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Missing Data? Two SAS Procedures to the RescueHPIMPUTE and SURVEYIMPUTE

Melodie RushCustomer Success Principal Data ScientistConnect with me:LinkedIn: @Melodie_Rush

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What, Why and How

Syntax, Imputation Options, Examples

Syntax, Imputation Options, Examples

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What is Missing Data?Definition

In statistics, missing data, or missing values, occur when no data value is stored for the variable in an observation. Missing data are a common occurrence and can have a significant effect on the conclusions that can be drawn from the data. - Wikipedia

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What is Missing Data?SAS

Missing Value

• is a value that indicates that no data value is stored for the variable in the current observation. There are three kinds of missing values:

• numeric

• character

• special numeric

By default, SAS prints a missing numeric value as a single period (.) and a missing character value as a blank space. See Creating Special Missing Values for more information about special numeric missing values.

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Replace with Constant or Zero

Replace with mean or mode

Replace using an imputation method

Remove observation(s)


at s




u d

o a





g va



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1. Syntax

2. Imputation Options

3. Other Options


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The HPIMPUTE procedure executes high-performancenumeric variable imputation.

• takes only numeric variables.

• runs in either single-machine mode or distributed mode.

HPIMPUTE Procedure Documentation

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proc hpimpute options;

input variables;

impute variables <options>;

performance <performance options>;

id variables;

freq variables;

code <options>;<…>run;

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– Replaces missing values with the specified value


– Replaces missing values with the algebraic mean of the variable


– Replaces missing values with a random value that is drawn between the minimum and the maximum of the variable


– Replaces missing values with the pseudomedian of the variable

Imputation Methods

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• 6 variables

• First 4 have missing values

• Fifth is the frequency variable

• Last is an index variable

Example Data

Example Code and Documentation

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Proc HPIMPUTEExample Code – Value Method

Replaces missing values with the specified value

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Proc HPIMPUTEExample Results – Value Method

Variable Name

Indicator Name

ImputedVariable Name

Number Imputed

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Proc HPIMPUTEExample Output Data – Value Method

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Proc HPIMPUTEExample Code – Mean Method

Replaces missing values with the algebraic mean of the variable

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Proc HPIMPUTEExample Results – Mean Method

Variable Name

Indicator Name

ImputedVariable Name

Number Imputed

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Proc HPIMPUTEExample Output Data – Mean Method

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Proc HPIMPUTEExample Code – Random Method

Replaces missing values with a random value that is drawn between the minimum and the maximum of the variable

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Proc HPIMPUTEExample Results – Random Method

Variable Name

Indicator Name

ImputedVariable Name

Number Imputed

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Proc HPIMPUTEExample Output Data – Random Method

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Proc HPIMPUTEExample Code – Pseudo Median Method

Replaces missing values with the pseudo median of the variable

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Proc HPIMPUTEExample Results – Pseudo Median Method

Variable Name

Indicator Name

ImputedVariable Name

Number Imputed

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Proc HPIMPUTEExample Output Data – Pseudo Median Method

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Proc HPIMPUTEID Statement

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Proc HPIMPUTEID Statement

• The optional ID statement lists one or more variables from the input data set that are transferred to the output data set.

• The ID statement accepts numeric and character variables.

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• The variable in the FREQ statement identifies a numeric variable in the data set that contains the frequency of occurrence for each observation.

• PROC HPIMPUTE treats each observation as if it appeared n times, where n is the value of the FREQ variable for the observation.

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• If the frequency value is not an integer, it is truncated to an integer.

• If the frequency value is less than 1 or missing, the observation is not used in the analysis.

• When the FREQ statement is not specified, each observation is assigned a frequency of 1.

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Proc HPIMPUTEFREQ Statement Results

Results with FREQ Statement Without

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Proc HPIMPUTEFREQ Statement Results

Results with FREQ Statement Without

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Proc HPIMPUTESyntax - CODE Statement

proc hpimpute data=ex1 out=out1;

id id;

input a b c d;

impute a / value=0.1;

impute b / method=pmedian;

impute c / method=random;

impute d / method=mean;

code file='c:/temp/';


The CODE statement generates SAS DATA step code that mimics the computations that are performed when the IMPUTE statement runs in

single-machine mode and uses a single thread.

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Proc HPIMPUTEResults - CODE Statement

%let HPDM_seed=5;

if a = . then do;

M_a = 1;

IM_a = 0.1;


else do;

M_a = 0;

IM_a = a;


length M_a IM_a 8;

if b = . then do;

M_b = 1;

IM_b = 3;


else do;

M_b = 0;

IM_b = b;


length M_b IM_b 8;


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Proc HPIMPUTEResults - CODE Statement

HPDM_vmin = 1;

HPDM_vmax = 10;

if c = . then do;

M_c = 1;

IM_c = HPDM_vmin + (HPDM_vmax –



else do;

M_c = 0;

IM_c = c;


length M_c IM_c 8;

if d = . then do;

M_d = 1;

IM_d = 5.5;


else do;

M_d = 0;

IM_d = d;


length M_d IM_d 8;


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proc hpimpute data=ex1 out=out1;

id id;

input a b c d;

impute a / value=0.1;

impute b / method=pmedian;

impute c / method=random;

impute d / method=mean;

performance nodes=0;


• Defines performance parameters for multithreaded and distributed computing, passes variables that describe the distributed computing environment, and requests detailed results about the performance characteristics of the HPIMPUTE procedure.

• Also use the PERFORMANCE statement to control whether the HPIMPUTE procedure executes in single-machine or distributed mode.

Performance Statement Documentation

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Proc HPIMPUTEResults – Performance Statement

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Proc HPIMPUTESyntax – Performance Statement

Running in a high-performance environment

option set=GRIDHOST="&GRIDHOST";


proc hpimpute data=ex1 out=out1;

id id;

input a b c d;

impute a / value=0.1;

impute b / method=pmedian;

impute c / method=random;

impute d / method=mean;

performance nodes=2 details



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Proc HPIMPUTEResults – Performance Statement

Running in a high-performance environment

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SURVEY Procedures








Sample selection


Descriptive statistics

Frequency tables

Linear models

Logistic regression

Proportional hazards


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1. Syntax

2. Imputation Options

3. Analyzing Results


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Handling Missing Values in Survey Data

• How are the data collected?

• How are the missing values imputed?

Different imputation methods require different analysis techniques

Analysis of Imputed Data

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Handling Missing Values in Survey DataThe Nonresponse Problem

ID Income

1 40

2 120

3 60

4 80


6 370

7 210

• Prevention is the best solution for nonresponse

• Information is the best tool for imputation

Average household income = 147

Average household income = 190


Tax Return








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The SURVEYIMPUTE procedure imputes missing values of an item in a sample survey by replacing them with observed values from the same item.

Imputation methods include • Single and Multiple Hot-Deck Imputation• Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap (ABB) Imputation• Fully Efficient Fractional Imputation (FEFI)• Fractional Hot-deck Imputation (FHDI)


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Handling Missing Values in Survey DataPROC SURVEYIMPUTE Syntax

proc surveyimpute options;

cluster variables;

repweights variables;

strata variables;

weight variable;

cells variables;

var variables;

by variables;

class variables;

id variable;

output options;


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Proc SURVEYIMPUTESyntax - Method=HotDeck

Imputation techniques that use observed values from the sample to impute (fill in) missing values are known as hot-deck imputation.

proc surveyimpute data=work.surveyimpute;

var income;

output out=hotdeck;


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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEExample Results – Method=HotDeck

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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEExample Output Data – Method=HotDeck

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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEHot-Deck Imputation













8 87




Data Imputation Cells Donors Recipients

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proc surveyimpute data=work.surveyimpute


ndonors=1 seed=8523;

cells cell2;

var income;

id ID;

output out=hotdeck donorid;


Proc SURVEYIMPUTESyntax Method=HotDeck

The SELECTION= option modifies the donor selection

Imputation techniques that use observed values from the sample to impute (fill in) missing values are known as hot-deck imputation.

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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEExample Results – Method=HotDeck

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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEExample Output Data – Method=HotDeck

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proc surveyimpute data=work.surveyimpute


ndonors=1 seed=8523;

cells cell2;

var income;

id ID;

output out=hotdeckb donorid;


Proc SURVEYIMPUTESyntax Method=HotDeck Selection=ABB

SELECTION= option modifies the donor selection

Hot Deck that requests donor selection by using the approximate Bayesian bootstrap method. For more information, see the section Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap

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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEApproximate Bayesian Bootstrap










5 5






Donor Pool Donors





Imputation Cells Recipients

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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEExample Results – Method=HotDeck Selection=ABB

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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEExample Output Data – Method=HotDeck Selection=ABB

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• Uses multiple donor units for a recipient unit.

• The number of donor units for a recipient unit is equal to the number of observed levels for the missing items.

• Each donor donates a fraction of the original weight of the recipient unit such that the sum of the fractional weights from all the donors is equal to the original weight of the recipient.

• Does not introduce additional variability that is caused by the selection of donor units.

• One disadvantage is that it can greatly increase the size of the imputed data set.

Fully Efficient Fractional Imputation (FEFI)

Fully Efficient Fractional Imputation Documentation

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proc surveyimpute data=work.surveyimpute


cells cell2;

var income;

class income;

id ID;

output out=FEFI;



The Class Statement required for FEFI

Fully Efficient Fractional Imputation

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Handling Missing Values in Survey DataFully Efficient Fractional Imputation







5 7


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5 7


8 9


Imputation Cells Donors Imputed DataRecipients

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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEExample Results – Method=FEFI

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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEExample Output Data – Method=FEFI

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• Uses multiple donor units for a recipient unit. • Each donor donates a fraction of the original weight of the recipient unit such

that the sum of the fractional weights from all the donors is equal to the original weight of the recipient.

• The fraction of the recipient weight that a donor unit contributes to the recipient unit is known as the fractional weight.

• The donors are selected by using probability proportional to size (PPS) selection in which the two-stage FEFI weights are used as the size measure.

• FHDI is useful for reducing the size of the imputed data when two-stage FEFI creates many imputed rows. – FHDI follows the same imputation steps as those of two-stage FEFI, but FHDI selects

a subset of second-stage donor cells from all possible second-stage donor cells for the imputation.

Fractional Hot-Deck Imputation (FHDI)

Fractional Hot-Deck Imputation Documentation

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proc surveyimpute data=work.surveyimpute2

method=FHDI ndonors=3 seed=8523;

cells cell2;

var income age (clevvar=agegroup);

class income;

id ID;

output out=FHDI;



The At least 2 missing values for each row (one continuous with a binned version)

Fractional Hot-Deck Imputation

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Handling Missing Values in Survey DataData - Method=FHDI


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Proc SurveyImputeMethod=FHDI




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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEExample Results – Method=FHDI

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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEExample Output Data – Method=FHDI

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Proc SURVEYIMPUTEExample Output Data – Method=FHDI

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Handling Missing Values in Survey Data

Ignore the imputation variance

Hot-Deck Analysis: Statements

proc surveymeans data=hotdeck3;

var income;

repweights RepWt_: /Jkcoefs=0.857;


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Handling Missing Values in Survey DataFEFI Analysis: Statements

Use the WEIGHT and REPWEIGHTS statements

proc surveymeans data=fefi;

var income;

weight ImpWt;

repweights ImpRepWt_: / jkcoefs=0.857;


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Handling Missing Values in Survey DataComparing the Estimates

Estimates for Average Income

Imputation Method

Estimate Standard Error

No Missing 190.00 61.10

No Imputation 146.70 50.97

Hot-Deck 178.57 53.60

FEFI 159.04 54.43

*FHDI 167.71 27.25

▪ Same analysis but different results

* FHDI based on different data set with 20 rows versus 7 in other methods

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Handling Missing Values in Survey Data

• PROC SURVEYIMPUTE is the tool for imputing missing values from complex surveys

• FEFI introduces no additional variability from the imputation and is the preferred method for survey data

• FHDI is the preferred method for continuous data

• The analysis technique should be tailored to both the survey design and the imputation method

Handling Nonresponse in SAS/STAT

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ResourcesWhere to learn more

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Where to learn more?Papers

• Mukhopadhyay, P. K. (2016). “Survey Data Imputation with PROC SURVEYIMPUTE” In Proceedings of the SAS Global Forum 2016 Conference. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.

• Stokes, Maura (and Statistical R&D Staff). “SAS/STAT 14.1: Methods for Massive, Missing, or Multifaceted Data” In Proceedings of the SAS Global Forum 2015 Conference. Cary NC: SAS Institute Inc.

• Cutler, D. Richard. “Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics in SAS® Enterprise Miner™ and SAS/STAT® Software” In the Proceedings of the SAS Global Forum 2019 Conference. Cary NC: SAS Institute Inc.

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Where to learn more?Book

Complex Survey Data Analysis with SAS

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