Page 1: Mooring cable modeling with MOODY - AAU

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Mooring cable modeling with MOODY


• MOODY – software description

• Choosing suitable cable parameters – Filtering – End-point motion importance – Ground model – Parameter choice

• Results

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Software description


• MOODY - developed as a Matlab® program package.

• A Finite Element Code with intermediate sinks and floaters, ground

interaction, drag forces and added mass effects.

• Validated against experimental data.

• Coupled to several different solvers for the motion of the device.

• A user’s manual has been produced during this project

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Modular approach


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Software description


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Software description


• However: Bending stiffness is neglected, leading to numerical noise when the cable goes slack (at no tension).

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Choosing settings


• Several parameters

• Only one target value: Tension force

• Axial stiffness • Added mass coefficients, CMn and CMt • Drag force coefficients, CDn and CDt • Ground stiffness, K • Friction coefficient, μ • Viscous force cut-off speed, vc

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Smoothing end point motion


• 3-point moving average and cubic interpolation between sampled positions.

• Quasi-static results

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End-point sensitivity


• 3-point moving average filter and cubic interpolation between sampled positions.

• MOODY results

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Cable parameters


• Decreasing cable axial stiffness – Allows larger time-steps – Gives smaller noise from measurement errors – Very small mean force difference

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Cable parameters


• Decreasing axial stiffness – Allows larger time-steps – Gives smaller noise from measurement errors – Very small mean force difference

• Added mass -> small impact

– Chosen from Orcaflex manual. Standard values

• Drag forces -> small impact – Chosen from previous studies.

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Ground model settings


• The ground is modeled as a bi-linear spring-damper.

• Vertical stiffness (Winkler module) chosen from 1 mm penetration depth at rest.

• Vertical ground damping is critical (ξ=1)

• Friction coefficient from literature, μ=0.3 between wet concrete and steel.

• Maximum friction force at vc = 0.1 m/s – Trade-off between large damping and high noise – Chosen to match the phase and noise level of experimental results

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Results – Long waves


• Good phase and amplitude

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Results – Short waves


• Overestimated force amplitude

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Conclusions and outlook


• Validation of mooring codes on slack mooring systems is problematic in experimental, lab-test scale.

– Sensitive to measurement errors – Ground interaction dominates response.

• Field test data or large-scale experiments are more suitable for validation

of cable codes and for tuning cable parameters.

• Future and ongoing work – Translation of MOODY into C++ – Further development and study of the ground interaction – Improvement of the interpolation-scheme of the API

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Funded by

The International Research Alliance


Contact: [email protected]

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