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    Lesson 41. Future Tense.l&q!lkar,

    i must first of all apologize for the complete silence that i have maintained

    over the past two months......but i do have a solid excuse..... we have been

    working on our 'Sanskrit Aradhana', a five month course in basic Sanskrit

    and , honestly, 24 hours a day was not enough.

    i have been hoping that you have missed me....which means that you have

    taken up the study of Sanskrit seriously. Today, let's learn the future tense

    form of verbs.

    With this lesson you should be able to make sentences like

    1. I will go home tomorrow.

    2. She will study only when she has exams.

    3. Janmashtami will be celebrated next month in our village.

    There are no particular rules as to how the future tense forms are derived.

    Basically, a #Sy or an #:y is added to the present tense form of the originaldhatu of the verb to create a future tense form. It is through sheer

    reading, re-reading and the use of the words themselves, which will help you

    to memorize the forms.

    Supplement 31 will give you the complete table of a few forms in both the

    P.P. and the A.P. and Supplement 32 will give you a list of how to decline thefuture tense of a few commonly used verbs by stating the wm-pu; @kvcnforms. Then based on Supplement 31, you can easily decline the verbs that

    have been listed in Supplement 32.

    Read the supplements first, then attempt to translate the exercises or else

    you'll land up with goof ups like Ah< piZy:yaiminstead of Ah< yaim !!


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    Lesson 41 A. Exercises with the Future Tense.

    Nouns/Pronouns Verbs Avyayas Adjectives.

    ai[s'!ghalyzoo ( M)

    sMyk!well,correct, right


    ivpi[market ( F)Svy

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    Lesson 41 B. Answers to Lesson 41 A.


    1. On Saturday, we are going to the zoo to see the lion.

    zinvasre, is @v Ah< }aSyaim yid sa AagNtu< zaeit va n va,6. The teacher will give gifts to the student who will study well.

    y> Da> sMyk!piQ:yit , tSmE AXyapk> %pharan!daSyit,7. Let's see what will happen.

    yam> ik< iv:yit,8. The boys are sure to ask me why I did not come yesterday to school.inZcyen balka> ma< yt! Ah< > ikmwR< paQzala< n AagCDm!,

    9. Boys will be youths.

    balka> yuvka> iv:yiNt,10. She will wait at the bus stop for me at 2:00.

    sa m< ivadne laekyanSwanke SwaSyit ,

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    Lesson 42. Active and Passive Voice in Sentence Constructions.

    Back to school!! Do you remember converting

    a) The boy does the work( Active)..... into

    b) The work is being done by the boy? ( Passive)

    Let us first recall the art of constructing sentences in the Active voice...

    the ktRir vaKy rcna,Here is what we have been doing all this while......

    1. Selecting the person who does the work from the wma iviKt,2. Making sure that the verb and the subject agree.

    3. Selecting the object to the verb from the

    itIya iviKt,

    4. So in a sentence like "The boy is seeing a bird " we would first ask thequestion..."who is seeing" and place that who...the doer of the action in

    the wma iviKt , Then we would ask the question "what is theobject that is being seen" and place that what....the object, into the

    itIya iviKt, And then making sure the verb and subject agree, wewould come up with....balk> og< pZyit ,

    In an Active sentence construction, ktRir vaKy rcna ,the pride ofplace is given to the ktaR, the subject. The verb, always preferring tobe with the guy on top ( yup, our verb is a true- blue -blood politician! )

    agrees firmly with the subject.

    Now, in a Passive sentence construction,kmRi[ vaKy rcna ( The bird isbeing seen by the boy) the object takes pride of place and is placed in

    the wma iviKt, " By the boy" is naturally selected from the t&tIyaiviKt, So far so good...... what does our verb do?

    1. He gets political.

    2. Changes sides.

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    3. Joins hands with the object.

    4. Decides to agree with it.

    5. In his new avataar, adds a yto his root xatu,THEN drops his P.P.

    leanings ( if he is a P.P.) and becomes A.P. by adding the A.P. Tyy,All the A.P. guys remain A.P.

    EXAMPLE: balk> og< pZyit, is converted into balken og> dZyte,Let's examine this again:

    1. "By the boy" has become: " balken"... the wma iviKtisconverted into the t&tIya iviKt,

    2. The object becomes All Important and now falls into the wmaiviKt, og,

    3. The root dhaatu of pZy is dz!,Add a yto this root xatu,That makes it dZy ,Now add the A.P. Tyy ...... since the og>( object turned subject) is singular, the verb also remains singular

    and gets converted into dZyte, Naturally the tense remains thesame. If the P.P. verb is in the present tense, you use the present

    tense verb forms of the A.P. in the kmRi[ vaKy rcna,4. IF the boy were looking at two birds, the ktRir vaKy rcna would

    become balk> ogaE pZyit and the kmRi[ vaKy rcna would becomebalken ogaE dZyete,

    5. IF he were looking at many birds the

    ktRir vaKy rcnawould become

    balk> ogan!pZyit and the kmRi[ vaKy rcna would become balkenoga> dZyNte ,

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    6. Now, what if the verb were an A.P ? No problem. balken Nw>l_yte,balken NwaE l_yete,balken Nwa> l_yNte,l_ate getsconverted into

    l_yte, The

    y in the middle, helps you recognize

    the verb to be a kmRi[ form.7. If the A.P. form already has a y in the middle when it is

    conjugated....for example ivd!-iv*te -to be , you do not need to addanother y . ThektRir and kmRi[ forms are both the same.

    8. Since the y is already added to the future tense forms of verbs,the y needn't be added twice. For example gim:yit becomesgim:yte and not gim:yyte ,


    Dhaatus are divided into skmRkand AkmRk verbs. skmRkare those verbsthat answer the question " what." For example:r]! ( r]it ) "Protect what"can be very easily answered.

    But a dhaatu like Swa ( it:Qit) cannot answer the question "what"..... "Standwhat"?Thereforeit becomes an AkmRk verb.A sentence like : The boy stands .... is a ktRir vaKy rcna ,The passive form would be : It is being stood by the boy.... a ridiculous

    sentence but perfectly accurate in Sanskrit. The kmRi[ vaKy rcna would be

    balken SwIyte, This kind of kmRi[ vaKy rcna with an AkmRk dhaatu is calledthe _aave yaeg, The "emotion", the "feeling" of the passive voice is there isit not? therefore the use of the word "_aav" .

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    Question 1. Why did SwabecomeSwIyteand notSwayte????Answer 1. Note how most root dhaatus ending with the Aa maa turn into the

    $ maa before converting into the kmRi[form.... refer to Supplement 34.

    No, it is not as difficult as it looks. The advantages of the kmRi[ vaKy rcnaare innumerable.

    1. Since the verb now follows the object turned subject, one needs to

    only remember the singular, dual and the plural forms of the wmpu; of the A.P. forms . Simply needs to remember the

    Tyy s .... te, @teand ANte ,These forms go with all nouns andpronouns in the t&tIya iviKt so all one needs to do is....mya og> dZyte, Tvya og> dZyte, ten og> dZyte , DaE> og> dZyte ,bailkai_a> og> dZyte ....

    2. Instead of learning 9 forms of P.P. and A.P. verbs each, we now bring

    it down to just 3 .

    3. Multiply it by the 5 lkars and we get 15 forms( just A.P.) that wehave to know as against 90( P.P. and A.P.)....if we choose to do just

    the ktRir vaKy rcna ,.......This happens about 99% of the time....4. Now the bad news: What do you do with a sentence like, " The lion

    sees me?" Naturally ma< pZyit ,I am being seen by the lion = is

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    Not to worry. Check out Supplement 33. It will give you all the 45

    forms of the dhaatu in the passive voice.

    Supplement 34....Column 4...will tell you the wm pu; @kvcn forms inthe present tense. Use Supplement 33 along with Supplement 34 to

    conjugate the verbs in all its tenses and moods.

    It is not enough to know this intellectually..... we must work on exercises to

    make sure that we have understood this completely. So every week, we are

    going to handle each of the lkars for sufficient practice. As we work oneach tense and mood, you will see how easy the whole thing really is.

    So this week, let's concentrate on the present tense.To conclude, here is a beautiful shloka from our Devi poojan to illustrate this

    passive construction:

    Apraxshai[ iyNte=hinRz< mya ,dasae=yimit ma< mTva ]mSv prmeZvir .

    A thousand mistakes are being done day and night by me.

    Considering me your servant, forgive me O Parameshwari.


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    Lesson 42 A. kmRi[ vaKy rcnaPresent tense forms.Translate each of the following sentences first into the ktRir and then into

    kmRi[One has been done for you:

    1. The boy is eating a fruit.

    balk> )l< oadit ,The fruit is being eaten by the boy.

    balken )l< oa*te ,2. The woman is wearing a saree.

    3. The girl is reading two books.

    4. The writer is writing many articles.

    5. The writers are writing many articles.6. The two writers are writing many articles.

    7. The man obtains blessings.

    8. The devotees obtain blessings.

    9. Ganesh eats modaks.

    10.The devotees do namaskaar to the Lord.

    11.The women tolerate unhappiness.

    12.The boy touches the horse.

    13.I touch the horse.

    14.The horse sees me.15.The horse sees you.

    16.The student goes to the village.

    17.The men go to the village.

    18.The girl falls.

    19.The girls fall.

    20.The beggar begs for wealth.

    21.The girl stands.

    22.The girls stand.

    23.The teacher asks a question.24.The king drinks the milk.

    25.The mother gives food.

    26.The father sells grain.

    27.The volunteer does the work.

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    28.The volunteers do the work.

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    Lesson 42 B. Answers to Lesson 42 A.

    1. The boy is eating a fruit.

    balk> )l< oadit ,The fruit is being eaten by the boy.

    balken )l< oa*te ,2. The woman is wearing a saree.

    mihla zaiqka< xaryit ,The saree is being worn by the woman.

    mihlya zaiqka xayRte ,3. The girl is reading two books.

    bailka puStke pQit ,Two books are being read by the girl.

    bailkya puStke pQ(ete ,4. The writer is writing many articles.

    leeok> leoan!iloit ,Many articles are being written by the writer.

    leeoken leoa> ilOyNte ,5. The writers are writing many articles.

    leeoka> leoan!iloiNt ,Many articles are being written by the writers.

    leeoken leoa> ilOyNte ,6. The two writers are writing many articles.

    leeokaE leoan! ilot>,Many articles are being written by the two writers.

    leeoka_ya< leoa> ilOyNte ,7. The man obtains blessings.

    pu;> AazIvaRdan! l_ate ,Blessings are being obtained by the man.

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    pu;e[ AazIvaRda> l_yNte ,8. The devotees obtain blessings.

    _aKta> AazIvaRdan!l_aNte ,Blessings are being obtained by the devotees.

    _aKtE> AazIvaRda> l_yNte ,9. Ganesh eats modaks.

    g[ez> maedka/n!oadit ,The modaks are being eaten by Ganesh.

    g[ezen maedka/> oa*Nte ,10.The devotees do namaskaar to the Lord.

    _aKta> dev< vNdNte / nmiNt ,The Lord is being done namaskaar to by the devotees.

    _aKtE> dev> vN*te / nMyte ,11.The women tolerate unhappiness.

    mihla> du>o< shNte ,Unhappiness is being tolerated by the women.

    mihlai_a> du>o< sh(te ,

    12.The boy touches the horse.

    balk> AZv< Sp&zit ,The horse is being touched by the boy.

    balken AZv> Sp&Zyte ,13.I touch the horse.

    Ah< AZv< Sp&zaim ,

    The horse is being touched by me.mya AZv> Sp&Zyte ,

    14.The horse sees me.

    AZv> ma< pZyit ,

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    I am being seen by the horse.

    AZven Ah< dZye ,15.The horse sees you.

    AZv> Tva< pZyit ,You are being seen by the horse.

    AZven Tv< dZyse ,16.The student goes to the village.

    Da> am< gCDit ,The village is being gone to by the student ( yipes!!!)

    Dae[ am> gMyte ,17.The men go to the village.

    pu;a> am< gCDiNt ,The village is being gone to by the men.

    pu;E> am> gMyte ,18.The girl falls.

    bailka ptit ,It is being fallen by the girl. ( oh dear.)

    bailkya pTyte ,19.The girls fall.

    bailka> ptiNt ,It is being fallen by the girls.

    bailkai_a> pTyte ,20.The girl stands.

    bailka it:Qit ,

    It is being stood by the girl.

    bailkya SwIyte ,21. The girls stand.

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    bailka> it:QiNt ,It is being stood by the girls.

    bailkai_a> SwIyte ,22.The teacher asks a question.

    AXyapk> Zn< p&CDit ,A question is being asked by the teacher.

    AXyapken Zn> p&CD(te ,23.The king drinks the milk.

    n&p> duGx< ipbit ,The milk is being drunk by the milk.

    n&pe[ duGx< pIyte ,24.The mother gives food.

    mata _aaejn< yCDit ,The food is being given by the mother.

    maa _aaejn< dIyte ,25.The father sells grain.

    ipta xaNy< I[ait ,

    The grain is being sold by the father.

    ipa xaNy< Iyte ,26.The volunteer does the work.

    Svy kayR< kraeit,Work is being done by the volunteer.


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    Lesson 43. Passive Constructions in laeq!lkar ,There seem to be no need of instructions since all have been given in Lesson

    42. i must ask you to have a look at some of our shlokas from the Shiva, Devi

    and the Guru Poojans where passive constructions in laeq!lkar are quiteapparent. Just read through, i do not expect that the shlokas will be

    completely clear. But i do want you to notice how the same shloka can be

    used by any person or by any number of people simply because the passive

    voice has been used and the "by whom" has not been specified.

    For recognition ONLY.

    Devi Poojan

    Aasn -


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    awRnapUvRk ]mapn -A}anad!ivSm&ter!aRNTya yNnUnmixk/< ktm!,

    tTsvR< ]Myta< deiv sId prmeZvir .Shiva Poojan:

    nEve*-nEve*< ;f+saepet< iv;azn "&taiNvtm!,

    mxu]IrapUpyuKt< g&h(ta< saemzeor .

    taMbUl -nagvLlIdlE> pUgE> nanacU[ERZc s

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    vS -mayaicpqaCDNninjguh(aetejse ,


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    Lesson 43 A. Exercises with . Passive Constructions in laeq!lkar ,Translate, first into the ktRirand then into the kmRi[ . One has been donefor you. ( Sentences 1 -6 and 10...imagine addressing this to any one of

    these: Tvm!, _avan!, _avtI )1. See the bird. og< pZtu,

    Let the bird be seen. og> dZytam!,2. Accept this gift.

    3. Eat the meal.

    4. Write the letter.

    5. Write the two letters.

    6. Write the many letters.

    7. You, read the book. (use Nw M)8. All of you, read the book. (use Nw M)9. The two of you, read the book. (use Nw M)10. Cook the food.

    11.You, drink the milk.

    12.(He ) Drink the milk.

    13.(The two of them) Drink the milk.14.(All of them)Drink the milk.

    15.(I) Beg for knowledge.

    16.(The two of us )Beg for knowledge.

    17.(All of us) Beg for knowledge.

    18.(I ) See you.

    19.(You)See me.

    20.Give me the book. (use Nw M) ( Note: the other vibhaktis in the

    active remain the same in the passive. Only the object and the subjectjump around.)

    21.(You) Give me the book.

    22.(He) Give me the book.

    23.(They) Give me the book.

    24.(All of you) Give me the book.

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    25.(The two of them) Give me the book.

    26.(The two of you) Give me the book.

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    Lesson 43 B. Answers to Lesson 43A.

    1. See the bird.

    og< pZtu,Let the bird be seen.

    og> dZytam!,2. Accept this gift.

    @td!%phar< g&ha[ / g&atu,Let this gift be accepted.

    @;> %phar> g&h(tam!,3. Eat the meal.

    _aaejn< oad / oadtu,Let the meal be eaten.

    _aaejn< oa*tam!,4. Write the letter.

    p< ilo / ilotu,Let the letter be written.

    p< ilOytam! ,5. Write the two letters.

    pe ilo / ilotu,Let the two letters be written.

    pe ilOyetam!,6. Write the many letters.

    pai[ ilo / ilotu,Let the many letters be written.

    pai[ ilOyNtam!,7. You, read the book.

    Tv< Nw< pQ ,Let the book be read by you.

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    Tvya Nw> pQ(tam!,8. All of you, read the book.

    yUy< Nw< pQt ,Let the book be read by all of you.

    yU:mai_a> Nw> pQ(tam!,9. The two of you, read the book.

    yUva< Nw< pQtam!,Let the book be read by two of you.

    yUva_ya< Nw> pQ(tam!,10. Cook the food.

    _aaejn< pc / pctu,Let the food be cooked.

    _aaejn< pCytam!,11.You, drink the milk.

    Tv< duGx< ipb ,Let the milk be drunk by you.

    Tvya duGx< pIytam!,

    12.(He ) Drink the milk.

    s> duGx< ipbtu,Let the milk be drunk by him.

    ten duGx< pIytam!,13.(The two of them) Drink the milk.

    taE duGx< ipbtam!,

    Let the milk be drunk by the two of them.ta_ya< duGx< pIytam!,

    14.(All of them) Drink the milk.

    te duGx< ipbNtu,

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    Let the milk be drunk by all of them.

    tE> duGx< pIytam!,15.(I) Beg for knowledge.

    Ah< iv*a< yacE ,Let knowledge be begged for by me.

    mya iv*a yaCytam!,16.(The two of us ) Beg for knowledge.

    Aava< iv*a< yacavhE ,Let knowledge be begged for by the two of us.

    Aava_ya< iv*a yaCytam!,17.(All of us ) Beg for knowledge.

    vy< iv*a< yacamhE ,Let knowledge be begged for by all of us.

    ASmai_a> iv*a yaCytam!,18.(I ) See you.

    Ah< Tva< pZyain ,Let you be seen by me.

    mya Tv< dZySv ,19.(You) See me.

    Tv< ma< pZy ,Let me be seen by you.

    Tvya Ah dIytam!,21.(You) Give me the book.

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    Tv< mh(< Nw< deih ,Let me be given the book by you.

    Tvya mh(< Nw> dIytam!,22.(He) Give me the book.

    s> mh( dIytam!,23.(They) Give me the book.

    te mh( mh( dIytam!,24.(All of you) Give me the book.

    yUy< mh( mh( dIytam!,25.(The two of them) Give me the book.

    taE mh(

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    Summing up Month 9.

    By the end of Month 9, you would know:

    1. The future tense conjugations in both P.P. and A.P.

    2. The study and the construction of sentences in the Passive voice.3. Passive voice sentence constructions in both the Present tense and

    the Imperative mood..

    Much as our list seems rather tiny, we have studied a very important area in

    Sanskrit Grammar. As you move over the next few weeks, you will see what i

    mean. Please do get in touch with us if ever you feel the need to clarify a

    learning point.

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