
2013. Packaging for men’s pocket squares. I chose to utilize geometric shapes and sans-serif typefaces to create a “mathematical” approach to the product. There are four interchangeable logos for more diversity in the design and the packaging includes cutouts for the customer to have an interaction with the product while buying.

Theorem Menswear - Packaging

2013. 11’’ x 17’’. Set of three spreads that include hand-drawn illustrations. The idea of men holding animals reflects on the company’s attempt to solve a previous problem of testing clothing dyes on animals.

Theorem Menswear - Double Truck Magazine Spreads

2013. Hang tags for women’s oxford style shoes. I chose to incorporate illustrations of bicycles and a pink and blue color palette to appeal to a young female audience of about 18-30 years of age.

Delilah’s Oxford Shoes - Hang Tag Design

2014. Cosmic Latte is a coffee company inspired by 1950’s retro design. This display is constructed of wood and sheet metal, and also includes hand-painted stars, planets, and LED lights inside the cups to simulate the idea of a spaceship.

Cosmic Latte - Product Display System

2014. Bloom Box Flower Studio is a florist in New Orleans that specializes in fresh hand cut flowers that can be customized to create “make your own arrangements”. Each of the four packages are shown on a store front window display.

Bloom Box - Logo, Packaging, and Point Of Purchase Design

2015. Poster done with 5 Stones Media for an event in Hammond, Louisiana’s Downtown Development District. The task was to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Hot August Night by creating a “20” that included illustrations of each of the event’s vendors, all of which are local businesses in the district.

Hot August Night Poster

2015-2016. Examples of hand drawn typography, letter isolation in Photoshop, and vectorizing in Illustrator.

Hand Lettering

2015. Examples of hand drawn typography, letter isolation in Photoshop, and vectorizing in Illustrator.

Hand Lettering

2015. An example of a three part design process, from initial drawing, letter isolation in Photoshop, to final printing.

Hand Lettering - Wedding Invitations

2016. Vintage themed SPOT Holiday Campaign featuring Adventure Cyclist print ad, American Survival Guide print ad, Boat U.S. email blast and examples of U.S., Canadian, and French banner ads.

Saved By SPOTTM 2016 Holiday Campaign

2015-2016. Website homepage mockups for Louisiana Custom Closets, Raffle House 2016, and Tigers Against Trafficking.

Website Homepage Mockups

2015-2016. Logo and logotype designs. 1. Globalstar Aviation, 2. Naturally Well with Samantha Elderberry Syrup, 3. Raffle House 2016, 4. Louisiana Custom Closets, 5. M.A.P. Tractor Works, 6. Starry November Night7. The Strays Band, 8. Tigers Against Trafficking, 9. SPOT Save Our Vehicle Program

Logo Designs

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