Page 1: Mooers. When You · baut and iMiss Provost of Pittsburgh spent the Fourth in town, the guests of Mr



$ 1UPTO$3

It's to be assumed theman wearing pajamas 1Brather more particular,fastidious than ordin-ary.

Such will appreciatethe excellent qualHy,fineness and materials,tasteflulness of colorsand patterns of ourpajamas.

In cheviots and ma-dras, priced at f 1. to $3.

Some rare, exclusivecolors and designs infancy hose you wonteee anywhere else.

Morrisonvilie,July 13.—It may be gratifying to the

many friends of Rev. and Mrs. J. C.Booth, former pastor of this M. E.churoh and late of the 'M. E. churchof West Chazy. to know of a recentletter from tlhem dated June 13th,written on board the ship H. M. S."Bavarian," of the Allen Royal MailLine, while on their voyage to Eng-land, their native home. They reporttheir trip so far as being fine and de-lightful, their boat a beauty and thepassengers all Chat one could wish.Their address on arrival will be careof Mr. Wm. Ambrose, 275 Mill street,Cambridge, England Through theefforts of Dr. G. iDeWitt Dare and afew other residents here who haveat heart the best interests and im-provements of this village, anothernew street ihas been laid out extend-ing from iSpaulding street on a directline northerly to 'Emery street, inter-secting at the new and beautiful cot-tage residence of 'Henry Riley of thefirm of Sutherland & Riley. This hasopened up another tier of desirablebuilding lots on both sides and ren-ders River and Mason streets moreaccessible from the center of the vil-lage. .The injuries sustained by Harry,the young son of J. K. Weaver, onthe Fourth, were not so serious as atfirst reported, Although he is quitebadly burned the skin is healing andhe is out again Mrs. Thos. Jabautand sister, .Mrs. David and Daniel Ja-baut and iMiss Provost of Pittsburghspent the Fourth in town, the guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Steve LibertyMr. and Mrs. Simon Turner and MissLiberty of Morrisonvilie, with P. H.O'Meara of Loon Lake, attended theball at 'Meaders Hall, Cadyville, onthe evening of the Fourth.

Chazy.July 13.—We had very heavy rains

here Monday and Tuesday. Not a verygood opening for haying... .Gco. Par-ody and wife ihave returned to Albany

Iron aJuly 13.—'Mr. and Mrs. John Bet-

ters and little daughter Clara or(Nashua, N. H,, are here to spend their

wtoere*Mr. Parody has a position as \ summer vacation among relatives andj f i d M i L P k h

West Chazy.Jufly 13.—Horace iEmery transacted

business in Plattsburgh Friday....Roger Manning of Boston was in townlast week with a full line of shoes, j er is home from Brattleboro, Vt.. .Miss

BJackman's Corners.JuJy EL—Mr. and Mrs, Jule Waugliy

of Providence, -R. I., are spending theirvacation1 with (Mr, Waugh's parents., iMrs. KaVgh on Monday re-!turned from .Manchester, N. H., where !

she spent: tSe winter. .Beacham Co&k-}ley, o£ Erraporia, Kansas, is visitinghis sister and friends, after an absenceof several yeans... .Fred Magison andWilliam 'Mafein returned last Friday toHaverhill, Mass... .Eugene Waugh re-turned to his home in Providence onFriday Caari (Whitney of Malone ishome for' s few days.. Miss Mabel |Mitchell is home from (Mooers... .MissEdna Whitney is home from Mooers.and is assisting her aunt, Mrs. JohnWhitney, this week. .Mies Mabel Bale-

to Dan Lyonst) '

UndertakersAnd Dealers In

. Dr. W. EL dough spent Friday infireman on the New iYork Central j friends Miss Lena Parka has gone j Peru Willis Stone has accepted aAbout a dozen of the leaders of the to Mooers to attend the Summer j position as salesman for Merrill &Fourth of July morning celebration School which began July l i th .. Soule of Syracuse, He travels throughhave been called on by the deputy f B r a c n a m Cokley of Nasrton, Kansas,; Ohio, Michigan and Indiana Mrs.

Maud Mace, of Montreal, is visiting!her aunt, Mrs. H. Mitchell On July!6, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. jStanley Welden Henry Pickle


Paints and Oils,

went to that place from here 26ago, is spending a few <iaya:

l i

'North Chesterfield."July IS.—Farmers in town have

•commenced haying which is an aver-age crop in this vicinity Berries ofall kinds are. plentiful. Also the ap-ple crop now bids fair to be a plentifulone The blueberry peddlers arenow reaping their harvest. .Corn, po-

l k i ll

sheriff to work into the judge's office'and plead why they should not paya fine of $3. The judge demanded among relatives and friends herethe coin from most of them, which visiting the scenes of his early years,they paid... .P. C. Hnlihan of tRut- ! • • • J o n n ^ Jennie Taylor of Mooers

| d l ll fd was in town Tuesday We are | m a d e

glad to see that the Plattsburgh D»11 ! had won game No. 2 Dr. John f e w

a pleasant call a few days.Mrs. Bert Sweet is spending atys at the home of her father

Stetson, wife and daughter of New , *n Chateaugay.... The Misses AugustaYork city are in town for a month's *** MiiA Yefle are visiting friendsvacation. .Mrs, ,H. C. McCullougih and "daughter Ruth returned to Albany ontihe Sunday evening sleeper afterspending two weeks with Mrs. Ander-son Merrihew & Adams of Platts-burgh are erecting barns for Kings-'bury brothers. These barns are tobe all slate roof and painted whita.

(Nine thousand to ten thousand jpounds of milk a day are now brought

Mrs. j turned from Manchester Monday night ! A .,tomej ..Haying is general this week, and a: S rUaiItUrai I m p l e m e n t s

in some of the eastern states MissIda Bushey lias gone to Ludlow. Mass.,' ale and children of Dakota are visit-where her father has been living forsome time.. . .Large quantities of blueiberries are being shipped from thisstation daily...The American ExpressCo. has opened an office at this place.This will be welcome news to the peo- jpie of this place A copious fall of

! this section Tuesday af-to the factory here. The butter mar- ternoon, which will be a great helpket is not very encouraging at pres- t o t n e CTO^ which are already lookingent... .About three carloads a week of fine- • -Some families living here havecrushed stone are shipped to the iron ! P i c feed a n d brought to this station toworks at Lyon Mountain from the' s e l 1 as high as eight dollars' worthM t a i n f r o m thelime stone quarry... . H. W. Aldridge I o r OV6T o f bis building a rustic stone wall at the Robert Pattenorth and east sides of his door yard. IrwiQ<) n bConsiderable grading will follow. t

bluseberries in a d a y . . . .

ForestJuly 12.—'Rev. James H. Roche of

yn and wife of Santa Clara

spending a week ort w o among friends around here, wer

Morrisonvilie.July 10.—The 'Maccabee association

of this village, of which James Mur-ray is the present commander, pre-sented an attractive program for theFourth of July in this village, whichwas fully carried out in all its de-tails, breaking all previous records inthis town for Independence Day. Themanagement by the executive commit-tee—Joseph H. Good, Lawrence Trom-blee and S. T. Oolburn, was excellentThe committee was admirably sup-ported by each member of the division . WUIV,1(3 WJL 1WCC!UJ ^ Lilc uvuiv ^ ^commitees^ each deserving special j J j , ^ 1 ^ ^ ' 3 ^ ; / ° ™ ! ^ r < ^ * n t ? °J | A. Olyer. .Several couples from here

guests at tbe home of E. S. Parks fora couple of days Baptismal serviceswill be held Sunday, July 17, at tlieriver near the O'Brien school house.

Croft of Ellenburgh Depot was aer in town last evening Mass AnnaD. iBushey and Joseph Duchane, both

| preaching services which will beginat 2:30 o'clock Mr. CBoyd, a youngman from New York, is spending acouiple of weeks at the home of O.

mention. The program opened at 10:30now reaping their harvest. .Corn, po-tatoes and gardens are looking well. w i t n t n e parade of a line of represen-'*'"-» grain Mrs. ffflanchard Westoi, tative floats which were suggestive ofspent last week with relatives at S a r - | t n e v a r i o u s commodities manufactur-anac Lake Mrs. A. Benedict and j e d ^ «**• T b * marshals of the day,daughter, Mrs. May Call, spent the j T n o s - p- iR i l ey a n d F- Pa-Pineau, ri"

• last three weeks visiting relatives and j 1*8 fi^e _black horses, conducted tlria-:he

procession with the precision of train-ed troopers. The M. and W. P. Cor-net Band, which was in attendanceduring the day and evening, headed theprocession. The first float represent-ed Uncle Sam ringing Liberty Bell,and 13 young ladies representing the13 original states with Miss Columbiaseated on a pedestal. This was fol-

, lowed by the Flag Drill of eight youngI ladies dressed in red. It was evident

ters and sisters. A j >at shadow has

.•'•faatthifriends at Ausable iForks, Jay, UpperJay and Hulls Falls, taking in theSunday school convention at AusableFortes and the Fourth of July at Jay., . . .Mr. and Mrs. Carl ESggleston ofAosable Forks spent 'Sunday with rel-atives in town Ed Smith of Wil-mington made a flying trip throughtown on his way to Vermont... .We,wish to extend our sympathy to J. I lowed by the Flag©wyer and mother in their great be- j l a d i e s dressed in iTeavement. in the death of their daugh- that Wm. H. Myers and Sutherland

1 & Riley vied with each other in pre-senting a fine display of samples oftheir grocery and general stock ofmerchandise, with their floats unique-ly equipped and festooned, really pre-cluding any degree of superiority tobe drawn between them in point ofattraction. J. H. Lewis with samplesof furniture from the branch store ofClough & Co., of IPeru, occupied aplace In line. The float of J. H. Goodiwjith a full ftedgied ishoe shop, inwhich appeared his father, FrancisGood, an old veteran of 81 years ofage, was seen pegging away with allthe activity of his younger years camenext Henry Dashnaw and Ches^e?

Settled over this earthly home, leav-ing an aching void that earth cannever fill, in the death of two loving jaad bright daughters. But let us feel'that they are transplanted to a brigMtoad beautiful home where sickness andpain can never enter, which is theireternal gain.

Mooers.July 12—<Mrs. Nellie Gourley has

come home to live with her father, H.a Haff. Mr. Gourley died a shorttime ago Gay-lord Knaptp and babyare visiting at Charles Knapp's..

Henry Story of, Plattsburgh is j Everleth, blacksmith and wheelwright,©ponding a Jew weeks at Geo. Story's, j a p p e a r e d o n t h e i r float, crowded with

A. N. Bedell, Walter Stevenson,•'A31en Wright, Buhel Bedell, Mr. andMm. Curtis and others attended thefaneral of Mr. Potter at EllenbvurghSunday Mrs. Joel Graves returnedto her home in Chazy Sunday Mrs.(BranScman has returned from Mon-treal. All are in hopes that she willsoon.- regain her health Haying hasbegun here in earnest and with goodmreathef a crop of fine hay will beliarvested. Alex. Feryall of Sciotawas in town Sunday afternoon Mrs.Smith and daughter Lucy have goneto.Alburgh for a visit....M. Gibsonof West Chazy was a caller in townWednesday E. L. Sunderland, anagent for "Sluccess," was among Tues-day's visitors (here James Booth,

work on anvil and bench, each mani-festing their wonted zeal and energy,characteristic in their everyday bus-iness life. Not the least of all onwheels <was the exhibit of lumbermanufacturing !by Taylor & Ayres, Ina variety of samples and forms oftheir production strictly up to date.The Horribles, led by their trumpeter,'MT. ©edor, came up the 'beaten trackin their grotesque monstrosity, withtheir bizzare and quizzical individual-ity and were a center of fun and frolic.The athletic events and prizes award-ed were as follows: Bicycle race, wonby Fred Briette; 100 yard dash, won(by Waiter Tronublee; wheel barrowrace blindfold, won by Fred Lecuyer;egg race, won by Albert Tromblee;

Who has represented the Stuart Nur-1 teto ^ ^ race> w o n b y ^sety Oo. m this sectaon for a number j L e c u v e r . M n n e r w a s ^ ^ tooT years, is unable to do so this year. | l a r g e n u m b e r o n ttLe ^ e . ^ ^ ^T&S company's interests are well look- | A fing e x n i , b i t i o n ot fllWOTk8 ^ giv-«d after by iL. H. Van Tassel of New- j e n i n t h e a ^ n g . SeYer&i balloonsArk, _N; Y. j w e r e seni ]Xp> o n e of them landing in

West Beekmantown. After the fire-works a banquet was served in Em-ery's Hall, ending with a floor enter-

Ausable forks.July 7.—Quite a few celebrated the

to go and help make the occasion aJolly and enjoyable one Crops arelooking well and promise a good har-dest. ... .The Elastern Star Chapter willhave an ice, cream and cake sale in thenear future Mrs. Peter Powers diedyesterday after a brief illness... .Mrs.

tainment at which over 200 were pres-

Mooers Forks.July 11.—iMr. and Mrs. Wm. Doug-

lass of Scicta were here over Sunday., » « , 1 U ^ ^.. «. .^ ^ ~ ^ ~ „,..„. Mr- a n d M r s- Merritt Goodrich ofAlice T*umfoull "is"*soon"to move "her | Burlington spent Sunday in town, themflllnery work into the rooms on the I S u e s t s o f 'Mr- a n d M r s- -Anselem Good-seeond floor of the Bank building andj rich... .Fred eck has gone to Caat-Ifts. E. Kinney will move into the eaugay to work in a hotel... .Willisrooms Mrs. Trumibull vacates. Goodrich of Chateaugay was in town

' Monday Miss -Dora 'R. O'Neil is at-tending the teachers' summer schoolat Mooers... .Daniel Watts of Forest

Uiuiy 8.—C. E. Niblette of New York j was a recent caller in town. .. .Frankwas in town recently visiting friends, j Lapointe is doing a rushing business..,.ikenneth F. Fee spent Sunday in • in the wagon line Calvin Iby, anMooers visiting his parents... .T. P. j old respected citizen of this place, diedFffteld of Plattsburgih was in town) on Saturday, July 9th Dr. J. H.Monday, visiting his son Mr. andj O'Neil has purchased a Stanhope car-"'"""; ;F. J. Mason have gone to One-i riage Frank W. Judge of Platts-

' burgh was a caller in town recently.

this place, were married Sunday atthe <R. C. church, Efllenbutrgh, theRev. Chas. Goulet officiating: Mr.and Mrs. Nelson Jarvis were called ]suddenly - to-IHerkimer, N. H., Tues-jday, on account of the death of Mrs. jJarvis' mother... .Mr. and Mrs. Vin-:

cent and family from Montreal are'the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry!Pelkey /Farmers are elated over the 'condition, of crops at this season ofthe year. The only complaint appearsto be on the corn crop, so much re-planting has to be done owing to thecorn of last year not becoming ripe.Oats, barley, rye and grass are grow-ing very rapidly and all give promiseof a flu© harvest. .Miss Jennie Wythe,accompanied 'by her brother Harold,arrived here from Nashua Tuesday tospend the summer with their uncle,Alex. MaLennon Mr. and Mrs. Jas.Blow of mienburgh Depot were call-ers in town Sunday... .Maud 'Duffy ofISdlemburgh visited relatives in townthis week.... .Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Geboand family from Benson Mines, are

went to Malone to enjoy the Fourth.. . . .iA social in the interest of theSunday school was held July 6th atthe home of Umery ©owns. Supperwas served at ten o'clock, after whicha literary program, consisting of se-lect readings, declamations, recita-tions, essays, vocal and instrumentalmusic, etc., was furnished by themembers of the Sunday school. Avery pleasant and profitable eveningwas spent.. . . Perry and Ralph Lam-


iHenryparents, Mr.Carlton Ernest

ad ILa-

Blond went to Cadyville Saturday toerect two monuments... .John Hodlinof Nashua was in town Saturday afteran absence of 18 years. . . . John Lib-erty arrived home Friday from Bane.. . . .iMiss, Lottie CPeairie of Beekman-town spent Friday and Saturday intown. .iMiss 'Flora Reynolds of Platts-burgh spent Saturday at home... .Mrs.Alexander Bird arrived home Thurs-day from Portland, Me., where she hasspent the past month <with her son,Henry J. Bird... .Edwin Cooper ofPlattsburgh spent Sunday at home.'Cora IPatnode went to Mooers Mon-day to attend the summer schoolthere..-..Wesley Sprague and wife ofMinnesota arrived at Mrs. Sprague'sbrother's, Artmos Richardson's, lastweeik on a visit Mr. and Mrs. FrancClough of Rouses Point were caltorsin town Thursday (Rev. E. E. Man-ning and wife of Morrison-ville spent(Friday at Mrs. Rolland (Brown's(Miss Martha Prindle left Tuesday forSyracuse to visit relatives and friends.

Henry Bushey returned to BarreSaturday after spending a week withhis folks... .Mrs. Dewey left Saturdayfor her home at Dickinson Centre,FranMin county Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Bassett spent Sunday In Burling-ton Herbert •Atwood returned to(Syracuse Saturday..Rev. (H. C. Shareswent to EMenburgh Saturday to spendSunday Lewis Robinson and bridearrived home Saturday from their

berton and Beacham Cokley took in j wedding trip Miss Rose Mullen isthe excursion to Montreal Tiiesday..Miss Kittie Duley of Altona is visit-ing her brother, IFrank Duley . . . Mrs.IPetersoni of New York who spent lastsummer at the home of Emory Downs,returning to her home for the winter,came back Tuesday to spend the sum-mer here for the benefit of her health.

Ruby Downs of this place andMiss [Ruby (Baxter of Ellenburgh De-pot, were married at the latter placeSunday, July 10, (Rev. G. M. Cheneyofficiating. Lena (Parks acted as


Baxter of Ellenburgh Depot called intown Sunday... .Mr. and Mrs. RobertPatten of Santa Clara were the guestsof MT. and 'Mrs. Thomas Watts tnepast week E. J. Hebert of RousesPoint was the guest of his parents,Mr. and Mrs. Jno. iHebert, the 4th... ,Quite a number in this vicinity took

possible, July 22, as it hthat all should be there.

Peru.July 14.—©atus Clark and family

in the excursion to St. Ann de Beaupre l e f t Monday to spend the summer atj their new cottage at Willsboro.. .Mr.


j and Mrs. Clark Wadsworth have been' visiting Mrs. Wad&worth's parents,Rouses Point.

July 12.—(Mr. and Mrs. F. .Hays and Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Reed, for the pastdaughter and Miss Ella Ashline of few days..Mrs. Albert Turner andGreenfield, Mass., are visiting Mr. and Miss Turner, of Malone, are visitingMrs. Joe Ashline Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. J. L. Clark..We are all pleasedW Stark have moved into Arthur Bui- with the good music furnished at onrlis' house on Lake street Mrs. Jas. band concerts Wednesday evenings..Sterns spent Sunday with friends in Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Clark will give aChazy Mrs. Norm Davenport ofCooperville and Mrs. Chas. Brown ofNorth Island were in town Monday...Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Flint and daugh-

eturn entertainment, consisting of anew program of songs and recitations,in the town hall, Monday evening,July 18. All who heard them last year

ter Marjorie of Chazy spent Sunday will surely be glad to hear them again,in town Mrs G. W. Clark and Mrs.) and others should avail themselves of0 E. Minokler of Chazy and Mrs. J. | the opportunity of hearing such goodH. North of Dannemora were the [ entertainers. .The macadamized roa<guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Yale Mon-day Mrs. R, W. Wiley of Cham-plain was in town Saturday..S. New-comb and Miss Holmes spent Sundayin Montreal Mr. and Mrs. F. D.Mooers of Cooperville were in townFriday afternoon.

Lyon Mountain.

Chazy Landing.July 14.—Jesse Clough of Platts-

burgh visited his aunt, Mrs. H. D.Ladd, this week Master ArthurSaxe of Troy has secured accommo-dation for the season at the Chisuolincottage. .:Mrs. Leslie Clough and chil-dren of Peru are visiting friends here... . ,:Dr. Stevenson of New York hasreturned to his cottage for anothershort rest. . . .We are sorry to haveMiss Ryan of New York leave usMrs. John Hill has been visiting her ;father, Mr. Gale of Beekmantown, who !is convalescing from a severe illness. [. . . . The Misses Clough of Rouses

from Pittsburgh to Peru is completed.Many of our townsmen find it excellentto test the speed of their horses, andis also just right for automobiles....Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Clough spent Sun-day at Rouses Point... .Miss CoraCraig and Miss Ethel Clark are soonto start for Ocean Grove, N. J., tospend two weeks, stopping at RoundLake, Albany and New York. .The balteams of Peru and Keeseville are t<

mding the summer school atMooers....Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Clarkand Miss Adrel Kingsley spent Sun-day at IRouses (Point..(Win, MdGaulleyis building- a new piazza aroundhouse.. ..Our late rains have set ourfarmers behind with their hoeing...M. B. Clark transacted business inBarre (Wednesday.... .Miss Graves ofBennington arrived in town Mondayto visit her parents Cerene Scrib-ner left (Wednesday for Cornish Flats,N. H., to «isit his daughter, Mrs. Or-vil AtwoSd-i--..i.-:.Mrs. Alice Hugheswent to Barte Wednesday Dr. New-ton and' Prof. Richmond of RousesPoint were fa town Monday on afishing trip....Mrs. Islip and daugh-ter of Paterson, N. J., are visiting atMrs. R. H. Carroll's....Mrs. Stanleyand daughter of Keeseville are theguests of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Fos-ter QEtev. •Frank Wright of Mooersspent Wednesday and Thursday Intown... .Rev. E. D. Carpenter of Lis-bon was in town Thursday Mrs. L.W. (Lawrence went to Dannemora (Fri-day to spend a few weeks.

Champiain,July 13.—/William Lafontaine of

Springfield, Mass., is visiting hisbrother, Capt. Oliver Lafontaine.....Two canal boats were launched atAverill's boat yard last Friday for Na-poleon 'Saneliagrin of iRouses Point...Miss Mollie Milliette and Merrit JM-more visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clarsat Mooers last week... .(Merrill Deanof Alburgh transacted /business in thisvillage Monday W. C. Lafontainehas received a new gasoline engine forhis new yacht now building by "Wiiliam Graves Joseph G. Lafontainereturned from Montreal Tuesday night. . . . Egbert Everest of Plattsburgh wasin the village on (business Thursday.

Miss M. E. Ix>ekerby returneff toher home in Frontier (Monday nil

Miss Jessie Chapin returned toMalone Wednesday night..Miss HazelClark went to Malone Wednesday...(Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sanchagrin andHenry Semard took the pilgrimage toSt Anne de Beaupre Tuesday morn-ing. .Prof. Sanborn was at the Oham-plain House Wednesday. .Gilbert Rob-erts of Burlington was in this villageMonday Leon Wiley, Harold Dunn,lElmer Deal and Willie Spelman leftMonday morning for a months' camp-ing trip on Oloak Island, Lake Cham-plain. .-. .Julius Barrett of St. Albansand Joseph 'Barrett of Swanton werein this village Monday attending the

• i funeral of Miss Cornelia Magorj Merritt Elmore left for his home in

Wednesday by a small party whoclimbed Huckleberry mountain. .MissEdith and Mary Arnold, of Plattsburghhave been visiting friends in townMr. and Mrs. W. R. Weaver have goneto their summer cottage at Cumber-land Head... .Brand & Finney havebegun shipping blueberries.

Point Au John Brunell of

Point visited their aunt, Mrs. Ladd, j Champiain visited friends here Satthis week Charles Carrie is criti-cally ill at the home of his aunr., MissViola Currie Mrs. Frank Hill has

onta for an indefinite time....Mrs.Fred Dairrah. and daughter Gladys Cadyville visiting relatives and! Tern thousand demons gnawing j returned from a short visit to Canada.friends Mrs. A. Weir or Plattsburgh j away at one's vitals couldn't be much) —Mrs . M. H. Brousdon oi Provi-

in town recently, visiting hernephew, 'L. O. Myers... .E. W. HarricaWSB in OPlattsburgh Monday, attendingthie meeting of the Knights of Colum-

, iwe . . . . .Henry Tiemey of Dannemoraspent Monday in town The gross

^ l t f the picnic held here Monday

Of course the infant is boss of thehouse. When a woman goes out,doesn't her husband have to mind the

Cor tke benefit of St. Bernard's church i baby.amounted to about $800. The picnic j

s a complete success in every way,! Women love a clear, healthy corn-

worse than the tortures of itching i dence, R. I., is at the Hill House forthe season... .Miss Mattie Ladd of'Mount Hermon, Mass., is spending afew weeks with her father, OscarLadd Mrs. Wm. Olough has beenspending the week, with her son, Frank

piles. Yet there's a cure. Doan'sOintment never fails.

returning home Sunday after-noon Floyd Ladd who is at workin Schenectady came Tuesday of thisweek and is the guest of his parents.

The social at CD. iB. Elkins' Wed-nesday evening, given under t!ieauspices of the Junior League of thisplace, was a success socially and fi-nancially— ..Woe be unto the baseball club that crosses bats with theclub that has recently been organ-

aad a good aime was enjoyed'by all plexion. Pure blood makes it. Bur- Isle La Motte G. Bickell of Haver-who attended. * dock Blood Bitters makes pure blood, j hill, 'Mass., spent Sunday here.

Clough at Rouses Point... .Miss Jose-j ized at this place... .The Misses Lolaphine Lengfeld of Isle La Motte hasbeen visiting Mrs. W. H. SaxeMiss Sara Saxe is visiting friends ai

and Leamon Talbert of Boston cameWednesday and are the guests of theiruncle, O. B. Otis Mrs. Joseph Gon-yea Jr.. of S&ranac, called on friendshere this week.

ter a few weeks' visit to friends inthis village... .J. 'N. Duquette andXavier Lamibert were in 'Montreal onTuesday and Wednesday John Lin-der and Willie Spelman will sail fromNew York Thursday for a trip toNorway, Sweden and England. Theywill be absent about two monthsMr. and Mrs. Poissant and Miss MaryParades of Plattsburgh are visitingrelatives and friends in this village... Miss Cornelia Major, aged 23 years,who died last Friday was buried fromSt. Mary's church Monday morning,Rev. Father Loureau preaching i^e

A wheelman's tool bag isn't com-plete without a bottle of Dr. ThomasBclectric Oil. Heals cuts, bruises,stings, sprains. Monarch over pain.

'A newborn baby is usually thoughtto look like its father because it isfar too homely to resemble its mother.

A boom to travelers. Dr. Fowler'sExtract of Wild Strawberry. Curesdysentery, diarrhoea, sea sickness,nausea. Pleasant to take. Perfectlyharmless.

Susan Cheney returned to her h<at Montpelier Saturday after visiting j good many are taking advantage ofMrs. Wm. Carnes Miss Sybil (Rey-1 the finer weather.ttolcte epensfc Friday and Saturday inPlattsburgh Wm. Carnes went toGrand Isle Saturday to erect a monu-ment John A. 'Riley of New Yorkcity arrived at Arthur Hay's Fridayto spend the summer. .iMiss Etta Pel-key spent last week at Coopervillewith relatives. .. .Mrs. Herbert Good-

Ellenbur^h Center.July J.2.—A nice shower came upon

us Tuesday afternoon, which wasneeded. Potatoes and corn are mak-ing rapid growth lAibert Sdhutt,who fell from a slippery stone whilein the brook mending a wire fence,and broke his wrist, has his arm in asplint yet. .Blueberries are plentifulthis yean; and are being picked by anarmy of pickers..Haying is fairly un-der wai',, 'but next week it will begeneral..Mrs. Wesley Hollister CneeCora Gooxlspeed) and daughter Eve-line, aTe> here from Colorado on avisit*. ."WMle attending the Buchanancamp) air tMooers Jx>ily 4, we heard" a-sermon delivered by Rev. E. L. Ferrisof Ellenburgh that was of practicalinterest to all in all classes of society,Ofturch; state, family and individuals.'His text was, "Ye Are My (Witnesses-."He ganre the meaning of a good wifr*ness-. He was prized in the family,in the neighborhood and in all wa-ltereof society. A good witness was- onewho told the truth every time; and1,it we prove false in one partJettlariit sizes all our character. We canreach no higher than our fafltn^s.He asked the boys there if they wtraMhave on the same pleasant smile ifon going home the chores left forthem to do, and after explaining howthe lawyer prized a true witness, hethen came to the witness for -God andtruth and salvation, ft truly was asermon to be rememibered.. J. Potter,




of Clintoi s., came here to attendthe funeral of his brother, Isaac, atthe Corners Iasfc'Standay. .B. !H. Good-speed has put in a nfee soda fountain..Mrs. E. H. Goodapeed serves ice creamat her millinery- pallors every Sat-urday evening-..George B. Humphreycame home from the big fair at St.Louis'on Tuesday.. Franfe Bell was incharge of our meat market on Tues-day in the absence of both of the(pTOprietJ£>r|p.... .Geo. W). Carpenter,suiweyor, and (Geo. H. McKinney, ofiWest Hill, have been surveying theline between Ellenburgh and Danne^mora. They have plainly found theold marked line, which does not agreewith the Averill survey of two yearsago. This line has been a bone of con-tention for ever so long. The Averillsurvey set off lots of land into 'Ellen-burgh wMch belonged to Dannemora,and land owners refused to pay theirtaxes to the Ellenibtirgh collector, andthey (were not assessed in Dannemora;but this locating of the old line putsthe matter at rest. This old line isofficial and will stand. .A Troy drugcompany agent was through here withan automobile, and It created as muchcuriosity as the big Wheel bicycle usedto do. D. DOLE.

LEWIS—In West Chazy. June 22,1904, a son to Mr. and Mrs. FayetteiLewis.

EJROWN—In Ellenburgh Depot, June29,1904, a son (Herbert iHammersley)to Mr. and Mrs. (Frank L. Drown.

STROUT.—In IPlattsburgh, July 14,1904, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B.

Furniture the best Up-to-datee Uirtdertafeaws with modern appliEmiteiaung when desired.

White & LaFotmtamiChampiain, N. Y.

Lrn Seeognition of Pastwe Make This


July & AugustOne dozen of our $S>0!Oi gaa&el photo-

graphs for $3.00; anotlteir at $2.00.Best finish and late mounts.

THE BICELOW ULLERY,56 Margaret St.,. Plattsburgh, N. Y.2554m2

40 Rod3 5 in. at 25 cts* per

e Rod <J&



PlattstKtrgja, Cumberland House, 5,.18, 19.

West Cbasy, Mr. Wood's, 14th, p. «uOPfeTU, July 23.Neurology and Ocular Massage a


For Sale.1 iPair of Matched Mares, good


1 Parthenon Colt, 4 years old.1 Kingley Colt, 8 years old.1 Kingley Colt, 1 year old.1 Mme and Colt by Kingley.

CHARLES HAMMOND,2556W3 (Hatts-burgh, N. Y.

If you hare fencing to buy we eaa.

interest you. We havee aa lange stock

*nd can supply the differettL heights to.

meet requirements. T2»raaAe of wov-

en wire fencing has iacroaaed to largfr-

iproportions wi*Mn aafew. years, shxyw-

ing its popularity. The American is-,

one of the most satisfactory makes.

Call or write for catalogue.


Y0UM6 HATTEN.Black Norman Stallion

Sired by, Hatten No. 3688), teed byRobert OaiUriath Ardnacroe^ Aroe,isle of Miiil, Scotland, sire Old Kin*Cole No. 1335, dam. Maggie N*. 3497.

Hattaa was imported (by fUid Broth-ers of Creeco, Iowa.

Hattejn is a fine horee out of ta«choicest stock and will m*ke the sea-son of 1804 at my farm at Morrlaoa*vilte, N. Y.

Terms of service to insure in foal,18.00.

All mares served at owner'* r t t t .(Service money do* when mar* laknown to be in foal. Maree disposedof after service w4H foe considered lafoal and pay for service demanded.

Batten's stock cannot be beaten totdrivers, 'workers or sellers la taaState.H. 8. BEC&WITH,

mm SALE at a bargain, on easyterms, farm of 118 acres, % miles aoattiof MSooers village, 'Apply to I t T.Parkhurst, Plattsbuigh, N. T. 42fltf

WANTED—A girl for generalhousework. Apply 24 MoDonough S t

•BONiESTEEL.—<Died, suddenly, otf]Saturday, July 9, 1904, iMary Greene,wife of the late Major C. H. Bone-steel.

•Governor's Island, N. Y. H., July 13,1904.—Sealed proposals, in triplicate,for furnishing Forage and Straw re-quired in Depi. of the East, duringyear ending June 30, 1905, will be re-ceived here until 12 M. August 12,1904. U. S. reserves right to rejector accept any or all proposals or anypart thereof. Information furnishedon application. Envelopes containingproposals will be endorsed "Proosalsfor Forage and Straw at ." Jno.W. (Pullman, A. Q. iM. G. 2557w4

Notice to Owners of Forest Lands.Notice is hereby given that the

Forest, Fish and Game Commission,pursuant to the provisions of Chap-ter 717, Laws of 1904, is authorizedon 'behalf of the State to purchaselands situated within the Adirondackand Catskill Parks, Persons owningland within the Park boundaries whoare willing to convey the same to theState at a reasonable price are re-spectfully invited to submit writtenoffers stating location, kind of timber,number of acres and price per acre.All offers should be addressed to theForest, Fish and Game Commission,Albany, N. Y. 2556w4-P&S

Proposals for Posts.Bids for 185 cedar posts, eight fset

in length, 4% to 5 inches at the top, tobe sound, straight and peeled, and tobe delivered not later than July 25, onthe Clinton County Agricultural So-ciety's grounds, will be received bythe undersigned until July 15, at 8p. m. The right is reserved to rejectany or all bids.

G. F. HUTCHINSON,Chairman Building Committee,

Plattsburgh, N. Y.p&s-until July 15

OR STOLEN—From mypasture at Cadyville, N. Y., black mare9 years old; left forward shoe gone.Communicate any knowledge to A.Turrler, Cadyville, 2557wl*

When YouBuyaCaniage

Buy a good carriage. You can save a few dollars by buying a "CheapJohn" vehicle, but it isn't economy in die long run. or good sense in theshort run.

WE SAVE YOU MONEYOn vehicles, but you don't always know it until afterwards. We areshowing the handsomest and best line of Carriages, Runabouts, BuckBoards, etc., in Northern New York.

It matters not what you want, you'll find it here and it will be justwhat you ought to have at just what you ought lo pay. If you will fa-vor us with a call we will convince yeu that our goods as well as oatprices are "Rigiit." You run no risk when you buy at Ryan's.



10 I E !We offer the following:10c Ginghams, 7c.25 and 15c Ginghams, 1550c Sdlk Ginghams forDimities, 5 and 7c.Remnants of Waistings:50c qualities for 20c.25c qualities for 10c.10c Percales and CrepesLawns, 3c.Tailor-made Suits:$20 and $25 Suits for $10

iland 10c.25c.

for 5c

to ?17.5O.$10 to $15 Suits for $5 to $10.Job Lots in Walking Skirts—50c,

75c, $2.00.


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