
Week beginning 13/07/20


This week you are going to be learning about poetry and in partcular minibeast poetry. I will also be sharng the book ‘Mad About Minibeasts’ which is a book full of poems about minibeasts and includes lots of rhyming words.

Task 1 – Performing poetry

Watch my video sharing the book ‘Mad About Minibeasts’. This book is full of rhyming words. Here is a bbc bitesize video explaining all about rhyming words - Watch the video and complete the activities underneath.

On the google classroom and Tiger class webpage I have uploaded a document where I would like you to record the rhyming words present within the book ‘Mad About Minibeasts’. You may want to pause the video on each page to identify the rhyming words.

Task 2 – Performing poetry

On the google classroom and Tiger class webpage I have uploaded two documents which include lots of minibeast themed poems. Today I would like you to spend time reading these poems with an adult and performing these out loud. When we perform poems at school we often add actions and think carefully about using expression to make our performances interesting to listen to. I hope you have fun sharing and performing the poems.

Task 3 – Planning your poem

Tomorrow you will be writing your own poem based on the structure of the verse of poetry below –

Ladybird, ladybird, what do you see?

I see a crazy, curly caterpillar crawling carefully towards me.

This verse has all of the different types of word you learnt about last week –

· Crazy and curly are adjectives describing what the caterpillar looks like.

· Caterpillar is a noun, it is the name of the minibeast being described.

· Crawling is a verb, it tells you how the caterpillar is moving.

· Carefully is an adverb, it describes the verb (crawling) telling you how the caterpillar is moving.

The verse also has another poetry feature called alliteration. This is when words start with the same sound – crazy, curly, caterpillar, crawling, carefully.

Each verse of your poem will start ‘Ladybird, Ladybird, what do you see? I see…...’ and each verse will end ‘……towards me.’ You will need to decide which minibeast you will describe in each verse and the adjectives you will use to describe the minibeasts.

Today I would like you to plan 3 verses of your poem by creating a picture plan. Please draw the minibeast you have chosen for each verse and record the adjectives, verbs and adverbs you will include in the verse.


big, beautiful, floating, gently

I have added a minibeast word bank to the google classroom and Tiger class website to support your recording.

Task 4 – Writing your poem

Today you are going to be writing your poem using your picture plan from yesterday’s learning task. Before writing your poem watch this bbc bitesize video sharing ideas about how to write a poem -

I have added a recording template you could print off and use to record your poem to the google classroom and Tiger class webpage. You could also record your poem onto a piece of paper. Please share your completed poems via the google classroom or Tiger class email address – [email protected]

Task 5 – Summer themed rhyming words

Please complete the following rhyming word activity. I have added the following document to the google classroom.


For your spelling homework for the rest of this term we will be looking at the year 2 common exception words. This week please learn the following spellings – could should would who whole any many clothes busy people

Remember to write a sentence including each word. You could even challenge yourself to include several of the spellings within a sentence. E.g. I ate the whole cake. I have been busy washing the clothes.


Problem solving

This week you will be continuing your learning on problem solving. I have included the problems for each day below. There are recording documents on the google classroom and class webpage for you to complete your learning onto each day.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5 –


For your inquiry work this week I would like you to complete pages from the memories of year two book that I have uploaded onto the google drive and Tiger class page of the website. This is a very long booklet so you can continue working on this into the summer holidays. If you would like a printed copy of this resource, I can arrange for a copy to be collected via the school office. Please email [email protected] if you would like me to arrange a printed copy for you.

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