic airlines

National airlines

Royal Air Maroc

Atlas Blue


Regional Air Lines


Casa air service

Major airports

Agadir - Al Massira Airport: (AGA) Flights to most major

European cities.

Al Hoceima - Cherif Al Idrissi Airport: (AHU) Flights to most

major European cities.

Casablanca - Mohammed V International Airport: (CMN)

Arrivals and departures to worldwide destinations.

Fez - Saïss Airport: (FEZ) Flights to Europe and


Laayoune - Hassan Ier Airport: (EUN) Flights to Agadir,

Casablanca, Dakhla and Las Palmas.

Marrakech - Menara International Airport: (RAK) Flights all

major international airports in Western Europe

Nador - Taouima Airport: Flights to Amsterdam,

Brussels, Casablanca, Cologne and Düsseldorf.

Oujda - Angads Airport: (OUD) Flights to Amsterdam,

Casablanca, Marseille and Paris.

Ouarzazate - Ouarzazate Airport: (OZZ) Flights to Casablanca

and Paris.

Rabat - Sale Airport: (RBA) Flights to Paris and Tripoli.

Tangier - Ibn Batouta International Airport: (TNG) Flights

to Amsterdam, Brussels, Casablanca, London,

Madrid, Marrakech and Paris.

Some of the airlines offering flights to Morocco

From North America : American Airlines, Continental Airlines, AirFrance,

Royal air Maroc, Alitalia, Lufthanza and British airways. From Europe :

Corse Air International, Royal air Maroc, Iberia, Air France and British

airways. From Asia : Air France, Emirates and Royal air Maroc.

The main airports in Morocco are Casablanca Med V airport, Marrakech

Menara Airport and Agadir al Massira airport.

- Royal Air Maroc - Air France - Morocco

- Atlas Blue Airline - Lufthansa - Morocco

- KLM Royal Dutch Airlines -


- Syrian Air - Casablanca,


- Qatar Airways - Morocco - Turkish Airlines - Morocco

- Air Mogador - IATA - Morocco

- British Airways - Morocco - Olympic Airways - Morocco

Morocco Travel Agency Tips to Take Great Morocco

Pictures on your Holiday

Are you going to Morocco for a holiday to finally

escape your routine life and instead explore changes

from your daily life? Would you like to bask in the

Moroccan culture and heritage in all its glory and

treasure those memories with poignant clarity?

Then you should definitely continue reading Morocco

Travel Agency’s tips on capturing those perfect


First of all, before taking any pictures, you must decide on your focus first. If

you’re trying to capture the architectural Moroccan building, try not to take it

from a far distance and leave empty spaces around the focus.

Balance it by closing in on the focus and include other elements such as trees

beside the building or perhaps other buildings around the focus.

If you are indoors, it’s advisable to turn off the flash because it gives an

artificial colour to the object. For example, the colour of the human skin will

appear paler than original.

Normal compact digital cameras especially give out harsh light to the object

you’re trying to capture.

However, if you are outdoors at one of the fabulous sites your Morocco

Travel Agency has referred to you; turn on the flash although it’s bright and

sunny. This is because the flash will minimise the presence of shadows

around the object and even out harsh contrasts.

For those who want to experiment with taking eye-catching picture, you

might want to look out for reflections.

The reflection of the object in focus gives the picture an abstract feel and if

the picture taken is darn good, it will definitely serve as your desktop

wallpaper for the next few months.

Capturing perfect moments that have been arranged by your Morocco Travel

Agency, like your spouse’s content smile while strolling along the beach of El

Jadida requires you to be ready at all times.

If you know that you want to take pictures for two hours, you should just

leave the camera on instead of shutting it down and turning it on when


This is because you are consuming more energy. However, leaving the

camera on will allow the internal power management to manage the energy


So, once you know the basics of taking great pictures provided by the

Morocco Travel Agency, you can put your skills to the test.

After 10 years, when you look through your photographs – a grin from ear-

to-ear will be radiating from your face.

Voyage to Morocco travel agency is based in Marrakech, Morocco and

offers luxury private travel agency Morocco services, including a Morocco

tourist guide, for Morocco trip packages suitable for families, couples,

singles and small groups at affordable prices. Contact to arrange your Morocco vacation for

your best Morocco holiday ever!

Moroccan cuisine is one of the most sensual in the world. It appeals directly

and unashamedly to the senses of smell, sight and taste in a way that no

other cuisine can match, it is a very diverse cuisine, with many influences,

due to the interaction of Morocco with the outside world for centuries.

The cuisine of Morocco is a mix of Arab, Berber, Moorish, Middle Eastern,

Mediterranean, African and Jewish influences.

The cooks in the royal kitchens of Fes, Meknes, Marrakech, and Rabat refined

Moroccan cuisine over the centuries and created the basis for what is known

as Moroccan cuisine today.

The Moroccan cuisine has a reflection of a lively past. The various people who

settled in Morocco all left their mark on the culinary culture. The oldest

inhabitants of the fertile coast region of North Africa - and therefore also the

current kingdom Morocco - were Berbers.

They ate especially pod fruit, such as lentils and chickpeas, vegetables and

couscous. They introduced the Tajine and the famous Harira.

The arrival of travellers from the Arab world brought an enrichment of the

Moroccan kitchen. Arab Bedouins introduced dates, milk, grain and bread.

The Moors came with olive oil, almonds and preserving techniques for fruit.

The Arabs finally placed spices from far regions on the menu.

The Moroccan cuisine is very simple, the culinary art is transmitted from

mother to daughter, and differs from region to region and from family to


The main Moroccan dish most people are familiar with is the couscous.

This dish is popular in the entire Magreb area but slightly different at each

country. Next to the couscous other famous Moroccan dishes are, Pastilla,

Tajine, Tangia and lamb meat with prunes almonds. Although Harira is a

soup, it is considered as a dish in itself.

The Moroccan green tea with mint is a national beverage and Moroccans

drink it all day.

In fact, the sweeter the mint tea is the better; the leaves of tea plants are

originating from countries such as India, Pakistan, China and Indonesia.

Although it seems as if Moroccans have been drinking mint tea for


In Morocco, agreements are frequently sealed with a meal or at least with a

cup of Moroccan mint tea. Many tourists, who have bought for example a

carpet or a leather coat at a bazaar, are very astonished to notice that they

are being offered a cup of mint tea, although they are not thirsty.

Common drinking seals the fact that the agreement, which is about to be

concluded or will very be concluded.

When visiting families in Morocco (or anywhere else) it is self evident that

they will present you Moroccan tea (with many sweet home made cookies).

Furthermore, it is very likely that the host (or hostess) will urge you to stay

and have dinner with them. Hospitality is entangled in the Moroccan culture.

Voyage to Morocco travel agency is based in Marrakech, Morocco and

offers luxury private travel agency Morocco services, including a Morocco

tourist guide, for Morocco trip packages suitable for families, couples,

singles and small groups at affordable prices. Contact to arrange your Morocco vacation for

your best Morocco holiday ever!

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