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    System details

    Figure 1

    Column Configuration.

    In the two-product reaction system, the column has both bottoms and distillate

    products coming from the two ends of the column. The two reactant feed streams are

    fed into the middle section of the column. With a one-product reaction system without

    inerts, the column has only a bottoms or a distillate product. If the product component

    C is heavier than the reactant components and !, there is a bottoms stream but no

    distillate. The column operates at total reflu" with all of the overhead vapour

    condensed and returned to the column as reflu". There is no need to have a rectifying

    section because there is no distillate and no need to maintain any composition at the

    top of the column. #o the column configuration in the one-product ternary system

    without inerts is $uite different than the two-product configuration. Figure 1 shows

    the flowsheet. There are only stripping and reactive sections.

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    Chemistry and Phase Equilibrium Parameters.

    1 gives %inetic and vapor-li$uid phase e$uilibrium parameters used in the numerical

    case considered in this paper. The overall reaction rate on the nth tray depends on the

    molar holdupM&', the specific forward and bac%ward reaction rates kFand k!, and

    the li$uid mole fractions.

    The e$uilibrium constant Ke$at ()) * is +. &elative volatilities are constant at +

    between adacent components.

    The product C is the high-boiling component, so it is removed from the bottom of the


    Design Parameters and Procedure. The ternary system without inerts has two feed

    streams and a bottoms stream, but there is no distillate. In addition, the impurity in the

    bottoms product will be mostly the heavier of the two reactants, component !. This

    means that the flowrates of the two fresh feed streams FandF!will notbe e$ual.

    In addition, the reaction is not e$uimolar. Two moles of reactants produce one mole

    of product. Therefore, there is a decrease in the molar li$uid flowrates in the reaction

    section due to the none$uimolar reaction. The design procedure used for this system is

    to fi" the production rate of product C at 1+.) mol s-1 and the purity of the bottoms

    product at ./ mole fraction C. This means that the bottoms flowrate is 1+.)0./

    1+./23 mol s-1. The production rate re$uires that 1+.) mol s-1 of both and ! be

    consumed. Therefore, at least this amount must be fed to the column. In addition,

    however, there is a loss of reactants in the bottoms to account for the + mol 4

    impurity. It is mostly !, but there is also a small amount of . The concentrations of

    and ! change with the various designs. Therefore, the flowrates of the fresh feeds

    are slightly different in each design. dynamic rela"ation method is used to find

    steady-state conditions. t each point in time during the dynamic simulation, the fresh

    feed flowrates are calculated from the fi"ed value of the bottoms flowrateB and the

    present values of the bottoms compositions xB,j, which change with time until a

    steady-state solution is achieved.

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    #ince ! is heavier than , the fresh feed flowrate of ! is somewhat larger than that of

    . The reflu" flowrate is changed to drive the bottoms composition to / mol 4 C.

    The vapour boilup controls the level in the base. There is no distillate. The reflu"

    drum level is not controlled. The base case considered has five stripping trays and

    nine reactive trays. The column operates at / bar and has + mol of holdup on

    reactive trays. The column diameter is 1. m, as calculated from vapor loading

    limitations 5e$uation given in a previous paper2. This diameter gives a reasonable

    li$uid height 5in terms of hydraulics on the reactive trays of .33 m with the +

    mol of li$uid holdup. 6nder these conditions, the bottoms composition is .+2 mol 4

    and 1.32 mol 4 !. The resulting fresh feeds are F 1+.)( mol s-1andF! 1+./+

    mol s-1. The vapor boilup re$uired to achieve this purity of the product is )+.( mols -

    1, and the reflu" flowrate is /.13 mol s-1, which is the overhead vapor rate. Table +

    gives conditions for the base case. 7ote that the reflu" composition is mostly the

    lightest component , but some of the other two components are also present. Figure

    + gives the composition profiles. 8$uimolal overflow is assumed, so the li$uid and

    vapor rates are constant in the nonreactive section of the column. 9owever,

    there are changes in the li$uid and vapor flowrates in the reactive section due to two

    effects: 51 the reaction is not e$uimolar 51mole of product is produced by the

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    consumption of + moles of reactants and 5+ the e"othermic reaction causes

    vapori;ation of some of the li$uid. Therefore, vapor rates increase up the

    column and li$uid rates decrease down the column. &emember the heat of reaction is


    Figure +

    Effect of Pressure.7ow that we have a design procedure and a base case, we are ready to see how

    various parameters affect the ternary reactive column without inerts. #ince, vapor

    boilup is a direct measure of energy consumption, the optimum economic pressure is

    3 bar. There is an optimum pressure because there is an optimum temperature. 9igh

    temperatures give low chemical e$uilibrium constants because the activation energy

    of the bac%ward reaction is larger than that of the forward reaction in this e"othermic

    reaction system.

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    the vapor boilup by itself is not the only energy issue. What also matters is the cost of

    the energy, which depends on its temperature level. 9igher column pressures mean

    higher base temperatures and re$uire higher temperature energy sources. >ver the

    pressure range )- bar, Figure = shows that the base temperature varies from =+ to

    == *, which would change the re$uired pressure of the steam significantly.

    Holdup on Reactive Trays.

    Intuition would lead us to predict that increasing reactive tray holdup M&' should

    improve performance and decreases energy consumption. This is indeed true. For the

    base-case value of M&' 1 mol, vapor boilup V# is )+. mol s-1. ?ecreasingM&'

    to / and ) mol raises V# to )=.2 and ).3 mol s-, respectively. IncreasingM&'to

    + mol decreases V# to ).3 mol s-1. There are no counterintuitive effects of

    reactive tray holdup.

    .!. "umber of Reactive Trays. dding more reactive trays improves the steady-

    state design of the ternary system because vapor boilup decreases as reactive trays are

    added. The composition profiles throughout the column. The sharp li$uid composition

    changes that occur between the top of the column on tray NTand in the reflu" drum

    5stageNT@ 1 for the values of N&'5+, 1 is caused by the total reflu" operation. The

    vapor composition on trayNTis higher for the lighter component than the li$uid

    composition. The reverse is true for the heavier component !. Therefore, the li$uid

    leaving the total condenser is richer in than the top tray and leaner in ! .

    #bout the reactants $ product%

    Reactant #% &sobutene

    &sobutylene 5or +-methylpropene is a hydrocarbon of significant industrial

    importance. It is a four-carbon branched al%ene 5olefin.

    'ses% It is reacted with methanol and ethanol in the manufacture of the gasoline

    o"ygenates methyl tert-butyl ether 5AT!8 and ethyl tert-butyl ether 58T!8,

    respectively. l%ylation with butane produces isooctane, another fuel additive.

    Bolymeri;ation of isobutylene produces butyl rubber 5polyisobutylene. ntio"idants

    such as butylated hydro"ytoluene 5!9T and butylated hydro"yanisole 5!9 are


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    (anufacture% Isobutylene can be isolated from refinery streams by reaction with

    sulfuric acid, but the most common industrial method for its production is by catalytic

    dehydrogenation of isobutane.


    Reactant )*+% (etahnol

    (ethanol, also %nown as methyl alcohol, ,ood alcohol, ,ood naphtha or ,ood

    spirits, is a chemical with the formula C9(>9. Aethanol is produced naturally in the

    anaerobic metabolism of many varieties of bacteria.

    'ses% Aethanol, a common laboratory solvent, is especially useful for 9B

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    Result and Discussions%

    Wor% ?one:

    >bective: The effect of %inetic and design parameters on Ternary

    &eactive ?istillation Columns and henceforth create a /4 efficient system. The

    system here is without any inert.

    Effect of ariation /f Equilibrium Constant%

    Initially we too% a system at / bar pressure D *e$E+ with a reactive distillation

    column having 1) trays. The feed we too% were isobutene and methanol and we got

    AT!8 as our final product. We set /4 pure product as our target. For that purpose

    we calculated the amount of heat re$uired 5r. fter that we varied the *e$for samepressure. 9ere, we observed that the process is feasible only within a certain pressure

    range. lso the vapour boilup ratio decreases with increasing the pressure. Thus we

    %now that as we increase the *e$ the reaction is easily possible but the limit of

    increasing that is also fi"ed. Too much increase or decrease in the value of *e$will

    disturb the desired concentration.

    Bressure E / bar

    *e$ apor boilup, mol s-1

    *e$E+ )1.())1

    *e$E1+ /).2+)1

    *e$E1) 3.)(+(

    *e$E+= 22.2()+

    *e$E+/ 21.2)2

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  • 8/12/2019 minip



    apour boilup in mol s-1E /).2+)1 by simulation


    Initial pressure E / bar

    ?esired output E /4 product

    *e$ E 1)

    Terms to be calculated:

    apour boilup

    Corresponding we change the r value so as to obtain the desired product.

    In the sub case we change the value of r to obtain the value of the product to be /



    apour boilup in mol s-1E 3.)(+( by simulation


    Initial pressure E / bar

    ?esired output E /4 product

    *e$ E +=

    Terms to be calculated:

    apour boilup

    Corresponding we change the r value so as to obtain the desired product.

    In the sub case we change the value of r to obtain the value of the product to be /


  • 8/12/2019 minip



    apour boilup in mol s-1E 22.2()+ by simulation


    Initial pressure E / bar

    ?esired output E /4 product

    *e$ E +/

    Terms to be calculated:

    apour boilup

    Corresponding we change the r value so as to obtain the desired product.

    In the sub case we change the value of r to obtain the value of the product to be /



    apour boilup in mol s-1E 21.2)2 by simulation

    Result in the tabular form


    *e$ apor boilup, mol s-1

    *e$E+ )1.())1*e$E1+ /).2+)1

    *e$E1) 3.)(+(

    *e$E+= 22.2()+

    *e$E+/ 21.2)2

    3ith graph as follo,s for the first result

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    Fig.) It is the corresponding graph of the temperature against tray number for the

    given initial condition.

    keq v/s Vapor boilup, mol s-1











    0 5 10 15 20 25 30



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    Fig.3 The above plot represents the variation of aopr boilup ratio with *e$

    The effect of change of *e$as discussed in the theory is clearly reflected from the

    graph i.e. with the increase in *e$ the boilup value decreases. For the

    reactor0column0recycle process, optimum temperature of reactor increases with the

    increase ofKEQvalue. 9igher temperatures give bigger specific reaction rates, which

    results in smaller reactor holdup VR. #ince lower temperatures decrease specific

    reaction rates, more zB leaves the reactor with decreasing value of KEQ. Therefore,

    lower values ofKEQresult in higher amount of vapor boilup in the column to get the

    specified product purity.

    Case +

    *eeping the *e$ to be the same


    *e$ E +

    ?esired output E /4 product

    B E / bar

    Terms to be calculated:

    apour boilup

    In the sub case we change the value of r to obtain the value of the product to be /



    apour boilup in mol s-1E )1.())1 by simulation


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    *e$ E +

    ?esired output E /4 product

    B E 3 bar

    Terms to be calculated:

    apour boilup

    In the sub case we change the value of r to obtain the value of the product to be /



    apour boilup in mol s-1E 22.2()+ by simulation


    *e$ E +

    ?esired output E /4 product

    B E ) bar

    Terms to be calculated:

    apour boilup

    In the sub case we change the value of r to obtain the value of the product to be /



    apour boilup in mol s-1E 2.1(( by simulation


    *e$ E +

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  • 8/12/2019 minip


    Pressure v/s Qr









    0 2 4 6 8 10



    Fig. The above figure ahows the variation of r when we change Bressure for a

    given value of *e$

    The above graphs have been plotted between

    1. Tray number and temperature

    +. tray number and mole fraction

    The condenser wor%s at a temperature of (3 *. The bottom product which we are

    getting has /4 purity. In the graph we also see that at two trays the change in

    temperature in sudden. Those two trays are where we supply feed. This is because the

    input feed ta%es latent heat for phase change or pre-heating before the reaction. These

    trays are tray number 1 and . While simulating the program we actually put up the

    feed trays as + and 1. GH is isobutene which is introduced at tray 1 and G!H is

    methanol which is introduced at tray . The reaction is etherification. We are not

    ta%ing any distillate here i.e. this is a situation of & E .

    &E 5

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    Fig./ is the graph of variation of mole fraction of the ( components of the system with

    no. of trays. dding more reactive trays improves the steady-state design of the

    ternary system because vapor boilup decreases as reactive trays are added. Fig.3 also

    shows the composition profiles throughout the column for + values ofN&'51 and .

    7ote. the sharp li$uid composition changes occur between the top of the column on

    tray NT and in the reflu" drum 5stage NT@ 1. This is caused by the total reflu"

    operation. The vapor composition on trayNTis higher for the lighter component

    than the li$uid composition. The reverse is true for the heavier component !.

    Therefore, the li$uid leaving the total condenser is richer in than the top tray and

    leaner in !. Thus, the li$uid composition profiles ump up for and drop for ! at the

    top of the column.

    It is %nown that the e$uilibrium constantKEQdecreases with increasing temperature

    for an e"othermic reaction, and higher e$uilibrium constant pushes the reaction to the

    right. Thus, the column can operate at higher pressures whenKEQ is larger, and higher

    values ofKEQ re$uire less vapor boilup. The optimum number of stripping trays does

    not change significantly, because product purity is specified and relative volatilities

    are constant. >n the other hand, since there is a need of e"tra trays to achieve to the

    conversion in the reactive ;one, the optimum number of reactive trays increases

    dramatically with the decrease ofKEQ.

    The increase of vapor boilup and reactor si;e0number of reactive trays with smaller

    KEQincreases both the capital and energy costs.


    AT!8 Ternary system having two reactants and one product has been e"plored. The

    effects of a number of %inetic and design parameters have been e"plored and found to

    change significantly from system to system.

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