Page 1: Mobile Learning: Implementation and Research

Mobile Learning: Mobile Learning: Implementation Implementation and Researchand Research

César Navarrete, Michelle Read, Rob Scordino

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“iPads are marvelous tools to engage kids, but then the novelty

wears off, and you get into hard-core issues of teaching and learning.”

~Larry Cuban, NY Times, 2011

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Overview of PresentationOverview of PresentationCurrent use and research of

mobile devices in educationOur experienceImportant considerations for

mobile implementationQuestions/Discussion

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Rob Scordino Doctoral Student, Learning Technologies

(formally IT) Research interests:

◦ Design and use of Technology in Social Studies◦ Instructional design and usability

Mobile Learning Experience:◦ Contributor to Mobile Learning Portal


◦ Liu, M., Geurtz, R., Karam, A., Navarrete, C,C., and Scordino, R. (accepted). Research on Mobile Learning in Adult Education.

◦ In-process work: mobile learning in K-12

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Current state of mLearning in Current state of mLearning in SchoolsSchools

Proliferation of mobile devices in the US, and worldwide

Use in K-12 and Higher EdRepresentation in academic


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Cesar Navarrete Doctoral Student, Learning Technologies

(formally IT) Research interests:

Mobile learning integration with ELL students

Game design and development pedagogy

21st century skills: creative thinking, problem solving, collaboration

Teacher education: technology, pedagogy, content integration

Mobile Learning Experience:◦ Liu, M., Wivagg, J., Maradiegue, E., & Navarrete, C. C. (in press). Affordances and Challenges

of Using iPods to Support Learning by English Language Learners at the Middle School Level. In P. M. Pumilia-Gnarini, E. Favaron, E. Pacetti, J. Bishop & L. Guerra (Eds.): Didactic Strategies and Technologies for Education: Incorporating: Drops in the Ocean, IGI-Global.

◦ Liu, M., Geurtz, R., Karam, A., Navarrete, C,C., and Scordino, R. (accepted). Research on Mobile Learning in Adult Education.

Affordances and Challenges of Using iPods to Support English Language Learners in Middle School

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Affordances and challenges in implementing iPod devices with English Language Learners (ELL) at an elementary, middle, and high school. and discuss the

Purpose of the Study

Affordances and Challenges of Using iPods to Support English Language Learners in Middle School

ESL Program GoalsIncrease English language acquisition and fluency

Academic support in all content areas

Provide students with anywhere/anytime learning

Improve standardized test scores

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•Time demand on teachersTechnical difficultiesLoss/Damage of devices


•Content LearningConnection to homeExtended Learning TimeLanguage LearningAccommodating to students


Affordances and Challenges of Using iPods to Support English Language Learners in Middle School

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Lessons Learned

Implementation requires the district’s commitment to implementing the program with:

Instructional technologists committed to providing technical support, instruction ideas, and encouragement and feedback

Just-in-time training to teachers

Teachers should be encouraged to actively seek support

Affordances and Challenges of Using iPods to Support English Language Learners in Middle School

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iPad use in Secondary & Higher EdiPad use in Secondary & Higher Ed

Michelle Read Doctoral Candidate, Instructional Technology Research interests:

◦ Professional Development design◦ Capturing what is being done with technology in PK-16+

Mobile Learning Experience:◦ Early contributor to the Mobile Learning Portal, Learning Technology Center,

The University of Texas at Austin.◦ Research team member investigating an iPad initiative in a secondary

setting.◦ Research team member investigating an iPad pilot initiative in our own COE.◦ Trainer in mobile apps for the IDEA Studio, Fleet manager for 2 sets of iPads.◦ French, K., Read, M., Price-Dennis, D., Yoon, H.-J., Rodriguez, H., Hughes, J., & Pazey,

B. (20120305). Exploring Tablet Computing in Teacher Education: The UT COE iPad Working Group. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012, 2012(1), 2799–2801.

◦ Read, M., & Kimmons, R. (20120305). iPads as mobile IWBs. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012, 2012(1), 3036–3038.

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iPad use in Secondary & Higher EdiPad use in Secondary & Higher Ed

My iPad observations in high schoolMy iPad observations in high school

Context: •Wealthy school district•iPads given to each junior/senior. •Plans to extend to freshmen/sophomores next year. •Numerous fleets at the elementary/middle school level.

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iPad use in Secondary & Higher EdiPad use in Secondary & Higher Ed

My iPad observations in high schoolMy iPad observations in high school

Case specific context: Who I observed…

a high school AP English/AP History teacher, considered one of the leaders in

iPad adoption.What I saw…Transformative uses NOT happening.What she said…

“Not enough time.”

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iPad use in Secondary & Higher EdiPad use in Secondary & Higher Ed

iPad fleet management in Higher Education pilotiPad fleet management in Higher Education pilot

Who: COE, The University of Texas at Austin

2 fleets: iPad 2, iPad 3Considerations:

◦Device control & policy◦Syncing ◦Checkout◦Sharing ◦App purchasing

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Issues to considerIssues to considerTechno-centric/Techno-promotionPerception and acceptance Budgeting TimeInsufficient InfrastructureRed tape/ Security/ Privacy

concerns21st Century Device/ 19th Century


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"..if we teach today's students as we taught yesterday's, we rob "..if we teach today's students as we taught yesterday's, we rob them of tomorrow.”them of tomorrow.”

~John Dewey, Schools of Tomorrow, 1915~John Dewey, Schools of Tomorrow, 1915

We all love the idea of technology integration. Motivating the students, preparing them for 21st Century Skills, looking good to stakeholders, etc. The biggest critics do not necessarily oppose technology integration, they question the way it is being done. They question the use of technology as a means to teach the exact same way we have taught without technology for centuries.

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Contact Us

Cesar Navarrete, [email protected] Read, [email protected] Scordino, [email protected]

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