Page 1: MORNING, 1841. j - Chronicling Americahandsome edition, octavo volume, with nu merotis engravings, price only >i Short's History of the Church of England to the Revolution in 1GSS,

___ __

| VOL. XL1V. | WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30, 1841._ j N0, 259‘ j Alexandria Gazette Sf Virginia Advertiser


EDGAR SNOWDEN, At Eijht dollars per annum, payable half yearly.

Alexandria Gazette & Virginia Advertiser (for THE COUNTRY)


TlJK2D\YS, THURSDAYS St SATURDAYS, At r\ve dollars per annum, payable in advance.

Terms of Advertising. —Advertisements not

exceeding one square, inserted three times

for one dollar. Advertisements continued

after three times, for 50 cents a square for

each insertion inside, or 25 cents outside. Six-

teen lines are counted as a square. Advertisements bv the year, at prices to he *

?reed upon, havin' reference to the usual

amount of space they may occupy. Persons advertising: by the year not to advertise

articles not included in their regular business, nor to insert in their advertisement,any other

names than their own.

JOB PRINTING W-itlv executed,with despatch,at the Office of the

ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE, Comer of Prince f Ftirfnr-'treeP, Alexandria, /). C.


WARRANTS, j uk Kvt.r.Y DEseuu-noM,

v \n 1 upon as reasonable terms as at any Y

Printing office South oi the Potomac.

POST OFFICE, ALEXANDRIA, D. C. ) April 12, Hit. >

^=» Northern Mail closes daily at 1 o c!o» k

p \I arrives, daily about at 7 o'clock, A. M.

cithern Mail closes daily, at J t A*.,

arrives daily from *2 to :* o’clock, P. M.

Winchester Mail closes Mondays, Wednes-

day*, and Fridays at 9 P. M.; arrives Wednes-

days, Friday- and Sundays, nv » I M-

W irrmton Mail closes Mondays, Wednesdays. a*,t Fridays, at 9 P. M ; arrives Sundays, >> ed-

vevlays, and Fridays, by S P. M.

Falmouth Mail, cm Occoquan, &c., closes

Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A.

arrives Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays by 1W P. M.


Northern Neck, Va., Mail, closes on Mondays and Thursdays, 9 P. M.; arrive- on l uesdays amt

Thursdays, with the Southern mail.

Leesburg Va.,) M iil closes on Sundays, I uc-

davs, and Thursdays, at l P. M.; arrives Min-

<Uvs Wednesdays, and Fridays with the Nona*

Uporr Marlboro’ (Md.) Mail rloni* >uu.1a>s. TucMavs, ami Thursdays, at 1 P. M.; arrues

Wednesday, Friilavs, and Sundays, at ij A. M.

Xoltm-ham (Md) Mail closes.Ways am

Thursdays, at I P. M.; arrives Wednesdays ami

Sundays, at 74, A. M. Port Tobacco (Md.) Mail closes Sundays am

Wednesdays, at 1 P. M.; arrives Sundays and

Thursdays, at 7A A. M.____ FOR BARBADOS AND NKW <>R-

5 VLEANS — To sail about 2:*th hist.—'The

first class coppered ship P/OA ttK, John C.

Graham, master, will be despatched as above.—

For freight or passage, having tine accommoda- ^ roWLE fc 3QN3


aSf^/)//>. Capt. Shackford, will take freight

lu:;t /‘pply * A. C. O.XZKXOVE & CO. _

FOR BOSTON.—The brig H.IRT- I.EY, Dearborn, master, will sail this

For freight apply to


CM \NGK OF HOURS. The hours of departure of

;___the PHEXIX and JOSEPH JOHXS0X\m be as follows, until further no-

Ijfg ; -_

Leave Alexandria, at 3 103 1*23 *23 & 43 o clock “ Washington, 9 113 13 3.3 &. o)

° J AS. GUY,




KOLA, for the balance of

the season, will leave Washington tor the abo\e named piaces on 1 uesdays and Saturdays, at d

o'clock A. M. Returning, she will leave Norfolk ou Sundays and Thursdays, at 5 o'clock P. M.

Passage and fare to Phiey Point, $2 ; to Nor-

folk, *6. X. B. By an arrangement with the proprietors

of Pmev Point, the charge to or from that place to the District will be, until the loth September next, owlv $2, meals included.

The Ckeola will stop at the usual landings on

the river to take offer land passengers JAMES MITCHELL.

juh *24— .Master. _

THE s.*fe and commo-

dious steamboat COLLAR* _HUt Cap t tin < Icorgc Guy- ther, having been put in complete order, will leave Commerce street wharf, Baltimore, tor the District of Columbia, at 4 o'clock, P. M every Saturday afternoon; returning, she will leave

Riley's wharf, Washington, every W ednesday morning at 6 o'clock, and Alexandria at 7 o'-

clock, taking off and landing passengers and light freight at all the usual landing?* on the Potomac.

Hie freight of goods will be as low ns by any ^tuer line, and no wharfage charged thereon at

Baltimore. N. B By an arrangement with the proprietors

Of Pinev point, the charge to or trom that place to trie District will be, until the loth September next, only $2, meals included.

aug9— tf W. GUNTON, President.


1-4. w. w osmngron street.— .New .Music )ust re-

ceived, by IKV. PR.1TT, Pro ft *$or.— Allis Well, a sacred Quartette; O, Love is like the Roses, Guard her as a treasure, l would not live always, Lib afloat, Come echo catch my >ong, father thy word is past, Teach O! l each me to forget, Rock- away. Ship or fire. Farr land of Poland, Song for New England, I he Watcher, Texan Hunter’s Bnde, O* no they shalLnot see me weep. Marion Day, Les E'toiles, D’Amour—variations by Cre- mer, Our own fireside—variations by Cr enter, Ruona Volte Air.ata Bene—variations by Sterner, lry. Hwater, Nocture Bellini—Hutz; Fashionable vvaltze< by Labitzkig, Friendship waltz by La-

fctzkig. Green Leaf Galop by Labitzkig, La Su- per®, W Baltimore Serenadin W, La Doleur. Rococo Waltzes, Genoises Olympic, and Glen- *ary VVtkzes; Liitoy, Gibralter, Bugle, 1‘iney Point, Corinthian, Phillipme,.Hungarian, New-

Maloin, Forget me-uct, La belle Jaunesse P Wiwr® Walt/.s; Spanish Dance, celebrated Polka Diuce, College Galop, La Mazwrka, Dt Pallet, Li Peri, Augusta Galop, celebrated pray-

Ro%ini\ Mose m Kgitto, Cotellion from Rosim 1‘ear the way for Harry Clay, Banner of Clay Bcnry Clay Waltzes, V\ hig Rally, Songs of the lutchiiMoQ and Rainer families, Torp s Guitai

Preceptor, Songs and Tunes for Guitar, best Pre ‘ePtou for Violin, Flute, Accordion, &c., supe pior Strings for Guitar, Violin, &c., and even art‘Ge in the Music line, and Musical ln>tru New* on the best terms. oct 25

. , BOARD! X G H O U S E—Mrs. A. S. XEWTOX—widow- of the late

\ Xewtov—respectfully informs the pub- lic that she has OPEYED \1 BO.iRDLYG HOUSE, in the home recently occupied by Mrs.

V eat os’, on Royal, between King and Prince-ntreet*,

j where she is prepared to accommodate hoarders, i either regular, or transient visiters, with or with-

out lodging. Her house has been fitted up in the 1 best style, and her efforts will he exerted to give

satisfaction to all who may feel disposed to pat- ronise her. _sp|>34

1 Ml Ft > R R E VT —The BR 1C K \f. 1RE-

i tjfF HOUSE on Columbus, between King and

( P rince streets, has’boon recently occupied by Mr. W. 1. Comptom, for the storing of Flour,

! and takes about 2000 barrels on the lower lloor. It

| will be let at a moderate rent, either by the month i or vear, and immediate possession given,

oct 11 W\I. FOWLE & SOXS.

* FOR REV P.—One of the most desira-

rable tenements in the town of Alexandria, situate on the corner of Washington and Came- ron streets, in good repair. Rent moderate.—

; Possession can be given the 2ist inst. Enquire s of ISAAC ROBBIVS,

oct 16—dlw __Agent. f.-^ FOR S \LE —The ! *te resi lenc * of Mr iJST John Armfield in this place. A descrip-

tion of this extensive and beautiful property is

deemed unnecessary here. It will be sol I on ac-

commodating terms, and will he divided if desir-

ed. Apply to W.M. D. NUTT, at the Treasury Dep., Washington.

ALSO FOR RENT—V well finished

jfjf two -torv dwelling house on Henry street,

sep 24—tf _


FOR REXT.—'That desirable house and lot at the upper end of Duke street,

3 liL,the property ot Mrs. Thomas isemmes, and now occupied by Lieut. Smith. Possession

i will be given in September next. For terms en-

quire of Dr. Hoxton, on Washington street,

my 28—lawts __

r»/\r» U CVT Irmuvn

tablishment., the CITY HOTEL, which is undergoing a thorough repair and

will he ready for a tenant about the middle of this month. Apply to H. WILSON, at Mrs. Elizabeth Irwin’s, on Cameron Street,

ort 5—Sawtf Wat Int 2aw2w]

tFOU KEN T.—The two story brick house north side of King street, between Alfred

and Patrick streets, recently occupied by Miss Elizabeth Smith, situated in the most elevated and healthiest part of the town, and iuneigubor- hood of the be^t water, lias a stable and chair, house on the allevback, and a cistern in the yard. Possession rnuv he had l>t October next, or im- mediately from Miss Smith,

aug l A. C. CAZEXOVE.

IiOX’8 BOOK OF MARTYR’S, Campbell’s handsome edition, octavo volume, with nu

merotis engravings, price only >i Short's History of the Church of England to the

Revolution in 1GSS, handsome octavo volume, full cloth, <1.50.

History of the Seb'e of Londonderry, and Defence of EnnLkiilen, in 16SS and 1 Gel), by the Rev. John Graham, M. A., in cloth, fr.M cts; in paper, 50 cts.

Judah's Lion, by Charlotte E izabeth, fifth edi- tion, price 50 cts.

t Blair's Sen: ions, a new and beautiful American ! edition, in one volume, price $*2.

Ranke's History of the Copes, their Church and State, in the JGth and 17th centuries, complete in one octavo volume, p. ice $2,:.«>, or lu two

parts, in paper, $1 each. Essay on the Philosoplni of Me dir al Science, by

KIKhu Bartlett, M l)., Professor of the Theory j : and Practice of Medicine in the University of

Maryland, one volume octavo, price $2,25. The Bird Book, 37A ots; The Useful Christian, 1

37} cts.; and Columbus and his 7imes; 37} cents; three new Juveniles by the American 8. S.

Union, just published and for sjle by oct 12 BELL & ENTWISLE.

! VTEW BOOKS FROM THE HARPERS* i\ PRESS!—.Vo Church without a Bishop, or

the controversy between the Rev. Doctors Potts and Wainwright, with a preface by the latter, i and an introduction and notes by an Anti Secta- rian, ;>r;ce 25 cent**!

Neat's 1 Inti'ii) of the Puritans, now complete ! in two elegant octavo volumes, with numerous i

portraits on Steel, price only $3,50; in 8 num j bers, $2.

Miss Bremen's Novels, viz: the Xieghbors, Home, Presidents Daughters, Nina, Sketches of | Every Life, H— Family, Fralinnan, Axel and

Anna, Hopes, The Twins, The Solitary, and The Comforter, (all translated by Ylavy Howitt,)

; bound in one octavo volume, full cloth, with a ; handsome portrait of the beautiful author, price ] onlv $1,50.

i McCulloch's Gazetteer, part 10, price 25 cents.

L^pThc work will be completed in another num-

ber. All the back Nos. mav had of BELL k ENTWISLE,

Who receive all the new standard works as

soon as published, and ?eil them at the lowest

Northern retail prices. oct 15

XJ EG ROES WAN FED.—1 wish to purchase i> a lot of likely young Negroes for the south, as early as possible, and will pay the highest mar-

ket price. ('all at the old establishment, west end

of Duke street, or direct to me by mail to this

plan*, when all all communications will be

promptly attended to. Bear in mind, all loimei

agents, are not doing business for me. During my absence, all letters will be attended to by some person kept at the house, with lull powe to act for me. GEOROL KLPilAil L.

je 17—tf_• _

-m *r \ w. \ VI ll It f'.iilnrs

M Ok" Lj 1 W ... ..

have just received their stock of FALL ami lVLYFER HOODS, suitable for gentlemens wearing apparel, consisting ot —

Wool Dyed BPk English Cloths and Cassimeres Invisible Green, blue and olive do Bl'k and Blue English Beaver do Pilot and doubled Milled Tweed Plain, Plaid and Striped French, English and

A me r ic a n Cassi me res

Sup plain and striped Silk Velvet Vestings Bl'k Satin Merino and Valencia do

Gloves, Cravats, Hhdkfs., Suspenders, Bosoms, Collars, Sic., &c..

\ fine and general assortment of Trimmings Also, a large assortment of READY MADE

CLOT11LYG, such as Dress Frock Coats, Beaver and Pilot Cloth Over Coats

Sacks and McIntosh do

Cloth, Cassimere and Satlinet Pantaloons. Our stock is large and has been selected with

care, and we are determined to sell low lor cash, or to punctual customers. Como and see and judge for youtselves. Our work is done in the best and mot fashionable maimer ; and anything made by us need i.ot he taken unless it tits. King street, south vide, one door east of Royal-street,

sep 21—eo3:n _1____

HE HOME BOOK OF HEALTH AND MEDICINE, a popular treatise on the means

, of avoiding and curing Diseases, and of preserv- ing the health and vigor of the body to the latesl

period, including an account of the nature and

properties of Remedies, the treatment of the Diseases of Women and Children, &c., by a Phy-

r [sieian of Philadelphia—a handsome octavo vo

■ j lume, price $2,50, tor sale bv 1

oct 16 BELL fc ESTW1SLE.


Oilers his services for all sales under the hammei rnh l



South side of Prince-street, near Union-srcet mh 15—ly Alexadxria, D. C._


Will attend the Superior and Inferior Courts c

| Fauquier and Frederick Counties. Office in Hoff’s Row, Winchester, dec 8.— 11

N^EW STORE—ft few doors East of lit? Mm shall House.—ROB Eli T WASHING l OJ

has ju>t opened a large ami beautiful assortmer ! of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, to which h invites the attention of the public. His stock i

entirely new and well selected, comprising ever

article usually called for, and will be «old upo ; the most accommodating terms. 1 R. W. earnestly solicits the patronage of hi ; old customers, at his NEW STORE, to whom h

will be happy to sell upon the same terms as foi

merly. sep 23 — lm

rilOBACCO, SNUFF, AND SEGARS.—; X boxes Natural, Honoydew, Pound Lumj

Tobacco, from the Mellow Ridges of Ya 10 do do do do do 10 do Small Lump 12’stolb.

[ 4 do do do 5 s do

140,000 Spanish Segars, llavanna Principe ant

Cuba 100,000 11 a 11' Spanish do. *200,000 American do Ky. and .Maryland 25 doz. papers American and Seartarlaiti ismok

ing Tobacco 10 boxes Pipes Maccaaboy, JSooteh, and Rappee Snufts. I<>

sale at cheap prices, at the corner ol Prince am

Union streets, by ! sep 2d tMN ISAAC BUCKINGHAM.

LOTH LN gTcLOTHI N G ! !—“The season

y of the year” having again arrived when it i;

all important to neaitn ana comiori y> sccuic

outer man against “the peltingsof the pitiless storm,” it atiords the undersigned much ^ati-iac

tion in being able to assure his fellow-citizens o

: Alexandria and iN vicinity, that he is prepared tc

furnish, at his R.-fS 111( ),\*.] BLR 0 EST.IBLISIIMEXR adjoining Mr. Jno. Corse1*

Exchange Ollice, on King street, gentlemen s anc

youth’s, with everv variety of Cloth, Dress, 1* rock

and Sack Coats, Cloaks, Vests, Pantaloons, Jack- ets kc., at such prices as cannot fail to please.— Having just received from the North Ins 1*ILI. SURRE Y of Cloths, CasMmeres, Cassinets, and

Vestings, which wore selected by himself—he is

! prepared to recommend and oiler at unusually i jow prices, notwithstanding the outcry about the

{increased price of goods. Those in want of any

description of clothing arc particularly solicited to t^ive him a call as ho is confident of being able

to give satisfaction both as to kind and price. Those who prefer to furnish their own material can have any description of clothing made up by him in the best manner, and at the lowest possi- ble rates.

§<_pCUTTING AND REPAIRING neatly and promptly executed, and all garments warrant-

led to fit. WILLIAM ATWELL, SCn 28—tf [Merchant Tailor.

171 x R'P H EN W A RE, CHIN A, AND (SILASS- V\VARIv-R. 1L MILLER has received, per

ship Columbia, direct from Liverpool, pait of Lis

supply of Earthenware and China, and by other _* ! — 1.1 Pii I I 11 r\ I ir r\ r Pl'iin

ui » jh-j 11 j '-mv, --1-

sed Glassware, making his assortment os com-

plete as can he found in any other establishment* His aim continues to be to furnish goods of su-

perior quality, style, aud patterns, and at prices as low as in any other market; and he invites

country merchants to call and examine for them-

selves. foc* ^

-_Leesburg Washingtonian, Warrenton Times ;Hagerstown Torchligtit, and W illiam^port Banner, will publish once a week tor three

weeks, and charge

pi LASSWAKE, CASTORS, 6cc.—I have just IT received 20 packages of Cut, Pressed, and Plain Glassware, viz—

Cut, Pressed, and Plain Bowls—various sizes u 4- “ Tumblers, very cheap u « “ Dishes on stands u « “ 44 without stands

Brittania Castors, of all sizes & qualities,cheap Plated 44 Toy Castors & Castor Bottles

Cologne Bottles, Cut Decanters, in pairs or sets

Cut, Pressed, & Moulded Salt Cellars,all prices '1 able Mats, Toy Tumblers, and other articles

too numerous to mention. 10mo 22 R- H. MILLER.

”Y N DREW J. FLEMING has in store and of- /jl fers for sale— 10 lP.ds West India, )

a boxes double and single Loat * SUGARS. 10 do White Havana ) 60 hags Green R io j 35 do Old Government Java l COFFEES 20 do White Angostura 10 do St. Domingo J 55 pacag’s Gunpowder, Imperial l jjr

Y. Hyson, Pouch’g, & Souc’g ) *25 boxes No. 1 Brown and Yellow Soap 37 kegs Shenandoah Butter

15 bbis No. 1 Gross Herrings—in tight barrels

10 boxes Colgate’s Family Starch 10 do Small Lump & Cavendish Tobacco

50 sacks Ground Alum and Blown Salt

Together with the usual articles to be found ir

the Grocery.line, as low as can be found in this

market. IN VERY ONE RUN HERE. — Ju^t receiver ■ ̂ u .....niv r.f Pruirp \ I ho it Ginn. Lev*

ronea Gimp. Gimp Cords, Cords and Tassels fo:

Cloaks, Wants Sleeves, etc. Also, Worsted

Cords and Tassels tor curtains, Agate, Black

Pearl, Silvered, (lilt, and Porcelain Buttons, to*

vest« and childrens’ clothing. I he abo\e aie de-

sirable goods, and for sale cheap at

oct 22 J. B. HILL’S Fancy Enponum.

/ vo\L GRATES,. FIRE PROOF BRICK — We l.ave just received from -New

York, a large number ol Grates,with and wi;:.o i

Summer pieces, suitable for burning AmhrunU

lor Cumberland Coal, very handsome patterns and cheap. Also, 1000 tire proof Brick of ex

! cellent quality, Cast Iron Potatoe Steamers I-oi 1 Furnaces, and preserving Kettle-;, a ha 1

some assortment of double and -mgle Bariei ■>.'

Guns. We invite those in want ol such goods, u

call and examine our stork. 1



j iXGS.—Cotton Oznaburgs, from the Mer

chants’Company, Petersburg. Do. do., and 7-8 Brown Shirtings, from the Ca

nal -Mills Company, Petersburg, ' a.

A full supply of the above goods constantly o

1“'“' •“* r* 11 Tno"\IAs“ i)VER. j ort oi Janney’s Whar


Spread Strengthening msters, received an

i for sale at “E*NRY „ U*VS’

j oct 21 _Drug More.


US STILL. 11 We call them through the long, long night, but the

ansicer us not again."1 They have gone—the loved ones of earth havi

, gone, We hear no longer their joyous tone; We list in vain for their sprightly tread: Love may not waken the silent dead ;

They know not what yearnings our fond heart:

f! fiU; i Would that the loved ones were with us still!

y | Brightly the glittering sunbeams throw ; A flush of light on the cold pure snow; ! Eike the last sweet smile, on the pale calm brow

\ Of the loved who are sleeping in darkness now! That smile yet lives in our hearts so chill;

C Would that the loved ones were with us still!


y There is mirth again round the old hearth stone ii But we miss the glee of an absent one;

There’s a hush of joy for the perished word, s And the laugh that the fountains ot gladnes< e stirr’d,

That laugh like the voice of the silvery rill; Would that the loved ones were with us still!

I We miss too, the glance of those sunlit eyes, > Which in memory’s vision before us rise,

Sweet tones that breathed on the morning air, The hymn of praise arid the voice ot prayer; Our hearts yet vibrate to their deep thrill; Would that the loved ones were with us still!

j In vain! we have loved them, alas! too well; ! They weie unto us a binding spell; How may we place on earth's beautiful dust, Ever again our heart’s deep trust'

Who may the void in our bosoms (ill? Would that the loved ones were with us still!

Read Mrs. Rose’s pathetic description of wo- I (

j men’s wrongs :

I “In government they are net known, but to he i punished for breaking laws in which they have no voice in making. All avenues to enterprize and honor arc closed against f ern. If poor,


they must drudge for a mere pittance; if of the n'p'iltl»v tlu-v must dressed dolls of

I fashion—parlor puppets—female things. v\ hen

single, they must be dependent on their parents or brothers, and when married, swallowed up in

their husbands. Nothing ol nobleness, of dignity and of elevation is allowed to exist in the female. All such traits in her are indelicate and unbecom-

ing. A few are allowed to thrum the keys ol a

piano—to smatter a little French or Italian—to do cunning needle work—to study the combined colors of the rainbow; but then how mascu-

line, indelicate, and unwoman like for her to pry into the heavier sciences, into the falsely *.o cal-

led, sciences of politics and religion. She may lean upon a gentlemar’s arm, but to travel alone

would he immodest and vulgar. '\ his state of so-

ciety does not recognize woman’s equality. Her living is in the hands of man. .My sisters, speak out for yourselves. Tyrants never will willing- ly relinquish their grasp. All that the lords of creation will yield will be what they are forged to do by public sentiment.

“Know you not, who would be free, Herself must strike the blow.”

From ibis quotation, it is to be supposed, she

contemplated an appeal to the ultima ratio mun- ! erutn—the last right of women—the right to pro- scribe proscription, “peaceably, it they can; for-

cibly, if they must.” Airs. Rose K or.o of the pioneers of .social reor-

ganisation. Her first step, of course, is to over-

throw all present 1m.u1uwo.115, su wai

begin de. novo, arid establish a second edition of Adam’s paradise here, where sin cannot enter.

I The future can, alone, decide her success or

! failure; not her motives, which, of course, are be- i vond suspicion. i' pity, Willis demolished Mrs. Pobasco in an ar-

! tide: she would have proved an useful auxiliary

j to Mrs. Rose.

j We copy the following description of Mr. 1 Die kin«on’s splendid printing establishment from

I the Mercantile Journal of Boston :—

Great Printing Establishment.—The im-

provements which have been introduced into ma-

i iiy branches of the mechanical arts within a few • years in this country, are vciy numerous, arid

• important, and are well calculated to sustain the l character for ingenuity and enterprise. And per-

haps in no branch of-the mechanic art*, have more improvements been made than in the Art of Printing—an art which is doing more to ex-

pend the blessings of civilization, and elevate the character of the human race, than any art

I extant, or, we had almost said, all the other uiU

combined. A large and well conducted, and well arrang-

ed Job Printing Office, is now a curiosity, well

worthy the attention of tho*e who have a ta*te

for the mechanic art*, and rejoice in the march

of excellence, and the most remark ible curiosity of this nature which \va have ever seen, is the

! Printing Office n! S. X. Dickinson in this city, the principal entrance of which is No. b2 W asli-

inglon street. Mr. Dickinson is well known for his enterprise

as a mechanic, his taste as a printer, and his

j zeal lor improvement. The capita! which lie i has now invested, is very large, his business is

very extensive, and his establishment may be

said to be truly on a grand scale, comprising sev-

eral large apartments in the third story fronting i on Washington street, and the attic rooms above,

and communicating with the large brick biock

iri Wilson’s lane, including all the room for mer-

le rly occupied as the Printing Offices of the Mer- : caniile Journal and the Christian Watchman.

We recently took a lour around this establish-

ment, and were surprised at the number of presses which were in operation, some by human agency, and some by the mvisiDle agency,oi sintm; iui mi.

J). lias a steam engiueoi a remarkably neat appear- ance, manufactured by Mr, Otis 1 utts, connected

with'his establisment, winch performs its labor

vvitlii-ut noise, and apparently without effort.—

Among these presses are three of the rotary pres- : st.s mhuature editions, for printing cards, &e.; two of Ruggles’s improved job presses, one small

t 1

PN lender Napier press, for printing circulars, hills, : &c.; several Tufls's hand presses, several Ad-

, s a ms’s power presses, and one large Napier press jun which the Boston Daily Atlas is worked.—

; j of these presses are in constant operation throwing utf with great rapidity, business and vh-

t it ing cards, handbills, circulars, pamphlets, and ) j sheets of books of various characters. Mr. Dick-

i iiusori has been at considerable expense in mak-

i ing his arrangements for printing cards for dif-

ferent purposes. lie will print them plain, m

gilt letters, or in variegated colors, and beautiful* I lv embossed, and indeed he will execute all kinds

1 of fancy work in a. style not.surpassed on thh *

I side of the Atlantic. The pies'* by which tin

embossing process is done, is a machine oi gieiii n

simplicity, yet of very great power. Anothei

press of a similar character, aiid of a hdrizonta

r platter, is used for tbe purpose oi printing cop,

per or steel plates, by a direct impression;-and wt

e sawf some beautilul impressions taken oi a fin<

d map of Boston, intended for the Boston Almanac * Then for pressing the sheet**, there is a h.ydrati ! iiC press, which is a great curiosity in ibeil—i 1 will exercise a force of a thousand tons. 1 hi

‘Si Printing Office is all’admirably arranged, tb<

>g i0b type being placed in regular order, accord»v in to the size of letter, and extending with the case

upwards of one hundred feet. The ornamenu

much care and ta«te, and including the latest anJ most approved styles.

Air. Dickinson has also added to his establish- ment a Type Foundry. In addition to his Amer- ican faces cf type, he has recently imported, at

y a heavy expense, a complete series of Scotch cut

faces, from an old established toundry in Kdiu- J burgh. In size they range from Diamotid up to

Pica, and as a whole, or single, present one of the most elegant specimens of well-cut and high ly-fimsjied letter that we have ever seen. 1 hose

cuttings, or matrices, enable him to iurnish type * of a remarkably neat appearance, and character

decidedly more durable than any heretofore rnan-

I ufactured in this country. The Type which he has thus far made, h*s, we believe, given much

j satisfaction, and he will doubtless receive orders

t ; faster than he can execute them.

Stereotyping is another branch ot bus ness

* connected with his establishment I bis depurt- | merit is superintended by Air. John Haton. who

j was for fifteen years engaged in this business at > the boston Type and Stereotype Foundry, and

who ever gave great satisfaction to all who trans-

acted business with that establishment, and who

j js by no means forgotten by his old friends, who

| know' his capacity and skill. | A variety of improvements aro introduc- ed by Air. Dickinson into his establishment,

i ail calculated to save labor, multiply con-

| veniences, and facilitate the work. Among them we noticed that water, by means ol

> a reservoir in the upper part of the building on

j Washington street, is distributed by lead pipes through the different apartments—a convenience that will Ire appreciated by all persons w ho have

any knowledge of the business ot a printing Of-

fice. Upwards of one hundred persons at e con-

stantly employed here, and a regular system be-

ing adopted throughout, the order, and method, and neatness, which exists everywhere in the es-

tablishment, is remarkable, indeed, we consid- er this Printing Office—embracing every process from the casting of the metal until the impres- sion is beautifully stamped on embossed cards,

satin, or vellum—as one of the most attractive ! nkinnti' m fliio n 11 i* o r»/l I il’P I < ih’ lllll’ilPIlMtlf? the

importance of encouraging Home Industry.

LINSEED OiLx of best quality, for sale by oct 9



Q r\ BBLS. Rochester extra Family Flour, just received and for sMc by

oct ID R. & w. RAMSAY.

PICKLING VINEGAR.—Pure Cider Vine- gar, on retail, lor sale by

oct ID _R.& W. RAMSAY.

(CHEESE.—20 boxes of prime Cheese, rec’d J and for sale this dav, bv •

I oct 18 E L. PRICE

Hams. —JUO superior town cured llains, re-

ceived and for sale by oct 18 E. L, PRICK,

PINE OIL.—Double distilled, a fresh and j good article, just received and for sale by

oct 18 E. L. PRICE.

IJACON.—4U0U lbs. of superior Sides and J Shoulders Bacon, r ceived and for sale by oct ia E. L. PRICE.

VTOVA SCOTIA HERRING for sale by the L\ bbl. or retail, at J. N. HARPER’S

oct IS Cheap Family Grocery. OEjBD.—150 bushels Clover, Timothy, Herd iO Gra«s and Orchard Gra^s Seed—lor sale

Ihy [oct 15] B. WHEAT k S.)N&.

CtllEHSE.—53 boxes prime Cheese, received and for sale bv


G1 LADi ? BU ITEli.—12 keg>j good—jual ic-

reived a..5 for sale bv keg or ret *il.

| ocU6_ TH09; VOWELL. ! MTINDOW GLASS.—Just receive*! 77 box- I V ▼ es W indow Glass, assorted sizes and qua!- !

ities, tor sale, wholesale ami retail at Factory |pri;>es. [II mo 19] ROBERT II MiLLE’L j

] ^ ,4[ in !^I>S. Middlings, Bacon ! *~ij ^ rl ft I ID kegs prime No. 1, Lard • 13 kegs Glades Butter, ju^t received and for sale | by [oct 19j It. & W. RAMSAY.

; IV 11001*1 NO COCO II.—Gideon R. Smith’s ; i W hooping Cough Mixture, received and

for sale at HENRY COOK’S, oct IS DrngStnr’.

\fEGETABLE PILLS.-Braudreth’s, W rights, Leidy's, Gcrord’s, and Peters \ egetable

Bills, received and far s.ile at ! oct is HENRY COOK'S, Drug sto c.

! T1ICH FR ENCH Lt • VVERS.—Will be open IV ed this d iv at 'lie New York Cheap Lace

! Store, such as Parisian Wreaths, with feathers, | only 75 cts., worth -1,50; Adorn Mo«g Circles and Outside Flowers, iroin 50 cts. to ^1, worth from ! to $2; French Face Flowers, Irom 10

! cts. to 62} cents a spray; uls >, a beautiful assort- : rnent of Winter Bonnet Caps w ith flower trim- mings, only 25 cU. ami 314 <*ts ; also, fancy neck ties, 1SJ dv, and .Misses W uisted Hoods, Idjf ctb.

Remember these goods are only to be had for the \

above prices at the. Cheap Lace Store, Fairfax street. [oct 25] Ji ST. MAXWELL

/~NH!NA AM) EARTHENWARE.—flUG11 SMITH <$,* Cohave received per ships j

Pioneer and Columbia direct from Liverpool. 85 CRHTKS ,?.\7) HHI)S of China and Earthen- ware being the. principal part ol their Fad aitp- ply. Their slock comprises every article in the line, and will be sold low—

Dining and Tea Sets in every variety Best Engli-h Britania l ea Sets Plated and Common Castor** Toilet Sets, various patterns Solar Lamp?, Lard, &o., Solar Lamps (1 irandole-, assorted sizes and patterns G! is-vvarc— cut, plain and pressed Window* Glass, ail sizes, be»t quality Pipes in Boxes Stone Ware

iart Wine Bottles [oct 18

\^EW B J> >kS.-— Life and eloquenee of the Rev. Sylve>ter Larned, first Pa-tor of the

Fir.-t Presbyterian Church in New Orleans, by Rev. R. R. Gurley, >1.25. Awake thou Sleep- er, a senes of awakening Discourses, by the

late Rev. John A. Clqrk, 75 cents, Judah’s Lion, by Charlott" Elizabeth, cheap edition, 51) cents.

The complete Conk aad Confectioner, in one

, volume, bound, *H rt;U.e The Complete Gar- dener and Fl<»nst, complete in one volume, bound

cents. Just published, and for sale by oc.t 21 BELL k ENTWMJ:.

NEW ML SIC. — Just received the following; _

viz: We ’re Alioat, or the Midshipman’* Farewell; The Texian Hunter’* Bride; Come, dearest, come; Come, Oh ! come with me, the

moon is lHorning; 1 Lie Polka, a5 danced at the

Baltimore Museum; l be Lrihraiiar, Uiiiia, Lti- | cerne, and Piney Point Waltzes; Miss Lucy Neal

I Gallopade; Torp’s Guitar Instructions; Instruc- tions tiir the Violin, Clarinet, Flute and Piano; Piano Primer, Rest Violin and* Guitar Strings; Music Paper; Tuning Folks and Hammers, vvjih mo*t articles in the Music Lit#, lor sale by

; j oct 23_ _ _


t | ImFaXD POTATOES —200* eu.ks fresh ; | a Linconville Lime, equal to Thomaston

! Maine Mercer Potatoes ? lot) bushels ) 5 i on board of Scbr. Mount Vernon, Capt. Drink'



liam Countv.—(Vie tract of Land on Little Bull Run, containing about six hundred acres, believ- ed to be now occupied by C. C. Mars teller:—-One other tract of Land, in the immediate neighbor- hood of Bethlehem Meeting-Mou*e, containing about one hundred and t\ve:.ty-stten acres, bo- lieyed to be now occupied by IIowsou i »nn.—

I One other tract of Land in the same neighbor- hood, containing about two hundred and forty acre-, believed to be now occupied by Walter \\ oodyard. ()ue other tract of Land called and known by the name of l'radiey, containing about

) thirteen hundred and severity six acres, and be- lirved to he now occupied by Alexander Howison. One other tract of Land containing ten acres,

adjoining Bradley, and believed to be occupied t by tho same persons. And one other tract of Land containing about eighty acres, adjoining lfa7.le-PI.iin, the former residence of Bernard Hooe, Sr., dec’ll., and believed to be now occupi- ed by James Robinson.

In Fairfax County.—One tract of La/id on

*Cub Run, containing about six hundred and fifty acres, and believed to be occupied by Warren

j Croson. One other tract of Land called Wood- I Lawn, containing about three hundred and fifty eight acres, and believed to be now occupied by Garrett Freeman. Oneoth: r tract of Land con-

taining about four hundred and seventy-seven ; acres, and believed to be now occupied by James Fewell. And, oneother tract of Land containing about fifty-three acres, and to be also

occupied by James Fewell. The Lands in Prince William are distant from

Alexandria in the District of Columbia, general- ly, about thirty miles—and those in Fairfax a*

bout twenty to twenty-five miles, and immediate- ly on a good Turnpike Road, leading to the said to vn of Alexandria.

Mr. Thomas B. Gaines, who resides near to

llaymarket, iu Prince William County,will shew the Lands in that county to all persons w ishing

^ t a cno fli£»iYX n ml hp IV ill .rivf' enrh in format inn ns

mav he desired in regard to tho quality pftha .sod, the supply of wood and water, and Iho healthfulnes.s of the country.

The Fan lax Lands are ail immediately in tha neighborhood of (Vritroville, and any information

i desired in regard to them will be readily furnish-

( ed by the tenants in possession, or by the under-, signed.

The sale of tho<e in Fairfax County will ho } made by Public Auction, at Fairfax Court House, on Tuesday, the '25 th day of June next, commencing

jar U o'clock in the morning, and those in Prince I William w ill be njTcred at public sale at Brents- villc, .'Prim e William Court House,) on the fol- lowing day, commencing at the same hour.— Poiscseion will he given to t he purchasers at tho end of the present year, and they w ill have tho privilege of seeding a uli crop.

Terms of Sale.—One tenth pert of the pur- chase money of each tract above mentioned, will be required to be paid at the time of the sale, an

a depoVte,to be forfeited if the purchasers shall fail to comply w ith the term? of sale; and the remainder to be paid in three equal annjal instal- ments, to bear interest from the day of sale, to be secured by the bonus of the pui chasers, with personal security to be approved by the Court, under whose decree this sale is made. The titles of the said Land** to be retained until the deferred instalments shall be paid, and the Lands liable to be re-sold by order of the -.1 id Court, on default in the pavment of any of said deferred instalments.

;t jF* The Commissioners are authorized to sell the above Lands, hy dividing and subdividing them us then man deem advisable.

13ERN A RD iiOoE, ) ComuFr*. JOHN LOWELL, S of sale.

ap 56— 3taw!s Ami immediately after the above sale of the

Lands in the County of Prince W illiam, 1 will cli’.-r foe sale a tract of Land in that County, five iniles from BrenhvilD, vi.hc C ounty Seat,) con-

taining about eleven bundled acres, of which six hundred acres are in wood, and the balance un

dor cultivation. 1 ins Land is .distant from Al- exandria about thirty-live iniles and is well a-

dapted to the growth of all the staple produc ts of that part of the country and especially suited to

the raising of grass. Any further information in

regard to it, can be outlined by application to ma

in Alexandria, District of Columbia. Terms made known at ^ale

HERN \l;D IIOOE. £Lf"The above sales are postponed until

Tuesday, the Vdth (Liy of «Vernnber nut, when they will he positively nude at CV*r»tievilie, rn Fairfax County ; and the Lands u i!i be divi!« d into | ar-

ee|s so as to suit purchasers, or '•old in tracts ac-

cording lo the above advertisement, if preferred. 13. IJODE, I Commissioners JNO. TOW ELL. ] <J Salt.

je 57— taw'lloct&.ifawfs PROPOSALS FOR RATIONS..

11f:\dwc\k mas of ihk Mu.i m: Coitrs, Quarter in ■’< «5k'’, Waliin-rfon. Oct. I, I w ! f.

SEPARATE Proposals will be received at this cilice, until 10o’clock A. Vl .on Monday, lhh

November next, for fut nishing rations to the Uni- ted State5 M inep< at the following station:* for the year 1*4j, vu:

Portsmouth, New Hampshire. •Charleston u, .Mas>4cbuscUs. Brooklyn, Long Island, New York, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Gosport, m ar Norlolk, Virginia. Pensacola, Floi idu; and W ashingtun, D strict of Columbia.

Each ration to con-i-t of one pound and a quar- ter ot fresh beef or three quarters of a pound of

i me.*4 pork, eighteen ounces of br**ad or suj>erfme flour, at the option of Government; and at the

| rate of six pounds of codec, twelve pounds of 1 best New Orleans sugar, eight quarts of tho ! best white beans.four quarts of vinegar,two quarts j of salt, four pounds of good hard brow n soap, ; and one and a hail pound. <>i good hard dipped lallow c'lndle*. t*> each hundred ration*.

The beef required shall be delivered on the order of the commanding officer of each Nation, either in hulk or hy the single ration, and shall c nsi-t of the best and rno.-t choice portions of the carcase; (he pork to tie* No. 1'Prune Me»a Pork, and the groceries of the best quality of the kinds named; subject t<Vinspection.

No hid will he entertained unless accompanied hv the names of two sureti s responsible for the faithful performance o( the contract.

To he endorsed ‘‘Proposals for rations for 1345. A LG. A. NICHOLSON,

U~ M. M. C. !, r' American S» ntiriel^and Pcimsy Ivaniun,Phil-

adelphia; the Portsmouth Gazette, New Hamp- shire; the Boston Time*. Boston; the New York Herald, the New York Lvemng Post, the New York Lnquirer, the Baltimore Republican, ihu Norfolk Beacon, the Norfolk Herald, the Ru h»

mond Kmpiircr, nrhl Richmond AA’Lig, the Ah xan-

dria’Gazette, Alexandria, H C. *ard the Pensa-

cola Guzi>Ue. will give llu-aboiv three insertion* each per \v“iand scud the account aoco/iipani* ed bv one c' py ol the uUva i .. t > •his of-

fice rotr j aymefit. '•

(ALECKS — JustJ'eceived uiiect from m mu-

j facturers, a further supp y of tho-e cheap j Clocks, eight day*#, bn-s work-,, at nd; j Unity hours, brass woi Its, >4.00; thirty h<ur*, wooden works,. $*,#—a 11 warranted to keep time or the money returned. (.’all at C 1 ’•

Top Related