Page 1: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

MoonCaleb RohrMay 10th 2013Mrs. Lower

Page 2: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

Well if a two ton truck was on the moon it would weigh about 666 pounds.

How much would you weigh on the moon.

Page 3: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

If you weigh 80 pounds on the earth you would weigh 13 pounds on the moon.

Page 4: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

Whatever you weigh on the earth you divide that by 6 and that’s how much you weigh on the moon.

Page 5: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

craters` are on planets and moons, meteor craters are the circular depressions caused by the impacts of other objects.

What are craters

Page 6: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

There are about 6 trillion craters on the moon. Most craters on the Moon that have diameters less than about 15 kilometers have a simple, bowl-like form.

Page 7: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

Impact craters are the remains of collisions between an asteroid, comet, or meteorite and the Moon.

Page 8: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

The moon is a bit more than one-fourth (27 percent) the size of Earth, a much smaller ratio (1:4) than any other planets and their moons.

How big is the moon

Page 9: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

The moon's surface area is about 14.6 million square miles (38 million square kilometers), which is less than the total surface area of the continent of Asia (17.2 million sq. mi or 44.5 million sq. km).

Page 10: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

the moon “weighs” 162 sextillion pounds, or162,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds.

Page 11: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

Did you know in 2020 Nasa is going to build a base on the moon.•The average distance from the Moon to the Earth is 384403 kilometers (238857 miles).

•The Moon orbits the Earth every 27.3 days

Fun facts

Page 12: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

Reflection slide

slide I think the whole project went well because some things were interesting to learn about and it went really fast

Page 13: Moon Caleb Rohr May 10 th  2013 Mrs. Lower

Do you believe that is other life out there? NASA's powerful Kepler Telescope has discovered three new planets in distant solar systems that could be habitable and sustain life.

NASA scientists said two of the planets are part of the Kepler-62 five planet system, known as Kepler-62-E and Kepler-62-F.

A third planet has been found in the Kepler-69 system and is called Kepler-69-C.

All three planets orbit a star similar to our sun and they are all in something called the habitable zone. That is the area near a star like our sun that can theoretically hold liquid water.

Scientists also said they believe these planets have a temperature similar to that of earth. But there is no way to know for sure. The plants are so far away, actually light years away, and we do not have the technology yet to travel there to find out for sure.

This is not the first time NASA's Keller Telescope discovered new planets that could possibly sustain life. Back in 2011, a planet named Kepler-22-B was discovered.

Read more:

The new planet/solar system

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The end

moon pony

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