
  • we were inspired by the moon. and specifically how the moon as it transitions through its phases each month, completes an entire life, birth to death. and the next month is reborn again in a continuous passage of time.

  • time. one thing that we cannot control no matter our eorts. but still people always try to preserve time, in books and painting, photographs, collections of things. modern medicine doing all it can to extend our time. so we wanted to create a monument that helps people stop and just take in the passage of time, and appreciate the time that we are given.

  • so how can we represent time without actually showing a clock with numbers, and how can we show life and death with out skulls. we drew inspiration from bell jars with are generally used to preserve things, and how the moon cycles through its phases, and starts a new life every month.

  • we decided to place our monument north of Las Vegas o of I-15. (click) We chose this place due to researching the best places to star gaze, because our monument is based on being able to view the moon, and its phases and comparing a human life to the life of the moon.

  • in our elevation sketches we envisioned a giant bell jar like structure that people could enter. it would be empty except for a pendulum representing the passage of time. a giant waiting room for nothing in particular.

  • materials: glass, for the dome, crystal for the pendulum, and stone for the base, with frosted plexiglass for the illuminated floor and clock. and also the most powerful air conditioning system know to man.

  • the monument consists of 2 rocks placed in the middle to represent life and deathwhere people can come to sit, take a rest, ponder time and life. just pass the time.

  • the pendulum made out of crystal to reflect light, relates back to our initial inspiration, the moon, in its infinite transition in time.

  • the doorway into the dome alludes to the passage of time through its ruin like state, leading you into a more modern structure, connecting old and new.

  • oh look its almost dark!

  • the 12 circles on the outside would illuminate with the corresponding hour of time, in this instance it would be midnight

  • the lights in the monument are hypothetically solar powered.

  • the glass dome allows for optimal star gazing during the night and a prime view of the moon.

  • Happy Monday.

    The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life; That you will never get back.

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