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Ah, an incubation cycle is coming to pass.

This year’s Living Ayurveda course met twice as much as any previous year. It’s interesting to reflect back on all of the conversations over the months past.

Ayurveda starts to live within us, I’m sure you’ve noticed.

Over the summer, I invite you to reflect on what has shifted and evolved for you over the past year. Here are a few concepts to consider:

• The connection between consciousness networking through our bodies and spiritual maturity.

• The connection between your unique constitution (prakruti) and your dharma (life purpose in action).

• You genetic and ancestral tendencies and the choices that you will need to make to thrive.

• What is balance? Define it in your own terms.

• How is the capacity of evolution showing up in the human species? How is it showing up in you?

• Your personal experience of prana (energy), tejas (radiance) and ojas (physiological integrity of your organism’s identity as Self).

• How you nourish the physical tissue of your body. What you consider good food. What you consider less optimal. How would you describe YOUR personal digestive fire/digestive capacity?

• How are your relationships changing as you take more response-ability for your health and personal evolution?

• Your understanding of your subtle body anatomy?

• Your current experience of your 7 layers of tissue? And the health history within your 7 tissues?

• You care for all living things, including our ecosystem and planet?

Wishing you a refreshing summer, full of the full spectrum of color and a plethora of edible plant species.

Much love and appreciation for your efforts. May all beings be happy. May all beings evolve their thrive.

- Cate


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h 9




Month 9 Growth Work

Eat your flowers. Grow more herbs. Diversify your yard.

Page 2: month 9 homework - · 3. Roll the tongue, curling the sides in towards the center to form a tube. Stick

Pitta accumulates in the spring and becomes aggravated in the summer/early fall, and is alleviated in the late fall through winter. Take time to do the pre- summer reading to keep your blood cool all summer long.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies : Pitta imbalances Take an hour or two and read through all of the summer-oriented imbalances. If you read through them now, you’ll be more likely to return to your text if they arise for more specific instructions.

o p. 39 How to Transform Negative Feelings

o p. 83-96 Read over the Pitta category of food lists

o p. 64-66 Guidelines for Summer

o p. 119: Pitta-type Allergies

o p. 124-5: Anger and Hostility

o p. 191-3, 224-5, Headaches and Migraines

o p.133 Athlete’s footo p. 246-7 Rashes and Hiveso p. 136-7 Baldnesso p. 138 Bites and Stingso p. 147-8 Canker Soreso p. 154 Conjunctivitis o p. 171-174 Eye Irritationo p. 261-2 Sunburno p. 266-7 Ulcerso p. 271-273 reread


Ayurvedic Beauty Care

P . 9-13: familiarize yourself with Pitta Prakruti

Review the Appendix in Lad’s Textbook 1 (p. 287-288; 292-297)

Ayurvedic Tongue Diagnosis

P. 56: Review the chart: Doshas and locations in the body

P. 65-66: Pitta and the effects of pitta dosha (Chart)

P. 76-77: Signs of Pitta Imbalance

P. 326: Time Cycle Chart

P: 382-386: Food Plan to Balance Pitta Dosha

Eat, Taste, Heal

P. 152: Herbs and their Doshic Effects

P. 130: General Guidelines for Summer

P. 35: Ways to Balance Pitta

Getting fired up? Try a few minutes of Shitali pranayama, the Cooling Breath1.Come to sit in a comfortable cross-legged position.

2. Take two or three deep inhales and exhales through the nose to prepare.

3. Roll the tongue, curling the sides in towards the center to form a tube. Stick the end of the tongue out between your pursed lips. If you can’t roll your tongue, just purse the lips making a small “o” shape with the mouth.

4. Inhale through the tube of the tongue.

5. Exhale through the nose.

6. Repeat 5-10 times as you feel the cooling effect

pre-summer reading

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Basic Summer Self-Care tipsSelf- massage:Switch to extra virgin coconut oil or sunflower oil for abhyangha. Cooling scents to add are lavender, rose, rosewood, sandalwood, jasmine.

One of my favorite summer habits is to soak my feet in a tub with rose petals at the end of each summer day. At  the  end  of  the  day,  soak  your  feel  in  a  small  tub.  I  like  the  Rubbermaid  shoe  boxes  that  

are  about  10”  by  14”  from  the  hardware  store.  I  keep  on  under  the  bathroom  sink  in  the  summer,  and  fill  it  

with  warm  water  and  some  essen@al  oils.  I  like  lemongrass,  lemon,  clary  sage,  spearmint  or  peppermint,  lavender,  tea  tree,  which  you  can  use  singly  or  mix.  Or  just  soak  your  feet!  This  has  a  drama@c  affect  on  

decreasing  PiJa  in  the  summer  months.  Make  water  a  comfortable  temperature.

Foot Baths:At the end of the day, soak your feel in a small tub. I like the Rubbermaid shoe boxes that are about 10” by 14” from the hardware store. I keep on under the bathroom sink in the summer, and fill it with warm water and some essential oils. I like lemongrass, lemon, clary sage, spearmint or peppermint, lavender, tea tree, which you can use singly or mix. Or just soak your feet! This has a dramatic affect on decreasing Pitta in the summer months. Make water a comfortable temperature.

Wear lose organic natural fibers. Wear cotton, linen, hemp, bamboo or cotton/silk mixes. Avoid synthetic materials, which increase skin sensitivity and trap heat. Wear loose fitting clothing. If you’re hot and frustrated, notice if you’re wearing tight fitting synthetic blends or not organic cotton. As you become more sensitive you’ll prefer natural fibers that allow your skin to breath.

Give Blood.

If you have a predominantly Pitta constitution considers donating a ½ pint of blood to a blood bank, especially if you tend towards skin conditions that worsen in the summer.

“Since pitta and blood are closely linked to each other, any imbalance between the two can cause diseases related to blood. For instance, increase in pitta causes toxicity in the blood, thus giving way to various pitta-genic disorders. Here comes the use of Raktamoksha therapy. In such cases, if a small amount of blood is extracted from the vein, a lot of tension can be relieved that was created by the pitta-genic toxins prevalent in the blood. Moreover, the process of blood letting stimulates the spleen in order to produce anti-toxic substances that can help the stimulation of immune system of the body. Thus, Raktamoksha therapy cures a number of blood-borne diseases. Raktamoksha entails the refinement of blood, hence administered to treat disorders pertaining to skin, such as urticaria, rash, eczema, acne, scabies, leucoderma, chronic itching and hives. Enlarged liver, spleen, hemochromatosis and gout can also be cured by applying the blood letting therapy.”

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make your own rose wateruses:

• skin toner

• nervine fragrance that cools the mind

• You can make rose water (or any other herb) and extracts at home with a bit of time and patience.

Place a heavy glass ramekin into a deep stockpot. Fill the ramekin 3/4 full with water to weigh it down. Place rose petals or herbs around the exterior of the ramekin in the bottom of the pot and cover with water halfway up the side of the ramekin. Place a shallow soup bowl on top of the ramekin. Bring the water and rose petals to a boil. Lower heat to simmer.

Place a stainless steel bowl on top of the stockpot. It should be large enough to seal the pot, but shallow enough so that its bottom is above the top level of the soup bowl. Fill the top bowl with ice.

Simmer the mixture 3 to 4 hours, depending on the amount. As the mixture boils, the heat rises and hits the cold

bowl, causing it to condense and drip down into the inner bowl. Replace ice as needed as it melts.

When done, the small bowl will contain the rose water (or herb water). It will have a layer of rose oil (or herb oil) that is the essential oil or extract. The oil may be separated from the


Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies for Summer

• Banyan’s  Blood  Cleanse  :  when  the  imbalance  is  rakta  piJa:  skin  irrita@ons,  excess  body  heat

• Banyan’s  Liver  cleanse  ;  when  the  imbalance  is  

ranjaka  piJa:  headaches,  eye  swellings

• Neem:  skin  issues  and  infec@ons.  The  more  acute  the  

condi@on,  take  a  higher  dosage  every  2-­‐3  hours  for  only  a  few  days

• Manjishta:  for  conges@on  in  the  lymph  which  clogs  

rakta  piJa:  chronic  skin  issues,  acne

• Shatavari  and  Amalaki:  for  excess  stomach  acid

• Jatamansi:  for  PiJa  in  the  mind:  the  two  formulas  

below  are  great;  the  laJer  has  jatamansi.

• Banyan’s  Tranquil  mind      or  Life  Spa’s  Anxiety  Free

• Gotu  kola:  a  piJa  nervine,  cools  the  mind,  not  

seda@ve  like  jatamansi.  Ayurveda  Organics  is  a  great  brand.

Try this at home, kids!

Netra BastiThis might look really weird, but it’s not. Make a dough dam out of wheat pastry flour and water. Melt ghee, pour it into the dam. (Have an old towel under head in case ghee leaks out).

For better instructions: Ayurvedic  Beauty  Care:  P.  237-­‐242.

***  I  use  this  therapy  on  clients  when  they  have  vata-­‐  piJa  allergies  (Dry  itchy  eyes),  piJa  insomnia,  exhaus@on,  or  piJa  mental  issues.  It  is  amazing  -­‐  definitely  a  tool  worth  knowing  how  to  do.    

**  once  you  set  the  dam,  let  it  sit  for  3  minutes  before  adding  ghee  so  that  it  “glues”  to  the  skin.

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In the Kitchen

• The  super  simple  key  to  keeping  cool  in  the  summer  is  to  eat  the  bi5er  greens  that  are  everywhere  in  early  summer.  As  we  get  into  full  heat  of  summer  the  greens  sweeten  and  more  watery  sweet  vegetables  and  fruits  appear.  Eat  these  in  abundance.  Avoid  meats,  processed  dairy,  oily  nuts,  and  caffeine.  All  will  heat  your  blood.  

• Make  moon  tea:  pick  fresh  a  small  handful  of  any  of  the  following:  unsprayed  rose  flowers,  lavender  flowers,  red  clover  blossoms,  or  mint  leaves.    You  could  also  use  fresh  dandelion  root  or  fresh  burdock  root  if  you  want  to  add  a  bi5er  taste.  Add  to  a  1  qt.  Mason  jar  filled  with  fresh  water.  Sit  out  in  the  open  air  beneath  the  moon  before  bed.

• On  the  weekend  as  part  of  your  kitchen  sadhana,  prepare  a  fresh  herb  chutney  or  pesto  to  use  throughout  the  week  to  add  a  li5le  fresh  spice  to  your  life.  Recipes  below.

• Make  ice  cream  from  fresh  raw  cow  milk  and  cream  whenever  you  get  the  chance.  Ice  cream  is  great  for  the  Pi5a  months:  when  made  from  raw  milk  it  is  very  cooling  and  doesn’t  provoke  Kapha.

My favorite summer foodsBeing a Pitta-Kapha, I used to get random pitta imbalances in the summer. This was before I could identify a pattern in cause and effect. Here is a list of my favorite summer foods. Make a list for yours, and you’ll be more likely to eat them all summer long.

• cilantro

• dill

• jicama

• spearmint

• nettles

• cucumbers

• avocado

• coconut

• lemongrass

• wild rose petals

• heirloom potatoes

• greens, greens, and more greens

• watermelon

• peaches

• non-GMO raw corn on the cob

• fresh local farmer’s cheese on salads

• raw milk ice cream

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Own your health history, at various ages.

Throughout the course, as we’ve learned the subtle body & physical anatomy, we’ve updated our health history.

Looking back at crux times in your life, draw in the pictures what was happening within the most affected

channels, systems and tissues of your body, mind and emotions.

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A great documentary film called Forks Over Knives will help encourage you to reduce meat (click here to view the trailer).

Make Moon Tea:Simple add a small handful of leaves and flowers to a quart of water. Set in moonlight at night. Bring inside in the morning and strain into another quart jar. Enjoy throughout the day for cooling effects.My favorites are: spearmint, lavender, nettles, and rose petals.

Make Sun Tea: Use fresh or dried leaf, flower, berries. Cut or crush herbs in a large open mouth ball jar (be sure to write the amounts if you want to repeat).  Pour to cover with fresh filtered water.  To  release the herbal properties, place the jar for a few hours in the full sun. Strain liquid, dilute to taste or drink as a potent “green” beverage. Refrigerate extra or until ready to serve. Serve with a sprig of rosemary, strawberry, or lemon slice.

love earth’s plants.

Grow more plants

What is the diversity of edible plants in your yard. (Urban dweller might consider joining a community garden project.)

Get some paper and make lists:

• Make a list of the wild plants you eat from your yard.

• Make a list of wild plants you could grow in your yard with minimal effort.

• Make a list of the cultivated specifies you plant in your yard.

• Make a list of the herbs, greens, roots, and fruits you would love to have in your yard.

• Plant fruit trees!!!

• Create an action plan to uplevel your earth body food connection. You will amplify your shakti.

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After reading through the Pitta conditions in Lad’s AHR, how do you understand the nature of Pitta more clearly? How can you identify when Pitta is aggravated? How can you find the source of the Pitta aggravation (small intestine, liver, blood, mind)? What are the keys to treating a Pitta imbalance?

What are your favorite summer foods? How do those foods affect the gunas that dominate in summer? Which tastes do they contain?

Reviewing Lad’s Textbook, Appendix p. 294, are you less drawn to Tamasic foods, behaviors, and emotions than when you started the course? What caused the shift if there was one?

From the Conclusion in AHR, Dr. Lad’ states, “Every small step you take toward an Ayurvedic lifestyle will have an immediate and positive effect on your body, mind, and consciousness.” What have the most meaningful small steps been for you this year? What are the immediate effects? How do the steps affect all 3 planes of your experience?

Meditations/ Contemplations

Work with “How to transform negative feelings.” Use this practice every day for a week. Notice if throughout the day you can be aware, “not only of the external thing”, “but at the same time you have to bring awareness to your inner self. When awareness goes both ways, outer and inner, understanding is total.” (Lad, AHR p. 39) Notice how improvement of this awareness improves with practice. Then for the rest of the month use the practice as a way of beginning your meditation practice, just for a few moments, and notice improvement throughout the month. How does this practice keep you more light and clear for the intensity of summer?

What Pitta imbalances do you or your family member’s tending towards? What is the root cause of them?

In the Appendix p. 287, review how the gunas affect agni. Contemplate which gunas have an opposite effect on Pitta and Agni. Experience in your body how this is possible.

Observe your dreams.

Notice what the mind is bringing to completion. Which doshas are most active?

If you have more time, follow Dr. Lad’s advice and chart on p. 164 (textbook). “Make a record of your dreams and try to analyze them as vata, pitta, or kapha. Do it for one month. Within that time you will discover the pattern of your dreams and how your majja dhatu is functioning in your life and relationships.” If you’re short on time, don’t write your whole dream, but just note the VPK component. Discuss your findings in your small group.

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Urban Agriculture: Ideas and Designs for the New

Food Revolution

Reflec%on  Ques%ons  on  personal  health,  families  and  culture. In  what  ways  are  you  beJer  able  to  aJune  yourself  to  the  flow  of  sak@?

What  do  you  now  know  about  your  personal  health  history?  How  will  this  affect  your  future  choices?  

In  what  ways  are  you  aJuning  to  your  family  organism?  To  aJune  to  your  children  through  your  awareness  and  your  choices?

In  what  ways  are  you  beJer  able  to  assist  your  parents  and  grandparents  as  they  age?

Are  you  connec@ng  to  yourself  as  a  unique  individual  part  of  the  whole  evolu@on  of  consciousness?  Are  you  able  to  manifest  greater  energy  to  aJune  to  a  greater  

purpose?  What  are  you  modeling  (and  energe@cally  vibra@onally  emidng)  due  to  

your  deepening  of  Ayurvedic  wisdom?

What  does  a  health  care  system  based  on  an  intergenera@onal  (concep@on  to  

death)  consciousness  approach  look  like  to  you?

Take  a  moment  and  honor  the  tradi5on  of  Ayurveda.  Feel  into  the  an@quity,  and  also  the  aliveness  of  the  transforming  tradi@on.  Take  a  moment  to  offer  thanks  for  

those  who  have  surrendered  themselves  to  know  the  nature  of  life  as  completely  as  

possible.  Take  a  moment  and  recognize  your  place  in  this  human  lineage  of  conscious  beings.    

Have  a  wonderful  summer!  I  hope  to  connect  with  you  again  in  Autumn  afer  the  Equinox.    

Much  Love,cate

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Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine:

P.  252:  Avocado  Dill  Dressing

P.  298:  Simple  Creamy  Tomato  Soup

P.  299:  Zen  Gazpacho

P.  341:  Blueberry  Cream  Pie

P.  365:  La  Crème  de  la  Crème

P.  413:  Wizard  Mint  Whip

Eat, Taste, Heal

P. 193: Summer Spring Rolls

P. 290: Mint and Cream Dressing

P. 285: Fresh Mango Chutney

P. 184: Mixed Sprout and Shredded Jicama Salad

P. 190: Avocado Soup with Cucumber

Summer Jicama Salad

1 large jicama (about 1 1/2 pounds), peeled, then julienned or cubed (easiest to work with if you cut the jicama in half first)1/2 red bell pepper, finely diced1/2 yellow bell pepper, finely diced1/2 green bell pepper, finely diced1/2 cup chopped red onion1/2 a large cucumber, seeded, chopped1 navel orange, peel cut away, sliced crosswise, then each round quartered1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro1/3 cup lime juicePinch of cayennePinch of paprikaSalt


1d/2 avocado chopped2 Tbsp olive oil

Toss together the jicama, bell peppers, red onion, cucumber, orange, and cilantro in a large serving bowl. Pour lime juice over all. Sprinkle with a pinch of cayenne and paprika. Season generously with salt.Let sit a half an hour before serving.

Eat your cilantro.

by Dr. David G. Williams Cilantro is such an herb and one of its medicinal benefits was uncovered through the work of Dr. Yoshiaki Omura.Dr. Omura treated several patients for an eye

infection called trachoma (granular conjunctivitis), which is caused by the micro-organism Chlamydia trachomatis. Following the standard treatment, Dr. Omura found that the patients' symptoms would initially clear up, only to recur within a few months. He experienced similar difficulties in treating viral-related problems like herpes simplex types I & II and cytomegalovirus infections.

After taking a closer look, Dr. Omura found these organisms seemed to hide and flourish in areas of the

body where there were concentrations of heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminum. Somehow the organisms were able to use the toxic metals to protect themselves from the medicine. While he was testing for these toxic metals, Dr. Omura discovered that the leaves of the coriander plant (cilantro) could accelerate the excretion of mercury, lead, and aluminum from the body.

This came about accidentally when he noticed that mercury levels in urine increased after an individual consumed Vietnamese soup. The healthy soup contained coriander, or, as it is better known in this country, cilantro. And when cilantro was used concurrently with natural antiviral or antibiotic agents and/or omega-3 fatty acids, the infections could be eliminated for good.

Recipes for Summertime

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Cilantro  Chutney1  tsp  cumin  seeds3  tablespoons  sesame  seeds1/2  cup  freshly  grated  coconut,  or  dried  unsweetened  coconut  or  ½  cup  chopped  almonds1  big  bunch  rinsed,  trimmed  fresh  coriander,  slightly  packed1  inch  scrapped  fresh  ginger  root,  chopped¼  -­‐1/2  c.  waterJuice  of  one  lime2  chopped  dates,  raw  sugar,  or  agave  nectar

Combine  the  cumin  seeds,  sesame  seeds  and  coconuts  or  nuts  in  a  heavy  frying  pan  and  place  over  low  heat.  Dry  roas@ng,  s@rring  frequently,  un@l  the  coconut  or  nuts  darken  a  few  shades.  Combine  the  coconut  mixture  and  the  remaining  ingredients  in  a  food  processor  fiJed  with  the  metal  blade,  or  a  blender,  and  process  un@l  smooth.  The  texture  should  resemble  runny  applesauce.  Add  salt  to  taste,  and  more  sweetener,  lime  or  ginger  as  desired.  Transfer  to  a  bowl  and  serve  or  cover  and  refrigerate.  Makes  1  cup,  will  keep  refrigerated  for  2-­‐3  days.

Basil  Pesto  2  cups  fresh  basil  leaves2  large  garlic  cloves1/2  cup  freshly  grated  Parmesan  2  Tablespoons  Romano  cheese1/4  cup  pine  nuts  or  walnuts1/3  cup  cold-­‐pressed  olive  oil2  Tablespoons  hempseed  oil  (for  more  omega  oils)cayenne  pepper  and  salt  to  taste  

Process  basil,  garlic,  cheese,  and  nuts  in  a  food  processor.  With  the  machine  running,  add  the  oils  slowly  and  season  to  taste.    Makes  about  1  cup.

Cucumber-­‐Pesto  Rounds12  cucumber  rounds1/4  cup  creamy  goat  cheese1/3  cup  Basil  Pesto  or  Cilantro  Chutney  (see  other  recipes)1/4  cup  sunflower  seeds  or  pine  nuts  

 Cover  each  cucumber  round  with  cheese,  leaving  edges  of  cucumber  to  show.  Spread  the  pesto  over  the  cheese,  leaving  the  edges  of  cheese  to  show  the  layered  colors.  Sprinkle  each  cucumber  round  with  fresh-­‐shelled  sunflower  seeds  or  pine  nuts.  

The  Seasonal  Detox  Diet  by  Carrie  L’Esperance    (Inner  Tradi@ons,  2002).

Dr.  Lad’s  cooling  lassi1  part  yogurt4  parts  water2  tbsp.  Sucanat  or  agave1  drop  of  rose  water  (use  more  if  you  like)                                        Blend  un@l  creamy.

Fresh  Fruit  Cooler3  peaches½  lb.  Strawberries

springs  of  fresh  mint

1/2  quart  of  sparkling  water

Push  fruit  through  a  juicer.  S@r  juice,  mint,  and  water.    Refrigerate  un@l  


Smoky  Glazed  Asparagus    (adjusted  from  Food  &  Wine)  1/2  cup  mayonnaise  or  vegannaise1/4  cup  extra-­‐virgin  olive  oil3  tablespoons  fresh  lemon  juice1  garlic  clove,  crushed1  tsp.  paprika1  teaspoon  kosher  salt1  teaspoon  cumin  seeds1  pound  thick  asparagus,  trimmed

Light  a  grill.  In  a  shallow  dish,  whisk  the  mayonnaise  with  the  oil,  lemon  juice,  garlic,  paprika,  salt  and  cumin.  Add  the  asparagus  and  toss;  let  stand  for  30  minutes.Grill  the  asparagus  over  moderately  high  heat,  turning,  un@l  tender  and  blistered  in  spots,  6  minutes;  serve.

Page 12: month 9 homework - · 3. Roll the tongue, curling the sides in towards the center to form a tube. Stick

Thai  LeGuce  Wraps1  head  fresh  iceberg  leJuce  (this  type  works  best  for  this  recipe)3  cloves  garlic,  minced1  thumb-­‐size  piece  galangal  (or  ginger),  grated  1  red  chilli,  de-­‐seeded  and  finely  sliced  (omit  altogether  if  you  prefer  

very  mild  wraps)¼  cup  dfFresh  chives  or  scallions1/2  cup  firm  tofu,  cut  into  "matchs@cks"  OR  1/2  cup  cooked  chicken  

or  pork,  shredded,  OR  1/2  cup  cooked  baby  shrimp1  carrot,  grated  or  cut  into  thin  strips4-­‐5  shiitake  mushrooms,  thinly  sliced1  egg  (omit  if  vegan)1/2  cup  shredded  cabbage  (red  is  very  good,  but  any  type  will  work)3  spring  onions,  sliced  lengthwise  into  matchs@ck-­‐like  piecesapprox.  2  cups  bean  sprouts2  Tbsp.  Fresh  lime  juice2  Tbsp.  Bragg’s  liquid  amino’s2  Tbsp.  fish  sauce  (if  vegetarian,  use  vegetarian  fish  sauce)1  Tbsp.  oyster  sauce(op@onal)  (if  vegetarian,  use  vegetarian  oyster  


TOPPING:1  cup  fresh  basil,  roughly  chopped  if  leaves  are  large1/2  cup  fresh  dry  roasted  peanuts,  roughly  chopped  2  Tbsp.  oil  for  s@r-­‐frying

Place  oil  in  a  wok  or  large  frying  pan  over  medium-­‐high  heat.  Add  garlic,  galangal  (or  ginger),  chilli,  and  shallots.  S@r-­‐fry  one  minute,  or  un@l  fragrant.  S5r-­‐frying  5p:  add  a  Tbsp.  water  whenever  the  wok/pan  gets  too  dry  instead  of  more  oil.  Add  tofu  (or  meat/shrimp),  carrot,  shiitake  mushrooms,  cabbage,  and  spring  onions.  As  you  s@r-­‐fry,  add  the  lime  juice,  soy  sauce,  fish  sauce,  and  oyster  sauce.  S@r-­‐fry  about  1  minute.  

Push  ingredients  to  the  side  of  the  wok  or  pan,  and  crack  in  the  egg.  S@r-­‐fry  the  egg  quickly,  breaking  the  yolk.  Mix  in  with  the  other  ingredients.Add  the  bean  sprouts  and  s@r-­‐fry  briefly  (to  mix).  Remove  from  heat  and  do  a  taste  test  for  salt,  adding  1  Tbsp  more  fish  sauce  if  not  salty  enough.

Cut  off  the  stem  part  of  the  iceburg  leJuce  so  it's  easier  to  separate  the  leaves.  Now  place  the  leJuce,  the  sir-­‐fried  filling,  and  the  toppings  on  your  table,  allowing  family  or  guests  to  make  their  own  wraps.To  assemble  wraps,  take  a  whole  leJuce  leaf  and  place  1-­‐2  heaping  tablespoons  of  filling  in  the  center.  Top  with  a  sprinkling  of  fresh  basil  and  peanuts.  Then  wrap  it  up  and  eat.  (For  those  who  like  it  extra  spicy,  Thai  chilli  sauce  can  be  added  as  another  topping.)    hJp://

Dragon  Rice  Bowl  2  large  zucchini,  sliced2  large  carrots,  sliced

1  bunch  of  broccoli,  chopped  flowerets  (heads)

marinated  tofu  steaks  *  recipe  belowmiso  gravy  *  recipe  

below1  bunch  green  

onions,  chopped  

(op@onal)1  tsp  sesame  seeds,  


brown  rice,  cooked

Marinated  Tofu  Steaks1  block  firm  tofu,  *drained/pressed

1  tsp  coriander,  ground

1  tbsp.  fresh  grated  ginger2  ounces  Nama  Shoyu  soy  sauce  or  Braggs

1  cups  water

Cut  the  square  block  of  tofu  into  1/4  inch  thick  slices,  as  seen  in  picture  

or  you  can  cut  the  slices  diagonally  into  triangles.  Combine  the  

remaining  ingredients  in  a  bowl  and  pour  over  the  tofu  triangles.  Marinate  for  1  hour.    Drain  and  press  the  tofu  (put  between  two  plate;  

weight  the  top  plate.)

Page 13: month 9 homework - · 3. Roll the tongue, curling the sides in towards the center to form a tube. Stick

The inner flow of awareness becomes the pathway of the inner pharmacy.” p. 145 & 146 Dr Lad, Textbook 1

Read: Ayurvedic Home Remedies: p. 220-221, Osteoporosis: p. 239-240, Recommendation Regarding Milk and Milk Products (sidebar) p. 102

Tips for Increasing Calcium Absorption

* Eat foods that are easy for the body to digest.

* Eat the biggest meal at mid-day, when the digestive fire is strongest.

* Avoid caffeine and refined carbohydrates such as sugar.

* Avoid cold or iced drinks, which decrease the

digestive fire.

* Do a daily warm oil massage (abhyanga). It helps enhance digestion and flush away impurities, and is traditionally known to stimulate bone growth.

* Go to bed by 10 p.m. so your body is at rest during its natural purification cycle from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.

* Eat plenty of foods that are high in calcium, such as sesame seeds, green leafy vegetables, walnuts, coconut and coconut milk. Warm whole milk is also an excellent calcium-booster, but choose non-homogenized milk for greater absorption. To enhance digestion, drink your milk separate from meals.

* Avoid vegetables from the nightshade family, including eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, and yellow, red and green sweet peppers.

Changes as opportunity for health evolution

•Nurture thyself, and notice small signals before they become big signals of distress

•Silence every day

•Oil massage & daily baths


• Avoid the intake of any substance that does not provide nourishment to your body, mind, or soul

• Culture loving relationships that treat you with honor and respect

• PMS as precursor symptoms

• Pancha Karma or home nourishing detox retreats takes place of menstruation

Menopause Notes -

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