
7/31/2019 Migrating Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 - Paul van Jaarsveld 1/13

Migrating Joomla!

Paul van Jaarsveld – @kalemanzi

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● Which migration methods

● Some scenarios

● Preparation

● Do it!

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Migration methods

● 1.0 to 1.5 mtwmigrator

● J2XML (only content and users)

● Jupgrade – what we will use today for 1.5 to 2.5

● SP Upgrade – no personal experience

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● You built the site.

● You did no build the site.

● Traffic?

● Users?

How much content● Rebuild?

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Be prepared!

● List all non vanilla extentions

● Find upgrade / update procedures

● Start on JED.

● Look deeper. 1.6, 1.7 usually work for 2.5

If upgrade exists, get info together● If no upgrade look for alternatives (or hack)

● Check extentions against security forums

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Be more prepared

● Non standard folders out of root

● Look for cron jobs

● Have a plain text editor to make notes of folders eg

● Get to know rsync. Makes life easy.

Shell access NB. No access, use phpterm.● Cpanel and ftp is cool but delayed

● Make sure there is enough space on server eg. 3X mo

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Be even more prepared

● Have a permissions script handy

● Make a written plan / check list

● Have a good host eg. Updated servers etc.

● Make a backup

Have a 2.5 template (mod or new)● Make final changes to content in old site

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Rise of the machine

● Beware of the robots! disallow: /jupgrade/ otherwise ne

gets indexed

Add <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> and

<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex"> to new tem


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Just do it!

● Intall jupgrade

● Fix issues (plugins / javascript errors)

● Mootools upgrade

● Change settings

Run it● Check the new site

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You did it... almost!

● Install template

● Check standard modules

● Install 3rd party stuff

● Check that URLS are the same

● Fix components that changed 301 redirect

● @pe7er's method

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Da beeg switch!

● Assume it's a busy website

● Look for any new users / content / sections / cats

● Move data over (jupgrade parameters)

● Do final checks to see it's all okay

● Why I use the switch script and commandline

● Use rsync to update extra folders

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Closing comments

● Don't forget to remove the tags you added to the index

your template!● This is only one of the ways you can do it.

● Full CLI migration script would be awesome

● Php cli?

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● Questions

● Comments

● Suggestions


Background created on Inkscape from a gazillion hexagons by a person who did not leave OO E D.

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