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Mineral Magic: Volume Two Habiger


Copyright 2007 by Tangent Games. ISBN13: 978-1-932926-00-2 All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the publisher except for content marked as Open Gaming Content and is covered under the provisions of the Open Gaming License, Version 1.0a. Author’s Note: This entire product is Open Game Content (OGC) and is governed by the Open Gaming License (OGL) version 1.0. ‘d20 System’ and the d20 System logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at 'd20 System' and the d20 System logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries and are used with permission. Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision. Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries and are used with permission. Check out the other titles in the Campaign Detailer Series:

Gemerator (TG-0005): The rulebooks usually say a defeated monster has so many coins, gems, and magic in its treasure. But being faced with determined 1d8 gems for a monsters treasure can be a daunting task. What kind of gems are they? How valuable are they? What do they look like? With the Gemerator you can create gems of 75 different types, each with its own elements of size, cut, color and value. This allows you to create millions of different gems. Also included are sample images of each gem type so that you can get an idea of what the gems look like and show them to your players! The Gemerator will allow you to create detailed gems for use not only in your d20 system campaign, but in ANY setting! Mineral Magic: Volume 1 (TG-0006): Gems should be more than just pretty baubles! Now they are! No more will gems become quick sources of cash, pawned off at the first opportunity. Harness the hidden secrets of the natural magic within gems and minerals and provide your players with magic items that are not only functional, but look great too! Within you will find 31 new magic items, which can be made from 25 commonly found gems and minerals, including the Five Quartz Spheres and the Four Quartz Skulls. Detailed descriptions of all 31 new items, with the necessary rules for creating and selling them to your players.

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Mineral Magic: Volume Two Habiger


Table of Contents Table of Contents.......................................... 2 New Feats ...................................................... 4

Harness Gem .............................................. 4 Mineral Attunement ............................... 4

Mineral Entries............................................. 5 Agate .............................................................. 5

Lightning Stone.......................................... 5 Alabaster ....................................................... 5

Ghost Gem .................................................. 5 Amber ............................................................ 6

Spirit Amber............................................... 6 Swarm Amber ............................................ 6 Totem Amber ............................................. 7

Aragonite....................................................... 9 Twin’s Heart............................................... 9

Barite ............................................................. 9 Harpy Heart................................................ 9

Bloodstone ................................................... 10 Vision Stone .............................................. 10

Cat’s Eye ..................................................... 10 Eye of the Tiger........................................ 10

Chalcedony.................................................. 11 Plenty Stone .............................................. 11

Freshwater Pearl ........................................ 11 Doolittle Gem............................................ 11

Garnets ........................................................ 12 Almandine ................................................... 12

Prism Stone ............................................... 12 Demantoid ................................................... 12

Shield Stone .............................................. 12 Essonite........................................................ 13

Fortress Gem ............................................ 13 Grossular..................................................... 13

Briar Stone................................................ 13 Hessonite...................................................... 13

Escarpment Gem ..................................... 13 Pyrope.......................................................... 14

Gem of the Fire Curtain ........................ 14 Rhodolite ..................................................... 14

Glacier Gem.............................................. 14

Hematite ...................................................... 14 Stone of a Thousand Cuts ......................14

Lapis Lazuli................................................. 15 Awareness Stone ......................................15

Moonstone ................................................... 15 Orb of the New Moon .............................15 Yntalla’s Tear ...........................................16

Mother of Pearl........................................... 17 Gem of Insight ..........................................17

Obsidian....................................................... 17 All Seeing Eye ...........................................17 Gem of Vitality .........................................18

Opal.............................................................. 18 Qurna’s Eye ..............................................18

Pearl ............................................................. 19 Gem of the Wise .......................................19

Prase............................................................. 19 Stone of Removal .....................................19

Purple Sapphire .......................................... 20 Destiny Gem..............................................20

Pyrite............................................................ 21 Lyzar’s Eye................................................21 Treasure Mirror.......................................21

Sardonyx...................................................... 22 Luckbringer ..............................................22

Spinel ........................................................... 22 Immortality Stone....................................22

Star Sapphire .............................................. 23 Blue Eyed Gem.........................................23

Tourmaline.................................................. 24 Kaleidoscope Gem ...................................24

Zircon........................................................... 25 Jute’s Tear.................................................25

Table 1: Magic Items by Mineral Name....26 Table 2: Magic Items by Item Name ..........27 Updated Minor Wondrous Items ................28 Updated Medium Wondrous Items ............29 Updated Major Wondrous Items ................30 OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a......31

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Reginald quickly turned and led the others down the narrow passage. The light was dim, but bright enough to avoid tripping on the rough flagstone floor. “Faster,” growled Kurn, “they are gaining on us.” Reginald stopped at the dead end, an air of calm determination on his face. The others skidded to a stop around him. “So where’s the secret door?” asked Gwen. The rogue turned to Ariss, who shook her head. If the Elf didn’t see a secret door, there wasn’t one here. Gwen turned an accusing eye on Reginald. “You’ve led us into a dead end!” she exclaimed. The others stirred, agitated by her words. The barbarian Kurn started to pull his waraxe. “No, my dear,” deadpanned Reginald. He was being more aloof than normal, a trait which did not endear the sorcerer to the other members of his party. “I have led our pursuers into a trap.” He rummaged in his robes for something. “Trap?” yelled Gwen. “Our cleric is dead and we are being chased by five vampires and you’ve led us to a bloody dead end!” The sound of laughter filled the far end of the small corridor as the leader of the vampires and her four companions walked up the hall. “My, my,” she said. “I couldn’t have done better myself at trapping you pesky intruders. I shall enjoy feeding upon you.” “The only dead end here, my dear Gwen, is theirs.” Reginald smiled at the rogue and pulled out a small golden disk as he stepped forward. Without giving the vampires a chance to react he flourished the disk, a small piece of pyrite, which flashed in the dim torchlight. The corridor brightened as a beam of golden light speared down the corridor. Screams rose from the throats of the five vampires and were suddenly cut short. As the light faded, a fine mist of dust floated in the air where the vampires once stood. “Well I think we’ve brightened their day,” Reginald quipped. “Shall we continue our little expedition?” Without looking back, Reginald tucked the pyrite back into his robe and deftly walked back down the corridor, careful to not let the hem of his robes touch the remains of the five undead. Scholars and wizards of great renown have proven that the gems and minerals that make up the very heart of the world hold untapped power. Each mineral, they have shown, holds a natural magic within its crystalline structure waiting to be unlocked. The science of harnessing gems and minerals has come a long way from the earliest days of the skill. When the skill was new, harnessing a gem was more art than science. Today, wizards spend hours pouring through tomes on geology and mineralogy to better understand the mineral they are working on. The process to unlock the magical potential in new minerals is one of careful research and experimentation. Luck still plays a part,

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but as the science of mineralogy caught up with the magical arts, the wizards began to understand the reasons for the early failures of their forebears. Each mineral has a unique crystalline structure. Jewelers have long known this and use their knowledge to cut the facets into gemstones. However, beneath this first order structure lays a hidden second order structure that can only be identified through careful study and research. This second order structure is the key to unlocking the natural magic within all gems and minerals. Once this second order structure is identified, a wizard skilled in gem cutting can work the mineral, shaving off the non-magical burden, leaving behind what some wizards call the ‘true form’ of the mineral, the magical heart. This process is called harnessing and it can be a tedious exercise. The rewards are worth the effort, however, as the wizard is able to harness the natural magic of the mineral, turning a mundane piece of the earth into an object of magical wonder. Some wizards, those not skilled or learned enough in the ways of gem cutting and harnessing, have been able to copy the effects of the naturally harnessed minerals. True purveyors of the science of harnessing gems consider these created items to be second-rate knock-offs. While the wizards may debate among themselves, the adventurers don’t seem to mind. This book is the second volume in a series of books that detail the many different gems and minerals and the benefits that they provide when their magic is harnessed.

New Feats Harness Gem [Item Creation] You can unlock the natural magic found within gems and minerals. Prerequisites: Caster level 5th, Craft Wondrous Item, Skill Focus: Craft (Gem cutting) Benefit: You can unlock the natural magical properties from gems and minerals by making a Craft (Gem cutting) skill check. Unlocking the natural magic of a gem takes one day for each 500 gp in its base price and a Craft (Gem cutting) skill check. (The minimum time to harness a gem is 1 day.) The DC of the skill check varies based upon the gem or mineral being harnessed. If the skill check fails, the gem or mineral is ruined and the attempt to harness the gem fails. To harness a magical gem, you must spend 1/25 of its base price in XP. A harnessed gem has a market value half of the regular market value had a spell caster of the same level created the item (not including the cost of the gem), due to the natural magical energy being released from within the mineral instead of being cast into it. A mineral will only appear as a magical item after it has been harnessed; prior to harnessing, the mineral does not radiate any magical auras. Mineral Attunement [General] You have an uncanny feel for the first and second order structures found in gems and minerals. Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on any Appraise, Craft, or Knowledge skill checks involving gems and minerals.

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Mineral Entries Each mineral entry lists the name of the mineral needed to harness the magical item and that items common name. The entry includes a description of the item, short histories when appropriate, and a description of the items function. Each entry then includes the magic aura the item gives off, the minimum caster level needed to harness the item, and the prerequisites needed. A market price is also listed, and this price includes the value of the gem or mineral listed in the prerequisites. In addition, each entry also includes optional information needed for those who want to craft the item from normal magical means rather than harnessing the natural magic of the mineral.

Agate Lightning Stone: The magical properties of agate have been known to a limited number of civilizations for a long time, though nearly all of these civilizations have been destroyed or consumed by other civilizations. Because of this, the true power of agates remained obscured by legend and myth. Several researchers across the planet re-discovered agate magic around the same time. When a piece of agate is carved into the shape of a lightning bolt with three ‘jags’ in it the magic within the mineral is harnessed. When the wearer speaks the command word as a free action, the wearer acts as though effected by the haste spell. This effect can be activated up to three times per day by the command word ‘Mazahs’ and lasts for 6 rounds per activation. Moderate Transmutation; CL 6th; Prerequisites: Agate worth at least 250 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 9,950 gp. Optional – Moderate Transmutation; CL 6th; Prerequisites: Agate worth at least 250 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, haste; Created Market Value: 19,650 gp.

Alabaster Ghost Gem: Alabaster is a soft mineral often carved into pottery or gemstones. Most alabaster has slight impurities but only the purest specimens can become a ghost gem. Carved into a flat egg-shape, the gem is pure white with an ethereal translucence when held up to the light. When a ghost gem is broken in half the natural magic is released, and the bearer of the gem becomes ethereal.

An ethereal creature is invisible, insubstantial, and capable of moving in any direction, even up or down, albeit at half normal speed. As an insubstantial creature, you can move through solid objects, including living creatures. An ethereal creature can see and hear on

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the Material Plane, but everything looks gray and ephemeral. Sight and hearing onto the Material Plane are limited to 60 feet. Force effects and abjurations affect an ethereal creature normally. An ethereal creature can’t attack material creatures, and spells you cast while ethereal affect only other ethereal things. This ethereal state lasts for 10 minutes. If you become material while inside a material object (such as a solid wall), you are shunted off to the nearest open space and take 1d6 points of damage per 5 feet that you do travel. Strong Transmutation; CL 13th; Prerequisites: Alabaster gem worth at least 500 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 15; Harnessed Market Value: 2775 gp. Optional – Strong Transmutation; CL 13th; Prerequisites: Alabaster gem worth at least 500 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, ethereal jaunt; Created Market Value: 5050 gp.

Amber Spirit Amber: Carving a single piece of amber to resemble a flame or other sinuous form harnesses one of the magical properties of amber. When the natural magic has been harnessed, the amber increases the wearer’s spirit, granting a +1 sacred bonus to both attack and damage rolls against all opponents. The spirit amber is usually worn as a necklace, but can also be set as a jewel in a weapon, sewn into clothing, or made into other jewelry. If set into a weapon the spirit amber still grants its magical bonus even when the weapon is not used, but if the weapon is no longer in the persons possession, the bonus is lost until the weapon is again held or carried. Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Amber worth at least 100 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem cutting) DC 15; Harnessed Market Price: 5,100 gp. Optional – Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Amber worth at least 100 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, magic weapon; Created Market Price: 10,100 gp.

Swarm Amber: Amber is sometimes found with insects or small lizards trapped within the golden gem. Druids and keen observers of nature know that these insects and animals get into the amber when the sap from a tree entraps the animal. The first wizards to harness amber with these insect inclusions understood this, and also understood that some of the life essence of the trapped animal still remained. By carving the amber into highly polished spheres and

highlighting the trapped animal they were able to harness the gems natural magic. When the harnessed gem is hurled to the ground a swarm of the creature that was trapped in the amber is set loose. This swarm of creatures immediately attacks the nearest living creature and then moves in a random direction after that. The swarm has all the characteristics of a swarm listed in the MM. The person who hurled the swarm amber has no control over the swarm. The swarming creatures remain for 5 rounds and then

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disappear. The swarm amber gemstone is not affected. A swarm can only be summoned from the gemstone once per day. Faint Conjuration; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Amber with insect or animal inclusion worth at least 250 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem cutting) DC 15; Harnessed Market Price: 8,250 gp. Optional – Faint Conjuration; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Amber with insect or animal inclusion worth at least 250 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, summon swarm; Created Market Price: 16,250 gp. Totem Amber: For as long as the scholars and loremasters remember, people have been carving amber into images of animals they have seen in the world. Many of these early-carved pieces were crudely made, though still recognizable. Wizards feel that the first totem amber was created by accident when a carver finally carved a piece of amber just right when representing the totem animal. Since then, through experimentation and luck, totem amber has been harnessed. Totem amber comes from carving the amber into just the right representation of the totem animal. The representation must be realistic enough, but not too real, for the natural magic to be harnessed. When harnessed, the totem amber bestows the physical characteristics of the totem animal as an enhancement bonus upon the bearer of the totem once per day. The effect lasts for one hour. Only animals have been able to be made into totems and scholars are unsure why creatures such as dragons, giants, and other creatures are unable to be made into totems. Totem amber is usually worn about the neck on a simple leather thong, but can also be set into amulets, bracers, headbands, or other jewelry. Rarely, people will set the totem amber in a weapon. A person can wear and activate as many pieces of different totem amber as they want as long as they do not violate the space requirements for magical items. The abilities of the different totems do not stack with one another. Depending on the type of totem animal carved the totem amber will provide different benefits. The following table shows a sampling of animals that have been carved into totems and their properties. This list is not all-inclusive, but gives a sampling of totem amber animals. Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Prerequisites: Amber worth at least 250 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 20; Harnessed Market Price: Varies. Optional – Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Prerequisites: Amber worth at least 250 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph; Created Market Price: Varies.

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Totem Animal

Properties Harnessed Market Price

Created Market Price

Ape +6 Str, +2 Con, +2 Dex. Climb speed of 30 ft. 21,250 gp 42,250 gp Badger Nails become toughened, natural attacks deal 1d4 damage.

Burrow speed of 10 ft. 17,750 gp 35,250 gp

Bat +2 Dex. Blindsense 20 ft. Fly speed of 20 ft. (good) 18,750 gp 37,250 gp Bear +10 Str, +6 Con. Improved Grab feat. 53,750 gp 107,250 gp Bison +6 Str, +4 Con. Endurance feat. 20,750 gp 41,250 gp Boar +2 Str, +6 Con. Diehard feat. 19,750 gp 39,250 gp Cat +2 Dex, +4 bonus to Balance and Climb skill checks 3,150 gp 5,850 gp Cheetah +2 Str, +4 Dex. Base speed increases by 20 ft. 9,250 gp 18,250 gp Crocodile +4 Str, +2 Con. Natural Armor +1 and can hold breath for 4x

Con score. 10,250 gp 20,250 gp

Dog +2 Dex. Scent ability and Track feat. 3,250 gp 6,250 gp Eagle +8 bonus to Spot skill checks, low-light vision, fly speed 40 ft.

(average). 5,250 gp 10,250 gp

Elephant +8 Str +8 Con. Natural Armor +1 41,250 gp 82,250 gp Horse +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con. Run feat. 5,250 gp 10,250 gp Leopard +2 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Con. +4 bonus to Balance and Climb skill

checks. 10,410 gp 20,570 gp

Lion +4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con. +4 bonus to Hide and Move Silently skill checks.

10,410 gp 20,570 gp

Lizard +2 Str, +2 Con. +4 bonus to Climb and Hide skill checks. 3,410 gp 6,570 gp Owl +2 Dex, +4 Wis. +4 bonus to Move Silently skill checks. Low-

light vision. Fly speed of 20 ft. (average). 10,330 gp 20,410 gp

Porpoise +2 Dex. Blindsense 30 ft., swim speed 30 ft., can hold breath for 4x Con score.

4,750 gp 9,250 gp

Rat +2 Dex. +4 bonus to Balance, Climb, Hide, and Move Silently skill checks.

2,570 gp 4,890 gp

Raven +2 Dex, +2 Wis. Fly speed of 20 ft. (average). 3,750 gp 7,250 gp Rhinoceros +8 Str, +6 Con. Natural Armor +1. Improved Overrun feat. 40,250 gp 80,250 gp Shark +4 Str, +2 Con. Scent ability, Natural Armor +1. Swim speed of

30 ft. 11,750 gp 23,250 gp

Snake, Constrictor

+2 Str, +2 Dex. Improved Grab feat. +4 bonus to Climb skill checks.

4,330 gp 8,410 gp

Snake, Viper +2 Dex. +2 bonus vs. poisons. +4 bonus to Climb and Move Silently skill checks.

4,330 gp 8,410 gp

Tiger +4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con. +4 bonus to Balance and Hide skill checks. Base speed increases by 10 ft.

10,910 gp 21,570 gp

Toad +2 Dex, +2 Con. +6 bonus on Hide skill checks. 3,430 gp 6,610 gp Weasel +2 Dex. +4 bonus on Move Silently skill checks. +6 bonus on

Balance and Climb skill checks. 1,750 gp 3,250 gp

Whale, Orca +6 Str, +4 Con. Blindsight 60 ft., hold breath for 4x Con score. Swim speed of 30 ft.

23,250 gp 46,250 gp

Wolf +2 Dex. Scent ability, Improved Trip and Track feats. Base speed increases by 10 ft.

5,750 gp 11,250 gp

Wolverine +2 Con. Track feat and Rage ability. 4,250 gp 8,250 gp

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Aragonite Twin’s Heart: Aragonite is a mineral that naturally forms twins, a symmetrical intergrowth of two or more crystals. For many centuries it was thought that aragonite served no other purpose than that of a very minor gemstone. It didn’t until a skilled jeweler named Galen Krell made a fortuitous discovery. He was asked to create a gemstone for a customer out of a piece of aragonite to be given as a present to his wife. Galen had a piece of aragonite twin and felt that a heart-shaped gemstone would be appropriate. Galen carved the heart out of the center of the aragonite twin and unwittingly released the natural magic of the mineral. He discovered that by holding the carved gemstone a person could create an image of himself while he became

invisible. He could command his image to move and interact with those around it, while he remained hidden from view. Galen quickly went from being a humble jeweler to being a harnesser of magical minerals. The twin’s heart is carved from the intersection of a twinned aragonite crystal. When the heart-shaped carving is grasped the bearer can become invisible (as improved invisibility) and simultaneously a perfect image of the person appears in the same location. The image can be concentrated upon to perform actions or interact with people (though it cannot fight or cast spells). It will also perform its last command for up to three rounds after the person stops concentrating on the image. The invisibility effect lasts for 10 rounds. A person can activate and use the gem once per day. Moderate Illusion; CL 11th; Prerequisites: Twinned aragonite crystal worth at least 250 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (gem cutting) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 13,450 gp. Optional – Moderate Illusion; CL 11th; Prerequisites: Twinned aragonite crystal worth at least 250 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, mislead; Created Market Price: 26,650 gp.

Barite Harpy Heart: Barite is a mineral that is best known for the rose shape the mineral naturally forms. It is not a highly valued mineral and is considered a low quality gemstone. However, when a piece of barite is cut into a heart shape its natural magical property is harnessed. Once per day, a person holding the heart can attempt to charm another person. The target of the charm gets a will save (DC 15) to avoid the effect. A charmed person will perceive the words and actions of the bearer of the harpy heart in a favorable way. The effect is identical to the spell charm person. The charm effect lasts for 24 hours, or until another person is charmed by the bearer. Faint Enchantment; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Barite worth at least 100 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 12; Harnessed Market Value: 1,100 gp.

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Optional – Faint Enchantment; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Barite worth at least 100 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, charm person; Created Market Value: 2,100 gp.

Bloodstone Vision Stone: The vision stone has only recently been harnessed for its magical properties. Researchers for centuries have delved the secrets of the bloodstone and what magic the stone may hold, but nearly all of this research focused on possibilities that the stone had some connection to blood, either healing or injuring a person. It took a bold researcher named Karla Metvorg, a Half-Elven wizard who was ridiculed for her ideas about the nature of the bloodstone, to persevere in her research and finally unlock the bloodstones secret.

The bloodstones magic is harnessed by carving the stone into a ring about an inch in diameter where the inner part of the ring is beveled slightly inward and the outer part of the ring is cut in a complex geometric pattern. When the vision stone is set over the eye of a person suffering from blindness, the stone sinks into the eye, merging with the afflicted person. This process takes only two minutes and, once complete, the vision in that eye is restored. To be able to restore vision to a person blind in both eyes, two vision stones are required. In addition to restoring vision, the vision stone also grants a +2 competence bonus against all future attacks (magical, natural, or otherwise) that might dazzle or blind the person. Faint Conjuration; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Bloodstone worth at least 250 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 25; Harnessed Market Value: 625 gp. Optional – Faint Conjuration; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Bloodstone worth at least 250 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, remove blindness/deafness; Created Market Value: 1,000 gp.

Cat’s Eye Eye of the Tiger: Cat’s eye gemstones are valued for the play of light across the gem when it is cut into a sphere or cabochon. While this is pleasing to the eye, it fails to harness the true potential of the mineral. When a cat’s eye of sufficient size is carved into the form of a prowling tiger the magic locked within the gem is harnessed. When a person holds the eye of the tiger, that person gains a +4 enhancement bonus to their Dexterity score. In addition, once per day when the command phrase, “Here kitty-kitty,” is spoken, two tigers are summoned. These tigers have the normal stats for a tiger listed in the MM and have maximum hit points. The tigers will fight at the command of the person who summoned them and will remain for 12 hours or until they are killed. Moderate Summoning and Transmutation; CL 9th; Prerequisites: Cat’s eye worth at least 500 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 25; Harnessed Market Value: 81,500 gp.

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Optional – Moderate Summoning and Transmutation; CL 9th; Prerequisites: Cat’s eye worth at least 500 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, cat’s grace, summon nature’s ally V; Created Market Value: 162,500 gp.

Chalcedony Plenty Stone: Chalcedony is a variety of quartz and comes in many varieties. It makes a good ornamental stone and is a minor gemstone. One variety is known as dendritic because of the vein-like structures that run through the mineral. The natural magic of dendritic chalcedony has been known since the dawn of civilization. Since then the plenty stone has been saving people from starvation. The natural magic in the stone is harnessed by carving the chalcedony into the form of a plate. When the plate is broken it

produces food and water enough to feed 15 medium-size humanoids for 24 hours. The food is simple and nourishing, though it may lack some flavor. The water is as pure as rainwater. The food decays after 24 hours, while the water can last 48 hours. Casting purify food and water on the food preserves it for another 24 hours. Good aligned churches often create plenty stones to be used in emergency situations to feed the hungry. Adventurers have found the plenty stone a useful item to carry since it is easier to carry than rations. Faint Conjuration; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Dendritic chalcedony worth at least 100 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 12; Harnessed Market Value: 475 gp. Optional – Faint Conjuration; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Dendritic chalcedony worth at least 100 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water; Created Market Value: 850 gp.

Freshwater Pearl Doolittle Gem: Freshwater pearls are relegated to a second-class status as gems. Not as lustrous or brilliant as a true marine pearl, they are accepted but not as sought after as gemstones. The gems natural magic was not realized until recently. A naturalist follower of Brixbrix named James Doolittle traveled to a small island in the Kentash Islands to study the unique animal life there. There, he harvested a freshwater oyster for one of his meals and found a pearl inside. While pleased with his find, Doolittle thought little of it, and over the next few weeks he kept the pearl with him, and actually began to carve the pearl while watching the birds and large iguanas on the island. At first the carving had no shape, but after a couple of days the pearl took on the shape of a mouth. After finishing the carving, Doolittle realized he could now talk to the animals. He was amazed by the new ability, and soon figured out it was due to the pearl he had carved. Doolittle finished the research he was doing, and went on to great fame as a champion of animal rights. He never let on how he had the ability to speak with animals, and it wasn’t until after his death that his

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secret was revealed. Since then, wizards have been harnessing the natural magic of the freshwater pearl. When a freshwater pearl carved into the shape of a mouth is held or worn the bearer is able to speak with animals. This ability functions continuously while the pearl is held. The pearl is often set into a headband or a necklace. Faint Divination; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Freshwater pearl worth at least 100 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 15; Harnessed Market Value: 5,100 gp. Optional – Faint Divination; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Freshwater pearl worth at least 100 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, speak with animals; Created Market Value: 10,100 gp.

Garnets Barrier Stones: There are several varieties of garnets and all are of gem quality and have been used in jewelry since recorded time began. Each garnet has a unique magical power that can be harnessed, and as a group the garnets all express their magical power in the form of a magical wall; this gives the group of gems their name as barrier stones.

Almandine Prism Stone: The power of light is locked within this bright red gem. When the gem is cut to the shape of a prism the magic is harnessed. When the gem is placed upon the ground and the command ‘dazzle’ is given in Sylvan a prismatic wall forms on the spot, forming a barrier at the command of the person who activated the prism stone. This wall is identical to a prismatic wall spell. The wall lasts for 24 hours or until the command ‘dim’ is given in Sylvan. The prism stone can be activated once per day.

Strong Abjuration; CL 15th; Prerequisites: Almandine garnet worth at least 1,000 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 22,600 gp. Optional – Strong Abjuration; CL 15th; Prerequisites: Almandine garnet worth at least 1,000 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, prismatic wall; Created Market Value: 44,200 gp.

Demantoid Shield Stone: This green gem invokes the power of force magic. When the gem is cut to the shape of a cross the magic is harnessed. When the gem is placed upon the ground and the command ‘raise’ is given in Sylvan a wall of force forms on the spot, forming a barrier at the command of the person who activated the shield stone. This wall is identical to a wall of force spell. The wall lasts for 10 minutes or until the command ‘lower’ is given in Sylvan. The shield stone can be activated once per day.

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Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th; Prerequisites: Demantoid garnet worth at least 750 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 25; Harnessed Market Value: 8,850 gp. Optional – Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th; Prerequisites: Demantoid garnet worth at least 750 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, wall of force; Created Market Value: 16,950 gp.

Essonite Fortress Gem: The power of iron is locked within this orange/brown gem. When the gem is cut to the shape of a cube the magic is harnessed. When the gem is placed upon the ground and the command ‘form’ is given in Terran a wall of iron forms on the spot, forming a barrier at the command of the person who activated the fortress gem. This wall is identical to a wall of iron spell. The wall lasts for 24 hours or until the command ‘decay’ is given in Terran. The fortress gem can be activated once per day.

Moderate Conjuration; CL 11th; Prerequisites: Essonite garnet worth at least 500 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 12,380 gp. Optional – Moderate Conjuration; CL 11th; Prerequisites: Essonite garnet worth at least 500 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, wall of iron; Created Market Value: 24,260 gp.

Grossular Briar Stone: This green garnet possesses the power of the forest. When the gem is cut into the form of a thorn the magic is harnessed. When the thorn is placed upon the ground and the command ‘grow’ is spoken in Sylvan a wall of thorns grows from the spot, forming a barrier at the command of the person who activated the briar stone. This wall is identical to a wall of thorns spell. The wall lasts for 90 minutes or until the command ‘wither’ is spoken in Sylvan. The briar stone can be activated once per day. Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th; Prerequisites: Grossular garnet worth at least 500 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 8,600 gp. Optional – Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th; Prerequisites: Grossular garnet worth at least 500 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, wall of thorns; Created Market Value: 16,700 gp.

Hessonite Escarpment Gem: The power of the earth is locked within this orange gem. When the gem is cut into the shape of a brick the magic is harnessed. When the gem is placed upon the ground and the command ‘build’ is given in Terran a wall of stone forms on the spot, forming a barrier at the command of the person who activated the escarpment gem. This wall is identical to a wall of stone spell. The wall

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lasts for 24 hours or until the command ‘crumble’ is given in Terran. The escarpment gem can be activated once per day. Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th; Prerequisites: Hessonite garnet worth at least 500 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 8,600 gp. Optional – Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th; Prerequisites: Hessonite garnet worth at least 500 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, wall of stone; Created Market Value: 16,700 gp.

Pyrope Gem of the Fire Curtain: This deep red gem holds the power of fire within it. When the gem is cut to the shape of a pyramid the magic is harnessed. When the gem is placed upon the ground and the command ‘ignite’ is given in Ignan a wall of fire forms on the spot, forming a barrier at the command of the person who activated the gem of the fire curtain. This wall is identical to a wall of fire spell. The wall lasts for 10 minutes or until the command ‘dowse’ is given in Ignan. The gem of the fire curtain can be activated once per day. Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th; Prerequisites: Pyrope garnet worth at least 750 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 5,790gp. Optional – Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th; Prerequisites: Pyrope garnet worth at least 750 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, wall of fire; Created Market Value: 10,830 gp.

Rhodolite Glacier Gem: This rose red gem has the power of ice locked within it. When the gem is cut into the shape of a hexagon the magic is harnessed. When the gem is placed upon the ground and the command ‘freeze’ is given in Aquan a wall of ice forms on the spot, forming a barrier at the command of the person who activated the escarpment gem. This wall is identical to a wall of ice spell. The wall lasts for 30 minutes or until the command ‘melt’ is given in Aquan. The glacier gem can be activated once per day.

Moderate Conjuration; CL 7th; Prerequisites: Rhodolite garnet worth at least 500 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 5,540 gp. Optional – Moderate Conjuration; CL 7th; Prerequisites: Rhodolite garnet worth at least 500 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, wall of ice; Created Market Value: 10,580 gp.

Hematite Stone of a Thousand Cuts: Not all that glitters is gold, and not all minerals that are harnessed are safe. The stone of a thousand cuts is one such mineral that the first person to harness it probably wishes he could undo. Now the stone has found its way into the arsenals of those people who can afford it, with

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devastating effect. The minerals magic is harnessed by cutting a piece of silver hematite into a geometric shape of two interlocked tetrahedrons. The shape looks like two four-sided pyramids that have been melded together at their center. Once harnessed, the stone of a thousand cuts is a dangerous weapon. When the stone is thrown and strikes a creature, the creature’s body begins to bleed as if cut by a thousand blades, taking 4d8+15 points of damage. This damage is instantaneous and there is no save to reduce the damage. Using the stone in this manner uses 1 charge. At a command, usually ‘stone of death’ shouted in Dwarven, when the stone is thrown it deals 4d8+15 points of damage to all creatures within 50 feet of the point of impact. Using the stone in this manner uses 5 charges from the stone. A stone of a thousand cuts has 50 charges at the time it is created. Once all the charges have been used, the stone is destroyed. Because of the stones deadly nature it is usually considered to be a contraband item and is not openly sold. It can be purchased on the black market, or from less reputable dealers, or created by an evil wizard for a price. Those caught possessing a stone of a thousand cuts are often arrested on the spot and face fines or imprisonment for carrying the stone. The laws on this vary from region to region. The market values listed here are listed as if the stone could be sold openly. Most stones are sold at higher prices because of their illegal nature. Strong Necromancy; CL 15th; Prerequisites: Silver hematite worth at least 250 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 25; Harnessed Market Value: 60,250 gp. Optional – Strong Necromancy; CL 15th; Prerequisites: Silver hematite worth at least 250 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, mass inflict critical wounds; Created Market Value: 120,250 gp.

Lapis Lazuli Awareness Stone: This vibrant purple stone has long been used as a gemstone. An unknown magic user discovered its natural magical properties in the days of pre-history. Carving the gemstone into a flawless sphere about an inch in diameter releases the magic. Carrying the stone increases a person’s awareness, providing a +4

competence bonus to Listen and Spot skill checks. Faint Abjuration; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Lapis lazuli worth at least 500 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 25; Harnessed Market Value: 10, 500 gp. Optional – Faint Abjuration; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Lapis lazuli worth at least 500 gp, Create Wondrous Item, owl’s wisdom; Created Market Value: 20,500 gp.

Moonstone Orb of the New Moon: Those people afflicted with the disease of lycanthropy are transformed into their animal form on the night of the full moon. Many of these people are fearful of what the disease has made them and seek ways to control the animal within them. At the same time, other people, fearful of what

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the lycanthrope represents – the abomination of nature – have sought ways to control and dominate these creatures and keep them from harming others. In the orb of the new moon these two opposite parties find a common center, though for different reasons. Nobody is sure why the gem possesses these magical properties, only that it does, and carving the gemstone into a slightly oblong sphere releases the magic. Two different commands control the orb. Only a lycanthrope that has been afflicted with the disease can give the first command. On the night of the full moon, the person holding the orb can say ‘suppress’ in Elven to activate one charge from the orb. Doing this allows the person to automatically suppress the urge to change into their animal form for that month. This can only happen if the person is aware of their affliction. In addition, whenever the person would be required to make a Control Shape check due to damage, they can say the command word to use a charge from the orb to suppress the change. The second command can be given by any non-lycanthrope (including other creatures with the shapechanger sub-type). When this person holds the orb and gives the command word ‘repel’ in Elven, the orb glows with a silver light and all lycanthropes within 60 feet must make a DC 20 Will save. On a failed save the lycanthrope is physically moved to beyond the 60-foot range of the orb and cannot approach or use a ranged weapon against the bearer or the orb. Doing this uses one charge from the orb. On the night of the new moon the orb can be placed outside for the night. Doing so allows the orb to “recharge”, adding one charge back for the orb (maximum of 50 charges). The orb has 50 charges when harnessed and is destroyed once the last charge is used. Strong Universal; CL 13th; Prerequisites: Moonstone worth at least 1,000 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 46,500 gp. Optional – Strong Universal; CL 13th; Prerequisites: Moonstone worth at least 1,000 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, limited wish; Created Market Value: 92,000 gp. Yntalla’s Tear: Among the faithful of Yntalla, the Goddess of the Moon, there is a legend about the creation of the first shapechangers on Ados. The legend tells how the light of the first full moon fell upon a large lake, filling it with silver light. The waters in the lake began to roil and froth and, from the moonbeam, moonstones fell into the water. As each moonstone hit the water it released a silvery drop, which transformed into a different shapechanger. The moonstones fell to the lakebed, each elongated into a teardrop shape. Despite the fervent beliefs of the faithful, scholars and loremasters are unsure if the legend is true or not. However, the magic users took hold of the legend and developed Yntalla’s Tear. When a moonstone is carved into a teardrop shape the gems natural magic is released. For the magic to work, the gemstone must be implanted into a person, usually under the skin on the arm, though followers of Yntalla are known to implant the tear in the middle of their forehead such that the gemstone is visible. To implant the stone a person must make an incision in the proper area and insert the stone. The wound can be bound and healed normally or a cure spell can be cast to heal the wound and seal in the

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stone. When Yntalla’s Tear is implanted, the person can transform into another creature once per day. This transformation is identical to the polymorph spell and lasts for 30 minutes. A person can willingly end the transformation before the end of the duration, but once it has ended the person cannot transform again even if there was time left on the duration. Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Prerequisites: Moonstone worth at least 1,000 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 6,600 gp. Optional – Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Prerequisites: Moonstone worth at least 1,000 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph; Created Market Value: 12,200 gp.

Mother of Pearl Gem of Insight: Throughout the ages many people have tried to see into the future, to learn if a particular action or event will be for good or for ill. Diviners of all types, from palm readers to readers of chicken entrails have sought out future omens, but for many people the gem of insight is the most accurate method for divining the future.

The gem of insight was discovered by accident. An unknown wizard had a small piece of mother of pearl, which was used as a worry stone. The wizard constantly rubbed the stone and produced a small oval depression. At some point the depression was worn to the right position where the gems natural magic was harnessed. The discovery and importance were not identified until many years later, but today skilled wizards are able to carve mother of pearl with the depression to release the magical energy. To use the gem of insight a person must hold the gem in their hand and rub the stone with their thumb while thinking about the action or event for which they want to know the outcome. The gem of insight will not tell them the exact future, but it will tell the person if the action will be good or bad. If the action is good and bad the gem will tell the person this as well, and if the action is neither good nor bad it will tell the person nothing. The ‘telling’ by the gem is a thought or feeling within the person and not an actual voice. The gem is not 100% accurate; it will give a meaningful response 90% of the time (GM should roll secretly for the result). The gem of insight is only able to see about 30 minutes into the future. There is no limit to how many times a person can use the gem of insight. Faint Divination; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Mother of Pearl worth at least 50 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 12; Harnessed Market Value: 10,050 gp. Optional – Faint Divination; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Mother of Pearl worth at least 50 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, augury; Created Market Value: 20,050 gp.

Obsidian All Seeing Eye: For a long time loremasters have collected legends and stories about the mystical properties of black obsidian to protect the wearer from evil. Most of these legends proved to be false, but the persistence of the

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legends got researchers to study the natural magical properties of the mineral. Nobody is sure who first made the crucial discovery to prove the legends, and some speculate that many wizards across the globe made the discovery around the same time. When a flawless piece of black obsidian is carved into the shape of an eye the natural magical property is harnessed. When the carved gemstone is held or worn it grants a person protection from evil, as the spell. The carved gemstone is often worn as an amulet or set into a helmet. Faint Abjuration; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Black obsidian worth at least 250 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 5,250 gp. Optional – Faint Abjuration; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Black obsidian worth at least 250 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, protection from evil; Created Market Value: 10,250 gp.

Gem of Vitality: Obsidian has had many uses as a minor gemstone, tool, and a weapon over the centuries. Some varieties of obsidian have also been harnessed for their natural magical properties, such as the Ghost Tip, and this led many wizards and researchers to look at other varieties of obsidian to see if they also had natural magical

properties. A lot of the research proved fruitless, until a Gnome wizard named Gwengolyn Badgersrest made a chance discovery. She had been looking at basic geometric shapes and varieties of obsidian. She was crafting a double pyramidal shape on a piece of mahogany obsidian when her chisel slipped and the perfect double pyramid split into two five-sided pyramids. She was about to toss the mistake when she felt her vitality increase as she picked up the broken pieces. Some more research led to the creation of the Gem of Vitality. A person holding the Gem of Vitality gains a +4 enhancement bonus to their Constitution score. In addition, the Gem of Vitality prolongs a person’s natural lifespan by one year for every month that the gem is possessed up to a maximum increase of 50% over the normal lifespan for the person’s race. Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Mahogany obsidian worth at least 250 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 10,250 gp. Optional – Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Mahogany obsidian worth at least 250 gp, Craft Wondrous Item; bear’s endurance; Created Market Value: 20,250 gp.

Opal Qurna’s Eye: Qurna, the Goddess of Magic, has bestowed Her power across the land, so it is only natural that a gem shares in Her magic. The opal, with its play of colors, is reminiscent of the auroras that mark Qurna’s home in the heavens and was one of the first gems to be harnessed for its natural magic. When an opal is carved into a sphere with a flat base on one side the gems magic is harnessed.

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The gem can create a realistic image, including sound, smell, and thermal effects. To use the gem the person must first “program” the Eye with the desired image. Holding the gem to the forehead and thinking about the image that you want to create programs the Eye. Qurna’s Eye can create a single image that fits within a 120-foot diameter centered on the Eye, or multiple images that would fit with the same space. The image can be of anything the person can think of, and can include appropriate sounds, smells, and other effects. People can be programmed to speak specific dialog, but cannot otherwise interact with real things. The image can be programmed to last for a specific duration up to the maximum duration of 10 minutes. Once the image is programmed, the Eye is placed on the ground, flat side down, to activate the image. Once activated, the image will last for the programmed duration unless it is directly attacked, which will cause the image to disappear. Once the image has ended, the Eye crumbles to dust. Faint Illusion; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Opal worth at least 250 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 15; Harnessed Market Value: 625 gp. Optional – Faint Illusion; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Opal worth at least 250 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, major image; Created Market Value: 1,000 gp.

Pearl Gem of the Wise: Jewelers are always after the perfect pearl, a flawless sphere that is the perfection of the oysters toil. While a perfect pearl may fetch a kingly sum, wizards and others who harness the natural magic from gems and minerals will scoff at such a perfect specimen. For these people, the pearls true luster and magic is only revealed in a seemingly flawed specimen. A pearl that has grown with two ovoid hemispheres that resembles a brain in shape allows the natural magic to be harnessed. It is rare

for a pearl to form naturally into this shape, and a highly specialized profession of culturing pearls to grow into this shape has cropped up. Even with growing cultured pearls, the chance of successfully growing a gem of the wise is slim. It requires a well-crafted seed to be prepared and then placed inside the oyster. After several years the oyster is opened and only then will the culturer know if they were successful. The pearls natural magic is released in a properly grown pearl. Holding or wearing the pearl improves the wearer’s intuition and strengthens their willpower. The bearer receives a +5 competence bonus to Sense Motive skill checks and a +4 competence bonus to Will saves. Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Specially grown pearl worth 500 gp, Harness Gem, Profession (Pearl Culturer) DC 25; Harnessed Market Value: 17,750 gp. Optional – Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Specially grown pearl worth 500 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, owl’s wisdom; Created Market Value: 35,000 gp.

Prase Stone of Removal: Unlike many of the other minerals that have been harnessed over the years, the search and discovery of the magic locked within the mineral prase has a

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more mundane history. The name of the wizard has been lost to history, but the story goes that this wizard was notorious for making errors when writing down spells and the like in books and on scrolls. The problem was so bad that he could fill an entire spellbook trying to write just one spell without a mistake. Looking for a way to save on the cost of parchment, this wizard harnessed the magic within this green variety of quartz. The minerals magic is harnessed by cutting the stone into a rectangular polygon with the short ends set at a 45-degree angle from the vertical. This causes the mineral to look like a rectangle that has been held on the bottom and pushed on the top, skewing the entire shape to the right. When completed the cut mineral is no larger than 1 inch wide and 2 inches long. When the stone is passed over magical or mundane writings, the writing is erased. Non-magical writing is automatically erased, while the person holding the stone of removal must make a caster level check (d20 + caster level) against a DC of 15 to successfully erase magical writing. Failing to erase magical writing, such as explosive runes or a glyph of warding, causes the spell to activate. Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Prase worth at least 250 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 15; Harnessed Market Value: 5,250 gp. Optional – Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Prase worth at least 250 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, erase; Created Market Value: 10,250 gp.

Purple Sapphire Destiny Gem: Sapphires come in several colors depending on the impurities within the mineral. Each variety seems to have its own unique magical power locked within. It is said that every person has a destiny, a pre-planned life to do as the fates have decided. If that is true, the destiny gem is a key to unlocking a person’s fate. The magic within the gem can be harnessed by cutting the gem into a

twinned solitaire cut with the two solitaires joined at the tips and resembling an hourglass. A person who holds the destiny gem has clarity of thought about what they need to do at any moment. Decisions and actions become second nature and require almost no thought at all; the path before them is clear and right. They do not suffer any indecision and do not regret the actions that they take. This feeling is similar to an augury spell, in that the person just seems to know whether an action will be the right one to take. In addition, the person holding the destiny gem benefits from a +4 competence bonus to all attack rolls, saves, and skill checks. The person is immune to fear and gains 15 temporary hit points. Damage taken is removed from the temporary hit points first, and if the person loses possession of the gem these temporary hit points are immediately lost. (If this causes the person’s hit points to fall below 0 or to –10, they fall unconscious or die.)

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Strong Enchantment; CL 15th; Prerequisites: Purple sapphire worth at least 1,500 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 25; Harnessed Market Value: 91,500 gp. Optional – Strong Enchantment; CL 15th; Prerequisites: Purple sapphire worth at least 1,500 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, greater heroism; Created Market Value: 181,500 gp.

Pyrite Lyzar’s Eye: Pyrite, or Fool’s Gold, has long been the bane of the treasure hunter and for this reason those who merely seek wealth often overlook it. Ancient people understood the importance of pyrite and much of their knowledge was passed on to scholars, loremasters, and wizards who are starting to unlock the mysteries of pyrite. One of these mysteries was revealed in the form of Lyzar’s Eye. Pyrite will naturally form into a circular disk under the right conditions. Erik Licht, a wizard and priest of Lyzar, studied the connection between the metal and the God of the Sun, and discovered that with a small alteration to the natural disk that it would emit a bean of sunlight that damaged anything it struck and blinded creatures. Erik realized he had harnessed the natural magic Lyzar had bestowed upon the pyrite and was soon turning out weapons the faithful could use against the darkness. When Lyzar’s Eye is held in the hand, it can produce a beam of intense sunlight three times per day as a line 60 feet long. Creatures caught in the light are blinded and take 4d6 points of damage. If the creature is harmed by sunlight that creature takes double damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 20) negates the blindness and reduces the damage by half. Undead, and outsiders associated with Tare, such as a Child of Tare, that are caught in the light take 13d6 points of damage, half on a successful save. Undead that are specifically harmed by sunlight, such as vampires, are destroyed on a failed save. Strong Evocation; CL 13th; Prerequisites: Pyrite disk worth at least 250 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 10; Harnessed Market Price: 54,750 gp. Optional – Strong Transmutation; CL 13th; Prerequisites: Pyrite disk worth at least 250 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, sunbeam; Created Market Price: 109,250 gp.

Treasure Mirror: Pyrite’s golden luster has fooled many a treasure hunter. For this reason, most treasure seekers shun the mineral and consider it worthless. Shai Xin, a resourceful and inquisitive wizard who had a lust for gold unlocked a secret of pyrite to his considerable advantage and died a very wealthy man. Shai discovered that taking a naturally formed cube of pyrite and polishing it with a gold saturated alchemical solution would transform the pyrite cube into a mirror for finding treasure. When activated, by holding the cube in your hand and speaking the Dwarven word ‘wealth’,

the cube’s polished surface shows an image of and direction toward the nearest treasure worth at least 100 gp or more in value. In addition, a second command of ‘magic’, also in

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Dwarven, reveals the presence of any magical auras in the viewed treasure. The treasure mirror is not fool proof, as treasure protected by lead will block its magic and false magical auras will also show up. However, the mirror works well enough that some adventurers value having a treasure mirror in order to help them find well hidden treasure. Faint Divination; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Pyrite cube worth at least 500 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Alchemy) DC 10; Harnessed Market Price: 9,500 gp. Optional – Faint Divination; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Pyrite cube worth at least 500 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, locate object, detect magic; Created Market Price: 18,500 gp.

Sardonyx Luckbringer: Across history many items and objects have been said to have the power of luck. Some have proved true, others false, and the true ability of still other objects remains unknown. Followers of Wrix, the Luckbringer, have researched, collected, and cataloged many of these items. A Gnome wizard named Jamin Forestdigger, a follower of Wrix, sought to add to the Luckbringer’s powers and began experimenting with different minerals. As befitting his faith, Forestdigger’s success was a chance of luck. He’d been frustrated to this point, having tested several hundred minerals with no success. In a fit of rage he picked up a pair of sardonyx that had been sitting on a table and threw them against a wall. Later, picking the pieces up, he noticed that the two minerals had shattered into two cubes and resembled the dice that are the symbol of Wrix. When a pair of sardonyx are cut into cubes and set with the symbols associated with Wrix the magic within the mineral is harnessed. The magic is only harnessed when two pieces of sardonyx are harnessed together, and once harnessed, the magic only works when both ‘dice’ are held together. A person that holds the dice benefits from a +1 luck bonus to attack rolls, a +1 luck bonus on saves versus fear effects, and receives 1d8+5 temporary hit points. Damage dealt to the bearer of the luck stone is removed from these temporary hit points first. If a person stops holding one or both of the luck stones they immediately lose all benefits, including the temporary hit points. (If this causes the person’s hit points to fall below 0 or to –10, they fall unconscious or die.) Faint Enchantment; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Two sardonyx worth at least 250 gp each, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 10,500 gp. Optional – Faint Enchantment; CL 5th; Prerequisites: Two sardonyx worth at least 250 gp each, Craft Wondrous Item, aid; Created Market Value: 20,500 gp.

Spinel Immortality Stone: The search for immortality has long been the subject of man’s fantasy and desire. A few souls have succeeded in learning the secrets to immortality, though the process is long and hard and filled with failure and disappointment. Among

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followers of Jute, the search for immortality is also the search for the divine, and many take to the Seekers of the Immortal sect within the Church. One member of the sect, Casius Trellium Fennel, used his knowledge of magic and gem harnessing to create a path to immortality. Casius was able to harness the magic within the spinel by carving out Jute’s holy symbol, the four-pointed star, from the mineral. Casius thought his achievement would find favor among the members of the sect, but he was greeted with only ridicule. The quest for immortality they preached was the search for the divine

spirit within. By creating, even harnessing a minerals natural magic, an item that would bring about the same result with little divine effort was an affront to Jute. Casius was thrown out of the sect, but he has gone on to fame by selling copies of the immortality stone. The immortality stone appears as just another holy symbol to Jute until the command phrase, “By Jute’s blessing, may all life be preserved forever.” is spoken. Once the phrase is said aloud the immortality stone glows with a blue light and then crumbles to dust. From that moment on the person who spoke the command phrase no longer ages. They no longer suffer the effects from aging. This does not mean that the person cannot die, they can still be killed by physical or magical means, but they will no longer die from old age. Many religious groups ban the use of the immortality stone. The followers of Jute, despite their reverence for life, find the immortality stone blasphemous and ban its possession. At the other end of the religious spectrum, followers of Iz, Lord of the Underworld, also consider the possession of the immortality stone a sin as it prevents death (not quite true, but useful for religious purposes). Many other religious groups ban or restrict possession of the immortality stone on similar grounds. For this reason, it is usually not possible to openly purchase an immortality stone. They can be bought from discrete vendors as well as on the black market for marked up prices (generally 50% more than the listed market price), or they can be found as treasure. Strong Transmutation; CL 20th; Prerequisites: Spinel worth at least 1,000 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 25; Harnessed Market Value: 101,000 gp. Optional – Strong Transmutation; CL 20th; Prerequisites: Spinel worth at least 1,000 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, time stop; Created Market Value: 201,000 gp.

Star Sapphire Blue Eyed Gem: The star sapphire is a rare and beautiful gemstone. Many people have been fascinated by the star pattern on the gems, and many wizards attempted to unlock the magic within the stone. They knew that the stones magic would only be harnessed if the star pattern was preserved, but all attempts failed to harness any magic. Inspiration finally came to one wizard whose name has been lost to history. This wizard

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realized that the full potential of the gem could not be harnessed until a sacrifice was made. With excruciating pain, the wizard removed one of his eyes and placed the cut star sapphire in the still bleeding socket. The gem settled into place and the blood stopped flowing while the skin settled around the gem, holding it in place. At first the wizard had no vision out of the new eye, but after a while his vision returned, though slightly changed, as he was now able to discern magical auras around people and objects. To harness the magic of the star sapphire, a high quality gem must be cut into a slightly elongated sphere about the shape of an eye. Once cut, the gem must be placed into an unoccupied eye socket of a living creature. The person is blinded in the new eye for 10 minutes, but thereafter the person is able to see normally as if he had two eyes. In addition, the new eye is able to see magical auras. With concentration to activate the eye the person is able to discern magical auras within sight, knowing the strength and location of the aura. You automatically know which spells or magical effects are active. You are not able to identify any magical items. There are two side effects to the gem. One is seeing the world with a slight blue tint. This does not affect any vision other than causing everything to look slightly blue. Second, both of your eyes constantly glow with a blue light, whether the blue eyed gem is active or not. This can be disconcerting to some people, so you receive a +2 equipment bonus to Intimidate skill checks. Strong Divination; CL 13th; Prerequisites: Star sapphire worth at least 2,000 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Carving) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 84,000 gp. Optional – Strong Divination; CL 13th; Prerequisites: Star sapphire worth at least 2,000 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, greater arcane sight; Created Market Value: 166,000 gp.

Tourmaline Kaleidoscope Gem: There have been many ways to scry distant locations, from spells to magic items. Many of these items are cumbersome and have some risk of being detected. A young wizard named Kelvin Phogg, who moonlighted as a rogue, wanted a better way to see other locations and researched the magical properties of many minerals. He finally identified tourmaline as the mineral with the right properties, and was able to harness the minerals properties to his considerable increase in wealth. Harnessing the natural magic is accomplished by cutting a crystal of watermelon tourmaline into the shape of an octagonal cylinder three

inches long. When the cylinder is held up to a person’s eye that person is able to use the kaleidoscope gem to look through doors or walls of any composition and up to three feet thick. The viewer sees the room beyond in whatever lighting conditions exist in the room. If the room is shrouded in magical darkness the viewer is unable to see. In normal darkness the viewer can only see10 feet into the room unless the viewer possesses darkvision. The gem can also be used to look into objects, such as chests, coffins, or other closed containers, to identify the contents. Moderate Divination; CL 10th; Prerequisites: Watermelon tourmaline worth at least 1,000 gp, Harness Gem, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 20; Harnessed Market Value: 31,000 gp.

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Optional – Moderate Divination; CL 10th; Prerequisites: Watermelon tourmaline worth at least 1,000 gp, Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance; Created Market Value: 61,000 gp.

Zircon Jute’s Tear: To prevent death is one of the most sought after protections. Spells can provide some protection from certain forms of death, and other objects and magic exist that can also protect against death in one form or another. Casius Trellium Fennel, a wizard follower of Jute, and harnesser of the first immortality stone also researched ways to prevent death from occurring as part of his research into immortality. Years before he harnessed the first immortality stone Casius harnessed the magic within zircon as a ward against death. The leaders of the Church hailed Casius and this gave him confidence to continue his search for immortality. When a nearly flawless zircon gem is cut into the shape of a tear about half an inch long and with a slight curl at the apex of the tear the natural magic within the zircon is harnessed. A person who holds Jute’s tear is warded against all forms of death including death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, and negative energy effects. The person is also warded against these other death effects with the following restrictions: hit point loss (the person still falls unconscious but stabilizes at -9 hit points and begins to heal normally at that point), poison (the person still suffers damage, but cannot die from the damage taken), ability loss (the person still loses the points, he just cannot die from a Constitution score of 0), and petrification (though it does not prevent the actual turning to stone, a person warded still becomes a statue, but they still live within the stone). The only flaw in the magic is that it does not prevent death from old age. For this reason, Casius continued his search for the immortality stone. Strong Necromancy; CL 14th; Prerequisites: Zircon worth at least 1,500 gp, Harness Gems, Craft (Gem Cutting) DC 25; Harnessed Market Value: 57,500 gp. Optional – Strong Necromancy; CL 14th; Prerequisites: Zircon worth at least 1,500 gp, Harness, Craft Wondrous Item, death ward; Created Market Value: 113,500 gp.

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Table 1: Mineral Magic Items by Mineral Name.

Item Name Mineral Needed

Value of Gem


Craft DC to


Harnessed Market

Value (gp)

Crafted Market

Value (gp) Lightning Gem Agate 250 20 9,950 19,650 Ghost Gem Alabaster 500 15 2,775 5,050 Spirit Amber Amber 100 15 5,100 10,100 Swarm Amber Amber 250 15 8,250 16,250 Totem Amber Amber 250 20 Varies Varies Twin's Heart Aragonite 250 20 13,450 26,650 Harpy Heart Barite 100 12 1,100 2,100 Vision Stone Bloodstone 250 25 625 1,000 Eye of the Tiger Cat's Eye 500 25 81,500 162,500

Plenty Stone Chalcedony (dendritic) 100 12 475 850

Doolittle Gem Freshwater Pearl 100 15 5,100 10,100 Prism Stone Almandine 1,000 20 22,600 44,200 Shield Stone Demantoid 750 25 8,850 16,950 Fortress Gem Essonite 500 20 12,380 24,260 Briar Stone Grossular 500 20 8,600 16,700 Escarpment Gem Hessonite 500 20 8,600 16,700 Gem of the Fire Curtain Pyrope 750 20 5,790 10,830

Glacier Gem Rhodolite 500 20 5,540 10,580 Stone of a Thousand Cuts Hematite 250 25 60,250 120,250

Awareness Stone Lapis Lazuli 500 25 10,500 20,500 Orb of the New Moon Moonstone 1,000 20 46,500 92,000 Yntalla's Tear Moonstone 1,000 20 6,600 12,200 Gem of Insight Mother of Pearl 50 12 10,050 20,050 All Seeing Eye Obsidian (black) 250 20 5,250 10,250

Gem of Vitality Obsidian (mahogany) 250 20 10,250 20,250

Qurna's Eye Opal 250 15 625 1,000 Gem of the Wise Pearl 500 25 17,750 35,000 Stone of Removal Prase 250 15 5,250 10,250 Destiny Gem Purple Sapphire 1,500 25 91,500 181,500 Lyzar's Eye Pyrite 250 10 54,750 109,250 Treasure Mirror Pyrite 500 10 9,500 18,500 Luckbringer Sardonyx 500 20 10,500 20,500 Immortality Stone Spinel 1,000 25 101,000 201,000 Blue Eyed Gem Star Sapphire 2,000 20 84,000 166,000 Kaleidoscope Gem Tourmaline 1,000 20 31,000 61,000 Jute's Tear Zircon 1,500 25 57,500 113,500

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Table 2: Mineral Magic Items by Item Name

Item Name Mineral Needed

Value of Gem


Craft DC to


Harnessed Market

Value (gp)

Crafted Market

Value (gp) All Seeing Eye Obsidian (black) 250 20 5,250 10,250 Awareness Stone Lapis Lazuli 500 25 10,500 20,500 Blue Eyed Gem Star Sapphire 2,000 20 84,000 166,000 Briar Stone Grossular 500 20 8,600 16,700 Destiny Gem Purple Sapphire 1,500 25 91,500 181,500 Doolittle Gem Freshwater Pearl 100 15 5,100 10,100 Escarpment Gem Hessonite 500 20 8,600 16,700 Eye of the Tiger Cat's Eye 500 25 81,500 162,500 Fortress Gem Essonite 500 20 12,380 24,260 Gem of Insight Mother of Pearl 50 12 10,050 20,050 Gem of the Fire Curtain Pyrope 750 20 5,790 10,830

Gem of the Wise Pearl 500 25 17,750 35,000

Gem of Vitality Obsidian (mahogany) 250 20 10,250 20,250

Ghost Gem Alabaster 500 15 2,775 5,050 Glacier Gem Rhodolite 500 20 5,540 10,580 Harpy Heart Barite 100 12 1,100 2,100 Immortality Stone Spinel 1,000 25 101,000 201,000 Jute's Tear Zircon 1,500 25 57,500 113,500 Kaleidoscope Gem Tourmaline 1,000 20 31,000 61,000 Lightning Gem Agate 250 20 9,950 19,650 Luckbringer Sardonyx 500 20 10,500 20,500 Lyzar's Eye Pyrite 250 10 54,750 109,250 Orb of the New Moon Moonstone 1,000 20 46,500 92,000

Plenty Stone Chalcedony (dendritic) 100 12 475 850

Prism Stone Almandine 1,000 20 22,600 44,200 Qurna's Eye Opal 250 15 625 1,000 Shield Stone Demantoid 750 25 8,850 16,950 Spirit Amber Amber 100 15 5,100 10,100 Stone of a Thousand Cuts Hematite 250 25 60,250 120,250

Stone of Removal Prase 250 15 5,250 10,250 Swarm Amber Amber 250 15 8,250 16,250 Totem Amber Amber 250 20 Varies Varies Treasure Mirror Pyrite 500 10 9,500 18,500 Twin's Heart Aragonite 250 20 13,450 26,650 Vision Stone Bloodstone 250 25 625 1,000 Yntalla's Tear Moonstone 1,000 20 6,600 12,200

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The following tables are provided for you to quickly and easily incorporate the magic items from this book into the existing tables in the DMG. To randomly determine an item from the Updated Minor Wondrous Items table roll d% and 2d8 and add the results together. Updated Minor Wondrous Items

Roll (d% + 2d8) Item Name

Crafted Price (gp)

Harnessed Price (gp)

Roll (d% + 2d8) Item Name

Crafted Price (gp)

Harnessed Price (gp)

3-4 Feather token, anchor 50 61 Horseshoes of speed 3,000 5-6 Universal solvent 50 62 Rope of climbing 3,000 7 Elixer of love 150 63 Totem Amber - Weasel 3,250 1,750 8 Unguent of timelessness 150 64 Dust of disappearance 3,500 9 Feather token, fan 200 65 Lens of detection 3,500 10 Dust of tracelessness 250 66 Vestment, druid's 3,750 11 Elixir of hiding 250 67 Figurine of wondrous power, silver raven 3,800 12 Elixir of sneaking 250 68 Amulet of health +2 4,000 13 Elixir of swimming 250 69 Bracers of armor +2 4,000 14 Elixir of vision 250 70 Cloak of Charisma +2 4,000 15 Silversheen 250 71 Cloak of resistance +2 4,000 16 Feather token, bird 300 72 Gauntlets of ogre power 4,000 17 Feather token, tree 400 73 Gloves of arrow snaring 4,000 18 Feather token, swan boat 450 74 Gloves of Dexterity +2 4,000 19 Elixir of truth 500 75 Headband of intellect +2 4,000 20 Feather token, whip 500 76 Ioun stone, clear spindle 4,000 21 Dust of dryness 850 77 Restorative ointment 4,000 22 Plenty Stone 850 475 78 Marvelous pigments 4,000 23 Hand of the mage 900 79 Pearl of Power, 2nd-level spell 4,000 24 Bag of tricks, gray 900 80 Periapt of Wisdom +2 4,000 25 Bracers of Armor +1 1,000 81 Stone salve 4,000 26 Cloak of resistance +1 1,000 82 Necklace of fireballs type III 4,350 27 Pearl of power, 1st-level spell 1,000 83 Circlet of persuasion 4,500 28 Phylactery of faithfulness 1,000 84 Slippers of spider climbing 4,800 29 Qurna's Eye 1,000 625 85 Totem Amber - Rat 4,890 2,570 30 Salve of slipperiness 1,000 86 Incense of meditation 4,900 31 Vision Stone 1,000 625 87 Bag of holding type II 5,000 32 Elixir of fire breath 1,100 88 Bracers of archery, lesser 5,000 33 Pipes of the sewers 1,150 89 Ioun stone, dusty rose prism 5,000 34 Dust of illusion 1,200 90 Ghost Gem 5,050 2,775 35 Goggles of minute seeing 1,250 91 Helm of comprehend languages and read magic 5,200 36 Brooch of shielding 1,500 92 Vest of escape 5,200 37 Necklace of fireballs, type I 1,650 93 Eversmoking bottle 5,400 38 Dust of appearance 1,800 94 Sustaining spoon 5,400 39 Hat of disguise 1,800 95 Necklace of fireballs type IV 5,400 40 Pipes of sounding 1,800 96 Boots of striding and springing 5,500 41 Efficient Quiver 1,800 97 Wind fan 5,500 42 Amulet of natural armor +1 2,000 98 Totem Amber - Cat 5,850 3,150 43 Handy haversack 2,000 99 Amulet of might fists +1 6,000 44 Horn of fog 2,000 100 Horseshoes of a zephyr 6,000 45 Harpy Heart 2,100 1,100 101 Pipes of haunting 6,000 46 Elemental gem 2,250 102 Necklace of fireballs type V 6,150 47 Robe of bones 2,400 103 Gloves of swimming and climbing 6,250 48 Sovereign glue 2,400 104 Totem Amber - Dog 6,250 3,250 49 Bag of holding type I 2,500 105 Bag of tricks, tan 6,300 50 Boots of elvenking 2,500 106 Circlet of blasting, minor 6,480 51 Boots of the winterlands 2,500 107 Horn of goodness/evil 6,500 52 Candle of truth 2,500 108 Totem Amber - Lizard 6,570 3,410 53 Cloak of elvenkind 2,500 109 Totem Amber - Toad 6,610 3,430 54 Eyes of the eagle 2,500 110 Robe of useful items 7,000 55 Scarab, golembane 2,500 111 Boat, folding 7,200 56 Necklace of fireballs, type II 2,700 112 Cloak of the manta ray 7,200 57 Stone of alarm 2,700 113 Bottle of air 7,250 58 Bag of tricks, rust 3,000 114 Totem Amber - Raven 7,250 3,750 59 Bead of force 3,000 115 Bag of holding type III 7,400 60 Chime of opening 3,000 116 Periapt of health 7,400

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The following tables are provided for you to quickly and easily incorporate the magic items from this book into the existing tables in the DMG. To randomly determine an item from the Updated Medium Wondrous Items table roll d% and 2d20 and add the results together.

Updated Medium Wondrous Items Roll (d% +

2d20) Item Name Crafted

Price (gp)Harnessed Price (gp)

Roll (d% + 2d20) Item Name

Crafted Price (gp)

Harnessed Price (gp)

3-4 Boots of levitation 7,500 75 Cloak of resistance +4 16,000 5-6 Harp of charming 7,500 76 Gloves of Dexterity +4 16,000 7-8 Amulet of natural armor +2 8,000 77 Headband of intellect +4 16,000 9-10 Golem manual, flesh 8,000 78 Pearl of power, 4th-level spell 16,000 11-12 Hand of glory 8,000 79 Periapt of Wisdom +4 16,000

13 Ioun stone, deep red sphere 8,000 80 Scabbard of keen edges 16,000 14 Ioun stone, incandescent blue sphere 8,000 81 Swarm Amber 16,250 8,250 15 Ioun stone, pale blue rhomboid 8,000 82 Figurine of wondrous power, golden lions 16,500 16 Ioun stone, pink and green sphere 8,000 83 Briar Stone 16,700 8,600 17 Ioun stone, pink rhomboid 8,000 84 Escarpment Gem 16,700 8,600 18 Ioun stone, scarlet and blue sphere 8,000 85 Chime of interruption 16,800 19 Deck of illusions 8,100 86 Shield Stone 16,950 8,850 20 Necklace of fireballs type VI 8,100 87 Broom of flying 17,000 21 Totem Amber - Wolverine 8,250 4,250 88 Figurine of wondrous power, marble elephant 17,000 22 Candle of invocation 8,400 89 Amulet of natural armor +3 18,000 23 Totem Amber - Snake, Constrictor 8,410 4,330 90 Ioun stone, iridescent spindle 18,000 24 Totem Amber - Snake, Viper 8,410 4,330 91 Totem Amber - Cheetah 18,250 9,250 25 Bracers of armor +3 9,000 92 Treasure Mirror 18,500 9,500 26 Cloak of resistance +3 9,000 93 Bracelet of friends 19,000 27 Decanter of endless water 9,000 94 Lightning Gem 19,650 9,950 28 Necklace of adaptation 9,000 95 Carpet of flying, 5 ft. by 5 ft. 20,000 29 Pearl of power, 3rd-level spell 9,000 96 Horn of blasting 20,000 30 Talisman of the sphere 9,000 97 Ioun stone, pale lavender ellipsoid 20,000 31 Figurine of wondrous power, serpentine owl 9,100 98 Ioun stone, pearly white spindle 20,000 32 Necklace of fireballs type VII 9,150 99 Portable hole 20,000 33 Totem Amber - Porpoise 9,250 4,750 100 Stone of good luck (luckstone) 20,000 34 Strand of prayer beads, lesser 9,600 101 Gem of Insight 20,050 10,050 35 Bag of holding type IV 10,000 102 Gem of Vitality 20,250 10,250 36 Figurine of wondrous power, bronze griffon 10,000 103 Totem Amber - Crocodile 20,250 10,250 37 Figurine of wondrous power, ebony fly 10,000 104 Totem Amber - Owl 20,410 10,330 38 Glove of storing 10,000 105 Awareness Stone 20,500 10,500 39 Ioun stone, dark blue rhomboid 10,000 106 Luckbringer 20,500 10,500 40 Stone horse, courser 10,000 107 Totem Amber - Leopard 20,570 10,410 41 Cape of the mountebank 10,080 108 Totem Amber - Lion 20,570 10,410 42 Doolittle Gem 10,100 5,100 109 Figurine of wondrous power, ivory goats 21,000 43 Spirit Amber 10,100 5,100 110 Rope of entanglement 21,000 44 All Seeing Eye 10,250 5,250 111 Totem Amber - Tiger 21,570 10,910 45 Stone of Removal 10,250 5,250 112 Golem manual, stone 22,000 46 Totem Amber - Eagle 10,250 5,250 113 Mask of the skull 22,000 47 Totem Amber - Horse 10,250 5,250 114 Totem Amber - Shark 23,250 11,750 48 Glacier Gem 10,580 5,540 115 Mattock of the titans 23,348 49 Gem of the Fire Curtain 10,830 5,790 116 Circlet o blasting, major 23,760 50 Phylactery of undead turning 11,000 117 Amulet of mighty fists +2 24,000 51 Totem Amber - Wolf 11,250 5,750 118 Cloak of displacement, minor 24,000 52 Gauntlets of rust 11,500 119 Helm of underwater action 24,000 53 Boots of speed 12,000 120 Fortress Gem 24,260 12,380 54 Goggles of night 12,000 121 Bracers of archery, greater 25,000 55 Golem manual, clay 12,000 122 Bracers of armor +5 25,000 56 Medallion of thoughts 12,000 123 Cloak of resistance +5 25,000 57 Pipes of pain 12,000 124 Eyes of doom 25,000 58 Yntalla's Tear 12,200 6,600 125 Pearl of power, 5th-level spell 25,000 59 Blessed book 12,500 126 Maul of the titans 25,305 60 Belt, monk's 13,000 127 Strand of prayer beads, lesser 25,800 61 Gem of brightness 13,000 128 Cloak of the bat 26,000 62 Lyre of building 13,000 129 Iron bands of binding 26,000 63 Cloak of arachnida 14,000 130 Twin's Heart 26,650 13,450 64 Stone horse, destrier 14,800 131 Cube of frost resistance 27,000 65 Belt of dwarvenkind 14,900 132 Helm of telepathy 27,000 66 Periapt of wound closure 15,000 133 Periapt of proof against poison 27,000 67 Horn of the tritons 15,100 134 Robe of scintillating colors 27,000 68 Pearl of the sirines 15,300 135 Manual of bodily health +1 27,500 69 Figurine of wondrous power, onyx dog 15,500 136 Manual of gainful exercise +1 27,500 70 Amulet of health +4 16,000 137 Manual of quickness in action +1 27,500 71 Belt of giant strength +4 16,000 138 Tome of clear thought +1 27,500 72 Boots, winged 16,000 139 Tome of leadership and influence +1 27,500 73 Bracers of armor +4 16,000 140 Tome of understanding +1 27,500 74 Cloak of Charisma +4 16,000

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The following tables are provided for you to quickly and easily incorporate the magic items from this book into the existing tables in the DMG. To randomly determine an item from the Updated Major Wondrous Items table roll d% and 2d12 and add the results together. Updated Major Wondrous Items

Roll (d% + 2d12) Item Name

Crafted Price (gp)

Harnessed Price (gp)

Roll (d% + 2d12) Item Name

Crafted Price (gp)

Harnessed Price (gp)

3-4 Dimensional shackles 28,000 65 Pearl of power, 8th-level spell 64,000 5-6 Figurine of wondrous power, obsidian steed 28,500 66 Crystal ball with telepathy 70,000 7 Drums of panic 30,000 67 Horn of blasting, greater 70,000 8 Ioun stone, orange 30,000 68 Pearl of power, two spells 70,000 9 Ioun stone, pale green prism 30,000 69 Helm of teleportation 73,500

10 Lantern of revealing 30,000 70 Gem of seeing 75,000 11 Robe of blending 30,000 71 Robe of the archmagi 75,000 12 Amulet of natural armor +4 32,000 72 Mantle of faith 76,000 13 Amulet of proof against detection and location 35,000 73 Crystal ball with true seeing 80,000 14 Carpet of flying, 5 ft. by 10 ft. 35,000 74 Totem Amber - Rhinoceros 80,250 40,250 15 Gem of the Wise 35,000 17,750 75 Pearl of power, 9th-level spell 81,000 16 Golem manual, iron 35,000 76 Well of many worlds 82,000 17 Totem Amber - Badger 35,250 17,750 77 Totem Amber - Elephant 82,250 41,250 18 Amulet of health +6 36,000 78 Manual of bodily health +3 82,500 19 Belt of giant Strength +6 36,000 79 Manual of gainful exercise +3 82,500 20 Bracers of armor +6 36,000 80 Manual of quickness in action +3 82,500 21 Cloak of Charisma +6 36,000 81 Tome of clear thought +3 82,500 22 Gloves of Dexterity +6 36,000 82 Tome of leadership and influence +3 82,500 23 Headband of intellect +6 36,000 83 Tome of understanding +3 82,500 24 Ioun stone, vibrant purple prism 36,000 84 Apparatus of the Crab 90,000 25 Pearl of power, 6th-level spell 36,000 85 Mantle of spell resistance 90,000 26 Periapt of Wisdom +6 36,000 86 Mirror of opposition 92,000 27 Totem Amber - Bat 37,250 18,750 87 Orb of the New Moon 92,000 46,500 28 Scarab of protection 38,000 88 Strand of prayer beads, greater 95,800 29 Totem Amber - Boar 39,250 19,750 89 Amulet of mighty fists +4 96,000 30 Ioun stone, lavender and green ellipsoid 40,000 90 Eyes of petrification 98,000 31 Ring gates 40,000 91 Bowl of commanding water elementals 100,000 32 Totem Amber - Bison 41,250 20,750 92 Brazier of commanding fire elementals 100,000 33 Crystal ball 42,000 93 Censer of controlling air elementals 100,000 34 Totem Amber - Ape 42,250 21,250 94 Stone of controlling earth elementals 100,000 35 Golem manual, greater stone 44,000 95 Totem Amber - Bear 107,250 53,750 36 Prism Stone 44,200 22,600 96 Lyzar's Eye 109,250 54,750 37 Totem Amber - Whale, Orca 46,250 23,250 97 Manual of bodily health +4 110,000 38 Orb of storms 48,000 98 Manual of gainful exercise +4 110,000 39 Boots of teleportation 49,000 99 Manual of quickness in action +4 110,000 40 Bracers of armor +7 49,000 100 Tome of clear thought +4 110,000 41 Pearl of power, 7th-level spell 49,000 101 Tome of leadership and influence +4 110,000 42 Amulet of natural health +5 50,000 102 Tome of understanding +4 110,000 43 Cloak of displacement, major 50,000 103 Jute's Tear 113,500 57,500 44 Crystal ball with see invisibility 50,000 104 Amulet of the planes 120,000 45 Horn of Valhalla 50,000 105 Robe of eyes 120,000 46 Crystal ball with detect thoughts 51,000 106 Stone of a Thousand Cuts 120,250 60,250 47 Carpet of flying, 6 ft. x 9 ft. 53,000 107 Helm of brilliance 125,000 48 Amulet of mighty fists +3 54,000 108 Manual of bodily health +5 137,500 49 Wings of flying 54,000 109 Manual of gainful exercise +5 137,500 50 Cloak of etherealness 55,000 110 Manual of quickness in action +5 137,500 51 Daem's instant fortress 55,000 111 Tome of clear thought +5 137,500 52 Manual of bodily health +2 55,000 112 Tome of leadership and influence +5 137,500 53 Manual of gainful exercise +2 55,000 113 Tome of understanding +5 137,500 54 Manual of quickness in action +2 55,000 114 Efreeti bottle 145,000 55 Tome of clear thought +2 55,000 115 Amulet of mighty fists +5 150,000 56 Tome of leadership and influence +2 55,000 116 Chaos diamond 160,000 57 Tome of understanding +2 55,000 117 Eye of the Tiger 162,500 81,500 58 Eyes of charming 56,000 118 Cubic gate 164,000 59 Robe of stars 58,000 119 Blue Eyed Gem 166,000 84,000 60 Carpet of flying, 10 ft. by 10 ft. 60,000 120 Iron flask 170,000 61 Darkskull 60,000 121 Mirror of mental prowess 175,000 62 Kaleidoscope Gem 61,000 31,000 122 Destiny Gem 181,500 91,500 63 Cube of force 62,000 123 Mirror of life trapping 200,000 64 Bracers of armor +8 64,000 124 Immortality Stone 201,000 101,000

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Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. 13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Mineral Magic: Volume One, Copyright 2005, Tangent Games, All Rights Reserved. Mineral Magic: Volume Two, Copyright 2007, Tangent Games, All Rights Reserved.

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