Page 1: Monthly Munch - · and stories, photography, craft, just about everything QCWA does! I love animals, floral art and much much more. One of my photographs


Monthly Round Up

Monthly Munch

Connecting women who have the power to heal their communities

Branches across the state have started meeting in person again with the easing of restrictions. It was great to see members being able to reconnect face to face, while maintaining their social distancing! Busy month with lots of annual general meetings going on, but great to see some Country Kitchens activities starting back up across the state.

In Southern Region, Saint George branch has been hosting open days to help bring the community back together. All are welcome to drop in for a healthy bite, cup of tea and a chat! In Middle Ridge they explored a new apple variety at their branch meeting. The envy apple is a cross between a royal gala and a braeburn and was developed in New Zealand; the members described it as crisp and sweet and it received rave reviews. Sandgate branch have been sharing some great information about our 5 Key Messages, incorporating presentations on each message at their branch meetings over the past few months. Planning for upcoming events is well underway across the region so keep an eye out for details!

In Central Region, Mt. Larcom branch has continued their weekly sit less, move more walking group and healthy recipe promotions. This month they also came together with Ambrose branch to hold a combined annual general meeting, with lots of delicious Country Kitchens recipes making up the morning tea menu. A bit further south, Palmwoods branch also incorporated Country Kitchens into their annual meeting, sharing some great information about the program in their Annual Report, and keeping busy promoting our healthy recipes both on social media and in the community.

In Northern Region, Charters Towers and Bowen branches have also been cooking up a storm, providing healthy catering for their annual general meetings, luncheons and other community events, with lots of Country Kitchens favourites. Bowen Branch partnered with the Care Army to support their community to make and distribute over 1600 meals to the isolated elderly over the past few months. Over in Magnetic Garbutt branch, our Fabulous Facilitators received a volunteer award for supporting the CommunityGRO Program to make meals for community members in need. At Townsville branch, they are sitting less, moving more in their branch meetings, with the incorporation of stair walks to break up sitting periods, great idea ladies!

The team here at head office cannot wait to get back on the road! Country Kitchens Buddy Lindsey will be travelling out to Ipswich this month to support the branch to run a community event and we hope there will be many more trips to come. Get in touch with the team if you would like in-person support at your next Country Kitchens event and keep an eye out on our website for upcoming actvities across the state!

Page 2: Monthly Munch - · and stories, photography, craft, just about everything QCWA does! I love animals, floral art and much much more. One of my photographs

Arlene Roberts of Mt Morgan BranchThis month we would like to highlight Arlene of Mount Morgan Branch in the Capricornia Division of the QCWA. Here are a few words from Arlene about her time as a facilitator:

My name is Arlene Roberts and I am the president of Mt Morgan Branch. I have been a Country Kitchens Facilitator since 2017. I first joined the program because I am passionate about health and healthy eating and believe we can make a difference in our communities, especially with our young children. I am passionate about getting our kids to eat less sugar and get back to basic, natural foods. I have worn many other hats within and outside of the QCWA, I am currently the ACWW PenPal Convenor and an avid knitter. I enjoy marketing and publicity, writing poetry and stories, photography, craft, just about everything QCWA does! I love animals, floral art and much much more. One of my photographs is featured in the In My Country Kitchens Cookbook as the cover page for Capricornia Division.

I have taken the Country Kitchens program to our local schools, provided them with the seed packs for their veggie gardens and have featured Country Kitchens recipes in the school newsletters and in the local paper. I have advocated for better labelling of sugary drinks and healthier lunchboxes in schools, with both resolutions making it to the QCWA State Conference. I also regularly promote the Country Kitchens program within my community.

If you or someone you know are keen to work with the QCWA Country Kitchens program, we are always looking to increase our volunteer workforce. Please get in touch with us on 0417 539 663 or [email protected]

We believe in....

Collaboration – engage, connect and make friends. Your health will benefit enormously.

Impact – make a difference to the lives of women and children and their families

Legacy – preservation and relevance of history for future generations

Self-Improvement – always learning something new. Nutrition is exciting!

Commitment – build capacity in our members and our communities towards health

Facilitator Spotlight

Page 3: Monthly Munch - · and stories, photography, craft, just about everything QCWA does! I love animals, floral art and much much more. One of my photographs

Sweet Potato and Chickpea FrittersServes 4 Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 25 minutes

The intricate geometric heads of romanesco (also known as Roman cauliflower or romanesco broccoli) are sure to make you stop and stare. It’s a member of the cabbage family, hailing from northern Italy about 500 years ago. While commonly mistaken for cauliflower, it’s really somewhere in between broccoli and cauliflower.

While these intriguing brassicas may not always be a common site at the shops, seeds or seedlings are commonly available to try growing at home. They will require similar conditions to other cabbages, fertile soil (slightly alkaline) that has consistent moisture and full sun. Timing is always important for successful growing, with best results seen with seeds being sown in March and harvesting in the Winter months.

Romanesco can be cooked and eaten in the same way as you would use broccoli or cauliflower. It tastes similar to cauliflower, with a slightly nuttier more earthy flavour and less bitterness. It is important not to overcook Romanesco or it will lose its unique look and shape! Romanesco goes great in pasta dishes, stir fries, or charred on the BBQ for a delicious side dish. Romanesco is rich in vitamin C, B vitamins and fibre.

What’s that vegetable?... Romanesco

Recipe Corner


1 onion, diced

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 - 2 red chillies, finely chopped

1 400g can chickpeas, rinsed and drained

2 sweet potatoes, grated

1/2 cup plain flour

2 eggs

2 teaspoons ground paprika

2 teaspoons ground coriander

Fresh parsley, chopped

Fresh coriander, chopped

Pepper to season

Recipe & Image Courtesy of Nutrition Australia Queensland

2 serves per portion

Connecting women who have the power to heal their communities


SAUTE diced onion, finely chopped garlic and chilli in a little extra virgin olive oil until translucent. Allow to cool.

MASH chickpeas in a large bowl and combine with grated sweet potato, plain flour, eggs, ground paprika, ground coriander, fresh parsley and fresh coriander. Add cooked onion, garlic and chilli. Season with salt and pepper. Mix well.

SHAPE fritters into desired size and cook in some extra virgin olive oil on both sides until cooked through.

Healthy Corner

Page 4: Monthly Munch - · and stories, photography, craft, just about everything QCWA does! I love animals, floral art and much much more. One of my photographs

P 3236 6419 M 0417 539 663 A RFH on Gregory, 89-95 Gregory Tce, Brisbane Q 4000 E [email protected]

Safe food practices during Covid-19Recipe promotion is an integral part of the Country Kitchens program. As such, it is vital that appropriate food safety practices and procedures are followed during the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent the spread of the virus. There is no evidence that COVID-19 is transmitted through food, but extra care with personal hygiene may reduce the risks of transmission. It is spread by person-to-person transmission (coughing, sneezing and close contact with an infected person) and via surfaces contaminated with the virus. To operate in accordance with the latest QLD Chief Health Officer direction for community facilities (including community centres, halls and clubs), make sure that your branches comply with the following:

• Ensure that occupant density limits are adhered to

• Observe physical distancing to the extent possible

• Maintain good hygiene practices:

» be vigilant with hand washing and cleaning of equipment and surfaces

» stay home if you are sick, don’t handle food if you’re unwell and get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms

• If the venue is used for entertainment purposes, do not operate a buffet self-service and ensure patrons are seated

In all cases, always follow good food safety practices when processing, handling and storing food to keep it safe. For more information visit: QLD Health -

Get more fruit and veg into your mealsThere are plenty of delicious vegetables currently in season across Queensland. Pumpkin, peas, sweet potato and parsnip are perfect accompaniments for a classic winter roast.

Cook at homeJust because the QCWA Cook at Home Challenge is over, doesn’t mean you should stop getting creative in the kitchen! Cooking at home gives you more control over your ingredients and can expand your intake of healthy foods.

Check your portion sizeEating quickly can mean you eat larger portions, as it takes your brain around 20 minutes to register that it is full. Try slowing down and focusing on your meal.

Be aware of sugar in your drinksThere is nothing better than warming up with a hot cuppa. If you currently add sugar to your tea or coffee, try cutting back slowly until you are used to the taste.

Sit less, move moreDon’t be discouraged by the cold weather! Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity every day.

5 key messages for winter

Cooking Guidelines

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