Page 1: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide

Mid-Del Technology Center’s Business and Industry

Training Guide 3921 S.E. 29th Del City, OK.


Page 2: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide
Page 3: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


About MDTC 01

Staff 01

Price/Training Initiatives 02

Computer Technologies Access (Microsoft) 03

Excel (Microsoft) 04

Outlook (Microsoft) 05

PowerPoint (Microsoft) 05

Project (Microsoft) 06

Visio 06

Word (Microsoft) 07

Safety 08 AAA Driver Safety 10

Abrasive Wheel Machine Safety 10

Accident Investigation 10

Accident Prevention (Signs/Tags) 10

Aerial Work Platform Training 10

Agricultural Tractor Safety 10

Air Compressor Safety 10

Air Quality (Introduction) 16

Arc Flash Safety 11

Asbestos Safety for Construction Industry 11

Asphalt Paver Safety 11

Back Safety (Material Handling) 17

Behavior-Based Safety 11

Bloodborne Pathogens 11

Cancer Causing Chemicals in Workplace 11

Chainsaw Safety 11

Chlorine Safety 11

Cold Stress Safety 11

Combustible Dust Safety 12

Compressed Gas Safety 12

Confine Space 12

Control of Hazardous Energy (LOTO) 12

Crane Safety –Overhead (Indoor) 12

DOT Regulations 12

Electrical Safety 13

Emergency Action Plans 13

Energy Training Council (ETC) 09

Ergonomics 13

Fall Protection 13

Fire Extinguisher Training 14

Fire Safety Prevention 13

Flammable Liquids 14

Forklift Training (Powered Industrial Truck) 18

Hand Tool Safety 14

Hazardous Communication 14

Hazardous Materials 14

Hazard Recognition 14

Hazwoper Training 14/15

Hearing Conservation 15

Heat Stress 15

Housekeeping 15

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) 16

Industrial Toxicology 16

Infection Control 16

Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) 16

Ladder Safety 16

Lead Safety for Employees 16

Liquid Oxygen Safety 17

Machine Guarding 17

Material Handling (Back Safety) 17

Mold Safety 17

Mower Safety 17

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material 17

OSHA 30 Hr (Construction & Industry) 17

OSHA 10 Hr (Construction & Industry) 18

Personal Protective Equipment 18

Portable Power Tools 18

Powered Industrial Truck (Forklift Training) 18

Process Safety 18

Propane Safety 19

Respirator Protection/Fittest 19

Risk Management 19

Safe Chemical Handling 19

SafeLandUSA 19

Scaffolding Safety 20

Silica Safety 20

Skid Steer Safety 20

Slips, Trips and Falls 20

Spill Prevention and Control 20

Trenching and Shoring Safety 20

Workplace Violence 21

WorkZone Safety 21

Customized Industrial Training 22

Pipefitting 23 Basic Pipefitter Training

Intermediate Pipefitter Training

Hydraulic/Pneumatic 24 Industrial Hydraulic Training

Electrical 24/25 Basic Electricity 24

Basic Electrical Wiring 24

Troubleshooting Electric Motors 24

Electromechanical Controls 25

AC/DC Principles 25

Programmable Logic Controller 26

Introduction to PLC 26

Intermediate to PLC 26

Medic First Aid / CPR 27

Workkeys© 28

Security/Cleet 29

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Supervisor Management Training 30 ABC’s of Supervising Others 32

Art of Delegating Effectively 31

Becoming Management Material 31

Budgets and Managing Money 30

Coaching: A Leadership Skill 31

Human Resource Training 31

Inventory Management 31

Marketing and Sales 31

Meeting Management 32

Motivation Training 32

Negotiating for Results 32

Project Management 30

Team Building 32

The Professional Supervisor 32

Career Development 33 Advanced Writing Skills 33

Building Your Self Esteem 33

Business Etiquette 33

Business Writing that Works 33

Communication Strategies 33

Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult

People 34

Customer Service Training 35

Public Speaking 34

Skills for Admin Assistant 34

Speak Easy (Conquering Fear of Speaking) 34

The Minute-Takers Workshop 35

Time Management 34

Human Resource Training 36 Anger Management 36

Building Better Teams 36

Business Succession Planning 36

Change Management 36

Conflict Resolution: Getting Along in the


Conducting Effective Performance Review 36

Customer Service 37

Employee Dispute Resolution 37

Hiring for Success 37

Orientation Handbook 37

Problem Solving and Making a Decision 37

Stress Management 37

Workplace Essentials 38 Business Ethics for the Office 38

Diversity Training 38

Generation Gap – Closing Generation Gap 38

Workplace Harassment 38

Workplace Violence 38

Sales and Marketing Building Relationships for Success 39

Sales and Customer Service Training

for Call Center Agents 39

Dynamic Sales Presentations 39

Overcoming Objectives to Nail the Sale 39

Sales Training: Selling Smarter 39

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Mid-Del Technology Center’s Business and Industry Training

Mid-Del Technology Center is part of a statewide network of career and technology

education professionals that can provide services directly; or coordinate for services from

subject matter experts in any field at reduced (state subsidized) rates.

One of 29 Technology Center districts that make up Oklahoma’s nationally recognized

CareerTech system, it is our task as a tax-supported facility to keep Oklahoma businesses

competitive and updated on new developments.

BIS is specifically funded by:

The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education

Ad Valorem taxes

The governing board of the Mid-Del Schools Campus

These funding sources allow BIS to offer training at a fraction of the cost usually

associated with specialized training programs.

Our Training Facility

Located at 3921 S.E. 29th Street in Del City, our 21,000 square foot training facility

includes three conference rooms, two computer labs and a safety and industrial training


Our Staff Mike Heinze – Business & Industry Training Director

[email protected]

Jennifer Sanders – Executive BIS Secretary

[email protected]

Forrest Doshier – Safety Coordinator

[email protected]

Scott Cline – Industrial Coordinator

[email protected]

(405) 672-6665

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Mid-Del Technology Center is a tax funded training center so all fees charged will be on

a cost-recovery basis (instructor/curriculum, etc.). Because we structure our training in

this way, instead of the traditional ‘per student’ costs, there are a considerable amount of


Services are available on both a customer paid (fee basis) and through State Training

Incentive Programs for qualified business and industry customers.

Training for Industry Program (TIP)

Oklahoma CareerTech’s Business and Industry Services A State funded program designed to provide training for new Oklahoma industries and

existing companies adding jobs. The purpose of this program is to recruit new industry

and/or to encourage existing industry to expand in Oklahoma. Whether you’re a new or

expanding company in our state, our nationally acclaimed Training for Industry Program

can help you create the quality workforce you need to be successful from day one, all at

little or no cost to you.

In existence, since1968 Oklahoma’s TIP has provided start-up training for virtually every

sector of industry. From manufacturing to warehouse and distribution centers, aerospace

to business services, bio-tech to food processing, we have the experience and expertise to

serve your company well.

Totally customized training:

Every business is different. That’s why our flexibility is key to meeting your specific

start-up requirements. Some of the services we provide and fund through TIP include:

Job Analysis, Needs Assessment, Pre-Employment Training, Pre-Production Training,

Post-production Training, Instructor Costs, Instructional Materials/Development and

Training Supplies.

Training for Existing Industry

TEI Oklahoma’s economic future depends on existing businesses remaining competitive.

This frequently requires providing the existing workforce with upgrade training on new

systems or equipment. State funds, usually on a matching basis, are available for training

to keep existing businesses and industry updated on new developments. Some of the

services we provide under TEI include:

• Training in new computerized manufacturing applications (hardware and/or software)

• Training for new product lines or company expansions that do not qualify for Training

for Industry funding (TIP)

• Upgrade training for supervisors and front line managers

• Training for existing workers moving to other positions

• Upgrade training for basic or technical skills

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Computer Technologies MDTC specializes in teaching multiple levels of Microsoft Office applications, as well as

many other software programs. Instructor-led sessions feature hands-on exercises

designed to reinforce concepts and procedures.

Microsoft Suite


Access Level I Table of Contents MDTACC110

Definition of a database • Navigate the

Access window • Work in form • Sort

data • Find information • Database

objects • Create tables • Table fields and

properties • Create and use queries • Sort

queries • Create an AutoForm • Create

reports with wizard • Use filters • Create

a calculating field • Filter data in query •

Manipulate fields in query • Create and

use Parameter queries • Plan a relational

database design • Import and link data •

Create indexes, primary keys and


Min Class Size 4 - Max Class Size 16

Access Level II

Table of Contents MDTACC210 Create multiple source queries • Use the

expression builder • Use wizards to

create advanced queries • Work with

forms and reports in design view •

Create grouping and totals queries •

Create join properties in queries • Create

and use action queries • Set properties in

forms and reports • Work with field

controls • Use bound and unbound

objects on forms • Create option groups

• Create sub forms • Use combo boxes •

Set control properties • Create

grouping/totals reports and summary

reports • Use a calculated control in a

report • Add a chart to a report Min Class Size 4 - Max Class Size 16

Office 2007 and 2010 Versions 1 and 2 Day Classes Available Per Module

Access Level III Table of Contents MDTACC310

Create and use macros • Automate

queries with a macro • Set Event

properties • Create a main menu •

Automate program startup • Automate

report criteria • Print database

relationships • Use database security

tool: exclusive mode, passwords,

encryption • E-mail a database object •

Backup and restore a database • Split a

database • Use the linked table manager

• Compact and repair a database •

Convert a database to a previous access

version • Replicate a database and

synchronize the data • Save a table,

query, form as a web page • Create a

data access page • Add hyperlinks

Min Class Size 4 - Max Class Size 16

Topics in each module can vary depending on versions of

software and length of class

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Microsoft Suite


Excel Level I Table of Contents MDTEX110

Navigate Excel’s screen • Move the

cursor and select cells • Create, open,

close and save workbooks • Use the

Help program • Enter numbers, text,

formulas and functions • Change cell

alignment and number formats •

Creating simple formulas • Use the

AutoSum function • Editing a formula •

Using the Count, Average, Min and Max

functions • Clear, delete, and insert data

• Using Undo and Redo • Use the

AutoFill feature • Use Preview, Page

layout and Page setup features • Set page

breaks • Print worksheets • Change

column width and row height • Insert

and delete columns and rows • Copy and

move data • Use borders, fonts and

patterns • Create charts

Min Class size 4 - Max Class Size 16

Excel Level II

Table of Contents MDTEX210

Create and print an outline • Sort data •

Work with shapes, pictures and clip art •

Convert a workbook to a web page •

Enhance charts • Use absolute and

mixed cell references • Create and use

range names • Use functions • Enter date

and statistical functions • Use If and

PMT functions • Arrange and work with

multiple workbooks • Divide the

worksheet window • Create a workspace

file • Use multiple worksheets in a

workbook • Link worksheets • Use

worksheet groups • Using linking and

embedding between Word and Excel

Min Class Size 4 - Max Class Size 16

Office 2007 and 2010 Versions

1 and 2 Day Classes Available Per Module

Excel Level III Table of Contents MDTEX310

Protect cells in a worksheet • Use the

Goal Seek command • Create a data

table • Create, use and edit macros • Use

Tables • Filter data • Create automatic

subtotals • Create a pivot table and pivot

chart • Use conditional formatting • Use

data validation • Consolidate a

worksheet • Use a 3-D formula • Use

advanced formulas: VLOOKUP,

SUMIF, COUNTIF • Work with nested

functions • Import and export data •

Create custom number formats • Preview

and print a workbook • Share a

workbook • Use change tracking •

Merge workbooks • Use worksheet

auditing tools • Create a custom view •

Use database functions • Use advanced


Min Class Size 4 - Max Class Size 16

***Topics in each module can vary depending on versions of software and length of class***

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Microsoft Suite


Office 2007 and 2010 Version Each Module 1 day

Outlook Level I Table of Contents MDTOUT110

Navigate the Outlook window •

Understand the basic terminology of the

electronic mail process • Send, receive

and read messages • Reply to and

forward messages • Attach files to a

message • Manage message items • Use

message options and views • Sort

messages and customize the Inbox • Use

stationery and signatures • Use the

address book • Create a distribution list •

Work with rules • Delete messages • Use

different calendar views • Schedule one-

time and recurring appointments • Print

the calendar.

Min Class Size 4 - Max Class Size 16

Outlook Level II

Table of Contents MDTOUT210

Set up one-time and recurring tasks •

Assign tasks • Plan meetings • Use

Notes • Printing tasks and notes • Enter

contacts • Share folders • Use the

archives • Understand Outlook options •

Use the Journal • Integrate Outlook


Min Class Size 4 - Max Class Size 16

Microsoft Suite


Office 2007 and 2010 Version

1 and 2 Day Classes Available Per Module

PowerPoint Level I

Table of Contents MDTPPT110

Navigate the PowerPoint screen • Open

and run a slide show • Use slide show

controls • Change views • Create, save

and close presentations • Edit a

presentation in the outline tab and Slide

pane • Check a presentation for spelling

• Apply presentation designs •

Customize the background and color

scheme • Use Slide Sorter view • Add

transitions to slides • Package a

presentation for transport • Use the Help

program • Print a presentation • Use the

notes pages • Create audience handouts •

Format text and paragraphs • Insert a

table • Insert shapes, pictures and clip art

• Use drawing objects and WordArt •

Manipulate and format objects

Min Class Size 4 - Max Class Size 16 PowerPoint Level II

Table of Contents MDTPPT210

Create diagrams and charts • Save slides

as pictures • Use the shortcut menus •

move and copy text /objects • Use Find

and Replace • Use master views •

Change slide layout • Create a custom

template or theme • Embed fonts in a

presentation • Work between

PowerPoint and Word • Work with slide

animation • Add sounds/movies to a

presentation • Create a custom show •

Insert and use hyperlinks • Create a

presentation for display on the Internet •

Set PowerPoint options

Min Class Size 4 - Max Class Size 16

***Topics in each module can vary depending on versions of software and length

of class***

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Microsoft Suite


Office 2007 and 2010 Versions

1 and 2 Day Classes Available Per Module Project Level I Table of Contents MDTPRO110

Project management basics • The

Project screen • Create a project plan •

Work with files • Change the project

calendar • Enter tasks • Outline the task

list • Set task dependencies • Set

constraints and deadlines • Use task

notes • Use different views • Enter and

assign resources to tasks • Customize

the Gantt chart • Set a baseline • Use


Min Class Size 4 - Max Class size 16

Project Level II MDTPRO210

Table of Contents Review the basics • Evaluate and adjust

the critical path and task duration •

Adjust resource over allocation • Use

resource leveling • Modify resource

calendars • Display and manage costs •

Work with a baseline plan • Analyze

performance and track costs • Use

custom tables, forms and filters •

Customize the Gantt chart •

Customize existing reports • Create

custom reports • Share project

information with other applications •

Create and run a macro • Create a master

project • Create and use a template

1 and 2 Day Classes Available Per Module

Microsoft Suite


Office 2007 and 2010 Versions 1 Day Class

Visio Level I Table of Contents MDTVIS110

Explore the Visio interface • Customize

the Visio window • Create diagrams •

Add and manipulate shapes • Add and

format text • Manage and format shapes

• Create a flowchart • Apply page styles

• Create a cross functional flowchart •

Create workflow diagram • Create and

modify and organization chart

Min Class Size 4 - Max Class Size 16

Visio Level II MDTVIS210

Table of Contents

Draw and enhance basic shapes • Create

a custom stencil • Customize a stencil

master • Define a new style • Create a

template • Create an office layout •

Work with layers • Generate a

PivotDiagram • Create an organizational

chart from external data • Import Project

plan data into Visio • Link to a database

• Import Excel data • Link a Visio

drawing to other applications • Convert a

Visio drawing to other file formats •

Print a drawing

1 Day Class

***Topics in each module can vary depending on versions of software and length of class***

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Microsoft Suite


Word Level I Table of Contents MDTWO110

Open Microsoft Word • Navigate the

Word screen • Create, save, open and

close documents • View and arrange

documents in different ways • Select text

with the mouse and keyboard • Delete

and edit text • Use the Undo, Redo, and

Repeat commands • Format characters •

Use Word’s automatic features • Use the

spell check and grammar features • Use

the Help program • Use the print

preview and print commands to print

documents, envelopes and labels • Move

and copy text • Use the Find and

Replace feature • Use layout features to

set margins and add page numbers • Use

paragraph formatting to set indents,

alignment and spacing • Use bulleted

and numbered lists • Use the Thesaurus

feature • Use Hyphenation • Use

AutoText/Quick Parts • Use

preformatted letters and memos

Word Level II MDTWO210

Table of Contents

Add borders and shading to paragraphs

and pages • Work with Shapes,

WordArt, pictures and clip art • Create

and apply styles • Use headers and

footers • Create and use tables • Import

and export files • Create a web page

version of a document • Use Mail Merge

• Set Word’s options • Use text boxes,

columns and watermarks • Use

bookmarks • Create and use templates

Min Class Size 4 - Max Class Size 16

Office 2007 and 2010 Versions 1 and 2 Day Classes Available Per Module

Word Level III Table of Contents MDTWO310

Create charts and diagrams • Use linking

and embedding • Use fields • Sort text •

Select, sort and filter merge records •

Define and organize styles • Use an

external data source for merge records •

Create a merge directory • Use fields in

Mail Merge • Define and organize styles

• Insert symbols • Use footnotes and

endnotes • Track changes • Use

comments • Compare and combine

documents • Create and use macros •

Use password protection • Create and

use forms

***Topics in each module can vary depending on versions of software and length of class***

Page 12: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


Mid-Del Technology Center’s

Health, Safety & Environmental (HS&E) Training Center

Mid-Del Technology Center provides a wide variety of customized safety and health

training. This training can be conducted on site or at our training facility and all for

reasonable costs. Our HS&E specialists are dedicated in helping the business community

develop a total organizational safety culture. We have assumed a leadership role in

developing such a procedure being awarded an Oklahoma CareerTech grant designed to

advance positive safety cultures in entities throughout Oklahoma. From culture and

strategic plan development to implementation, we have the ability to help you reduce

accidents, lost days and workers compensation costs as well as, improve production,

profitability and employee morale.

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Mid-Del Technology Center is a member of the Energy Training Council. The purpose

of the Energy Training Council (ETC) is to aid in the development and provision of

uniform and consistent information and education, for workers working in all energy

industry services.

SafeLandUSA Orientation Courses:

Behavioral Based Safety

Short Service Employee (SSE)

Intervention (Training)

Incident Reporting & Investigation

Substance Abuse Awareness

Prevention of Workplace Violence

Personal Protective Equipment

Job Safety Analysis

Simultaneous Operations

Hazardous Communications (Right to


Accident Prevention Signs and Tags

Working at Heights

Hand Safety

First Aid/CPR/AED

Bloodborne Pathogens

Permitting (Confined Space)

Confined Space

Excavation: Trenching & Shoring

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness

Fire Safety and Emergency


Electrical Safety


Material Handling

Walking Working Surfaces

Occupational Health & Industrial


Environmental Safe Work Site

Advenrse Weather

Safe Driving Practices

Page 14: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


HS&E Training

AAA Driver Safety

What it covers:

Three potential audiences: insurance

discount and fleet, first offender and

mature operator • each entity will

discuss “Seeing” (managing visibility,

time and space) communicating,

adjusting speed, margin of safety, your

vehicle, driving emergencies, you the


Abrasive Wheel Machines

What it covers:

Types of abrasive wheel machines •

selection criteria • Inspection

requirements • Basic skills in hazard

recognition and control • OSHA’S

requirements for abrasive wheel machine

safety • Abrasive wheel machine in

today’s industry • Use, storage and

maintenance requirements

Accident Investigation (Basic Skills)

What it covers:

Introduce accident investigation and

establish its role in today’s industry •

Basic skills in recognition and control of

occupational hazards • Basic accident

investigation skills for supervisors •

Accident investigation techniques

Accident Prevention Signs & Tags

What it covers:

Purpose of color codes • Purpose of

accident prevention signs and tags •

Types of accident prevention signs and

tags • Use of accident prevention signs

and tags • Meanings of messages on

accident prevention signs and tags •

Special precautions made necessary by messages on accident prevention signs

and tags

Aerial Work Platform

What it covers:

Types of platforms • Limitations of

platforms • Safe operations of platforms

• Record keeping • Inspection

requirements • Conducting proper

inspections • Pre-Use • Work Site • Post-

Use • Completing proper forms for

inspections • Conduct safe operation

Agricultural Tractor

What it covers:

Introduction to safe operating procedures

• Definitions and terminology • Owner’s

manual orientation and familiarization •

Available attachments • Site specific

suggestions • Applicable OSHA

regulations • Appropriate PPE •

Operating controls orientation • ROPS

(roll over protective structure) •

Operating characteristics and capabilities

• Knowledge proficiency and practical


Air Compressor Safety (Portable)

What it covers:

Introduction to characteristics of air

compressors • Variation of use and

purpose • Available attachments and

purpose • Precautions and limitations •

Use of PPE • Site specific safety

programs • Fire hazards • Appropriate

servicing and maintenance • Towing,

parking, flammability hazards,

equipment inspections, housekeeping

and weather considerations

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HS&E Training

Arc Flash Safety

What it covers:

Causes of an Arc Flash • Regulations

and standards pertaining to Arc Flash •

Types of personal protective equipment •

Steps required in an arc-flash hazard

analysis • Methods to mitigate and

reduce Arc Flash hazards

Asbestos Safety for Construction


What it covers:

Asbestos OSHA regulatory criteria • The

methods of compliance • Asbestos safety

program requirements • Respirator use

requirements • Protective clothing

requirements • Medical surveillance

requirements • Medical recordkeeping

requirements • Asbestos waste and

housekeeping criteria

Asphalt Paver

What it covers:

Equipment terminology and control

orientation • Applicable regulations •

Appropriate PPE • Site specific

operational discussion • Existing or

implementing safety programs •

Employer guidelines • Hopper

installation and installation equipment

procedures • Inspection requirements •

Servicing and maintenance procedures •

Flammability potentials • Balance

characteristics • Transport requirements

Behavior-Based Safety

What it covers:

Discuss local safety policy • Discuss

supervisor responsibilities • Concepts of

behavior-based safety • 29CFR 1910, the

safety standard • Penalties for violations

• Methods and techniques used to protect


Bloodborne Pathogens What it covers:

Methods used to control infectious

material • OSHA standard • Physical and

health hazards • Your local BBP control

policy • Employees protective measures

• Warning labels • Basic safety rules

Cancer Causing Chemicals in the


What it covers:

Define carcinogens • Discuss local

written policy • PPE • Employee

protective measures • Warning labels •

Basic safety rules for carcinogen use

Chain Saw Safety

What it covers:

Injuries involving chainsaws • Parts of a

chainsaw • Pre-operation inspection •

Safe work areas • Safe fuel handling •

PPE • Safe operation of chainsaw • Post

equipment inspection • Safe equipment

storage • Proper chainsaw selection •

Hazards associated with chainsaw use

Chlorine Safety

What it covers:

Safe handling • Exposure limits •

Personal protective equipment •

Container inspection • Transportation •

Storage • Leaks • First-aid procedures

Cold Stress

What it covers:

Definitions of cold stress • Levels of

hypothermia • Exposure protection •

elements and causes of heat loss • Frost

bite • First aid tips

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HS&E Training

Combustible Dust Safety

What it covers:

Dust versus combustible dust •

Industries with combustible dust •

Management of combustible dust areas •

Applicable occupational safety and

health standards • Case studies

Compressed Gas Safety

What it covers:

Compressed gas program requirements •

Safety inspection requirements • Types

of compress gases • Properties of

compressed gases • Basic skills in

hazard recognition & control • OSHA’s

requirements for gas safety •

Compressed gas associations

involvement • Use, storage and

maintenance requirements

Confine Space Awareness (Entry,

Attendant, Supervisor)

What it covers:

Establish confined space’s role in

today’s industry • Discuss OSHA’S

requirements for confined spaces •

Principle hazards involved with CS

Entry • Basic skills in hazard recognition

and control • Confined space assessment

techniques • Discuss confined space fall

protection systems • Hazards associated

with fall protection • Rescue and

retrieval requirements • Practical “hands

on” application workshop • Define a

confined space • Hazards which may

exist in a confined space • Develop a

confined space pre-entry plan • List the

responsibilities of entry team members •

Demonstrate the use of personal

protective equipment

Control of Hazardous Energy


What it covers:

Techniques to select the appropriate

lockout/tagout devices • How to conduct

lockout/tagout operations • Rules for

safe lockout/tagout • How to recognize

where lockout is needed • Understand

local lockout/tagout procedures

Crane Safety - Overhead (Indoor)

What it covers:

Provide an introduction to crane and

sling safety • Provide training as

required by OSHA • Establish crane and

sling safety in today’s industry • Basic

safety concepts and techniques • Provide

skills for operators, maintenance

workers, supervisors etc. • Raise safety

to an appropriate level of awareness

DOT Regulations (Overview)

What it covers:

Basic requirements of the HMR’s •

Basic training requirements • Hazmat

shipping paperwork • Hazmat packaging

requirements • Hazardous materials table

• Hazard classes and divisions • Hazmat

marking and labeling • Hazmat


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HS&E Training

Electrical Safety –Awareness

What it covers:

Accident prevention • Electrical safety

and its role in today's industry • Basic

concepts and techniques of electrical

safety related work practices • Provide

electrical safety skills for personnel who

may come into contact with electrical


Electrical Safety for Qualified Persons

What it covers:

Distinguish exposed live parts from

other parts • Determine nominal voltage

• Describe safe procedures for re-

energizing equipment • Demonstrate the

application of LOTO • Hazards of

classified locations • Safe work practices

for working on energized equipment •

Safe procedures for de-energization •

Special precautionary techniques •

Select of PPE • Use of insulation and

shielding • Select appropriate insulated

tools • Discuss the clearance distances

specified in 1910.333

Emergency Action Plans

What it covers:

Definition of EAP • Purpose, site

specific tangibles • Site specific analysis

pointers • Team responsibilities and

purpose • Development process •

Individual responsibilities • Purpose of a

control center • Communications •

available resources

Ergonomics for the Office

What it covers:

Basic definitions • Typical applications

for ergonomics • Basic recognition skills

for supervisors • Concepts of the

workstation • Importance of breaks

during the day • How anthropometry

relates to ergonomics • Ergonomic

hazards • Dispel myths

Ergonomics (Occupational)

What it covers:

Ergonomics as a safety science and its

role in today's industry • Basic skills in

the recognition and control of

occupational ergonomic hazards • Basic

recognition skills for supervisors •

Define ergonomics and dispel myths

Fall Protection

What it covers:

OSHA’s requirements for fall protection

• Fall hazard recognition and control •

Fall protection systems • Hazards

associated with fall protection • Rescue

and retrieval requirements • Program

requirements • Types of tools •

Inspection requirements • Skills in

hazard recognition and control • Use,

storage and maintenance requirements

Fire Safety and Prevention

What it covers:

This class addresses fire and safety

prevention measures and describes

emergency action plans and fire

prevention plans

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HS&E Training

Fire Extinguisher Training

What it covers:

Discuss how fires are initiated • Discuss

how fires are classified • Discuss

extinguisher responsibilities • Discuss

how to extinguish small fires • Discuss

how to use a portable fire extinguisher •

Discuss how to inspect a portable fire

extinguisher • Discuss how to identify

the proper fire extinguisher

Flammable Liquids

What it covers:

Definitions of flash point, flammable

liquids and combustible liquids •

Classifications • Storage and transport


Hand Tool Safety

What it covers:

Discuss program requirements • Discuss

the types of tools • Discuss selection

criteria • Discuss inspection

Requirements • Discuss basic skills in

hazard recognition and control • Discuss

OSHA'S requirements for tool safety •

Discuss tool safety's role in today's

industry • Discuss use, storage and

maintenance requirements

Hazard Recognition

What it covers:

Personal risk tolerance • What influences

our decisions • How to assess what is

acceptable risk • Identify safety and

health hazard types associated with a

given job task • Apply risk reduction

methods and equip you with a tool to

analyze risk assessment

Hazardous Communication

What it covers:

Introduce 29 CFR 1910, 1200, the

hazcom standard • Discuss methods and

observations used to detect chemicals •

Discuss the local hazcom written policy

• Discuss physical and health hazards of

chemicals • Discuss employee protective

measures • Discuss chemical warning

labels • Explain use of the material

safety data sheet • Basic rules for safe

chemical use

Hazardous Materials

What it covers:

OSHA 1910.101-111 Subpart H •

Definitions of flash point • Flammable

and combustible liquids • Discuss

classifications • Storage requirements •

Waste and residue issues •

Housekeeping • Safe handling


Hazwoper Awareness

What it covers:

Definition • Risk they impose • Possible

outcomes of a release • Recognizing the

presence of hazardous materials •

Identification of released hazardous

materials • Role of the level 1 responder

• Introduction to the emergency response

guide • Recognizing the need for

additional resources and notification


Page 19: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


HS&E Training

Hazwoper Refresher (8hr)

What it covers:

Hazmat levels of response • NFPA and

HMIS labeling systems • 8 step process •

ERG • Hazard control zones • MSDS’s,

Levels of protection • PPE •

Decontamination and disposal

Hazwoper (40hr)

What it covers:

Site management and control • Problem

identification • Hazard and risk

evaluation • PPE selection • Information

and resource coordination • Implement

response objective • Decontamination

and clean-up operations • Incident

termination • Incident command •

Practical “hands-on” exercises

Hazwoper Incident Command (24hr)

What it covers:

Introduce the HAZMAT Incident

command system • Establish its role in

emergency management • Current

requirements for public safety •

Interagency cooperation • Develop

command and control skills • Emergency

response management techniques •

Employers incident command system •

Hazards and risks of chemical protective

clothing • Decontamination procedures

Hearing Conservation

What it covers:

Hearing program requirements

• Types of hearing protection • Hearing

protection selection criteria • Hearing

protection assessment techniques • Basic

skills in hazard recognition and control •

OSHA's requirements for hearing

protection • Hearing protection's role in

today's industry • Industrial hazards

requiring hearing protection

Heat Stress

What it covers:

Definition of heat stress • How to cope

with heat • Acclimatization

fundamentals • Effects of illness,

hazards, heat rash, heat stroke, heat

exhaustion, heat cramps and sunburns •



What it covers:

Eliminating accidents and fire hazards •

Poorly stored materials • Wet and slick

floors • Poor working surfaces

•Improper material storage •

Combustible scrap and trash • Chemical

hazards • Applicable regulations

Hydrogen Safety for Employees

What it covers:

Introduction to the toxicology of

hydrogen • Hydrogen’s usage in today’s

industry • General terms used in

hydrogen safety • Methods of

compliance • Routes of entry • Hazards

of hydrogen upon the human body •

Medical surveillance requirements •

Personal protective equipment

requirements • Hazard recognition and

control skills

Page 20: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


HS&E Training

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

What it covers:

Common names • Company policy and

procedures • Characteristics • Physical

reactions and health hazards • How

workers are exposed • Exposure limits •

Avoiding exposure • What to do if

hydrogen sulfide is suspected to be

present • Common ventilation method

for confined spaces • Respiratory

equipment • Company contingency plan

• Rescue and emergency procedures

Introduction to Indoor Air Quality

What it covers:

Definition of indoor air quality • Why

IAQ in the workplace is important • The

need for maintaining an IAQ program •

Basic steps required in an IAQ program

• Health effects associated with poor air

quality • Hazards of not maintaining

good air quality • Be familiar with the

general concepts of toxicology

Industrial Toxicology

What it covers:

Toxicology's role in today’s industry •

General terms used in toxicology •

Routes of entry into the human body •

Types of hazards and effects • Types of

effects upon the human body • Hazard

recognition and control skills

Infection Control

What it covers:

Define key terms related to infection

control • Identify steps in the chain of

transmission in infection • Identify

potential hazards and risk of exposure to

infection in the workplace • Review the

guidelines of standard precautions

•Identify the principles of hand hygiene

Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

What it covers:

Introduce job hazard analysis and

establish its role in today's industry •

Introduce some basic skills in the

recognition and control of occupational

hazards • Provide basic hazard

recognition skills for supervisors •

Introduce job hazard analysis techniques

• Define job hazard analysis

Ladder Safety

What it covers:

Ladder selection criteria • Ladder safety

program requirements • Discuss the

types of ladders • OSHA's requirements

for ladder safety • Ladder storage,

maintenance and use criteria

Lead Safety for Employees

What it covers:

Why lead safety is important • The

basics of toxicology as it relates to lead •

The basic components of medical

surveillance • Basic safety precautions

related to lead safety • Specific hazards

associated with lead exposure •

Housekeeping requirements where lead

is present • The importance of personal

hygiene during the work day • The

training requirements associated with

lead in the workplace

Page 21: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


HS&E Training

Liquid Oxygen Safety

What it covers:

Why oxygen safety is important • The

basics of toxicology as it relates to lead •

Basic safety precautions related to

oxygen safety • Specific hazards

associated with oxygen exposure • The

training requirements associated with

oxygen • Housekeeping requirements

where oxygen is present • The use of

personal protective equipment to prevent


Machine Guarding

What it covers:

This class covers basic machine

guarding practices and devices including

information on hazardous machine

components, motions and actions

Material Handling (Back Safety)

What it covers:

Understand the extent of the back injury

problem • Basic skills in the recognition

and control of occupational ergonomic

hazards • Provide basic recognition •

Define ergonomics (dispel myths) •

Generate ideas for reducing back injuries


What it covers:

Origin, causes, prevention, control mold

hazards, bactericides, fungicides,

shielding compounds, effects on humans

and clean-up

Mower Safety

What it covers:

Safety precautions • Personal protective

equipment • Equipment operators

manual • Attachments, hydraulics and

inspections • Hands on workshops where


Naturally Occurring Radioactive

Material (NORM)

What it covers:

Definitions • Ionizing vs. non-ionizing

radiation • Biological effects • Typical

nonionizing systems in DOD • Control

measures • Local policies, applicable

regulations and monitoring equipment

OSHA 30 Hr. Construction

What it covers:

Introduction to OSHA • Managing safety

and health • Falls • Electrocution •

Struck-by • Caught-in or between •

Personal protective and lifesaving

equipment • Health hazards in

construction • Stairways and ladders •

Confine space entry • Ergonomics •

Excavations • Fire protection and

prevention • Powered industrial vehicles

• Scaffolding

OSHA 30 Hr General Industry

What it covers:

Intro to OSHA • Managing safety and

health • Walking and working surfaces •

Exit routes • Emergency action plans •

Fire prevention plans • Fire protection •

Electrical • PPE • Materials handling •

Hazard communication • Permit-

required confined space • LOTO •

Machine guarding • Welding and cutting

and brazing • BBP • Ergonomics • Fall

protection • Powered industrial vehicles

Page 22: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


HS&E Training

OSHA 10 Hr General Industry

What it covers:

The training program provides entry

level general industry workers

information about their rights, employer

responsibilities, and how to prevent job

related hazards on a job site. Topics

include: Intro to OSHA • Walking and

working surfaces • Exit routes •

Emergency action plans • Fire

prevention plans • Fire protection •

Electrical • Personal protective

equipment • Hazard communications •

Machine guarding

OSHA 10 Hr Construction

What it covers:

This training provides the entry level

construction worker information about

their rights, employer responsibilities,

and how to prevent job related hazards

on a construction site. Topics include:

Intro to OSHA • Falls • Electrocution •

Struck-by, caught-in or between •

Personal protection equipment • Health

hazards • Excavations • Stairways and


Personal Protective Equipment

What it covers:

Addresses personal protective equipment

requirements, including information

about hazard assessments, PPE selection

and standards that govern PPE

Portable Power Tools

What it covers:

Program requirements • Types of tools •

Selection criteria • Inspection

requirements • Basic skills in hazard

recognition and control • OSHA's

requirements for tool safety • Use,

storage and maintenance requirements

Powered Industrial Trucks (PIT)

What it covers:

OSHA standards for PIT • Basic PIT

operating principles • PIT hazards •

Successfully and safely operate a PIT •

Successfully complete a written

proficiency test • Successfully complete

a driving proficiency test

Process Safety

What it covers:

Introduce process safety and establish its

role in today’s industry • Introduce skills

in the recognition and control of process

safety hazards • Provide process safety

management skills for supervisors,

engineers, facility managers,

supervisors, key employees, etc.•

Process safety management techniques •

Define process safety management

Page 23: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


HS&E Training

Propane Safety

What it covers:

Introduction to the toxicology of

propane • Usage in today's industry •

General terms used in propane safety •

Methods of compliance with propane

safety • Routes of entry • Hazards of

propane upon the human body • Medical

surveillance requirements • Personal

protective equipment requirements •

Hazard recognition and control skills •

Why propane safety is important •

Basics of toxicology as it relates to

propane • Basic safety precautions •

specific hazards associated with propane

exposure • Training requirements

associated with propane • Housekeeping

requirements when propane is present

Respirator Protection

What it covers:

Respirator selection criteria • Respirator

program requirements • Types of

respiratory protection • Basic skills in

hazard recognition and control •

Respiratory protection assessment

techniques • OSHA's requirements for

respiratory protection • Respirator

storage, maintenance and use criteria

• Industrial hazards requiring respiratory


Respirator Fit Testing

What it covers:

Regulatory requirements • Check seal

requirements • Respirator selection

criteria • Cartridge change out criteria •

Respirator maintenance criteria •

Conditions for respirator usage •

Respirator fit test requirements

Risk Management

What it covers:

Basis for PSM and RMP • Governing

regulations • Training requirements •

PSM overview • OSHA and EPA

requirements • Chemical threshold •

Quantity overview • Risk management

plan overview

Safeland Training

What it covers:

Incident reporting and investigation •

Accident prevention signs and tags •

Hand safety • Material handling •

Behavioral safety • First-Aid/CPR/AED

considerations • Confined space •

Lockout/tagout • Drug and alcohol •

Substance abuse • Hazard

communication • Electrical safety •

intervention • Stop work authority • Fire

prevention and portable fire

extinguishers • Walking working

surfaces • Job safety analysis • Pre-job

planning • PPE/Respiratory • Prevention

of workplace violence • Working at

heights • Permit to work • Driver

safety/transportation safety

•Environmental • Excavation-trenching

and shoring • Industrial hygiene •

Occupational health • Site specific

hazards and emergency evacuation

Safe Chemical Handling

What it covers:

Basic rules for safe chemical handling •

Health hazards of chemicals • Physical

properties of chemicals • General

concepts of toxicology • Employee

protective measures • Hazard rating

systems currently in use • Chemical

warning labels • Chemical storage


Page 24: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


HS&E Training

Scaffolding Safety

What it covers:

Scaffolding safety program • Establish

the program role • Components of an

effective program • Ideas to help

develop an effective program • Basic

skills in the recognition and control of

scaffolding hazards

Silica Safety for Employees

What it covers:

Introduction to the toxicology of silica •

Silica's usage in today's industry • Terms

used in silica safety • Discuss methods

of compliance • The routes of entry into

the human body • Medical surveillance

requirements • The hazards of silica

upon the human body • Hazard

recognition and control skills •

Housekeeping requirements • Where

silica is present • The importance of

personal hygiene during the work day •

The training requirements associated

with silica in the workplace

Skid Steer

What it covers:

Definition • Origin • Design purpose •

Attachments • Inspections • Hazards •

PPE • Scenarios • OSHA regulations •

Safety procedures • Local policies •

Training requirements • Driving

proficiency test

Slips, Trips and Falls

What it covers:

Illustrations • Pro-active vs. re-active •

local policies • Federal regulations •

Housekeeping procedures

Spill Prevention and Control

What it covers:

Effects of exposure to hazardous

materials • Basics of industrial pollution

prevention • Basics of spill control and

containment • Basics of developing a

spill response plan • Establishment of a

"spill control" program • Training to be

conducted • Hazards to be assessed •

Hazards and precautions explained •

Emergency response capability

Trenching and Shoring Safety

What it covers:

Trenching and shoring safety program •

Establish the program role • The

components of an effective program •

Ideas to help develop effective program

• Basic skills in the recognition and

control of trenching and shoring hazards

• The regulation: an overview, general

requirements, definitions, soil mechanics

and soil types • Overview of soil testing,

visual site evaluation, protective systems

• Special health and safety

considerations • Labs included: soil

types, Okie one call, inspection of

trenches and excavations, shielding and

shoring systems, sloping and benching

Page 25: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


HS&E Training

Workplace Violence

What it covers:

Definitions • Tactics for dealing with

aggression • Scenarios • Anger • Anger

vs. aggression • Self-actualization •

Esteem needs • Social needs • Safety

needs • Physiological needs • Effects of

drugs and alcohol • Warning signs •

Prevention • Local policies

WorkZone Safety

What it covers:

The concepts of proper traffic controls •

Various principles involved • Illustrate

and describe a number of typical

applications • Problem solving with

solutions • Introduction to OSHA and

DOT regulations • FHWA •AASHTO •

Management role, supervisor role and

the employee role • Flagging •

Competent person

Page 26: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


Customized Training

At Mid-Del Technology Center, we have a mission to respond to business

needs by designing customized business and industry training programs.

Previous Customized Initiatives have included:

• Lean Manufacturing

• Strategic Planning

• Process Mapping

• Programmable Logic Controls

• Effective Writing

• Basic Electricity

• Electronic Fundamentals

• Steam Training • Hydraulic/Pneumatic

• Pipefitter Training

• Safety Culture

• Written Safety Plan

• Blueprint Reading

• Variable Frequency Drives

Every business is different and our flexibility is the key to meeting your

specific requirements. Our 29 technology centers and 52 campuses that

make up CareerTech, are uniquely positioned to provide quality industry-

leading training. Because of these numerous resources, we are able to find

subject matter experts in all areas of training.

Page 27: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


Customized Industrial


Pipefitting Series

Basic Pipefitter Training

What it covers: MDTPF511

Types of Work performed by pipefitters

• Pipefitting hand tools • Pipefitting

power tools • Trade math • Piping

systems • Threaded pipe fabrication •

Hangers and supports • Intro to above

ground pipe installation • Special piping

• Socket Weld/Butt Weld Fabrication •

Use of pipefitting trade book

8 Maximum students

Intermediate Pipefitter Training

What it covers: MDTPF611

Advanced Trade Math • Pipe Fabrication

• Plastic Pipe & Tubing • Thermoset •

Plastic Tubing • Use of Installation •

Valves: Installation and Maintenance •

Pumps: Types, Physics, Maintenance •

Steam: Basics, Physics, Steam Piping

Systems, Steam Traps, Maintenance

8 Maximum students

Advanced Pipefitter Training

What it covers: MDTPF711

Spark resistant tools • Lockout/Tagout •

Measurements (calipers) • Pro Press •

Groove Pipe Machine • Hot Tap • Freeze

Machine • Customized Topics

8 Maximum students

*All courses can be customized to fit

the needs of the client*

Customized Industrial

Page 28: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


Customized Industrial


Hydraulic Series

Industrial Hydraulics

What it covers: MDTHY511

Hydraulic Formulas & Calculations •

Hydraulic Safety • Hydraulic Symbols •

Relief Valves • Cavitation • Entrained

Air • Directional Control Valves • Flow

Rates • Flow Control Valves • Pilot

Operated Check Valves • Pressure

Reducing Valves • Sequence Valves •

Cylinders • Pumps • Accumulators •

Special Circuits • Unloading, Braking,

Counter Balance Valves • Filtration •


5 Days 8 Maximum students

*All courses are customized to fit

the needs of the client*

Customized Industrial


Electrical Series

Basic Electricity

What it covers:

Explain Electricity • Relate to terms of

movement • Ohms Law • Formulas •

Series/Parallel/Complex Circuits • Arc

Flash • NFPA70NEC • Tools of the

Trade • BluePrint Reading • Calculations

• Different Types of meters and usage

Basic Electrical Wiring

What it covers:

Occupational Intro • General Safety &

First Aid • Electrical Safety • Hand

Tools – Specialty Tools & Equipment •

Using Trade Information • Basic

Equipment • Basic Theory • DC Circuits

• AC Circuits • Wiring methods •

Overcurrent Protection • Load Centers

and Safety Switches • Existing

Structures • Related Match & Measuring

Troubleshooting Electric Motors

What it covers:

Electric motor safety & troubleshooting

• Single-phase motors • Direct current

motors • Three-phase motors • Motor

nameplate data • Motor selection/

protection & failure • Special motors

Page 29: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


Customized Industrial


Electrical Series

Electromechanical Controls

What it covers:

A/C – D/C Fundamentals • Circuit

Analysis • Electrical measure equipment

• Schematic symbols and drawings •

Relays • Contactors • Starters • Switches

and Pilot devices • Circuit Construction •

Dis-assembly and re-assembly of:

Starters, contactor and relays

Customized Industrial


Electrical Series

AC/DC Principles

What it covers:

Basic concepts of Electricity •

Resistance • Voltage sources • DC series

circuits • DC parallel circuits • Complex

network analysis techniques •

Electromagnetism • DC circuit

inductance • DC circuit capacitance •

AC fundamentals • Vectors and phase

relationships • Resistive AC circuits •

Inductive AC circuits • Capacitive AC

circuits • Inductive-resistive-capacitive

circuits • Resonance • Three-phase AC •

Transformers • AC motors

*All courses are customized to fit

the needs of the client*

Page 30: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


Customized Industrial


Electrical / PLC Series

Intro to Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)

What it covers:

History • Relay logic • Relay logic vs Computerized control • Definitions • Design of

PLC • CPU-Heart of PLC • Power supply and base • Inputs and Outputs •

Communications • Misc hardware • How the CPU works • Types of programs • Simple

programs and simulations

Intermediate PLC

What it covers:

Components of PLC and their functions Industrial Networks • PLC hardware / software •

Relay Ladder Logic • Controller operation • Panel view plus terminal operation: PLC

connections, Terminal projects, Terminal operation • PLC languages • Programming

operation • PLC memory organization • PLC timer and counter instructions: Non-

retentive / retentive, Time driven sequencing, Counter instructions

With the exception of the basic Intro and Intermediate courses listed above, all of our

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) training is customized to your specific needs.

We have the subject matter expertise to customized courses for Haas, Fanuc, Allen

Bradley and Siemens PLC’s

Page 31: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


First Aid / CPR


Let us help you get your team the training they need to respond in an emergency!

Easy for your people…

Designed specifically for those who are occupationally required to have First

Aid and CPR knowledge and skills

Real-life scenario videos, full-color print materials, and easy to understand

course content

2 year certification

Easy for you …

A structured approach to

learning that ensures consistent


Your best choice for blended

and classroom options

Course topics include:

Preparing to respond

Sudden Cardiac Arrest and CPR

AED operation


Patient assessment

Soft tissue, muscle, and bone injuries

Common first aid situations

like bites, stings, heat and cold

emergencies, burns and more

(405) 672-6665

Page 32: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide


Work Keys

Work Keys Assessment and Job Profiling

As a WorkKeys Service Provider, Mid-del Technology Center offers employers access to

the national standard for employee selection tools. The WorkKeys system WorkKeys®

job skills assessment system measures real-world skills and connect the employer to the

National and Oklahoma Career Readiness Certificate program.

The ACT WorkKeys® Job Profiling service offers a concrete way for businesses to

analyze the skills needed for specific jobs and to describe those needs to job applicants.

By comparing job profile information with individuals’ scores on the WorkKeys

assessments, businesses can make reliable decisions about hiring, training, and program


Steps of Job Profiling:

Creation of an initial task list

Task analysis

Skill Analysis


Characteristics of WorkKeys ® Assessments

Applied Mathematics: mathematical reasoning and problem-solving techniques

to solve work-related problems.

*Applied Technology: solve problems with machines and equipment found in

the workplace.

Business Writing: write an original response to a work-related situation.

Listening: verbal information in the workplace to relay to another person.

*Locating Information: work with workplace graphics such as charts, graphs,

tables, forms and instrument gauges.

*Reading for Information: read and use written text in order to do a job.

Teamwork: choosing behaviors and actions that both lead toward the

accomplishments of work, tasks and support the relationship between team


Workplace Observation: measures ability to focus, notice and remember.

Writing: write messages to relay workplace information between people.

* Required for the Oklahoma Career Readiness Certificate

Page 33: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide




Security Training Phases I&II Phase I

What it covers:

Interpreting the Oklahoma Security

Guard and Private Investigator Act •

Developing first aid skills • Operating

firefighting equipment • Writing filed

notes • Writing reports • Interpreting

legal powers and limitations. Phase I is required for all forms of security

guard licenses

Phase II What it covers:

Phase II is related to the tasks of

unarmed security guards. Students

receive instruction in public relations •

Performing fixed post duties • Patrolling

and investigating security incidents. Minimum age requirement is 18 years

Security guard license applicants must

successfully complete Phase I and II before

receiving a security guard license.

Private Investigator Phase III

What it covers:

Phase III of security training is related to

the tasks of private investigators.

Students will receive instruction in the

understanding responsibilities to clients •

Interpreting laws of private

investigations • Complying with the Fair

Credit Reporting Act • Conducting

investigations/surveillance • Locating

and communicating information.

Prerequisite: Phase I and II

Minimum age requirement is 18 years

Call the main campus for more

information: (405) 739-1707

Page 34: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide



Training Min Class Size 7 Max 16

These courses are designed to teach managers and supervisors effective skills for

management. Companies pay ‘at-cost rates’ for training designed and tailored to fit their

specific needs. Such training will help your organization develop the skills needed to

maintain a positive workplace environment.

Budgets and Managing Money

What it covers:: 2 Days

Your role in company finance • sAAssA

liabilities and equity • Accounts payable

and receivable • Understanding financial

statements • Budgeting and forecasting

techniques • Types of budgets •

Comparing software applications •

Tracking business expenses • GAAP •

the human side of finance • How to

make good financial decisions •

Comparing investment opportunities

Understanding Project Management

What it covers: 3 Days

Understand what is meant by a project •

Recognize what steps must be taken to

complete projects on time and on budget

• Have a better ability to sell ideas and

make presentations • Know simple

techniques and tools for planning and

tracking your project • Have methods for

keeping the team focused and motivated

Project Management Fundamentals

What it covers: 1 Day

Defining a project and project

management • How projects can benefit

you and your organization • Project life

cycles • Selling your own project ideas

Role and skills of project manager • The

statement of work • Project planning

worksheets • Setting project goals

Intermediate Project Management

What it covers: 1 Day

Identify your project’s tasks and

resources • Order tasks using the work

breakdown structure • Schedule tasks

effectively • Use basic planning tools

such as a Gantt chart, PERT diagram,

and network diagram • Prepare a project

budget • Modify the project budget and

schedule to meet targets • Identify and

manage risks • Prepare a final project

plan • Execute and terminate a project •

Develop and manage a change control


Advanced Project Management

What it covers: 1 Day

Choosing a project team • Scheduling

your project • Building a winning team •

Developing a communication plan •

Dealing with problem team members •

Team meetings

Page 35: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide




Becoming Management Material

What it covers: 3 Days

Leadership profile and competencies to

highlight your strengths and challenges •

Directional and consequential thinking

and how to develop these skills •

Strategies for influencing others through

improved communication • Your role in

making meetings effective • Critical

problem-solving skills and the tools and

techniques you can use • Strategic

planning with a SWOT analysis to

introduce change • Ways to manage the

change process effectively for

sustainable growth

Coaching: A Leadership Skill

What it covers: 1 Day

Defining coaching • The two schools of

coaches • Five critical coaching skills • communications skills • Non-verbal

communication • Johari windows • learning styles and principles • Methods

of feedback • Benefits/consequences

approach • Dealing with problem

employees • When not to coach

The Art of Delegating Effectively

What it covers: 1 Day

Clearly identify how delegation fits into

their job and how it can make them more

successful • Identify different ways of

delegating tasks • Use an eight-step

process for effective delegation • Give

better instructions for better delegation

results • Ask better questions and listen

more effectively • Recognize common

delegation pitfalls and how to avoid

them • Test your delegation skills

Min Class Size 7 Max 16

Human Resources Training: HR

For the Non HR Manager

What it covers: 3 Days

The latest trends in the human resource

field and the changing role of the human

resource professional • How to write job

specifications and identify core

competencies • Methods of finding,

selecting and keeping the best people

using behavioral description

interviewing techniques • How to get

employees off to a good start • How to

deal with compensation and benefits •

How to maintain healthy employee

relations • How to make performance

appraisals a cooperative process

Inventory Management: The Nuts and


What it covers: 1 Day

What is inventory? • Types of inventory

• Key players • Setting up the warehouse

• What makes a good inventory

management system? • The warehouse

inventory cycle • Identifying demand •

Validating inventory • The put-away and

receiving process • Maintaining

inventory accuracy • The outbound

process • Industry trends

Marketing and Sales 1 Day

What it covers:

Recognize what we mean by the term

“marketing”• Discover how to use low-

cost publicity to get your name known

know how to develop a marketing plan

and a marketing campaign • Use your

time rather than your money to market

your company effectively • Understand

how to perform a SWOT analysis

Page 36: Mid-Del Technogy Center Training Guide




The Art of Making Meetings Work

What it covers: 1 Day

The basics for effective meetings • The

best and the worst of meetings • Holding

productive meetings • Preparing for

meetings • Agendas • Setting the pace •

Leading a meeting • Process and content

• Process tools, including DeBono’s

thinking hats, rules of work and

facilitation skills • How to control a

meeting • A plan for success

Motivating Your Workforce

What it covers: 1 Day

Supervising and motivating • What is

motivation? • Motivational theories •

The carrot, the whip and the plant • Fear

and desire • Setting goals • The role of

values • The expectancy theory •

Creating a motivational climate • A

motivational checklist • Designing a

motivational job

Negotiating for Results

What it covers: 2 Days

What is Negotiation? • The successful

negotiator • Preparing for negotiation •

The nuts and bolts • Making the right

impression • Getting off to a good start •

Exchanging information • The

bargaining stage • Inventing options for

mutual gain • Getting past no and getting

to yes • Dealing with negative emotions

• Moving from bargaining to closing •

The closing stage

Min Class Size 7 Max 16

Developing High Performance Teams

What it covers: 3 Days

Types of teams • The TORI model • The

team player survey • Organizations

today • The stages of team development

• Communication skills • The

trust/relationship model • Shared

leadership • SWOT analysis • DeBono’s

thinking hats • Team-shaping factors •

Team problem-solving • Obtaining

consensus • Managing team conflict

ABC’s of Supervising Others

What it covers: 2 Days

Making the transition • Responsibilities

of a supervisor • Setting goals • Planning

for success • Listening skills • Asking

questions • Giving feedback • Ask for

what you want • Giving instructions •

Orders, requests, and suggestions •

Managing conflict • Dealing with

difficult employees • Dealing with others

• The reciprocal quality of relationships

The Professional Supervisor

What it covers: 3 Days

Adjusting to your role • Leadership •

The situational leadership model • A

supervisor’s responsibilities • Making

plans • Setting goals • Problem

employees • Synergy • Trust • Team

development • Communication skills •

The communication process • Dealing

with conflict • Motivation • Orientation •

Delegation • Providing feedback •


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Advanced Writing Skills

What it covers: 1 Day

How to make your writing clear, concise

and correct • Types of words and when

to use them • Using inclusive language •

Seven ways to simplify your writing •

Sentence and paragraph construction •

Business letter formats • How to write a

report or proposal • How to write a

business case • How to write a request

for proposals • E-mail etiquette •

Documenting sources

Business Writing that Works

What it covers: 2 Days

Active vs. passive voice • Punctuation

tips • Sentence and paragraph structure •

Writing business letters • Writing reports

and memos • Inclusive language •

Spelling and proofreading • E-mail


Writing Reports and Proposals

What it covers: 2 Days

Learn the value of good written

communications • Develop paragraphs

that introduce, connect, develop and

conclude some part of an idea • Prepare

reports and proposals that inform,

persuade and provide information •

Learn how to proofread your work so

you are confident it is clear, concise,

complete and correct • Provide an

opportunity to apply these skills in real

work applications

Min Class Size 7 Max 16

Building Your Self Esteem and

Assertiveness Skills

What it covers: 1 Day

Building your self-esteem • Putting

others at ease • Make positive first

Impressions • Internal self-esteem

factors • Projecting self-confidence •

Negative vs. positive thinking •

Distorted thinking • How to wipe out

worry • Communication skills • Giving

and receiving compliments

Business Etiquette:

Gaining that Extra Edge

What it covers: 1 Day

How business etiquette is crucial to your

career • How to make a good first

impression • Ways of remembering

names • Business card etiquette • How to

shake hands • Dining etiquette • What to

include in a business wardrobe •

Telephone etiquette • Deciphering the

dress code • E-mail etiquette

Communication Strategies

What it covers: 2 Days

10 commandments of positive

relationships • Identify common

communication problems • Develop

skills in asking questions • Identify what

non-verbal messages are telling others •

Develop skills in listening actively and

empathetically • Enhance ability to

handle difficult situations • Deal with

situations assertively

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Public Speaking: Presentation

Survival School

What it covers: 2 Days

Gain rapport with your audience •

Reduce nervousness and fear •

Recognize how visual aids can create

impact and attention • Create a

professional presence • Prepare and

organize information in different ways •

How to edit your conversation •

Appropriately sharing yourself with

others • Creating an audience profile

Public Speaking: Speaking Under


What it covers: 2 Days

Quick and easy preparation methods

whether you have one minute or one

week to prepare • What you can do to

prepare for questions before you know

what those questions will be • A plan to

structure ideas • Presentation techniques

that establish your credibility and get

people on your side • Beginnings and

endings • Practice presentations

Speak Easy: Conquering the Fear of

Speaking in Public

What it covers: 1 Day

Barriers to communication • Enhance the

ability to speak one-on-one with others •

Begin to feel more confident speaking

socially or small groups such as

meetings • The skill of interactive

listening • Re-designing yourself for

strength • Fifteen ways to master a

meeting • Controlling physical and

mental nervousness • Interpersonal skills

Min Class Size 7 Max 16

Dealing with Difficult People

What it covers: 1 Day

How attitudes and actions impact others

• New and effective techniques for

dealing with difficult people • Coping

strategies for dealing with difficult

people and difficult situations • How to

identify times when they have the right

to walk away from a difficult situation •

Techniques for managing and dealing

with anger • Causes of difficult behavior

• De-stress options

Time Management: Get Organized for

Peak Performance

What it covers: 1 Day

Better organize yourself and your

workspace for peak efficiency •

Understand the importance of, and the

most useful techniques for, setting and

achieving goals • Identify the right

things to be doing and develop plans for

doing them • Learn what to delegate and

how to delegate well • Take control of

things that can derail workplace

productivity • Organizing your

workspace • Organizing your files •

Managing your workload

Skills for Administrative Assistant

What it covers: 2 Days

Understand the importance of

professional presence on the job • Learn

how to self-manage to become more

effective and efficient • Improve their

communications skills to include

listening, questioning and being more

assertive • Increase their effectiveness in

recognizing, managing conflict and dealing with difficult people

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The Minute Takers Workshop

What it covers: 1 Day

Recognize the importance of minute-

taking • Develop key minute-taking

skills, including listening skills, critical

thinking and organization • Be able to

remedy many of the complaints that

beset minute-takers • Be able to write

minutes that are suitable for formal

meetings, semi-formal meetings and

action minutes • Be an efficient minute-

taker in any type of meeting • Be able to

prepare and maintain a minute book

Min Class Size 7 Max 16

Critical Elements of Customer Service

What it covers: 2 Days

Recognize that service delivery is an

individual response value • Understand

how an individual’s behavior impacts

the behavior of others • Develop more

confidence and skill as a problem-solver

• Communicate more assertively and

effectively • Make customer service a

team approach • Understanding and

meeting expectations • Managing stress •

Telephone techniques • Resolving

conflict • Dealing with difficult people

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Human Resource

Anger Management

What it covers: 1 Day

Recognize how anger affects your body,

mind and behavior • Use the five-step

method to break old patterns and replace

them with a model for assertive anger •

Control your emotions when faced with

other peoples’ anger • Identify ways to

help other people safely manage some of

their repressed or expressed anger •

Identifying distorted thoughts •

Identifying anger pay-offs • Developing

your personal sanctuary

Building Better Teams

What it covers: 1 Day

Learn about different kinds of teams •

How to develop team norms • How to

identify your team player style • Ways to

become a better team player • Ways to

build team trust • Two models of team

development • Working through the stages

of team development • Communication


Business Succession Planning:

Developing and Maintaining a

Succession Plan

What it covers: 1 Day

The value of succession planning for

successful businesses • The key elements

of a succession plan in terms of roles,

responsibility, function, scope and

evaluation • A need for succession

planning • Identifying resources and

analyzing risks • Putting the plan

together • Putting the plan into action •

Evaluating and reviewing the plan

Min Class Size 7 Max 16

Change and How to Deal with It

What it covers: 1 Day

The pace of change and the pace at

which people adopt change • The human

response to change • The pyramid

response to change • Resisting and

welcoming change • How to increase

your resiliency to change • Managing

anger • Dealing with stress • An action

plan for success

Conducting an Effective Performance


What it covers: 3 Days

The importance of having a performance

review process • How to work with

employees to set performance standards

and goals • Skills in giving feedback • A

proven interview process • How to make

the performance review legally

defensible • How to avoid stereotyping •

Developing an interview format • How

to fire someone • Accepting criticism

Conflict Resolution: Getting Along in

the Workplace

What it covers: 2 Days

What conflict is and how it can escalate

• The five most common conflict

resolution styles • How to increase

positive information flow through non-

verbal and verbal communication skills •

How to strengthen staff trust and morale

• How to be more confident of your

ability to manage conflicts • The

Communication Funnel • Questioning

and listening skills • Making an


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Human Resource

Customer Service Training:

Managing Customer Service

What it covers: 1 Day

Who our customers are and what they

expect • Sustaining an individual level of

engagement • Recognize who their

customers are and what they are looking

for • Situational leadership • Managing

employee engagement • Develop

strategies for creating engaged

employees and satisfied customers

Employee Dispute Resolution:

Mediation Through Peer Review

What it covers: 1 Day

What the peer review process is • How

employees file grievances and how

management should respond • How a

facilitator and a panel is chosen • What

is involved in the hearing process, from

preliminary meetings to the hearing

itself, to the decision process • What

responsibilities and powers a panel

should have • Questioning techniques •

Why peer review panels fail and how to

avoid those pitfalls

Hiring For Success: Behavioral

Interviewing Techniques

What it covers: 2 Days

Analyze the costs incurred by an

organization when a wrong hiring

decision is made • Develop a fair and

consistent interviewing process for

selecting employees • Prepare better job

advertisements and use a variety of

markets • Develop a job analysis and

position profile • Effectively interview

difficult applicants • Check references

more effectively • Understand the basic

employment and human rights laws that

can affect the hiring process

Min Class Size 7 Max 16

Orientation Handbook: Getting

Employees off to a Good Start

What it covers: 2 Days

Finding, hiring and keeping good people

• Understand how important an

orientation program is to an organization

• Designing a successful orientation

program • Learn about the commitment

curve • Building employee commitment

• Determine the critical elements of

effective employee training Problem Solving and Decision Making

What it covers: 2 Days

Increase awareness of problem solving

steps and problem solving tools •

Distinguish root causes from symptoms

to identify the right solution for the right

problem • Improve problem solving and

decision making skills by identifying

individual problem solving styles •

Think creatively and work towards

creative solutions • Recognize the top

ten rules of good decision-making •

Sample case studies

Stress Management

What it covers: 1 Day

Defining Stress and How It Affects Us •

Recognize the symptoms that tell you

when you have chronic stress overload •

Identify those situations in your life that

cause you the greatest stress • Change

the situations and actions that can be

changed • Deal better with situations and

actions that can’t be changed • Create an

action plan for work, home, and play to

help reduce and manage stress

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Workplace Essentials

Business Ethics for the Office

What it covers: 2 Days

Understand the difference between

ethics and morals • Understand the value

of ethics • Identify some of your values

and moral principles • Use philosophical

approaches to ethical decisions •

Improve ethics in your workplace • Start

developing an office code of ethics •

Avoid ethical dilemmas • Use tools for

better decision making • Deal with

common ethical dilemmas • Recovering

from a mistake

Diversity Training: Celebrating

Diversity in the Workplace

What it covers: 1 Day

What diversity and related terms mean •

How has diversity changed your world?

• Understanding and identifying

stereotypes • Using politically correct

language • The four cornerstones of

diversity • How to discourage diversity •

Dealing with discrimination • Preventing

discrimination • Managing for diversity •

Techniques for dealing with

inappropriate behavior

Generation Gap

What it covers: 1 Day

Understanding of where the generation

gap issue surfaces • Impact it has on the

modern workforce • Understand and

apply language specific to each

generation currently in the workplace • Organization strategies that overcome

gap issues • Evaluate the need and

effectiveness of recruiting, retention and

succession plans in context of the

generation gap

Min Class Size 7 Max 16

Workplace Harassment

What it covers: 2 Days

Reasonable man/woman guidelines •

Types of harassment • Preventing

harassment • Protecting yourself from

harassment • Confronting a harasser •

The four-stage complaint process •

Mediation • False complaints • Keeping

the workplace running • Create a

harassment policy

Workplace Violence: How to Manage

Anger and Violence in the Workplace

What it covers: 3 Days

Albert Bandura’s behavior wheel •

Warning signs of violence • McClure’s

seven step anger management process •

Communication skills • Problem solving

tools • Stress management techniques •

Norman Keith’s nine components of a

violence prevention program • Turner’s

fourteen stages of threat response •

Developing a risk assessment program •

Incident response checklist

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Sales and Marketing

Building Relationships for Success

What it covers: 1 Day

Influences in forming relationships •

Building customer relationships • Self-

disclosure • How to win friends and

influence people • Communication skills

• Sending the right non-verbal messages

• Managing mingling • Networking

effectively • Developing an effective

handshake • Business card do’s and

don’ts • Tips on remembering names

Sales and Customer Service Training

for Call Center Agents

What it covers: 3 Days

The nuances of body language and

verbal skills • Aspects of verbal

communication • Questioning and

listening skills • How to deliver bad

news and say “no” • Effective ways to

negotiate • The importance of creating

and delivering meaningful messages •

Tools to facilitate communication • The

value of personalizing interactions •

Vocal techniques that will enhance their

speech and communication ability •

Personalized techniques for managing


Dynamite Sales Presentations

What it covers: 1 Day

Identify the key elements of a quality

proposal • Write a winning proposal •

Perfect their first impression, including

their dress and your handshake • Getting

ready for your presentation • The

finishing touches • Editing • Elements of

a successful presentation • Dealing with


Min Class Size 7 Max 16

Overcoming Objections to Nail the


What it covers: 1 Day

Building credibility • Critical

communication skills • Handling

customer complaints • Overcoming

objections • How to recognize when a

prospect is ready to buy • Understand

how working with your sales team can

help you succeed • Closing the sale

Sales Training: Selling Smarter

What it covers: 1 Day

Different types of selling for different

situations • Use goal-setting techniques

to focus on what you want to accomplish

• Develop strategies for getting there •

Time management tips • Ten major

mistakes • Finding new clients • Selling


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