  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    Module 2-A


    AND RESPONSE Emergency Planning

    and Response Elements

  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    Disaster/ Calamity A situation usually

    catastrophic in nature in which a numberof persons are plunged into helplessness

    and suffering, and as a result may be in

    need of food, clothing, shelter, medical

    care and other basic necessities of life

    Disaster Preparedness- to minimize the

    loss of life and damage, to organize and

    facilitate timely and effective rescue, relief

    and rehabilitation

  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    Disaster Operations- any effort

    by agencies, governmental or

    otherwise, to provide emergency

    assistance in relief to persons who

    are victims of a disaster/ calamity

    and in the restoration of essentialpublic activities and facilities

  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    Three Emergency Phases:

    Phase I- Pre-emergency period prior to the occurrence

    of a disaster wherein disaster preparedness activities,

    programs and systems are undertaken to enhance

    response to disasters.

    Phase II- Emergency period wherein disaster

    preparedness plans and programs are addressed to theimmediate effects of the calamity to reduce casualties

    and minimize damages.

    Phase III- Post Emergency period wherein short and

    long term recovery measures are undertaken to restorevital life support systems to normal

  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    Relief- An act of helping or

    alleviating the conditions of

    persons who are suffering from

    the effects of disaster/

    calamity and at that time

    completely helpless.

    Rehabilitation- the restoration of apersons economic dependency to an

    independent or stable way of living

    either physically, economically,

    socially or emotionally.

  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    Warning Information- Bulletin, notices, advisories, forecast andothers issued by the PAGASA, PHIVOLCS, PNRI, NPCC, AFP.

    Damage Assessment- the estimation and description based on

    physical count and observations by government agenciesconcerned, of the nature and extent of human and physical

    damages resulting from a disaster, for the purpose of

    determining the immediate requirements of the stricken areas.

  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    Recovery- The undertaking of measures designed to restore all

    vital life support systems such as electricity, potable water system,transport system, communications system and the like.

    Local Disaster Coordinating Council- Group of persons at the

    provincial, city, municipal, or barangay government level, duly

    organized for the purpose of preparing the people under its

    jurisdiction, to mitigate the effects of disaster and to control the

    disaster operations of its tasked unit.

    Civil Defense Operations Center (CDOC)- a facility which all

    disaster and operations of the National Government are


  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    The disaster control plan will involve

    administrative and physicalarrangements for the protection of

    life and property during disaster and

    major disruption of peace and order

    The manager of each industrial

    or commercial establishments

    should take the necessary

    precautions to make certain thatthe business of the firm can be

    continued, rescued or directed

    into its channels after disaster

    interrupts it.

  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    One of the duties of a health and safety committee in

    every establishment is to develop and maintain a

    disaster contingency plan and organize suchemergency service units as may be necessary to

    handle disaster situations

    In any event, all of the key people in the

    establishment or office should understandclearly what the survival plans and

    preparations are.

    Several persons should be asked to work with the

    Health and Safety Committee Chairman in

    developing the emergency plans and preparations.

    All employees may participate as members of the

    disaster teams.

  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    Organization Principles

    The Organization is formed and staffed in accordance

    with the Plan, and the responsibilities and functions of

    the staff are defined in the Plan

    Personnel Services

    Basic Concept

    Using Existing Capabilities

    Designees vs. Volunteers

  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    Basic Organization StructureIn small facilities the functional

    assignments for the various

    Leaders indicated may be

    combined. In large facilities,additional personnel are

    incorporated in the organization

    by providing appropriate

    assistants t the Leaders indicatedon the chart. Each Leader shall

    appoint his alternate from within

    the staff.

  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    Expanding the Basic OrganizationThe Organization structure should be

    modified in accordance with facility and

    building configuration, the number ofpersons involved, and the nature of the

    emergency operations required.

  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    The participating companies/

    agencies agree to pool or exchangeemergency equipment, manpower,

    or supplies in an orderly and pre-

    planned fashion when major

    disaster occurs

    The first step towards development of

    such a group in your neighborhood is to

    discuss the proposal with some

    prospective members, in coordination

    with the barangay, municipal, or city

    disaster control councils

  • 7/30/2019 Module 2-A Emergency Preparedness


    All public and

    private firms,

    establishments, and

    all organized

    persons in the

    locality must

    coordinate their


    preparednessprogram with the

    local disaster

    control council.

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